MSnrutes of the Regular Quarterly lee ting of the' Board of T'-jstatG f.--r Wednesday, December 19, 1923. The regular quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees of !;T'o Vniversity of Kentucky met in the PresidentTs office at the University on Wednesday, December 19, 1923. 'he following tiembars were present: Judge Rainey T. Wells, Senator H. M. FProman, 'Ir. Howoard P. Ingels, M41r. J. I. Lyle, Mr. Frank 11cKee, Air, WI %aredy, Judgae R. C.. Stoll, r. 1W. C. Hanna, Mr. Lewis M. Lebus, iKr.- J. R. Rqash_ 11r. Clell Coleman, Commissioner of Agriculture, elect, at the invitation of the President, was present at the meeting. Prank L. MoCVey, President of the University, and '"16llington Patrick, Secretary of the 'Board, were also present. The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees for Oc- tober 2 were read and approved. 1. Rgt~p ! the Ah ugn The report of the Businesa Agent was read and ordered incorporated in the minutes. The report was as follows: Lexington, Kentucky December 19, 1923 President Frank I. IBo5Zey University of Kentucky Dear Presid6nt MeVoy: I am submitting st tement of income and oxpenditures for the month of Novrember. It now appears that'it Tvill not be necessary to borrow more than $150,000 for current ex- . penlee. Of that amount notes for $115 ,000 have been executted and placed to the credit of the Treasurer of the University. I am asking Judge Stoll to sign n note for t35,000 todey. JuaGe Stoll suggests that it may be well for the FBoaad to approve the amount of above loan. In event any lai'ge amount hlis to be paid on account of baskret ball building, I am not at a1l sure we sha:l.l have sufficient funds to meet our current expense a, and such an amount v s mav have to be paid on the basket bnll building, so it may be well for the Board today to make some provision for such an emergencyq Very truly yours, D. H. Peake Busi~ness 'Ag,.,,rt