xt7pnv996k93 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pnv996k93/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1974042 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1974-04-apr2. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1974-04-apr2. 1974 2011 true xt7pnv996k93 section xt7pnv996k93 Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, April 2, 1974 The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in statutory session at 2:00 p.m. (Central Daylight Time) on Tuesday, April 2, 1974 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the University Campus with the following members answering the call of the roll: Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Mr. William R. Black, Mr. Stanley Burlew, Mrs. Robert 0. Clark, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. John R. Crockett, Mr. George W. Griffin, Professor Paul Oberst, Mr. Zirl A. Palmer, Professor Paul G. Sears, Mr. William B. Sturgill, Mr. James Flegle, and Dr. John R. Woodyard. Absent from the meeting were Mr. Jesse M. Alverson, Jr., Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mr. Eugene Goss, Mr. Garvice D. Kincaid, and Judge James A. Sutherland. The University administration was represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presi- dents Lewis W. Cochran, Robert Zumwinkle, Stanley Wall, and Lawrence E. Forgy; Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel; and Dr. Donald Clapp, Executive Assistant to the President. Representatives of the various news media were in attendance. A. Meeting Opened The chairman called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. (CDT). The invocation was pronounced by Mr. William R. Black. After the assistant secretary reported a quorum present, the meeting was declared officially open for the conduct of business at 2:02 o'clock. B. Minutes Approved On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Crockett and passed, the reading of the Minutes of the March meeting of the Board of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published. C. President's Report President Singletary presented his monthly report on University activities and recommended its acceptance. Mr. Clay accepted the report and it was ordered filed. D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2) Noting that the only item in PR 2 was a recommendation relative to personnel changes, President Singletary recommended approval. First asking if 2 there were any questions on the recommended changes and, there being none, Mr. Clay called for a motion. The motion to approve PR 2 was made by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Palmer and carried without dissent. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.) E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3) President Singletary explained that the recommendation in PR 3 relative to the certification of insurance values was required under the Trust Indentures securing the University Bond Issues and recommended that the Board members approve the appraised values on University buildings as recommended in PR 3. There being no questions, on motion by Mr. Burlew, seconded by Dr. Woodyard and carried, the recommendation in PR 3 was approved as presented. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.) F. Honorary Degree Recipients Approved (PR 4) President Singletary reported that he had contacted the five persons recommended as recipients of honorary degrees from the University and that all five had indicated that they would be able to be present for the conferring of the degrees if the Board of Trustees approved the recommendation of the Graduate Faculty and the University Senate. Professor Paul Sears moved approval of the awarding of the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters to Mrs. Elizabeth Hardwick Lowell, the honorary degree of Doctor of Science to Dr. William R. Willard, and the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws to Mr. Ivan Jett, Mr. Ervin Nutter, and Mr. Frank Stanley. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Clark and passed without dissent. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. ) G, Center for Real Estate and Land Use Analysis and Center for Labor Education Established (PR 5) At President Singletary's request Dr. Cochran explained the need for the establishment of the Center for Real Estate and Land Use Analysis and the Center for Labor Education and recommended Board approval. There being no questions, on motion by Dr. Woodyard, seconded by Mr. Palmer and passed, the recom- mendation in PR 5 to establish the two new centers was approved. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.) H. Budget Revisions for 1973-74 Approved (PR 6) Commenting that the proposed budget revisions were routine, Dr. Singletary 3 indicated that Dr. Clapp would be happy to answer any questions. There being none, on motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Clark and passed, the budget revisions as given in PR 6 were authorized and approved. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.) I. Graduate Residence Center (PR 7) At President Singletary's request Dr. Cochran explained that the recom- mendation in PR 7 would permit the continuation and extension in scope of the Graduate Residence Center in Louisville which was approved on an experimental basis in May 1972. If approved, the continuation of this Center would strengthen the present cooperative efforts in graduate education between faculties of the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville. On motion by Mr. Burlew, seconded by Mr. Crockett and passed, the recommendation relative to the Graduate Residence Center in Louisville was ap- proved. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.) J. Amendment to Governing Regulations Proposed by Mr. Flegle (TR 1) Mr. Flegle presented a recommendation from the Student Senate which would delete what he termed sexist phrases and words from the Governing Regu- lations of the University. In presenting the suggested amendment to the Governing Regulations, he said that it was not the intent of the Student Senate that the Governing Regulations be reprinted but that the sexist words and phrases should be deleted as amendments are made in the Regulations. Since the Board may not act on a change in the Governing Regulations until a month has elapsed from the time of presentation, Mr. Clay accepted the pro- posed amendment for consideration at a later meeting. (See TR 1 at the end of the Minutes. ) K. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1) Mr. Sturgill, as Chairman of the Finance Committee, said that the Com- mittee had examined the Interim Financial Report as presented in FCR 1 and recommended its approval. He so moved and his motion was seconded by Mr. Palmer with all present voting 'Aye'. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.) L. Exchange of Property (FCR 2) After explaining the advantages to the University in the exchange of property between the University and the Christian Student Fellowship of Lexington, Mr. Sturgill said the Finance Committee recommended approval of the recommendation 4 in FCR 2 and he so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Black and, without discussion, passed. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.) M. Acquisition of Property (FCR 3) The last piece of property remaining in the triangle between Limestone and Rose Streets is the Jefferson Davis School property owned by the Fayette County Board of Education. Mr. Sturgill said the Finance Committee was in agreement on the desirability of acquiring this property and recommended that the Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer be authorized to purchase it. Mr. Strugill moved approval of the recommendation in FCR 3. His motion was seconded by Dr. Woodyard and passed without dissent. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.) N. Revisions in the Student Code Adopted (SCRCR 1) Mr. George Griffin, Chairman of the Student Code Revision Committee, said that the Student Code Revision Committee had met and considered the recom- mendations of the Advisory Committee on Student Code Revisions transmitted to the Board Committee with President Singletary's recommendations. The Advisory Committee sent sixteen recommendations for Code revisions plus five other supplemental recommendations to the President. President Singletary, after careful consideration, approved fourteen of the sixteen recommendations without change and disapproved two of them. The Board Committee considered the Ad- visory Committee recommendations and the recommendations and comments of President Singletary. The final report presented to the Board of Trustees for action, according to Mr. Griffin, concurred with the President's recommendations with the exception of disapproving a part of one revision and proposing one additional amendment. Since the changes as recommended by the Student Code Revision Committee had been sent to the members in advance of the meeting and thus the members were familiar with the proposed revisions, Mr. Griffin moved that the Committee's report be approved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Crockett. Mr. Flegle then moved that the report be amended by the elimination of Article VI. He said that it was the Student Government's position that the powers granted to the President in this Article are too vague and overly broad. Mr. Clay called for a second to Mr. Flegle's motion and, there being none, the amendment died for lack of a second. Mr. Flegle then moved that the Student Code Revision Committee's report be amended to provide for the elimination of expulsion from the Student Code (Article I, 1. 57). In support of the amendment Mr. Flegle explained that Dr. Singletary had approved the Advisory Committee's recommendation for the elimi- nation of this section but the Student Code Revision Committee had voted to leave 5 the section in the Code. Mr. Griffin explained that the majority of the Student Code Revision Committee had felt that it was desirable to retain this option even though it might never be used. President Singletary said that in previous years he had supported its retention in the Code but that he now felt that the same result could be accomplished through the use of dismissal or suspension. Mr. Clay called for a second to Mr. Flegle's motion to amend the Student Code Revision Committee report to provide for the elimination of expulsion from the Code. Mr. Bell seconded his motion. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: "Ayes": Thomas P. Bell, William R. Black, Stanley Burlew, Mrs. Robert 0. Clark, Albert G. Clay, Paul Oberst, Zirl Palmer, James Flegle, John R. Woodyard, and Paul. Sears. "Nos": Richard E. Cooper, John Crockett, George Griffin, and William Sturgill. Mr. Flegle's motion for amendment having carried by a ten to four vote, Mr. Clay then called for a vote on Mr. Griffin's original motion as amended. All present voting "Aye" the Student Code Revisions were approved to become ef- fective August 16, 1974. 0. Mr. Flegle's Last Meeting Mr. Flegle said that inasmuch as a new president of Student Government would take office on May 1, this would be his last meeting as a member of the Board of Trustees and he wished to express his appreciation for the thoughtful and receptive manner in which the Board evinced its concern for students on campus and expressed his gratitude for the help and cooperation which he had received during his term on the Board. Mr. Clay in turn, expressed for himself and his fellow members, the pleasure which the Board had had in working with Mr. Flegle and wished him well in his future endeavors. P. Meeting Adjourned There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Board adjourned at 2:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Paul G. Sears, Assistant Secretary Board of Trustees (PRs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, TR 1, FCRs 1, 2, and 3, and SCRCR 1 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting. ) PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO THE TRUSTEES April 2, 1974 1. FIRST SATELLITE COURSES TO BEGIN JULY 2 The first telecast to Appalachia via the June-launched communi- cations satellite will be July 2, when 1,200 elementary teachers at 15 locations are to be instructed in the teaching of reading. The project, underwritten by a $1 million grant from the Appa- lachian Regional Commission, involves the University in the key role of developing high quality television courses and seminars to be telecast via the satellite to ten of the 13 Appalachian states. The televised courses are graduate level and focus on the in- service needs of teachers of reading and career education. The initial viewing of the programs will be at various colleges, junior colleges and high schools in Maryland, West Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Alabama, Virginia and North Carolina. During the eight-week course session, the teachers occasionally will meet in Lexington, to discuss the subject matter. They will be tested after each telecast, and at the end of the course. The pro- grams were prepared at the University. 2. LIBRARY MAKING CHANGES TO ACCOMMODATE INCREASED STUDENT USE Paul Willis, director of libraries, says a major renovation at the old King Library building is expected to get underway soon. Among changes are a facility on the third floor for the visually handicapped, larger quarters for the map department, an expanded Honors Program Room, a reserve room outside the exit in order to provide extended hours service, copy machines in the vending area, a public lounge added to the basement, new faculty carrels and a typing room, and an expended government publications stack area. There will be more smoking rooms, and conference/study rooms. Most vacated areas of the old building, available because of the re- cent addition, are being designed for student use, Mr. Willis said. - 2 - 3. TV INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM DEVELOPED HERE UTILIZED NATIONALLY A televised instructional program developed at the University currently is being leased by nine other educational institutions in the U.S., and negotiations are underway for its use by two foreign agencies. Dr. Paul Owen, director of media services, said the program, SPSS Computer System, is produced in the UKTV studios in cooperation with the Computer Center staff and Dr. Michael A. Baer, assistant professor of political science. It originally was designed to ac- quaint students with utilization procedures of the Statistical Pack- age for the Social Scientists. The program is distributed by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago. Dr. Owen said negotiations are underway for use of the tapes by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, and the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa. 4. DEVELOPMENT,, RESEARCH AGENCIES PROVIDE SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships made available to outstanding graduating high school seniors by the UK Research Foundation and the Office of Development, valued at $32,500, recently attracted 32 students to the campus to compete as finalists, earning that berth after earlier competition with about twice that number. All of the students ranked in the 99th percentile nationally and scored a 30 or better, based on a 36-point grading system, on the American College Test. Dr. D. R. Reedy, acting dean of undergraduate studies, said all students in the initial competition were national merit semi-finalists and finalists. He said the program was begun by the University to "attract Kentucky's finest students in the hope that their education in a Kentucky institution will encourage them to remain in the Common- wealth following their graduation." 5. TUTORS IN THREE COLLEGES HELP BOOST SCHOLASTIC LEVEL The use of tutors in a new program in three Medical Center col- leges has been credited with bringing up the grade level of those students who took part in the program. Called Learning Services, and funded by the three colleges and the Federal government, the program employs graduate students to work with students in the Colleges of Pharmacy, Allied Health Professions, and Nursing. Phoebe K. Helm, the director, said, "Students who come to us are in serious need of help and our tutors have done their job well." She said no student tutored five hours or more in a subject has made a failing grade. - 3 6. UNIVJERSITY LISTED AMONG TOP 59 U.S. INSTITUTIONS The University has been listed by the Academy for Educational Development, a Washington-based educational consulting firm, as one of the nation's 59 leading research universities. Criteria for citation in the current ranking are the awarding of more than 50 doctorate degrees and receipt of more than $10 million in federal funds for academic science research in 1970-71. A spokesman for the Washington firm said the University was listed in the top category because it awarded 135 doctorate degrees and received $14 million in federal funds for 1970-71. 7. MINORITY STUDENTS, PROGRAMS ON CAMPUS TO BE STUDIED Victor P. Gaines has been named to conduct a study of the minority student situation on campus. The director of special student programs in the College of Medicine will serve as special assistant to President Singletary, and will have three areas of responsibility. He will assess minority student programs, guage attitudes on the campus that affect minority students, and begin to establish priorities to improve services and programs in these areas. Gaines expects his job to be completed by the end of the sum- mer, at which time he will return to his duties at the College of Medicine. The study to be conducted by Mr. Gaines has beEmin the planning stage for several months. 8. FIRE-DAMAGED ROOMS AT SPINDLETOP ARE RE-OPENED TO MEMBERS Second floor areas of Spindletop Hall which were damaged by a fire in December, 1972, have been restored and the facility's entire public area again is open to members and their guests. A sterling silver chandelier in the upstairs room where most of the fire was concentrated has been re-built by a Cincinnati firm, even though the solder holding the slender arms was melted by the intense heat. An $80,000 smoke and fire detection system currently is being installed on all three floors of the building. 9. BUSINESS STUDENTS TAKE HONORS IN PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES CONTEST Phi Beta Lambda, an organization for business students, took top honors in the parliamentary procedures contest recently conducted at the group's state convention. The team will represent the University at the national convention in June in San Francisco. Team members are Steve Hamilton, chairman; Patty Hamilton, vice-chairman; Glenn Larson, secretary; John Duggins, parliamentarian, and Bob Goderwis, participating member. - 4 - 10. LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICE TESTING TELECOPIER FOR SIX WEEKS The Kentucky Criminal Law Information Service, housed in the Law Library, has expanded its service to the law enforcement and legal professions, on an experimental basis, to make criminal law materials instantly available to selected justice officials around the state. Utilizing a Xerox Telecopier, which transmits and receives copies of documents over a regular telephone line, direct connection is made to more than a dozen similar units in Frankfort, Richmond, Harrodsburg, Danville, Winchester and Lexington. All offices in the project are maintaining a log to determine how often the Telecopiers are used, and an assessment will be made after the trial period of about six weeks. The service is an ex- tension of services already provided by KCLIS, a project of the Kentucky Crime Commission and currently in the second year of operation. The ready-reference service has a staff of two attor- neys, a librarian, a secretary and part-time student researchers. They provide information to attorneys, judges and law enforcement officials. 11. COMMUNITY COLLEGES INVOLVED IN COOPERATIVE COAL INDUSTRY PROJECTS Civil engineering students at Somerset Community College are in- volved in a research project, conducted in Letcher county on the effects of shoit-wall mining, under the direction of the College of Engineering. The students are supervised by Danny Jasper, instruc- tor in civil engineering at Somerset. Short-wall mining is the process of purposely caving in the mine shaft, allowing for the removal of a higher percentage of coal. The students are observing above ground changes. A cooperative program with Hazard field coal companies has initiated a continuing education course in surveying at Hazard Com- munity College. Presently, 23 employed men are taking the course in an effort to upgrade their skills and increase their chances for job advancement. 12. MAYSVILLE CC FRESHMAN CANDIDATE FOR DECA NATIONAL OFFICE Myra Barker, freshman at Maysville Community College, will re- present Kentucky at the National Career Development Conference to be held in Chicago April 28-May 4. She is a candidate for national president of DECA, Distributive Educational Clubs of America, which she serves as vice-president of her local chapter. Miss Barker scored highest in Kentucky in a test given to aid in the selection of the national president of DECA. - 5 - 13. DEBATERS CONTINUF WINNING WAYS The University debate team continued to bring home honors dur- ing March from speech and debate events. The top varsity debate team captured first place in the Mid- western Invitational Tournament at Butler University, Indianapolis. Jim Flegle, Bardwell, and Ben Jones, Campbellsville, won a 4-1 de- cision over Northwestern University's team to claim the championship trophy. Jones also won the first place speaker's trophy over 96 other debaters, while Flegle took fifth place. The debaters took championship trophies in both novice and varsity debate at an invitational meet on the University of Missouri campus in St. Louis. Mary Thomson. Nashville, and Mike Chapman, Paducah, won the final elimination over a Morehead State University team on a 2-1 decision. First place honors also were brought home from the Florida In- vitational Debate Tournament, held in Gainesville. Miss Thomson, and Gil Skillman, Kettering, Ohio, won a 2-1 decision over Catholic University to claim the championship trophy. They won over 32 teams representing 27 institutions from 15 states. 14. BUSINESS COLLEGE AGENCY COMPILES FIRST PRICE INDEX REPORT Dean Charles Haywood of the College of Business and Economics, who also serves as chairman of the Kentucky Council of Economic Ad- visors, saysthe recently-developed cost index for Lexington and Louis- ville will be expanded to include a cost study in other Kentucky cities. The Council's first report, released two weeks ago, showed that the cost of a representative group of food items inthe Lexington area rose by 2.3 per cent in a five-month period dating back to September. The report is based on a study initiated a year ago by the Office of Business Development and Government Services, which is housed in the College of Business and Economics. Purpose of the study is to develop a consumer price index comparable to the national index of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which does not include any Kentucky cities. Dr. Haywood said part of the reason for the food price increases has been shortage and increase in transportation costs. He said the country has been going through a series of crises for several months. 15. WRIGHT'S MARY TOOD LINCOLN OPERA PERFORMED IN NEW JERSEY "Wing of Expectation," written by Dr. Kenneth Wright, professor of music, during the University's 1965 Centennial celebration, is still being performed. Based on the life of Mary Todd Lincoln, the opera was presented three times last month at Red Bank, N.J., under the joint sponsorship of Brookdale Community College and Theatre-8, Lincroft, N.J. The company gave three performances in 1970 at Ford's Theatre, Washington, under the auspices of the Kentucky Society of Washington. - 6 - 16. APPALACHIAN REGIONAL COMMISSION PROJECTS BOOST FEBRUARY GRANTS With nearly a half million dollars from the Appalachian Regional Commission to various programs in the College of Education, to be di- rected by Dr. J. T. Stevens and Dr. David L. Larimore, plus $62,108 from the National Institutes of Health for planning development prog- rams in the College of Dentistry, and special project programs in the College of Medicine, which have received $115,171 from the Public Health Service, research grants received through the UK Research Foundation during February amounted to just under $1 million. Total awards to date, in the present fiscal year, amount to $14,480,422.65. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Agronomy--J. K. Evans, Pasture Renovator Field Tests, John Deere and Co., $10,000. Animal Sciences--D. G. Ely, Rumen Stimulatory Pro- perties of Distillers Feeds, Distillers Feed Research Council, $5,000 additional. R. W. Hemken, Potash Requirement of the Dairy Cow, Inter- national Minerals and Chemical Corp., $1,000 additional. Veterinary Science--J. T. Bryans, Equine Disease Research, Fort Dodge Laboratories, $6,557.08 additional. E. T. Lyons, A Compound R-8858 in the Horse, Syntex, $3,600. E. T. Lyons, Dichlorvos Resin Formulation in the Horse, Thuron Industries, Inc., $3,000. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Computer Science--H. C. Thacher, Collaborative Research-National Activity to Test Software (Nats !I), National Science Foundation, $40,000. Geography--P. P. Karan, Sikkim Map Project, National Geogra- phic, $600 additional. History--H. Hamilton, Part A., "Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf," National EndowNment for the Humanities, $12,450. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Curriculum and Instruction--J. T. Stevens, An Implementation Project in Secondary School Science, NSF, $25,982. Education, Psychology, and Counseling--D. Larimore, Instructional TV Component, Appalachian Region- al Commission, $153,532 additional. D. Larimore, Career Education In- Service Teacher Training and Live Seminar, $98,292 additional. D. Larimore, Elementary Reading In-Service Teacher Reading, ARC, $54,877 additional. D. Larimore, 4 Channel Audio System Career Education, ARC, $16,627 additional. D. Larimore, Computer Based Component, ARC, $23,894 additional. D. Larimore, Evaluation, ARC,$45,312 additional. D. Lari- more, Project Management and Administration, ARC, $97,566 additional. Special Education--E. Blackhurst, Supplementary Education for Adminis- trators of Resource Centers for Handicapped (Project Search), U. S. Office of Education, $6,568 additional. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Mechanical Engineering--C. F. Knapp and E. P. McCutcheon, Causes of Decrements in Aircrew Performance: Physiological Changes Produced by Vibration and Other Environmental Stresses, Air Force, $24,829 reduction. M. K. Marshall, Training Program for Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators, Environmental Protection Agency, $22,968. Office of Research and Engi- neering Service--R. E. Puckett, Use of Digital Computer, Fuller, Moss- barger and Scott, $500 additional. - 7 - OFFICE FOR INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS D. Blythe, Kentucky Partners of the Alliance, $1,000 additional. MEDICAL CENTER LIBRARY 0. Hamlin, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio Regional Medical Library Pro- gram, Wayne State University, $1,533.60 additional. COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH Clinical Pastoral Counseling--R. Carpenter, UKRF Clinical Pas- toral Education Account, Miscellaneous, $391.19 additional. Social Services--N. Smith, Social Services Miscellaneous, Zonta Club of Lexington, $20 additional. COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY G. Hill, Special Project Grant (Disadvantaged Students), National Institutes of Health, $12,341 additional. G. Hill, Student American Dental Association Account, American Student Dental Association, $50 additional. G. Hill, Student Aid Account, American Association of Dental Schools, $2,500 additional. G. Lewis, General Research Support, NIH, $13,887 additional. G. Lewis, General Research Support, NIH, $18,330. Orthodontics--N. Wickwire, American Association of Ortho- dontists, Mercantile Trust Company National Association, $200 addi- tional. Planning Development--T. Smith, Health Professions Special Project, NIh, $62,108 additional. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Office of the Dean---J. Burdette, Health Professions Special Pro- ject Grant-William R. Willard Department of Family Practice, Public Health Service, $53,537 additional. W. Jordan, Research Fund, Common- wealth Life Insurance Company, $3,500 additional. W. Jordan, General Research Support Grant-Control Account, NIH, $40,410 additional. F. Lemon, Continuing Education Development Fund, Miscellaneous, $976 additional. M. Sandifer, Health Professions Special Project Grant Program, PHS, $115,171 additional. Biochemistry--G. Robinson, Study of Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase, NIH, $17,360. Community Medi- cine--A. Benenson, Field Professor for Buffalo Trace and Gateway Regions, Inc., Health Development Association of Northeastern Kentucky, $6,760 reduction. A. Benenson, Rubella Screening Program, U. S. Ireland Army Hospital, $8,000. Medicine--J. Banwell, Gastroenterology Research and Development Fund, Miscellaneous, $650. C. Nuzum, Liver Research Fund, Miscellaneous, $515.60 additional. Pediatrics--J. Calton, Children's Fund, Miscellaneous, $50 additional. N. Holland, Kidney Research Fund, Warner/Lambert Company, $1,000 additional. V. James, Care and Teaching in a Cystic Fibrosis Center, National Cystic Fibrosis Research Founda- tion, $3,000. W. Wheeler, Resident's Fund, Fayette County Children's Bureau, $150 additional. Surgery-Division of Opthalmoloq-.Development Fund, Lexington Lions Club, $4,000 additional. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY H. Kostenbauder, College Research and Development Grant, Appala- chian Regional Hospital, Procter and Gamble, and Park and Davis, $1,806 ,i qrl i - n nn I - 8 17. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITIES OF FACULTY AND STAFF Carol Polsgrove, English instructor at Maysville Community College, recently published articles in "The Washington Star," on the "APPALSHOP," and onthe same subject in "Sight and Sight," Inter- national Film Quarterly. Dr. Kenneth K. Kubota, assistant professor of mathematics, has been named recipient of an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation research fellow- ship. Dr. P. P. Karan, chairman of the Department of Geography, re- turned at the end of March from a tour of two Asian countries. He participated in a symposium on the geography of the Himalayas, held in New Delhi, and spent two weeks in Sikkim, updating earlier field work data collected in that country. Dr. William A. Withington, associate professor of geography, was in Houston in early March as a social sciences panel reviewer for the National Science Foundation, screening Undergraduate Student Equipment Program applications for matching funds to be submitted to the Founda- tion. Dr. Herbert Reid, associate professor of political science, is editor of "Up the Mainstream," a book to be published this month by David McKay, publishers. Dr. Reid wrote five articles for the volume; 25 articles are by other scholars on ideology in American politics and everyday life. Dr. William H. Brooks, chief resident of neurosurgery at the College of Medicine, has been named recipient of the Southern Neuro- surgical Society's first place award for his paper, "The Immunology of Brain Tumors." Dr. Eldon D. Smith, professor of agricultural economics, was in New York last month to confer with others on the possibility of pub- lishing a jointly-edited collection of readings relating to agricultural marketing problems of less-developed areas. The meeting was called by officials of the