xt7pnv998x7g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pnv998x7g/data/mets.xml Humphreys County, Mississippi Mississippi Department of Archives and History 1941 Prepared by The Mississippi Historical Records Survey Project, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Projects Administration; Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Official Sponsor; Other contributors include: Mississippi Historical Records Survey, United States Works Progress Administration, Division of Community Service Programs, Mississippi Department of Archives and History; v, 180 leaves, 28 cm; Includes index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:M 69i/no.27 books English Jackson, Mississippi: Mississippi Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Mississippi Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the County Archives of Mississippi, Number 27, Humphreys County (Belzoni) text Inventory of the County Archives of Mississippi, Number 27, Humphreys County (Belzoni) 1941 1941 2015 true xt7pnv998x7g section xt7pnv998x7g m§ ;j; m »qu¤¤m1 i@ 1¢:1@¤ { t i Q 5* Q? y E? és? éé xi iii rk; if; r ii ·z» V Hr VY `_ 5 I ,, -j —i$ ‘ ;%` { ··? ‘x Tk H ·’: A—: ·‘ ~. 1, 5 E zi Y é INVENTORY OF THR COUNTY ARCHIVES OF MISSISSIPPI . I NO. 27. HUMPHREYS COUNTY (BELZONI) - C _Prepared by - The Mississippi Historical Records Survey Division of Community Service Programs Work Projects Administration ‘ P Sponsored by Mississippi Department of Archives and History Jackson, Mississippi ` T . The Mississippi Historical Records Survey . August 1941 ' HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY PROJECTS Sargent B. Child, Director John C. L. Andreassen, Regional Supervisor Robert E. Strong, State Supervisor RESEARCH ARD RECORDS PROGRAMS Harvey E. Becknell, Director Willis B. Hazelton, Regional Supervisor Felix J. Underwood, Jr., State Supervisor DIVISION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner Leo G. Spofford, Chief Regional Supervisor Ethel Payne, State Director WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION · I A Howard O. Hunter, Commissioner Lawrence Westbrook, Regional Director Roland B. Wall, State Administrator FOREWORD The Inventory_2£_the County Archives p£_Mississippi is one of a number of guides to historical materials prepared throughout the United States by workers on Historical Records Survey projects of the Work Projects Adminis- tration. The publication herewith presented, an inventory of the archives of Humphreys County, is nu ber 27 of the Mississippi series. ` The Historical Records Survey program.was undertaken in the winter of 1955-56 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy unemployed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers. In carrying out this objective, the project was organized to compile inventories of histor- ical materials, particularly the unpublished government docu ents and records which are basic in the administration of local government, and which provide invaluable data for students of political, economic, and social history. Approx- imately 1,400 publications have been issued by the Survey in the country as a whole at this time. The archival guide herewith presented is intended to meet the requirements of day-to—day administration by the officials of the county, and also the needs of lawyers, businessmen and other citizens who require facts from the public records for the proper conduct of their affairs. The volume is so designed that it can be used by the historian in his research in unprinted sources in the same way he uses the library card catalog for printed sources. The inventories produced by Historical Records Survey projects attempt to do more than give merely a list of records - they attempt further to sketch i in the historical background of the cou ty or other unit of government, and to describe precisely and in detail the organization and functions of the government agencies whose records they list. The county, town, and other local inventories for the entire country will, when completed, constitute an encyclo- pedia of local government as well as a bibliography of local archives. The successful conclusion of the work of Historical Records Survey pro- jects, even in a single county, would not be possible without the support of public officials, historical and legal specialists, and many other groups in the community. Their cooperation is gratefully acknowledged. The Survey program was organized by Luther H. Evans, who served as Direc- tor until March 1, 1940, when he was succeeded by Sargent B. Child. The Survey operates as a Nation-wide series of locally sponsored projects in the Division of Community Service Programs, of which Mrs. Florence Kerr, Assistant Com issioner, is in charge. HOWARD O. HUNTER Commissioner of Work Projects PREFACE Work on the Historical Records Survey began in Mississippi in February 1936 as a part of the program of the Federal Writers’ Project and under the supervision of William B. Haynie. In November 1936 the Mississippi Survey became a separate u it of Federal Project No. 1 with Mr. Haynie as State Director. In July 1937 Charles C. Fisher, editor-in—chief, was made State Director and in July 1938, Dr. Percy L. Rainwater, for ll years in the depart- v ment of history at the University of Mississippi, was appointed head of the Survey. In August 1939 Dr. Rainwater resigned and Miss Moina Evans was named State Supervisor. Miss Evans resigned July 8, 1940 and Robert E. Strong, Assistant State Supervisor, was designated as her successor. By an act of Congress, Federal Project No. 1 was abolished on August 31, 1939 and the Historical Records Survey was made a Statewide project to be maintained under the official sponsorship of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, of which Dr. William D. McCain is Director, and under the cooperative sponsorship of local governmental agencies. On February 15, 1941, in order to utilize the administrative and tech- nical facilities of the Survey, a Statewide Records Project was established, with the Survey becoming a part of this project. The project is a unit of the Division of Community Service Programs of the Work Projects Administration, of which Miss Ethel Payne is Director. It is in the Research and Records Programs section of this division under the supervision of Felix J. Underwood Jr. The Survey plans to publish the Inventory of the County Archives of Miss- issippi in 82 units, one for each county in the—StEte._—Haeh unit will—be nume bered separately from 1 to 82, its number depending on the relative position of the county in an alphabetical list of all counties. Thus, the inventory of the records of Humphreys County, herewith presented, is number 27. The inven- tories of State archives and of municipal, church and other local records will be published separately. The inventory of the records of Humphreys County is the sixth county in- ventory prepared for publication. It is arranged so that the records of the administrative functions of county government come first, followed by those of the recording, judicial, law enforcement, fiscal, election; education, health, and miscellaneous agencies. Included also is a short essay on each agency of county government including organization of the agency in Humphreys County, its present status, tho method of filling the office, and the term of office. Since these essays are limited it is suggested that the reader con- sult the Inventory of the County Archives of Mississippi, No. 18, Forrest County and—§§;_§?;-lahmgrbounty, for more detailed essays than those found in the Humphreys County inventory. Records are described in entries whose style is formalized to give infor- mation concerning the title of records, dates for which available, quantity, labeling of volumes or containers, variant titles, description of record con- tents, manner of arrangement, indexing, nature of recording, size of volumes or containers, and location. The Survey has followed general regulations and procedures applicable to y all WPA project units in the 48 States. Mississippi WPA officials have given the Survey their cordial support and assistance. The Survey also acknowledges the interest and cooperation of the official spenserlg representative, Dr. William.D. McCain, and of the Humphreys County officials in its work in their county. The survey of the records of Humphreys County was started in March 1958 and was completed in November 1958. The field inventory was rechockcd between February l0 and March 1, 1959. The preliminary draft received a final recheck in July 1940. The State office has profited in all phases of its work by the construc- tive advice and criticism of the national office and its representatives. John C. L. Androassen, Regional Supervisor, has rendered invaluable assistance during his visits to the office. This inventory in manuscript form was edited by Mabel S. Brodie, assistant archivist in charge of public records inventories, of the Washington, D. C., o5fice. This unit of the Inventory of the County Archives of Mississippi is being issued in mimeographed form by thE'SEYvey for free distfibution to State and local public officials and libraries in Mississippi and to a limited number of libraries and governmental agencies outside the State. The inventory was pre- pared in the State office of the Survey by an editorial staff composed of Elmisc Fant, Bessie Kate Bradford, Zelma Ruth Jolley, Fred Beacham, and William M. Price under the supervision of Nash K. Burger, Project Technician, and Andrew Brown, Assistant Project Technician. A list of publications issued by the Mississippi Historical Records Survey Project appears on page 180. ROBERT E. STRONG State Supervisor The Mississippi Historical Records Survey 9 Bridges Building Jackson, Mississippi September 1940 TABLE OF CONTENTS ·_ Introductionl I Pagé _ |•••••••••y••••••••••p•••••••••••••••••••\ Outline Map of Mississippi................................ .12 Map of Humphreys County ... ................... . ......... .. 13 .;_ 2. Governmental Organization and Records System ............... 14 A Legal Status of the County. Registration of Title to Property. Judiciary. Law Enforcement. Finance. Edu- cation. Public Health. Welfare. Public works. Miscel- laneous Functions. Records System. Ghartv of G'OV€1`nmGHtP}.]. OI`gE.Hj.Z3.`bj.On ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5. Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records ............ Bl ITOOOIOOIIIUOIIOOIOIIIIIIIIOOIIIOOIIOOIOOIOIIO 4. Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes .............. ’4l County Officers and Their Records I• Board of Supervisors |•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 44 Minutes. Original Papers. Assessments. Petitions. Tax Exemptions. Appointments. Insurance Policies. Maps. ` II. Clerk of the Chancery Court as Recorder ...... ....... ....... 50 Real Property: land Deeds; Tax Liens; Mortgages and Deeds of Trust on Land; Liens; Tax Sales; Redemption of Land From Tax Sales; Federal Tax Sales. Land Titles. Tax “ Liens. Deeds, Mortgages, and Deeds of Trust. Official Bonds.: Corporations. Marks and Brands. Homestead Dec- laratiens. Military Discharges. Maps. Plats. Unclaimed Instruments. IIII Challcery Court ••••••v••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Original Case Papers: Chancery; Probate; Court Orders; Supreme Court Cases. Dockets, Calendars, and Registers: ‘ Chancery and Probate; Probate; Fees and Costs. Proceed- ings. Legal Publications. Correspondence. IV• Circuit COUTL •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·• Original Case Papers: Criminal; Civil; Receipts for Documents. Dockets, Calendars, and Registers: Criminal; Habeas Corpus Proceedings; Indictments; Civil; Criminal and Civil; Minutes; Enrolled Judgments. Allowances. Fees and Costs. Jurors. Naturalization. vo C1GI`k. of JGAIG CLTGUAL COTIYL •••••••••••••••••••••..••••••• Marriages. Professional Licenses. V VI• Justices of the PGZICG ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. g- · Table of Contents VII! J`¤1I°y llllllipQQQQOQQQIOQIQQOQIOQOIIQOOUOIOOUOIIIOD llllllllll,QQOQQIOIIOQICCOIIIIOOIOIIIO V * TX. County Prosecuting Attorney .......,.. .......... . .... ... 91 XO lOlI|l|IIQOlIII‘;~OOOICICICI!IIOIOLJIIOUOOIIOIOU · Process Dockets. Fines, Costs, and Fees. Jail Records. _ Convict Farm Records. Reports. XIO |I|||•••••r•••••••!•t•••••••|••••••••••••••••••• l XII• Constables ••u••o•••••••••••¤•••••••••••..••....•••••••• 97 XIII• Tax Assessor ••a•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 98 Assessments: Real Property; Personal Property. Maps. Xlvq Sheriff 35 Tax Collector •••••••••••••••••••••»••¤•••••• 101 Real and Personal Property Taxes: Tax Receipts; Priv- ilege Taxes. Receipts for Deposits. Cash Books. Re- ports. _ XV. Clerk of the Chancery Court as Treasurer ............... 108 XVI. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors as Auditor ........... 109 Cash Receipts: Reports. Bank Deposits. County Bonds. Claims. Disbursementss .LcHgcrs. Audits. ·xVII• R&glStT3f Of,mlCCtiOmS•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 116 Registration of Voters. Eligibility of Voters: Poll Books; Poll Tax Receipts. Exemption Certificates. Primary Election Records. XVIII. County Beard of Election Commissioners ................. 118 XIX. Superintendent of Education ................,........... 119 General Administration. Teachers, Financial Adminis- tration. XX. School Trustees ........................................ 125 XXI• COuDty School BO3rd Q•|¢|I|•||•QQOQIUIOIOIIIOIIOOIOIlll! 127 XXII. DOPSPCEGHC of HG3lth ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 129 Disease Control: Sanitation. Maternal Health. Reports. ~ Vital Statistics. Spot Maps. XXIII. Registrar of Births and Deaths ............ .... ........ 154 QQIIICIOQUIOIOIIIIIOOIOIIIIIII mi CLS •y••|••••|||••|•I|••|•|•••••••|••O•I| O IOIOIOIOIIOIUOIIOOIllllllllllllllOIOIOIOIOIOOO .. 5 .. Table of Contents XXVII. County Extcnsioii-Def¤a;~t1hent li1A.§g'I`1i.C1l].‘{',11I‘C amd Home Eco!- OOOOIOIOIOIIOOIIOICIOOOOIQOOOIUOOIIOIOIIOIIIIO· County Agent. Home Demonstration Agent. Negro County Agent. Negro Home Demonstration Agent. _ . XXVIII. Dcpartiuent Of Public `WG1f&I‘0 ........................., 146 OIICOOIIIIIIOOIIOIOIIICUOOOUIIIIIIIIIOOOIQ List of County |O•||••••I•••l•IOUIIIIDOIOIQI, Chronological IIICIGX ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••, S`U.b,jGCt Zlnd. IYld.O.T{ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. Publications of the Mississippi Historical Records Suzrvsgr PI.OjOCtIlIOUI|iIIIII1000IOOIIIIIOIOIOIIIOIUQCIOIiIIC - 4 - f (First entry, p.44) _ E. HISTORICAL SKETCH Humphreys County, tho last created county in Mississippi, is situated in M tho southeastern portion of the Mississippi-Yazoo Flood Plain, colloquially known as thc Delta, which covers a large oliptical area in tho northwestern part of the State. The county consists of 408 square miles or 26l,l2O scresl of extremely fertile Delta soil, is irregular in shape, and is bounded on the north by Sunflower and Loflors Counties; on the cast by Holmes and Yazoo Counties; on the south by Yazoo County, ond on thc west by Sharkoy and Washington Counties. In detail tho boundaries of Humphreys County, which have not boon changed since its establishment oro: "Bcgiuhiug at the intorsoction of the ocntor line of Sunflower rivor with thc boundary limo b0twccn`Noshington ond Sunflower Counties; thence in a southerly direction with tho moundors of Sunflower rivor and along its ocntor line to its intersection with the north boundary line of Sharkey County; thcnco cast along said county line to tho northeast cornor of township fourteen (14) north, rungc fivo (5) west; thence south ulong the cost boundary lines of township fourteen (ld) north, range fivo (5) wost and town- ship thirteen (15) north, rengo five (5) west, to the southwest corner of town- ship thirteen (13) north, rongo four (4) wmst; thonco cost along tho south boundary line of township thirtoen (15) north, range four (4) wont and township thirteen (15) north, rungo three (3) wost to the south cast corner of township thirtoen (13) north, range three (5) wcst; thence north along tho cost line of said township thirteen (13) north, rongo three (5) west to tho north oust corner of tho somo; thence cost along the south line of township fourteen (1Q) north, · rungo two (2) west to tho southwest corner of scotion thirty—six (36), township fourteen (14) north, rungo two (2) wtst; thence north along the line botwcon sections thirty~fivc (55) and thirty-six (36), tovnship fourteen (14) north, rnugc two (2) west to thc conter line of the Yazoo river; thcncc in a north- westerly direction with thc mosndcrs of the Ymzoo river sud along its centcr line to its intersection with the contcr liho of Tchulm lake; thonco with thc moondors of Tchula lake and along its center line to its intersection with thc line botwccn soctions ninctcon (lQ) and twenty {20), and township fifteen (15) north, range one (1) woot; thence north along thc section limos to the center line of tho Ymzoo rivor; thence is m southwesterly direction with the meondcrs of tho Yuzoo river and along its contcr line to tho Choctaw boundary line; thonce iu a nonthwostorly direction along thc Choctaw boundary lino to its iuterscctioh with the oust line of township sixtetn {15) north, range throc (5) west; thence north along said township limo and Hlong the oust line of tovmship seventeen (17) north, rango three (5) wost, to the north onst corner of section thirteen (15), township seventeen (17) north range three (Z) Most; thcnco west along tho section limos to thc north Most corner of section wightoom (18), township sovoutccn (17) north, remgo throo (5) west; thonoo south nlong tho Most boundary limo of tmnv- ship (17) north, range throc (5) test to tho houndury line between Sunflower and Weshington Countios;thenco vest along said boundary lino to tho point of beginning. Said description above ombraccs portions of Joshingtou, Yazoo, Holmes, Shsrkoy and Sunflowor Counties."2 1. Unitod—§ETH;;§huQI§;of the Census, Fiftoonth Census of tho United Status, mso, Agriculturc, 11, Part 2, cmm-my Tcblc 1, 1052, Tn*Ji~`E2eF§5~'?:m:¤1 Uonsus of tho United Statos). 2. L. M., l9l8, p. EGE. - 5 - Historical Sketch (First Entry, p. 44) Two navigable streams, the Sunflower and Yozoe Rivers, and Tchula Lake, form several miles of the boundaries and there are numerous smaller streams and lakes within the ccunty.3 The land included in this county, for the most part, was at first a low, flat, marshy, swamp covered with a dense growth of hardwood forests. It has been cleared, drained and generally made suitable for excellent farming. The elinmte is mild in winter, but the summers are het and sultry. The rainfall is usually heavy in the winter and early spring months. Until the completion of a levee system, devastating overflows were not uncommon.4 The soils of Humphreys County are the rich alluvial deposits of thc Mississippi River and its tributaries. A light loam is found near the streams, and heavy bluish clay soil predominstes between the wotcrways.5 This region was pre-eminently one of hardwood growth, originally covered with oak, gum, hickory, cottonwood, cypress, and ash. The region from which Humphreys County evolved was owned originally by ’ the Choctaw Indians who used it chiefly as a hunting ground. Several mounds, one in Bclzoni, the county seat, remain as evidence of the occupancy of the Indians. This region from 1541 to 1802 was involved in the conflicting claims of Spain, France, England, and the State of Georgia, but no settlements were established and no governmental organizations were effected by reason of these claims.7 In 1802 this portion of present-day Mississippi was coded to the United States by Georgia and added to the Mississippi Territory8 and in 1817 it be- came a part of the newly-created State of Kississippi.9 ‘ The Indian title to this region was extinguished by the Treaty of Doak's Stand concluded on October 18, 1820, the Choctaw ceding 5,447,267 acres of land to the United Statcs.lO This entire tract vas .··, included in the formation of Hinds County in 1821,11 which has since been subdivided into ll counties, thc lest of which vas Humphreys County in 1918, created from the converging corners of Holmes, Sharkey, Sunflower, and Washington Counties,l2 - Agitation for the establishment of a new county in this vicinity began as early as 1870, when James R. Powell voiced the idea of creating a county 5T"_—T:—Et—Lowe, Mississippi, Its Ueology, Geography, Soils and Mineral Rc- sources, Jackson, 1915, pT“51di—ThE?bafter cited as Louet_hississipEi). 4. ET—NT—Eowe, Economic Geography of Mississippi, mimcopraphed by the author, 1928, pp. 7, 8. 5. Lone, Mississippi, pp. 264-265. 6. Ibid., p. 269. 7. TEY—E discussion of the exploration of this region and of the claims of Spain, France, England, and the State of Georgia, see "Historical Sketch" 1 in The Mississippi Historical Records Survey Project, Inventory of the County Archives of hississippi, No. 25, Kinds County, forthcoming. 8. 2 Stat., 505-506. 9. 5 Stat., 345-549. ` 10. 7 Stat., 210-214. 11. L. M., 1821, pp. 97-99. 12. L. M., 1918, p. 570. - 5 - Historical Sketch (First Entry, p.44 ) where Holmes, Sunflower, Washington, and Yazoo Counties cornered. Although he worked toward this goal for 12 years, he was unsuccessfu1.l5 Upon his death Col. R. V. Powers took up the fight, suggesting the name of Alluvia for the new county and proposing Palmetto Home (now Silver City) for the scat of justice. In 1908, the establishment of a new county was still being advocated, and the proposed name was Delta with Belzoni as the county soat,l4 After the act authorizing the new county was finally passed by the Legislature and approved March 28, 1918, an election required by the Consti- tutionl5 was held in May to determine whether or not the people really wanted the new county. On April 17, 1918, Governor Bilbo appointed, as required by the authorization aet,15 commissioners, 5 from each of the counties relinquishing territory for the new county, who would also be residents of the new county, to hold the e1ection.l6 Commissioners selected wore: Sunflower, W; D, Richards, Abc Huffstickler, and W. C. Galaspyg Washington, T. E. Kortimer, F. M. Popper, and Louis Hullumg Holmes, J. C. Hargraves, C. M. Mchaster, and T. C. Jones; Yozoo, W. H. Carroll, A. R. Eutchens, and L. H. Smith; $harkoy,`H. H. Ellis, Sr., W. H. Ellis, Jr. and W. F. Sand1ing.l7 The Yazoo City Herald reported the results of the election as follows: HThe vote in the territory effected in Yazeo and 50 for and 26 against it. In Washington County only one vote was cast against the forming of the new county; Sunflower, 12 to 9, Holmes 40 to O, and Sharkey 6 te 5."18 This overwhelming majority, however, did not insure the establishment of the county. ln an attempt to prevent the taking of territory from the established counties, Yazco filed suit against the newly created county in circuit court in July, 1918 but the suit was transferred to the chancery court.l9 From an adverse ruling Yazoo County appealed to the State Supreme Court,2O which upheld the decision P of the lower court in 1919, in the following decision; "The creation of new counties is a matter within the powers of the legislature, subject only to the restrictions imposed by the Constitution. Within these limitations the Legis- lature may make whatever regulation it will as to the division of property rnd the payment of existing debts, and the terms prescribed by it must prevail. Courts cannot supplement Legislation by assuming to adjust equities which have been ignored by the Legis1ature."2l Humphreys County was attached to the first Supreme Court district, the ninth chancery e urt district, the fourth circuit court district, the twenty- ninth scnatorial district, the third Congressional district, the first district 15. Belzoni Banner, Eelzoni, hiss., Au;. 10, 1922. 14; Ibis. ‘ 15. Cbnstitution of the State cf Mississippi, 1890, in Official Journal, 1890, Mississippi Constitutional Convention, Jackson, 1890, seo. 260, p• 16. Register of Commissions, State, County and Lunicipal, 1916-20, in Secretary of State's office, New Capitol, Jackson, Liss., p. 46. 17. Ibid. 18. Yazoo City Herald, Yszoo City, Miss., Feb. 8, 1918, p. 1. 19. Ibid., Au;. 9, 1918, p. 1; Sept. 6, 1918, p. 1. 20. Bolzoni Banner, Belzoni, hiss., Au;. 10, 1922, soc. 2, p. 11. 21. Yazoo County vs. Humphreys County, 120 Kiss. Hep. 871; 83 So. Hep. 276, - 7 - Historical Sketch (First entry, p. @4) for election commissioners, and the first district for the election of pon- itentiary trustec.22 The boundoriee of the Yazoo—hississippi Delta Levee dis- trict were not to be effected by the creation of the new county, hotevor, that port of Humphreys embraced in the levee district uns entitled to one represen- tative on the board of diroctors.2B The first meeting of the boord of supervisors was held Juno 5, 1918, at the City Ho1124 in Bolzeni, which had boon named the temporary county seat in the creating act.25 First officers of Humphreys County, appointed by the Governor, wore: O. J. Turner, sheriff; W. Y. Shackleford, circuit clerk; A. R. Zutchins, ehancery clerk; T. D. Rice, superintendent of education; N. W. Sumrsll, county attorney; Ui11iom.H. Day, tex assessor; R. N. Sandling, treasurer; M. H, Brower, surveyor; Watt H. Turner, coroner end ranger; W. A. Carpenter, county demonstrotor; ond Dr. J. S. Slaughter, health officer.26 Election conmissioners appointed Aupust 1, 1918, included: W. D. Knotts, L. W. Smith, and B. C. Moro1snd.27 Members of the first board of supervisors were; Dr. J. S. Jockson, president, J. G. Hargrave, B. A. Holliday, E. E. Bsrr, end William D. Riehardson?8 The first probstion officer, R, H. Nason, was appointed Octgbgr 6, 1924,29 The hes1t§Odopartment was established as 1 full time organization on August 1, ‘ 1927. . At the first meeting of the board of supervisors an election to determine the locotion for the permanent sent of justice was ordered. On June 27, 1918, Belzoni was selected over bilvor City by a vote of 204 to 58.31 The City Hill and the second story of the postofficc houggd the county offices until 1921, when the present courthouse was completed. ' r A Legislative act, approved Merch 25, 1920, gave Humphreys County permis- sion to issue bonds "Eor the purpose‘of building a courthouse ond jail, and for buildin; bridges and constructing public roods".5$ The erecting oct of 1918 steted that the public schools were not to be affected but were to remain as located. Public school funds were to be properly prorated and distributed.54 In 1918, there were 14 white schools and 57 nojro schools in the county, employing 50 white teachers and dl negro teachers, 22. L. M., 1918, p. 572. 25. Ibid. 24. Einzkes Board of Supervisors, vol. 1, p. 1; see entry 1. 25. L. M., 1918, p. 570. 25. Minutes Beard of Supervisors, vol. 1, pp. 1, 2, 16; see entry 1. 27. Register of Commissions, State, County, and hunicipal, 1916-1920, p. 52; see entrv 1. 28. Minutes Board of Supervisors, vol. 1, pp. 1, 2, 16; sec entry 1. 29. Ihig., Vol. II, p. 507. Z0. Ibid. 51. Bolzoni Bonner, Belzoni, Miss., Aug. 10, 1922, sec. 2, p. ll. 52. L. M., 1920,-5. 517; scc also "housinj, Care, and Accessibility of the Records," p. 3], 55. Ibid. 54. LT*H., 1918, pp. 575, 375. - 3 - ` Historical Sketch (First entry, p. 44) Five of the white .‘—. schools were in consoliiated districts.35 At the present time Humphreys has reduced the number of white to 7, and incrcasea the negro schools to 57, employing 60 white teachers and 100 negro teachers respectively. Thirty- one school buses are used to transport the 2,568 white and 5,946 negro educablc children in Humphreys County to the schools.36 Of this number, however, there were in the 1936-57 session only 1,970 white and %,807 negro children actually ‘ in attcndancc.57 Three of the 7 white schools, Bclzoni, Isola, and Silver City, are on the State affiliated list, and enc, Louise, is on the probationary list.58 A negro vocational school is located at Louise. _ Church services in Humphreys County date from the earliest years of sctt1e— A ment. Although occasional Methodist services were held in the county from these times, the eldest organized church is the Methodist Church of Bolzoni, organized in 1882, holding their first services in a small frame buildin; situated on the present site of the Belzoni postoffice.39 The present brick church tus begun in 1926, replacing an earlier frame structure built in 1895.40 Other Methodist Churches in the county are at Isola, Silver City, Lrmkin, and Louise. The line of demarcation of the Mississippi and North hississippi Methoiist Conferences runs through the county from cast to west. Silver City ani the territory to the south are in the Mississippi Conference, while those churches north of Silver City, including Belzoni, fall within the jurisdiction of the North Mississippi Conference. Early Baptist services in Belzoni were in the hone of J. S. Bowles and later in a union churoh.41 Regular services date from 1885, when the Kev. Uilliam T. Mchurtrcy offieiated once each month. LE. and Irs. J. S. Bowles, in 1897, donated land and money which male possible the first Baotist bui1ding.42 The present classic, brick structure was first used in 1925.Qg There are also Baptist churches today at Gooden, Isola, Lake, Louise, Silver City, Strai ht Bayou. One of the oldest churches in the county is the Hegre Belzoni Green Grove Baptist Church, eatin; from 1869.44 Cdhite Missionary Baptist Churches in Humphreys County belong to the Deer Creek nsseciation, set—up in 1887, from the Sunflower Association, which had been organizes in 1870.45 55. Siennial Ecpert and Recommeniations of the State Superintendent of Public iHucati&rT_l9lSJl97 Jackson, hiss.: I§lEf'}n 170.N*—· “— 36. Stgtistical Infornation Relative to the Schools of Lach County, in State Superintondent's office, Old Capitol, Jackson, hiss. 57. J. S. Vanaivcr, Biennial Report and Recommendations of the St tc Supcr~ intendcnt of Edubatibhltb the Lejislhture of hississippiT—1955—57, p. 87. ` » ss. H»`iTI'Q"§T ?2°‘r'."°""`"‘ "" '"' "“""""‘ "" "”"""""" """ ““‘ 59. "Churchcs and Pastors of Be1zoni," in Eelzoni Banner, Delzoni, Aujust 10, 1922. 40. "hethodists Select Old Site," in Bclzoni Banner, Eclzoni, January 21, 1926. 41. "Churehes ana Pastors of Bc1zoni,V—ini§elE5ni banner, Bclzoni, August 10, 1922. 42. Ibid. 45. viaptist Under Their Own Root," in Qelieni Copper) Belzoni, January 25, 1923. ii. "History of Green Grove Baptist Church," in eclzoni Banner, Bclzoni, June ‘ 26, 1950. -—_~`__—'-A-"_ 45. Z. T. Leavell and T. J. Bailey, (comps.) A Complete history of Mississipoi , xnssissippi ssp-nist ruriishnr; 2 vols., II, pp. 977-980. - 9 - Historical Sketch (First entry, p. 44) The present organization of the Belzeni Presbyterian Church dates from.l9lO,46 although services had been conducted in the county for a number of ycars.47 The present brick-veneered buildin; was erected durinq the tenure of the Rev. E. Z. Brown, 1918-20.48 A Presbyterian church was organized at Isola in 1926 and a building erected in 1928.4 These Humphreys County Presbyterian Churches are in the Presbytery of Central Mississippi. Occasional Episcopal services have been held in Belzoni since at least 1912.50 In 1915, the Rev.`Wi11ian DuBose Bratton completed organization of the St. Thomas' Church.51 In 1952 e church building was consecrated on Jackson Streot.52 The church is served today by the Rev. Edward R. Jones, of Trinity Church, Yazoo City. (See also Historical Records Survey Project, Inventory of the Church Archives of Mississippi: Prot- estant Episcopal Church (entry l147T.MThe only Rgnen C5Hn;Iic Church in the county, All Saints‘ Church, Belzoni, is a mission of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Greenwood, and is served by the Rev. John Clerico. Fr. Clerico has been at work in this section of the Delta since 1907 and under his leader- ship, a building was erected in 1917. Services are held monthly and on certain holy days.53 C Humphreys County has never issued bonds for the support of the Agricul- tural High School and Junior Collcyo at hoorhoad,54 although it is included in the Sunflower zone of public junior eelleges.55 On October 5, 1956, a tax levy of 1/5 of a mill, or an annual donation of about 51,100 was ~iven the college.56 The first railroad built into the vicinity of Humphreys County was a logeinq road 4 miles long, c