xt7pnv999276 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pnv999276/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-08-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 26, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 26, 1981 1981 1981-08-26 2020 true xt7pnv999276 section xt7pnv999276 i“ em“““t“rir” Misfit, . , , . ‘
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F- .I '- . 1, Vol. LXXXIV. No.10 University of Kentucky i ,
. '. . . '. .- .. Wednesday, August 26. 1981 An independent snident newspaper since 1971 Lexington. Kentucky 2' .’ I
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$65 mil/Ion over two years agate—i...- , , “—1-va . .
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By ALEX CROUCH board when a study of the situation is completed. “MM - h ‘: I __ “-
Bureau Chief The board also proceeded to incorporate the Universi- ‘ "3 ’ _ n I
..—...___—_______ ty of Kentucky-Business Partnership Foundation, Inc., .. a“ . . a m: ' '-
. The Board of nusmes ywerday approved the 1932,34 an institution that will help the B&E college finance its fl u a ‘ e m .
‘ biennial budget request which calls for annual salary programs. It was brought UP during the negotiations “ m ~ 3 'j’ .3 a m ' 1
increases totaling $34.3,mjhon, which resulted in the selection of Richard Furst from a - . a - m , m? w ’ '
. The board also approved the incorporation of a the University of South Carolina as the new B&E dean. m a. r , A ‘ u n .‘Y \
- business partnership foundation to raise funds for the AS outlined in the articles 0f incorporation, the in- n ‘ ’ * m ”We. fink” M I
College of Business and Economics. stitution will solicit gifts “for the exclusive benefit” of ‘ , . m . , a u . f g ‘ .
The budget request. a part of the 1981-86 five-year the college, build an endowment fund and determine m ,- N I 2 m M .3 ,
plan, will now go before the Council on Higher Educa- which programs of the college should be funded by the .. _ -- - “a k 'I m m a _
tion. The salary increases of 10 percent over the two— endowment or other funds. . . are“ m n m i&,.” n - w m! _ -
» year period continue the University's attempts - mm" serveon the Board of preheating with fat an t. ..9 am at Ill-lit m my '7‘ a .- a- w
outlined in the last biennial request — to bring salaries the precldent, vice preSIdent to" academic attairsi Vice g. ”rd" I“ g - m “k‘ u m I. W ‘
up to benchmark levels. president for UniverSity relations, two members of the I, n ‘ - a - u m m m g ‘ w ‘4‘ V -
President Otis Singletary said any continued salary Board Of Trustees andzobusineesmen. . . , m . - m damage: m u w ‘ n I
increases will come with further sacrifices to facilities, The board 3150 approved a r eorganlzation 0f the wt?” — ' ,1 _' " "I" ”it”. ._ -. n —
equipment and operating expenses because of budget academic affairs office. Donald Sands will oversee the . i m a! - “a ”W m FM t» . m,
cuts. planning and evaluating of UK‘s academic programs, 3 L 1;” m I“ t; m 16g?“ " N , like 2‘ ' “3;? u .5“! ‘
Approximately $15 million is divided among special and James Chapman will be responsible for budget m ‘5 , ’1‘"! of“ M W“; a P .l L.“ L“ , .
programs related to energy, improved health care, matters andspaceand renovation. . . . 13$ — mi 2 I . tfigfih ”'3‘. ‘
research and graduate education, accrediting Universi- Chapman has beenIservag as aSSIStaht t0 the Vlee is W . m fi m (I '4. m 2'“ ~ m -
ty programs. minority student access, business and precident for academic affairs for the past few years. :1” , m I, ' $532“ w m it” I *
economic development. expansion in technical educa- Sands served as 355091”? dean 0t Arts and Sciences M m, ' ‘ We,“ a a i m
tion, miscellaneous programs,and student access to the smce 1975 and “’35 appomted acting dean when Art w ‘ 3 . w "1 ' I \t‘t‘ m m m I
University. Gallaher left the post in 1980. a. M - a _
The remainder of the budget request answers t" other action the board approved a bond issue to f.) 5333 ”w so}. u ., mil.” - ‘
demands in staff benefits, debt service, utilities, cur- prov1de funds for the construction of the Pr1mary~ W?“ W a, . . ; .4. , , , rum '1'" .. ,-
rent expenses, and the maintenance and operation of Ambulatory Care Center With a parking structure and W ”“1 ’ we? . . w 2.4331 m m
new facilities. completion of the Center for Studyof Aging. .. _ I , ‘* ,. ”W Wade: m e) :.
UK‘s total request to the state amounts to 5554 Atameeting of theboard's financecommittee earlier 3% me I. ‘ 2‘9 «guy-nae m :,
millionforthe biennium. in the day, Vice President for Business Affairs Jack 3’2“} with, I atria . ‘ , - V 7. egg; w. :2;
This budget is based on the financial situation before Blanton revealed that final work on the Sanders-Brown “m r 21 ; ' I" i, I. ”'3? 3&4 5 2 3*?
Gov. John Y. Brown further cut the state‘s appropria- Center WONG] be delayed six to eight "10th due to first? @ W‘ e, r .w ' , * 3’ 'I’ “I * “’ (ma ,
tion to UK by $8.8 million. Singletary announced that 3 questions about financing the project raised by the state “gage. ‘ ' h ‘ ’ 53:52? M j? m 15:,
plan to cope with the new cuts will be presented to the legislature. ft"; ’“ , -.. f- t ‘t‘ ’ ' ’ 1‘ u ‘r’
tier «5% ‘ W flat 3' .,.I s m .
, ' .. ":9 ”hi/“t, as trade: ,. 9 3E
. a: Ian epor 3 Ion e aye , a a...” ,mm. . .
, M mm them 44. 4 ,
"i: ea'mwm 1&5? “ , a;
. . W needed time to find other attorneys Leathers and other volunteers have I”? If .‘15 :5“ 12‘3” II
. Associated Press Writer who could give themacrash course in contended that the Haitians could not . w W t 22.. fl, ,I We: " I ‘1‘, t4"- " 3* '3;
____~______ immigration law, Reedsaid, “I don‘t receive fair hearings in Lexington l , it“ Q” m .% m “, - .I . war “Aft 2- will. 1'51
Afederal immigration judge yester- proposetostartalaw school." because no local attorneys had i .m ; M 3%ng t. f ' .. . "‘. .I gene“ w; .333
‘ day granted a three-week delay in Any attorney could takeafew hours immigration-law experience and few l $3 . «in, 3; I; t? i :5 . ,» ~ , . .2:
‘ deportation hearings for 20 Haitian to research immigration cases, he people in the community spoke ~,« ,3... 1,, [I 52"??? _ r "f 1, M1? , MI, y ., d
refugees as efforts continued to find said. adding, ”I don‘t see the "60058? Creole. t “ ‘ ' ram». ~ at»), I" ‘ 1;; " ”WV” , .4.
defense lawyers and interpreters. ty of making that much complexity Those problems appeared tobeeas- B CHESTERS BLE ' l
.I Earlier in the day. US. District about it." ing yesterday. y U TT/Kerne 5““
Judge Scott Reed overruled a motion If Leathers was truly incompetent Assistant US. Attorney John Comp- .
, for a temporary restraining order in this case, “what are you doing in t0" gave Leathers 3 IN 0f 15 Creole- P t h I P f
,t against the government. after federal herein the first place?" Reedasked. speaking people who had contacted or 0 e or ra I t
.‘ attorneys promised to grant “If you people will undertake to his officeIwith offers I0f assistance
t “reawnab‘e ”humane” ““18 "‘9 represent "“5" ”we 3m“ w‘“ he an“ "’3de °‘ the ”alums pl'gm' The unfinished Student Center addition is well underway and scheduled to open in the fall. 'Ihc 34.2 million buildin' g will
» t refugees sought counsel. afforded reasonable time to obtain Another offer came from feature among other attractions a cinema new uarters for the Universit ' book store a variet of student lounge
‘ However Reed reserved his ruling counsel toassist you," the judge said. Elizabethtown attorney Robert Lit~ ‘ . .’ ' q . . 3 ‘ y . I
. ,, ' , _ .. . . . . . . space and a large screen television. The opening of the new building is expected to free up a great amount of space in
' on an accompanying motion for a Im just not impressed yet With this tlefleld, who reportedly has some the present Student Center Seestoryonpage 12 —.
preliminary injunction “in the event strategy." immigration-law background. " ‘ 1!
‘ the understandings upon which this Reed said his duty was “to see that ‘
order is based are not carried out." (the Haitians) are treated with . l . ;
. Reed dismissed UK law Professor reasonable fairness" within the Ft,” d, n s h a for h a rm a c faCIII ,
John Leathers‘ claim that lawyers framework of thelaw, which says the ‘
who had hurriedly volunteered to Immigration and Naturalization Ser- \ '
‘ t the Hat ns f ed “efh‘ l vice has 'urisdiction in such ad- . . . . , . ‘ .
aislselrsnman belcali‘lllse :12), 1::ked c3: ministrativ'lla actions. '_———— finagle the prOJect through the Vice preSident for administration, ed by them (Peter Bosomworth, vice y
petence in immigration cases “I see no point in the court getting By “NI K‘f‘EMBA Legislature . . . given the statls of the said “Failure to build the structure president for the UK Medical Center .
~ Reed said in his order that he into the immigration supervision k state and the budget." could create serious consequences. in- and Swintosky) that it‘s touch and
“assured counsel for the plaintiffs business it Reedsaid. The resolution of space limitations cluding losing the accreditation of the go.“ 3‘ .
\ ' that(he)foundmethical problem but The Hhitians were transferred to ©1981 Kentucky Kernel and the need for a new and con- state‘s only collegeof pharmacy.“ Swintosky said “What happem Q
\ rather would find an ethical problem the Federal Correctional Institution Pharmacy students will be solidated facility were the primary He recently refused comment on the when a school loses its accreditation *
if they did not take measures to pro near Lexington on Aug. 2 under court cramped for another year — and recommendations of the American college's accreditation, but said, “The is that graduates of its program can
tect the interests of their clients in this order because the camp where they maybe longer — became money for Council on Pharmaceutical Educa- pharmacy program . . . is obviously no longer reciprocate and practice 1
action“ had been held in Miami was over- the college‘s proposed $8.2 million tion. an accreditation site team that important to the state and University. their professioninanotherstate." .'
When leathers said local attorneys crowded building is not available, a higher evaluated the college in 1977. That's why we‘re putting top priority In addition, he said, publicity _
' education official has said. Accreditation was then granted on to get the facility.“ “creates a poor image for the college
Don Mullis, executive assistant for the grounds that a proposal for a new Blanton said in regard to the col— and fortheUniveisity."
. the Council on Higher Education. said building had been approved by both lege‘s accreditation. “l‘vebcen advis- continuedenpage 12 ,
, ACCOUHtII‘Ig professor (“98 he doubts that funding will be approv- the University and the CHE. I I I
ed when the council meets in In its report, the ACPE reserved the c ' ,
, November. right to reconsider the accreditation "ts frme UK s 8 I’m ‘ 4
He said he believes the building will of the college if ‘ progress reports in- \
' —_ . not be constructed right away unless dicate theneed todo so." Bv ALEX CROUCH “but only for a few more weeks. You
By BARBARA SALLEE ., the University finds a source of funds The ACPE is scheduled to re— BM“ Chief can still look for extensive cuts after-
, Reporter . ;, otherthanthe state. evaluate the college during the _4'4 —»—————————————— ward. though 4
. #5— ~ 4, But University officials say the academic year 1982-83. Although summer temperatures Clapp also promised less money for
fingbggfggrmgegamyafiog' , , need for the building is critical. “The accreditation body has told us are high, the freae is on at UK. supplies and deferral of equipment .
.2 - Joseph Hospital Hewas 57 ' Q \ ‘ The college is facing a “serious thatwehaveaserious deficiencyhere As phase one d a W plan purchases after those freezes are '
. Patrick of782t Abbott Road served _ ' A) space Idefimency"which could jeopar- and wants it corrected." Swmtosky to meet Gov. John y. [gm-3 latest lifted.
as President of the American Assoc‘ ia- ‘ .' dize "3 accreditation, said Dean said. . budget Ct" to the University, Presi- The professional 5°.th It UK _ '
ti on of University Pr ofessors at UK I‘ I Joseph Swmtoeky. “Students are shortchanged in the dent Otis Singletary imposed a freeze which include engineering, com- 'I
. , ,‘ He also was a member of the Univer: . ‘3 _ The Board of 'I‘rusteee yesterday space in lecture halls and the labs.“ on hiring, equipment purchases and munications. agriculture and other: 5 ~ -
: “ sity’s faculty senate. .er labeled theruilding as “top priority“ he said. The building is designed for repair and maintenance projects. —— appear to be feeling the cold the 5
.. . Accounting Professor Don Madden ' ..‘~ “:5 in the medical sector of the capital 216 students. The college has an He ordered the [m in late July most. . .L
.2 said “Simply stated Albert Patrick 3 H33”, construction projects designated in enrollmentofaso. . . when the cuts, totaling $8.8 million. RogerEmhhornAeanoftheCollege 3, ,I
. , made many major contributions to ’ . 4t 2 r . UK's 1932434 budget request for state StuderiItsIhave been placed in SIX were announced. The actions will of Emineerlng. described theslgiply —= .
.. thedepertmentofaccounting. He was ALBERT PATRICK “it“ . , . . 0"” “Wm be”? ""3 "m" 0°" result in a balanced Mia for the MmMmmm ' . -
. . instrumental in the developement in Very little will be iunded in brick legeof Pharmacy facility. . 1931.32 fiscalyear only. 0 O . ' , . x
theBluegrasaCha terofCPAs ,. “He was a warm person with a and mortar when essaitial services Swintosky said the accreditation UKhasnow moved “Item MI 1 5' e ‘ ., . - ‘
- _ Madden added P‘B use ofhis in- greatsenseofhurnor.”shesaid. “He arebelngcut,"Mullissaid. teamnotedthatthespace allotment is said Vice pmidem for Administra- .- — . Z
. volve tin teachi and his ce was devoted to his family. and his “lttthebuildinpmaybeimpomnt about 38,000 square feet, which is tion DonaldaawI (-— .' . e , .
.1 to “"20““qu "8 unity Mswa'tbe studentsIsey he was an excellent as an individual project, but in the about 20.000 less than the average um hiring freon is complete, with . 5‘
,2, impossible to repcmllauce" I it will take at teacher} present financial exigencies. very lit— benchmark institution. . some limited exceptions based on cir- 0- P e IO. look “I . .. ,1} 3.5%}
q . In“ six months to find e totake She added, “He was a dedicated tle (construction) will be funded The new plihrmacy building is mum." (,1.qu “It will in; “flu“.- u ' my i‘21“a.i‘?§’£§"¥.€f‘$i
"— . over his duties Dr Paltriclk's death worker. and he was very patient. I unless of critical importance or court crucial for the college, Blanton said. at least until a more permanent plan I “a“ m h“ . 11:44
.‘1 ,’ , wululexpected“‘ ' feelepenonalsenseofloee.“ ordered.“hesaid. since it istheonly pharmacy school in is formed _ which mean: .u or .3 ‘ its‘fifiwifi
if,“ Journalism librarian Marie T A native of Aragon. G... Patrick “It‘s like beating a dead horse.” Kentucky, “There‘s noplace else for 1..” mostofthis year.“ goes“;
a: , Copeland “d m" Patrick for 12‘ was the husband of Lucy Thomas said Jack Blenton, vice president for studentstogo.“ mmaintemnce and repair fieeee MbflgellftebflgetuflflhI taekgu‘g
, years. contlnitcdonpegeiz business affairs. “If willbedifflcultto In September 1979. Donald Clapp, is also .1,“qu Clepp continued,
. -. o . - s A , stewed? '
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g; _ 44.}, 2-1!!!) KENTUCKY KERNEL. Wednesday. August 26. 1981 _
. If... ‘3 NEH ':
3%? . amoral new new Perry m sports um Minn-It Iditor Photo Editor g
infirm --i
- ersuasro .. ........ -
iV‘ Jesuit-u whom mom Mew Jul-WI- WM
3253; 9 ‘53 5 Day editor Ediutial Assistant “no“, W 9,... w... W nit-mm Mtrl' Graphic- Editor
as“; ".13 ‘ ‘ .-:

“" Students face Ioomy future ° ® ‘
, 9 puggie ,
. followmg state get cu ._ _ .

' . 9 a

. . ,, . V 5 :4 3 I. 5:353". E3 :25") ® , '
t For almost two decades, the education of economic “turnabout he promised at the MK?:\ st _- n
Kentucky’s youth has been the state’s major beginning of his term, and President Ronald ' ' M \‘t v3 :4 ti
- priority. But now the state’s values appear to Reagan’s budget and tax programs hold little 4 , i} V’\ w t” be u
- l beheaded foramajor upheaval. if any promise of “economic recovery” for .: ' g; _ ‘2'
. . . this state. . . °
. . n, in n rent attem t , .4, . 4.
Gov John Y 3’0“? a, appa - - 4 p In the meantime, the halfway measures = .5 3 cm Wt 4_ 1
- to compensate for his staff 5 seeming inability , _ , . . 4 ,
. taken by the umversxties and other schools to : _"" -~
I to deliver reasonable forecasts of the state co with lost revenuesa ar tobebound for 4_ .
government’s revenue picture, has for the se- pe ppe w eek l“ he :4 4 n
cond consecutive year delivered a crippling per manancy ' There seems to be “0 doubt that - n
. - in the coming years, universities will be forc- _ , 552; ' '
, round of mid-year slashes to the recurring , _._z 4.: 44 p
' - - - . ed to merge, numerous educational programs §~.4 g5: . .,,.44_,...4_,. ,4... 4: —.
fund base for higher education, totaling $7«r.7 . . . . 4,4, p, {4}. ,4, ..,___ a,
million And the budget for primary and on all levels “"11 be eliminated, and the quality 2 it ‘ ‘ ii? iii if? '5‘
‘ ' 4 ~ of teachers, professors and administrators :’=V- 5‘ fi --~ =99: 9 ‘ a
secondary education has received equally . . . . . . 5. t4
cri plin g blows available to those institutions Will decline With 4 4,4 - '
p ‘ 4 a loss of earning power as salary increases are ._, ° ‘ ° ' a _ 5’ h
The net result is that although enrollment 1s delayed and finally, eliminated. pl$lé3 page 15 COW , o
peaking and inflation continues to. cllmb, The picture for education is bleak, but those b kl , 4 . ,5 ' p
funds for education are declining rapidly and who will suffer the most are the young people 4. a“ r 4 ‘ ‘1‘} d crea+l on .
. the quality of education in this state must of this state. Lacking a' well-organized elec- ' 4 ___4_4_____44444444444444” 1 ”9 e . c.
surely f0110w the same COUPSC- In a state toral base and more importantly, economi? at; 4 . .
where illiteracy is a chronic problem and power, they have little or no say in the fate 0 ,fi We ‘/5 ,tfmgée o‘f ea‘ I333 5
economic opportunity has never beenbased on what may be their only chance for advance— = @éfifi .\ua,>‘a~5wV 4 , 1* ' S,
equality for 5114 this amounts to nothing short ment in an increasingly closed society- has a5 .. and all With 3 V c
0f tragedy. And Kentucky will have lost its most ' .é‘ new, 4.5;“ f44 . .
' failed to S “1' the val ble a t—thef t e. 5551' '- ‘5“ d ' d
ObVlouSIy’ Brown has 4p ua sse u ur rat ; ""VV‘V‘5‘3iiiia-4; 55.2.2521"; :5:E:EEEE:E':EEE§§5'-VIV "EVV‘V‘VVVV are reserve ’ i;
_. . w
. ‘1 LA i ,
. m H i W W T m A A) A \o ‘ 4
" MILLIoNAlRe bile 4., 4 ._ 4 . 4
BA‘MAN ...oH. No... - . \ ‘ . _
.4 . wwww if? x ' Lettersptllicy - - bl'ca ‘
-'~‘ FOR AN AFTeRNooN ' l" "3 ' t' . Victories afRepu I ns
' i i i q I ,
é ‘ ll" ‘ . . 4
New-SPAM-.. n i; . 5 Persons deans to have result from practical,
. letters or opmittilns :ppeoir h h
‘ " on this page s on] a - - _ rt -
a. | '
' 1: fib? ”’5‘ dress their comments down to ea approac
l ' .
5 5 4/ . typed and triple-spaced to
- . at ’l I ~%, 5 ' .J‘l ' M ‘. the editorial editor at 114 Once again, President Reagan has tactic that he could use against can-
. 1 , f \ A ,‘ -‘ 4 . I Journalism Building, pushed a controversial program didate Reagan was Mr. Reagan's
, b / University of Kentucky, through the Congress, his tax .cut alleged trigger-happiness, Mr. Carter
, V d( , 40W plan. Once again, the conservatives .
If a - 1 ¢ ' - . have triumphed over the liberals. One
/ ~ \X ,. a __,__,. m‘; . - Students, University could we“ argue that the tax cut plan _
:3? N 5 5" ’ " ‘ employees and other m- - - - 0 '
,I/ t u , and traditional conservatlve
. q f ‘ ”‘5 4 4 :c... 4 t. 4 , - _ .. terested persons must in- philosophy are as compmme as 4 4 4 4
“F ' V ’ ‘ ' N / , V 7' V clude their names, ad- Menachem ' and Yassir Arafat, constantly raised the spectre of
44,, “Q '1 / t ‘ Begin .
$255, w ‘\ ' ) l (C dresses, telephone but the fact remaim that the con- nuclearwar. ,
53:22" I’ \I" i" r a . _( ’ ‘ numbers and their majors, servativos have adopted the great- Mr- Weller? sotfull cooperatlfm 4
‘5 (‘ ,-_ . .4 V V ' ——~ ' k classifications or connec- grandsonof Kemlrflothastheir own- m’“ “‘3 Repub'm“ WWW
“ / S ‘ / / tion with UK. Letters How did this conservative Mr 5 Carter talked about arms Imma' ,
if“ V ' I ' \ should be limited to 250 dominance spring to life? Five years hon, M" W advocated an arms
, , \ . . ago the liberals had just defeated a Wilma?“ m “ted“! 9011“ “I ‘
' "‘ ‘ rdsandomionstoaoo 1 t
t 3%? b A V\\ , $31118 p sitting conservative president and 34°31!“ “th the mflpniara “
N ~ “. . ,- . - controlled both Houses of Congress. Immy Caner ,
53? V ’ "" ’ right to edit for grammar, presidency, the Senate, and head a Reagan was saying flatweneedtobe .
$3 m clarity and length, and to conservative coalition that can carry 5m]: than "inforfiiexr- Cart:- 3
5% ”IV/QM eliminate libelous the hmdgeprmrfiwesmrlm- :35 c ““8 ‘1'“ y .
- V; I‘ material' glwe‘fbloathrapidly and masshitvgy ost But nuclear war is something that 'i
The Mocrafic p would lilte to we have never experienced. It does -,
E f I n I l I . blame all this on conga boys of the 3315:5111 at: couectiveugfiinsdngtf - ’
55%. right, NCPAC, the Moral Majority, ca . commie! ,
nd 0 ca ummsts Star creates vald gmfkesggemshmmmof meanmgnmeg
4.; p em. root 'os far . . '
When i stepped over the armband disagreed with thisaugust rigwe — who gave him so freely of their opi- paper that speaks with many. It was and it is a fmdammtal mlem that :“gl‘fi w” ““5 gmgfifig‘:
4, of the Sunday Department of the freedom of expression was rampant nions and chatted and swiped all notahappy time. could NS" "419 CWTVBUVS "1‘0 red person .
5 Washington Star on Aug. 4, ion, the — it was that he would think that 1 day long _ except me. they were When theendcame on July 23, the pohhcal donnnance for years to Sim“ is n matter The 4 ,
’ bookeditor, Hudson Gnmewald, said ever. under any circumstances, in hunched over their newfangled peopleot‘ thenewsroomweresliock- comeml robl f 1i 4 the USSR has more int tin VI 1 4
me,“Godblasym."Im1was my privm "it???“ him writing marines and growled at I0313mots-phoned, homage“, allbereft. diffm lcli’n "fem Staybel‘fllsmt “con ballistic missiles and more missile
e. anything “ . c way." anyonewhointerruptedthem. began calling mm over “a.“ . ' - up ~ than does the
Ialso acquired'a family, a wonder- Thorough reporting was demand- Allbritton mt us Jim Bellows fliecotmtry offering openings. People mam“ 3““ 1123313 debate 1&6 gnflngmiamdvmmgumym
ful company of titans and eccentrics as editor. Bellows was an edgy, gray. studied cards from Calgary, issues. CW3“ "f V” “’3“; 9 may not have an actual strategic use,
— among the latter a nature colmn- eyed wizard. who communicated Cleveland. The awful void appeared. WY?" m? ewgmv ,lrmgsgn- Maude” warsmmismemm
nist who was as skittish as the m largely in serpentine hand-motions What if they had to leave the mafia?“ 91E; om weer: "I: that most people neither know 001' ,
woodland emtures he reported, and - and had total flair. “Fawn not upon Maine-a? Whatif theywere banished refer to~ shun ”£10805 him we to may What People can way
an editorial writer who fancied the great," the motto of the legal. forevanomdienewsroomxromthe 9 ts , Pd to p n- mm is that the Soviets have
himselfanewbewisCal-rollandsent ed, good writing aroma-aged. Mr. daryEdLIhey,was his.Heshookup grubby sustaining paradise of a?“ the“ “fp‘h'.” mega, mom Mm they m numb"
- out apidery, faintly sinister McKelwaysent handwrittennotesto the town and the “op" (Other madu'le,crach,mutualaldand a me W Y ”mlfismd be 3 one, and that Wm the U455. to . 4
Ou'istmascardsofhisowncreation. young striven. . Paper-)ashealways called it, common effa't in a worthy onter- Mu'e‘lm". tion way “mamstives look to- m: number two.
- 4 The Evening Star. as it was thai Unbelievably, we had a strike in It was an era a great liveliho- — prise? t for soluctiqonsmatov t roblems That gave Mr. Reagan anincredible - .
. known. was owned by two families. use. For four icy days. we picketed and apprehenaim. The staff watched “nephew” swept by successive ”fiber“, mum?” pm Sim. emotional advantage; Americans _ '
.3 the Kauffmanm and the Noyeser. our beloved home. It ended nervoust the enmity between anger - at Time for closing in the liberal phll my - nds don’t like the idea of being m .
. i; who suit their anployoeo to college, Star-style. Newby Noyes came lair- Allbritton and Bellows. We became down. at the Newspaper Guild for change to improveuthenpll‘ den“ “_ best. Mr..Reagan had the advantage . 4
5 i helpedthembuyhomelandsentcity ryinguptotheentrance,whcei‘lfi ”custom“ to 3081“! (ml-[elm tningtoralremupfiomeflnahcol- tion it t on its all ts an ofarguingstatisties (especially the .4
~ kick to summer camp. It was the Gash, the Teen Editor, and l, referredtoas “the financially m. lective Went had been made in argt'unent that things will get better least complex statistics); Mr. Carter ‘
. mtmhdevadngpapu'infiie astwhflepickets. wounding. He ed “’th Star," We had one dieminthofpeoplewhohrdlivedon evenifthatnodondoem'tfituiefactr Mamawpmmy, 4
' calm. threw his arm around I. and said. M to the op'. pix. No matte. the brink of aflnction for so long. It MW)! well. W liberals This isanisolated, if blatant, exam-
. We were part of I large. untidy, with a magnanimlty that I still wccouldbethgvmamg, answer. arelmbued witha 0"“ _ ple. But it is a reflection of what is
noisyoptratlon that resulted evey marvelat,“0h.my,you’recold." Bellow: mind on a m Peopleraidltwulikeadeadiin doufutme..vlrionot‘abettarworld. happeriiiigtoAnierlcansociety.Aswe l
(hymmeprmumotflveeauonr, 'nio removal to a grim modern maymiqundmm the family, and it was: telephone UMortimtoly. may people roe the become more teclmologized, people 3
4 cidimrvlthaqilaidileght final. building in northwest Waitington die?No,‘l‘|melnc.eametoravei-. calls.telegrams.flomr.nutltwas Mt fum‘fluflymm becomemoretechnlcallyofiented.»
, aiming-rimmemedltorJ was a match. The new neighbors WemmtdulfaaflVe-yeurtay worse.ltwaothedeathofafamily.l vi...uuu,eg.mn_ webecomemontechnlcallyoriented,
4.44 4:449 rock-jawed giant who knew were hostile and we abet! our ofmcution.Acluliolti-adltiorisoc- calderlttheluckdmylifethatl Former Pruident nmmy Carter- we have an limit: prejudice I
a“? W's middle lineal. as well a (termini-tr. Birtwomhdow ctii-i-ed — between a magazine that Whit. WW one a the but mama“. fnvorlnga telduucalnmt over;
‘2‘):- mm the Micky Derby (and spirit with imaridwohdonodoir spun mm one voice and a duly d this t. Bell that philosophlca one. s an a -
eggs till! what time) in in. At cation {inst born Me. What Jinn li’en- 0m] Udvanll’nuflyndtcate m aving the Mt vantage for motives that will be I
Mag, m. N- m for “”00" could "fix-oumwmmlth difficulttoovercome. 4 4 I
sine-nun m m. an u m on mum COUNTY . Berke Breather! mace-man manhunt
5.55% .fitthuo goldrn your, Benjamin Muhammhhm K momma: stormy ”W willmrflybeoutolmforn
ya,i*“i"5 835% in no liter. lie landing new. In the m. mygynym—M. xmfim I I m : longparlodottimelfthenepubfloonr
,5 5*. m h a can: tiller that look- people W M and flatly to QEKHW 4mm my” fall to mate the advantage that
"f deficiitmmm cacti mm win-bod around the ”mymm. m‘zm, m. theyhrvouinedbynovernhigwoll.
'-, “Jinn-maritim- M.fimM,mm wrmmsmm rm. 5%; theycouldbeoutquickly.&itthe
4. 4 . Q9.Bm,hfain~dfor CIVILWOVI'U‘DOM. \m A 3 \ .‘ .\ 3 (‘3 \ / l5, HW“MV¢IDWIIWG.M
' ammonium» humanistic“: I / —. v . ’9 ’E , 5” I, i wwhmm ,‘l
4 m, mm aqmu. ' - 145 r' - a ' ' ~t ' -;' '
gammy-unto mtuumnwbbodmm 3‘: ‘ Q” 4 4, ; fl! 61‘4‘4?’ .‘1 9‘5?) theymutalsoflndawaytodolt': 4
, “duh-lama ”Eliminatmm if U3 ,4 ‘ .lv 4. K : 1‘ \, that the majority d pooplo4 4
4' behihdwhk. “human-nu | 1 i K 'I'; l 1 5 I wmmmmu
4 4 him-um mmwmm. 4t '4‘ i ‘u' ‘3 I g. 4 i, . Mmbmwflwm. _ ‘
”4‘ Hui. "III. or my “Whitman.- . _..- ...l.—.--.. .l - . _~— . m . . m ,
mmbflhhh ”hungry-lolli- banal. toner-dammit:
”W'mm'ihu harm, .mm .. . . umqummy. .
‘ . ' > - ' ' ' ~ ' 5 4 —. ‘ ‘ - - “ 4 r~ r 5 Wt”

 . - I ', ' . . . . .- ,. t. A ’I, I-I "TI . w . . I- . 4-; .. ".513 ”3}! I» II.4;:I:Q::3};:}*1{WTéwszgt‘wgigfiuu .
“ 3 ' I ' ‘ ' L ' ' ' : " ' \i "3.; - ‘ f.“:5t§i‘*‘wr?~‘$“%fltv
I ' : . ‘, , ‘ » .‘ ‘~ '.-‘ .5... “ “wig-strive! '..'~S.:.,?"l‘ «1.3" i3-‘v‘i’t7f's-f.
: : . . . - . » . _ sear is:
. . o , . . Iv . It”, . .-,’ z . :7t7,-‘ifii"V7.3“'i.:&.‘3§3?3tlfv“‘f",i' 3"‘Xatr'i‘93'
.1 w. M... .... ._ . w ,..hmummmtiu.ww .. - _ . -u. 4—way... .. .. ..-. .. - .. . _ . . .4 lrMW'W-‘N-O-a a. -. .. .. .. t. ’ ‘ .I, . er: T’tm- (353573153:
, -:<,=:.ia1;,::.;i§:~é
. - ~ ~ . , , : . . . 3-331th H‘-
Tlll‘. blah l L( K\ thNhL. Wednesday. August 26, 1981-3 , giggle-13%;};
. eye
— _._.__________._M *r’ ._.._#._ ‘-~~—-~‘—. , . $334.13.: ,
‘ from ’3‘
news roundup med
EWWfl—m—-v*m—g— ' i ' 1 g CI.“
I. I Parke said the new policy should be im- edby an average 0.8 percent in July. the largest ‘ .- I '. ,
003 plemented by Sept. 14. drop since April 1979, the bureau said. In the past , ' O t '
world 12 months, a worker’s buying power has shrunk ' P“ . T .
LEXINGTON — Police officers yesterday cut by 2 9 percent “ i W _
. . I . . s ,., . In. ' , ' I
and burned more than two tons of marijuana, but "anon In Santa Barbara, Calif. White H I; . ' -II . . . .
refused to disclose the farm where the plants spokesman Larry Speaks said. “the president’s " 3 3““ ~ " . ‘ , 4
were found. . . WASHINGTON —