xt7pnv99930n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pnv99930n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-12-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1983 1983 1983-12-09 2020 true xt7pnv99930n section xt7pnv99930n ' '—————-—————-—-—-——-—-————— Wm.____..~_
;\II , ‘ V f) a H , .‘ IMZ?"‘:‘I’ . \, V . ." L‘ ‘ . p... Eng" ’2‘“ ‘ . Ffisit- tafi 3‘5“ 1‘ \ r l
> c I. i ii mm. m. “ t. W QM? -~m.s.. ‘ - tins—am“: Eli‘s“; . .ri slaiavniw‘ “ .255uw- xvi-\fil‘ i til" ... i“; '9’“ , . aw ‘ sits-1' r “f f“ mM.’ '~
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11-1111 1011 me lca p aza W1 open HEXt year
9 By ANGELO B. HENDERSON what we have amntly in the chili admmtstretor for SW! Health by etete new M) which II he.
SeniorStaffWriter cal ales," Statemesaid. wSecond ot \ Smwm‘md matdaubuthhrumpetdfw .,
all, it will bring clini mam "The new Medical Plan LI sim y l
An $11.3 million medical plaza has or the Medical Center under one roof “0.. \ “mm m mm us M on," . mm}:- C.?1t::fll?flth;)tlfltswflrxnltl’rmzlti‘i
beencomtrticted attheUKMedtcal instead of havuu some'of them s)- \ . _ mm“ mm”)- bu! W I" “w t H t _; 1 N
Center torelleve overcrowded condl- spreadoutatdlfferentlocatlons. a ‘ “mm m look mo" (“mam be Tu: a; 1373's; .i‘riiin twig”;
hens in outpatient clinics and m- The clinics that Wlll home the «it , \ ~ mm “W ‘mm my? all that to _ "1hr h. t 1:" hi A ‘
crease convenience for patients, a three floors of the new plaza Wlll be /, f . 1 P (‘llmb 0m, ”shes”, To“!!! MI t W » {mm
spokesman for the center said yes- dentistry, medicine, neurology, ob- \v I s a“ 5“de 6mm 0‘ W pl.“ u llant int-mun at the Matti]. («on
I e ’ 0 m6. W- < _ \ t‘, . r ‘ x ‘u.
terday . _ . stemos.8y“8¢01°8y Fed“. / V 7 t . \9l"_\ pattenlonented The at! l 1 k“
The Umversny Medical Plaza, gery, Student Health Servtoes. phar~ [,7 \\/ “Hm ‘ A . .. _ icia opt-mm out t .lta
which will contain practically all of machaborata'yandradiolqy. 0/7” 0 i \ snug“; ‘ \ lt is designed so that the patient tlm ii the l run-nut) Mullt‘ul l lara
the clinics ranging from pediatrics . _ i 90‘ ‘ 7‘ “'“W s - _ ‘- is taken back to it room, dmm a is planned for [hr millilit- tit 1hr
" to Student Health, is scheduled to The Chambers Blinding. next door w [B E ‘e [E , s I . , - _ ‘ hallway. without haying to go swimumm" so“...
openonJan.3ofnextyear. tothenewplaza,w11lhc.nethefam- 3 5" ' ‘ ‘ w / oil . "mm the nurses station the "We are planning some opening
According to Patrick L. Stone, dj- lly practice and 5533913"? “£10953 _. ,m K r ‘4’ " - -- busiest part of the Cllmt' The lob actmtn prutnhl) in lr‘etinurt or
rectorof public affairs for the Medi- The c0mmunicat1ve_disorders clln- 3’ .- .t‘f'” ~14, 4W’ x bit-s are carpeted It's gotna to he M-n‘h because vu- (laure- we \tlll
cal Center, thenewmedical plaza is ic, ophulslmolosy mm of the 5 if? 3 r~ ‘ .I \i H Qweldlflwwd have the manor“) of thr trthrnms
adreamcomemle. eyes) a?!” and m? “was?” 3 f L d ,/ 7 . I ‘ so The mm 0‘ servltes In the plant tultt ()prrllltml Stim \flltl
“There’s been a desire to expand dime “”11 remain m the Medical ' l (”J 5‘ t , MEDICAL , ‘1» will not mutant)" change. Stone A m uni-hidi- purl!!!“ itm
the ambulatory care program be- CenterBullding. Q g l ,l ”L424 \ ”r said. but the minor administrative tun-_ alumna t'nlrlmt‘t' min (hr
cause we have pretty much been 3 Some of the clinical services in the g / \j _, . al‘d Operational Impffil‘fmt'nu "lid? pm- ‘wm our"! “t". M“ tr an ad
facility that was designed and built new plaza, including Student Health ‘ A M' ~ sir-r ‘ “Ill tINOT Wmllmb t‘ovetumcc ditmml t-mvenietm- tot-tit lot is.
in the 19505 and went into operation Services, will begin on Jan 3, Stone fw-r’ There are a lot ot mayor hospt dents and stall summit
early in the 19605 without any said. “We are in the process of try- 2 A. Hm “Mg-7cm: at tals and medical centers that art- Mone- proximal an my transition
major renovations,”Stonesaid. ing to determine what other clinics rsumt /_ as ”M ' trying to establish this kind of am tothem tniitlitim
“It’s been a situation where we willbeopenatthattime." / If,” bulatory care program in an old in i think Mir mil hr ten
tried to make due with the type of He said it will probably take a few 1,.-fl . entity and we have the opportunity to planned with what tho-t "w \Alllllll
facilitythatwehad."hesaid. months for all of the clinits to fi- lem for most of the climts and Stu- since we moved into Annex 4 and do this in sterility designed spu‘ll the t ruverstty Maura] linlu tititltt
“The new medical plaza will give nally move inthenew facility. dent Health Servicesisnoexceptiono we‘ve had supplies in the halls and wally for it‘ blottesaid . mg, stone- and llk‘inne' ll is tho -
us additional needed space as to Space has been a long-term prob. “We‘ve been lacking in space ever all those kinds of things." Jean (‘ox. "0 slid the 8H 8 million ll "pend Signed for when! t‘rmwmvim'v
, __ _ - . i. ._ _.__.~_._- m1
t th t Student asks
E 81' S a tee a -
Xp g , a about legality
' ° ' k'd f ‘ °
missmg 1 s ace 2 of punishment
0 O O " ”mm ,
many difficulties .. ,v ................
/ ”75%;;791/ 7251"“; so A V V x ’ Students in a pullllt‘ school i'lfl”
Broom Memo" moss" ”zoo \ s: m; “my “3:3“;"2‘ 2,;
S‘o‘fwmr Those “chronic” runaways ore ‘o “*;, " accordtru to i. mm. tom met
the ones that “steal, sell their bed i if” % ,/W%m / ' I by the Kentucky Attorney (tenor-ls
Garey BiShOP left home for fies or ShOPImH in order to Stay ' ., ,, s, . " 4 i , '5: $ ‘ office that was r« mind by a l'h’
Crawford Junior High School on alive. Lowe said. These child pros- , o 3,: p , . om. '
the morning 0 Oct. 31- He was titutes fr uent such Lexington 2 , , ,1 , M; o i ' = , - 4 ‘
hooded for the school bus stop in places as ergo Bar on Main Street. ’ ”I“ We W v ‘4 s s - . , ‘ “3.5122 £13521; X‘fliflmflffii,
his blue jeans and maroon jacket. and streets such as Vine, Waters- ””W‘m‘ I,“ " , i“? ”W 1’”; . April 22 an opinion lrum Atturrwv
But Bishop. 15, never mad? "F" treetendQuality,hesaid. ,. ‘3 an é o i 715*" ME ' General Steven 1. Baht-Jr's Ufllt't‘
the bus and no one saw him in Les Bishopy sergeant in charge My“ 7/721/ -;, ' M V -, p ' ' v r v s ~, 53: ' Itudylng whether "Wm.“ punish
school that day. By dinner time he of the juvenile unit, said most of ,l: is“; 2/ z 23;}; ’ '1'; M'gfii'??? ' 2;, Two; .. ‘ ‘4 ‘is - men!" was proper
stmhooooorotomoohomo moss runaways tend to be girls, to also We 2 i ‘5 3 g. A. cm... Mom on“.
Carey Bishop’s story is "0t un- ‘0 15 years 01d- “They get mad at ”4%; “(fix / one?” ’2 . "Show . s ’71:? ” new “ "I. MMmmt M a in“,
usua . mother and father and deer ////V_% 2 1%,“ ,, .. , (“we 7 93" gospels for the actions of In indmtiuhl in
Every Year “’0‘“ 400 Children cut out and see how it is in the ”so WWM‘ « s , w ”*7“. riots his letter to lie-hear hi- Mid the
are reported missmg in Lexmg- world, he said. . .. i puma. “ "w and “ muld "w
ton. 1.200 reported In Kentucky Frank said missing and ex- ”madam“! “mu W m mm
and two million reported In the ploited children are found ”in all i . ; which a" yet unlormn ,
United States, according to Sandy .levels of the socioeconomic stra- - ' ' - ”n WW :5 Ryan ”"1”“ u "
Frank, founder and president 0f t8.” Runaways “come from ev- , ‘ ' [m the Altumy (ME! ~
PeoPle Again“ Child Exploitation, erywhere,“ Lowe said, bl“ the “\ID usntnnrmewm olhc? ('lmatf punishment hm»
a Lexington group. Of the two mil- majority run from middle- to s e 0 ever was a term the opinion refined
lion missing children reported in upper-class homes. . Riding hlgh to "foil"!!!
the nation, 1’850’000 run away “I “'55 they. get everything A workman straddles the pedestrian bridge between the Kincaid Towers and the Hyatt Regency “In reapmding In your rel-(mt
from home, 100’000 are kidnapped they want to begin Mth' and then Hotel The man was re airin a rtion of the brid e from his rch we must lint nou- that the term
by noncustodial parents and 50,000 when someone says ‘no" they ' p 3 po 8 pc - ‘Wgu' mum! “mph you
are kidnapped by strangers, rebel,"hesaid. have defined to neithera legal term
Frankstliidds t thr f tin of Lowe said many children lfind . . . . , . nor on. which w uh". H mm
TWO- :r 0 ee- 0511' the world is not such a great [1 ace ‘ O l t t mom w mum “m
these children are explorted, she — especially if they become VlC- . Intelllgent CIVI lza Ions may CXIS Lind-y Cum. bywlmbmy. “mum
said. “'l‘heee are the children that tims of child molesters. The mp at “M“ m fawn" m
end upphin prnojstitutiotn, firugstdpor- ical child molester, contrary to or Sa S Rymenl':)letter '
nogra y a evenua y en up «dirty old man” stereotypes, is b d l y p f y ..
murdered,”she said. from a Huddle. or upper-{lass eyon our ga ax , r0 ess Jehmrwmllfitg
unlifiymahrzlcasfia Carey giiSh' home, less than 35 years old, mar- o! 'I ll public “M "m“
OP’S S a my en "8' lied and “0t hommexua ' Frank B NATALIE CAUDH‘L “ ' .rs like The National En uirer_ .,
Last niesday, Bishop reportedly said. ..So im not just a poor dirty saffwmr The question of other meow Wm um h“ magma a (":31 :1: muomflm m
was back m school “filer Drunnlng 01d man in these cases," she said. life has exrsted smce rather unsavory reputation." 'h'o punishment 0! . clan {run 9. .L.
from house tohome. 381d detec mm of all victims know Extraterrestrial: may live after . . h landmidi tlmeotlndivi b ,
tive Nlike Lowe of the Lexington theirabducta's,shesaid. .u_in.ome other my. the beginnings oft e ”mm m _ mm“ ”mm" ‘m the mm“ hm'mmm w
Juvemle um" ~Wh° Spent several 1”“ “id "'9‘ i" the “"9 yea.” "The .°Pi“i°“ '°‘ many ”W human race. ” for mom we-ther balloonl. Nwsfly- uni-its. than to no dine-hm that the
3:6” attempting to locate the he hasgwatx'ked 1:] movemk unit. nomers is that the chances are qluihe ing aircraft. satellites and the am! W d ”U my be mm“
y. there ve no any mys— high for other intelligent civiiza- Venn, pm I, 9, brightest mm, s I.
But were are _18 other Carey terious kidnappings of children by tions,“ said Thomas 'I‘roland. an as- Thomas ”01“an ' planet m a. Iky and "fly m u. Kama m.m
Bishops still missms from.lexms- strangers in Lexington. But there my and my.” Wm, astronomy and physics evening n cm be mum“, ,0, m e um I “mm h an“
ton and some 0‘ ”Elf smes may are five to lo kidnawings by non‘ “018!” said the search “I other professor “um " plined U 'a . "u
mutt: such happy endings. custodiald parents each year, he beingshasbeenaquestthathasen- 'l‘roland am the reason for .0 Mfucmwwm ”0”"
esal . estima . dured throughout human history. _ n UFO “ bl .. ‘ ! n
0‘ the 900 WWW "We" Frank o-idoho'wss'otokeoo- one question of other lite has homers i. only for intelligent life - 7:1,; “mm mm“: s “HWHW :W"m°°'n;"_‘ m,
each year in Lexmgton. 10 percent tion against child exploitation. She existed since the beginnings of the the reason for that is there is no way “The UFO that; IP99.“ to the“ um. hmw“nm "om. or
“9 “x“‘luy °’ Phys‘cwy ”Mr SW “‘9 ”member 10°“ WP human race." he said. “It's a very or detectim primitive form of life.“ W d romance mg menu." in w' Fw‘mm' djmmmm
we said. Most runaways are in September 8M madam seve— mun-a] Mum to 88k m first Mmald an “m le Kim “Ctm m” m“ Mmmngwbygtml
mm “"‘m 72 m' b‘“ 1° 9°" '3' WWW article“ 0“ "‘0 3“” real questions probably arose during Search for Extraterrestrial intelli- h. “id .., an M a... w a. W
cent are “hardcore runaways,"he jea' “I started looking around the Renaissance when it was m“ some is an «satiation that has seated imaflnetion of people that
said. ”You 8*!t them back Why. lexington, and I found there are realized that planets m a world of dedicated "a“ to the mm, for m made UFO: .0 l I, m sun “humus
and they're gone tomorrow. We SeeMlSSlNG.puets theirown." other being. “SE11 is a legitimate same thing can be applied to the
'l‘rolend said this curiosity led to mummymmgmd Loch Nu Morita, Bi. FM. et ce-
. ~ ~ :5: .. t modern research Ind discovery “If "Among theee people involved m w... m, an, i, me u, on. p." at
‘ . s A ‘ ou look up in the sky and see a syn. titre u no Wt that there thehtmnpeyche .. '
‘ " Morin-lite "Mitt-Hebe“ hextrelifeinareolersystem."he Sum; ”ween". h." been
a o . ,- - . , . 0‘3"!!! size, "'9" you “I" towon- said. “We are looklm beyond our launched containing mg;- 7 _ _
.2 _ ‘ 213;?” .33, .1 '_ . der, and durim the 19th century mmrgystan," and m 0' earth me in“, me. I. h - w U .-
, .~ V, . . theremcanideflble speculation Mew-dim to authors Rabat T lnmumdmmumm ” “tumult-WU
. _ abmnlifemmrs.“'l‘rolendleld. Road and James St Trefil. who M in 0., mg rm. Mend *i‘u~‘“~
- ”The final development emu. wroteAnweAm7,mechenceeol “5d Planers m m u m e“.6m~l
‘~ tlneehneeoccm'redinthelatesm intelligentcivtliutialexietingwere mimumwmmm
unduntwuuiedeveiopmentotthe estimtedhysponelotiiportici- .mm‘lnem.flmmY-”‘ “wheel-Initiati-
s s ‘ . r“ techdceluieemtoeeerchfa'extn- penteatwhethkmwnuthecreen Voyagenoneend mm with ~ ”ht-“w,
- . mmmwfiemtbelmw suitcase-toe uiemseotlectimotptchn,imm .~~.¢.~a
. radiotelocopel." “seep-tindmified flyiru m a. on, my, anthem-deal ' “I ,_ .. ,4. ,
v holendeeidrediotelucopeepick objects rain. much skepticism “mm-“.mum ,__ .
WWVIVBWWW'I mum-.muid .mm‘mmmd.m '-‘“
. ‘ IW- “W in W 'M'Inot- inch-Unite that'- to oust perry-i “Johny B
\ I ' omits radio wavu,“ I! laid. "It‘s I eva- gm mm m,” In m'romnd
mmmwhiduisto Iaid.“Nomeaneeyftrmthet -mmdmm
" . pick M 0‘ I“ ”ll! mm"? war they do not W ammutri- W was a, M a. M
- finer-dimmmmifldally- elvisttntioiu...aeyaiduieoetwo _w..ws.m,mm. - n
_ , aneef‘ mm. Minty. matted ulnr' ‘h'oland said, ”The m o' ~ ~ .-“2 “s,
i mum-”Whim- wwmmflp wuudu.m.mnlmrn d.M-F‘.“
etc-d redo nu- "! ewe-m m opus. ot the edentlflc «mu-II! 1.... a. m m .. W ,
bout-o they would w m musty in test it's any thst .mamm. ,. owl, _,
K's-115355: ' w- W and advanced m be W are ml quota-m an. m that a... will em m I, W? a a
banter-clowns Meme! whirl-nun. hemlobyenymw metrrg'fl, ."el
I mean. “he tum UFO is seen no in» life (m g. m, m; gwfiwfl’? we
”mm-amuse- ‘1‘heeeerchforlifebyeem ”mammalian W.” ‘ '
‘ O

g 411 — FOR THE BEST

for ’ _


me untrue" unset rota-y, m a. tan 3
buy I MM
A' ’a titre“-
oory I Home
Au s'ur' L's Iii-e...
Aft of hardship Lena Horne gets her share of success
Byiomonm “usilt Egyptian‘ as Factor Htrne said. "I never ptctme myseil Home describe. herself as new k. ‘1. .. l” '1 r "at?
ManagingEdlta' called it, was the cream MGM asasimu." ymer than flank Sinatra She no l ' . 1“ .
smeared on her friend, Ava Gard- Her career started when she was longer wears Light Egyptian. but ‘
LOUISVILLE ‘- I‘ll m be- her, who WIS given the me film role still in her teens Her mother would her youthful appearance remains “
8‘" 9V9"! NW N her BMW. Home desperame wanted: Julie in escort her every evening to the Cot- Her lam, red fingernails drummed ; f
‘23: Lady cad Her‘ aisle.” with “."Showboat ton Club, a nightclub in Harlem slightly on the table and her mouth ,0- a
" m “118 omen. ."_a 80138 Home had onl two s - roles where Duke Ellington, Count Baale spread into a large grin as she men ( . “ at:
that parallels her history in show Mm her teiiure WMGM: and many other jazz greats got their tinned the role she would most like ‘ ‘7
business. No we knew what to do “Cabin in the Sky" and ”Stormy start. to play. "Billy Dee Williams grand 41:7
with either Home or the 8008 when Weather.“ Since that time. however, “The Cotton Club was big during mother — unth a little incest mixed ‘ . __> g a. :
“Ch 3W and 50th eventually she has garnered much critical and the days of the mob taking over in." . \ 7'
wentontoacluevegreatsuccess. - - Harlem" Horne said. "The mobs .
. commerCial acclaim for her work in , . Degpttp the hartkhi she had my \ . “i
: Black was not beautiful to Holly- .. . had the it nor and blacks had the 95 , .
. , the ”tester and cabaret. Im a late ‘1 ring a society that did not know boys .
W°°d moguls 1“ the 4m. and Home bloomer ”shesaid chance to perform It was a great _. . ‘ ‘
faced numerous battles because she . - . . to treat her. Horne said. I ve never N _-= i
_ . place to work because it was seen been tlu but 'hat I ‘1 . .2 i
was the first truly major black Her latest work. “lens Horne: by alltheimportant white people." any "3 “ 3W - .‘ gig»... . l
movie star. As a result, the top ex- The Lady and Her Music," is a But with the repeal of prohibition. yfim'mum would "5"" med . ‘ ”I: w ‘T' '
ecutivas at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer semi-autobiographical show that has Horne said, most of the white audi- prtessuur: of me E: W rm" .. " -' . t
didnotknowhowtohandleher. been running on Broadway and encos went downtown. u" wasn't 2:”; ge l'nth rayd r grueling » * L if egg 4
“They created a ‘thing’ for me," across the country for two years. until Franklin Delano Roosevelt 01- t rt. ans “1 pottz‘liessbrednelm M T , L ,, :3 7:;
she said, explaining that her skin “All of the songs I‘m singing came lowed blacks tosit with whites" that ”a“ ' ‘5 ”1,1833,” ' “"52”, ' ' ‘ l
was not black enough for the stu- at certain intervals in my life," blacks were seen in the audience at 3; ' explanlnfg t t“ "9;: ‘ . p it
dio’s executives Cosmetic designer Horne said. the Cotton Club, she said as 0h: f r [Mlle 1011.5.[5‘ ‘ ‘ i L,
Max Factor was called upon to cre- She has received numerous After leaving the Cotton Club. she is”: r 18?") l in no 0° ”C" ' re L'l'
ate a type of makeup that made her awartk, including a special Tony sang With several bands, including We mc 0“ 0 . .
’ look “ ‘more colored’ — that’s what Award and two Grammys. “Winning Noble Sissle's, before going Holly- "i guess I‘m the black sheep of ' W m ' W *' "w w
they calledit then." the Grammys was a big surprise." wood. thefamily." ' ‘
‘ ‘ O ’ o ’ l
l ° rium hant , .
The Lady and Her Music . T p . t
LOUISVILLE — The Kentucky wrap her vocal chords around it, telling her to keep her mouth small second act with a gutwrenchtng re l
Center for the Arts has been hit by and make it hers. — no mean feat. And when that in- prise that all but obliterates the earn
some stormy weather — the tempes- The show is largely a compilation credible mouth tears into “Be— lier versmn. She prefaces it With an ]
tuous emotions of the 'tmcomparable of songs from different phases of her witched, Bothered and Bewildered.“ introduction explaimng that she was .
Lena Horne. career. From the Cotton Club songs she embodies each of Lorenz Hart's perhaps too young to KIHSp the full ‘ .
Lena Home has brought her one- to "If You Believe,” her highlight in lyrics with insatiable hunger. She emotional Impact of the Song when l
woman show, “The Lady and Her “The Wiz,” the show takes on a captures the need that would make shesangitinthe‘ws l
. Music,” to Louisville right before semi-autobiographical tone. a woman "long for the trousers that She was right. l ;
the holidays, making it one of the In light of her hardships, the show cling to him.“ -
merriast Christmas presents the becomes a life-affirming clarion that The moment every Horne fan There are a few tickets still avail l
statehasseeninsome time. 15 matched by her peerless voice. waits for is undoubtedly her rendi- able for tonight and tomorrow's per _
H ha bec _ , “The Lady and Her Music” is not an tion of Harold Arlen‘s “Stormy formances 0f "Lena Home The I l’ ‘ ‘ mm"
mm S ome a liVlng legend, 880 trip, it is a soul-searching look Weather.“ And when it appears in Lady and Her Music " For informae ————~————————~——~ w .- '
gple of allifggealtfkngti-afikpeél to at the past with an emphasis on the the first act, she sings it with a vel- tion on prices. times and reserva
- a .ma- wonderoftheprssent. vet uallt that makes her and the tions. call (502)58477469 - i r i r .’ .'
g: or Ethel Mermnr Horne can One of the funniestvignettos in the son: iinmoriltal. N0 nuke d0£lldrdmd UHKOHVIntlng
e a song so familiar to many. show concerns an MGM executive She surprises the audience in the JOIINGRIFFIN "In W. Km“ 0! ”mm Wm, ,mt, ”at“. "m, n”, h. ”urn”,
. Tuesday night ill llit- \t-ulilhll .t! .tll will illicit-at iirntullir-tll
. . Center. is it no nuke documentary lh-stlllt- tho- unfortunate- (‘I‘Ulilh of
ac lo 0 son ones or oxm rea s Wm
the Plowshart-s ii. it group of .illll ll.tit~ ti Illllt‘ll truer lllll' Ill human
Mce' . _ nd ‘Tb B d . ll nuclear protesters who t’lltl‘rfil .t nature than thr- ltirttllstit do
By BOBTHOMAS W . ‘ "eds a" (3 or or a General Electric plant lll King of lt-ildttllls
AssociatedPressWriter “0h, [can cry. “I well up ifsomething great [S inthesame year, hesald Prussia. Penn fialnugf'tl ‘tiIIlt' iivrrighll lichen-s that «nuns
_ . . Nicholson is primed to work thermonuclear warheads .illtl til" llpboltit-rs of Ibr- stalith thin
mgglsnflfGEI-‘Egh: sgsdg’:wég :St happenmg. [cry over (bOXIng greaIS) ROberto again: ”It“ make one or two more Sillif’art't? tmxlon (ilfilpropr-rt') ( and. ”ml 1 propel; ((Klrtgllnl HK
is be: rn-efi‘é term -a snow Duran and Muhammad All I cryfor the MishataVZ'zzms 235;: a £1153; ;::‘:..:‘.'..':,,: 3.1:. ;::
cynical, non‘hemlci self-proserva~ PhlllleS, because they’re my kmd 0f baseball of proper-mg _ “The Murder of Na- himself in the film. turns III a llIlt' ltlrlln-l llll' into-rests of [be tiller-r ,,
mush because those are the Char- team' I like teams that play on natural grass pcleon‘ and ‘Henderson the Rain Wm’m‘mm "" “W” "’“W' "‘ "”
actersheplays. J ~ Ki . . ~ ‘ . his fervent (ll‘filt‘lllllill ll‘t lll‘ lll lllithtlig lllls \i'tllll iiillll Ito-r
. . _ . ng. Ive been wanting to make I
But Jack N'cm‘sm‘ ca“ ‘“deed and wear baggie uniforms, not those softball ‘Henderson'ever since it first came cause Martin him-n as Junio- "Mn“ unite-o mm mm «mt on
Shedatearor two' . . ,, out years ago My plan was to baw- Samuel bolus. flirt-s lush will otit-tfit-lirt- iirt- hllllfli‘l to (‘INLV'
“0hr I can cry,” he 583;: defenSl' uniforms that some teams wear. . John Wayne star in it Now [om old (men looking like it 'I'\‘ newscaster titlt'llt-t-s and that the sin-twill of .
vely. “1 we" “P if some .118 great . ' w 1 the l I lf .. nervously awaiting all t'lpt‘t‘twl those actions llm prrs'iwl) IIl thr-
is happening. I cry over (boxing Jack NIChOISOH enough pay roemyse commercial break which is t-nt rt-solw- of the protisttors to llt't‘fvt
greats) ‘Roberto Duran anglillluhabn: Nicholson. 46. has been m and barrastnglyslov. inarrlving ”er punishment however uniut
mad All- I’cry for the P 15v — around the movie business for al- The film could well have ll'Q‘Il ilIIlr‘t) went
cause they re my kmd 0‘ baseball “ f .. . _ . ‘ most 30 years. As a “was" newly edited With a blunt axe The audl l'bo- film it Illltlll'lll't‘ is exile-Hull
team; I like teams that play on nat- .Terms 9 Endearment is as few minutes away from his hilltop arrived from Neptune City. NJ ' he ence is frequently yanked from it. ignori- the rather ”truth. lilt‘t
ural grass and wear baggie um- original In Its treatment 0f human home. He talks to the reporter one- worked in the cartoon department at courtroom to StrH‘L‘tldi', With little lllitl the (‘Utlfl has o-wri rliLh' 1"
forms, not those softball uniforms feelings as any film in the past five onone, no publicist or secretary pre- MGM acted in little theaters and or no apparent logic or drtiltlatit mmnt the proti-nti-rv. on wild
thatsome teams WG-31" “ yef‘rs- Shirley MaCLaine and Debra sent. Tlie‘conversation is easy and made, his mm debut m 1958 With intent. more often than the {tint - lt'gill ground:- lh-hplti- thr- tlianitt ‘
As for films, Nicholson says, I Winger play a mother and daughter Wide-ranging. u i . -- shoestring budget can juhllf} ill of words and the honor or not it-
cry over sad movies if they‘re well whose fierce independence cause He said his hiatus from movies TheCry Baby Killer n he tht lg g r prnr ll
om- SCP c. w n . )m t- IV't‘h .t it \M-a ) fr, l'rt‘ arr luau
done; if they’re cloying, I resist the them to battle and reconcile over might have lasted forever, if He played in 20 Roger (‘orman defendant "a few mtnuit-s ‘ to di- tigliiltst damaging utiyrth iii-lung
tears." the years. Nicholson is an over-the- ”Terms of Endearment" hadn't cheapies before his star-making per- t‘lde whether he Wishtas to t-ontlll mg to others tht-yi-r heinous
But Nicholson, who rarely‘ecrilt‘is hill astronaut wary of entangle- come along. formance in “Easy Rider" His antic ue his testimony we are actually tl‘llsl‘otijfl‘th may be
over movie scripts, did w n e merits, including his next-door “I decided to take time off he heroic roles have brought him SIX forced to watth those liltnutts "In the King of l’ruuila could
read James L. Brooks’ “Terms of neighbor.MacLaine. cause I had made five pictures in a Academy Award nominations. He drag by, treated only to a unions haw been one of thaw riiri- tilmn
Endearment.” It is the film that Interviews with Jack Nicholson row. ‘Goin’ South.’ which I directed. won an Oscar in 1975 for his por- mediumshot of the I’lowsbares h which int-idly articulate. human
broke a two-year sabbatical for the are rare — and ritualistic. He occu- . . . ‘The Shining’ took a year. Then trayal of a mental patient in “One Sitting calmly at their table absurdity creating it valuable (lift
actor. pies a suite at the Bel-Air Hotel, a I made ‘The Postman Always Rings FlewovertbeCuckoo‘s Nest " According to Horrlgan‘s line of cushion piece about some ltnpor
WW“ 7 g _, . defense, the I’lowshares it did no tam issue.
. 0 o e , true damage because "property Instead, this film about the re
Lau h 'I'rack Live 18 00d medicme , ,., ,n. W w m ..
. BUY ‘ life. and is not applicable to nude mg to ill-lrnli: \lvith nuclear arms
ar weapons mt-n wt i ey cont/inu- no one
a BRUCEKOENIG 'dth ma'n reason for the change Le ' t Laughs {1 t ‘ KERNEL Still: 15 mailer"? “Wilfrid itwiiicnv' “may on W mm"
y sat e i “ xmg on "o as season. . wt its line of tense a I ran agon
» Reporter to the Library Lounge was the The entertainment at Laugh Track CLASSIFIEDS losophizes that “if we all made up Ur was that thepmntallalong"
. t is it that all le enjoy shows overwheglming succis: better fie lsalmon fragile around edithe court}: t our own rules, we‘d he eating ”my“. PIER”:
Wha POOP . e need more a . ny 0 com ans w . , , - __....__-
makes you feel good both while you space, more intimacy, better sight have performed here have worked 7
do it and after, has been called the lines, a better P.A. system and more on national television shows such as
best medicineand can be purchased seating capacity,"saidSobel. “Late Night with David letter- (7‘ ;,'- -
near campus inexpensively? According to Sohel, there were man," “The Tonight Show" and W
The amwer, of course, is laughter. five different spots in Lexington that “Saturday Night Live." Many have DOM'NO’S
The place where you can get it is at expressed an interest in homing the also been on the cable TV‘s Home
Laugh 'Irack Live at the Library show. They chose the Library Box Office and Showtime. (- ;'
Mungeon'l‘uesdaynights. Lounge because “the management . . . . \ ; P'z z A
“I really look forward to Tuesday really wanted the show,"hesaid. haWIthgteddlslfa “kg E:a;ne Hams . . '
nights and going to Laugh Track," Sobel said the Library has been 5 . t “a? 8° 0' a ' e 43 ,3 m
said Jeff Darland, a business senior. closed Tuesday nights for four and a “If; eighofmdf‘e ho f t w a . . ‘ ‘
“I think it is the only thirg that half years, but opened up just for 05 s ws tea ure ee ' "
~ . acts, although occaSlonally they
keeps me from gomg insane some- Laugh Track. .
. .. have four. According to Sobel. there - ~ ~ v! .
times. Muchofthesuccesshasbeendue on] . o edi ho l)l‘l\)]4/v’(l I
WKQQ radiohas sponsored Laugh to WKQQ, Sobel said. He went to "9 rhesm 0' 933°; 3"“ w . ,
Track Live since it first began in them with the idea and they took “W“ ”m“ " “8W"- . l
August lml at the Jefferson Davis over to find a location. or as he put Richard Maynard, a former UK AS )‘ [Ir]. .s .._... . . _._
Inn. In May 1932, it moved to the it, “they picked up on it before the student who now works for National ~ ~ a}!
Fireplace Lounge. Now it has moved beginning.“ Tire Wholesale and frequents Laugh ([4 [1),]‘1 - O
a step closer toUK. finding its home Sobel said, “this is the only one- Track Live. said ”It's a real good . . _2_ <1
attheLibraryIAunge. nights-week comedy show in Amer- deal. It sure beats spendim four ,_' q ;_' L , N
Tom 30591. producer 0‘ the show ica that has spawned its own TV ae- bucka for a movie that probably W, i. , W4 N
and agent for many of the comics, fies," referring to WTVQ's program won’tbefunny anyway," “but“ an, ,. . o —
‘. ., . , , . , . . ,I. ,‘ '.r ,' .,‘ .1. .1. .l.‘ .1. '. .. ..' '~"") ytl- I", ,l 'v. ‘.
» ' ' ' ' ' A _. ' ‘ . 0a., ,o‘, '4'" I,» '1 . . .

. pt rat: APAQT - - - - - - - - -- - -
ADVERTISING ‘_ WC LL)” ' .3"? t . f ‘
SALESPEOPLE . tit, , a, . lecturing: . . y. . , .. M, ,

NEED NOW » y , 1,: . 3.3:.“
sped, ‘ in. wiper-tad lotlru _, Simon-n-
FOR NEXT ‘ ' g e." ., I: I C "9 ,}_a,,gly_’,‘w,;4;,y,.I“. ----------.;;-
swam M; . ,. f e- gg...” mm .. ,. . . MEAL DEAL $6.79 i
'I. Commissions . ~ g , . em .Am‘o'l.‘ "“' "' """ ' ' Yho, special meal out I
2' ‘XW'OI‘C. ' l - ' .CO.“ C'.Mf'“ “OH I." V300 ' includes a '2 bun with '
a. H." Huh i’i $55.5 ~ ’0". ‘” my 1’ "mom” N "'0
* W. J.“ . '~ ' 7 e ‘ mum H00" Wm u.|~'" ' ‘6 ’71 00"”. 0' 9.9.. '
| p . ‘.’ ‘ . for only '6 I0 Ono
, _ n...” estuarine. From UKComom ' I
CAI-I- »J'r» .1' ‘ - . <‘- M , fulfil“ O 3 2:me D." Wilma. nit I
231-201: “t “ ‘ - "" '—°“’ W“ W" l x 1 512,52” °"
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v :1 0 .: Debble Sledge to rejom her smgmg Sisters d
i’: ’1 ' ,0 :0: ‘ Barman-tenant , .
3 #, "Q 3 3’ Seuia'Statterta' .. . h
"‘ ‘ ' 'o' 5' someway... 32's.: so; .. , 3h
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ti 0 . ‘ ,0. ,0. ‘ ““3? will mmmhm will; s13, - r - 10:
cm a Awo" ‘ia if > in. ,~"' ”V3.5,
’0 0‘ Lex’ngtons Ken tUCky i i Scim Center. e 1 ' o " ., " W W
,t t Parents of Unlversl of Kentuck Students! ’0 fl. 0 a couple «monu- and “ins-Im- is ' 9% _ 1‘
i N
'l " Al ' f U ' ' f K t k r t t mm m we let m w -» - x; ‘aast '1 %
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,3 '0: u m o nlversrty 0 en uc y ,z ,z. d or“: “$335; 3;” 3 ,3 1% figs; , ”a,
,0. a Real Estate Investors. t‘. t’. are not weather- They tell me "It 3 in“ "" ,. , -."’“" 1&3?” a: 3‘“ xi “9‘
0. .0 0 0 pertormlng with jut the three at I .. sex ”i? f "‘9
’0 g 0‘ - - " I " them " '- r ”first efiafifi/\% : z e . able
’3 3 T he ultlmate solutlon for owner and occu- ,: ,0 $1 ease ma she h” m be ”- ; . to s: _v_- __ he,
3: ,1 . pant. . . a product now available for the first :. :0: 33$?" “mtg; mat: SISTER sumo: :1:
,0 0 tlme near the University of Kentucky in Lexington. ,0 ,0 showloolred great. Ci
. ' ' ' 0 0 “I had the [rlvilege at ”an; my tron: one ninth to 6 u ,. agel
{,1 ,t Benchmark/Atlantlc Company, the natlons t, i, mm perform. 1 m, m I," ., “um I u _ year- “ "" SW?" 0‘ numb! wen
. 3‘ leadlng developer of unlverslty-orlented con- i. ’0‘ Us Vesas which is we became we Sleds: aid the {and family life my familythls year than ever be- the’
it A, .4 . . , . i' ‘Q it don’t get to see ourselves perform," andtowimanawkwarduux. f " Sam
,0 '0‘ ,0, domlnlum apartments, announces a new 1.30-unlt ,0 “of. she said. “1 was quite pleased. l eu- .. “fie t. m, m i, mm be ‘
t: :4 offering, Brighton Close. Scheduled for Fall 1984 OC- 0 l: egg; a n the ow of M nelfif'WJJ‘QWI 33 We“; to. Janiu-ry'. “We will tour has An- :32:
i.‘ '0‘ cupanc , preconstruction reservations are bein " " sisters and'the out one atom: 1“” “m“? “Id loved ones. But we" “9?” “d. mu)! My rece
,; u y , g ,0 ,0 _ y mummmabmm shesald."l‘hislaalletlllinthe said
,0 0 taken now. ,0 ,0 330??“ UK, Yfr‘mdlgv‘gm 9” protunonal at it — they know what mains? m _ C;
l, ,t Two bedroom, two bath Garden apartments and t: i: agholaat‘tetirphrnaeettng at an atmuhool in tomt. pm mmy .mt “melsglims gut;
,‘ n . , P' '.“Wewere artstu- Atypicaltourlnats houtelxto am
3 "d 3‘ two bedroom, two. and a half bath Townhouse :0 I ,0: dents," she “id. m We now thm‘sme “imam m: s ”9' ,mfiicgtmi’lfi 3‘ ness
,0 'o