xt7pnv999365 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pnv999365/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-04-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1988 1988 1988-04-08 2020 true xt7pnv999365 section xt7pnv999365  




Director Spike Lee makes movies his
own way. SEE PAGE 3.




Sutton promises


year’s squad.SEE PAGE 2.

hope for next




Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Partly sunny



Kentucky Kernel

sci No. “2


University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

independent since 1 971

Friday, April 8, 1 988

ontroversy over trustee’s remark continues

At Gov.’s request, Chandler

calls statement

Executive Editor

tucky Gov. A.B. "Happy“ Chandler
yesterday apologized for a racial
comment he made during a UK
Board of Trustees committee meet-
ing Tuesday, saying his remark was
“regrettable. ”

Representatives of the UK Black
Student Political Caucus. however.
say they do not believe the apology
was sincere. and they intend to con-
tinue to push for Chandler's resigna~
tion from the board.

Chandler, though, said he had no
intention of resigning from the
board, despite public outcry asking
him to do so.

At a press conference at his Ver-
sailles home yesterday. Chandler
said he wished hadn't made the
statement which has caused so
much controversy in the last two

“I didn‘t intend to be offensive to
anybody.“ the two-time former gov-
ernor said.

Chandler‘s comment came at a
meeting of BOT investments com-
mittee Tuesday. During a discussion
of the University's divestment of its
holdings in South Africa. Chandler
said, “You know Zimbabwe‘s all

Big purses the attraction



The remark. which appeared in
the Lexington Herald-Leader.
touched off controversy across cam-
pus Wednesday. More than 50 stu-
dents marched on the administra-
tion building carrying signs. calling
for an apology and Chandler‘s resig-
nation from the BOT.

The comment also drew condem«
nation from the University Faculty
Senate, Student Government Asso-
ciation and state officials.

Although he agreed that the
statement was inappropriate. Chan»
dler said he has no intention of re-
signing from the board unless Gov.
Wallace Wilkinson asked him to.

“( Wilkinson ) indicated he
wouldn't ask me to (resign) under
any circumstances." Chandler said.
Wilkinson did ask Chandler to give a
public apology.

Chandler also pointed to his con
tributions — both as state governor
and Major League Baseball commis~
sioner — as examples of his commit-
ment to civil rights.

now. There aren‘t any

Specifically, Chandler pointed to
his call for the integration of public
schools while he was governor in

The "record will show while other
governors were keeping (blacks;

as Keeneland opens

spring season tomorrow

Staff Writer

What is the occasion when you
have 10,000 to 12.000 people fashion-
ably dressed. all watching horses
run around in circles. betting over
$1 million. eating burgoo. drinking
beer and having just a good time in

It could be the latest episode of
“Dynasty." But today it‘s the scene
at Keeneland as the track opens its
doors for the spring meet.

“We've been doing all the last-
minute things to get ready for the
opening day." said Jim Williams. di-
rector of publicity at Keeneland.
“This opening day should be espe—
cially good because Kentucky Derby
favorite 49’er will be racing for the
Lafayette Stakes.“

The big difference in this meet
from previous meets is the in-
creased purse sizes. according to
Williams. He said the Ashland
Stakes are increased by $50,000 to
$200,000 and the Bluegrass Stakes
are increased by $50,000 to 830.000.

But if you don‘t go to Keeneland
for the races. you can always go for
the fraternizing. food and fun.

“When people come to Keeneland
it‘s a total experience," said Larry
Wolken. president of Turf Catering.
Turf Catering has catered every.
thing for Keeneland since 1936.

“What people enjoy is the ambiance.
it‘s the best of grounds. racing and
quality of horses."

A large part of that traditional
ambiance is Bucky Sallee. Sporting
a green jacket. blue top hat and rid-
ing boots and a post horn. Sallee has
been the official bugler at
Keeneland for the past 24 years. And
he said Keeneland is like a fashion

“Tennessee is wrong. Kentucky
has beautiful women and fast
horses," said Sallee. “It looks like a
contest with everyone trying to out-
dress each other. We «the employ-
ees> watch the people."

In spite of the many job offers
Sallee has had. including the job of
bugler at Churchill Downs. Sallee
says he loves Keeneland. He has no
desire to leave and he is not afraid
of being replaced.

“The suit fits me so I don‘t have
to worry about it." siad Sallee. “It‘s
got my name inside the coat."

While a day at Keeneland may
conjure up ideas of betting. beer.
burgoo and Bucky for some. it con-
jures up memories of strange occur-
ances for some of the employees at

Everett Carter. who is the Build-
ings Superintendant and has been at
Keeneland for 41 years. recalled a
day several years ago when an em-


RFL named year’s best
student organization

Staff reports

Radio Free Lexington was named
by the Student Organization Assem-
bly yesterday as the “Outstanding
Organization" of the 1987-88 aca-
demic year.

RFL was selected from a group of
1-1 applicants and will be awarded
$700by SOA.

Winning “Best New Organization"
was the Student Motivational and
Recruitment Team. SMART‘s pur-
pose is to recruit minority high
school students in the area to come
to UK. START was selected over
five other organizations for the

The Student National Medical As-
sociation was chosen as the “Most
Improved Organization“ by SOA.
SNMA was chosen from a group of
is other student organizations.

Both SNMA and SMART will re-
ceive soon from SOA for their hon.

Organisations were judged by a

grow of five panelists on an appli-


The panelists were Cynthia
Moreno of SOA, Student Govem-
ment Association President Cyndi
Weaver. Student Acitivities Board
President Lynne Hunt. Director of
Student Activities John Herbst and
CA Duane Bonifer of the Kentucky

RFL was the brainchild of former
Kernel columnist Kakie Urch. who
in a column asked the student body
what it tuought about an alternative
student-run radio station.

The response was overwhelming,
and a group began to form to make
the idea a reality.

RFL finally went on the air this
semester when it signed on at
2 pm. Monday. March 7 with Big
Audio Dynamite‘s ”C‘mon Every

The group had received 340.000 be-

tween the city of lexington and the
University for start-up costs.

The city and the University have
also contributed 815.0(1) between


out." Chandler said. “i was keeping

Although (‘handler apologized.
Kennedy James. president of the po—
litical caucus. said he did not be
licve the apology was sincere be»
cause Chandler did not apologize
immediately after the incident.

Instead he waited until Wilkinson
stepped in as a middle man and rc-
quested the apology. James said.

The group will continue to push
for Chandler‘s resignation today.
when the group. along with the UK
football team. marches to the gov-

Sce CHANDLER. Page 5

Getting ready

UK football team refuses to play in game
until Chandler steps down from BOT seat

Sports Editor

The Kentucky football team has
declared a two-minute warning for
AB. “Happy” Chandler.

Chandler. 89, made the Wildcats
unhappy with a racial remark on
Tuesday at an investments coin-
mitte meeting of the UK Board of

"You know Zimbabwe‘s all nigger
now. There aren‘t any whites.”
Chandler said at the meeting.

The Wildcats were so angered by
the former Kentucky governor and
baseball commissioner's statement
that they walked away from the
practice field yesterday at the Shi‘
velv Sorirts Center.

" ‘Happy' Chandler has rep
resented the state and the l’iiviersi—
ty for so long and now he‘s said
something that‘s detrimental to our
race." junior cornerback Ron Mack

“People are going to believe what
‘Happy' says is what the whole state

(‘handler publicly apologized yes~
terday but that was not enough to
soothe the feelings of the l'K toot-

The. Kentucky players want people
to know Chandler‘s remark is not
what they believe. That was the

A couple of riders take time to work out with their horses on one
of the Keeneland Association's practice tracks during the morn-

Students form group to back
‘Happy,’ say quote forgivable


them for yearly operational costs for
a three-year period.

RFL also got a boost from the UK
Board of Trustees when it got a 81
increase in student activity fees.

in a survey published by the UK
Research Center in October. about
78 percent of UK students favored
the feeincrease.

Editorial Editor

A group of UK students. calling
themselves “Students for ‘Happy.‘ “
have rallied behind former Ken-
tucky Gov. A.B. "Happy“ Chandler.
saying he should not resign from his
position on the UK Board of Trust-


While the group acknowledges
Chandler's remark at Tuesday's
BOT investments meeting saying.
“Zimahabwe‘s all nigger now." was
a “mistake," it does not call for his

“it was a man that made one mis-
take and no one wants to forgive
him.“ said Davis Sprague, an agri-
culture freshman from Henderson.
“To him. he didn‘t figure it as being
wrong and as a Christian. 1 can ac-
cept that. i don‘t think it was a pre-
thought out idea. but people make

Since the group was formed. Tim-

poiiit of thc walk—out. But one
canceled practice l.\ not the extent ot
the protest.

The UK team dccidcd it will rc-
sumc practice today but the Cats rc—
fuse to play in any games until
(‘handlcr is removed from the Board
of 'l‘rustccs. (‘handlcr was reinstated
to the board as a voting member by
Kentucky Gov. Wallace Wilkinson
last December.

"l'ni not going to play for this
L'niversily il he doesn‘t resign." st"
nior linebacker (‘hris t‘henault said,

“What he stands for is not what i
stand for. If he‘s going to have that
belief. i can‘t justify playing for the

“We’re not satisfied ii tht-y just
take his vote away." junior (or
nerback David Johnson said "'l‘uk
ing his vote away is not enough
Wc'reasking tor lll> resignation "

The football players decided us it
team to don black armbands on
their jerseys until t‘handlcr is re-
moved from the board All 130 play
ers decided to participate in a
march from the [K football dormi-
toi‘y to the chmgton l'iiy llali this
morning at 1013.0

"As athletes. “‘0 re askcd to spcak
about drugs and alcohol." Johnson
said “If we're teaching kids about
that. we should also teach them
about racism."

L'K Athletics Director (Shit ilagan
i‘ct'crrcd all uucstions about thc pro-
test to Kentucky football coach
.lci‘ry (‘laibornc

"l'll leave that
Hagan \illtl last night

(‘laibornc allowed lb.- playei‘s to
inccl ycslci‘dm itllt‘l'llmill without
any coaches present He .\.lltl hc sup
portcd the walkout from practice

"i don‘t think that‘s the feeling
With the stall- or thc n-i-ling “1”] our
l'niycrsity " t‘lgiiborni- said of (‘han-
dicr‘s remark

“I know ll 5 not the feeling with
our football squad I back our play-
crs laigi‘cc \l'llh lht‘il' stand.

('luibornc. honeycr. not
:i\\urc oi the pluycrs' decision to
boycott any games The players said
such an action would include the
Blue White scrimmagc at l‘ominoii
\\‘(‘£lllli Stadium on :thl‘ll 33

“David Johnson has not told me
that.” (‘luiborne Milli when Ili-
torincd “That was iuxt one
stzitcmcnt by an individual Wc‘ll
have to wait and we who! happcns ”

But the l'K players stressed that
the protest \\Li> not the work of a
ten llltllVltluLtl>

”We didn't kiiou him thc \\'llllt‘
players would rcatl ” Johnson sand
“But once l'\'t'l'}'ll“.ll}l got across
they \\ crc 100 nci‘ccnt bohind us

See TEAM. Page 6

to ('laihoriic.”

'»\ it >

CLAY OWEN Kernel Staff

ing hours earlier this week. Keeneland racetrack opens its annual
spring thoroughbred season tomorrow afternoon

othy Gibson said they have been re—
ceiving phone calls all day support-
ing them. Gibson. an undet‘ided
freshman from Louisville. said he
even called Chandler at his home in
Versailles last night to give him
their support.

Chandler was in bed and could not
be reached by the Kernel for com-
ment last night. but his grandson.
Matthew. said “hundreds" of people
have called his house and the gover—
nor‘s mansion supporting the former

“The phone has been ringing off
the wall from people who are under-
standing and willing to forgive this
mistake." Matthew said. “He
i‘Happy') is certainly anything but
a bigot and he wants people to know

Sprague said they decided to sup-
port Chandler because the news re-
ports about the incident were “so
one-sided . . . and we felt something

Sprague stressed that the group
"has nothing to do with racism ”

"People have to know we're not
racial." he said “We're merely giv-
ing a man a pardon for one mis-

"The reporter decided to blow this
up and make an issue about it." said
Ronnie Jackson, an undecided fresh»
man from ()wensboro. “i really
don't have Happy to blame for it . . _
it was the newspaper reporter who
did it."

Jackson said Chandler has also
been treated unfairly by University
administrators and local leaders as

“After the (‘ivii War. all blacks
were never really freed and they
were looked down upon and that
went all the way to the 6th. and
(Chandler) grew up with people who
would call black people a nigger
. . .“Jackson said.





2 - Kentucky Kernel, Friday.ApriI8,1988




Sutton says the future is now


B) TODD .ioxijs
Sports Editor

Ask l'K basketball «loch I‘ltlllll'
Sutton about the seasoiieuliuie loss
to Villanoi'u lti days ago .iuri he‘ll
tell you to take two .ispiriu and call
him in the lllUl'lllllL‘. 'l‘uiil- heals
fresh wounds.

“It‘s easier to reflect tut-k ill the
year after a ten days insteml of
after the last loss.” Sutton said

Sutton took some tune to reflect
on his third St‘iiMllt Lil Kt‘lliilt'k\ dur-
ing his last pl't'ss conference oi the
season yesterday at Wildcat Lodge
What he recalled brought a smile to

“I thought it \-as an outstanding
year." Sutton said “\‘ot a great
year. but outstanding Look at the
record we compiled ”

The record shows l'K nutshell the
year with a 2’: l; mark Included was
a llitli Southeastern (‘tllllt'l‘l‘llt't‘
Championship and a :s‘l‘li' 'l‘ouriiu
ineiit crow n

The (‘ats also knocked oi: non con
ference riials liiliuuizi. l.ttlll>‘.lllt'.
Notre Dame and S; rut-use

“i don‘t leel that are hurt anything
but a \‘ery successtut season Slit

But the recent pus‘
Sutton isn‘t llilllkil‘L! .ilioui

illit‘h LU: iilt‘iill

'lli‘ iient'

It’s the last serve of home cooking for UK’s lady tennis team

Staff reports

The No i. tit whit: . 'ti’llih
team \\‘Ill so} goorlltxe " tout .‘t’
niors this weekend as lllt“ 7.in- tau
three teams u' “\ limbo humor
Tennis (‘t'lllt‘l

Kentucky. ill will \tllLil't‘ ott
against Mississippi St ..l i to p in
today. take on liiike Hizuorrov. and

finish its home sluisoil ltL‘..:!Il.\l Wake
Forest on Sunday

Lad)” Kat .St‘liltll‘ 'luzuuku l'nixugi
Beckwith Archer Surat; Sir-.11.
Helen Leliellei‘ will tuizslz of
careers in the three lll;tl('llt'>

Takagi. a naliw oi
Japan. has volleyrd liei
126-53 record and .\li \iiui‘uuil star



\\,i‘\ lzi i‘i

tus in her tour yult‘x .it l l\' l‘ulule:
and teammate Some. llLilll‘i imit-
been ranked \o l lll ’llt' nation

nearly all year lli ‘flll'illllt‘>

a four-y ear record or tuna

‘. ii native oi l.e\uii;toii has

.1; Slit‘




future Returning Cats need to hit
the weight room and coaches need
to hit the recruiting trail.

"We've already started prepara-
iltill for next year." Sutton said.

"The off-season is an important
time in all sports but even more so
in basketball.

"\ie believe what they do in the

anchored the No. 3 spot for Ken-
{lick} most of the year.

Swan has compiled an 845 slate in
two seasons of limited action. The
Durban, South Africa. native trans-
ll-ri'ed two years ago from Midland

LeBeller is 36-22 in two years. She
came to the United States from
Itoveii. France. and followed Swan
to l "K from Midland Junior College.

The No. 8 [K men's tennis team
\Alll also be playing at home. The
Wildcats will face the defending na-
tionl champion Georgia Bulldogs.
Kentucky is led by All-Americas
Greg Van Emburgh and Rich Ben‘

l‘K rugby tourney begins

I'K rugby club hosts its eighth an-
nual Bluegrass Invitational Tourna-
ment this weekend at the coal field

adjacent to Alumni Drive. The Wild-

cats. 72—]. will play Western Kenv

Stop on the way
to and from

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off-season will have a great effect on
how they do in the fall."

Training success cannot be
gauged until Oct. 15. when basket-
ball practice officially begins again.
The fruits of recruiting are reaped
in five days. The national signing
date is next Wednesday.

“It seems to be going well," Sut-
ton coyly said of recruiting.

Kentucky has already begun to fill
the hole created by the graduation
of five seniors.

Prepsters Chris Mills. Sean Woods
and Shawn Kemp signed last fall.
That leaves two scholarships avail-
able. Sutton has his eye set on three

One. of course. is Richie Farmer
from Clay County. Sutton offered the
guard a scholarship last week but
Farmer put UK on hold. Farmer
still plans to visit Vanderbilt, West-
ern Kentucky and LSU.

The two other desired recruits are
big men. One is still in high school,
another already in college.

Prep center Don MacLean from
California has long been high on the
UK list. He's still debating UCLA.
The loss of inside players Rob Lock,
Winston Bennett, (‘edric Jenkins and
Richard Madison hike up MacLean's
stock with the (‘ats

tucky in the first round tomorrow
morning at It).

The tournament will also feature
Eastern Kentucky. Indiana State.
Cincinnati. the Cincinnati Law
School. Queen (‘ity and the Lexing-
ton ()ld Boys team. Finals will be at
1 Sunday afternoon at the coal field.

Gyninasts tumble in NCAA

The l9th-ranked UK gymnastics
team will compete in the NCAA
Southeast Regionals in Gainesville.
Fla. tomorrow. The Wildcats are
seeded third in the eight-team field.
which features No. 1 ranked Georgia
and third-ranked Florida.

The winner of the regional meet
will advance to the Nationals at
Ogden. Utah. on April 22 and 23rd.
The top five regional teams will
compete at the Nationals. Top indi~
vidual gymnasts will join the win—
ning team advance to the Nationals.

Maurice Britton of Hutchinson Ju-
nior College in Kansas is the third
prized recruit. Word is that Kansas'

national championship has his
thoughts swaying.
Another possible influence on

where both Britton and MacLean go
is where Larry Brown goes. The
Kansas coach is rumored to be
heading to UCLA.

A move by Brown could spur Brit~
ton and MacLean into who knows
what direction.

“Only time will tell,“ Sutton said.
"I would think it could affect the re-
cruitment of both of them."

Sutton said not to laugh if Ken-
tucky is able to land all three re-
cruits. Yes. just two scholarships
are available. But he said numbers
tend to work out in the end.

“I don’t think it‘s a chess game,"
Sutton said. “If we signed 22 it
would be a chess game."

Whatever the game. Sutton still
had his main thoughts on basketball.
He left the Lodge and hit the trail in
search of more pawns. In Lexington,
the dribbling never ends.

“There’s only 189 days until Mid-
night Madness," Sutton said. “Or
something like that."

Golfers swing to tourneys

The UK men‘s and women‘s golf
teams will return to action this
weekend. The women's team will
play in the Lady Paladin at Furman

The UK‘s mens‘ team travels to
Marshall University for the Mar-
shall Invitational in Huntington, W.
Va. UK has taken two consecutive
meets. including last week’s 33-
stroke victory in the Johnny Owens

UK runners head for bayous

The UK men's and women's track
teams will travel to Baton Rouge,
La. tomorrow to compete in the
Paper Tiger Invitational track meet
hosted by L-SU.

Track powers BYU, SMU, Virgin-
ia and Wisconsin will join the Wild-
cats and Tigers in the men's compe-

Kentucky Kernel

Editor in chief
Executive Editor

News Editor

Design Editor

Editorial Editor

Photo Editor

Arts Editor

Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor

Production Manager
Advertising Manager

Dan Hassert

Jay Blanton
Thomas J. Sullivan
Karen Phillips

CA. Duane Boniter
Clay Owen

Erik Reece

Todd Jones

Jim White

Paula Anderson
Scott Ward
Linda Collins

The Kentucky Kernel lS published on class days during the academic
year and weekly during the summer sessuon

Third-class postage paid at Lexington, KY 40511.

Mailed subscrip-

tion rates are $1 5 per semester and $30 per year
The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing. 534 Buck-

man St Shepherdswlle KY 40165

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel,
Room 026 Journalism Building. UniverSity of Kentucky, Lexington. KY

40506-0042 Phone (606i 257-2871


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1987-88 U

Basketball Banquet Awards


Leadership Award

Todd Jones
Sports Editor

Jim White
Assistant Sports Editor




Ed Davender


Most Valuable Player

Rex Chapman


Outstanding Senior

Winston Bennett


Best Varsity Free Throw Shooter

Ed Davender


Fewest Turnovers

Eric Manuel


Freshman Leadership

Eric Manuel


Scholastic Award

Cedric Jenkins


Most Assists

Ed Davender


Most Rebounds

Winston Bennett


Best Defensive Player

Ed Davender


1 10 Percent Award

Rob Lock


Sacrifice Award

Rob Lock


Christian Athlete Award


Jonathan Davis






tition. The women's competition will
feature Villanova, the NCAA indoor
track national runner-up, and BYU,
Illinois, Virginia. Wisconsin. LSU
and UK.

homestanding Western
Hilltoppers 7-3 in Bowling Green.

UK first baseman John Marshall
headed the attack with a pair of solo
round—trippers. Mark Blythe added a


two-run shot in the fourth.

Baseball Cats whip Western

UK. which improved to 15-13. will

The UK baseball team used a
three home-run attack to defeat the



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Kennedy James, president of
the Black Student Political
Caucus, is not “happy." Fol-
lowing a racial slur from former
Gov. AB. “Happy" Chandler
Tuesday, James is one of sev-
eral students leading the push
to have Chandler resign his
seat on the UK trustees.

Favorite album: Stevie
Wonder's Characters. “His
music has a message of
peace and harmony amongst
all people,“ says James.

And we sure could use

KENNEDY JAMES some of that right about now.




Austin City Saloon — 2350 Woodhill Shopping Center. Pat and Jack will play
tonight from 9 to 1 am. Cover is $3.

Babylon Babylon — 117 N. Limestone. The Geeters and Lemonade Hayride will
play tonight. Saturday, Two Small Bodies and Jake and the Five Blind Boys will
play starting at 9. Cover is $3 both nights.

The Bearded Seele —- 500 Euclid Ave. Repeat Option will play tonight from 9
to 1 am.

The Bottom Line - 361 W. Short St. Tonight and tomorrow. Freedom of Ex-
pression will play tonight irom 10 to 1 am. Cover is $3.

The Brass A Saloon -— 2909 Richmond Road. The Movies will play tonight and
tomorrow night.

Breedings —-— Nervous Melvin will play tonight and tomorrow starting at 9. Cover
is $3.

Cheap Side —— Bruce Lewis Trio will play tonight starting at 9.

Comedy on Broadway 144 N. Broadway. Jack Gallager, Bernie Lubber. and
Jim Burroghs will perform tonight and tomorrow night at 8 and 10:30, and Sun-
day only at 7:30 pm. Cover is $6.

Copperfields —— 249 W. Short. Parker Coleman will play tonight and tomorrow
night from 9 to 1 am. $2 Cover.

Kings Arms Pub — Non~chalanie will play tonight and Saturday from 9 to 1 am.
Cover is $2.

Malnstreets‘ — 269 W. Main St. Jack 0. Diamonds will play tonight and tomor-
row night lrom 10101 am. Cover is $2.

Spirits —- Johnny White and the Elite Bands will play tonight and tomorrow night
from 9 to 1 am. Cover is $2.

Two Keys Tavern —- 333 S Limestone St Lyndon Jones will play tonight and
tomorrow night from 9 to 1 a m Cover is $2 'tor men and no cover tor women

it“ “M; . - q

The Upper Class — 388 Woodland Ave. The Bad Guys will play tonight and
tomorrow night from 9 to 1 a. to. Cover is $3.

r/ 't


A Day In the Lite of Jimmy Reardon — Rated PG. (South Park: 1, 3:10, 5:15,
7:35, 9:45 and 1 1 :45.)

A New Life — PREMIERE (South Park: 1:05, 3:10, 5:20, 7:50, 9:55 and Fri-
day and Saturday at 1 1:50.)

Bad Dreema — PREMIERE Rated R. (Crossroads: 2, 3:45. 5:30, 8, 9:45 and
tonight and tomorrow only at 11:25. Also showing at North Park: 2:15, 4.
5:45, 8. 10, and tonight and tomorrow onlyat 1 1 :45.)

Meiulce — Rated R. (North Pak: 1:30, 3:30. 5:30, 7:50, 9:50 and tonight
and tomorrow only at 1 1 :40.)

alloxl Blues — Rated P613. (South Park: 12:40, 2:45. 4:40. 7:30, 9:40 and
tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 :40.)

Bright Lighta, Big City -— Rated R. (South Park: 12:45. 2:55. 5:10. 7:55, 10
and tonight and tomorrow only at 11:55.)

TheDOId—(Turfland Mall: 7:50, 9:35. andFrldayandSaturday at 12:10)

0. 0. A. —-— Rated R. (Fayette Mall: 1:40, 3:40. 5:40, 7:50. 9:50 and tonight
andtomorrowonlyat11:45.) '

Fatal Attraction -— Rated R. (North Park: 1:45, 4:15, 7:40, 9:55 and tonight
mid tomorrow only at midnight.)

The Fox and the Hound -- Rated G. (North Park: 1:40, 3:30, 5:20, 5:20.
7:20, and tonight and tomorrow only at 9, Also showing at Crossroads: 5:55.

Frantic — Rated R. (South Pak: 12:45. 2:55, 5, 7:50, 10 and tonight and
tomorrow only at midnight.)

Good Morning Vietnam —- Rated R. (South Park: 12:30, 2:50, 5:05, 7:35,
9:50 and tonight and tomorrow only at midnight. Also showing at North Pair:
1:45, 4:15. 7:30.9:4Sandtonightand tomorrowonlyat 12.)

Hair Spray — Rated PG. (Turtlcid: 1:50, 3:40. 5:30, 7:35, 9:25 and tonight
mdtomorrowonlyat 11:10.)

Johnny B. Good — Rated PG-13. (North Park; 1:50. 3:40, 5:30, 7:50. 9:40
aid tonight and tomorrow only at 11:50. Also showing at Fayette Mat: 2. 3:50.
5:35. 7:35. 9:25mdtonightandtomorrowontyat 11:10.)

TheLaetEmperor—RatedR. (NorthPm‘k: 2. 5,8andtonightmdtomonow

Moenetruck — Rated R (Lexingtm Mill: 1:40, 3:40. 5:36. 7:35. 9:36 and

Police Academy V — (North M: 2. 3:50. 6:40, 7:35, 9:25 Md tOMght aid
teniorrowonly at 11:25. Nee arming u Croearoede: 7.45, 3:35 and Friday
mdSOtiirdeyat 11:20.)

Th0 Pound Pimple. —- PREMRE Bend 0. (M191 M: 1130.3:15. 5, 7:20

School Daze -~ PREMERE (Tum M: 12:46. 3:06, 5:20. 7:40, 10 and

The m In - Med R. (North M: 1:50. 3:35. 5:40. 7:40. 9:40 and
mmmme 11:45.AieediowinglFeyettew)

Three Men and a Baby —- Med PG. (Sam M: 1:10, 3:05, 4:55. 7:45.
Ozaomwuariomrowonlyd 11:20.)

1:10. 4:26, 7:50Uidwmmuwu11.)






Lee’s gotta have it

Kentucky Kernel, Friday. April8,1988 — 3


Erik Reece
Arts Editor

Independent filmmaker Spike Lee is determined to make movies his way


Staff Writer

lthough he didn't go to
college in the 1960's during
the Civil Rights movement.

filmmaker Spike Lee still saw plenty
of racial division during his days at

Atlanta‘s Morehouse College.

“You had the lightskinned girls
who everybody wanted and the light-
skinned guys who were real popular
with the girls,“ Lee said in a
telephone interview from Brooklyn.
“If you were real black, you might
as well forget about it."

Lee’s new film, “School Daze.“
which opens today at Turf land Mall,
explores these racial themes while
playing up the comedic events that
transpire during Homecoming Week
at the fictional Mission College

Lee messed around with Super-8
film while majoring in mass
communications at Morehouse. He
began to seriously pursue a film
career when he enrolled at New
York University's graduate film
school. There he completed two
features and an hour—long thesis
film. "Joe Bed Stuy Barbershop: We
Cut Heads,“ which won the Student
Academy Award from the Academy
of Motion Picurc Arts and Scicnccs,

Lee first gained attention in the
film community in 1986 when his
comedy. “She‘s Gotta Have It
received rave reviews and earned
more than $7 million while costing
the independent filmmaker only
$175 000 to make.

As in” She 5 Gotta Hai c It Lcc
serv es as pr oduccr. director. w riter
and has a part in “School Daze."
Lee's character is Half Pint. who

UK musicians
to perform at
outdoor show

Staff Writer
it's a culture invasion. For two


“There’s nothing in the
film (“School Daze”)
that isn’t true. Forty-
three people have died
recently from hazing
activities and Phi Beta
Sigma has totally
outlawed it, so I mean
it’s no joke."

Spike Lee,



undergoes an extraordinary amount
of hazing in his attempts to pledge
Gamma Phi Gamma. His portayal
of the pledge activities has drawn
fire from fraternities.

"There's nothing in the film that
isn't true.“ said Lee. “Forty-three
people have died recently from
hazing activities and Phi Beta
Sigma has totally outlawed it. sol
mean it‘s no joke.“

Lee never joined a fraternity at
Morehouse and. while he thinks that
fraternities have great potential. he
thinks that their original meaning
has been corrupted.

“Guys just joined them for the
women and it was amazing the
change that came over women once
you joined one. Your stock went up
100 percent immediately once they
found out you were pledging." he

However. Lee also said that there
is a need for black fraternities on
campuses like UK (which has two>
that have a small black student

wccks L‘K's campus will be injected _,

with a dose of drama. music and vi-
sual urts supplied by the Fine Arts

The free Outdoor Arts Festiv