xt7pnv999479 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pnv999479/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-04-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 1998 1998 1998-04-13 2020 true xt7pnv999479 section xt7pnv999479  

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rain tail
to halt

Air F orce
ROTC event
tradition filled

By Jessica Coy

:issisnmt Net's lid/tor

In a display of discipline that char—
acterizes Air Force ROTC, more than
80 cadets stood at attention as the
wind arid rain whipped at their faces
during the annual Air Force ROTC
parade 'l‘hursday.

l’estive parade music, the same used
for Air Force parades all over the
United States, blasted through speak—
ers set up on administration field as the
cadets tiioved through the series of
movements they have been practicing
all year.

Though the parade movements
might look random to the unpracticed
eye, (Zol. Steve Parker said the move-
ments date back to medieval times.

“Knights in armor performed
movements similar to the ones we will
perfortn today," Parker said. “The Air
Force is very steeped in tradition.”

Many of the students participating
in the parade are first-year cadets, and
it was their first chance to see the tra—
dition and discipline that go into mak-
ing a parade go smoothly, Park said.

In preparation for the parade, stu-
dents practiced drills on a weekly basis
the entire semester.

“The parade is a practice in disci—
pline," said ()livia Duer, a junior and
member of the public affairs cadet
office. “The cadets have been practic-
ing for this all year and had to undergo
an inspection before hand which



WEATHER H 'Im/v, .\'/.'III."¢‘I'.\'
[like/g): lilgli ii/Tll. .S'ltutrt'liv

‘ tun/glir. lot." near ii. Slit/Irv
{(lllltll‘l‘tlIl‘, big/.1 near 6 5.

TERMS ANYONE? m (.tmgjz-Iltuna/11y

In Louisiana State 6—] yesterday after/um”.

.St't' Sporty, page .H.

. «y. «a 7°73; g1;




. " 2M‘A‘ ‘- ‘i'fif' 31»
moms BY HOBIE HILER Allin/Ha”

SHOW STOPPEBS '1' lie 1 'Hiz‘cltvitv .‘h'r I’m/re RU’I Y.’ cutlets participated 1/1 an annual parade (in .‘iii/III'III'A‘H‘i’lf/(III lane/1 last week.

checked for everything from wrinkles
to lint."

The parade is meant not only to
prepare the cadets for the parades they
will participate iii after graduation as
members of the Air Force, but also to
give them a chance to recogni/e out-
standing cadets.

u'l‘raditional Air Force parades are
designed to recognize star performers
and to boost moral," Parker said.

l‘iach class was represented iii the
parade. and one cadet was reeogiiiled
from each as the cadet of the month
for March.

“The cadets of the month are stu—
dents who go the extra mile and excel
iii grades, physical fitness atid other
tests," Duer said.

The cadets of the month for March
were freshman cadet liric (.‘ourtney.
sophomore cadet .ltllIlL‘S Markham.
junior cadet Braiti Bucher and senior
cadetjulie liilerman.

“Each student has a chance to excel
in this program and beyond." l)uer
said. “The skills we cultivate such as


leadership, planning and discipline are
skills that can be used in any field."
Sophomore cadet and civil engi~
neering major Brian Bucher said that
aside from the valuable skills students


learn trough the leadership labs and
drills. he likes the camaraderie of the

“I like the camaraderie among the

Sec ROTC mi 5


Smfl report

\Vhen your dial finds \VRI’L-l’M
next year, the product you hear will be
driven by Lindsay Hofftnan.

Hoffman was named the station’s
general manager Friday afternoon.
She is following in her brother Brian's

“My brother was a 1)] there, and l
jtist catiie down to visit him one time,
and I thought it was a real interesting
thing to see," she said. “That's part of
the reason I came to L'K, because I'd
never seen anything like it."

Hoffman spent the last two years as
news director for the campus radio sta—
tion, at 88.1 on the dial. but the jour—
nalism junior was one of the last peo—

ple clued into her selection as general
manager. \Vhen she got to the Studetit
(Jenter offices of \\'Rl"l.-l’.\l, she ran
into the station's new program direc-
tor, Kristine McNiel.

“I kind of found out through
hearsay," Hoffman said.

MeNiel knew she had been named
program director, so lloffiiiati called
Student Media Adviser Mike Agin for
the fitial word.

“I wasn't really surprised," lloff—
man said. “lt was more like, ‘Now
what do I do.‘ I have to re—think what
I'm going to do this next year. I have
another job, and l have to schedule
around my dtitics at the radio station."

Hoffman hopes to boost campus
visibility of the radio station by

"It radio station

adding more public affairs programs
such as news and call—iii talk shows
without sacrificing the station's tradi-
tioti of playing music rarely heard
elsew here.

The getieral manager oversees the
daily operations of the station .iiid
works with the program director to
keep the airwaves filled with items of
student interest.

(Iandidates for both general manag—
er and program director fill otit an
application that includes specific ques—
tions on what each person plans to do
with the position. The application also
questions candidates. understanding of
the position.

After stibiiiittiiig aii application,
each candidate is called before the

“’Rl’lxl‘Al Advisory Board where
they are interviewed for about an hour.

McNiel was tortured by current
(ieneral .\lanager Briati King follow-
ing her board ititerview.

“l was the last person to be inter—
viewed, and l was just liaiigitig out
back .it the station," said McNiel. a
biology freshman. “There was a bunch
of food left. Briati pulled me over and
said and wanted to talk to me. He
totally leaded it like you didn‘t quite
make it and then said they decided to
pick tiic anyway.“

McNiel is responsible for
scheduling shows atid trying to keep
people happy. But King‘s joke made
her anything btit happy tiiitil it was


Study: Non-tenure t

Many professors are turning to the
alternatives like part—time,

By Lisa M. Rooolman
Cavalier Daily (U. Virginia)

As colleges and universities nation-
wide face growin concerns about a
rising number of students coupled
with a decreasing supply of tenured
faculty, some Virginia faculty mem-
bers are questioning the importance
of tenure.

Last week, Education School Prof.

Jay L. (Ihronister and \Villiam and
Mary Education l’rof. Roger (i. Bald-
win completed a two-year project, col-
lecting data and examining the
increasing nationwide trend of noti-
tenure-track faculty.

According to the study, a non-
tenure track is becoming more popular
as faculty express a desire to teach as
opposed to spending a large portion of
their time doin research.

“\\'ith all olgthe flack tenure is get-

ask otten

ting, a lot of faculty members are ques-
tioning, why tenure?" (Ihronister said.
“This is a change iii higher education."

(Ihronister said tenure is an
appointment with an unlimited term,
while a non-tenured teaching posi—
tion usually is held by a contract
delineating the length of the teach-
er's term -—~ “an end that has to be

Many schools, including UK, now
face tighter budgets and larger num—
bers of students, forcing them to
look into the o tion of non—tenured
and part-time actilty —— adjunct fac—
tilty who are more affordable and

best way

“Because of shriiikitig bud rets,
ltenurel puts a heavier teachiiigiitir—
den on faculty, and limits the potential
development of faculty members,"
Faculty Senate (Ihairman _lahan
Rama7ani said.

But Ramazani said the Virginia's
reputation depends largely on faculty
research. Altiiost all faculty members
hired by the L'niversity are on tenure-
tracks, he said.

"The real success ofour University
has been predicated on dual forms of
research and teaching. It is a big mis-
take to go one way or the other,” he

See TENURE rm 4




April 13, 1998

o (at/”pm 4 [hurl/um 2


l (f/zlislflt’t/v g .S/ml‘lv 6



(.rrmt‘tml 9 lien/mint 8




\\':\Sl ll\(iT( )N Brushing off an industry
boycott and threats of lawsuits, both (:liilltiil
administration officials and members of(Iongrcss
say they are confident they'll pass tough anti-
tobacco legislation by the end of this year.

“\Ve will get bipartisan legislation this year,"
Health and Human Services Secretary Donna
Shalala declared on Sunday. “’l‘lierc's no question
about it because it‘s about public health."

Major tobacco companies last week aiiiiotiticed
they would not go along with tobacco legislation
being debated in (Iongress, saying the original
goal of reducing teen smoking had been subverted
into a money grab that would drive the industry
into bankruptcy. .

lndustry leaders stressed Sunday that they would
unleash their huge lobbying power to stop the legis-
latioti and would go to court to challenge provisions
that limit advertising of tobacco products atid
require companies to pay billions in penalties ifteen
smoking reduction goals aren't met.

N. II'BIIIIII braces "80" “MP IIOICO talks

(IARRl(IK.\l()Rl’., Northern Ireland Seeing
difficult times ahead. Siiiti l‘iein leader ( ierry Adams
appealed to thousands of lRA supporters Sunday to
accept Northern Ireland‘s compromise peace accord.
Adams' party. an ally ofthe lrish Republican Army.
held commemtirations in both parts of lrelaiid hon-A
oriiig the executed commanders of the l‘Ho lCastcr
rebellion against British rule in Dublin.

Sinii liein's support is key to the success of the
historic, (iT—page peace settlement reached l‘riday
among negotiators from eight parties iii the
British»ruled province.

E80890“ COIIVlCt caught INOI' deadly CHISB

FORT l..~\L'l)th)Al.lC. l-‘la. ~77 A convict and
a friend who helped him escape prison iii a break
masterminded by the inmate‘s mother were
caught Sunday when their getaway car slammed
itito another vehicle. police said. The driver of the
second car was killed.

Armed robber jay Sigler, 3|, escaped Saturday
frotn the liverglades Correctional lnstitution when
an accomplice rammed .i semi truck through four
security fences at the maximuiii—security prison .iud
came otit blasting with a gun.

Sigler and a friend who was recently released
from the prison. Christopher Michelson. H. took
off-together in a car. The two were spotted Sunday
afternoon on Pompano Beach, just outside l’ort
laiuderdale, about 40 miles away from the prison.

The men sped tip, ttirned into an alley. ran a
stop sign and careened onto a busy street. That's
where they plowed into a car, killing the 5—year-
old driver. Michelson was charged Sunday with
first degree iiitirder iii the death ofthe motorist.


8008 attack, TIIIIII'B MII'III Ill bathroom
_l()l lANNl’SBL'RU, South Africa — lloiiev

bees attacked Nelson Mandela in the bathroom.
repeatedly stinging the South African president.

Mandela, 7‘). said the bees were buning outside
his vacation home Saturday in ()tmu, in the former
'l‘ranskei tribal homeland. and then some flew inside
atid attacked, the Sunday Independent reported.

Mandela said he was stung “four or five times"
on the abdomen and “also iii parts that I can‘t
mention," the newspaper reported.

(.imlpr/nlgfi‘nm :‘IH’ re/mr/x


38 KBI‘IIBI Bditfll‘

By Judith Hensley
Stuff if )‘itt'l‘

Diversity and design are two of the changes
expected for the Kentucky Kernel over the next

The Kentucky Kernel Board of Directors chose
Mat llerroii as editor in chief for the 1998-99
school year. .lessica (on was cho'
scti to head this summer's weekly

llerron, who will be a junior
next year, said he wants to work
on several areas to improve the
campus newspa er. ()ne of Her-
ron‘s tnain goal; is to get more
minority students working for the

“I want to bring more diversity
into the newsroom and get more diversity in our
staff," llerron said. “I want to contact the Black
Student Union and the Asian—American student
organizations to get that diversity."

llerron said he also wants to start usin more
computer assisted reporting methods andgdoing
more investigative stories.

“I think we need more investigative re irting
because it will give the Kernel an edge," fierron










.Uorrday, April I 3, I998, [(011ka Kernel



The Kentucky Kernel Advertising Department is now accepting
applications for Advertising Representatives for Fall Semester 1998.
Interested applicants should be Full-time UK students, have their own

transportation, and be able to work a minimum of 20 hours per

week. Applications are available in room 026 of the Grehan

Journalism and are due by 3 pm. on April 15.






Band hits marlin a Subaru?

By Jay D. Vosltuiil

(."mirriltuilrig H ’rr'rrr

The “’rocldage became a juice
bar and then, like a beacon through
the bar room smoke, a storage
facility became the 37 (Ienter.

This is the evolution of the
rock venue in Lexington. But
don't tell Portland‘s, Kissing
Book, who returned to Lexington
'I‘hursday night to play the 37
Center. As far as the band knows,
area shows have always taken
place in empty storage spaces.
Their first time through last fall
found them setting up in a base-

Kissing Book is refreshingly
simple. Thursday night‘s incarna-
tion included just two pieces —
ruitar and drums. if Kissing Book
had a bass player, it would just
mean less space for the two band

members in their Subaru.

Their music, like their touring
wagon, is incredibly compact. A l
uniform in structure, Kissing
Book's short songs, stacked nicely
and effortlessly, helped assemble a
fun, early—'60s inspired set oftra—
ditional pop.

The crowd was sparse. Before
the start of the show
guitarist/vocalist Andrew K. invit—
ed the entire audience to join him
on the scrap of carpet (37 (lenter‘s
equivalent ofa stage) that differen—
tiates the band from the audience.

Much to his surprise, the crowd
obliged. Andrew and drummer
Mike K. seemed to feed off the
newfound intimacy and their
crisply-crafted pop thrived.

The songs are all upbeat and uti—
lize the standard “La. La, La" hack—
ing vocal.


drumming recalled













I’leu Illi'illil‘t'i/

FUCKER UP The Portland band Kissing Book mole its minimal/rt. run—piece
pop art to the 3 7 Center Thursday night.

Motown's wall of sound record-3
ings, where a single tambourine:
would often bury the entire kit.j
His hit-the-cymbal-harder-than—3
the-snare approach barely nudged-
Andrew's swift songs along. :

“I like to be on the floor (with
the audience)," Andrew said after-j
ward. “I like to dance."

His dancing nearly stole the
show. \\'ith feet to ether and a
pre-vpubescent hem ine exposin T
his ankles. Andrew twisteg
straight out of the school of hol—
low body hung high.

Kissing Book has existed in one
form or another since the fall of
1996. Andrew’s brief stint at Mid-
dle Tennessee State University, a
reputed music industry school just
outside of Nashville, Tenn”
soured him on college and
encouraged him to leave.

“i realized that everyone was
there to o to school and not
there to find a hand then uit
school," he said. “i quit schoo to
try and find a band."

it was back on the West Coast
that Andrew found Mike. The two
have been on tour since March.

Kissing Book considers itself a
legitimate result of pop’s lon
legacy, tracing its influences back
to early Beach Boys, Sam and
Dave and the Kinks. Even early
punk contributed to Kissin
Book‘s existence, if not in sountf
then in spirit. Along with like-
minded bands Of Montreal and
the Minders. it couples a positive
punk mentality with a more gentle
pop music.

Kissing Book appears on a vari—
ous artists compilation by Portland
label Magic Marker. it also shares
an independently-released seven
inch, split with friends Glossary.

The band is devoted to touring
and Andrew admits he doesn't do
much else. Back home in Portland
he says they play the occasional
all—ages show but complains,
“There’s so many bands there."

\thn finally asked what hap-
pened to the bass player, Andrew
snorted, “()h, he quit," then calm-
ly stated, “I hope we can find
someone to fit in."

He meant, of course, both
musically and physically, as space
is at a premium inside the Subaru.


The (Zampus Calendar is a free servite whit it appears in the Monday edition ot the Kentucky Kernel.
events, must have. all information to the Student A( tivities room 203 Stdent (Ztr. or call 2578867.


MC7HDAY 4/13

-UK Priority registration for the 1998 Fall
Semester and both 1998 Summer Sessions
(thru 4/17)

Dept. of Theatre is raising S for Guignol
Theatre Restoration Project for 50th
Anniversary Gala opening in ‘99; 257-3145
Fine Arts Institute: Non-credit classes in
art. music, theatre, a: dance for adults; 275
783i dates/times vary (thru 4/18)

College of Fine Arts Downtown Gallery:
MFA Thesis Exhibition by Laura Makowski
(thru 4/24)

-UK Waterslu' Club Meeting, 8:30pm. 106
Old Student Ctr


-UK Career Ctr Orientation Workshops: Mv-F
3:00pm (45 min): CALL 257-2746 to Sign

-UK Counseling & Testing Ctr FREE
Tutoring for Math 109 (1 :00-2:00pmi and
Math 123 (2:00-3:00pm) sign-up in 201
Frazee Hall in advance

.UK Counseling a: Testing Ctr FREE 60-
min career test, the Strong Interest
inventory by Dr. Sandra Lybarger, staff
Psychologist, 3:00pm, 109 Miller Hail

‘ML King Cu lirral Ctr ( u-atrw Wiitinq

\\rui\sltop \\|lll tltc .\llllll.l( ltian l’nets
o oopni «wen ‘ion tiuu ‘i .l’iv


Newman Ctr Catholic Mass every weekday.
12 10pm, 320 Rose St; 2558566

-Nurse's Christian Fellowship Meeting:
Missions/Outreach Focus, 7:30-9:30pm.
205 Student Ctr

UK Alkido Club, 8:00pm, Alumni Gym
Loft, 278.9283/268-3870

TUESDAY ()4/ I 4



EXHIBIT: Arturo Alonzo Sandoval: A
Retrospective, [M Art Museum (thm

6/ 1 4/98)

EXHIBIT (Jitters: Animals In the
Collection. UK Art Museum (thru 6/28)
EXHIBIT: Art and the Everyday World: Pop,
Op, and Minimalism In the Collection. UK
Art Museum (thm 8/09)

College of Fine Art. UK women’s 8'
Men's Choruscs: Lori Metal 3 Jefferson
Johnson, conductors. 8:00pm, Slngletary
Ctr. Concert Hall.- FREE

Student. Actlvltleo Bond Meeting,

5:00pm. 203 New Student Ctr. 2578867

Societa- Pro ws- Meeting: Elections

for new officers. 7:00pm. 206 Student Ctr.-


Green Thumb Meeting, 7:30pm, 205
Student Ctr


Donovan Scholars Program Forum: ”The
Kentucky Nature Conservatory' Julian
Campbell, 3:30-4:30pm, Lex. Senior
Citizens Ctr

Muslim Student Association ptt‘st'nls
imam W l)('t'li .‘lolianmu-rt, llis' l'\o|\uuj
‘iessaqe oi islam in "\1111'111 a, 0 30pm
\i‘oi'sitam l‘heatir' Student (ii l‘l(llli




'llK Career Cir \jrprw iatinrr [inrrsih m
the Workplar v 13W) 1: 50pm Jolt
‘latlteus iiirir sir n u u 257 17 in
—UK Counseling 3 Testing Ctr Learning
Enhancement Assessment Programs (LEAP)
FREE study skills worishop, 3:00-3:50pm.
sign—up in 201 Frazee Hall or call 257-6959

in advance


-Newman Ctr Prayer/Exercise/Meditation
Workshop, 4:30-5:15pm, 320 Rose Ln
-Ult Wesley Foundation United Methodist
PHAT TUESDAY, 7:50pm. M. 230 Student
Ctr; 254-0231

-Baptist Student Union TNT Meeting.
7:30pm, Chapie-429 Columbia Ave; 257-

Newman Ctr Student Night, 7:30pm, 320
Rose Ln: 2558566


-Swim Meet Entries due by 4:00pm, 145
Seaton Ctr, Meet will be on 4/22; 257-2898



-Ul( Final deadline for submission of appli
cation and all required documents to the
Office of Admissions for undergraduate
admission for the 1998 Four-Week

-Ul( Deadline for applying with college
deans for reinstatement after a second aca-
demic suspension for the 1998 Fall


-SAB I'lhn Sale. presents 'Biiiy Madison,”
7:50pm, Worsham Movie Theater, Student
Ctr. 31

College oll'lne Arts UK Saxophone
Quartets: Lisa Osiand a: Jonathan
Anderson, directors, 8:00pm. Singietary Ctr.
Recital Hall.- FREE

-SAB doom. Committee Meeting

4:00pm, 205 Student Ctr
-AIAA Meeting. 6:00pm, 209 CRMS Bldg
-WS Webb Society for

Amateurs 0: Profusionab Meeting, 7:30pm,
108 Lnflerty Hui



-Ul( Career Ctr 'Preparing for interviews,’
12:00-12:50pm, 208 Mathews Bldg; sign-up

-Ul( Counseling a: Testing Ct: FREE
Tutoring for Math 109 (3:00-4:00pm) and
Math 123 (4:00-5:00pm) sign-up in 201
Frazee Hall in advance/2576959


Janet-Day Saint Student Assoc Meeting,
12:00pm, 231 Student Ctr

Newman Ctr Mid Afternoon Prayer Pause,
3:00-3:45pm, 320 Rose Ln

-JSOIlllllel Foundation Dinner, 6:00pm.
Commons-meet at the 2nd floor staircase
Cats for Christ Encounter, 7:00pm, Rm.
230 Student Ctr

-WfldWatuCats Whitewater Club Meeting,
6:00pm, 212 Seaton Ctr

GOLF Doubles Tournament, first tee time
12:00pm. Tates Creek Golf Course (thru
4/16): 257-6584

-Ul( Ailddo Club, 8:00pm, Alumni Gym
Lofl: 278-9283/268-3870


-0l'llce for Experiential Education
Orientation, internships/ShodoMng/Sen/lce-
Learning, 10:00am-12:00pm, 111 Student




-Anomics Club Undergraduate Socioiom'
Career Forum, 4:306:00pm, 346
Classroom Bldg


-Couege of Fine Arts Jazz Concert: UK
Mega Sax, Miles Osland, director, 8:00pm.
Slngletary Ctr, Recital Hall,- FREE

-Co|iege of Fine Arts UK Theatre: The
Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov. 8:00pm.
Guignol Theatre. Fine Arts Bldg; $10. $8.50.
57; 257—4929


-Ul( Amnesty International Human Rights
Organization Meeting. 7:008:00pm. 113
Student Ctr; 226-0642


Donovan Scholars Program Fonrm:
”Nursing Homes: Are They Scary Places'i'.’
Kathy Gannoe, 3:50-4:30pm, Lex. Senior
Citizens Ctr


-U|t c-oa Ctr 'Beglnner’s Guide to
Internet 8 Electronic Job Search Tools.‘
4:50-5:20pm, 208 Mlhews Bldg; sigmup

All registered organizations wishing to publish events and sporting

or e-mail ukevent“ pop.uky.edtr one week prior to publiration.

rBaptist Student Union Devotion a: Lunch
($1 all you can eat!) 12:15pm, 429
Columbia Ave; 257-3989

-Ul( Wesley Foundation Dinner 8: Praise.
6:00—7: 15pm, 508 Columbia Ave; 2540231
Ouistian Student Fellowship Thurs Night
Live, 7:00pm, 502 Columbia Ave; 233-0313
-Campus Ousade for Christ Meeting,
7:50pm, Student Ctr Worsham Theater
~FCA Meeting, 9:00pm. CSF Bldg, comer of
Woodland & Columbia Ave

-UI( Gymnastics: NCAA Nationals 0 UCLA

(thru 4/ 18)
-Ult Women’s Tennis: SEC Tournament. All
Day; Lexington, KY (thru thru 4/20)


Office for Experiential Education
Orientation, internships/Shodowing/Service-
Learning, 2:00-4:00pm, 11 1 Student Ctr



-Ul( 1998 April Advising Conference for
Community College transfer students
cleared for fall admission


-Ul( library Gallery Series: UK Faculty in
the Leonore String Quartet, 'Beethovan's
String Quartet Op. 132' e: 'Ravei String
Quartet.’ noon, Peal Gallery, Mi King North
College of Fine Arts UK Theatre: The
Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov, 8:00pm,
Guignol Theatre, Fine Arts Bldg; $10, $8.50.
$7; 2574929

-N. American Brass Band Assoc presents
Lex Philharmonic Orchestra at Lex Brass
Band, Final concert, 8:00pm, Singietary Ctr,
Concert Hall; $10


-UI( Art Museum Robert C. May
Photography Endowment Lecture Series pre-
sents Michael Kenna, 4:00pm. UK Art


Muslim Student Assoc. Friday Prayer.
1:50-2:00pm. 572 Georgetown St; All are

Muslim Student Auoc. Meeting. 6:00pm.
i l 1 Student Ctr

-Ul( Men's Golf: SEC (Georgia Hosts)
Athens, GA (thru 4/ 19)

SATURDAY r’l/ 18


College of Fine Am UK Theatre: The
Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov, 8:00pm.
Guignol Theatre, Fine Arts Bldg; 810, $8.50.
’7: 257-4929





-i‘i. American Brass Band Assoc presents
Lex Philharmonic Orchestra & Lex Brass
Band, Final concert, 8:00pm, Singietary Ctr.
Concert Hall: $10

-Newman Center Catholic Mass, 6:00pm,

320 Rose Ln; 2558566


College of Fine Arts UK Theatre: The

Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov, 2:00pm.
Guignol Theatre, Fine Arts Bldg; $10, $8.50.
$7: 257-4929

College of Fine Arts Guitar Concert: UK
Guitar Ensemble, 2:00pm, Singietary Ctr.
Recital Hall; FREE

College of Fine Arts UK Symphony
Orchestra: David MacKenzle. conductor.
3:00pm, Singietary Ctr, Concert Hall; FREE
-Sayre Spring Concert: Sayre Singers a:
Chamber Ensemble, 7:00pm, Singietary Ctr.
Recital Hall; FREE

Newman Center Catholic Mass, 9:00 a:

l 1:30am, 5:00 8 8:30pm, 520 Rose Ln:

Christian Student Fellowship University
Praise Service,1 1:00am, 502 Columbia Ave;

Muslim Student Association Quranic
Studies, 1 1:4Sam-l :OOpm, 572 Georgetown
St; All invited

-Ul( Aikldo Club, 1:00pm, Alumni Gym
Loft; 278-9283/268—3870

-Ul( Men’s Tennis: SEC Tourney

-Newman Ctr $2 All You Can Eat Spaghetti
Dinner, every Sun, 6:00pm, 320 Rose Ln

..i l\. iilll l».\ ‘ut ‘liiur ill"

ltll‘rt ism
“1 114 li ,“ lllt‘: l l








,1” .... can. -

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. ‘Species 11 ’ follows
'1 the poor tradition

of its predecessor

By 0. Jason Stapleton

Ifmemunmenl I‘alltor

Bad movies never really die. they just
cotne back as sequels.

This was the case with Spet'les ll. btit
sadly enough. the secotid installment is
actually better than the original.

The story opens like something out of
Robert lleinlein's Stronger in n Sirnnge
Land. l’atrick Ross flustin lat/ard) is shown
landing and walking on the
surface of Mars. The historic
inotnent is broadcast via live
feedback to liarth where it is
deemed one of the greatest
moments in mankind.

(Iut away to a sanitariuin.
the broadcast is on the televi—
sion and goes largely unno—
ticed except liy one man. The
disturbed individual repeated—

and Ross returns back to the
ship with the soil samples he
took froiti the surface. L’nbe—
knownst to the crew though. an unwanted
visitor hitched along in one of the samples.
The crew blacks out for seven minutes.
awakens. and makes the return trip to earth
with no problems.
They are greeted as heroes but Ross is




l'/ it... for HIi/‘i .1

SEOUEL HELL III)/fyfi:'om/ nni/ ll” of!“ dung originality Milt/HI no; more [reaps ol'fi/m to Il't'
vet/ne/ dun/ping grounds xvii/i ‘S'pet'ies II” and “NW ()tlt/ (.'o/Ip/e II. '

undergoing a transformation into the satne
sort of creature that had to be hunted down
iii the first movie. This is where the movie
falls back into the tired “let's go hunt down
the monster we math ertently created"

.\lichael .\ladsen is brought back as
bounty hunter l’ress Lennox.
and .\larg llclgenbergcr once
again plays sympathetic scientist
Dr. Laura Baker.

It is up to that duo to hunt
down and neutrali/e l’atrick
Ross. These two did about .is
much in this lllt)\'lc as they did
in the first. which isn't much.
Ross" fellow astronaut .\ly'kclti
\Villiamson is brought itito the

ly shouts. “I told them not to * hunt to act as the obligatory
go!" over and over. but no one (out offive) smart—ass black guy for “mm.
pays him any mind. ‘ , , relief. lle ends tip being little

Back on Mars everything Spec“; II more than a bad \Vill Smith rip—
goes according to the plan. MGIW off.

Natasha llenstridge is even
back. despite the fact that she w as
killed in the first movie. She is

"brought back“ by a cloning one of her origi-
nal cells and is given the name live. She is
also enlisted to help track down Ross because
she has sort oftclepathic link to him.

During Ross” rampage. he leaves a trail
ofbrtitally mutilated women’s bodies. This

works as the moyie's only redeeming aspect
because Ross kills them by having se\ with

His alien sperm instantly fertili/es the
women who git e birth in gory fashion to
little half—alien/'half-»liuman offspring.
The whole process takes about Ill sec»
onds and chm-ayes with the bastard aliens
clawing their way out of their mothet"s

During the hunt for Ross. howe\cr. lite
escapes arid heads off to meet with him so
that the two can produce an unstoppable
full-fledged alien that would destroy hutnati
eiyili/ation as we know it,

'l‘he whole thing comes to .1 head in
Ross‘ Virginia farmhouse where he took all
his other offspring to tnature. with the end
ing being iust as bad if not worse than the
first movie.

’l‘he chilling special effects .ire the only
thing that make this mo\ie the least bit
worthwhile. but they .tre too frequent and
thus keep the film moying along at a steady

S/it't'iti /I also contains sortie genuinely
frightening scenes which were totally lack—
mg in the original moyie. Spit/tut was a stun
ple sci—fl movie whereas the sequel is iiitich
more of .i sci‘ti/horror flick

l)on‘t get me wrong. though. \t'llliel‘

\‘ersion is worth seeing.




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Simon’s ‘Odd Coup

le’ not so

odd the second time around

By Jonathan D. Gent
Stilt] (,r/I/t

t't‘ank‘y old cools ctit‘stng constantly
'l'his is not to say the chemistry between

\latthau and l.eminon doesn‘t work

for starters. lanf Ill Spine w .isn‘t that
bad. especially not in retrospect. llns
week. liowe\ei'. the grounds the limit for
one more iii another long ltiie of sequels.

\Vait .i minute. \\ alter \latthait and
klack l.emmon together: Not .I new con»
cept. \nd their children are getting mar

t‘lecl, so they lime to deal

with that as'well, l)ci.i \u
\re they played by l\e\m

l’ollak and Darryl lilannali?

()k. here‘s the new
part: 'l‘hey‘re going on a
road trip \ippce. boys .md
girls. \linost makes you
\\lslt they had c'otliltlilctl
l.emmon and \lattliauK
last moyie (Uni / r Stu/i w ith
Titanic. iust so we could all

be free of the ty rann\ tbut (”m off/rel
l \\otlltllt‘l want to st‘t' ‘Tb? Odd
either of them naked I. Couple I”
' i - i l .
ll c oily t ting th it Paramount

couldKe saved this film is
the screenplay. w l'llltlt by
arguably the most piomi
nent playwright ol our lllllL. .\cil
Simon. It doesn't.

lhis film is like a tw inkic. but instead
ofwhite cream filling. pick a body fluid
of your choice. lo be disrespectful to
\cil Simon should get me killed. and
probably wouldae ill or 30 years ago
Sequels need .i new twist to ll\ en them
tip; howet'er. the two characters being
older doesn‘t cut it by itself. 'l'hat w .is
used in the (Ir/mI/ii U/i/ \Ir 1/ scties.

\nd as in the far sup-riot (from/ti
series. the only (llllt‘l tipulat; seems to be




APRIL 22““& 23rd

(June the opposite is true. L'nlortunatc
ly. a comedy needs funny iokes. and not
even decent performances by support
ing cast members like ( Ihristtne liarans
ki .nidlean Smart can recharge the tlt.ltl .
battery that is this film. _
Something should also be said about

the director. llowat l
l)eutch. l.ea\ing aside the
tremendous disappoint
ment that was (felling 15;. t.’ j
IZ‘If/t l)m/ (it's being tllu
counted due to lack of ta!
entl. l)eutch has had piior
e\pcrience with l,emmo:.'
and .\latthau front (tr/imp;
('1‘ ()/(I .\1(‘Il. So. be does tl"
bang-up ioh
e\bects. and the lll'i\ ic's it"!
spunk and is plicnontcttal.

\Hl t‘\cli «lose. l)ctlt\ 3:
sltti\\s that \lat aulty
(illlls'lii has one upon him
lhc pcrloi'itiancts at:

blah, \lattlxau pr:

(W L'l \4tl‘t'

