Reports issued to date
G-1 Unemployment and Increasing Productivity (out of print}
6-2 The Research Program of the National Research Project F· C-
G-5 Summary of Findings to Date, March 1938 Comm
‘ G-4 Effects of Current and Prospective Technological Developments
Upon Capital Formation
G-5 Industrial Change and Employment opportunity-——-A Selected Bibliography
(Author index available) _
G-6 Survey of Economic Theory on Technological Change and Employment
G-7 Unemployment and Technological Change
A—3 Selected References on Practices and Use of Labor on Farms (out of print)
Studles in Types and Rates of Technological Change
Manufacture Q
M-1 Industrial Instruments and Changing Technology
M—2 Mechanlzatlon in the Brick Industry
M-3 Mechanization in the Cement Industry
M—4 Industrial Research and Changlng Technology
M-5 Mechanlzation in the Lumber Industry f
B-2 Mechanical Changes In the Cotton-Textile Industry, 1910 to 1936 (Summary)
B—5 Mechanical Changes In the woolen BHG worsted Industries, 1910to 1956 (Summary)
‘ B—5 Systems of Shop Management in the Cotton—Garment Industry (out of print}
E-1 Technology and the Mineral Industries (out of print)
E—3 Mechanization Trends in Metal and Nonmetal Mining as Indicated by Sales of
Underground Loading Equipment
E-5 Fuel Efficiency In Cement Manufacture, 1909-1955 (out of print}
Mineral Technology and Output per Man Studies:
E-6 Grade of Ore (out of print}
E-11 Rock Drilling
Changes In Farm Power and Equipment:
A—2 Mechanical Cotton Picker
A-9 Tractors, Trucks, and Automobiles (out of print)
A•11 Field Implements
Studies 1n Production, Productivity, and Employment
Manufacture `
S-1 Production, Employment,and Productivltyln 59 Manufacturing Industries, 1919—36
Productivity and Employment in Selected Industries:
N-1 Beet Sugar ;
N-2 Brick and Tile
B-1 Labor Productivity in the Leather Industry (Sunsary) ·
B—4 Effects of Mechanization in Cigar Manufacture (Sunnary)
B—6 Labor Productivity 1n the Boot and Shoe Industry (Sumsary)
* Mechanization and Productivity of Labor in the Cigar Manufacturing Industry
T Productivity of Labor in the Cotton-Garment IHGUSCPY
(List continued on inside back cover}
` *Pub11shed as Bull. Nc. 680 of the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
*`Published as Bull. No. d62 of the U. S. Bureau of labor Statistics. `
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