xt7prr1pk90q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7prr1pk90q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-10-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 24, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 24, 1983 1983 1983-10-24 2020 true xt7prr1pk90q section xt7prr1pk90q W W— >7.-—_— i .._. A.
arrogant/.4- . . m- . _
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bill“ I." University of Kentucky. loalogton. Kentucky lodopopdom Since lnl w, Ocean: 3‘, leg;
14 7 Americans killed during in orn . ll bl t
4 .‘ ByMAR'l‘HAREEDPI-IRRY :3an explosions let after 6% am. t12220 :‘tion anngndmx efforts” to bolster the government ”ism sud he do. no. [mm .nimu. . m. up", ML
2 W - ED”- Leba succeed -- ’thrl'St l (tilt-banal
#___..J andAPreports “I haven’t seen carnage like that since Vietnam.” Jordan said the blast hurled several Marines clear of ”“1: un Mop; or 5 mu“ m“ W“ W.” “d .l
Marine“ spokesman Maj. Robert Jordan told reporters. the building and that some survived The truck bomb . ~ . ”d 1,. d ' ‘ ' ' ‘

.BEIRUT, Lebanon — A suicide bomber crashed a hisownarms covered with blood from helping carry the estimated by Jordan to contain at least 2.0m pounds of mtg: other 3mm in multinational ,w..,.,,,,.,,m.
plckup truck packed with explosives intothe barricaded dead and maimed. Most ofthe leathernecks were asleep explosives ripped a crater it) feet deep by all feet l'tirt‘r-s Will not be affected either h.- um i“ M... 7
lobby of a building full of sleeping Marines early Sun- on cots when the explosion rained tons of concrete and across. ”my in”... ”numb,“ and “M. w” l,“ “m, ..k.
day and blew it up. The Pentagon said at least 147 Ma- glass shardsdownmthem. Lebanese army ambulances. bulldozen and vehicles 1' ,\ does will remain until other dawn,“ m... “"1,
lines and Navy personnelwerekilledandsowmmded. fiantic Marines, some clad only in bloodstained un- from all contingents in the multinational force rushed tn mum.

Moments lateranothersuicide terrorist drovea truck- derwear. grabbed shovels to dig for buried comrades the blast Sites to help evacuate the wounded. man) of Vina-ht Davis director of lht' l’llllmta‘ “hr-ii nt in
bomb into a building housing French troops. State radio cryinsforhelp.while0thers stood sobbinsstlmned them mangled and moamns in shock Medics and sum pituitary and the inCldl'nt mil lun- ihm-Ititlemn .4.
quoted civil defense workers as saying 5 French were Blood formed puddles on the ground. The area was vors laid out dead Marines in rows. their bare feet pro (M. ..{W Mm...“ WNW
killed and 12 wounded. French Defense Ministry in littered with shattered glass singed clothes helmets trudinstrom under blankets l‘trst. all the people who (limit uni is then- tn the
Paris said thedeath toll was 29dead, 14 wounded and 53 andlcooking pots. m Congressional reaction to the bombing including ii “N pi“, w,“ u... am (or , rm“, u, m,“ a. “I”...
missing “ know there are no w that can express our sor- number of senators, from both parties. urged withdra gonna mug, who “.nt.“ ,5 then- M“ u. ”n. I“ ..

. . d grief for the loss of those splendid young men wal — and an aide to Senate Ma orltv [leader Howard . ‘ . ’ _ ‘ "

The pen“ on said it dOS not an to release the row an ‘ . H . l . u! need to be the" There \tlll it A large llllltl glc 5»
names of anygof the US. victims ofptlle bombing in Leb- alid the injury to somany others, President Reagan Baker revealed that Baker had previously vmtten Rea uhtilh‘ confused and waiting tribe pentlailesl “
anonuntil today. todreportersmWashlngton. . gan urging hlmtowlthdraw the Manna; from 89th Another mm“ that w,“ MW?“ L. that W“. u,“ ,.. J

Reagan cut short 8 8°" weeke'ld In Georgia and met No US. Senators ”WM their opinions 0" "W unanimous outcry in Washington tn find out him it ltb‘lltl

The two bombings were the most savage attacks on with national security advisers to handle the latest cri- bombings. “The role of our Marines has n0! been clear happen. ' he said “How did tht' trucks get it. m.- gin-t.
the multinational force since it deployed in Beirut last sis in Lebanon. He scorned the “bestial nature“ of the ly defined At present our people are just sitting ducks.‘ nun-h ins... through m. “I", and w m i... W‘, h.
fall at the Lebanese govemment’s request to help keep assassins, vowed they would not “drive us out," and Robert Byrd. Senate Democratic Leader. said thinks “mort- actionof this (\‘pr mil MW..."
peace in'tltigsapital, {388:2 bgyears of civil war and vowedtoprovide greater protection for U.S.forces Nancy Kassebaum. R-KaILSaS. a member of the Sen n M11 ”Mm”... up. (Hm, ,I, “h. M. r,. mm. “w
orelgn in en ion. e in mg a a Marine com- . . l . ate Foreign Relations Committee. said "Your first reac . . ~h - ‘ - -. ' .. . ,.
mand post. at Beirut airport caused the largest. number MEiheF-Cmnjlent Geesrlnalgauslug.Rl(e:118:y‘tllmflyo{odel§eeg tion is to fight back. but against whom“ :: “in m mm“ and M ”m “In “N as m 1”“ h
aeggw: suffered by Amencan forces Since the rut to determine how American forces there could be rixmgsls‘swofmteh‘engggersny community reacted in ya I unuld like to express my deep surrlm and \‘Hlfll‘s\

The four-story building housing a Marine battalion protectedfrom future attacks. "It‘s a sign of the tremendous struggle in Lebanon." Zizlflilir‘jhgmfitxmxr‘rfi?‘21:13)31:21:13"‘K‘llllrtll-It!
landing tean. at the airport and the nine-story structure After the National Security Council spokesman Larry Robert W Olson. an associate professor of Middle East W..,.k:m n, m, ”haw cum", “firm..." ‘ ‘ '
occupied by the French about a mile north collapsed in Speakes said those “who would weaken our determin- history.said. ‘ ' ' W I ”HM“ ”w

tic-3“" ‘ “ ‘ *- -~"’ ‘~ "‘ .c , ' . .
Debate 4c norm, nude...
m ,.. A I‘ a! "c I ' s
C , , . . its -- ~ tries to preserve
am us cam 01 n or ' _ '- . . .
p . . p .g gamzatrons mvzted r . Kentucky records
to partlapate m gubernatorial forum ,~—r.-,."_~ ,
‘ _' . 2: , BylllANAl’Rll'l-I
By STEPHANIE WALLNER than the other candidates." heud- iii '- , ' “ 3. ”PM"
Senior Staff Writer enberg said, 4 ct V. -- . . . .
». " ' it. - Kentucky may be receiving more

The Student. Government Wia‘. David Bradford, SGA president‘ ,. f . ' x b $57.“ .' than ‘l 9 mlllllll “K ”W rrnmntltm
tion last week approveda bill EOCO- said that the forum will tell stu- 1" ‘ “it Of publlf lqunl' r‘fi‘urdli tl't‘lluv' Ill
Sponsor a candidate forum with the dents’ Opinions on “what the candi- ‘ nty Wdlm‘d H K hm”) “‘"l‘"
Kentucky Kernel featuring the 811- datesofferforstudents.” ‘- 91‘") Ryan. “‘hllt‘ “(WNW A"
bematorial candidates cam “ _ .. _ deputy county clerk in Hrts'klnrttlgi-
resentatives. pus rep- theretil'hogedltgcell’ss‘lllllg] illegl‘lgrmeglsllcgf ("o . discovered that tll‘l'llllll'flt.‘ tll'll

' ' be It ' f . 1751 . . -

“It would allow us the opportunity 9°“ issues]: Freudenberg said. :12: ofC diler‘lrrirglmg ll::::L\l"‘ 3:0,:
to see if we could set up a forum on And why the" candidate 15 a better were stored m poor rmidititm
campus," Tim Freudenberg, SGA ‘35:“ wmmdgtttfi’educatmn than the ‘ mlldewed areas. improper \N‘lllllfl
vice president, said. “Students on 0 can - ' ~ and dlrtyhuiwmmu
campus lUSt aren’t discussmg the The leaders of the campus organi- . l ' Ryan petitioned the Hrwkirirltlgt-
platforms of the gubernatorial can- zations representing Lt. Gov. Mar- ‘ (‘0 Fiscal (‘ourt in August lieu n-

, dldates,”hesald' [ha 18th Collins, the Desmocléatjc _ .', qml?“ 5’0er “IQ-lung tip pvt.
' . . nominee; State Senator im un- , .. . v or courity‘s ocalrecorria
.3“ .2“: it safe. s... cc Republican cccc .. "c t... cm s... m
ter “p'a t ‘least‘two of th Nicholas McCubbin, an independent . Joe anht in hopes of locating 'llulr'
u f m $38.2” ”Pt candidate, will be invited to speak at ,. funth to llnancr a local records pro
- mama? e can accep the forum. ‘ 7‘ :3; ‘ gram for the entire state Wright lll'
. “we’re going to be contacting the . if}; . 0 * runs“! a MID“ (Of Ryan. Kl-n

The bill passed by the Senate au- leaders of each campus campaign ' *2 53/ , ‘fdky ”mm“ 1““ J ””9""
thorizes SGA to allocate up to $68 to organization,” Andrew Oppmann, 13’ '~‘c~ ~ c' a .-- ct . . .. ' 0 co 7 :mknggmttfi': ljlmlfieshtnf
pay for such expenses as micro- Kernel editor-inchief, said, “and try . A ,. ”'3 , ._ ‘ " . " "
phone rental, advertisements and to convince them of the importance 4 ‘M "7‘ 7‘4““‘“" “nun". l I Mcmvum womb" ”‘2
flyers for the forum. The Kernel will of the issues forum.” ""' W' ~
moderate the forum. As yet neither the Kernel nor the Medal Of honor Chalgyagc? ig‘gfi‘flwmir;

SGAhasbeen formally contacted by Former Governor Albert B. “Happy Chan- Order of the Southern Cross an litintirarv so. Historical Publicatlom and Illa-«tints
”We “099 to 85“ the student rep- the campus representatives to tell dler m k n t h ft .- f h - T (' dormted mom tr - t
resentatives why they are support- them whether or not they will accept . - a es a accep ance speec 3 er rc- clety o t c Sons of tlic (tintcdcrate Velcr- ”mm'wm “ "u’
' ing the candidates they are, and their invitation to the issues forum‘ celvmg an award from the Society of the ans. "‘1’" a model ”a; rfiom‘lpm
. what makes their candidate better he said. gram ‘0 com/m". 'm'” M
. , sembly that Is stalls-Widt- litigant
' ' ‘ t' ' ' was n Aprl . was - t'mll
Past Umverszty presrdent favored multiverszty mama “mm W m, mm. ,
. . . program had received funds
Local records include deeds mar
swa o ere . a new lrec ion in e s .... m... .. ....
valuable court documents said
By ALEX CROUCH Students in the Community Col- ucational giant with seven campuses ignorance. prejudice and social can the Lexmgton campus is coping With mm]. the author! .0! Th; ”tut; 1”
Semmsmfmfim lese system’s Leidnston Technical andtsooosnidents. flict which clutter the course of the education problems of the early ”°" °”'" "’ "‘ ‘" ‘ “”
Institute are more familiar with Committee member Stephen Di- human prOSI‘ess." years of the Atomic Age UK gntgnmgg: gens;
him; their building is named in his achun, like Oswald a plant patholog- Clark Kerr. preSldent of the U(‘ has embarked upon a truly revolu- mm to hum". ha“, 0")
. honor. ist, was already familiar with him. system and Oswald‘s former asso— tionarv academic program based on "The hm of. mm“ I",
Like Byzantium, academia is “We would chitchat at annual meet- ciate. SPOKE for the delegates and the invigorating premise that the withi ml record- . my “1
no country for old men. Academic ings, and I had the sense that he predicted: “Oswald is a man who best way to enter a dynamic new “i “2.03”“. m, m ' m ‘3",
generation pass away. and come, was a person who would lead us in can and will do the work of two or era is to geta running start " pl be“... they are mam! r.
- and the past fades quickly. Great A Board of Trustees commit- the direction we wanted to go — to three men. He is not built for going my .. '
names like Patterson, McVey and tee had been searching U.S. higher make UK more of a research- back; his whole attention is fixed 0" W 3 an additional tooom
Margaret King become buildings education for six months to find a oriented institution,“ Diachun, now firmlyonthegoals ahead." “In mmmm by the 11!!er land
and only thus are remembered by president. Dr. Ralph Angelucci, retired from theplant pathology de- [n his inaugural speech. Oswald In less Lyndon Johnson's mm", mm! to indmdual
thelatest freshmen. _ ' chairman of the committee and then partment, said. said: “The challenge is bridging the Great Society. begun the same year counties m N or resort .m

By such standards little exrsts on a 'l‘rmtee himself, recalled, “Our in- The Board of Trustees chose Os- gap between the University's first as ()3wald's inauguration. was floun- ements "Basically our money
the main campus to evoke the five- structiom were to find a man to ree wald on May 30. 1963. Outgoing pres- and second centuries . The re deg-mg amid the Vietnam war, race 53" be M ,0, My,“ VOW
year presidency of John Oswald. valuatealldepartmentsandcolleges ident Frank Dickey described him sponsibility is that we. participating riots and student muslin. acid-free we. r," mm" ”d
For students who apply, thereare and generally refreshen the Univer~ as a man of “strength, experience in this period of transition. make Students were demonstrating at UK ”W11“! mmmumm‘ -- Ry.“
the Oswald Research and Creativity sity.” and wisdom — a wonderful choice." sure that the foundations for a as well. with slogans like ”Oswald. said '

Awards which he been Connow One name that stayed through the The Board also gave Oswald a 43- strong university laid during its first don‘t go" and "We need you to lead
seurs of dedication plaques will no- process of elimination was John percent increase in his presidential century will be adequately built us,no(leaveus " m “ 0" "m "x“ mm" V"
tice his name on the ones for Patter- Wieland Oswald, the administrative salary, raising it to 830,000 per year. upon and added to in its second, so Despite these shows of support, (gram '" a” nation ‘0 "rm" mm"
son Tower, the Classroom Building vice president of the University of (The present figureissaomo.) that an even stronger university de~ Oswald brought his five-year wear 1:" "awn?" Ry‘"m“‘d_ '1’;
andtheKlrwan-BlandlngComplex. California system, the country’s ed- Oswald flew into Lexington and velops. This is our responsibility as dency to an end by resigning on he"; Gaul"! M “y ”I
...N'x.‘ -=:' ‘ um» we 33. .---v_: .."‘~,.:.:...-= m office on W. 1. lm. 0* clean we are about to enter the UNIVCfil- Apr“ 2 In a “3(3me [0 fig Buy-d {w . "mm [m "II "It 0
:7 . 23? ' ’.“‘c§’?§c 1 said at the time. “He hit the mud ty‘ssccondcentury of Trustees. Oswald expressed his ”m" "Wm
:rssscs.ds*sa " ‘ " ". running and hasn’t stowed yet." A “Most of my comm as presic “utmost confidence In “('1’
._‘§nxathtmvi§§. _~ . xwl'fiflgrqice Kentucky Kernel editorial cartoon dent . . . must be with the future, for Mt state of development and u-
mi”gf 3” ; . j~ “9’7? 5;. 4 read. “Satellite Oswald — pioneer the business of a university Is the fu- pecially for its promising future It 'Ns'DE
'“c'c'wg “ L ‘ ' «w .’ ' . “‘“’ A “18 the Second Centmy.” Ihele lure. ‘ ‘ ,"heaaid. mat certainly u maturing into me
.‘fsgv S . .: 3‘ , ’ i were just more than 9.000 students “Our .mch to the future must of the nation‘s finest state universi-
“a .23.; .3233; a i ‘3' .1- . ty’ 5 oncampus. not be passive or ad hoc. rather we ties."
t‘c 3“ ' p.14. 7 i must have an organized vision of the The new governor, Louis Nunn. in I. * m 0 dd“ ”
if __- ~ . s ..2: ; rum. in menu pi... tor the my in. anal, .. cram at the m - ~ 0—i- H
l ..a‘” y " ' '33. in M a; Drum“)! is to pro- Board, asked for a portrait of (it ”flfilflfl-flshm
‘ ‘ ’ . = '. xii" Only three ”idem had ceed. In the recent past we have Wild to b! m among than 0‘ m
1' » .‘ " 1' ‘ ‘ . . _ ..1 " ever been {muy inamated be- hard [nigh WM excellence “other W Wt] 11 .'
:1 _ ' "' g... ‘I, tore Ataqtnrtcpsttwoontheal- medicationButitisnotenomhfor UK" A NW 3990"“! ‘0 "'9 ill-N'WNWl-fi
‘ v. {“5199 " '5': . , gm' of April II. ‘m the over «3 us to strive toward such a general Board. former Gov. Albert Glan- '. ”.1. i U. be! Q ~
_ ' WW,MMWWA, bonehwemlntprobeanddle dietsaiddleOswaldadnlmstratlon mu.hrp
. "' .. W‘demMit,analyuandponderitln MMWMWW" __ nn‘
. University of m Carolin .t shirt we mt tallies-stand the sub- tum-«newline. . .. ' .
*‘c: l MunorialOollaaanlaldu-thebatm "MWWMO‘MW' w'mwmm‘wn'bfil
,7... d Phillip “mu. m an 0mm” vanity. (lily that can we how to at- “Y I“ ”3 Unlmty. M said. I
w. 3".”de Theobal- “a,“ talnlt." m it a loyear setback. He
~ 3...... ' . added that all Mention W to .
trim . thelmthPaalm. Hepromiaedblealeanacademlc aeodlictbetwemOawaldaadthe ""1, '
taste-y m Tim D. Woman’s-stores mmmmm. sit-0mm
* A Clark gave the facuty‘s greeting to nrudseadedtheseeondesntlay. “on "mm“ . j... H I . fl
.. . the new m. "w. volcanic M. mun-d are-dint m mm, ‘W ..m ,WE ulsfillfl b
I, medal-WM!» placedtlleclnlndtheummtyof haywaumdyMDr'm-H' tug, “‘0
t" uneveknowyweunsmmynaldm'a shoill- . ' ad'- " , “3"”
.. " with a w maid, band. due. film” .’. " not "'6’ ”H” ”E... “i ‘ a
llll'll m all m A special [Alanine Courlar-lour— ‘ g- 113.; ....
WWALD Mariam to h as! w pod-land: "New ”mung-'2 ‘ " “V "‘
' i

 2.1mm“ . » ,oouaasmass ‘
- l 'Oswald
Information,p ease Wm...
' - - - - Oswald ldt to become executive “h -
Students test for foreign servzce careers In public relations m M m at. no system W” “Ty’him'mmavi'mu'wmmd 1:: i; ‘
, » ~ '~ . , ,, ~ ~ -' made its oer-president m , Mfiwamm finish" a." ~ -
Helen Ilia-phy, Equal Employment Wty of- cers, public affairs officers and many other poai- l-litch. in mo he became president it was a perceivedsloss of such an i
flea- for the 0.8. Information Agency, visited UK on tions, shesaid. of Permsylvania State University. : attitude by students at We), par-
Oct. 4, recruitlu students for Foreign Service ca- “We refer to ourselves as ‘generallsts,’ ” Murphy ticularly and their reaction that tar-
reus. said. People are not necessarily hired for jobs in nished UC and Kerr’s reputation. .
'l‘hell‘oreioiServiceisaninfot-mationservicethat theirmajors,butaccordingtostremthsrevealedin ~ Kentuckians,too,weresuspiciomof j
povidesassistanoetothepresidentandsecretaryof an exam giventoall people applying for foreign Oswald,so,hasjmtretiredfrom such foreign views,accordingtoa '
state in dealing with foreign policies. People are servicework. the presidency of Penn State. As 1989 ”Much!“ yearbook article.
hired as “information officers,” who act as “the pub- About 27,000 people annually take this exam and president-emeritus he has an office Some felt that Oswald w“ hm t
lic relations arm of the government." The basic goal less than 2 percent pass, but Murphy said the exam at the university’s Ogontz campus. too much California with him trying ‘
is to represent the us. government and promote is nota one-time test. lfpeople fail it, they can take three to four miles from Philadel- to establish UC nguigton. And i
communication and underuanding between nations, itagainaslongastheywant. phia. wherehe is catching up on _cor- » some saw Oswald's development of i
Murphy said. Murphy said the test will be held Dec. 3 this year. respondence. Now that he is retired the Community College system as l
Various functions of foreign service officers in- For more information about how to apply to take the he is also active on various cor- an attempt to establish a multiversi-
elude setting up exchange programs. dealing with exam, write to US. Information Agency, 400 C St., porate boards; in connection with tyinKentucky. '
the media, and holding social and cultural events. S.W.,Washington,D.C.20547. oneofthemhewill soon makes trip The College of Education Ww l
People are hired as writers, editors photographers to Tokyo. In a recent telephone in- sor claimed that Oswald did have (
electronic erigirieels. press officers. audiovrsual offi~ BECKY McVEIGH tervrew he reflected on his experi- multiversit ambitions for Kent k
. . y “C y l
. . mgufimum’ especially his hut abandoned them for the flagship 1
mil I“ From 1946 to 1957 Oswald was first JOHN OSWALD mimhfcéfilgingizagywlam by I :
/m3f“8‘t 2‘“ NICM'IIVIII. a faculty member then 8 chairman Oswald him“ said he feels it i
. .' MWE! Rd. 0‘ theplant Willolofiy department at He used his present home-state would be a “horrible mistake" to (
I' Phone 276-5419 UC Wide?- 1 new that} Pennsylvania as an example. put all universities in Kentucky to- , l
,W W ’ 3”“. P831 Of the smut acadermc “There are three major public uni- ether and make one bi universit .
' g .. s s y
i If Early Ilrd Insuttlgon m the comfy. Oswald versities: Penn State, University of “That would be the wrong kind of a
f it . Chm said: and part °,f, its strength was Pittsburgh and Temple. All are re- muitiversity," he said. He said he a
“3 lush s‘t‘andards. search-oriented, and all have more does believe it makes sense to man- ‘
S‘ICH Jan. 15 Then in 1957 Clark lferr asked than one campus. They work closely age the community colleges togeth- f
MCAT Enroll now and me ‘0 be his facultlyeaslséstant {$33 and are governed by similar rules. er. r
”nut. "I. year " this was w n was “It makes sense to work together
' cusssistMmh-NOw'Ar I'IOIIdfl 0f Berkflgh “:13”er befahlgs as long.as. you retain units of small This is the first of a three-part se- f
' my” "PM“ VI. W , , _ system ness Within bigness,” Oswald said riea. Part two will detail some of the )
ENSES . .. .. :oldevelwm gafiifnrsitl; 33:13”: “That with bigness you‘re only in- specific changes Oswald introduced. I
its problems and its strengths.” Y
L Tonight at 803 The five years Oswald spent as an ii
—-—-—'— upper level administrator for UC un- 5
~ f). doubtedly shaped his outlook on EVENTS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS a
POI 25‘ Draft higher education and foreshadowed OFOSWALD'STERM (
on1y$69.00 I I zscxamwms Transmission: —-:u——~—:—~——--— ;
. . n . o o W.
Enjoy the comfort and easy—care of soft contact I l l I 3°C "at was :céfgfgngo?$tggm&{lzgy:t3nfid:acg Coleus m n. m want m. as- fI
lenses at a price that's easy on the college student's _ tion who preferred to remain anony- from In: less a... gun In 1“: to o W and. W for “
budget (standard spherical lenses only). Eye exam mous “He tried to apply and adapt munugl “WWW. v
and eyecare accessories available. that experience to this particular sit- 0 m on the main carvers. ' A vice president for madam m n
50% Off on All Frames mean-away mam nation.” went from Ian M than s,ooo m was W and the Mn
II I! d with lenses. The multiversity was an “in” con- dents in 183 to ahnoat 15,000 in the Codowaaaidiatantldy rovlaad. 0
w en purc ase . Mensa . T W m
Save 50% on our entire inventory of frames, includ- - - - - - - Wm: the etahrely 133;, Sing the Us: ' “:2...“ new M E
‘ ing the latest designer styles. Our professional staff ‘ 1 sy§ .was m ' ti “CODSI ' ‘ UM. 1“. UK M between 3 O A ' C
. . . . ~ (.entral Kentucky enng It a COncept that makes and 46 doctord dag-oar it grained "‘"d'd """""'" W W“
Will help you find )ust the right pair for good looks, sense ,, 0s aid 1 . ed that “dif ' lnstflutad. tl
comfort and proper vision. , . ' w ”9’ an} . - m "5"“ 15'" 1m . h
. \ ferent people define it differently. W on W. plo-
Pleasc show student LD. cards for these special ‘ To some it leI means size, but to 0 60¢.“me Monandtannwaroapeelfled. rI
offers. Sorry, other discounts do not apply. a} “‘7 ‘VA‘A me it should mean higher education 21 to 31; the number of mu 0 The hsdgat for the 1m blemi-
> 4’ r I organizedinsuch away that compa- students I'M from 1AM to Inn was “54,143; It was 0107,- h
Sh Essilagd t L 0 I rable institutions are related to each 1.200. 817.00wa "Gunman-mm. g
opping en er, - , . ther.”
Lexington 252-3525 H . . '1. "m." 946 L. _d I o if
Zandale 'Iu pl"). call for reservations at 846-4 . mus “
Sho in Cen‘er’ ©ptlcal l player lxwiliunn avallahle. . . a ti
. LeXln89009278-9‘97 nc crews»: mew ”Whit-infirm mediatillipfig‘rmsxmxd e non U
-| '-" 'm -'m i - - - J Continued from page one
I ' “The major misunderstanding is that a M Of People “When they attack peacekeeping forces, they want the ti:
think it’s the Lebanese doing all this damage, especially people of the respective countries (the United States, .
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ii“; mznfignlgigigi its "gdgufv" lfiantara, a median" “311?. egg.) t? put pressum on their governments to 8
ca e com a ua es n ,sai . wi aw ese orces."
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB “We, as national Lebanese, we are their (the peace- “Now it's a very delicate question as to whether :
ssesssseesrvreesessaes giggmmw; ems- We try ‘° PM“ the“ and "my theyvnsiayormw
3333333257-6525338333833 “In Lebanon now, the peacekeeping fforces arefmak— “We'd like them to stay in Lebanon," Kantara said, '

, ing a strong press on anti-govemment orces — orcee "at least until all the foreign forces get out of the coun-
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB backed by Syria — to stop fighting in Lebanon so this try. I just hope they‘re going to be more determined in
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB democratic country can become stable.” he said. Lebanon.“ ‘

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pla team-S 47. "’0"!!! sat ‘ded'w fm “Ckoff Lady Li ‘ns took , San sum“, ‘ “dc. 13W ‘ lulu. ' 1M .3 =
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)a fough anted . eat “ f - a return baCk d3 three u"? \' [N’De ‘ (‘9 0! W LI“ I
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mas came ilnz gemp‘e‘ions {paw Georgeprdysammst" the an as ”3°“ IIdaryUK amlatl: mm" I3? ”I ht*r 3: “‘0‘ ”PM 3,: Mrs may“, mm 1‘ k “"4“ 3
had the first or 149 be“ W We will); “Things Jo pe head > We? 33“! ». ‘ ”‘55 {ran an, 1 “l a “(I liq”; I
With the Geol‘gia de half Whe and _ 85 gm ck 0v we had ‘ Ppler 53 d hawtha: Balm-5 ‘ “r? "‘9‘ “M (‘h h I s
‘ Hum {Cnse n COVerw Emma's 'ped 0f the er and 0 kee I p aItt‘rna . . ' “9 SM Penn ~ 1‘ (rt .
1nstalled - erous shifts baffled M ”the“ . SW1 Dool mauc eve;- We're p stressing “Ppler . ["9 d Fa 513!» M. i
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Wasthe them lies and to ion son We are 1 5 .' too muc Ihayl. 56m - -lm = g < am; h
We didm CNChw ' Georgia punt “he ‘ Li " the s . “0595a d h abou "8 ‘0 Wm ‘ “an ‘ ‘
b {of - , t re fau] Own , ”one ons Pa .. I he“. 3 t the sum. "\Mr ( . r hzgr;
5mm thpat Pare the Phi et because Na 12' We gem Over on sp- "asp wcoaCh Russ Rose The-VT? meahMSurPnst-dlead Made chémp'oh \‘ m “mun-h , ‘
“Ens“.e they did ,. y TS fog- the ys later «ed a . . Its . as not disc . In C0 That do“ . SlXth rank { m, 5 le Illa “J k ‘
with “It °°°rdinmo : Georgi Connected When John 8““ eight mg tho = 0“" aged . “' hes ‘“‘ mea 9“ team 'mIthree “n. sen-“1' ‘ "I’M ’ ““ v ‘ '
III-It Was a mi 1' Bill I , a de- um . . only his Lasting anew national b) 105; I m the 1" Wv'r m plumA {m ., 3-.
Was unfair Stake on our said ada m the Same _ second er "I! eekend to falltgowerhousm m means the ,- count“. ' b: Sixth K315 plax ‘ “I" 3 f ‘
notrea . ‘0 blame Pa" and -' “crass. 'w‘th Jimm ”"91? has no ef 21” beat 9 z‘ ’9 Rood ' I that '5‘" m' “I“ rang... - .3.. _
m se°x‘cht'mg"°"=" the players fol:- The final yardmhdo‘lm y Hmk- fed at all [15mg e“on 3,1: ”3‘9." Rose ”‘2‘“ to 3mm; ('03 '\ ‘“ 7 An 11:11” ,. {”3“ m g 3
3 rec ' Cam ImlIOv ' PISS . .V had “I Slam - [5‘ Wu 1 N m 3 .‘ ,31, 1
0 e' e Whe . er of flea to I‘he ( In u _ _
'm- I‘d ha” kickovffd the Opening mm, was" J”alum; d", "‘9 period r "‘9 mm ”mp” out was“ dt‘l‘ldlna Threw» “Mm“ Mun; I3 ,4. 3 a I ?
Pays w and sec- forced pped be Ohm 4 has “uh ~ Plump. » 3 m =
as to afte . and ha ou ck t , __ all) u, 3 Ba ‘ um, .3. m g
. I by UK’s Bfirced t0 punt Ar elght beg-t d defensive t of the pack 0 en ’—_‘:—:t::::~ “dd-I ”W “m . I
a. “pm" Sta an Williams. fumble striphimofumeend Mdi 97" S ten . Mlnmngdl‘ "d MOrvm- I ”Wm—u; ,
that fled the on the Guard Jak . b8“ e 611' By C0 , nlS h P m “ - ‘4 =._ .3 I
:0!“ into w 3 1+10 3228111“ rail-1e): 9“ the UK ”mam' rec &mo,§g§PCIo~ LEDI- p aye ‘ 3 ‘ “'H.‘ i
1 _ - . - - 0 ~‘ :25 —~».;- - ~-. ‘ "\— .
m”. r0$fii 14 thlrd qllartelitlme lead as: (Um ul ”“3"! only luvgm LO {writer 1“ “'lth the 1 rs rained I h yr. h I
' ' Geor ‘ = Iron 3 tluff! - ea .
his lams called f 813 eight 8i . JaCkson ran insmng taiL cameUISVILLE _ W _ )0“! SOCKS Offm 013‘ usual] . 0 n ’ O
I . t3“ 15_yard 1(1)]. 3 fair Catch 0 lead 8 the Bull fr0m the hard down ouwide :hlle the ran “my one Of [h _\ News Up and l n l . ‘
dj ‘0 his r; me but the n ”We k1 g a 40'14 who on the Ledv ‘ ‘I 8150 m- I “‘95 plays “ Indy K2 » no play a wed 10“ .
mgelgor the ban 3;; fOrcing himbatu Was -, JelLek? ourselves tha fimhlggwd on 15(15an tennis lg?" mauvh 6r gad‘flnced pas? ”ix sm t:‘tfimondat m,“ Whlghw ”3m 1 VI le
3W8 5 V e‘ by the 0 ours'el "5 said I. "5 all ' ' in last r cOurts In One of ' tournam flrst . “'85 hard ' "ML.” ' .
WaIs hit lospec‘alty tea SWarm. V6 amthe .- we “ Kenmk. Place;l as LK ., three d en