xt7prr1pkc0t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7prr1pkc0t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-01-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 2002 2002 2002-01-30 2020 true xt7prr1pkc0t section xt7prr1pkc0t WEDNESDAYKENTUCKY

Mandy Moore
takes on the big

screen ....

Love story ap
to_women an
alike l 3



January 30, 2002


We believe in sharing technology and
methodology for the benefit of all.”




UK honors

Doctorate: Engineering degree presented
to Toyota President Fujio Cho at ceremony

By Jesse Lebus

The President of Toyota
Motor Corp.. Fujio Cho. was
awarded an honorary degree by
the UK Board of Trustees and
President Lee Todd Tuesday.

“This is a very humbling
experience." Cho said of the
doctorate of engineering degree
he received. "I do not deserve
this degree because I do not
know as much as UK's engi-
neering Ph.D.s. so please. don‘t
give me a pop quiz."

In his remarks. Cho empha-
sized his open door policy. cont
menting that it even applied to
Toyota's competitors. “We be
lieve in sharing technology and

methodology for the benefit of

all." Cho said.

Although the ceremony
was conducted to honor Toy-
ota's commitment to Kentucky
and UK. Cho said UK‘s involve-
ment with Toyota's Georgetown
plant was equally important.

Cho explained that the UK
engineering department's man—
ufacturing program has played
a vital role in the success of
Toyota Motor Manufacturing
Kentucky. by educating Ken-
tucky students about the manu-
facturing process .

“It was easy for us to show
manufacturing. but we needed
UK to teach it." he explained.

Over the past few years.
Toyota has contributed 83 mil-
lion toward the construction of
the William T. Young Library.


Marquis Estlll dunlis earlier this season. The Cats barely pulled off a
victory last night against Florida. See page 8 for the game story.

executive ;

and has supported the (,‘enter
for Robotics and Manufactur
ing System's manufacturing
program by providing training.
tech support and funding.

After living in Kentucky
for eight years. Cho returned to
Japan in 1994. When asked


JESSE Linus i mom Sim

Former Gov.
Martha Lane
Collins and cur-
rent Gov. Paul
Patton chat,
while UK Presi-
dent Lee Todd
soealts with
Toyota Presi-
dent Fujio Cho
before the cere-
mony Tuesday.



what he missed about Ken-
tucky. Cho said “everything."

“When I visited the (US)
Secretary of the Department of
Labor on Monday. she had pic~
tures of Keeneland and Ken-
tucky on her wall.” he said. "It
made me homesick."

Defeating terrorism, recession
on Bush's agenda for new year

Address: 'My hope is that all nations will heed
our call and eliminate the terrorist parasites'


In his first State of the
Union address to Congress and
the nation Tuesday night. Pres-
ident Bush unveiled his plans
to hunt terrorists across the
globe and pledged a battle of
equal vigor to revive the na-
tion‘s ailing economy.

“We will prevail in war.
and we will defeat this recesv
sion." Bush said.

Bush. outlining his post-
Afghanistan battle plans.
vowed to unearth “a terrorist
underworld" existing in a
dozen countries. including the
Philippines. Bosnia and Soma-
lia. He said nations will be giv-
en a chance to wipe out terror-
ists themselves. and the United
States is willing to assist their

“My hope is that all nations
will heed our call and eliminate
the terrorist parasites." he said.

But. he warned: “If they do
not act. America will."

In his strongest terms yet.
Bush called North Korea. [rag
and Iran part of an “axis of
evil.“ warning that their pur-
suit of weapons of mass de<
struction will not be tolerated.

Bush addressed Americans
with a tone of national unity
not heard since Franklin D.
Roosevelt. In polls. more than
80 percent of Americans say
they approve of his perfor-

Although most UK students
were busy watching the PK»
Florida game. some tuned in to
the president's address.

“I think it's a very good
morale booster for the nation."
said Daniel Townsend. an art
studio freshman.

In his address Bush asked
lawmakers to back his educa-
tion. trade and tax policies to
promote jobs. and embrace his
welfare. health care. farm and
environmental initiatives.

Bush offered no exact de-
tails on these policies: the ma-
jority of the address focused on
the war and the recession.

The US. must not stop
short in its war on terrorism.
Bush stressed. To do so would
give the nation a sense of secu-
rity that is both false and tem-
porary. he explained.

“It is both our responsibili-
ty anti our privdege to fight
freedom's fight." Bush said.




brings ‘Survivor’

TV personality: Mike Skupin will speak
Thursday about experiences Down Under


For six weeks Mike
Skupin survived in the Airs
tralian Outback. competing
against 15 other individuals
for the chance to be the last
one standing
and to win a
million dol»
lars on the re
alityTV show
Surri’ror I].
But he lost
his chance
when he fell
in a campfire
and had to be
airlifted to a
hospital for
treatment for severe burns.

Skupin has since recov-
ered from his injuries. and on
Thursday he will be coming to
UK to speak at the (‘ampus
Crusade for Christ meeting.

Nicole Buckner. associate
campus director for the (‘rii
sade. said Skupin is coming to
share Christianity with stu~
dents as he recounts his expe-
riences with the show.

"He‘s a really genuine guy
with a genuine faith and a
genuine message." Buckner

Along With Skupin speak-



ing. [lit'I‘c will be .i "Suri our”
competition held during tlic
meeting. Buckner said Sit.
dents attending the speech
will receive a iit‘kt‘i .it the
door. from which participants
will be drawn The student to
"siii‘yivc“ 'lie competition
will win Slooo

.»\.lthough Buckner didnt
want to give out any secrets.
she said the competition
should be iiin

“We‘ve got some crazy
things planned." she said.

Buckner said that the
(‘rusadc asked Skupin to
speak because so many siu»
dents followed Suri‘ii'or 11

"We wanted to bring
someone to campus that
would be culturally relevant
to students." she said

Celebrity appearance

Skupin will speak at UK's
Campus Crusade for Christ
meeting at 8 pm. Thursday in
Memorial Hall. The event is open to
all UK and LCC students who have
a valid ID. Seating is limited to

Lawyers given 7 days
to dispute bullet tests

Pending evidence: Ragland's attorneys
preparing defense for upcoming trial


A Fayette County Judgi-
will decide next week whether
results of complex metallurgi-
cal tests will be allowed in the
trial of a man accused of
killing a UK football player.

Shane Ragland. 28. is
scheduled to stand trial March
11 on murder charges in con
nection with the 1994 sniper
style killing of Trent DiGiuro
as he celebrated his birthday
on the front porch of his Lex-
ington home.

After nearly five hours of
testimony Tuesday. Fayette
Circuit Judge Thomas (‘lark
gave attorneys for both sides
seven days to submit written
arguments before he makes a
final decision.

Clark ruled after a .Ian, 9
hearing that test results on
bullet fragments taken from
DiGiuro's corpse and bullets
confiscated from the home of
one of Ragland‘s parents
would be allowed as evidence

Kathleen Liindy. a foren-
sic scientist with the FBI. tesr
tified for the prosecution dur
ing the .Ian. 9 hearing that
metallurgical tests on the but
lets from Di(}iuro were "ana-
lytically consistent" with
those seized from the home of
Ragland‘s father.

The defense. however.
challenged the validity of the
test results and asked for a
hearing to present testimony
from its own expert.

During Tuesday‘s hear
ing. Lundy testified about how
bullets are manufactured and
again explained the complex
scientific process used to atta-
lyze and compare their chemr
cal composition,

She repeated her asset“
tion that the bullets and bullet
fragments contained similar
elemental composition. mean
ing they were likely iiianutac
tured from the same
lead source,

Defense attornen iross
examined [.undy for nearly an

hour before calling their ex-
pert to contiaiiict her

William Tobin. a retired
FBI special agent now em»
ployed as an independent met-
allurgical consultant. testified
that his studies indicate that
many batches of source lead
are similar in composition
and that it is invalid to jump
to the conclusion that bullets
come from the same source
simply because they have a
similar elemental makeup.

Tobin said he did not have
problems with the FBI's
eqiiipnient or method
of testing

“Where I have concerns I<
in using this data to make con
clusions that are scientifically
invalid." he said.

He likened the process, to
blood analysis Just because
the chemical makeup of two
blood samples are similar
doesnt mean someone should
conclude that the subiccis the
samples were t'iken from are
related. he siiitl

"We hay»- sigiiificaiii con-
cerns about the forensic valid
ity in comparative bullet lead
analysis " Tobin said "We‘ve
found too many i'x.iti‘.i)l(‘~ of
lead from different sources
with analytically indL-stin
guishable composition to be
able to conclude that because
the samples are similar they
are from the same source."

The murder of DIUIUI‘O
stumped polii e for more than
five years. But in January
2000. Ragiand s t‘thZ‘ii'lfi'lt’I‘id.
Aimee Lloyd. told investiga-
tors that he told her in 199.3
that he coitiniitted the crime

Ragiand was arrested af-
ter searches 'ii the homes of
his father ind mother in July
2000 Those searches turned
up bullets .is well as a Moral-
iber V‘i'eaihcrby limiting rifle
similar to the one it sniper
used to kill iiitiiuro on July
17. I994







 z | .WEDNESPAY3..JA!UARY 30, 2002 | Emery It:ItII:t '


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When the
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The warm tem-
peratures are
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VOL #109
ISSUE 1387


Call 257-1915 or

Also, 4 of the MOST SPIRITED Student Fans
seated in the UPPER SECTIONS will get moved


Legislative districts go unresolved
FRANKFURT A furious day of negotia-
lions between legislators and even a circuit court

judge 'l‘uesday resulted in an extended filing

deadline and l‘uxx/y lines for legislative and con
gressional districts Franklin (‘ounty (‘ircuit
Judge William liraliani left open a door for more
tinkering with the boundaries and filing dead
lines when he ordered that the Tuesday filing
should be ignored until he orders otherwise. Leg
islators pondered setting a midnight deadline
Tuesday in a hill they could pass late in the
evening but that would have run the risk of fur»
ther irritating Graham. Legislators. though. fa-
yor a quick filing deadline to avoid any new op—

Officials say plant explosion contained

(ALVERT t‘ITY. Ky. I-Zmergency officials
slIIII a tire and chemical release at a western Ken»
tucky chemical company Tuesday afternoon was
contained anti won't pose a threat to the nearby
community. “The chemicals have been confined
to the general area of the plant.” said Ray Bow-
man. director of the state Office of Emergency
Management. “There don‘t appear to be any ill
effects,” Bowman said that a fire at the plant
burned up most of the chemicals and the rest dis-
sipated. No one was injured in the explosion.
which ignited around 12:30 pm. CST and burned
until iltiili pm . officials said. Bowman said West-
lake‘s own onsite fire-suppression unit put out
the tire.


Bush's daughter charged with fraud

TALLAHASSEE. Fla. Florida Gov. Jeb
Bush's daughter was charged with prescription
fraud 'I‘uesday after she was arrested at a phar-
macy drivethru window while allegedly trying
to buy the sedative Xanax. Jeb Bush and his wife.
(‘olumba issued a statement saying they were
"deeply saddened” by the incident involving
their only daughter. 2iyear~old Noelle. A Wal-
greens pharmaCIst called police early Tuesday as
Noelle Bush was waiting in her white Volkswa-
gen in the drive-thru lane. according to a Talla-
hassee police report. Bush was handcuffed and
taken to the Leon County Jail. Bush was released
without having to post bond. which police said
was standard for a first-time offender. Police
spokesman Scott Hunt said Bush has no previous
criminal record.


The prolific King
of horror said in
an interview in
Sunday's Los
Angeles Times
that after he pub-
lishes five more
books, two

of which already
are scheduled for
2002 ~ including
a short story
collection - as
well as work on a
series for ABC.
he‘s ending his
writing career.
"Then that’s it.
l'm done. Done
writing books,"
he told the Iimes‘
Kim Murphy.
When he was
asked why, he
said. "You get to
a pornt where you
get to the

edges of a room,
and you can go
back and go
where you've
been and bam-
ally recycle
stuff." Referring
to the novel From
a BUIck Eight.
scheduled for
release in the
fall, he noted,
"I've seen it in
my own work.
People when they
read 'Buick Eight'
are going to think
'Christine.’ it's
about a car that's
not normal, 0K?"
He added, "You
can either con-
tinue to go on, or
say I left when I
was still on top
of my game. I left
when I was still
holding the ball,
instead of it
holding me."



Ky. soldiers attend president's speech

WASHINGTON ._ Army Capt. Jason Amer-
ine was on a mission in Kazakhstan when he
heard about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. He said
the horrors of that day stuck with him once he
went into Afghanistan to help rid that country of
the aI‘Qaida terrorists and the Taliban regime
that supported them. The White House invited
Ainerine. of Honolulu, and two other Fort Camp
bell. Ky. soldiers injured in Afghanistan to the
nation‘s capital to attend President Bush’s State
of the Union address. Amerine said he was count-
ing on Bush to "continue to rally the people of
America behind this fight." The other soldiers
were Sgt. lst Class Michael McElhiney of Kansas
City. Mo. and Sgt. lst Class Ronnie Raikes of
Richmond. \’a. All three received the Bronze Star
and Purple Heart.

Student's family sues after suicide

QUINCY. Mass. ~~ Elizabeth Shin had tried
to kill herself with pills and later by cutting her
arms and wrists. Two years ago. she succeeded.
setting herself on fire at one of the nation’s best
universities. Her parents claim the Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology failed to properly
deal with obvious signs of Shin's mental illness
and filed a $27 million lawsuit Monday accusing
the school of negligence. The school has denied
any wrongdoing. Shin. 19. a biology major from
Livingston. NJ. died in April 2000. She had re-
ceived treatment through MIT's counseling and
support services for more than a year before her
death. and had repeatedly threatened to commit

Plagiarism accusation raises eyebrows

PHILADELPHIA ~-- Best-selling historian
Stephen Ambrose was accused of stealing materi-
al for his books. The allegations against Ambrose
have caused a minor stir on college campuses,
where penalties for plagiarism can include a fail-
ing grade. suspension or expulsion. Students and
academics predict the case will spur classroom
discussion about what not to do. Some students
go further. arguing Ambrose’s books should no
longer be used in class. “This runs counter to
everything that we‘re trying to do," said Dave
Chokshi, 20. a junior at Duke University and
chairman of the student-run honor council.

Mother sentenced for closeting child

DALLAS - A woman was sentenced Tues-
day to life in prison for confining her severely
malnourished 8-year-old daughter in a filthy clos-
et. Barbara Atkinson was arrested last June after
the girl. who weighed 25 pounds, was discovered
near death. “She laid there naked in her own fe-
ces. in her own urine. praying someone might
open the door." said prosecutor Susan Hawk, ask-
ing jurors to hand down a life sentence. Defense
attorneys said the defendant suffered a traumatic
childhood. He said that during the first three
years of Atkinson‘s life, she was neglected by her
birth mother. a prostitute and drug addict.


Harold Ramis
says his Orange
County co-star
Jack Black
reminds him of
the late comedian
John Belushi.
Ramis was a co-
writer on 1978's
Animal House,
which starred
Belushi. In 1982,
Belushi was found
dead of a drug
overdose in a
rented bungalow
in Hollywood.
Calif. He was 33.
"They both have
this really
explosive, un-
energy. You just
don't know

what they're
going to do,"
Ramis told
reporters. "And
they're smart.
and they're
dangerous. That's
a pretty powerful
combination for a
certain kind of
comedy. And then
there's some
certain physical
similarities just in
stature and the
way they move.
They move funny.
Belushi used to
just walk out
audiences would
laugh. And I see
that in Jack."

He added, "From
what I hear, Jack
is physically and
healthier than the
guys you might
compare him to."

Enron accused of manipulating prices

WASHINGTON —— A sharp drop in long-term
electricity prices after Enron declared bankrupt-
cy raises questions about whether the company
may have been using largely secret trades to ma-
nipulate energy markets, a Senate hearing was
told Tuesday. An energy consultant testified that
in the week after Enron announced its bankrupt-
cy, the “forward price" of electricity in the West
fell sharply. Enron had been a key trader in this
market. which is used as a hedge against future
power price changes and is unregulated.


Israel plans to strengthen security

JERUSALEM -— Israeli officials presented a
plan Tuesday to tighten security in Jerusalem.
possibly including erecting barriers and check-
points to keep Palestinians out of the Jewish side
of the city. scene of two deadly attacks in the past
week. No decision was reached on the proposals.
which came as police reinforcements flooded the
eerily quiet downtown section, inspecting some
of the few pedestrians on often-targeted JafIa
Street. the city's landmark shopping strip. Mean»
while, Israeli forces continued their operations
against militant groups. arresting three suspects
and wounding six Palestinians in raids in the
West Bank and Gaza.

Saudi leader denounces U.S. policy

Saudi Arabia remains a friend of the United
States. but the kingdom is forced to keep its dis-
tance because of Washington’s support of Israel
in the conflict with the Palestinians. the de facto
Saudi ruler said in interviews published Tues-
day. Crown Prince Abdullah also said Osama bin
Laden was a “deviant" who brainwashed young
Saudi men to participate in the Sept. 11 terror at-
tacks in an attempt to ruin U.S.-Saudi ties. Abdul—
lah told the New York Times and Washington
Post in an interview conducted Monday in the
Saudi capital Riyadh that he was critical of US.
Mideast policy out of concern for US. “credibili-
ty.“ Abdullah was quoted as saying, “America
has a duty to follow its conscience to reject re-

Compiled from wire reports

Having problems? Call us

The Kernel is looking for students,
faculty and staff who have experienced
problems with their cell phone providers to
interview for a story. Please call 257-1915
by Thursday it you are interested In being
interviewed. Ask to speak with John
Wampler, Kernel news editor, or e-mail him
at johnwampler@hotmail.com.


UK vs. South Carolina

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Mike Skupin






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And i


had a It
Guild av

tor nom
Forbes i
wife, he


“In 1
of the Sc
thrill. I’i

semble ]
the Acat

By Beth


has lea
studio t

but rat
more rr
will not

film. sl
nior clz

that an
but hat
stuck i
dress I
has a i
care wl

an attil

more t
but he
it's in t

















— scene Stacie Meihaus
Scene Editor
Phone: 251-1915 | E-mail: letnelartOyahoo.com
V KEttTIICItY kennel 7 lJEDNESDAYv JANUARY 30, 2000 l 3_

mt , , , . -, W“-

Awards honor acting in movies, TV

' ' ' Also up for best actor are Kevin Kline as a dying architect in

And the WIIIIIEI' '5: screen ACtorS GUIId Life as a House. Sean Penn as a mentally retarded father in [Am
' ' 1 Sam. and Benz 1 Washin 'ton as a cori'u )I ‘ '1" ' Y I) '.
announces nominations for year s best " ‘ t l W” W"

In the best actress category. the other nominees are llalle
Berry as a death row inmate‘s widow in .‘llonster's Ball. Judi


d a ASSOCIATED mss Dench as novelist Iris Murdoch in Iris. and Renee Zellweger as a
9m. . . ‘ hapless single woman in Bridget Jones's Diary,
ck- Be gElslr‘r/[HELIAYgOfODhCVZW’ d 'tllllgllmfilh ienéu; drama ‘1: Other top ensemble nominees are Huston! Park. a British inur-
ide au 1 u .m an, I e am. -‘ page y r1 9" "t e e room we der mystery featuring more than 30 characters. the fantasy yarn
35‘ had a leading three nominations yesterday for Screen ACIOI‘S The Lord oft/2e Rings: The Fellowship oftlze Ringand the revision
115. Guild awards. .- _ . ist musical Moulin Rouge.
the Russell CI'OWG. star QfA Beautiful Mind. “3%le 300th” 30' “There were lords and ladies and some up-and-coming actors
me tor nomination for playing schizophrenic mathemancmanohn in our cast but it was not egalitarian. there was no royally.” said
m Forbes Nash Jr. and CO-star Jennifer Connelly. who‘plays 1Mash s Gosford Park cosmi- and producer Boo Bala‘oan. saying the group
an- Wife. had a. top actress nomination. Both won (Jolden (,lobe was pleased to have been nominated.
)ns Awards earlier this month for their roles. The SAC awards focus exclusively on performances and do
icts Sissy Spacek had an actress nomination for playing a grieving not recognize the work of producers. directors or writers
the mother in the dark suburban tale In the Bedroom. and Tom In the television category. I\'B("s The West Wing" and H805

Wilkinson. as her angry husband. had a best actor mention. ”The Sopranos“ each had four nominations. including best ensein»

“In the end it’s other actors who really know‘" \Nflkinson said blt‘ drama. Oil’lt‘l' t‘llSE’IlllllE‘ (ll‘illllll litillllllt’t‘S lll‘t‘ (‘BS~ “(‘Sll (‘I‘llllt‘

of the Screen Actors Guild honors. “That's why this is a particular 809118 Investigation." NBC'S Law & ()l‘tll‘l‘” illitl HBOS l‘llllt‘l‘zll

thrill. I‘m more than satisfied. It's delightful. It's delicious." home drama ‘S‘Ly Feet Under“
ted A Beautiful Mind and In the Bedroom also received best on Ed Asner was scheduled to receive a lifetime achievement
113. semble performance nominations. the Actors Guild equivalent of award at the 8th annual awards ceremony March to at the Shrine
ael the Academy Award for best picture. Theater in Los Angeles. TNT plans to televise the show live.
cto ._ i? A" ' d '" ”iv—fl __ 9 ' M '7" ' "’4' 7 7 N " 7 W” '" a i '
bin AjllRBlilSlNGLfliQQllMQlllE
liitg- . 0 o
“11- ImS Ines as an un re Ica e OVBSOI'
the ~. 'v ’4
l.S. By Beth Ann Wagner Jamie. Their love begins to A ..
llll- cfl—onmieutmccmnc *— bloom when Landon. an obvi- .. . ' - ~’
ica . ous acting novice. turns to W
re- Pop pr1ncess Mandy Moore Jamie for help. She agrees and '


has leaped from the recording
studio to the big screen.

Based on 21 Nicholas
Sparks' novel A Walk to Re-
member doesn't follow the book.
but rather changes the book‘s
religious aspects to appeal to a
more mainstream audience. Al-
though the book. like many
books. is superior to the film.
readers and non-readers alike
will not leave the theater disap-

Though this is Moore's first
film. she surprisingly portrays
Jamie Sullivan. a minister‘s
daughter and outcast of her so
nior class. remarkably well.

The film takes place in
Beaufort. NO. is a small town
that anyone would love to visit
but hate to live in. Jamie seems
stuck in the stars and doesn‘t
dress like her classmates. She
has a deep secret and doesn‘t
care what anyone thinks about

The film costars Landon
Carter (Shane West). the high
school hottie in serious need of
an attitude adjustment.

Landon wants nothing
more than to escape Beaufort.
but he finds love instead. And
it's in the most unlikely and tin
acceptable (at least to his
friends) places.

Landon finds himself in the
high school musical with

soon after. these rehearsals
turn into something more. It‘s
the quintessential chick flick
without the predictable story

This movie was a great
follow-up to Sparks last novel
turned movie. Message in 0 Bot-
tle. The difference is that this
film targets a younger audi-
ence. which makes for the per.
fect date movie or for a girl's
night out.

Regardless of who you see
the movie with. expect a crowd
of women in the bathroom try-
ing to salvage what is left of
their tear streaked faces. Then
expect a mad rush to the

The music in the movie
was just as good as the movie it‘
self, With songs by (obvi
ously) Moore and the
Christian rock band
Switchfoot. the
soundtrack is great.

And it‘s not just
a chick flick. To all
of the guys out there.

A Walk to Remember

is a movie that will

earn you major

brownie points with

your girlfriend. Plus. the

movie is good enough that
you won‘t mind sitting there
staring at Mandy Moore with-
out makeup. ,
Grade: A-



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Wednesday Jam/any 30, 2002 at QM?!“
Kegm,.-553.e£..fh9 .Ety.do,.nf...09ntcr, Small 59”va




Como final ovf what the dancing l§.,3l,l.,8l?QVll




WEV. JAN. 30m
Hump Day over the hump night!

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THUKS. JAN. 313i
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.z’cgr’u In; H's»; ,n‘ur‘nr't/





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looking fOir content and transfer content
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 .. at WEDNESDAY JANUARY 30. 2002 1 “little“ KElillEl.

mold runkisilco
New Orleans funk hand Galactic
will periorm at 9 pm.
Thmsday, Feb. 7 at AlA.
Tickets cost $15. The six-man

hand began playing venues in
1994. and continues to play a



Flickerstick w/ Abandoned Pools and CO
Jones. 9 pm. Wednesday, Feb. 6. AM.

You ain‘t:
seen nothézei

Kid llock announced this
week that he will add
Louisville to his tail tour
line-up. The Michigan
rocker and his backup
band, Twisted Brown
Trucker, will perform at
7:30 pm. Saturday,
March 23 at Freedom
Hall. Tickets cost $28
and will go on sale Satur-
day. This tour is the first
time that Kid Rock will
take music lrom his Iat-
est album Cocky on the
road. The tour will kick
oil in Saginaw. Mich.


Kenny Chesney. 7:30 pm. Saturday,
Feb. 16. Rupp Arena. Tickets cost

$27.50 ‘ $35.

Ekoostik Hookah. 10 pm. Wednesday,

Bars, clubs. venues:

AlA. ........................ 231-7263
Kitty 0 Sheas .................. 255-3078
Cheapsrde Bar and Grill....254-0046
Kamakazres.... ......255-8863
Blue Max ............... 226-0335
Two Keys... ...... 254-5000
Lynaqh‘s ............... 255-6614
Rupp Arena .................... 233-4567
Lexington Ope ..233-4567
Actors' Guild... ....... 233-0663
Club 141 .............................. 233-4262

Cincinnati venues

(513 area code):

Bogart's ............. 872-8801
Riverbend... ...... 232-6220
Taft Theatre... ..... 721-0411

The Crown. 421-4111
Sudsy Malones.... ...771-3550

Ripley's .............................. 861-6800
Playhouse in the Park ....... 345-2242

Louisville venues
(502 area code):

Kentucky Center for the
Arts ............................. 800-775-7777

Toy Tiger ................... 458-2020
Kentucky Opera. ....... 584-7777


On Tap...











relentless “"7 schedule. Tickets cost $10. Feb. 20. Lynaqh's. Tickets cost $8. Louisville Garden ..574-0060
Actor's Theatre ....... .. .-.584 1205
George Harrison Tribute. 10 pm. Green Genes. ‘0 pm. Thursday, Feb. 21. Headliners Music Hall ....... 584-8088
For the week of Jan. 30 .. Feb 5 Wednsesday, Feb. 6. Lynagh's. Tickets Lynaqh 5' ““9“ 5°“ 53- Ticketmaster ....................... 361- 3100 cgiai
cost 3. e