xt7pvm42s114 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pvm42s114/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1883015 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1883-01-jun5. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1883-01-jun5. 1883 2011 true xt7pvm42s114 section xt7pvm42s114 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 5, 1883 - page 44 The Board 'of Trustees of the A. & M. College met at 2 P. M. June 5, 1883 in Judge Kinkead's Office in Lexington and was called to order by his excellency Governor L. P. Blackburn. The members present in addition to the Governor were Gen. Buell, Col. Bradford, Judge Boone, Judge Kinkead, Maj. Bullock and Maj. Johnston. On motion of Col. Bradford, P. P. Johnston was appointed Sec'ty. pro tem. The report of President Patterson including the reports of the various professors were then presented by the President, received and ordered to be filed - The Presidents report is marked " A a and filed herewith. The Faculty were authorized to confer the degree mentioned in the report of the President on the gentlemen. therein re- commended to receive them. The Treasurer, Maj. Bullock made his report which was referred to a committee consisting of Judge Boone and Gentl. Buell. -On motion of Col. Bradford a committee was appointed to memoxd&i the Legislature for an appropriation to purchase a farm and other necessary appurtenances for the College. - The Chair named Gent1. Wadsworth, Gentl. Buell and Judge Boone. On motion Gen'l. Buell and Judge Kinkead were appointed a committee to procure from the General Government suitable arms for the use of the Institution. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 5, 1883 - page 44-45 The application of T. F. Leary was read asking for the position of Instructor in the Commercial Department. Said papers were referred to the Ex. Come and is filed herewith marked '" B." Gentl. Buell from the Committee appointed to examine the treasurer accounts made the report filed herewith marked " C " which was approved and ordered to be filed. Said report reads as follows. " To the Board of Trustees A. & M. College. The Committee appointed by the resolution of the Board of this date to audit the accounts of the Treasurer of the A. & M. College for the year ending June 5, 1883 have the honor to report that they have performed the duty assigned them and found the accounts to be correct and properly vouched, and they recommend that the whole with this report be spread upon the records of the Board, Lexington, Ky. June 5, 1883. D. C. Buell, Ch. A. Com. A. R. Boone " On motion of Gentl. Buell the Ex. Com, were instructed to have the frame College on the college grounds repaired for the use of the Military Professor and his family, said repairs to include verandahts in front and rear and not to cost exceeding $soo . The Board then adjourned until June 6, 8:30 A. M. at the Phoenix Hotel. The Board met pursuant to adjournament 9 A. M. and was called to order by his Excellency Governor Blackbuz;n, Present - Gentle Buell, Judge Boone, Judge Kinkead, Major Bullock, Col. Bradford and Maj. P. P. Johns ton. Missing report(s)