xt7pvm42sr6n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pvm42sr6n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Committee for Mothers and Babies 1928 bulletins English The Kentucky Committee for Mothers and Babies Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Kentucky Committee for Mothers and Babies, Inc., Vol. III, No. 4, February 1928 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Kentucky Committee for Mothers and Babies, Inc., Vol. III, No. 4, February 1928 1928 2014 true xt7pvm42sr6n section xt7pvm42sr6n I
I The Quarterly Bulletin of I
I The Kentucky Committee for I
I }\I0thers and Babies, lnc.
l \`()I,. III. I·`I·ZIiI{IjARY, IU28 XO. 4
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I sm mgm; )lacI(ENZIE, Kt., mm., Mn., n.1».n.,
I F.R.C.l’.E., I·`.R.S.E., Hun. LL.D. _
, ur 1
Published quarterly by The Kentucky Committee for Mothers and Babies, Lexington, Ky.
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office at Lexington, _
Ky., under the Act of March 8, 1879." , i
J: ‘
" _ Foreword -
When old Buckle wrote his History of Civilization in the
K ~ _ last century, he had a lot to say about the characteristics of
people who live in mountains. Certain traits of character de-
H velop when people live in a rugged country with the deep silence
V of shadowy canyons and the austere beauty of lofty heights to
be reached only with struggle. These traits determine the per-
l sonality of the mountaineer in whatever range we find him.
‘ He, the most individualistic person conceivable and the most
I rooted, has a kinship of thought and emotion with every other
i man and woman bred like himself.
{ From the Scotch to the Kentucky highlands was a long
l step in the eighteenth century, but many thousands traveled
that lonely and dangerous pathway. The little sailboats of a
few hundred tons burden, broke the ocean’s track for the sea
palaces which have succeeded them. Bold was the spirit of
the men who went down to the sea in ships in these earlier
times, and bolder yet the spirit of those who left the settled
coast lands of Virginia to plunge into a mountain wilderness.
Among the most daring of these adventurers was one Roderick
MacIntosh, whose honored grave lies in Leslie County at Hyden,
I and whose descendants still live in that highland country. These
I men of the MacIntosh breed, whether in Kentucky or Scotland,
_ go back in their ancestry to an origin older than human recorded
time, their destiny shaped always by the determining forces of
lv In June of this year there is coming another Scotchman
A from his Highlands to ours. This is Sir Leslie MacKenzie,
whose work has done more than that of any man living to make
"regions·, rugged, roadless and mountainoi-is," safe for human
`# life. He will dedicate our little hospital and nursing center on
3 the slopes of Thousandsticks Mountain, at the foot of which
» lies the grave of Roderick MacIntosh.
In the early days when the men beat their way through
E a trackless forest and innumerable dangers to found Kentucky,
{ their women came with them. We feel that these pioneer wives
l .
hh"' i 'I`I(I·I Ql’.\_Ii'l`l·lIll.Y rIll`ilil.l·]'l`|N W i
» and mothers who lived so bravely and died so simply, will be
commemorated by the presence of Lady MacKenzie with her
It is Sir Leslie who has said: "How much the mothers and
children—the most delicate and fluid part of a population—may ‘
. suffer from the stresses of industry, or poverty, or z`s0Zation." )
The trustees· of the Kentucky Committee for lVIothers and
Babies have just voted to change their name to that of
"FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE? As this Bulletin goes to i
press proper steps are being taken to record this change under `
the laws of our incorporation in Kentucky. `
The reason for the change lies in the fact that our work ~
is not local in its application. The conditions· we are endeavor-
ing to meet in Eastern Kentucky visit among millions of Ameri—
cans in isolated areas in a number of other states where the P
difficulties of a frontier existence still prevail. At the back of
the Bulletin will be found the names of committees outside of
Kentucky who are assisting with this initial demonstration, the
interest in which is rapidly becoming nation-wide. The sup- `
porters of the movement even strongly urge that within another »
year we start a second demonstration in another frontier area =
in quite another section, to run parallel with this one.
We gratefully report that the Statistical Department of the `
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company has courteously consented
I to handle the records of our organization.
The June Bulletin will give the plans for the dedication of
the hospital and nursing center at Hyden, and will contain the
accountants’ audits and a full nursing report for our third Hscal
{ 'l`I|l·] 13l',\ll'l'|·1Iil.rY lil`IiI.ICiI`lN V H WH Zi
. A Bit 0f History
, ___
_, The story of the medical and nursing service in the Scotch
U Highlands and Islands is not generally known in America. Nor
is it generally known that a Crown grant in which the taxpayers
I of Liverpool and Manchester, as well as those of Edinburgh and
y Glasgow share, supplements, in inverse ratio to local per capita
wealth, the funds of voluntary district nursing committees. No
—,_ episode in the development of public health has been at once
more romantic and more practically effective.
In August, 1912, a committee, with Sir John Dewar as
l chairman and-Dr. Leslie MacKenzie as medical member of the
il Local Government Board for Scotland, was appointed to study
· the medical situation in the Highlands and Islands. The area
. under review comprised half of Scotland, inhabited by 320,000
people, and was found to contain but 150 medical practitioners.
Said the report:
’ "A considerable portion of the population is from
twenty to thirty miles to the nearest doctor. . . The
country is rugged, roadless and mountainous. . .
The weather conditions too, and particularly in the
— winter-time; add enormously to the difficulties of
_ travel/’ Li* .
= As regards nursing, which in rural Great Britain must
now include midwifery training, the report says: L
"Testimony is unanimous, both on the medical and ·
lay side of the evidence, that no matter affecting the
i welfare of the people of the Highlands and Islands is
more urgent than the provision of an adequate supply
of trained nursing."
"In the opinion of Father M’Neill, the influence of
I nurses in regard to the necessity of proper sanitary
conditions, would be more effective than any legisla-
tion that could possibly be devised; and Lord Lovat goes
so far as to say that ‘The medical salvation of the High-
lands lies in organized nursing} "
om- V o . tiara Q@&1@B1£Y§]E;FiE£§o . o 1
~ "N or should another aspect of the preventive value fil
of a nurse’s services be forgotten," continues the re- · ,,
port. "Reference has already been made to the fre- ;
quent delay in sending for a doctor, a delay which,
although mainly due to poverty and distance, has also i_
- by several witnesses been partly, at least, ascribed to
ignorance. An intelligent and tactful nurse who is on I
friendly terms with the people in her locality should - N
often be able to insure that medical advice is called in J
before it is too late for it to be effectual? l
After taking the testimony, thrilling in detail and much ,
like any we could gather in our American Appalachians, Ozarks i
and Rockies, the report affirms: "The combination of social, ·
economic and geographical difficulties in the Highlands and
Islands—not to be found elsewhere in Scotland—demands ex- §
ceptional treatment." S
The committee appointed in August, 1912, reported in 1
December. To the honor and good sense of Great Britain, money,
it is said, was promised within a week. "If I know anything of
our people," wrote Sir Leslie Mackenzie, "the response of the I
nation will be positive and handsome/’ Parliament confirmed :‘
the terms, and the Highland and Islands Fund was created. I —
In this way the principle of meeting exceptional conditions i
by special funds out of the national treasury, viys admitted and {
applied. A grant of £40,000 is given every y*e,g»j§.€£’§fJ> supplement Q
local voluntary efforts; so that the crofters and Hshermen living F
in the Highlands are not penalized by their remoteness from L
the centers of life. L
It is not the purpose of this brief account to describe the G
methods applied to supplement the existing medical situation. n
That will repay the most careful study. But our nursing or- *
ganization takes this occasion to acknowledge the deep debt it
owes to the Scotch Highland district nursing formations. ll
In 1924 the writer made a trip through parts of the High- ° !
lands, covering many of the stormy islands of the outer Hebrides.
Sometimes we had to charter our own boat to get about. _ i
Through the courtesy of the Scottish Board of Health and the .
Scottish Branch of the Queen’s Nurses, we had letters which A
., l
* ¢
__r___._m__L.or___J1BoEoBEF4\l€E€BLi;2iQQEEEL, rrcrr fr aaai
ll opened wide every door. Among the islands visited were Lewis,
fi Harris, North and South Uist, Benbecula, Barra, Iona, Eriskay.
i For every 700 or so of the population we found a splendid resi-
Z, dent nurse-midwife, living in the heart of her district, often
i with the thundering seas between her lonely island and the
, nearest medical man to whom she reported, and operating under
a local voluntary committee composed of her own leading people.
A Once on the island of Barra we went at night to a midwifery
Q case with the Queen’s nurse who had hospitably received us. It
° meant a four-mile. walk across the sands and moors, and to cut
» it a mile short we crossed the bay from which the tide had re- ,
l ceded. Coming back we took the same route, but half way
L · through the bay we noticed that the shimmering pools of water
? here and there were melting into a shining sea about our feet. i
I The nurse exclaimed, "Oh, I have miscalculated, the tide is
Q coming in!" We made the shore before the water had reached
I our knees, but the North Atlantic at midnight in late September
‘ off the coast of Scotland, makes a cold passageway home. Those
Hebridean nurses were constantly taking a chance with the
f tides among the many islets where they havefpatients.
Much more could be written of high adventure underlying
ll _ the faithful s·ervice we saw given. But the purpose of this
sketch is met if we have indicated it, and shown that it is pos-
_ sible in an impoverished country, burdened first with war and
Q then with wa_r;_clebts, to finance a program where the objective
{ is the individllfiil`, each individual, no matter how inacc_essible.
I That the program was put over is due more than all else to the
insight and tenacity of the man who conceived it-—Sir Leslie
{ MacKenzie. In his Scottish Mothers and Children, a marvelous _
_ compilation, we find the thing over which his heart has been
Q brooding—"Expectant mothers at the mercy of distance and the
winds and waves"—It is almost as if nature, Galsworthy’s
nature with a small "n," had them by the throat. Nature is in-
exorable, but why should nations too be wasteful of human life?
i Over this also has Sir Leslie been brooding, seeking to fathom °
"the intricate play of the social forcesthat determine whether
1 an individual child shall live or die."
LTL A.r. .1 rA .-.-.1..- . Z"iB€§L‘BYl`!§‘1" ‘?l’.‘1¥·'*'F.‘“.--...41 --1-.....a-m -. - ~
` Statement in Regard to Cost of Running Nursing Service I
or me {
Kentucky Committee for Mothers and Babies i
During the Fiscal Year May 1, 1926-1927 L
Compiled By é
Institute ol` Educational Research Q
Teachers (`ollege, Columbia University
1* 2
i·1:i·:1·ux<‘i·; g{
` Two things are to be noted in reading the following data:
I*IRST: 'lhese figures reter to the last and not the current hseal year. Our work
is growing by leaps and bounds and includes a much broader area for intensive P
work than in 1926-1927. The current fiscal year does not close until May, 1928. ~.
· SECOND: Costs are instructive only in relation to the work done, and in order la
to understand them one has to compare them with the costs and work of other
organizations. For this purpose a few comparisons are given and those interested Qi
in pursuing the subject may look up as many more as they like.
I. Y El
Leslie County population: 10,500 Area: 373 square miles g,
Area covered for bedside nursing, midwifery and intensive work,
as well as public health, about 180 square miles. {L
Total working months for eight nurses, including super- .
vision and relief, working all or part of the year, 75.6 working 3
months, the average being 6.3 nurses for the year. F
The total cost of the service for all purposes, including
publicity, moving picture, scholarship fund for Europe, and 4
printing of bulletins, as well as administrative and field work,
was $25,907.37. The cost for administrative and field service
only was $21,054.14. Upon this cost 14,826 visits were paid, °
5,876 visits were received. The average cost per visit based on i
total costs, was $1.45; the average cost per visit based on the l
costs of administrative and field work was $1.02; the number
of visits per nurse being 3,286 for the year, or 11*/Q calls per L?
working day. A
The Visiting Nurses Association in Brooklyn had 76 nurses l_
` who last year made 346,810 visits upon 49,120 patients, at an
\ .
i. · .
‘ H H r 7 nw i#wWnmr'l`lll;1r;;1'.\lL'|`I·Jlil.Y lZl'l.|,l·1'|`lN T
l average cost of 94 cents per visit. The number of visits per
f nurse was 4,563, or 16 per nurse per day.
L The Visiting Nurses Association of New York City, with a
4, I total health staff of 253, of whom 164 are nurses, made 346,810
i visits· upon 49,120 patients, at a total expense of $436,16703, or
li $1.25 per visit. This was 2,115 visits per nurse per year, or 71,/g
g per nurse per day.
{_ The Milbank Memorial Fund has for ive years (1922-1927)
carried on a comprehensive health program for Cattaraugus Co.,
if New York. This county was chosen because it is· typically rural.
I ’ It has an area of 1,3433 square miles and a population of 74,000,
two cities, Olean and Salamanca, whose combined population in
1925 was about 40,000, the rural population being 34,000. The
health workers complain regarding the roads—that only one
farm in four is on a smooth surfaced (concrete, brick, macadam,
gravel) road; one farm in three is on an unimproved dirt road,
Eg snow and mud making these nearly impassable part of the year.
However, it is possible to use cars for travel, thus cutting travel
’?· time in comparison with the Kentucky Committee for Mothers
T A and Babies. Comparative figures are difficult to get. In 1926 the
L maternity and infant work used one-third the time of fifteen
ji nurses, in which time they made 9,760 rural visits and 1.097
, visits in the city of Olean. Figures on expense are not available,
but the budgetary plan for 1926 for this work was $26,570. If
this figure is correct this would mean $5,300 per nurse and a
8 cost of $2.45 per visit. The calls made average 2,171 per nurse
for the year, 71/Q per working day.
r` NOTE:~—VVhen a nursing service handles bedside nursing only, the average
; number of visits per nurse per day is rarely over eight; but when a service carries
7 public health work as well, and clinics. a higher average of visits is usual. In
ii studying comparisons, it is well to bear in mind that some nursing organizations
j only give bedside nursing care, others school nursing only, others tuberculosis.
others baby hygiene. others a combination of two or more of these services. ele.
, 11.
The K. C. M. B. nurses on the average spent their working `
time for the year 1926 thus:
rw? _44_______ _jijni·;ri;ii7xivr_i·:irii.isjr 1EUL\'ili;l`lN _ i____ 7
W01'ki11Q.” Day . .7 100.0% Travel . .,..,,7 _,,,.A_ ..777 27.4% V
Visits Paid l Caring for In-Patients,,,.7,, 1.2%
Visits Received 7 7 . .7 7 7 30.8% Observation .,..,7.. ,,,,,7,,7, 3.7%
Deliveries Supervision ,,.__ ,,7.. .,.. 7,.,... 8.4%
U1Yice, care of Supplies i Group Work 7 .,7,,,, 7 .7.., 4,9% ,
and Horses .7 . 7 . . 23.5*;;} M
Taken from "The Public Health Nurse" for March, 1927.
Table 4. Per cent Distribution of Nursc's Day in Henry Street, Cleveland,
Brooklyn, 14 Agencies
HenryStreet Cleveland Brooklyn 1-{Agencies
(1026) (1920) (10251
\\'orking Day ..,7,, .7 rrrr 7 .,,, 7,.., 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Field Visits ,.7,,7 .,,,,7,.7 .,7 .7 7 .7 .7 7 53.3 59.4 52.0 44.0
Clinic ,7.,, 7,,.- ,,,,,,, ..77,,777,....., 2.5 0.7 0.0 8.0
Office 7,, ,,,,,,, .1. ,7,7 . 77 7. 7 . 7. 16.7 18.0 18.4 10.1
Travel ,,,,,,77,7,,,,,,7,,,, 7 ,7,,, 25.0 20.0 28.4 25.1
Conference, Demonstration, other
educational, and miscellaneous,7, 2.5 1.0 1.2 3.8
NOTE:—-This allotment is. of course, for the lield nurses only and takes no
account of time for supervision and observation work of new nurses, separately
itemized in K. (T. M. B. table.
It is recognized that rural work needs must be more expen-
sive than city work because of the added cost of travel. The
nurses of the Kentucky Committee travel on horseback, not in
cars, as there is no motor travel possible in the section where
they are working. Travel time has, however, been kept to a D 0
minimum by a plan of decentralization. The nurses live in little
centers in the heart of their districts and are rarely more than
live miles from the nearest patient with whom they are doing
intensive work. A nursing center with a five mile radius covers -
approximately 78 square miles. · 8
, IV. Q
There is another way of computing costs, that on a per
capita basis. The budget for Leslie County work last year was
$25,907.37 to serve a population of 10,500 over 373 square miles
of territory—a per capita cost of $2.50. This did not include,
ot course, intensive work for the whole area, but a great deal of
public health work was done, such as trachoma clinics, inocula-
tions against typhoid, etc., in the parts of the county not covered
i .
l, ‘ _ »
_ . ..211L*iBE;§c"*"*¥¥AR1soN 2:
In the hospitals of England and Wales the patients last year
paid 644,214 pounds out of a total expense of 6,760,487 pounds,
g or about 9%% only of the total cost.
. . VI.
If we turn from health to education we are startled into a %
realization that the average student is far from paying his way {
even when the tuition is very high. Setting aside the religious I
and state owned schools, where the tuition is very cheap, and g
taking as illustration three universities with probably as high ·
fees as any —in America, we find the following figures: I
The total budget of Yale University last year was $4.575,-
441.85, of which the students paid in tuitions and fees $1,355,-
712.34, or only 29.6%. [
At Harvard the corresponding figures are $4,157,3I5.64, I;
$1,187,285.7I, and 28.5%. __
At Leland Stanford, Jr., they are $1,8%,746.49: $540,03862,
and 28.6"i.
VII. I '
It is obvious that if the wage-earning city population can- I
not pay even a fourth of its expenses for hospitals and district
nursing services, and the youths of the more fortunate classes
I can pay only a little over a fourth for their education, that it is
ironical to expect the people in remotely rural areas to meet
the full costs of such services as the Kentucky Committee is 3
providing. ` 3
Wealth cannot be produced where it is non-existent, Land B
worth $5.00 an acre will not yield the income of land worth ,
$5,000 a foot. Because of this discrepancy in material well V
being, we find such figures as the following: ._
In Greater New York: f
Population Nr, .. H H, .. ___,,__, ....5,872;,356
Area, square miles rrrr. .. rrr. 299 if
Number Doctors a,,.n-,_, .,,_, . . A Irrr .. I 10,363
Number Nurses . _,,__,_, M _,__ . Ann N W, 12,536 T
Number Hospitals aaar r ,,._... H. H ,,,, , I 184 {
Number Beds in Hospitals ._.... , H. ___,,, . , r r 43,31-1
Ratio: 1 doctor to 550 population. ,
I nurse to 475 population. »·
1 hospital to 32,000 population. `i_»
1 hospital bed to 135 population. Q-;.
I ‘ I.
I f'
l 11 ..., I JFHE QUA1T&'¥`i?Y%LX ¥’¥lP¥eE“N 1 . H
ll These ratios found for Greater New York do not vary
ll greatly, especially as regards doctors, from those for smaller
cities. It has been found impossible to date to get adequate
figures for the remotely rural areas. Some idea of the magni-
‘ tude of the problem is suggested by the fact that the Southern
Appalachian mountain range alone has a population of 6,613,-
* 266, over an area of 115,176 square miles.
% We have been unable to ascertain the number of doctors
E and nurses in this area outside of the towns. We know that
i] when our organization began its work in Leslie County there
* was no doctor for a population of 10,500 in an area greater than
'_ -that of New York. In the Appalachians there is an occasional
nurse at a mission station or school, and there are doctors in the
, towns who can only be reached by long overland horseback
1 rides. Here and there at great distances a doctor is found in the
if country districts.
‘ This condition exists in many American regions outside
the Appalachians. The Ozark mountains in Southern Missouri
i and Northern Arkansas are typical. It might be mentioned here
_ that in the State of Arkansas there is listed one nurse for every
g 100,000 of the population. Recently the papers reported a tragic
I story of medical need in Idaho and stated that the nearest doctor
p was one hundred miles by dog-team away.
Private philanthropy must blaze the trails in health as in
education. We have found this the more appealing to private
- philanthropy because no plea ever comes for charity from the
; people themselves who live in a frontiersman’s country. They
? have no charity organizations. If a man’s house burns, his
B neighbors build him another; if parents die, neighbors bring up
{ the children with their own. In fact, these remotely rural
” _ Americans are practicaly our only people who are self-sustain-
- ing. They import almost nothing, but maintain themselves and
‘ are bred to a" hardy livelihood. They export lumber, meat and
wool and many basic products. They are the nursery of the race
for children of the old American stock. Could money be better
, spent than in protecting the motherhood and the infancy of such
l a race?
` ll W 7 rr THE Q],L\RTl7l§LY BULLETIN
_ BABIES, Inc.
. _ ` i
Executive Group 1
. • 1
Chairman {
Alexanller J. .\, Alexander. Spring Station. \\'oot`lt`ord County
, Mrs. S. C. Henning, Cherokee Park, Louisville
Judge Ezlwairrl O’Re:1r, Frankfort ,
Treasurer I
Mr. C. N, Manning, Seeurity 'l`rust Ceinp:lny, Lexington _ Q
Recording Secretary .
Mrs, KV. H. Coffman. Geor,e;etown i
('orrespomlinz Seeretary il
e Mrs. Joseph Carter, Versailles C
. i
Mrs. S. Thruston Bznllzirtl. Louisville
Scott Breckinridge, M. D., Lexington
Josephine Hunt, M. D., Lexington v i
, Mrs. Preston Johnston, Fayette County Q,
Mr. E. S. Jouett, Louisville ¤_'
Mrs. Frank )[eVey, Lexington
Miss Linfla Neville, Lexington {
` .1 ___
Chairman and Yiee (`lmirnien Leslie County liraneh Committee ‘
Judge \\’illi:iin Dixon, \Vooton Judge L. D. Lewis, Hydcn
\\’ztlter Hoskins. I-Iyden Sherman Cook, Asher ,·
Mrs. 'Fnylor Morgan. \\'endover Boyd Campbell, Confluence t_
Mrs. Mary Bi·eeltini·idg»~, IL. N., XVend0ver above Hytlen, Leslie County _
Secretary to Dire-etor V
Miss Marion Ross. \Vendover above Hyden, Leslie County
Contact Secretary
Miss Jessie Carson C
'l‘HlC L3l}A]i'l`l·1ltL\' l&UI,l,li'I‘lN H
Miss Alive Logon, lt. N., Supervisor
Miss Dorothy liutck, R. N., M./t. Miss Doris l';ir·l<. li. N.
· _ Miss Ellen Hulsall, R. N. Miss Lilutlys l’t—;tr·or·l·t, lt. N.
f Miss Ellen Marsh, R. N. Miss Mury \\'illefor¤l, li., N., M. A.
Miss Rose M<·N:iught, lt. N. Miss Emily \\'illiu1ns, li. N.
lrvin .\|i··l, M. D., Louisville Mrs. <‘hur·-liill llumplirey. Louisville
— Alrs. .\. .l. .\. .\l¤·x:tn¤l¤-r. \\’ootlt`or, Louisville — Mrs. Mary ]1lr<·t·lsinri;¢·sli:1 lr§r:·<·ls l-lurriet Clvelc. R. N., Lexington —\li··t~ N. l’it·k0tt. M. D.. Louisville
T ·~· ' ‘
I Alr. .»\till;1 Cox. l.ouisvillt· Alr. li. O. Robinson, Cold Springs
Li .1. .\. Flexner, M, D., Louisville Aliss Sunie Sztttt·r\vliite, Louisville
Miss Lury Furman, Hindmun Airs. \\`illiam Simms, \\'oodi`ord County
‘ llon. Alex l-lz1r;.:·is, .Iut·l;son l, A. Stuvkey, M. D., Lexington
‘ Alrs. Louis L. Huggin, Fayette County Kev. Cliztrlvs \\’. \\'elt·l1, D. D., Louisville
[_ Alrs. S. H. Halley, -Fo.yettc· County Miss Marion \\'illiamson, R. N., Louisville
‘ Mrs. Roy Helm, Hazard \liss Ellen Young,.Hentlerson
M _. _"`*'."*. *99*'5""f*‘*L¥£I{.I1F:!ii'H¥N.. . I i
Mrs. Ii. \\'zi1·ing \\`iIs<»n, Chaiirmzin . I
Mrs. I·`i·zin·.·is Ihiairiiimxn Mrs. LIIIIKIIIIH Marvin
Mrs. II0m·y I%i·0¢·I&·i·L lI:ini<·l I Mrs. IIui1gI:is I€i»I»ins¤»u
Mrs. t`II·vvl:i11»I II. Imiigv Mrs. I·`i·:inI:lin Iiiiiisovvli `
` I.·»uis I. Imlilin. I'h. II. Mrs. .l¤»Iin I-}. Il¤iiismzii1ii~i·i·
Mrs. .\i·<-Iiilmlii Ihiuglzis I‘i·`·sI<»n I'. NIIiIt`·I`\\’iIIli'. M. II.
II;i*.‘<~n I·Imi·i·si»n. M. II. Miss Isailwl >1i<~\x·:irl. Ii. N.
I I.:-i— li. I”i·:inI
I Mrs. Ili»I»01·L \\'. L<»ve>i[. Ciuiiriiizm {
\ Mrs. .|¤·Im I~Li»r·I<, \'i(‘€‘—('il2liI'I]i2lII ° I'
Mis. II¢»I1e·i·t A. .\Imy Mrs. (i+.·m·;.;·e \\'. ]’•—i·kins_
Mrs. Nzitliziniol Ayer Mrs. Ilnmor Ii. I1i¤·Iizii·s .111111111 1:. <‘1.1»11111 A11».s 1»111·11111y i:11w»1111
A11-s. .\. 11. 1‘111·111·s A11; 111111 A11·s. (*11111-11·s \\‘. 5<11111·1
I Miss .\111A· IL. (`:111111l»1-ll Mrs. li(·l1l`)' Urncr
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' _ A Wedding
. {
i` On March 3rd, at the Church of the Epiphany, Washington,
. I;. C., Miss Martha Prewitt was married to Clifton Rodes
Breckinridge, Jr. This is a family wedding for our organization,
as the bride has been the Director’s secretary almost from the
g beginning and the groom is her brother. We must therefore be
I pardoned if with more than common feeling we extend to the
young couple our affetionate good wishes for a long and happy
_ life together.
IG W H H in i wif"' Ur Till-] <.)l{i·IIrt’l`rI·]l(_lL.Y HL}LI.I