xt7pvm42vd7r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pvm42vd7r/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1996 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Kentucky Press Association Fall Newspaper Contest, 1996 text Kentucky Press Association Fall Newspaper Contest, 1996 1996 2019 true xt7pvm42vd7r section xt7pvm42vd7r | 3 [ . . 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I j” .3 _., ,, ft“ :4: M ")5 .. ‘6': ‘ _, ‘v H g _. (’5' E a 3,“ . g? I, . 3 3‘ flyi- I ‘ «5""3‘ 3‘ ' .i‘ 37-3 i 3" I ‘ WQ‘W"; "K, ' fl: 7 Jr" 1’ .15.. “fl‘:’:3 . I " ' I 3" . ' 3 ' V ‘ Bryan Leazenby . 3.“: , . ~ I The Henderson Gleaner 5‘35? - o o ' "5» I ' $41.32" , Recogmzmg the best - ' ' ‘ Patrick Reddy 1” en tu [7 y JOI l rna ZS m The Kentucky Enquuer _ . . , V. , , ,. _ .. . , ‘ wwwmwmmw.w l .....r '\ . 3 ‘ i _ , l I i ' ‘ ' . 41 I ,. ~ . F E B l997 Fame 3 - Fall Newspaper Contest ____________...__.___ mm in « {alcgurV l'. . lu‘s‘! xvii-(rang; .i ¥ l’! .- I ii'.\}. V17“: l “ WEE [4 l Y f Now "Vii“.lll' 'i».':::;zir : it" 1M lixtunued i ”\el'au'e “or“ i ‘ " ‘3 - * l . ‘ :th wilt twill ' I‘ll"... l!,. M r :lr>t l’mo lili’l‘.:\’l'ill";"i (”i “5' ~ i . m» lit. inltl- wilz'i'iv " ‘ o- -- .- s i.. i..- : CIA! XSS 1 3? .1 U- . l n so :r ' . . 'i' "\l. i' ' ".i r. a. . a“. in I)."' r-i': " x». '\ il‘ I)!" .‘ . . r~~iiii l~ fit: I" :l. i‘ :i ~oil.lé :olilillnxlli- li'lli .. 1 .ii ‘ ""‘""”'"‘ 'l‘f"‘..lflll\”r‘?“.....‘ . 3‘... Kl“; >\ . él!“£"'\.' 5:4' no: l’ih.’ 19?“; 'z‘ox‘ l.l~..\liitl: . oi‘x'i‘v Nix-i :- ‘ ’ >‘1\‘ , i h“ \ i i it Milli lil“€‘1illi)lfii;..\i-\ i.\l.m:~ Rita Mitchel. (wild souti‘ahi aha. - '.- i c liti— Slim I'V\.\.,.,m_n ,mm (Wm. (mod use ol personal .llid l.illlll_\ t=\pt- Solid coverage on a sensitive HSU!‘ usn‘l: Idllv‘tl dt-Dris‘ mar. 1'3 ‘ N, ”V1.1“. ““11”“; Tm; ” ”imp Tlt‘llt't' Third Place - (iAIiLATIN (‘()l".\'TY stand oul . , Q) ‘iri'iulloll'x. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ NEW’S, Kelley Warnick . l‘ltllilil‘iilile A‘IE‘IIIIOII‘ vv(“l*..\i l it’.‘il SW‘(“11‘(i”I,i:1W . GALLATIN (‘O‘L'NTY Category 6 _ Best Colmnn Reporter kept up With the story. Nice (JITY TIMES ARCIIS. Doreen News (in wirinch (Varietv of Subjects) wming and g0“ 59“” "f (“a”- Dem” . . . I ‘7 ’ ‘ ‘, i . . ' . 7 Y ‘ . , Honorable Mention - BREATHITT Not a run-ot-the~mlll acc1dent photo. l bmart editorial. Explains the issue First Place — HICKMAIN (,OlllNTY . . . ‘ . ‘ . concisely and doesn't overburden GAZETTE, Gave Bencini COUNTY VOICE’ Delores Chandler The line 0f dead plgs brings move— reader, i Well-written“ and very funny. I Complete coverage ofcountys budget merit t.0 the picture Whlle at the Third Place — HICKMAN COURIER, laughed out loud at several points. woes. rsginciotfsnfin :1?le Steeplctmg a $129— John O'Neal Jones Second Place — BREATHI'I'I‘ COUN- Category 13 Best ‘3 e b 1 a ' Short an 0 th oint. Good wa to ’ ' tron ' . show public 31:15. are problemsY in TYVOICE, DaVId S g Business/Agribusuless Story giltfgorbé 16 . BeSt News local government and local officials Category 7-Best Sports Column FITSt Place ' TRI'C’ITY NEWS’ Jeff Flc :11; ssayFULTON LEADER needtoknow they are being watched. First Place - FULTON LEADER, Wllder. . V5.3? if? i) n , Honorable Mention - MCLEAN Barry Danowski Story ‘5 timely and relevant to read- Tlielgvioleltsctoiy from spruce up to COUNTY NEWS, Teresa Revlett Brash, if conceited, column willing to ers. ‘ - Good message, but takes too much offendjust about anybody. Second Place - GALL‘. TTIN COUNTY :elcomefifrom speecltiss totebaby- time to explain the issue and solu— Second Place - FULTON LEADER, NEWS’ Kelley Warnick , . uggang, Moml‘graifiefls rim) svtsrsl, . tion. 'I‘ryto keep writing tight. Barry Danowski Story takets-a natiima] figgegénnifigf $011" m r. ‘tc e S p otos. e ‘ rings on impac on - -- ness. Second Place — CENTRAL CITY (Rim: PegEsgg‘ofie‘gfomY CategoryS . Best Sports Story Third place - SPENCER MAGNET, TIMES ARGUS, Doreen RECORDER Steve Oldin /Dave First Place — MCLEAN COUNTY Kimmm Dennis/Paul G. Moore . , g NEWS Teresa Revlett G0 d ' - . N k v 11 cts fth Ninemets i 0 report on conditions that Will “39 WOT C0 ering a aspe 0 e The best lead of any entry in this cat- gagglgfie 63$nger COUNTY afl‘ect agribusiness in the area. band competition.i Good shots of egory, won my vote for first place. Third Place-CENTRAL C?” TIME Honorable Mention - FULTON 112231112? corps ( ags, pom-pom. Good writing makes this election ARGUS Richard L Devers/Mark LEADER,Amy Lorton . Th: Tie Pcirmers. CENTRAL CITY story anything but dull. i . Story seems hke it would be of inter- 11‘ ace ' 1 Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY Stone . esttoreaders and IS mformatlve- TIMES ARGUSv Paul G- Moore . NEWS Amy Grewe Drews Honorable Mention - .FULTON Good overall depiction. of a multi- The lead oh this story could have LEADER’ Barry Danowski Category 14' Best General News faceted event. One cr‘thISm’ stand been tighter. but it does pique the Picture alone photo of female rider seemed reader's interest. First Place _ KENTON COUNTY out of place. Another action shot Third Place - FULTON LEADER. 09wg°w9'Be“ 31’0““an RECORDERiEricKrosnes WOUId have workedbetter- Rita Mitchell Frlmt P130“ ‘ EDMONTON HERALD The angle and the character lines in Honorable Mention ' TRI CITY l Weak lead. but a good job of thorough NEWS Clay SC?“ V V Y 7 the brick mason‘s face make. this a NEWS, defdeder 3 reporting. Good use ot‘interviews. Second Place - (IALIT‘ATIN (’OITNTX strong PhUtU- (}("’d shot “f an "V95" 000d mltla] Sh.“ makes the reader l ll~.’l‘l(irril)lt‘ Alt‘nlltlli _ I’LLTUN §EVRS~ helleyVVarnick . ‘ v V, . day ”10“)an want 10 l()()k farther l0 SOC \Vhr’ll'h' l LEADER. An“ 11mm”; lvll‘lrd‘l'lace r‘ M( LEAN ( ()l'N TX Second Illa“. - CENTRAL CITY gomgon. . ‘ inc ii... nil-miiron.““5-A’1’l-‘""““" . . . TIMESARGUS Paul G. Mum “WW“ Memo“ - CENTRAL I‘i twill: higher but tliostorvshows Honorable Mention” : 1”“. I Th“ "egg-citement" (WHY about 1h“ CITY TIMES ARGIVS‘ Doreen LN .. ww-kh var: ,.i,l.r(i‘,,,mf Ii stor'» BRIVXTHI FT ( (H '\ H \ 0“ P" puni and the anticipation are evident Dennis/Mark Stone “on a tip.» gm “,1“: ' David htrong . ‘ _ ‘ w v on the competitors face. Nice story. . ll"”‘i"‘fl’l‘i”ml"? " Flh.',l‘l“\,”’r\ Third Place — HICKMAN eoeriER. Qawgory17-&éstFeaturv{’ivcturo‘ t'ategorv 3 _ Best General (~( )1 .\ l \ Hltt ()RIHxli. ( hrls John O'Neill Jones I‘ II‘S‘i Vl’l‘ace - LOI Ib\ Il.l.lu ‘ News Wm. (”illnk“ (iood use of lines created by the DEPENDhR- BUd ”WNW . {get may; . KENTON ('UI'NTY buildingr shell draw attention to this Th9 51““Plnfl angel. irresistible?! Bl” . REFURBER. Karen Meiman Category 10 - Best picture. Nic“ low—angle Shm a tighter crop WUUM have made tho sociiiiil lrilzici- — HICKMAN colle. investigative/Analytical Story Honorable Mention - GALLATIN 5.“ “"0“ Strong‘ir- V ‘ . , ER. .John ()‘Neal Jones First Place — KENTON COUNTY COUNTY NEWS. Kelley Warnick Sewnd P 13“” ' “ALLATU‘ (“UN Third Place — BREATHITT coexrv RECORDER, Lois Sutherland Nice shot of a spontaneous moment. TY NEW‘S' Kem’y Wam'ck. VOICE. David Strong Good research, very readable story. (3‘1“ 3 little SOfi on fOCUS)~ The 0850900 Of. humanity ‘5 caught Honorable Mention — GALLATIN Second Place — HICKMAN COURI- "131089 l'tt‘eW'S expressu’fi‘S- ('oL'NTY NEws. Kelley Warnick ER, John O'Neal Jones Category 15 - Best Spot Thlrd P130? ‘ HICKMAN COURI- Good investigation and use of other News Picture ER' John 0 Neal Jones . Category 4 - Best Feature Story media for information. Well—written. First Place - LOUISVILLE Strong angle helps simple SUbJeCt' A First Place — FULTON LEADER, Third Place - KENTON COUNTY DEFENDER, Bud Dorsey ““19 extra effort can Payoff» as this Amy Lorton RECORDER, Steve Olding The emotional impact of the woman ShOt shows. Interesting story, well written Nice two-part election series. Try to watching her home burn is strong. Second Place - KENTON COUNTY focus on abilities and not so much on The reader can feel the sense of loss Category 18 ' Best Feature RECORDER, Neva Martin election promises. Good graphic side» along with the family in the photo. Picture Essay V Good story, a little short. bars. The shot was well played without F‘rSt Place ' LOUISVILLE Third Place — McLEAN COUNTY Honorable Mention — BREATHITT being overly dramatic. The photog- DEFENDER, Bud WWW/Yvon“ NEWS. Amy Grewe COUNTY VOICE, Delores Chandler rapher captured the moment with- Coleman Original story. good detail. Nice local angle on "Smokeout." Use out intruding too much during a pri- Excellent photos.‘ Y Honorable Mention « GALLATIN of local experts and people who quit vate moment. Second Place ' (’ALLATIN COUN' (‘UI'NTY NEWS. Kelley Wamick was good. Second Place - (‘iALLATIN COUN— TY NEWS, MW Warnick, AmusinLr story. pretty entertaining. TY NEWS. Kelley Warnick Excellent photos, good “‘me mat- f This shot captures the sense of ter. ‘ Y , 3 Category 5 - Best Column Category 11 - Best Story Series despair on the migrant workers Tim! ‘Place ‘ GALI‘ATIN (01an 5 “Me Subject) (‘ertiflcate of Merit . MCLEAN faces as EMS personnel tend to NEWS“ helley “731'ka l l’lrst l’lace . SPENT 'ER MAGNET. COUNTY NEWS, Teresa Revlett them in the wake oi‘the storm. See WEEKLY CLASS 1, page 3 c , . x l t : Fall Newspaper Contest - Page 3 ~ kl Cl 1 ' _ m I'»ll\llll)l\'|ll|i m \Iu‘oi kli\l'l(l\\‘~ -u I Continued from page 2 7—“— r-fl—— ‘ Honorable Mention — HICKMAN E“ ‘ ' -. _ . 1 COURIER, John O'Neal Jones —’_—“—d h— . um»: - cum-LAND . um" - Honorable Mention - FULTON y - LEADER. William Mitchell/Rita ‘ — I w 3 Mitchell . . , . ,. \olmm-M- \umher N f In Uur mm ten of \Uunu Itir [rt-I m \ru \‘I‘tlllrxdd- ...:i ~: :— iwé .Ieff Wt lder ()j Th e rrl_ C lty . 3 Category 19-Best Sports Picture ffli‘éfi'fi 1“” ’;"‘“" " ”' ”‘5‘ ”"1““ 5!"{“'1'3 ‘ News took first place in the . First Place _ GALLATIN COUNTY 0,. ‘mbmw 1108le Plant Comlng '10 Cumberland B B - ‘/A 'b ‘ - NEWS KclleyWamick 9cm WM . . est usmess grl usmess ~ ‘ ”2:- "577.1779"? . "35 1' 1‘ ' L' i ' ‘ Excellent action shot. captures play- 2;;z.‘;:2;;* 11.11:. 1 "_ .1; 13,1; .‘ - 113,11: .113“, . ‘ Story category ”I the Weekly l emotions and intensity they _. ti ~ s Class 1 division for his story tight for control ot the ball. um” _... ml , my,_j_‘,:f';‘.j“"j:j§ about a 11091.8 plant comin . Second Place - RENTON COUNTY -1“: . - 13...- ; . page; .9723}; ‘ f)? g RECORDER. Eric Krosnes @1141}; ‘ 5’7. ' ‘ . ah A ' 7 - *____._ [0 town. ‘ j The picture depicts well the emotions :“ .1 ‘ . . - that come with a season—iindincr loss I “ ' . 2‘ 1:: ' l in :1 championship game 5 1' ‘ 1 “ .5 3:31}? ’ _ 1 Third Place — FI'LTUN LEADER. 3 M i " zit-:1 ’1! 3 Barry ll‘ill‘.‘ i\‘f\l\'l l ' " 5 J . . i f i‘fx‘en it; 11.1. tl\ ill\I i‘1’itll i.» g ' l (L: T -’i w L" ’ ‘ ' . ‘4 I Q» - . 1 » ~ m” , ‘~‘ .2 . . . ‘ ‘ s y a; «1" , . cheess ants fears atifl (‘ategory ‘2“ - Best Sports ' . ‘ _ . w} - ,- ._ .__._._.._...--.,. l’icturelissay 2 [he hlg’h school husi’u'l- , r ‘1. r 12* - “If" Hug" :;AI.1,..\IZ.\ ‘ “" 5"” ; hall district tournanuol ' ' 1 " r i ‘ ‘13.“; .; _ NltWS. helles \Vo'mck ‘ . ‘ I] ’ I I , ,. II ‘ .‘ ‘1 ~ _ ' s. .2.- ’ " {1 ., l From competitivestruggli-totrt-lehr.1 l ”‘05 I“ \ ‘(lg ( I!) r. U f C'- . ' 1 )‘ ' ' - V 't 1 tion to picture ot‘ despair. this essay l (1011“le ('(Hl llly .\ (1‘ W5 ‘ . tibia J», 1 ' pretty well tells the district tournw l and K6110 V utar’ch 'g 1 7 - '. .. .'_' t f " 1 : ment story. I , . ' , . Q ' \v 71;. ; 9 i \ ' . ‘ ' a a ‘ i i , i . Second Place — CENTRAL (.‘I'I‘Y Wllmmg entry (fight) m g .- g “'7" . ’w 1, , n 4 f I , f n V v s \ V . i n‘ t ‘ . {13'1E:A§(IL‘5- I’m'1('-MO$>“‘ the Best Sports I’lcture t 1% 12f £13 ~ g . ‘ goo p oto essay on :1 swmi meet. ‘ ‘ . , t a... —t \‘I . a i . A finish line. or end of race shot. Esso). _ 3010”“. The l w. i ‘ ' V ‘ V". .4- ; however. would have added a nice L()lllS V1116 Defender 8' l H, J a _,J , _- r9 B l i N l \ ,. closing touch. B . . . l .' - ‘ ' ‘ I ‘ \ . . . . ud I)ors e ( (1 Norm! 1v . t I \ ». Thlrd Place - (‘EN’IRAL ( ITY , ~‘, I i \v a - g . .. i Q l ‘7 TIMES AR(}US.1\Iark Stone fU‘SI Place ”I Illt’ Best i ‘ ~~*——~~~— ' . t , I p t l ’ The photos document well the post Spot News Picture (‘01?- '; _'_ \ .0, -3 " , A h , 3 , gun-“T “Ct-my kammn‘ bl” m" gory for these shots ofa i l GELEDME tav‘ . ,r 9‘. _, K'- . 5 addition of some game photos would . - 1 L L ‘ s_ i i DISTPIU This»: . " .4 ...—., i have made the story complete. flré’ III I.l)tll.\'t'll[(’ H‘lllC/l ; l ‘ ‘ 'J \ g‘ _' ‘ s l l ; Honorable Mention — LOUISVILLE [ ' ' ' . . . t ‘ ~ -' ‘n. “ft ‘. ’ A E , , . e ta (Inul homeless. i 1 . , ‘ DEFENDER. Bud I)orse_V'/l\11chziel j r “ : i 5 vi . Q ~ 2 1 Leslie . g s ,1 t <1 ’ ..‘:.:::‘3;m':::::;:;:‘r1:,‘.1:2:"1"" 1' : Lots of pictures tell the story ot' the t . ‘t? €£L;::~:-M i Vencor Stakes. but the series lacked i‘ i . - * '11::3:g_‘~::—-“:;W -.. _ _ l dominant photos of struggling: com- 5 . . ' v "32?’im:fi'£uT.222 W Z petitors necwsrirv to he :1 Winner. 1 - Q: - i \ :7.:;:::;;‘::“:;::71::4:12;?‘1 “‘" . l , Find good. strong: action shots and V ._ _.--_, ‘ , | play them big. : - i /. " I I . - r ' I‘ . i . . ‘ ‘ I ‘n ' 0"- i l j miss/[lie Q ._. {J x x . .. : i i .l.’ »? .i a , ’ I g u I ' / :1‘ - v .F’ 3 x E * 'r-p" V i i " (s. *I ’3' i \‘ i v . ' i —~ 9 " 1 t l‘ we leaves family homeless i ‘ .- I 5 .. a ' i s. .., A _. ' ‘ ' ' i ‘ h x q . -‘ “"5 I ' 1 f , . is .. - i . " - l ' 'i ' _____. 1 l " 1 * a“; i . . i ‘I‘ ' ' . — 3 3 ~ ' "- "" *- - . ' L I "' ‘ i \ . . ‘ I I . 1 ;- . t i Y , ' ‘-_.._..._~____‘,. ___._. V V fiAA l . t ‘ g t" l a h .. .1 " ' ' . L _,--_...__...._._. l 9- - - A ,3 ‘/ - » 5:4 ' ‘ '- l' / ' Jr” . i . l l .55 f ‘ ' . i ‘ :13” 1‘ Instingimpuetol'mzn‘eh nun L fl... > _ _- W m .. M, . 3. ,. . 'i not lN‘(‘\'l(l1'l1l)l‘l.\;l) Million 1 . / V“ V 7 h H A ‘J M ' l , l I , , . .‘ i I , . ‘1 l» t b lggl Page .2 — Far; Newspaper Comes! , F?w%m-—m‘W—“‘m—‘ *1 {pm l .~i.- ; p, ‘_ .;..~.:: :4 . ' {fun-gory 7- lies: Sportst‘oluznn 1 ’ f rl. How wt. 3 l. . ' FWEEKLY .._. . . .. » .. -» l 5 .,. . .., , i (‘.l'.t‘§~"n!‘\ -t - desizw-nuin Pm.“ :.i \l'l ' .l ': ;.,.. .. ~ . -‘;n ’ ' j ; . '. U ~. \l \ -. ‘ '- . . . l ;‘it¢ unrN 4'. Rust \twv'x .‘v- n CLASS 2,_ .. . . . . . . . ‘i-r.::\.,,.;..l, . w ' t. «,i ., .~ . l.'if :v 4,: ,_ -.'- ' gv . . \_ _ x. . . ,- i,“ ‘~. ' :: ' l’lpl- : g': - : i i l i. . . :.l..i i' Ii; ‘-:'.‘ ' ' i:. r- 1 .on 'fi . :‘ ~. " M i.."-.l lff'li HE‘" ~ ’ r ‘ ' :iiri ”c": i: lion: wit“. .i' I, ; x" =.‘.. ninx‘ Ylivwli. ‘ii,’ w .111 (a -it ;l‘::\.lll".'l Stit' .. , my”. 3,1,1 mm." .. ru' ‘h "thiiiw'i Yi.‘ t}. ;..v..-.r; rm !;‘- NH}, .- Mania" “i ‘1} ’\'2. ~ .zvmnn: "i saris!” r- ‘. :‘Mir » ,y, l. .3 . L. ,_ $1,.“ tuna! “hf .1n:l Ili'. .|"\ at l-x‘w 'I‘ln' pr» \ilL’.:i qoiuxnn mplniiis i! xxx-ii sii 'ltizi; it .i «:oninion lli~‘lllv 5, mi in.” t'.—\lli'/. RECORD. son truly touches heurh Third Place (‘l'I‘lthiN \U’H‘F. g. l’roi'ilo pieces (in it goo/l jol, mi 3“,,“ 5“, VH1}, Third Place - SPRINGFII‘ZIJ’ 'I‘lMES. Kevin Birchtield introducing the reader to the l \,\‘,.l;_,,,,,1pvrwrhd anecdote makng SUN. Tim Ballard Good idea. but you should have individuals. ~.'~Il‘.li‘it‘lllll‘fi argument. we“ done. I'plii'ting story. Good lead and expressed the idea ofplaying a dif— Third Place - CAMPBELL COLIN» Third Place e LAI'REL NEWS good story It kept my attention ferent patriotic song (it ball games TY RECORDER Lois Sutherland LEADER. “311k. SawyerS Honorable Mention - CITIZEN a little sooner in the column. Sutherland does a thorough job of It can‘t have be“, comfortable, VOICE &TIMES. Beth Curlin tracing the development of “Cum: a magistrate Whg's slack» Good story and writing. I would Category8 - Best Sports Story Campbell County, a little less ing (,ftj But Sawyers" did it well, suggest adding close calls offlight First Place — TROUBLESOME extraneous information would with fact after fact. nurse, most touching moment, etc. CREEK TIMES, Ron Daley havg made some articles more Honorable Mention — LAUREL Second Place - CAMPBELL interesting- NEWS LEADER, Ed Cahill Category 5 - Best Column COUNTY RECORDER, Chris Inept jail escape handled with (One Subject) Gramke Category 12 - Best On-Going/ ‘ right mixture of seriousness and Fh‘St Place ‘ CLAY CITY TIMES, Third Place ' CAMPBELL COUN- Extended Coverage Story satire. DOD Perry TY RECORDER, Chris Gramke First Place - CITIZEN VOICE & Although Perry's columns could Honorable Mention - SPRING— TIMES, Allen Blair Category 2 - Best Spot U59 extra editing fOI' grammar, FIELD SUN. Tom Bystrek a 2-column story certainly led to News Story and I didn't always agree With the many more follow-up stories. The First Place _ GRANT COUNTY stands he tOOk, it was easy ‘50 Category9-Best Sports Feature prominent display of each follow- NEWS‘ Eric Wessel select this young journalist for the First Place - PROVIDENCE up story helped the public keep Excellent lead paragraph to a fire first place column award. He is JOURNAL ENTERPRISE, Morgan up. story. Good personal quotes unafraid 0f controversial topics C. McKinley Second Place - BIG SANDY throughout. and takes pains to back up his A sports feature about a little NEWS, Jen-y Pennington Second Place — CRITTENDEN opinions With fact and humor. A league umpire? Obviously, this A tough call from an editorial PRESS, Allison Millikan very talented young journalist. man means more than that to the standpoint. Departing from nor- Great news story on deadly two Second Place - OWENTON NEWS baseball community and you did a mal reporting style and language car accident and community HERALD, Kelly Menser great .lOb 0f pointing that 0Ut~ in order to provide details of sen— involvement to help farm family GOOd tOPiCS, well written. Second Place ‘ TROUBLESOME sitive and very personal issues. after tragedy. Good lead. Third Place - TIE - LARUE CREEK TIMES, Ron Daley Perhaps a little too graphic how- Third Place - CARROLLTON COUNTY HERALD NEWS, Linda Heartwarming story. Good job of ever. NEWS DEMOCRAT, Davette Parker blending facts with some obviously Third Place — GRANT COUNTY Baxter/Jennifer Mattingly Very well written, funny and sen- personal insights. NEWS, Jamie Baker-Nantz Well written flood damage story sitive. Third Place - LAUREL NEWS You wrote life into what could with excellent side bar_ Spot newg Third Place - TIE - CAMPBELL LEADER, Dale G. Morton have been a very tedious story. story on one family's survival. COUNTY RECORDER, Steve Gee, what a "tough" assignment Honorable Mention _ CARROLL- Excellent quotes throughout, Olding this must have been. You made it TON NEWS DEMOCRAT, Honorable Mention - LAUREL Well written, funny and sensitive. fun to read, which is exactly what Davette Baxter NEWS LEADER, Willie Sawyers Honorable Mention - CLAY CITY it should have been. Competent reporting, showing Unusual spot news story on dove TIMES, Carrie Rigsby Honorable Mention - PROVI- that the retiring school superin- and cemetery tomb. Well written. This young columnist should be DENCE JOURNAL ENTER- tendent was not the source of the Good quotes from parents. encouraged to continue her often PRISE, Morgan C. McKinley revenue shortfall was a good humorous, well written columns. Who says the society page gets to point to make early on. Category 3 - Best General have all the great love stories? News Sty-y Category 6 - Best Column Good job. Category 13 _ Best First P13 e ‘ BIG SANDY NEWS) (Variety Of Subjects) Business/Agribusiness Story Jerry Pennington First Place - LARUE COUNTY Category lO-Best First Place _ GRANT COUNTY Thorough treatment of bizarre HERALD NEWS, Debbie Polly Investigative/Analytical Story NEWS Eric Wessel . story. Covered all sides very well, Personal, anecdotal style puts us First Place - SPRINGFIELD Good short lead Good overview of gave police opportunity to squash right in the middle of what she's SUN, Tim Ballard a complex story Great quotes some silly rumors. writing about, whether a major Excellent coverage on too common throughout showing plight of ' Second Place - CRITTENDEN accident or a simple bad day. of a problem of getting the state local farmers . PRESS, Chris Evans Second Place - TROUBLESOME to get things done. Contained Second Place , CITIZEN VOICE Article helps readers understand CREEK TIMES, Paul Daley good, balanced information. & TIMES Beth Curlin the extent of victims' families suf- A column by an 11-year—old? Second Place - CARROLLTON Nice well-’written stor on restau- fering. A pull—out quote from Mrs. Unique and fascinating. A fresh NEWS DEMOCRAT, Davette rant and historic buildin - . . , . . gits now Tinsley would have been helpful. and honest look at life 5 little oddi- Baxter located in Third Place ~ LAUREL NEWS ties. Good reading by a good This also was good coverage of a Third Place _ SPRINGFIELD LEADER, Dale Morton writer. too common problem. Good inter- SUN Tim Ballard Good job on a "Talk of the town" Third Place - CRITTENDEN views and use ofquotes. Great lead ara ra h Eas to incident". Facts clearly states in PRESS, Nancy Mick Third Place - CAMPBELL COUN- undersi and liwritign fat-1e filled one article; opinions moved to Light, breezy approach to fun top- TY RECORDER, Diane Goetz with ood uotes g y ’ sidebar, nice treatment. ics. Voters were given good informa- Honog bl qM t: TROUBLE l Honorable Mention - SPRING- Honorable Mention - CARROLL- tion on an im ortant is ra e en lo“ - - . P “9- SOME CREEK TIMES Karen FIELD SUN, Tim Ballard TON NEWS DEMOCRAT, Davette Honorable Mention - FAL- J0 Jones ’ l There's probably some social Baxter _ ' MOUTH OUTLOOK, Debbie G052” story on a nail salon. Lead issues involved here about putting Nice, inSIghtful column about chil- Denme ara ra h b't 1 th an 86 year-old man in jail, but dren earning money. Her warmth These comparisons should have p g p a 1 eng y. including them here would have toward her parents is palpable. shook up the KSP. There was a See WEEKLY CLASS 2, page 5 l l in . - . . . , \ _ t l l ‘ , t l 1 I” ll ‘ l WCBkly ClaSS 2 catching: What H Fall News a i ‘ I 199’ l lmnmn ‘ - ‘ hN-ntmllv -.——_,- p Del Contest - Page 5 j St‘Umd P11“ , ~______.___________ - _ ‘ . , ‘ ' ’ (AMPPL‘I (,U , 1‘ “ML 4 ‘ Continued from page 4 Kminitj \ RM ORDER. Em: I o l Category 14 - Best General Cute? 7 MMIE 1;?WS Picture ' Third Place - Lnl'REl \‘FW‘ LlErSt Place - LAUREL NEWQ LPADER. Willi:- Sawyer; A J 5 UC l -_ . ADER, Willie Sawym “ NCO portrait shut ' 2:- ~ an. Ear giveaway can be éXtren 1 Special effect L “1th good use "f N V 7 . ull ' ‘0 y ' ' . ' ' S 1 event, but photo tells and HOHUrable Mention _ CARR( 0 Place le€ Home Pluto ‘ . .. 9 IS the story. TON NEWS DENIOCRA )Llf' F0!“ Long/Tin“, 8v ’b _ ‘ 1,! l Second Place - CITIZEN VOIC Hill , 4' T, Davld ”M’M" L t fee Umpire *m TIMES Beth Cu 1' E & Clev: ‘ , W » . -- ‘ N " Both p50,“)s St r m U be‘t‘up for Shot,_ T "mm“ Inc", ‘ ~ ~_ '- . ~ ‘ 5 “mg, photo h m£25753Kittirczrm i, : . . ‘ has great 8 _ grap er ‘ xuval'L woman,“ 1 » l ‘ ‘ ye' HUm I 1 ‘ ' Cate W'MVH' muttrmx'r" "'Dw- ‘ 'tl‘hlf senior citizen shill” Slums m Pictffgljliga-yBeSt Feature l 5‘55“?”3331'""‘"""m’5 ‘ ‘ 4 ird Place - LARUE First P a 31:2":233‘3‘":“7‘3“” 3 ; ‘ STERALD NEWS, Terry 531312: TY REéaocfibE“€%RB%L COUN— l 2:.“ z ‘ - m Hlsgustmg, but attention gem“ ’ Eric Kmsnesy f ’ .“c OWE a w": ‘ A“ ' ..- i . Tonorable Mention - CARROLgL executed in thins theme’ ‘5 We“ l :"wfmm‘i; hos _, A . N ' , i > H231?I NEWS DEMOCRAT, David the Alexandria EZiEhOtOS taken at i gene-13}- ‘.." L ‘ "1 , . Second P _ . 1 ii§;£.{f'” «{Z,$“3553V xiiim"~~- .;.'.'..___,_ l 1 Photo 8' Spll‘lted 100k at a COm HERALSace LARUE COUNTY 1 EE"I‘::'*:‘.:7:figq’qdcl «£12me 9:373:11? m__~ ..M_mw_mu::: ‘ ‘ event - graduation, mon Cardin/L d NEWS, Neal "KNEE"? 7-311" .:.~5ZJ:E£$£~3i-éf~..;‘-&ii32571;: 1‘;“".'f:::'".;;::‘;,;:;§§~;;~n{;-vfl»on.u;, 1 The thr lnHa Parker/Debbie Polly l agiTiiiét-‘fiL-EH figTE,?EI:-’;%Z;";ELE"S.;e: 32:1. 1:7L237£3'-15717:‘i7'_:.;;.“‘;"":;:r::fl~tv‘1...: ' Category 15 . Best Spo t h 6‘8 erald News photogra_ ‘ ?:;.3r,1;°§”§-_§;::1::rm{l fir';3::'.}??;;;;.’r::‘L"; :r-' ’ m" {"3731 Strfigxrg:’:i'€€f:7§§f:}3_~‘ l NPWS Picture If) (frfs g 3V9 their readers a good ‘ 2:335:35???:2::.:.fr;”..::r:‘ 2;“flfiffg‘ELJfi"?‘Ev-ii~732.?“.r. 3:“: l Flrst Place - L ee. .Or what the Lincoln Da _ ‘ 3331113933331§§{57353: :fl"*¥?"r‘~-~:.f filfLLIf,‘ 3“““*"Tru~.:ili I LE AUREL NEWS tIVitles w y S fes ‘ “M" M~ “ ""’ ~ , ADER, Willie SaWyers hot _ ere about. A good mix of fry-mm ..‘.,.V“‘ul'.‘.:".‘"‘{7.51:3‘1}:1H7 W: {Aw—V! ’ , The Photo, in one Shot co 5f :3 Sizes and angles, Good use @913?!” 3:533:13.ix;.::';:_";n§;:-:; ‘ .r:é"1:~< ‘ ‘ the serious nature of the my”: ThQOdor. ‘ l 1’ ‘, If” "1 ’ f‘ j ,. ;._ -. :fieagaglger faced by the fire {'12}:- TIfiEsplg::h'CCI’I;_IZEN VOICE & ‘ t;- ;,e w - . I / 3 ,;':f":1:{_"~"f; -~ «m, ‘ ' V ‘ e WOI' S near th ’ ur 1n x" '3 'i w ' J’ "I > .. 'u' l the room of the burningbtfifiigtop good Phqtographs of a prett l L ‘ " f ’ f?~_'9.',}"f;}»‘}‘~“v“~l‘"T z j ‘, l, "35,1. '3 V Second Place - CITIZEN VOIC g, 0c11e subject attract the read ,y t I V ,‘ "'Jllis'éffl, " .3 ’1. "1 IN $l1MES’ Beth Curlin E & :Iye. GOOd detail work. er 5 3 i I p a xii-3773:}? _ V ’r " g ‘1' 7' e h Onorabl - 1 m ' 1 will; M A; ex rp om captures the emotion NEWS LEe Mentlo-n.‘ LAUREL ‘ l of i F 9 an “r 3'3 23137:.“L‘f3ffif4' ' l? essed on Mr. Flkes's fa ADER,W11119 SaWyerS ~ i , i ,r l . ‘3 “ , . :‘fhlle dEmonqu-ating the destrfli’ GOOd series on 3 marching band ‘ l l t 1‘ ' l 7:5“? ’ . - 1V8 nature of the Stor ' competition but 't : LUM‘ ‘7 : l w ‘ ..: i ’ - - Good t' ’ 1 laCkS a good I “"W ~ ~71 ‘ i , cOmposmon and - m lght Shot of - - . ' i. 2 ‘ n ta 5%” the fallen (12:2? Imes “eat competition fiefdmusma“ 0“ the rtrxuzr‘rFJ:“i~-‘~ ’: ; ;;;;;7:>5i‘ ‘ r ird Place - C ' ‘ l ,. H i 1' “ ,IL: '3 I TIMEs,A11en 3113i?“ VOICE & Category 19.39“ sport pi ,l g ; ,- 1 _ g i ‘ 1, v This photo dis 1a 8 First Place - s cm" 1 I“ " ' '~ P y well th t LAUREL ‘ L _ ,, effort of firefighters a: £13m LEADER Denis House NEWS ‘ ,, _ *W— w”':.-::.-.n:'~‘- . _ , ' / attempt to bfin a ey Good actlo Mo . fl—MLLLW ' W 7 W h ‘ ' H . n. |' an C. fire under Contrgl, bad structural separations 113:3; gli’PPed. Color firs‘gplace 53:22:11 :1 The Journal-Enterprise (above) ‘ Honorable Mentio _ Second P1 ‘ on a Ion -t' ports Feature catego it captured a S n TROUBLE- ace - LARUE COU 9 "“6 local um I WW hMull-pa e \ —' A9341? CREEK TIMES Ron Daley HERALD NEWS Debbie P 11 NTY °' “‘9 Laurel News “1.23:“ m "‘5 °f his retirement 32.3”“ \\ n . ’ ~ . ' O . ' m ' ' , one * monriifnesi‘if 19 81“ an't‘m’c‘m“ £238 getmn Sh” Cmpping cyou1d ”01° by Wm“ saWers. any "m ”8°” “’38 this Spot news \/ . . , mm - e ' . ,i .1311 o;- court, The ll 8 bemg led .to Third gin tlghter vertically, 50¢ _. V the lower left appegigsf plate in TY REC giffiECAMPBELL COUN- g ‘ v Get . 1 97mm . . . ' B o I: " r 27"? edltonal Comment of its oazdd an Action swim 9‘13, Erlc Krosnes §« 9. Stupid! . - V . .r . .‘ v m / I to take Thi . 01"S are a challenge -§ Get Busted! ‘ .. l, r _ SFtegOry 16 - Best News Press work hsellseg gOOd one. GOOd E: New program ‘15“, » i 1 I I ‘ F'lcture Essay Honorable Menu. 312:" 3“ Living, 18 \H I l a“ h A -' lrst Place - LAUREL NE TON NEWS on ' CARROLL ‘" \- ‘ LEADER, Dale Morton “’8 Hm DEMOCRAT, David Fir d a ‘ PhOtPS are well cropped to - Good ex ' . e estroys landm k . best Impact. give shot wearessxve action-stopping ______ 1 Second Place - CARROLI TO ' cr0pped. a V WW: A»; 5. . .‘ NEWS DEMOCRAT, David {1'11 N Cate - ' i t ‘ é ' These photos ten the stor w l1 PM gory 20 - Best Sports V. ,. k i ~ ‘ Third Place - BIG SAND‘iyl ngw Fir 1"}: Essay ‘l‘ rt " ‘ ~ J " Jerry Pennington 8’ LEXDEfiace- '. LAUREL NEWS i to V; Screening too coarse Prp‘ \ , A t ,Wlllle Sawyers .,__ > . . j ‘ .. ". A 7' 5.33311"? l really kc t th' L ' «*5 Work ‘ rue photo stor W h , * 3%,. ’ . \* hlaher p 15 entry frOm placing of great H‘hots‘ y, It a number '3. j, ‘;,_‘"L,£ I , .‘w‘f _ . .42; h _ N L . . , .593»; ,,.. ~; ,‘~: 1"; HonOrqble IVIL , bQCOnd PlaCC _ IAU , . -' ‘- . 5 .“'W¢ -‘ ‘ ‘ntlon - T w 7 ‘ J REL NEWS _ A.“ V .r' . i. COUNTY HERAI D IquERL/F: LEADER, Dems House 1. .L L- , ‘ ‘ ‘ . 1 Dt‘blfle P( ll ‘ \Nb~ TwU ShOtS tell . ‘ ~ ‘ _ fl . v ., 9.. .‘ ‘ F ) y forw d Strong, Straight .3 ‘ m _ L_ m, _ g . l “\Vor photos at mp Would h' , T ' drd Story 4» ' Av; -~, ‘ ' ‘ N‘ . " 3m», I 2 '"mk‘thlsontryhem-n 1m Illl‘llg(ll)l”c." ‘ LARI'E COUNTY _ '~ . l . ' l “Maori 17 Bet Tip LI 11:1? Elm “nda Parkw ; U‘i—J' .. .fl‘ ‘ - ’ - s F - ' “J 8 mt m