xt7pvm42vj5s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pvm42vj5s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-02-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1995 1995 1995-02-13 2020 true xt7pvm42vj5s section xt7pvm42vj5s  






‘ ’ dandy fume/if. /11.." mm 3'1

SPORTS .\'/1[11'rr1'1'r//1'r R1121 Urn/'11! I
0111' [Ii/I.'Iniilenrv[111(1'1'1/[win/'1 11 I1’/Q [1’."111

parked lmme 1'I] 11‘1-11111-11'11-1. Sin/'1. I'1/1111' 1‘



WEATHER [’.I/711' 1/11H1I1

_ {111/111'. lire/i H11H' III. [WWI/1

lir'1'1':1' femur/11:5. 1114/1 [111/1 III






[’1'/11111111 [3. I995


o '..-.'1.‘ 7 I/I1‘I1II.“ 8
Z 1 NH 2 \;11/ 3
’ 1 1 7 I .1 ’ 1;”! 5


Student smokers looking to kick the habit


. '.IVNs'vlr’q \. 1:1



‘If I don’ t
have cigarettes,

I go msane.’


Photo illustration by GREG [ANS K.»-111-. .1'

GI" A ”GI"? .\./11; '. fin/1711‘ 1721‘ I'1/'1 111 I 'K "IV {/71 time Itrli'i'unleforflier/1 I1.» 1'11111'11/1'7' quitting

[EE- llogel still has


i1. 1I1~~iit 1'11 I1. 'I1.it Ittrllltl‘ Iekitttrtun
I1'1I'\11_1"""1|1|111sntt1p|1i1in his'
1I \I11111. 1111 1d .111 l81'1'1ir11I1I h|11eI<


mind i1's I.1'1

I MIN 1' 11ft

\(‘llIIl 1111 '1 I ._'"
(.itiiit' 1'11 >1’1I1- .11'5 IlIlLfJIIllII. \Vnsiel said he
11111|1|i111t'1-1.11i11':111-11thet'it'1'iiinst11nt'1's \lll'rttlllkl‘


111;: the
II 11.11. 1'1_1-.-.11| nt. II1"

1.1t {1.111 Sullivan.11thert|111n t11s111'
I11 s;ii1| he will |i\'e with the
'I12s IIIL‘.

i1|;i\ sinte this hz'ippened
t|1.1: l .111111'1 I .11’|1 1.."i1|11'111|I11Iwh1tt ir1tits'pir1'."1|
I11' .1i1i “K:11~' 'I111w I.1st - \HIIllll the snap 11I'
the I'111."1-i. .1111Ith11t 11|I1'11tirII.iiniI\'.1i11I
IlIt' 1.111 end 111‘ 1'h.1nf_{e is hr1'1iieht


1 .

Il.l1‘t 1. .11: .|11'ies1‘-

Il11'."1 111

111.11 Ii 1'
s11llli">l.t (‘I'.t'I‘

“I 1.111 th.it 1111 (me IIeeIs sorrier Ior
11h. it I111pp1- ti- 1It|1.11 1I.1_\ t|1 111 1111' '\111re| s1iidI in one
11I 11111111111 11-11s|.111111|1111t|1|ht(.11iirier_I11iir

It \11'.

1I‘sslII'L' \I)|

1'111111111'i1t siit11'th1'sh1111t-
111-1111' 111re “littlnptlnt: t1)
."'1111s1\11|i11111 11|1'11111'11111'sI’Iiietrrtss'.\spe1ndtle


his I]; st pnhh

ii11'.11I1 I11111111’11'I.

Saniller sees trouble on set at ‘8llll'

R \I ).\'( IR. I’11 |1i\e 1111111 New ank. it‘s Sat-
ttr1|111 IIieht

IrtlllII)It‘ is |)l\‘\\lltt_! hehtiitl the
seenes 11I \IH ,'s “8'11t11r1l111 Night
Ii1'e " I)(‘.I't'lll\t .1s 1' 1st mt in 1er
.\d1tinS.1n1II11 11 de I111tte|1 puts it
“ I he 11rit'tn1r s111I1'stI11s se .1s11t1

Iht lestiIt..1111-i'1|ine t11\'1tn1||et.
is' going to I111
SNI .Is disgrunth 1| tt1111p1

“II the 1111111's h.11L iie\t
1e.ti'. it IIt'IIt‘l ’11- Int Iiinnit'i‘. .
entire 1'.1st 1'11 111 I|1x|I11111111|" s11111111-1- s11\s in the
Ie|1.II' .1II11I11' I.\1si1it. I‘.lIiI1|\.L\
5MP." ”II/1'I '.\II111\ ‘i‘it'iids \III'ILt‘,” 1 '1'. is '1 . 11:

1.111I ' \11'111'111 1-irt 1'.:tl' " ‘ 111. ‘1-.i~.tsi.1'.1I1-1it11ilii.
|).11\t1 slllUIs'kN I111 i1'|.1\.1ti1111. 11.11pIe, 1 1I\\.l‘1sI\1"1‘11ti1'.1i1 11... I11 1 ~i1'tt1-I11't1»'1'.1t1"si
.I1iiiiie sttitils‘es t11re|it'\'1' stress .iIl1III11lI'\I.' .1 1' 1. 1111.1 ' -1' " 1 .1 ' 'f. 11i 11hi|1 I 11.1
.\iid Shin111 sllui're- I11 \11111|.11-' 111.». 311-1 .1 1111 111 I21-11_ 11.’ then 1: 1111i lilt'lII

“ieIi'es‘I1"htiiise'It, l'.‘|.l\. 1'1111.11'|1 '11I111 t.1|.in;i .1 .1: ' 11p." II111ss111d

\\'|111te\erthei‘t'11s1111.s11111k1nu t1'st.sI11'.I1| I 1

1 ngrt‘ttt‘s. despite 1I111'timente1I slit “11"» [I11-

.I,i“.\ls Il'sir s.l11|

i! s.ii-| '11 .1'11'1I l11siii11I'e .1I111iit

i\--- .1111. ,1-|.1'..liiit1iit.|111\iii11

he.i|t|'. risks. helps these L'K stu- III 1'II1'1 1s 11! :1 «dune. \111I1i|.e|1'111~1_|)11ss1111'1111p
dents and others like them get \\'I'1'1. .11. s I11i".1'It 11.1111111' ='1 f-1111I111I-11111I.ei's
thrwtigh t|1e1|111'. I I111.i'|:.:'11'11'1111111'1111..II1-'I1i11I I'. :1. 1.':1.- 11111111111 s|:-|it|1

.\sideI'r11tn'theiiie11tii1e111|1|11'- ~11 :1: I. -I'-. her-1'I: '.11 mp 1'. .1.: . I I11 1111" t1: st 11
tiun. iii.1n\ sittnkers s|1.1te C(Illl' 's11111l11'1.1,'. I.. .1 I '.1' ~1' ;'1111t I111 1|.i1s.1
IlI'Ill .iiiswers tn the Mt he.ir1| “1111 1' '1111I-.1i1;1-11-.1 .1 1.. I1.‘ “I iili 1.11111I.1 I)11\\
1pitsti'1ii11I'wli1'theysiituke, 111.11 11.1 11311111111 .111 1: .«1 11

I).l\\ll I.1'11is..tn I'Iiiulisii e1|ii1..1 MN! I 11; -11. .1' 1' I-11.1iis1 -.I 1 1;» 1211‘ 111 I11- .1 s111111|
[11111 seiiint. s1ti1| she I111s In en the 'lll'Il' ’. '111 I1 11 -| .l '1'» 11'1,I11111I1.1s 1|1.1ii1'1'd.
siin'l 1111' t1>r iii1>reth1iii 111' ii. IIlII ‘111'1'L'1. 1 ' 111 '1 '.p 1 I. ’1 11-1s1111 I 1i11111111 is
she |111sheett stiriniinde |I11 st1111L ~ 1" ; 1: 1 -1 '1111 11d1|itti11ii." I)11ss
1"'1s.iI||111|iIe. \1iwiit'1'1.sheiss'1'1with-"‘I .1.' 1' 'ilIiI--t1-1piit'I

"\Vell. I 1i|w111s tI1111111I1t I 1.:1'11'11i1t ~1i1t 111' ~‘ '1 t- .1i1 3:111:1sI111t|1ph1s111I
\1111I I never .11111111. in11111|1 II1-I11111' 1'. (I'M-'1' .1'1111 '.71, \\h1't|1ei t.lII\'lll" 1111
|1ee11ii;e I 1rrew Up in 1'I11111I1 thit 111111'1. 111 131'” "11Iz'1'1. t.1l.:-s .1 tI11';'|1111:1 11'1'1111el1is1.11.I)11ss
s111-1I111I 1"'11r1,11nes1:11|1e1|'sI11' 11:. I 11:; I'1. 1|. I' I- I1:- 1| i. ._'11 'z 1 I».e1p Ill‘s I1.'.i'..|-
s.111| 11:111'1='_I.1111:. II1~1 1.91 i~111111l1111_= I'.

\Ithntlth Lewis s11i1| she dis '.1I11'11I11'x1 ' I" 1.1:.11I1I II1 is ”1'I 111' " '.1'11'1'1;'111':'1'~. I g
IiLes the smell 11I sii111Le. s111'111l 111111 .;'| 111 I
inIIiienees 11nd her ei11ir11111111111 I)Hs'- '1I1IIIt'1I s11111L:111' It't’llI1lll'. \E11111.1 II1- .1 II '11-.11'1-I 1
led her t11st11rt \IllttlsIIltl. I111 her .11 11 I21 1 11: 111 I" 11'. 11:11]


“817111 I': '1' [it’t'li
min/cine 02'1'1'1/
Vt’m' ”11:1". 1171/1/17—
I1' JIM/111111111! Hm!
I 111111; 1111121. m1!
Itc‘1‘1I/IA‘1' 11/ MW


Dawn Lewis ”WWII/INN”? 'I Jamie Doss
I‘I/I’ltI/lI/III V I III 1'1” I
‘t'/Illl ,',i

{‘I‘ III/"1"

.' I ~
I'i/s't' "UH/31’

"In ”/1 21111111. I
.'m1i1gm1' 1’11“]
film! 1")I1’Ifl"/III\'I1'11/'
I'1. 1'1/11 .1/1/111/n'm‘
{I'1 I'1/1111' I.'/11:11 M
I1"1 1'11‘111'111'1'111111'
Shinya Dm 1'./'11'11 111 1/11'

I " ‘ ' - Mum/f

1'./mu /
”01..., \.

iI/I‘, I

1'1’(\I .’."1

' 2'1' [HUN/11


Program can IIBII) IIII- -teach’ SMOKIIIQ



ByJeItVinson 1 1.11111-1 1-1I . 19'111111(111 1 I
NNIIIIIIIU inn. .1 pi'11I1'ss111'tii1I n.1,: ii.iil1' \1'111'1 s-.11'1.1t" I.ii| 111 i'e.i|i'/e
111-11:11111 .1111 IIi' . I ' '. i11I‘-"s t11lI111
Students whn witnl l1; 11d I" .I1-11-‘11111111,111.111.,_.11 tI‘.1' I"'.II" 11'1 iii11st iI| 1'II1'1I'
theiiiseh'es 11I'the siiiuking hilrit I1.1.I11-1'. iilil 1:111 'I'1 '1 211311" 1 'I'I-(I'VII‘I‘II'I

pi'11et.1iii 11? “IV.
slittils'itty, (.11111'11'i '.11'11.
I|111ii'..1s 1: -.is..1!i1| he i»

11111 I1'1trn 1ihuiit .1
designed t11“1in-te.ieh"

I|111|111'1tt ~I p.tn.. IJr





1, 111I;1 it'11

si1111I.-i I111 N1 i1i‘11t11l tI11 r1111|1

...‘1'.1'~.1 I'..1:'1I" 1I1';;11 -s 1.1.1 i1=1-"111'11i1'1'1'r11.|1ite1|.

('.1111per. 1t pt‘ttIessur III the 'i' 1' the p'wfl 1:11 '11 "I ll: t'.11'1 "111sthe'11-1i1 in I1'e1|
I)ep11t'tiiient 11I ()1'1'1I I|e.1|t|1 St'i 1.1 111|.1 1;' 11. 1111! .1 whit-11111 11 1 '111 i 11111121 s.111I

entes. will present IIIIUI'IIIJIIHII Is1ll1'. (:111111'1 1 \‘1'Ei1."1p1'1:pi1' '-11111I1:~ 111.1st h.1\e three 1 h.1r-
.IIHHII the (111111117 I111't11n 111111 ‘111I1It111L1'1.II I‘W“—'1'11I' '11 1 '1'1' s 1:11'1 111111' .1 sii111'ssttiI
.'\I1th111| 111 Stttp StiinLinw II11- Tlieil 111-aid .i1:s1'-1 '.I'e '1‘11'. 1|1111Ii 111-'1~111111I.1".(§""511'1s.111|
session 11. II he at tI11 L' K(II .11II1'11e 1.111-11I' :11 . 11.11' 111d. 11111 I ‘|'.1". V I I;:. iitiist I11Iie1e lhi'1 \\iII
11I.\ursingin S0} A. II ||e11|th 5'11 ' I ..1 11‘1- tI.1-i' I1.1i11| 1'11I

entesI1e11Irning(,1-t1ter. r1" : st 111 1111 1111111 ( 1111;11'1' \11 PROGRAM 11H 2


By Steve Perry
V1!” II 1111';

:\it\'tiii1e .1 student rises t1) .1 1111s1ti11n 1'I
ptmer. he iittist lie piep.ire1| tn 1|e.1| 111th
tough sitti11ti11ns tintrinLi Ii'11111 1|111111ii1
making It) stttlllliI urllIIIELItK ‘.IIIIUIIL' pe'-11

I 11d I I tsher 1|"t1.1's 1111 expe rie n1 1 s Il'wlll
|1isI1iiiii|1|iIet11e11111pitrthe 1'I1. ill 1-~.11|I
his i11h11s L K sn111|i1t11|t.'1t11111t1(11111111I the

\\|'1ei1 he 1111s .1 s1ni11i in high '1I11111I.
I isher \\'1is I11r1'ed 11» d1 .1| 111th tIt1 1|1111t1e
11I his p1ttents.

“'ith the rest 11I'tlie I'1IlllII1'I't‘t‘IlIZL1 train
the hr1'.1I\' iip Iisher t1111|1< 1111 i|i1>nI~ Ii'ire
HI rt'spnilslhllllies .lII the whllt 1|: .lIIllL'
with his 11w 11 pain

“Y1111 iiist have to '.teeept it."

I'nr i1111n1' students. then pti1iits'
di1'11r1'1' pi11h.ih|1'111111I1| 1'11nsideii'l the
iiinst diIIieiiIt point in their IlIt' . hut I isherIs
st11r1 h.1s' 11 hit 1d 11 t11ist

He is prntid 11IIhiiits1It I11rth1'11.i1 he
handled the sittintitm.

In re'".tinspett he s.111| t|11'p.1inI11|p1'11111I
he 'Ipe 1| him hiii|1| 1 I111'.tr11t1i

I h.idt11«rt11wiipI.tst It 11.1s (Illllllfl i111
seninr 1'e.lt11|high sL'I.11111| .1111| it 11|1111111s|1
w11sn't e11s1’tit I had t11 h1 there I111 1111
tn111n.1111|sister.1tt11| I h.11|t1>t.ikennt|1.1t
1'h11IIenge." Iishet s1111|. ‘\1111. 111' .tre 1l|I

I"lsht'l'. .'tn 1tee111intin1.r .1111] I111. 11111' s1 ni1>r
ser1es n11t11n|1 11s the priiii.ti1 Ii1iis11i1 I11r
the s11ei1t| Iraternities t11| K.I111t.t|s11 1s the

Iishti s111d


I1e.11| 11I'the I'r11ter11ities‘governing I1111I1.

“It's heen
st 1111' ster hiit theI In” is re1t||1 when things

Ihe inh 1.|s11 e .111 ptit 11111 111.1 1IiII1111|t
Iiriisei‘ said

It puts 11111 in the ini1|d|1 11I the iitti1et
slI'I1 l.ll(| the II.'r1t1rnitie.s
for huth sides. II
’.I isht r) is mperteneed and is de I'iiiite I1 tht
rie ht persnn I111 the i11h,"

| isher, 11 I111 has he 'en in 11II'11'e sii11e the
heeiiining ”I the semester
iii1pi111'inu e1en hetter

"1I’rtis11Ih11s'1|11ne1i I11t11t1111111ItI11111's
11hi|1he 111s president.
In .1nd g1: 111 the s1'iin1dire11i11n .1nd 11111'I1‘
t111111pr111'e things 1"11 i1 t1111re.'

"\Ve .1I11.i1's want tn he \'i1\\11|.1sp11si
ti11'ptrt11I L K \‘e pie111h thit 1rr11'Ls
str111 I11r|1i.Il11,
'1 111."11h1111


K SpeClallZlne ln

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Collectible Card Games , Bella R0416

SHAHRAZHD ”25 53927715 51442

GAMES 771w 7km; gang/44%!
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[ 111;1l1.1;11'1111'1111111'

i) \1' I 1111

I; $21flllsthancut “.myulm

\ ‘ . \ 111111 ~11111.11 .1
l 444 S. .\s111111111 11111111 i‘:UC11(1 1

Hum - 11.111'1'11
Expires 4/1/95 :(,11:s,1,‘


1/1 1111:. " opportunity

111 1\.11111.1 \11111.1

Program 11111111 '.1s 1'111L' 11111111'1s, 11111'1111'1'

11111111111111111r11111 (1111111r .1111
111111 111111111111; 11.11111s 111.11' 1111111


I (it '().\‘.\jll /
1'11 .171] 0 kl'l'x

1111.1 (11111}1c1'/( 11.111011 1111'1111111
1s s|111\\11 1111 .1 '1‘\' 111-11111r11' 111r1'11

111111's.111.11'. 11 1s 11sL'11 111 .11111111
1,1'hll 1111splt.11s .11r11ss 1111- L5.
.11111 11.1s 1111' 11lg111's1 s11L1'L1ss l'.111's

t 111' \1111lllj.’ 111

«111 1.1.1111 .11s1'

1111' 111'.11_\ sll111kcrs, (11111}1L'l' s.1111.
(:1111111'r s.1111 11c .11111 (11.111011

11 ~ - "”11””- r1111 111111111 s1.\ 11'11u1‘.1111s 1".11'11
.‘dditiuntfl {£51115 7111111 11111st 111'11L111' 111 1111' " I L

11'.1r. 111L' program 11s11.1|1_\'1'l1s1s
52111), 11111 111r s11111L'111s (11111}1L'1'

1'11l'~ .Il't‘ 11111L1'11

.11111 (11.11'11111 11'.11\L'1111' 11'1'.

“1)111'111g 1111' 111111' 111. 111L- 11111'~
5.31.1r1L's1111111's111'11rit1'111111s1's, 1111
le'l1111111111' 1"1111111'.111111'1111'11
111111s1'111r1'c or tour 1111111ts '.11111

.1‘1'1’1‘ p017

111-111'r '.11111 s111‘L'1'."

.1ls11 .1.1r111er'11 111r s11l11L' 111 1111s
“11 r1:.1111' 111.1111' lls lL'L'l '.1 1111

Fisher sees his position 11111

11.111.1111111111 r1s11'
'1 1\'11:.'t'l'1.. .I 1111'

I11 111.] 111111.1 [1111
1111-1111 .11,“

111111' as .111 1'x1'L'111'111 opportunity

11111 .11s11.1s enjoyable.
“\Vut'king 111111

1111'111111'1's 111-1111' 115(1 11.1s 111'1'11

11111111. '..1111 11111: 111'1'.11,"1'ts111'1 s'.1111.

“'1 111-1 111.1111'1111'11111111111'.1s17

111L' other

Sherman’s Alley by gibbs ’N’ ‘Voigt


By Jenniler Smith
\11/l 111.1311 ..

'lihL' 1111111411111 (,.11111111s is 1':
11111111111.’ for \'1111 11. 1111111111.111' .1 (..
111s1'1‘111'1- .111'1'111'111111.

11'11' g1 11111 st:111‘1'1‘s.
.'\}111111.11111l1s 1111' 11111 1‘1""
(lllIs1.1l111111;_1 51.111 \11.11'1l\ .111' 11

111'1111:.111'1'1111'1111111111111111111111: 1.-

s111111 11.1.11 P111111.11111'11111111/1'.l11


\11 11111 .1111! 11.11'1-11111L1
111111.211. 11? 1111' 1.1'\111g111n
1111l1.1s 111111.111L'.1s1 131111111111s'

(111111. 1111111111.111'111111111L'L's
111 11111111 1111. 111.111. s1'r1111'
1 1;,. :.l.' 1,1111 \1111 IL'L‘L‘HL'

r1111 1.. 11:1?1111-11111 .11111 .1111111111'.
“1'.'\1l'1111 .11111111111'1'. 1111, '111111\11111111111111111..11111111111

11L'11.111's11111111111 :11 11 .11111 s1'11'1111111'
111' rs 111.11 .1l"1 11111119 1111111111111-~.1.11111'1'1'1'1\1'
1.1111.1s111' 111111131» Act/INT.” 11.11-

s.1111(.11.1111L'1111l' 1111 V 1111-\1'11'1111111111111

1111' 1.11\1111.'11111(i.1111 ‘ _' . .1 1 11111111' 1.1110 1111'
[His R11111'r1111'1111'11 [I’M/j; “ ‘ I, / .111 1111- 1|.I\.("1 1111 s1'\1-l

11.11: “"‘ H“, ” H“ .11 11111 11.1. 1111111111111.r

“.1111'111'111111' 111.11 n11r11nm.11, '1" , 1 .11,1111111111111|1L'11I
L’Cl 111111111"111 111' “H Um f“"‘1‘“"1 . 1.313.111 .11111 1111'111111'1s

1r111\ 111'1s1r11l1u. 11111
1111'111'111111 .1sl11.111
1111' 111.11 111'1'11 111 111'
1‘1'1'1114111/1'11 ’1

81111'1' l""1. 1111' ‘
1'11.1111'1'11111“s 1111111-

1,","/I.1'1' I.
.1' '.' .’.'1.

1.1111111 '1..'
[)1 l 1'.)


.\I.l/l. 1.. .1'1'.

1" II

I' 1.11111 111 1111111111111111,
.1 ’1:11‘.1 11 11111111 111‘
\11111111.1111111s g11111
111 .1\'..1111s 1111111111111'1'

11.1\ 11111-11 1'1'1'112111/11111 11111111111 1111 11

1.1.1111'1's 111111.11'1'1111111111111 1 I111 1111 .11 111111 1.1111111.

111.111'1111.r 11111s1.11111111u 1111-1311111 11‘1"'.111'1». 1'1' 111111111'11 111

111111s1111111'Lulu-151'.1.1111111111 .11'.11.1 11111.1111-11111.1\\.1t'11s

11111. i 1! 11.1.1111\1111'11.11'1111111111'1111111.1
21111's1-11'l1.1l11111.11\1111111'1s.111 11111 .1'

.111 .11‘11L‘11 \\I11t 11‘111'1’1. 111‘ 11 11113111
111111 .11111511lll.1\1.11'11s

“1 111st 111111113111 111' 111111111 111
1111111111: 11111‘ 11111111'1 \111111‘1' 11111
1111111111s .11'1' 11111111 1'111'111'11111
H.111Illt‘llli1l.‘l\," 1111111'111111 s11I 1

1111111'11'1'. 111' s.1111 1111'11' .111' 11111 11"

“\\11.11 \\:' 1'1'.111_\ IlL'L'11 '.ll‘L'

t:1[111' 1.11 1111IIIITI.111' “1.1111151,"

"\ 1111 111-111;»1111' 111111111 11111'

1111- 11111111 11111111. 11111 .1 1111'111 .

11"1 11111'1111111t-1111.1111[111.1111
r1111'. "1 111111.11“

7iffy grub


1;. 1'1:

'.1 ’.' 1, [14,. / 1' A111" 3.,11‘
1.111111% ;'1 1' W 1111 1' r':111 '.1

,1 wt .11, v, .1 111.1 '11-s.

[)uvell .1./”1.1.1 1,11 2 11111111141 Allow, 4%
F’.111r ll . ' ' .mr (1".1'1111111r.1ry “SRO

CALL .” ' 7" ‘

Hi" ,"1 111 1 1' '.[11-1' ‘1'1111V1110 UK
Cnrbrw ’.Ir 1 4 ’1 ’1 F11111"1 Hr" Pill

M11” ‘ ‘h' 11‘ ."J" (All 2’; ' Rf“. .
1./11."1‘ "1‘1111'1r313'1r'r.v.1'1Swimlurs
1"'.1l’1‘1” 11(1-'.11'ls-'1' 1»l"1f}<.Rr1r;¢-r.
F1, “.4 ,‘L 1‘ ,1 A .1 r, ( (+1, p” (1.“)
.111 ’1t.'11’,lr (.All 11’ 11114


VSAB Bo.1rdMee11ng. 5:00pm, Rm. 203
New 5181211191;

The Master Student Program Learn to

Study Smarter Not Just Harder, spon-
sored by the UK Counsellng C1r. 6:00-

8 0011111111'17-2/21 on Tuesdays) Rm.
201. Frazee Hall 835 plus textbook;
CALL ’5‘7 870 3 for Enrollment
Inlormanon and Class Lgcatior_1 g __.
Alp ha P111 Omega Community Sewlce
()rqanlzatlon Mtg 6' 30pm. Rm 205 New
Student C1r _

sbiici‘nl lULNIs

Student Night at the Catholic Newman
Center. 7 39pm: CALL 255-8567


-Table Tennis 51119188 81 Doubles
Tournament Entrles Due by 4:00pm, Rm.
145 Seaton C1r, CALL 257-6584
.UK Ballroom Dance Society Dance
Lessons. 7 (10-8 00pm Beginners. 8:00-
9.00pm Novrce. Buell Armory Dance
31111110, FREE. CALL Beth NOdUIfl 0
25712873. Latin 81 Ballroom Social
.QQQCLS' Partnern r ir h 1 int


SUK Men’s Basketball vs. Mississippi
.1113 (ESPN) 9:300m' Lmon. KY

UJEDNESDlll 2/ 15


UK Women's Forum presents Tina
Peters. "Home Economics is More than
Just COOKIRQ'" 11:45am-1:00pm, Student
Ctr 8111. Ballroom. FREE. Brown bag
111111.11. CALL 257-8606
Ctr for Computational Sciences pre-
sents Robert Tannenbaum: “New
Developments 8. Directions in
Instructlonal Computing." 3'30pm. Rm.
3’27 Mgvg'y Hfltflecephqwigoem
A A - 11 wurks'. Every Wed . 5'00pm. Rm.
} Newman Ctr ..-,..-_ __
Tor Users of Wordperlect sponsored
I y the Ky Small Busmess Development
Ctr. 6 30-9 00pm (Con't on 2/16).
B1.r.1ness Into Ctr, 151 Floor-UK 881E
81111; $401Matena|s provrded). CALL

5/ 76117 7 _7H<_

SAB Healing Racrsm Mtg 7 00pm, Rm.
5’9 Student_QL,. __
Cos. nopolltan Club 11111111111111.1719.

7 10pm Bradley Hall Basement Club



-UK Deadline for submission of all appli-
r.at1on materials, College of Medtcme, for
fall 1995


RI (RI nllllN

Alkxdo Class 8 00pm. Alumni Gym Lott;
CALL 257- 3988

SD" [215
-l 1K Lady K:1ts Basketball vs Morehead
State 7 '30pm Lexington KY

-Kentu1,;i1.y Day 111 Percusslon, 9'00am.
6’00pm, Rental Hal|~Slngle1ary Ctr,


lHllRSDlIl' 2/ 16

mus E muuns

-SAB MOVIE: (Jomt Venture
C1nema/Concer1...Concen Fllms TBA1,"
7:30 8. 10:00pm, Worsham Theater-
Student Ctr $2 w1th UK ID
-UK Theatre: “The Uninv11ed." 8 ()0pm
Golgnol Theatre— Fine Arts Bldg Tickets
L81 55 . . _L-._-_.. .,_._

-The Master Student Program Learn to
Study Smarter Not Just Harder, soon
sored by the UK Counseling Ctr. 12 00
12.50pm (1/24- 3/01 Tue 81 Thur.) an
201 Frazee Hall $35 plus textbook;
CALL 257- 8703 for Enrollment
Information and Class Location
-Entrepreneurship As A Second Career,
sponsored by the Ky Small Busmess
Development Ctr. 1: OO- 4' 00pm, 4111 Floor.
Room 3- Lex Central lerary S40 CALL
257 7667
Come” on Aglng/Don—ovan Scholars
Program presents Dr Helen Reed
Donovan Scholar: Alaska- Land of Moose
81 Northern Lights. 4' OO- 5' 00pm an 230
flldent Ctr' CALL 257 8314
-Deve|p01ng Winning Inteerew Skllls.
sponsored by the UK Career Ctr 5' OO~
5:50am, Rm 201 Mathews Bldg; CALL
-SAB PR/Campus Network Committee
Mg. 5;301)m. Rm. 203 Student Ctr.

~UK Wornen' 5 Tennis vs. Texas, 2: 30pm
~UK Men' 3 Tennis vs. Notre Dame,
rn' exin ton K


lRlDlll 2/17

~Rasdall Gallery: Carleton Wing. Solo
Show-collage (Last day-Reception 5' 00-
$111000 1
Gallery Series: African Drums: Pangea
D'rums. 12. 00noon Pearl Gallery- King


-SA MOVIE: (Joint Venture
Cinema/Concert. Concert Fllms
EBAdWflO 81 10: 00pm, Worsham Theater-
1u a
UK Theatre: 'The Uninvited” 8:00pm
Gulgnol Theatre-Fine Arts Bldg; Tickets
5_ 8- 56 M..-
-Faculty Recital? Orville Hammond. lazz
piano, 8:00pm, Concert Hall-Singletary


-UK Swimming 8. Div1ng: SEC Combined.
All Dav. Columbia. SC (thru 2/19)
-UK Men's Baseball vs. South Alabama,
6:300m; Mobile.AL

51111112 2/18

RRTS 6. mUUI [ S
-Rasdall Gallery: Oswald Research and
Creallvny Awards~Student entries for
Design 8. Fine Arts (thru 3/02)



CLALL-2.5.7:'18 1 8.7 t1 1. rwstg.___
VSAB MOVIE 111.11“. Venture
C111err'1a.'i'2111111111 L1,1:1certF—’.lms
TBA17'511‘18. 111' t .‘1! Worsham Theater-
5.1111112111611. 5.4? ~'~'1”'.UL<.LL.... __
-LIK Theatw T'1 l.1'.":,'1vlte(f " 8 00pm.
Gnignol Theatre-Fine Arts Bldg Tickets:
5‘1 ’1 EC: ,
C11Ir 111,1 111 71' 101’. Cal Benefit lor
111.11'1‘.1"lr..";‘1 Rily Charles. guest
anus 8111,11 '.1 (:1 P11 1 Hall- Smgletary
Ctrwllclg-tg. § "(1 5‘. lyimu $1100
SDI (lnl lUl NIS
Catholic Mass :11 the Newman Center,
6' 009m ____


-Table Tennis Slngles 8. Doubles
Tournament 11111112391 0&le 7257:6584_
-UK Collegiate Cycling Criterlurns. 1 30-
4:40pm, Stadium K~Parking Lot. FREE;
CALL 2268693




VUK Men‘s Baseball vs. South Alabama.
123 009m; Mobilex AL

UK Men's Tennis vs. Princeton. 2:00pm;
Princeton, NJ _i__~
-UK Men‘s Basketball vs. Florida (JP).
3:000:11; Lexington. KY
~UK Indoor Track Meet: KY High School
lnvltglonal (M 12,-16 5;! L18. Athletes

-UK Gymnastics @ Auburn; Auburn, Ala.

SUNDlll 2/19

RRTS 8 mlIUll S

-Faculty Recit 1| Alan Hersh, piano.
3:00pm, R1,'1..1l.11 Hal: S1r1g1etary Ctr,a
FR§E_ --_ _._._
Chamber 11111.11, S116 ety OUIRK

8' 00pm Rec 11.1l H.111 S1ngletary Ctr:
Tickets $12 5(IF'RLEtz1llr5180 UK 81
Transy 51111131115 .-

-UK Theatre 'Bevon—d Therapy 8.00pm,
Black [3911 Theatre F"‘C¢fin5,B.JQQ..1’-,FLE_E-
Cathollr Ma 11 111::Newrr1.'1n Center,

’.1ng 8. ll 10311143 0171788 {Orin
INanfnURnl S

f. 121(lelllN
1A1k1d11 Class. 1 (1011': 11111111111 Gym Lott,
QALL..25.7'3““8 ..
-UK C(WOglilll: Cyr‘r1gl'Lrlter1ums
10 00.1111- 1? 31.111111 $1.1rltllmK-Parklng
Lot)! [REEL CAL L 2’2§7”6793


~UK Women's Tennis. v . Michigan,
11 QOam Lex111gtr11 KY
UK Men s Basret' 111 vs 8011111 Alabama
] 90917.11 Mulnlr,1 AL _____
1UK Lady Kd". Ra‘~K‘,‘liv.ll1 '1'. T51 fll'lpsspe







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_ I lor outdated lllll oltense
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