xt7pvm42vj8j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pvm42vj8j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-01-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 1997 1997 1997-01-22 2020 true xt7pvm42vj8j section xt7pvm42vj8j  








Students still
divided years
alter decision

Roe v. l/Vade 24 years old

By Gary Wull

:lytm‘idte Nari Editor

'l‘wenty—four years after the
fateful day when the U.S.
Supreme Court handed down a
decision that divided the country,
students stand on both sides of
the abortion issue.

On one side are students who
do not agree with the court's deci-
sion like Kentucky Youth for Life

In the years since the verdict,
llarman said she has seen an
increase in what she calls the
“vocal minority" ~ those who are

“For the first few years after
the decision, there were not a lot
of people in the vocal minority,
but it took a while for the groups
to warm up," llannan said.

\Vhile Lexington Planned Par~
enthood does not perform abor—


president \\'einl_\"l)evins. tions, the organization helps

“It's a human 12,000 women
being that women a year with
“C 3““"..°“‘-" Abortion violence "‘"h 9““"0‘v
slaughtering, counseling ser—
Dmm said. “i The recent bombing in Atlanta is vices and coni-

think that it is the

only one example of abortion-

munity educa—

easv way out and related Vlmence- tion.

both men and Despite the

women need to 7039- 309 1994: JOhn salVl efforts of the

take responsibility walks into two Boston-area abor- agency, llar-

for ,hurmmnsgv tion clinics and opens lire, killing man is disap-
0,, HR. other two receptionists and wounding pointed with

side are students five Others'

like computer sci-

VNov. 8, 1994: Dr. Garson

the shortage of
low—cost birth

mu, mphommc Bomalis, who performs abortions control.
Michelle in Vancouver, Canada, shot in John
Andreen, who said leg at home' (irahm, the
511C l)L'lIC\‘L'S Th0 'July 29, 1994. Dr. John adnfinigtrafiyc
(“mum U, have Bayard Britton and his body- assistanti‘orthe
an “Imrmm guard, James H. Barrett, are Kentucky
belongs to the slain'outside Pensacola. Fla., Right tol_,ife m
parcnis, not the abomonCI'n'C- Louisville. said

“I don't think
it‘s right for oth-

VAug. 19, 1993: Dr. George
Tiller is shot in the arms as he
drives out of the parking lot at his

the group
opposes abore
tion and offers

. Wichita Kan clinic [h . 1 . . _
ers to make dec1- ' " ‘ ‘ 0 tr a term
sions that affect VMaTCh 10’ 1993: D" Dal/Id “”5 m thc
w,” life 1 n d Gunn 18 shot to death outsrde a pregnant
' .. « .,, Pensacola. Fla., clinic, becoming mother, such a,
health for years . . , ,
'flTCl'Vl/‘ll'kls‘ n ' the lllst UHS doctor kllled dUrlng 'JdOPUUIT and
4 t - , . . _ .
Andrcen said. an anti-abortion demonstration. counselmg.

Supreme Court
Justice Harry
lilackmun wrote


Source: Associated Press

Grahm said
in light of the

recent bomb-



the majority opin—

ion ofthe court in 1973 explaining
why the court decided to side with
the mother in the Roe v. Wade

“This right of privacy, whether
it be founded in the Fourteenth
Amendment's concept of personal
liberty and restrictions upon state
action, as we feel it is, or, as the
District Court determined, in the
Ninth Amendment’s reservation
of rights to the people, is broad
enough to encompass a woman’s
decision whether or not to termi—
nate her pregnancy,” Blackmun

\Vhen the decision was handed
down, Executive Director of Lex—
ington Planned Parenthood Jan
llarman had been at her current
position for more than a year, but
had volunteered since 1969.

ings of a medi—
cal building in
Atlanta and at a clinic in Tulsa,
Okla, people often jump to con—
clusions about the Right to Life

“\Ve oppose the attempt to kill
in any way, shape or form,"
Grahm said.

The Kentuck Right to Life
organization wilf hold a rally in
Louisville this afternoon from
noon to 1 p.m. In Lexington, the
Kentucky Youth for Life will hold
its rally at the Fayette County
Courthouse at 2 pm. on Sunday.

The UK National Organization
of Women and the UK American
Civil Liberties Union are hosting
the Lexington Planned Parent-
hood Center in a celebration of
the 24th anniversary of Roe v.
Wade in 111 Student Center at
noon today.

Holy Grail otters
8110M BOIII'SB lll
lll‘lllllllllfl lIBBI‘

S mff Report

With classes at UK ranging
from badminton to

be introduced to world beer histo—
ry, beer ingredients, how the
product is made and an overview
of beer flavors and styles.
Participants will have an
opportunity to sample seven dif—
ferent beers during the presenta-
tions, so they must be 21 years
old. Light snacks will also be pro—
Teaching the Beer


biogeochemistry, one
would think a one on
brewing beer could
possibly be included
in the class schedule.

Not likely.

Even though UK is
not about to offer
such a class, Holy
Grail Brewery and
Grille is preparing to
host the first session


Beer 10! will be to

101 class will be David
lleidrich, president of
Oldenberg Brewing
Company, owners of
Holy Grail. Heidrich
has done much speak-
ing on the microbrew-
cry industry, according
to a press release.
Seating for the beer
short course is limited
50 people, so

of Beer 101 at its 1997 bdd Thursday at advanced tickets are
Beer School Thurs- 7:30p.m.at the encouragedThe regis-
day night at their Ho Grail tration fee is $8.

brewe at 122 W. at 22W Additional Beer
MaxwelSt. delSt. School dates will be

The night’s pro-


offered through the
semester, and more



gain begins at 7:30 in

oly Grail’s back

room and lasts for two hours.
Those attending the class will

information is available
by calling the Lexington Holy
Grail Brewery and Gril e.






By Ginger Sampson

Contributing ll 'riln'

.-\pproximately 80 students and faculty
confront rac1al issues on campus last night

rary affairs committee, described L'K Spe;
exchanging ideas that would otherwise be

topic for UK Speaks Out.

:\ panel of four commentated by l).i
dents, debated racial issues of affirmative :
munity racial issues directly facing L'K's
students. The first issue proposed by Sti
rent necessity of affinnative action in the
panelists unanimously agreed on the ncet
disagreed on methods of administration.

The issue is guarantee ofopportunity, nt
job or a scholarship."

we need to broaden opportunities."
Social justice and AVVARI‘L

By James Ritchie
Senior Staff Writer

Through a fairly new program at UK,
faculty can pursue business interests with-
out relinquishing their teaching duties,
Joseph Fink told the Board of Trustees at
a meeting yesterday.

Fink, a faculty member in the College
of Pharmacy, directs the Advanced Sci—
ence and Technology Commercialization
Center (ASTeCC).

Fink said the ASTeCC has five objec-

VTo conduct hi ’h quality research in
interdisciplinary fields (focusing on
bipolymers, computational sciences,
material sciences, molecular biology and
pharmaceutical engineering).

VTo transfer technology from the
University to the private sector.

VTo provide financial incentives for
entrepreneurial faculty that will allow
them to remain on the faculty while pur—
suing business interests.

VTo enhance the University's income

7T0 facilitate economic development.

“I would emphasize the importance of
getting people to work across traditional
disciplinary boundaries," Fink said, “to
have engineers working with pharma
people, to have businesses wor 'ng with

The academic departments involved in
the two-year-old ASTcCC include agri-


Campion disappoints wit/J “Portrait of}:

Lady" Review, page 3

“HIT YE, "EAR YE xlltot'e jumei (.‘lvipmmi, :"ire

Lainie Crouch, vice chair of Student \Hlt'tir'u {bird's contempt»

ln reaction to UK's lnclusive Learning Policy. the S:\ll, Student
Government Association and Faculty Senate chose racism as the first

“There needs to be a standard of qualities across the board while
allowing for differences in experience and backgriiund."said (Iollege of
Architecture professor Michael Pride-\Vells. “Yes, we still need it.

\Villiam \Vharton, executive director of the Fayette County
Human Rights Commission, described the downfalls of affirmative
action to be that a “person must be qualified to take advantage of It.

“White females are the biggest beneficiaries. Black males often are
the scapegoats" saidjohn Lindsay, student member of Students for

Other questions proposed to the panel and audience revolved

WEAII'IHT Rain today, big/.1

f 5. Alert/y cloudy tonight, 10:.“
ill. Pan/y runny tomorrow,
big/J 40.

[If A BAD MOVIE _7zme



film/17y 22, I997


o flJHl/lt'il‘ 5 (Littmuli 4
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,filled \Voisham 'l heater to

iks ( int as “...a verbal way of
left unsaid."

vid Stockhim, dean of stu—
iction. forgiveness and com<
administration, faculty and
ickhani questioned the cur-
L'nitcd States. Although the
1 for affirmative action, they

)[ necessarily guarantee of a

Faculty member addresses
concerns of ASlecc program

culture, allied health, arts and sciences,
linglish and pharmacy.

The businesses involved are Affinity
Labeling Technologies, [ho-Products
International, De Novo, Equine liiodiag—
nostics, K & K Biosciences, l’romogen,
Tigen Pharmaceuticals and Valvoline.

As an illustration of these business'
activities, Fink said Equine Biodiagnostics
resulted froma faculty member's research
on a neurologic disorder that affects hors-

The faculty member developed a test
for the disorder, and now veterinarians
send fluid samples to Equine Diagnostics.

The company then mails back the

Fink said he hopes UK graduates will
find employment in ASTeCC-created

The Board also approved a policy revi-
sion that will prohibit students from
receiving any tuition refund if they with—
draw from classes after the fourth week of
the semester. The change takes effect
next fall.

Students can receive a partial refund
through the eighth week of the semester.

According to the action item voted on
by the trustees, the revision “will enable
the University to finalize refunds earlier
in the semester, allow for im roved rev-
enue forecasting, improve a location of
faculty resources and bring the refund
policy more in line with other institu—







(Ilium/[or [or pllf’llt .u'n'itt'. Dom ofiStmletiti Dar/11 Stork/.mp1, film Limin'y um! .1 flil'ilt’l I’m/o H 't'//\
dircmi race lax! trig/it ll! S.-1[)".\’jir,\‘t '1 'otz'n .1 Ice/mg. (lit/1121') ll 'enilv fly/tun], S031 executor din-trot" attitude/2111‘ mam, [ix/em to the panel as they (locum

TOWII meeting opens III] lllSBllSSlOll


around reparation. Students and panel members voiced solutions for
replacing racial hostility with trust and respect.

Many responses involved increasing interpersonal contact between
people ofdifferent races.

“Tonight we saw \\ hat can happen when we see stop looking at
each other as things but as people" Lindsay said.



Mllounon cards
available through RM

The Residence Hall Association will be out in
full force this week as members sell their Spirit
Cards. The Spirit (lard offers savings to students
at more than 50 businesses around campus includ-
ing Movie \Varehouse, Steak ()ut (ioltl's Gym
and Coffee Stop.

The card costs $5 and all the proceeds go to
R1 1A.

The card expires Aug. 1;, at which time Rl 1A
hopes to print new, different cards.

RllA will be selling the cards at various loca-
tions on campus, Including the Student Center,
the Commons and Blazer Courtyard. The cards
can also be bought at the Pond Library in the


Walters attends inauguration as guest

NEW YORK —— Yes, that was Barbara Walters
sitting behind President Clinton as he gave his
inaugural address. For the first lnauguration Day
in her professional career, the television journalist
was there as a guest, not to ask questions.

“It’s thrilling, and much easier,” she told The
New York Times in a cellular phone interview
during Monday's inaugural parade. The ABC
“20/20” anchorwoman was there as the date of
Republican Sen. john Warner of Virginia, whom
she has seen socially for several years. Warner is
the chairman of the Joint Congressional Commit-
tee on Inaugural Ceremonies.

(.‘mpilcdfim muff, u-m reports.





”momma” .. ,. -... ._.

,y’ kl
, '
, i



2 Wednesday, january 22, 1997, Kentucky Kernel




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Editor In Chief. .................................. Brenna Reilly
Managing Editor ..................................... Jeff Vinson
News Editor . ..................................... Kathy Reding
Assocrate News Editor .................................. Gary Wulf
Features Editor ...................................... Mat Herron
Editorial Editor ................................ fl'iffany Gilmartin
ASSistant Editorial Editor ........................ . (Ihris Campbell
Assntant Editorial Editor ................................ Bruce Mee
Sports Editor. .................................. (Ihris Easterling
“'eekend Sports Editor ............................... Rob lIerbst
Weekend Sports Editor .............................. Jay C. Tate
Arts Editor ..................................... Dan O'Neill
Assistant :\rts Editor .............................. Suzanne Raffcld
KeU I‘ldiror ................................... Rotliiian I’. Botkins
()tiline Editor ................................. Andreas (iustafsson
Photo Editor .................................... Stephanie Cordle
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The ndepeiident Newspaper at The University of Kentucky
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036 (irelian Journalism Bld ., Universi of Kentuc y
Lexington, Kenmcfi? 40506-0 2 '
l'ourfim ropy oft e Kenturlry Kernel irfi‘ee.
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The Membership Committee of Phi Beta Kappa is now receiving
nominations for membership. The preliminary requirements which
must be met in order for a student to be eligible for consideration
for election are:

(1) GPA of 3.5 for students who graduated in Dec.1996,
for students in their final semester, a 3.52 is necessary;
for first semester seniors, a 3.60; and for election at
the end of the junior year, a 3.70 is required;

(2) At least two 300 (or higher) level courses outside the

major department or principal area of concentration;

(3) At least 90 hours of courses classified as “liberal”;

(4) At least 45 hours of classwork completed on the
Lexington campus;

(5) Satisfactory completion of the lower division (“non-
major") requirements for either the BA or BS degree in
the College of Arts and Sciences (May graduates may
be currently enrolled in one required course).

Should you know of an individual who may meet these
requirements, please urge that person to come to Room 715
Patterson Office Tower (Mathematics) to pick up an application.

In order to be considered, nominations (for an application
to be mailed) must be received no later than Friday, January 31,
1997, with the application due back to the above named office
by Friday, February 14, 1997.

PLEASE NOTE: It is entirely appropriate to nominate yourself and,
in fact. ll you Believe that you meet the criteria necessary for
election, it is expected that you will come to the above office for
an application.

Pitino asking trio
to elevate games

By Brett Dawson
Senior Staff Writer

For the better part of a year and
a half, Wayne Turner, scorer
extraordinaire, has been bottled
up inside of Wayne Turner, solid
role layer.

ow Rick Pitino’s inviting him
out to play.

After learning on Monday that
a knee injury would put shooting
guard Derek Anderson on the
shelf for the remainder of the sea-
son, Pitino yesterday called on
Turner, Allen Edwards and Scott
Pad ett to take their games to new
heig ts.

“(The challenge) is how good
can we become without Derek
Anderson, and we’ll find that out
in the months to come.” Pitino
said. “Instead of guys ste iping up
next year, they’ve got to o it right

Turner, a sophomore who
averaged almost 37 points a game
as a high school senior, can deal
with that.

“You’re going to see me look—
ing to create a whole lot more,
looking to get into the lane a
whole lot more, looking for my
shot a whole lot more," Turner
said yesterday. “In high school, I
wasn’t the best shooter, but I man—
aged to score a lot of points get—
ting into the lane and getting

some of those old-fashioned

Edwards, who likely will step
into Anderson’s starting two-

ard spot tonight against Van-
firbilt, will focus a bit more on
the new—fashioned three-pointers.
His 18 three—pointers make him
third among the remaining Wild-

But Edwards won’t rely onl on
his outside shot. Instead, he’lltry
to provide the all-around game
that Anderson brought to the

Realizing that his teammates
are counting on him won’t
increase the pressure, Edwards
said. It’ll make things easier.

“It’s going to boost my confi-
dence because from now on I’m
goin into the game looking for
my 5 0t —— not in a selfish way, but
(because) I have to,” Edwards said.
“I know I can be more aggressive
and t to make things happen."

Pa gett has been counted on to
grovidc a spark off the bench since

e became eligible in late Decem—
ber. With Anderson gone, that
becomes even more essential.

More than just totin some of
Anderson’s scoring loa , Padgett
said UK will have to work to make
up for what the senior provided on
the other end ofthe floor.

“I’m going to pick up my
defense and I need to become an
inside presence,” he said. “People



Anderson‘s 18.6 points per game led
the SEC at the time of his injury.
Between them, three Cats will have to
tote the majority of the scoring load:
VAllen Edwards (9.5 ppg)

VScott Padgett (7.9 ppg)

VWayne Turner (4.8 ppg)

Between them, these three players
have taken only 279 shots — only 53
more than Anderson took on his own.
Each will have to look for his shot more
often as the season progresses.

assume a leadership role:



It's impossible to measure Anderson's emotional influence on his teammates, but
several Cats referred to him as the leader of the team. Two players who need to

VFlon Mercer — The sophomore standout needs to create more for his
teammates, getting them involved the way Anderson has all season long.
VAnthony Epps — The senior point guard was a key cog in UKs national title run
a year ago. Now he has to give the emotional spark Anderson supplied this year.

m Clllll'i widiout IlJl.

UK will need a collective effort to make up for the loss of
Derek Anderson. Though no single player can make up for
Andemon's scoring
fl emotional leadership, Rick Pitino hopes to get ‘20 percent
more out of nine different players.‘

punch, his defensive presence or his

Anderson led UK with 37 steals, an
average of 2.1 per game. With more
minutes, these players might produce
more thefts.

VJared Prickett (1.9 spg)

VFton Mercer (1.7 spg)

VWayne Turner (1.7 spg)

The pressure on Mercer could be
especially high —- he’ll be called on to
put the clamps on the top backcout
players Anderson defended for most of
the season.



know I can shoot, so I’ll have to go
inside — they’ll cover me out-

And though making up for
Anderson’s point production and
defensive prowess will be a major
factor in UK's NCAA tourney
hopes, there are intangible factors
to consider as well — beyond lead—
ing UK in scoring and steals,
Anderson served as the Cats’ emo-

IREIT DAWSON Krmrl rraff

tional leader.

“Every night out, everybody
has to commit themselves to what
D.A. gave us,” Turner said. “I’m
going to get after people if I see
them dogging it or not playing
hard. You’re gonna see a whole
different person in Wayne Turn—
er. ’

lVerkmd Spam Editor]ay G. Tate ulxo
contributed to this report.

UK looking to bounce back against Vbnderbz’lt

By Chris Easterling
Sports Editor

UK will attempt to rebound from the loss of
Derek Anderson when it faces Vanderbilt
tonight at “Rupp Arena North,” better known
as Cincinnati’s Riverfront Coliseum.

The game is part of doubleheader with the
UK women’s team, which faces No. 4 Alabama
at 5:30 pm. The “’ildcats and Commodores
tip off at 7:30, or 30 minutes after the conclu—

sion of the women's game.

The Commodores enter the game with a
11-5 record overall, 3-2 in the Southeastern
Conference. They are third in the SEC East-
ern Division, a game behind the second-place
Cats (16-2, 4-1), and two games behind 5—0

South Carolina.

Vanderbilt is on a two—game winning streak,
knocking off LSU in Baton Rouge, La., before

upsetting Ole Miss on Saturday in Nashville.
“The thing that is unusual about them is the

number of times they go to the foul line,” UK

coach Rick Pitino said. “That's a big part of

their offense."


high 85.3 points.

to get open shots."

Vanderbilt leads the SEC in free throws
attempted (449), and free-throw percentage

They are third in the conference in scoring
defense, allowing only 62.9 points a game. UK
is allowing 61.4 points while scoring a league-

“They’re still a good outside shooting
team,” Pitino said, “but they are trying to
pound it inside to (Billy) DiSpaltro. They’re
trying to get a lot ofinsidc play.

“When they use their dribble, they’re trying
create fouls against the dribble, not necessarily

Vandy opponents average six more fouls a

game than the ’Dores on the season.

Leading the scoring for Vanderbilt is 6-
foot-S forward Pax Whitehead, averaging 15.1
points per game. He is second on the squad in
three-point shooting, hitting 40.7 percent of
his outside shots.

Right behind Whitehead in scoring and
outside shooting is junior Drew Mattox. Mat—
tox is a former high school teammate of UK
forward Ron Mercer while at Goodpasture

High School in I rashville, Tenn, and the two

have remained close since.

Mattox was one ofthe reasons that Mercer
seriously considered Vanderbilt during the
recruitment process.

Mattox is averaging 13.2 points per game,

along with a team-high 2.4 steals and 3.0 assists

a game.





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’ UK's backcourt took a serious hit with the loss of Derek Anderson. Wayne Turner
‘ and Allen Edwards will each be asked to significantly contribute if the Cats are to
have success not only against Vanderbilt, but for the rest of the season.
Vanderbilt’s backcourt has a talented player in the form of Drew Maddux. Maddux
3 is second on the Vandy team in scoring with a 13.2 point per game average.


The Cats will rely on Ron Mercer to provide the scoring punch now that Anderson
is out. But Mercer has been in a serious shooting funk, that if he does not get out
of soon, could cost the Cats. Jared Prickett and Scott Padgett also must stay out
of foul trouble. Pax Whitehead is Vanderbilt's top frontcourt player, averaging
15.1 points a game while shooting 40.7 percent outside the three-point line.

Talk about an area that took a severe blow for the Wildcats. UK will only have 10
players available for tonight's game, with only three players legitimately able to
come off the bench. Look for Padgett, Jamaal Magloire and Turner to see a lot of
time of the bench. Vandy also has a relatively small bench, going about five deep.

‘- Maddux and Mercer were high school teammates for two years while at
Goodpasture High School in Nashville, Term. The two have remained close
friends sinceleaving high school. Maddux is a year ahead of Mercer UK leads
the series against Vanderbilt 112-35. and the Commodores have never won on a
UK home court since 1974.






Vanderbilt V8. Kentucky
W'ednesday, 7:30 p.m.
Riverji‘ont Coliseum

Cincinnati, Obio

Kentucky (16-2, 4-1)

National ranking: No.3

Probable Starters: Pts: Rec:
6 Ron Mercer 17.6 5.1
G Anthony Epps 7.8 '4]
C Nazr Mohammad 7.6 5,8
F Allen Edwards 9.5 3.7
F Jared Prickett 8.3 5.2

Reserves: F Scott Padgett, 7.9; C Jamaal
Magloire, 5.6; G Wayne Turner, 4.8;
G Stephen Masiello. 1.2; F Cameron Mills, 1.7.

Vanderbilt (11-5, 3-2)

National ranking: None

Probable Station: Pts: Rob:
6 Drew Maddux 13.2 3.7
G Atiba Prater 4.6 '2.4
C Austin Bales 12.1 4.6
F For Whitehead 15.1 5.5
FBilly DiSpaltro 12.4 6.4

Reserves: G James Strong, 4.1 DOG;

F Dan Langhi, 3.8; G Howard Pride, 2.9;

G Vince Ford. 14; C Gianni Cugini, 1.1 .
' assists per game

TV: WKYT Channel 27 (tape delay)




Wildcats to battle cream of conference crop in fourth-ranked Alabama

By Rob Herhst
Weekend Sports Editor

Tonight will be nothing new
for the UK women’s basketball
team. It’s a game against yet
another Top 25 team.

Because the Cats play in the
Southeastern Conference, playing
a nationally-ranked team has
become a common ritual for them.
At one time during the season the
SEC had eight teams in the Top

This time UK will face
arguably the best team the confer—
ence has to offer. The Cats (6—10)
take on No.4 Alabama in Cincin—
nati, part of the first ame of a
doubleheader with the K men’s

It will be the Cats' fourth con-
secutive ame a ainst a nationally—
ranked oe. U was successful in
its last matchup against a Top 25
team, and that victory was one of

the biggest victories under head
coach Bernadette Mattox.

Last Tuesday the Cats defeated
then—N10. 18 Western Kentucky
79-73, but UK knows they will be
facing one of the nation‘s best
teams tonight.

“We can't rest on that win,”
Mattox said. “We have to improve
and get better and not allow any
second shots.” '

Rebounding was a big problem
for the Cats against Western Ken~
tucky. UK was outrebounded 41-
25 in an otherwise even statistical

What made the victory even
more impressive was that UK
junior forward Shaunda Roberts
missed the game due to a recur-
rin back injury.

The injury has haunted Roberts
throughout the season and her sta-
tus for tonight is uncertain.

“She’s still day-to-day but I
doubt we'll see her playing,” Mat-

tox said. “We need to get her back
corn letcly healthy. When we’ve
put er in, she goes right back
down a ain. We’re goin r to take
as muc time as necdet for her
back to get healthy.”

For the Cats to pull off the
upset tonight, UK must have an
outstanding defensive night. The
Tide is on a roll, coming off a vic-
tory at conference powerhouse
Georgia last week.

“We’re going to have one of
our best defensive nights of the
year,” Mattox said. “Alabama's a
great team. On paper, they should
win it all.

“Alabama's not going to slow
down for us. The know it's an
SEC ame and t ey should be
ready or us.”

Tonight's ame in Riverfront
Coliseum will the second game
ever for Mettox’s squad in the
Queen Ci . Last season they lost
to Miami( hio)71-62.


m can wing
I.” Alabama will mark
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Kmtuih Amid, H’rdnnday,]anuary .72, I 997 8






K E .\TUC “1'
' I I I A R I‘A NCA 8
Blood Drive
Kllllllall disappoints, Murphy IlGllVBI‘S agar ..................
‘The Porgbgfa Lady’ - [huge (iii‘erofiinniiguses January 24 a. 25
By Dan O'Neill ° Laundry facilities
Am Editor 0 Clubhouse with pool table I ‘
0 Tanning bed
. g After .‘he. multiple Academy ° Large patios/balconies
. s Award Winning movre The Piano . weighqu/sauna





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Jane Cam ion established herself
as one of lilm’s best international
directors. With her latest work,
Tb: Portrait 0 a Lady, the creative
inspiration 0 The Piano must have
died with borrowed literature.

The introductory credit
sequence, depicting a contempo-
rary group of young females
speaking of their first kiss, ave
ho e for a fresh 5 in on the ta e of
Isa el Archer. \ ’hen the actual
story took over, though, hope
quickly became hurry up.

Nicole Kidman shows plenty of
range in one of the better roles of
her career, but she goes a little too
far with the weeping toward the
end. Rather than cryin with her,
providing a tissue an a muzzle
seemed more appropriate.

Her niale counterpart, john
Malkovich, plays the role of
Gilbert Osmond the same as his
performances in Dangerous

iaisons, In the Line of Fire and
practically every other film he’s
done. Only this time his creepy
mannerisms wear thin and he loses
the despicable Iikability of previ-
ous efforts.

The impressive cast, which
includes Mary-Louise Parker,
Shellev \Vinters, Richard E. (irant
and Shelley Duvall, left only one
impressionable performance. Bar-
bara Hershey, as Osmond's mis-
tress, delivered her lines with a
fiery passion, thus hi hlighting
her from the other waflting—dead

Cam )ion brin 5 out some of
the stri "rig visuaTs in her reper‘
toire, but in comparison to her
earlier work, Portrait is fairly dull.
Her characteristic use of deep blue
colors. varying speeds and ironic
character compositions comes
across as ineffective when placed
in this text. Usually when classic
novels become films one can
appreciate the literature, if noth-
ing else. In this case, the only
appreciation comes from Campi—
on and her crew.

I’ve never read Henry ,lames'
novel, but knowing the film is a
close adaptation ensures that I
never will develo likable charac-
ters and an ina )ility to create
sparks between the leads. The Por-
trait ofa Lady is about as exciting
as my grandma's Friday nights
and she’s dead.

If you toss this advice the only
iortrait you’ll get is one of film's
biggest let-downs in some time.

* ‘A' *1/2
By Josh Herr

Action films are often criticized
for being cliché. It’s rare to find a
truly original action film such as
the original Die Hard or True Lies.
Like any film genre, there are cer—
tain elements that can’t be avoided
—— the hero, the villain, a few chas-
es, a few fights and almost invari—
abl an attractive love interest.

The pleasure in watching these
films is seeing how a director can
rearrange these elements, like a
cinematic Rubix cube, into a new
pattern to please even the most
jaded of movie viewers. \Vith
Metro, director Thomas Carter
and star Eddie Murphy have man-
aged to give us a film that, even if
not entirely original, is at least
entirely entertaining.

Murphy a pears to be on a roll
after years 0 cinematic doldrums.
Last ear’s Nutt Professor proved
that e can sti I be viable both
commercially and critically. Now
with his return to the action—com-
edy vein that he almost single-
handedly popularized in the mid-
’805 he proves that last summer


Photo tum:- NJ

HHBHEH DELUXE Nico/c Kill/mm (ii/rote) stars in jam (.‘ampmn'i film {(731011 of "I‘lie Portrait ofa lazily. ' The film Ii
playing at Sorry firycttc .I fill]. lit/(lie .Wm‘pby's ‘A letro‘p