xt7pvm42vk35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pvm42vk35/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-11-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 2001 2001 2001-11-14 2020 true xt7pvm42vk35 section xt7pvm42vk35 Version 2.0

An all-new

The last week may have
been confusing for
some of you without
the guidance of "Left
of Center" in your
everyday life. Hell,
you probably gained
an IQ point or two.
But now we're back
and bringing a whole
new rail equipped
with the latest
technology. We have
a computer, a TV and
even running water.
That may not seem
like much. but it's a
lot compared to the
wristwatch and laser
printer we were
using before.
Anyway, the
following is a list of
changes that you'll
notice in the coming
weeks. i hope you

We'll be removing the
letter "h" from all of
our articles. Jared
was not pleased to
find that i went and
fixed the spelling of
"Whalen" to

In an effort to make the
rail "sexier" we have
pornographic images
into each rail.

Matrix style special
effects will be
recklessly scattered
throughout the page.
but of course you
won't be able to see
them (because its
just a newspaper)
unless you get the
enhanced paper, only
$34.99 a week. Make
your checks payable
to us.

The new rail will be just
like its predecessor,
smooth and non-
addictive, plus it will
have 66 percent less

In an attempt to cover
our butts, the rail
will have an attached
warning, "CAUTION
away from open
flame and store at
room temperature."

I will take a shot of
Bacardi l5l for every
e-mail we receive.
You may notice the
rail becoming more
and more apologetic,
defensive and
Jared will be the
sober one who
corrects my spelling.

You may see something
titled L.0.C. that
resembles the rail
but amounts to
nothing less than
Jared and l begging
for jobs after being
canned at the paper.
I can type almost 30
wpm if that helps.




November l, 20 , ,

Relocating: About 15 homes
to be razed for construction

By Emily Nagedoru

surr wriiirii~

'I'he stoplights. the traffic. the one
way streets a typical drive through
downtown Lexington.

Though the general public has he
come accustomed to the rut race of UK
area travel. an end may be in sight.
Many city officials are hoping to amend
a plan 70 years in the making that would
connect Newtown I’ike to downtown
Lexington and UK.

In April 2005. construction will start
at the existing Newtown Pike and Main



Clebratig30 yearofudeperfdue

Street intersections From there it will
cut across parts of lrishtowii and Davis
town and then split at l’attei'soii Street
Part of the road will then meet Broad
way With the other half followmg the
railroad intersecting Merino Street and
connecting \vith Limestone

”As you come into Lexington. it's a
challenge to get to l'K.” said Andrew
(irunwald. the municipal engineering
senior for l.exingtonl‘avette l'rlian
(‘ounty (‘yoveriiment Department of Pub
lic Works "This i‘xfi‘llsliili would pave
the way for direct access "

The Newtown I‘ike Extension will
be constructed as a boulevard and not
an expresswav making it more perlesti‘l

"We want to make Newtown I’ike a
place and iiol just a street." said Steven

17 plants found: Some of the plants
observed to he recently harvested
in UK apartment on Transcript Avenue

By Joe Anderson

Thirteen living marijuana plants were seized by UK
Police at a University Housing apartment complex Tues~
day. No suspects have been identified or apprehended in

the case.

The apartment, located at 124 Transcript Ave, had
two bedrooms. where the plants were found.
UK Police found at least four cut plants. which indi-

Ii'armer. an engineering set tion manag
et' for the Ll’ltl}

'I‘liei e are many benefits and disad
vantages associated with this plan

Among its pluses. Newtowii I’ike
would pull tratlic awav from downtown
and l'K. allownig for more pedestrian
activity It would make unutili/ed set
tions of the t'tillHllllllliV available fin de
velopmeiit. [)owntowii could incorpo
t‘ate twowav streets. wider sidewalks
and on street parking

The disadvantages include higher
taxes and more noise Homes and lnisi
Ilf‘Ssi‘x' in the l‘lllllllllllllllf‘\ of Speigle
Heights. Irishtown. Woodward Heights.
Davistown and Pralltou n would haw be
relocated This concerns around ill
homes and lnismesses ronulnnerl

See PIKE on 2

cated that marijuana had already been harvested at the
residence. Four of the plants seized were full-grown. Po-
lice also seized nine other smaller plants.

Oflicers said what they found indicates that the grow-
ing operation was extensive and sophisticated. Police
found an exhaust fan, four florescent lights. several large
plywood light stands. several empty plant pots. a large
quantity of potting soil and a garbage bag filled with
stems, roots and dirt.

Sgt. Greg Hall of the UK Police said he had seen culti-
vation cases in UK Housing before. “but never to this ex-

Daniel Gilbert. a student who lives in the building.
said a UK maintenance crew arrived at the building early
Tuesday morning to fix clogged pipes. Gilbert said main-
tenance workers entered the apartment to fix the pipes.
discovered the plants and notified the police. Several resi-
dents, who did not wish to be identified. verified this se-
quence of events.

Sgt. Tiua Chilton of the UK Police said they received a
call around 9:30 am. Tuesday morning. Police said they
could not comment freely until a suspect is arrested.

The condition of the apartment indicated that no one
had lived there for some time. The living room contained
only an egg-crate hospital pad. a pillow and an empty
Gateway computer box. The residence did not show signs
of day-today occupation.

Residents of the building said they never saw the sus-
pect coming or going from the building.

“We didn't even think anyone lived there," one resi-
dent said. “We never saw any lights on, never heard any
noise from there. We never saw vehicles come or go."

James Kuder. associate vice provost for Student Af-
fairs. said he could not predict UK‘s disciplinary response
until he learns the details of the case.

“We will take action. It could range from the clearing
of the student‘s record to his or her dismissal from the

atoms anonnoenson I KEPMIL stir:
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McCormick and
his daughter-in-
law Katy discuss
with engineer
consultants the
concerning the
Newtown Pike
Tuesday night.

“our cur:

university," Kuder said.

The Kentucky Legislature's Web site said first offense
cultivation of more than five plants is a Class D felony.
which is punishable by one to five years in prison and a
fine between $3,000 and 55,000. For a second offense.
prison terms increase to 5 to 10 years.

Top: Sgt. Tlua Chilton of the UK Police and Officer Kevin McCain
assemble, collect and inventory evidence found at the scene.
Above: Three of the nine immature marijuana plants found at the
UK Housing apartment complex on Transcript Avenue. Right:
Police confiscated one of the largest plants at the scene.

-Jonothon ltoy and
Jared Wholen

Ticket wait lasts until 3 am.

Coffee Shop Tm- "0 W U By Tracy Kershaw -~ -t w :rtwit tickets at all
to get I coffoo. “ I". I. no u“. w. _._ “a Ti‘.e\ '.'. rewi't m the old method
”MMMMWNS " ‘ “ '.r.t'.. suite for more printers is
would-Hund- "Thlslstho l'K .»\thietics is workm: l“ {H a: iilahle .lolxnson mid
mostoxpoosiuo ended!” problems that Left students at il’ll‘iz.‘ \Vt- phiil or. making some
"n," mm. mm for El): lllllll‘“ 'll \llill(lfl\‘\ ill‘lfl'i ltif ,/ ilill‘.‘h.’p\ ’l, ‘1‘" \fudpntg m and out
looted 45 m fl 0“ m it"? faster. ' he said
.\ < hange l . i new twin? of mile ,‘\'l‘.ll“;l s awn: ihoiit $13000 on
ticket s} "i‘li‘i ranted the «Ii-19'» ”he emit! missile ‘zckef  .Ioliitmix. l\\l.~lill‘.7 lilid“ Katha [)04 {We amour .lssnrlatp for
ic director ill‘.li"1i~ \loz‘e pitnters will make
‘he unier‘. e timer she said,

" If. *Js‘gffifi

Mort Nogor, a cor column.
refused to lot limos: Towing
tow his cor from Connon Grounds

was titer

6.2 4.8

It's not really warm
weather, but you can
still grow pot. Indoors.
that is.
Kentucky .
Kernel . ' In the plist student»- l:.erl

‘ ~ throng}: four lines paked up ‘iji- "We \\ i::‘ 'o ipoiogile to our
pre printed 'it ken and let‘ Andi-nu it "1.1wi‘. said “Some
The no“ \Kxfl'lfl has «mix ‘.\t. TRUNK ‘i‘i litiiiiiifl‘x '.\ hmlf‘l‘, “'6‘ lllSi
hi‘inters. reducing the niimher of ‘llflll I HM“ "W'HL'h printers H
lines to two md causing some Moder.“ M‘I‘“ Joell numbers
sitlllents to '.\Jii:‘ nitil Ts a ir. while See TICKETS on 2

VOL "108 ISSUE ”57


News tips?

Call 257-l915 or e-mail

at the of Kentuck , Lexi

, um:



 z ‘1H*1'1111‘111s1111.11111111111114.2001 | kooucior KERNEL


The Low-down y

If you
you're too
small to
have an
try going
to bed
with a
in the

- Anita Koddlck


56 to vote on sidewalk chalking

1,112XIN11'I‘11N A new form 111'1‘1111111111111111
111111:111111-\pr1-ss11111 111a1 soon:11‘1‘11111111campus
sidewalk chalking The proposal must pass
1111'1111g11 31111111111 111111-1‘111111-111 :11111 1111 appr111'1-1l
111' I'Ix' 1’1‘11s1d11111 [11111 Todd Da1id 111111111111s1111.
I'K s1-11:11111~ :11 large. proposed 111111111111111111111111 :11
I1111111g sl111l11111 orgarnxalions 111 write 111111 chalk
1111 s11l1111111ks 111 11111 1‘1'111181111111‘11 Arca11111s11l1111111
81111111111 Under 811 11111 111111 1111 11111 proposal
111111g111 1111111111111 1111 sidewalks 1s 111’1111111111111 I111
111111111111'1111111rls 1111111114111pamtmuon sidewalks
and 11111111111gs1111 campus


Sheriff's deputy killed in shoot-out

Nlt‘lllll..\S\'II,|.12. K1 .\ .l11ss:111111111
1‘11111111' s11111‘itl‘s 1111111111 was t'ataII_\' 11111111111111
'I‘ucsdxn' 111111‘11111g, 1111111111 111111 11:11 Walls. :11.
was s11111 11111111 attempting to serve :1 warranr 111
1’1111111111.11.111.11~ Walker 11111-111111 tire 1111 Walls. 111111
11:1s:11'111111111:111111d 111' (‘pt (‘11111‘k Morgan. I11. .11111
1111111111 \11111111 1111111111 The 111‘1'111111‘s 1'111111'111111
11111. 1111:1111 \1'11111111111g Walker 111111111 1s 111111111 111
1.111'1'1111111111111and .\l111'g:111 1s1111‘1'11111111'1111111
111111.11l'I1II11spilaI 1111111111111 81211111’11I11'11111'11111

Wildfires threaten residents' health

I’IKI“.\'II.111€. K1 '1'111111'111‘111111 smoke 1111111
1111- largest 11111111'11ak111 Wildfires 111 :1 1111121111-
11111111111 1111:1111 211111111111sa11a1 111 1,11111s111111
1111s1'111 1'1s111111111111111:11'1111'11al1111g s1111111111111111
1:1111 111g1111x11's, (‘ar headlights and s11‘11111liglus
are staying on. some schools 1111111 closed. :11111
11111111111111111 breathing 111‘1111111111s 11111111111111 r11s11
111g 111 hospitals or s1aV111g indoors. At least 111'11
deaths 11:1111 11111111 linked 11111111 tires. 111111111111de
firefighter 111111 died Saturda1 11111111 1111 11.111
caught in .11‘11'11s1111‘111 \11111111‘1111111ga11111111111 111

City commissioners oppose arena

I.(1l'IS\'Illl11£. K1 (‘oinrnissioners 111 11111
.Jetl'crson (‘11111111 Fiscal (‘11111‘1 said T1111s11111 111111
111111111 oppose a bond issue guaranteed by 111111111
111‘s” dollars to pay 1111' :1 proposed downtown :11‘11
na. Mayor Daye Armstrong has not 1111 1111111111111
11111 plan 111 tinancc the construction 111‘ 11111 arena,
:1 1'i1aI 1'1111111111111111 to 11111 city's pursuit 111‘ 11111
N11A's (‘11:111111111 Hornets An earlier plan 11111111111
11111111 Vancouver Grizzlies called 1'111'11111 11111 111
issue bonds to cover costs 11111111 arena. 111111111111111
1111111 :11111111 $21211million.'1‘11111111111 11'1111111'1'1111111111
paid 1111‘1111'1111g11 111111111111 collected in a spr1c1al
1:1\ 111s11‘11‘l. 1111 tax 111111111111. and state grants


Garth Brooks will
give a tree
concert on South
Padre Island, and
city ottrcrals hope
the country star
wrll draw Visitors
to the island hurt
by a bridge
collapse The Gulf
Coast barrier
rsland's resort
economy has
been at a crawl
since a string 01
barges slammed
into the only
brrdqe to the

island on Sept 15.

The midsectron ot
the Queen
collapsed. [lqht
drivers died when
plunged 1nto the
Laquna Madre
lravel to the
island has been
Irrrnted to ferry
established atter
the collapse





Feds hunting terrorists door-to-door

WASHINGTON Investigators are knock-
ing on the doors of Middle Eastern visitors in the
United States and looking through the tiles of for
111g11 students as part 111a widening terrorism in—
111111'1. State and federal agents are questioning
3.111111 male foreigners from Middle Eastern and
11111111 countries. More than 200 colleges have
been asked for records about foreign students. in
111111111115r what subjects they are studying and
1111111 11-1111111 addresses and phone numbers. A
survey 111 the American Association of Colle~
glare Registrars and Admissions Officers showed
that 11111 111ajority complied with the requests.
l'111111rsities are obligated by law to provide the
1111111‘11111111111. A number (11 Arab and Muslim stu-
dents a1 11111 University 111‘ Colorado in Denver
1111111 11111111 interviewed by investigators. said Lar-
1‘1' 111111. director of international education at the
l'1111’11rs111 111' Colorado. No arrests have been

Kids give fire truck to NYC firefighters

1‘11111'111BIA. S.(‘. A group 11181111111 (‘aroli-
11:1 s1'lioolr‘lill(lt‘eli said Tuesday they have raised
1111:1111 11:111 :1 million dollars. exceeding their goal
111 11111 New York (‘111 a tire truck. The children
1111111 111 present a check f11r$147.265 to New York
.\l:11111' Rudolph Giuliani during the Macy‘s
'I‘Iianksgn'ing Day parade That covers the
513.311.1111) 1111s1 11111111 truck and any other equip-
11111111 111'11tighters wish 11111111, White Knoll Prin-
cipal Nancy Turner said she was surprised the
students were able to raise the money so quickly
11111 she said 11111 children never doubted it. When
she told adults about buying the fire truck. they
all asked. "How much will it cost?” All the stu-
dents wanted 111 know was. “Who was going to

Compiled from wire reports


Nikki Giovanni, one of the most popu~
lar and celebrated U.S. poets, will speak at
7:110 pm. Thursday in the Student Center
Grand Ballroom. Admission is free.

A11 article in Tuesday's Scene section
should have listed Mulberry and Lime's
address as 216 N. Limestone.

To report an error call The Kentucky
Kernel at 25711915



Speaker scolds FBI 5


Straight forward and politically incorrect was how Danny
Coulson described himself Tuesday night to more than 600 s 0
tators who heard his lecture about terrorism in the UK Stu 611!

Center Grand Ballroom.

Coulson. the former director and founder of the FBI's Anti-
'l‘errorism Task Force. critiCIZed the FBI's failure to prevent the

Sept. 11 suicide hijackings.

He also called for college students to participate in the fight
against terrorism. saying that people should start worrying
about national terrorists rather than the ones overseas.

“()ur own national terrorists are not very different from the
ones in the Middle East." Coulson said. “Every American
should point out suspicious people."

Coulson said the highest point in his FBI career was his in-
volvement in the arrest of Timothy McVeigh. who was executed
for bombing the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

Coulson said terrorism would never be eradicated. but said
it was possible to make it more “tolerable and manageable."

At the end of his presentation he anSWered several ques-
tions and stayed to talk with students about how to become an
FBI agent. which he described as an “adventurous and fun job."



Continued from page I

in groups 11151) and called at
random. A1 n11dnight. more
than 311 groups still hadn't
been called. When officials an
nounced the orrler of the last
:10 groups. many students opt-
ed to leave without tickets. af-
ter spending three hours wait-


Continued from page I

(‘Ioser to UK. traffic on
Limestone will drop 110 percent
according to Brian Cash. pro-
ject engineer for American
Consulting Engineers. A
pedestrian underpass will also
be constructed under the KY

The citizens of the affected
areas voiced their opinions at
an open house at the Carver
Center last night.

Project coordinators are

ing at Memorial Coliseum.

But Stephanie Meyer. a
middle school education be-
havioral and learning disor-
ders junior. decided that see-
ing the Cats take on the North
Carolina Tar Heels was worth
the wait.

She walked to the Colise-
um around 8230 pm. Her group
was called at 2:30 am.

“I hope they change it."
she said. “But waiting is part
of the fun."

encouraging community in-

"In order to have true bal~
ance it's necessary for all to
have a voice." said state Rep.
Kathy Stein.

Citizens will be able to
share their thoughts at the
next open house discussion on
Jan. 8 at the Carver Center on
522 Patterson St.

“We are trying to design
the boulevard that is best suit-
ed for the surrounding neigh-
borhoods." said Henry Jack-
son. a member of the planning
committee for LFUCG. “We
need everyone's involvement
to make this a success."




Student Appreciation Practice


Come See


Stress Irianagement
Family problems
Relationship problems
Eating disorders
Learning disorders

Drug or alcohol problems
Nicotine addiction

Need Help?

Mental Health Services
Available to UK and LCC students
For appointments:

University Health Service "K



slammin' grooves and funky

The new on
on sale now
on Central

560 Robert Walter live at Lynagh’s NOV. 15


Lexington’s Great
Independent Music Store

Near UK @ 377 S. Limestone 233-DISC

oh 1 1111.1111 3‘

Carla» Rarney
le Holloway Chock Pram




4:00 - 5:30
Memorial Coliseum






Patrick Avery
' . Scene Editor
I »' ’ Phone 257 I915 l E'mall kernelarttllyahoocom








By Lucas Thomas

Launching tomorrow, Microsoft's first entry into the $20 billion video game market is the Xbox, one of the most highly anticipated and advertised systems ever. The new console is meant to serve
multiple purposes — like current market leader PlayStation 2, it will play both games and DVD movies. In addition, the Xbox has a built-in hard drive for saving data and accessing the Internet.

Graphically, Microsoft’s mammoth outperforms both P52 and the upcoming Nintendo GameCube. The Xbox boasts the power of a dedicated PC thrown on its side, and can produce resolutions up
to 1920 x 1080, according to the tech specs given on Microsoft.com. As a comparison, most computer monitors today run at a 1024 x 768 resolution. The higher the resolution, the crisper the picture.
The graphical capabilities of any machine, however, must always take a backseat to available software.

"The Xbox seems cool," said Brandon Powers, a theater freshman. "I’m looking forward to it because of Project Ego. You control a guy from the age of 7 to 70, and you just walk around doing
things - there's no set story line."

Many of Microsoft's software titles oppose the restrictions established by current video game genres, including the dark comedy adventure Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee. Set in a world that spoofs
consumerism. Oddworld features 30 platforming action with two playable characters, Abe and Munch. The game is being touted as one of Xbox's leading interactive titles.

"It will be more like visiting Oddworld than playing Oddworld," said Lorne Lanning, creator of the game.

Xbox's launch will also see the release of Amped, a freestyle snowboarder that pulls its slippery slopes from real-world locations in Utah and California. Another game features a new take on the
car combat genre - Cel Damage, which features cartoon automobiles in a Looney Tunes-esque world of mayhem. The biggest seller, however, is expected to be the 8-player war simulation Halo, called
"one of the single coolest console first-person shooters in history" by Internet gaming site IGNXbox.

The Xbox will retail for $299.99, putting it into direct competition with PlayStation 2. Also similar to P52, Xbox's launch will likely suffer from lack of supply. Microsoft plans to ”ship only 300,000
systems total, to cover the entire United States through the Christmas season. Those gamers wanting to buy an Xbox are advised not to wait beyond tomorrow's official launch.

Some local video game sellers are preparing for the high demand. To accommodate the rush. Best Buy will hand out numbered tickets to prospective buyers, selling systems on a first come, first
serve basis. The Wal-Mart Supercenter on Nicholasville Road, open 24 hours a day, will begin to sell their Xboxes at midnight tonight.

No matter where you try to buy, it's recommended you get to the store early. “We'll probably sell out by noon," said Tom Durbin, a Tays R Us employee.

Xbox Launch List:

W Games Coming Tbmorrow:



Mad Dash

Cel Damage

Dark Summit

Dead or Alive 3

Trans world Surf

Test Drive Off-Road
AirForce Delta Storm

The Simpsons Road Rage
Tony Hawk '5 Pro Skater 2X ~
Dave Mirra Freestyle BM 2 \
Oddworld: Munch 's Oddysee

MX 2002 Featuring Ricky Carmichael
Star Wars Starfighter: Special Edition


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Robert Walter

Robert Walter will perform at
10 p.111. on Thursday at
lynagh's. Tickets cost $7.


Days of the New

Days of the New will perform
at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 29
at Bogart's in Cincinnati.
Tickets cost $12.50-Sl4.00.


If you have an entertainment
Noting that you wish to put on
the ‘On Tap' page, please e-
mdl kernelart@yahoo.com, fax
to 323-1906 or call 257-1915.
Please include time, date, place
and price.

Natalie Merchant

line lllCKl llll Student will


Courtesy of Kroner and llllllll

Saturday, llouember 17th, 2001
llemorial Coliseum o] 7pm

llll Lady lllildcats

us. Temple Owls

free to llll Students
with a valid llll student Ill!

Come out and support the lady Ulildcats and let
llrooer and llllllll help you out no limits and no
boundaries on your education!

Om- VK stubcnt will
“'1" A SIOO

Nike Gift Pack


Chicago star Bobby Conn
will perform at 8 pm. on
Wednesday at Mecca.
The show Is open to all
ages. and tickets cost
$5. Lexington's Sick
Hour will be opening. The
show is brought to you
by MRI-'1. 88.1 FM.



On Tap...

For the week of Nov. 14 - Nov. 20


Ralph Jones w/ guest. 10 pm. High on Rose.
Tickets cost $3.

Stephen 8 Kyle 8 Friends. 10 pm. Kitty
O'Shea's. Price: TBA.

Barnhouse Effect w/ Inner Vision Collision.
10 pm. Lynagh's. Tickets cost $3.


A.M. Flavor. 10 pm. High on Rose. Tickets cost

Brendan Kehoe. 10 pm. Kitty O'Shea's.
Price: TBA.

Robert Walter's 20th Congress. 10 pm.
Lynagh's. Tickets cost $7.


Natalie Merchant. 8 pm. Louisville Palace
Theatre. Reserved tickets cost

$29.50 - $39.50.

Junior Dixon Band. 10 pm. Kitty O‘Shea’s.
Price: TBA.

Lonestar w/ Blake Shelton & Jamie O'Neal.
7:30 pm. Cincmnati Gardens. Reserved
tickets cost $28.50.

BlueGround UnderGrass. 10 um. Lynaqh's
Tickets cost $8 in advance and $10 at the door.


Dreadnot. ‘0 p in. High on Rose. Tickets cost

UK Dance Ensemble Fall Concert. 8 pm.

Lexinqrés- ifhilrlien 5 Theatre. Student tickets
cost $8

Todd Snider w/ Matt Mitchelson. 9:30 pm.
Lynaqh'r lickets cost 310.

Tom Cool 70 our Kitty O’Shea's,Price:TBA.


Raison D' Etre. 3 pin. Sinqletary Center Recital
Hall. Student tickets cost 55.

Brian Himes' Thanksgiving Night Party w/ The
Go Devils. l0 0.111. Thursday, Nov, 22. High on
Rose. Tickets cost $3.

Pontius CoPilot w/ The West Side Daredevils.

10 pm. Wednesday Nov. 28. Lynaqh's. Tickets
cost $3

Ozzy Osbourne & Rob Zombie w/

Mudvayne & One Side Zero. 7:30 pm. Monday,
Dec. 10. Freedom Hall. Lourswlle. Reserved

Bars, clubs, venues:

AIA ...................................... 231-7263
Kitty 0' Shea's .................. 255-3078
Cheapside Bar and Grill....254-0046
Kamakazres. ................... 255-8863
Blue Max ...... 226-0335
Two Keys ........................... 254-5000
Lynagh's ........................ 255-6614
Rupp Arena. ......... 233-4567
Lexrnqton Opera 233-4567
Actors' Guild 233-0663
Club 141 ........ 233-4262

Cincinnati venues

(513 area code):

Bogart's .............................. 872-8801
Riverbend ............. ....232-6220
Taft Theatre. 721-0411

The Crown... .. 421-4111
Sudsy Malon .771-3550

Ripley's .............
Playhouse in the Par

Louisville venues
(502 area code):

Kentucky Center for the
Arts ............................. 800-775-7777

Toy Tiger ....................... 458-2020
Kentucky Opera... ........ 584-7777
Louisville Gardens ..... ....574-0060
Actor's Theatre ..... ....584-1205
Headliners Music Hall ....... 584-8088
Ticketmaster ....................... 361-3100

Movie theaters:

South Park ........................... 272-6611

Woodhill ....................... 269-1911

Lexington Green... ....271-2070

Man 0’ War ........................ 266-4645

Carmike ............................. 263-2370

Campus listing:

SAB .................................... 257-8867
SGA..... ......................... 257-3191
Guignol Theatre ..... ...257-4929
Singletary Center.. ...... 257-4929
Art Museum ....... ...257-5716

Student Center ............ 257-8427
Kentucky Kernel ................. 257-1915
Kennedy Bookstore .......... 252-0331

UK Bookstore .................... 257-2947
Wildcat Textbooks .............. 225-7771


If you have an entertainment
phone number that you wish
to put on the 'On Tap' phone
listing, please e-mail
kernelerteyahouom, fax
323-1906 or call 257-1915.



The Fakes v. Defender. 10 pm. Detour.

Chitara Rhythm w/ Toast. 10 pm. High
on Rose. Tickets cost $3.

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tickets cost $39 50 $65.

Compiled by On Tap Editor Emily

UK vs Tennesee

Saturday, Nov. 17th
12:30 pm
Commonwealth Stadium


To the first 1500 UK Students
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Honoring our 2001 Senior Players
Must enter through Gate 1 with a valid UK student ID

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Emma Watson, Rupert Grint and Daniel Radcliffe star as Hermione, Ron and Harry in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, a best-selling novel con-
verted to screen. The three are wizards in their first year of England's Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At Lexington Green and Woodhill.



Written and directed by David Mamet, this film
portrays the lies and betrayals of people involved
with crime. Joe Moore (Gene Hackman) finds
himself broke, committing his crime crew to the
standard "last big job." Also starring Danny
DeVito. Rebecca Pidqeon and Sam Rockwell. At
Man 0' War.

The One
Jet Li stars in this science~fiction thriller direct-
ed by James Wong (Fina/ Destination). Also star-
ring Delroy Lindo and Carla Gugino. At Lexington
Green and Man 0’ War.

Thirteen Ghosts
A race for money in an old, haunted house pro-
pels this film. An old owner collects l3 ghosts and
the only way you can see them is with special
glasses. ls this a plot or a second grade scary
story? Starring Shannon Elizabeth and Matthew
Lillard. At Man 0' War.

A man in a mental institution claims to be an
alien. The doctor set to convince him that he is a
normal person only ends up doubting his own
beliefs. Starring Kevin Spacey and Jeff Bridges.
At Lexington Green and Woodhill.

Domestic Disturbance
John Travolta stars as a divorced dad who dis
covers his son‘s stepfather is a slimy man. Vince
Vaughn plays the slimy man who in turn tries to
kill Travolta. Also starring Teri Polo and Steve
Buscemi. At Lexington Green and Man 0' War.



It's looks as though this film was deSigned pri-
marily for a Johnny Depp/Heather Graham sex
scene. Depp plays Inspector Abberline who goes
looking for a deadly evsl force. He ends up falling
for a streetwalker who is in danger of death. At
Man 0' War,

The Wash
Snoop Dogg stars in his 15th moire this year. Will
it be washed away? Snoop plays Dee Loc, Sean's
(Dr. Dre) roommate. .th encourages broke Sean
to get a lob with him at the Iocai car wash. When
Sean :3 hired as Dee Loc s supe’vasor, hilarious
antics ensueAt Mano War.

Shallow Hal
Could a mowe get any less politically correct?
After Gwyneth Paltrow plays a festively large
woman, Jack Black falls in love with her for her
inner beauty. Like he’s the picture of fitness. At
Lexmgton Green and Woodhili


A attention