xt7pzg6g2194 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pzg6g2194/data/mets.xml Blue-Tail Fly, Inc., 1969- 19691111 newspapers 2008ua008_1_2 English Lexington, Ky. : Blue-Tail Fly, Inc., 1969- : Lexington, Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Blue-Tail Fly Blue-Tail Fly, November 11, 1969 text Blue-Tail Fly, November 11, 1969 1969 2010 true xt7pzg6g2194 section xt7pzg6g2194 ?inside: the Old Regular Baptist Church; Howard Levy interview; Caudill to Nunn ?contents The Old Regular Baptist Church, page 5 Ethlyn Maggard Caudill to Nunn on stripping in Letcher County, page 6 snaps: Ralph Eugene Meatyard, page 8 interview with Howard Levy, page 10 music: Led Zepplin, page 14 Jack Lyne flicks: Alice's Restaurant, page 15 J.S. Willoughby verse: Wendell Berry, Jonathan Greene, Ellsworth Taylor, page 15 Cover: photo by Ralph Eugene Meatyard The blue-tail fly, a statewide student paper, is published by blue-tail fly, inc. at 210 W. Third Street, Lexington, Kentucky 405 07. Cost per issue is twenty cents; one year's subscription is $2. 00 (a real steal.) We like to think of ourselves as a cross between the newsboys in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" and the Sons of the Pioneers. blue-tail fly November 11, 1969 Vol. 1, no. 2 W staff: Guy Mendes, David Holwerk, Jack Lyne, Rick Bell, Gretchen Marcum, Bucky Young, Nick DeMartino, John Filiatreau, Sue Ann Salmon, Howard Mason and Don Pratt. Business gang: John Simon, Jeannie St. Charles, Terry McCarty, Carol Bryant, Maria Chalk, Buck Pennington, Becky Martin and Warren Ford. tidings: Muldraugh: hassle goes on The Meade County power structure continues to grasp at staws in an efforts to repress the GT coffeehouse in Muldraugh. Six people connected with the coffeehouse, including Rev. Terrence Davis of the Louisville Peace Council, were indicted by the county grand jury Oct. 30 on charges of creating a common nuisance and failure to comply with sanitary regulations. Meade County Circuit Judge A. Murray Beard, promptly ordered them held on $ 15 0 0 bond, to be met only with cash or property in Meade County. The common nuisance indictment charges that the six "did willfully, knowingly, and unlawfully suffer, prosure and permit divers idle and evil disposed persons to habitually frequent and assemble in or about a certain building..." On the following day, the same jury cited four more persons associated with the coffeehouse with contempt of court, and Judge Beard ordered them held without bail. According to their lawyer Stuart Lyon of the Kentucky Civil Liberties Union, they were charged with refusing lo testify against themselves. He had advised his clients to take the Fifth Amendment. One soldier was also cited for drinking a beer in the courthouse "sometime in September." As if the legal hassles were not enough, the coffeehouse was firebombed the same day for the second time for the second lime in three weeks. It was not reported to police because, as one soldier put it, "We have no law enforcement here." In reply to the repression, the coffeehouse people issued a statement which said, "We are all ready to go to jail. But the coffeehouse will stay open." Two demonstrations were held in Brandenburg that weekend to protest the actions of the Meade County officials. On Tuesday the 4 th, appeals were heard in two separate Louisville on the excessive bond issue. Even the stalwart conservative U.S. District Court Judge James "Five and Ten" Gordon (five years, $10,000"the maximum for draft resisters) was so dismayed by the $1500 bond that he ordered the prisoners let out on their own recognizance. He noted that "we had people restrained on bonds of $1500 for statute violations that carried $50 fines and thirty days in jail." Kentucky Court of Appeals Judge Sam Steinfield refused the same day to grant temporary relief for the four jailed on contempt charges. He scheduled a hearing for Friday the 7 th, when he could have a full transcript of the grand jury proceedings. But he said that no evidence of error in Judge Beard's behavior had been presented. Another hearing was scheduled for Monday the 10th in Judge Steinfield's court, at which attorneys for the coffeehouse will ask for an injunction to prevent Meade County officials from interfering with the coffeehouse. Tom Jackson, a Vietnam veteran who lives at the coffeehouse with his wife and child, said the officials "are only fighting against themselves. The more they deprive us of our civil liberties, the more they bring in support for our side. Jackson and the other coffeehouse people believe the only enemies in the case are the army brass and the county officials..' "The people of Muldraugh are not our enemies," said Jackson. "Part of our overall plan from the very beginning has been to work with the townspeople"not just those friendly with us, but all the people here." Legal 'hair' suspensions Taking care to point out that improper expulsion or suspension of long-haired students and instructors can result in expensive and embarrassing damage suits, the president of the Kentucky School Board Association then proceeded to outline the "proper" method for such actions at an October 9 meeting in Louisville. F. C. Bryan, an attorney, told 60 representatives of the association's Fifth Region that a student with a "Beatle haircut" can be suspended under state law if his presence constitutes a disruption of the educational process. Apparently, the trick lies in "documented evidence" of the disruptive factors in order to guarantee the student due process of law. Here! Here! As his landmark case, Bryan, of Mount Sterling, cited a 1967 incident in which a long-haired high school student was successfully suspended. The documented evidence he supplied to indicate the student was guilty of disruption is as follows: "It seems as though the football team decided to give this fella a haircut themselves. And the student was injured with the scissors." Among the other disruptive incidents this student was found guilty of was a sign someone placed on the door of the girls' rest room that read, "For Girls and Long-Haired Boys." The story of this "even-principals-can-learn-to-cut-hair-in-three-easy-steps" talk first appeared in the Courier-Journal. Among the letters received in response was one from Mrs. Suzanne Post, chairman of the Kentucky Civil Liberties Union (KCLU). Part of her letter read as follows: "This was either a very poorly reported speech or a very poor speech. "Did the speaker also give as a reason for according due process to students the right to it provided by our Constitution? Did he also mention that if we want to teach our young about our Bill of Rights the place and way to start is in our schools by example? In an interview, Mrs. Post said KCLU "has been most active in trying to get the school boards to implement standards of academic freedom in secondary schools." However, she concedes, there are a lot of difficulties ahead even where the standards are adopted because of "principals who are quite autonomous in their own little enclaves" and because of the reluctance of students to challenge school officials out of justifiable fears that their futures may be ruined as a result. Despite some unsuccessful attempts to enable students to keep their hair"all of it"she is optimistic about future cases because of recent positive precedents set by the Supreme Court. "The KCLU is concerned about young people and their legal problems," she said, "and we want to let them know they have community support when they decide to stand up and exercise their creativity and individuality." 2 November 11,1969 ?Kay Brookshire In loco parentis In loco parentis lives. In fervent anticipation of the traditional spring woman sale, the University of Kentucky's Associated Women Students sponsored its answer to the limming run to the sea, the creampuff evanescence of a Bridal Fair. Marching to the beat of a different drummer, members of the Women's Liberation Movement spoke downstairs in the UK Student Center, providing literature on birth control pills, veneral disease, diaphragms, family planning and inner uteral devices. Upstairs, however, UK coeds weighed the merits of various carat rings, inspected china patterns, and viewed what Bridal Fair promo called "exquisitely regal creations." The fashion show was climaxed by the mock wedding of two UK students, complete with dim lights, romantic music and colored-cellophane, stained-glass windows. Added spice to the jello-pudding afternoon was provided by the appearance of Dean of Students Jack Hall (second from right) as the proud beaming father of the bride, and Associate Dean of Students Betty Jo Palmer (far right) as the melancholy, choked-up mother of the bride. They're with Us, boys and girls, every step of the way. Kentucky plans for Nov. 15th Some 650 Kentuckians, 400 from the Louisville area and another 250 from Lexington, are going to Washington for the November 15 March Against Death. Seven buses"that's all that was available; the bus people said every free bus east of the Rockies is headed for Washington that weekend"will carry demonstrators from Louisville while UK students will be driving cars and U-Haul econoline vans. Because some people can't afford the trip to D.C., a Western Kentucky University student, Steve Tichnor, organized a march on Frankfort, also planned for the 15th. Tichnor, who was a little late in getting information out on the statewide march, is expecting at least 1000 to mass on the capitol steps. The only Kentucky action scheduled for the 13 th and 14 th is in Louisville, where University of Louisville students will distribute anti-war leaflets in shopping areas. Many students will also be speaking to various civic groups that week. UL's homecoming game is scheduled for the 15 th and students plan to pass out leaflets there also. Joe DeCesare, a Marine Corps Vietnam veteran, had planned to sky dive unannounced onto the field at halftime with an American flag in hand and a giant peace symbol on his chute, but the Federal Aviation Agency nixed the idea (he filed a preliminary flight plan) because the stadium is on the approach to Standiford Field. Army tries to kidnap GI FORT LEWIS, Washington (LNS)"The Army's attempts to stifle growing GI dissent have now extended to kidnapping. Steve Gilbert, one of the founders of FT A (the Ft. Knox underground paper) and an active GI organizer, came perilously close to being shanghied to Korea this week. Only the strategic presence of a group of vocal civilians prevented him from being unwillingly shipped overseas. Gilbert refused orders to report to Korea last spring and went AWOL from Ft. Knox instead, spending his time travelling around the country building the GI movement. He returned to the Army early in October "because that's where our fight is now." Two hours after he turned himself in to military authorities at Ft. Knox (where the Army had promised they would court-martial him) he was shipped to Ft. Lewis Washington, and placed in the stockade. On Oct. 24 he was told he was going to Korea, and was put on the passenger list for the 1.00 a.m. flight. He managed a phone call to his lawyer, who then protested through the proper channels and was assured that Gilbert would not be shipped. Nevertheless, Gilbert's name was not withdrawn from the passenger list. That night, Gilbert was taken under armed guard and held in confinement until half an hour before his scheduled departure. The Army tried to process him separately and slip him onto the plane secretly. But the Army lost the day. A group of civilians from the Shelter Half Coffee House spotted Gilbert and raised an ear-splitting ruckus, screaming and yelling for the GI to be set free. (The coffee house organizers had been tipped off by Gilbert's lawyer that he would be boarding the plane.) The Army hustled Gilbert, fist raised, into a van. The captive soldier was whisked away by his Army abductors and that particular plane left for Korea without him. Gilbert's refusal to fight in Korea stems from a recognition of what U.S. presence there is all about. "I won't allow myself to be used by giant corporations," he says, "which want to make a lot of money in war-torn countries." The evergrowing war in Korea involves the same U.S. interests which brought half a million troops to Vietnam. Gilbert understands this, and states, "It's about time this country was run by the people and not just a few big shots." Gilbert is still in the Ft. Lewis Stockade, and is liable to be kidnapped again at any time. His lawyer and other civilians are forbidden to see him. The Army would love to get Steve Gilbert alone in Korea, away from his civilian lawyer and the American press. It's much easier to court-martial him there, and the Korean stockade is even more brutal than those here in the states. Most important, it would separate him from the fast-growing GI movement here. blue-tail fly 'Land that I loveV Covington commissioners, eight days after the Moratorium, unanimously passed a resolution supporting the Nixon administration's international military policy. The move was taken despite the protests of members of Kentuckians for Peace, who October 15 led a march of about 500 from the courthouse steps in Covington to a mass rally of 2500 in downtown Cincinnati. Covington Attorney Pat Flannery, who is seeking election to the commission, read into the record of the meeting the number of war dead, and two local religious leaders attacked the "corrupted" authority of the national administration. But the doves got their biggest boost when super-patriot (I'm for American right or wrong.") Commissioner Ray Wehrman tried to sing "God Bless America." He couldn't remember the second line. Flannery offered to give him a little help. Moratorium in Vietnam by Hugo Hill SAIGON (LNS)"GI's and American civilians in South Vietnam joined in the Oct. 15 anti-war protests. The police-state atmosphere discouraged mass actions, but the small-scale actions were significant nonetheless. GI's of the "Americal Division," forced to go on patrol on Moratorium Day, wore balck armbands in solidarity with the stateside demonstrations. They said they wanted all GI's out of Vietnam now. The soldiers defied strict Army regulations against "partisan political" activities. At the same time, a group of twenty American civilians delivered an anti-war statement to the U.S. Embassy in Saigon. The statement, to be conveyed to Nixon, said: "As millions of Americans today express their opposition to the war in Vietnam, we who work here wish to add our voices to theirs. We know the sufferings of the Vietnamese. We say this war must stop. We call for the immediate withdrawal of all American troops." The message was signed by 32 Americans, most of whom have been in Vietnam for more than a year. Colonial Governor Ellsworth Bunker, uptight about a possible sit-in, refused to allow the group into the Embassy. He consented, however, to receive four representatives. While the four people were inside rapping with Bunker, the others stood outside, heads bowed in silent mourning for the war dead. As if to remind the demonstrators what their homeland is like, the Embassy sent out -a "Hungarian freedom-fighter" to heckle them. His bill-of-fare consisted of "Go back to Russia!" and "Do you think you could get away with this in Peking?" Homesickness was widespread. But Bunker got the message: revolt in the Mother Country is spreading among the press-ganged GI's and civilian camp-followers. These cracks in the overseas colonial establishment are a small but embarrassing third front. Woodstock Revisited by Jon Wiener LOS ANGELES (LNS)"Remember Woodstock? Remember how the radical press attacked this biggest rock festival in the history of the world (4 5 0,0 0 0 people) 'because it was a business that was going to make a profit of one million dollars by selling us our own music? Remember how so many kids came they couldn't collect tickets, and a quarter of a million people got in for free? And remember how the promoters announced that they lost SI million, and how everyone called that a victory for the people? Well, the promoters rnide plenty of money, it turns out; exactly how much is difficult to say. Their wailing "we lost a million" was part of a clever and, up to now successful attempt to fool the public and undermine the radicals' attack on their operation. The true story has been uncovered by the show-biz newspaper. Variety. The Woodstock promoters"Joel Rose-man, John Roberts, Michael Lang and Artie Kornfeld"claimed to be $1.3 million in debt at the end of the festival. Then -they started trying to buy each other out, and it was reported that Albert Grossman, manager of Dylan, Janis Jop-lin, and The Band, among others, was offering $1 million for one-fourth of the business. Albert Grossman is the most successful money-maker in rock music; he doesn't make mistakes. Why, Variety asked, would Grossman offer $1 million to acquire a debt of $ 1.3 million? The answer was that there was no debt, that the promoters' report of their expenses was filled with lies. The promoters sold $1.4 million in mail-order tickets; they claim that their expenses were $2.7 million. They say they spent $600,000 on emergency helicopters, food and medicine, which makes them seem pretty generous. But their eight helicopters cost $500 an hour; for three ten-hour days, that's only $120,000, which leaves $480,000 for food and medicine. And half the helicopters were hired before-hand to ferry the performers around; this raises the food and medicine cost to $550,000. But, as everyone who was there, has testified, virtually the only source of food and medicine was the Hog Farm. The promoters' claimed emergency costs were a half-million dollar lie. They claim they paid the talent $250,000. But simply adding up what they say they paid the individual acts gives the figure $150,000. Some had argued that "the performers don't make the money on these things"; Woodstock's list of who got what disproves that idea, and provides a financial ranking of the popularity of the various rock groups. The most expensive group was the Jimi Hendrix Experience"they took home $18,000 for their set. Next was Blood, Sweat and Tears"$ 15,0 0 0 . Creedence Clearwater Revival and Joan Baez got $10,000 each; The Band, Jefferson Airplane, and Janis Joplin got $ 7,5 0 0 each. From there on down, the list reads; Sly and the Family Stone, $7,000; Canned Heat, $6,500; The Who, $6,250; Richie Havens, $6,000; Arlo Guthrie, $5,000; Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, $5,000; Ravi Shankar, $4,500; Johnny Winter, $3,750; Ten Years After, $3,250; Country Joe, $2,500; the Grateful Dead, $2,500; and down through other groups to Quill, $375. Woodstock claims production costs exclusive of talent were $2.25 million. The Isle of Wight festival cost $50,000 to produce, which is probably closer to the true figure for Woodstock. There are two particularly interesting figures in Woodstock's budget: $16,000 to charter a plane for the Hog Farm, and $10,000 for "Yippee Headquarters." The policing and relief work done by these two groups were cheap considering the services they provided for the promoters. The final unreported source of income for Woodstock is the royalties from the feature-length film "Woodstock," which will open across the nation at Christmas time. Warner's, according to Variety, is certain it will be their biggest moneymaker of the season. All of this adds up to what many had suspected all along; The Woodstock rock festival was not a victory for "the people," it was a victory for the businessman-promoters, men who make a profit by exploiting youth culture. The stars of rock have helped perpetuate business dominance of pop music, turning their music into a commodity to be sold to whoever has the money"at the same time that these same stars claim to be part of a political movement that opposes exploitation. Joan Baez insisted at her last New York concert that no one be allowed in for less than two dollars"if you want to hear her sing about not paying her income taxes because they go for war, you have to pay for it. And Dylan, who was crucial to the recent development of the protest song, demanded $85,000 for his Isle of Wight appearance"which turned out to be more than $7,000 a song. We don't need any more multi-day rock festivals with expensive tickets""festivals of love" that turn out to be festivals of profit for the promoters. Instead, we need free concerts, and lot of them"free music in all the parks every week. Contributions of low-priced admissions could cover the expenses of the bands"they have to eat too. But the junior assistant west coast promo man, and his profit-minded counterparts across the country, have got to go. The music is ours, not theirs. 43 more shopping days Roger F. Berkshire, 19-year-old freshman at University of Kentucky Northern Community College, was arrested October 24 by Covington police and charged with possession of marijuana. About 30 small packages of the weed were found, police said, in a softdrink cooler in the trunk of the youth's car. The car was parked outside his Covington home. Berkshire told police he had grown the marijuana, as yet uncured, on a vac/ it lot and intended to give it as Christmas gifts to his friends. 3 ?DDT suit initiated NKW YORK (LNS)-A $30 billion damage suit was filed Oct. 14 in Federal Court in an attempt to attack those responsible for DDT poisoning and related ecological crimes. The suit, filed by Mrs. Carol Y anna-cone, names eight companies, the principal manufacturers and distributors of DDT, the insecticide. The defendants are: Montrose Chemical, Baldwin Montrose Chemical, Chris-Craft Industries, Stauffer Chemical, Allied Chemical, Diamond Shamrock, Olin Chemical and Lebanon Chemical. The suit cites the direct damage done by DDT as well as anti-trust violations by the corporations, who have fixed prices and crushed competition. Mrs. Yannacone, whose husband, Victor, is associated with the Environmental Defense Fund, filed the suit "on behalf of all the people of the United States, not only of this generation but of those generations yet unborn, all of whom are equitable owners of the natural resources of the United States...entitled to the full benefit, use and enjoyment of the environment and natural resources without damage of degradation from the illegal acts and conduct of the defendants in furthering the production, distribution and use of the broad-spectrum, persistant chemical biocide DDT." Seale bound in Chicago CHICAGO (LNS)-Bobby Seale, the national leader of a militant political group dedicated to the liberation of black people, has been gagged and strapped to his chair in an ultra-modern courtroom in the city of Chicago. If it weren't Bobby Seale, if presiding Judge Julius J. Hoffman didn't have the the power of the state on his side, one might see it all as a tableau from the Theater of Cruelty. But Bobby Seale's situation is more than symbolic. It is real, and there is only one word to describe it"slavery. Seale is a black man in chains whose fate is now determined by the masters in their mansions. Seale's ordeal is a reasoned, if cruel response to his position as leader of the Black Panther Party. When he arrives at the courtroom at 10 AM each day, he has already undergone 6 hours of har-rassment by jailers, marshals and other pigs. They go to his solitary cell and wake him up at 4 am"one hour earlier than any other prisoner"and make him stand in place for one hour. From 5 to 7, he stands in a small room with hundreds of . other prisoners waiting to be transferred to various courthouses. From 7 to 8 he waits in still another room. Some time before he and his chair are carried into the wood-panelled courtroom, a team of marshals go to work on him. His boots are loosened and his legs are bound with heavy leather straps to the legs of a folding chair. His wrists, wound several times with leather, are buckled to the arms of the chair. Several layers of gauze, adhesive tape, and cloth are wound around his mouth and tied at the back of his head. A similar gag is wound vertically around his jaw and tied at the top of his head. The type of gauze used resembles that used by football players to hold a trick knee in place. As time passes the gauze tightens up. They have tried to stuff rags in Bobby's mouth but he successfully resisted this particular device. On Thursday Oct. 30, despite all this, Bobby continued to make his plea for bis right to defend himself"including the right to cross-examine witnesses. He has spoken out in the courtroom only to make this legal point, and only when his name is mentioned or when the defense attorneys have completed their cross-examination. The press, the judge and the prosecution have attempted to portray Seale as a wildman engaging in "disruption" and "outbursts". It is clear, however, that there would be no shouting if the judge would allow Seale to defend himself, or postpone the trial until Seale's lawyer, Charles R. Garry, recovers from an operation. In a note smuggled into the courtroom and given to Jerry Rubin who later released it, Seale wrote, in part: Section 198, title 42 of the United States Government Code says that a black man cannot be discriminated against in any court in any legal defense matter. Why am I handcuffed, shackled to a chair, and gagged in Judge Hoffman's United States District of Illinois courtroom? I am sure the masses of Americans, especially Black People, are intelligent enough to see the injustice from the very beginning of this trial as a railroading operation of U.S. imperialism abroad and domestic imperialism"fascism"here at home. We should know that racism plus capitalism breeds fascism; but, we see how the newspapers and especially the TV and radio news media try to say or imply that the reason I was shackled and gagged was because of what this pig Judge calls "outbursts" or "interrupting the court proceedings." The masses of working people, (the employed and unemployed Black and poor oppressed people), can see further than that. And those who cannot and/or those who are confused about it all can now see the real reasons fascism is showing its head more openly; because a man stands up and speaks in behalf of his constitutional rights to be represented by legal counsel of his choosing and if not that, then the constitutional right to defend himself by being his own lawyer until his ill lawyer, who is most effective in proving his innocence, can come to defend him. To say that I made outbursts is erroneous, incorrect, and a lie misleading the American people. I have sat for hours and listened to testimony, most of which is lies, directed against the other seven defendants. The only times I've stood up and demanded my right to legal defense are when a witness says my name. Then I stand up and say "I object on the grounds that my lawyer Charles R. Garry is not here. I've been denied his services and I have also been denied the right to defend myself, so I object to this witness testifying against me." And then the Judge starts telling me that I have a lawyer, one that he, the Judge, has chosen and not me. That lawyer is Kunstler whom I do not desire at all to defend me in these proceedings. I know and have witnessed myself the lies that the pig U.S. government prosecuting attorneys are saying against me with their CIA-FBI-COPS et al, witnesses. Charles R. Garry is three times as good as Kunstler and Weinglass although they are very good lawyers and they will tell you themselves that they respect Charles R. Garry. Kunstler is profound in all of his legal techniques and is one of the lawyers for the New York 21 brothers and sisters. But this trial is an attempt to keep me locked up and the other seven defendants too, forever. The Government doesn't want Charles R. Garry here. They are happy that Garry isn't here. He is nearly 60 years old and he has law on the top of his head that will make a judge's head and any government prosecuting attorney's head swim. Garry knows, from being the Chief Counsel for the Black Panther Party, the intricate political repression against the party as it's related directly to the oppression of black America, historically and presently; he knows how to bring this out legally in the courtroom. And the Pigs don't want him there to defend me. After this story was set, Bobby Seale was finally unbound and continued trying to defend himself. Hoffman then declared Seale's a mistrial and sentenced Seale to four years imprisonment for contempt of court. GI's are 'sick' of war Spock to speak After a bit of a hassle, Dr. Benjamin Spock, whose conviction for conspiracy to counsel, aid and abet draft resistance was recently overturned, will indeed speak in Louisville. Dr. Spock will speak at 8 p.m., Friday, December 5, at the Atherton High School Auditorium. Tickets can be obtained by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Kentucky Civil Liberties Union, 809 Center Building, Louisville, Ky. 40202. The price is $ 1.5 0 for students and $2.00 for adults. Dr. Spock originally was to have spoken at the First Christian Church. The KCLU, which is sponsoring the talk, had obtained the permission of the church's minister and planning committee for using the facilities. However, the church board called an emergency meeting when it learned of the decision and voted to rescind the church's approval. The board's vote caused a great deal of embarrassment for some members of the congregation and sent the KCLU into a frantic search for a suitable facility. But it appears that everything is all set now. A statement adopted by a group of about 35 Ft. Knox GIs at a recent meeting at the Muldraugh coffeehouse: "We GIs are sick. We are sick of the war." The logical cure: all GIs sick of the war will go on sick call at 8 :30 a.m., Nov. 13, the start of this month's Moratorium. This movement is sponsored by Fun, Travel, Adventure (FTA), Ft. Knox's underground newspaper. Although the plans originated at Ft. Knox, they will be nationwide in scope. GIs at about 45 Army bases are being asked to join in, and spokesmen say the response has been encouraging. The sick-call protest is not illegal and is being supported by the National Mora-troiura Committee. Besides supporting the immediate withdrawal of all troops from Vietnam, other demands include the freeing of Gls imprisoned for protesting Army practices, support for the women's liberation movement and amnesty for GIs in exile from the U.S. military machine. The blue-tail fly needs help with circulation; we need people to help us distribute the paper to as many campuses as possible. It sells for 20y and the seller keeps a dime. Contact us at 210 W Third, Lexington, Ky. 40507 if you can help out. ^iiiititiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniUiiiifHmuHHiiiiiitiiiiiiHHnniHiHiiiiniiiiiiiiHiiiiii we have: a nice selection of pipes Central Kentucky's only black light room (wow Zap Comics (all numbers) cerebral posters selected articles of clothing we do not have: rebel flag posters umbrellas zodiac commode seats and other bopper stuff the store 157 S. Lime 1-6 usually ^lllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllH UK STUDENT ACTIVITIES BOARD presents pacific gas & electric and motherlode "WHEN I DIE' NOVEMBER 22 8 p.m. MEMORIAL COLISEUM ADVANCE TICKETS $2. 00 AND $2. 50 ON SALE AT: STUDENT CENTER CENTRAL INFORMATION DESK, BARNEY MILLER'S, HYMSON'S AT TURFLAND AND DAWAHARE'S IN GARDENSIDE 4 November 11,1969 ?The Old Regular 1 Baptist Church Si -^m_ ii II by Ethlyn Maggard Setting: About a mile up in a hollow in an Appalacian neighborhood. There a family lives in an unpainted framed house. The house is situated against the hillside. A barn and chicken house are nearby. At the mouth of the hollow, a small, simple white church stands. The Slone family attends this church. One warm Sunday morning at six o'clock, the sun shone brightly on the tin roof of the Slone family home. The birds were singing their pretty songs, the roosters were crowing, and the cow was mooing. Mrs. James Slone awoke to these sounds every morning. She never used an alarm clock. She got up unhesitatingly this morning for it was meeting time at the Old Regular Baptist Church that she had been brought up to believe in. Only three years ago, she had been baptized in a hole of water near the church. Since the services are held in the Old Regular Baptist Churches only once a month, members of one Church commute to the services of other Old Regular Baptist Churches the other Sundays. For the members of the