xt7pzg6g2956 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pzg6g2956/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1958 Memorial Coliseum, Lexington (Ky.) athletic publications English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Men) UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1958-1959) programs players coaches Rupp, Adolph schedules rosters statistics UK vs. Navy (December 29, 1958) Memorial Coliseum The Wildcat Tip-Off: Kentucky vs. Navy, December 29, 1958 text The Wildcat Tip-Off: Kentucky vs. Navy, December 29, 1958 1958 2012 true xt7pzg6g2956 section xt7pzg6g2956 We're Rootin' for you Kentucky Wildcats! The Begley Drug Company Three Stores In Lexington: * 1198 NORTH LIMESTONE * 878 EAST HIGH STREET * 404 SOUTHLAND DRIVE SERVING THE BEST IN DRUG STORE NEEDS We Also Serve Central and Eastern Kentucky With Stores In: Reliable Drug Service Since 1921 "You're Always Welcome Ar Begley's" LONDON RICHMOND SOMERSET CORBIN STANFORD IRVINE McKEE MT. STERLING DANVILLE SHELBYVILLE CYNTHIANA WINCHESTER \ \ "Before And After The Game Or Show, The Parkette's The Place To Go" 19 OTHER DELICIOUS SANDWICHES I CHICKEN OR JUMBO SHRIMP IN THE BOX ! GIANT MILK SHAKES I * Home-cooked Food Curb Service Rain or Shine Parkette Drive In No. 1 Northeast Beltline . . On Bypass 25 Phone 4-8723 No. 2 Off Beltline Georgetown Rd. U.S. 25 Phone 2-8617 Also Be Sure to Patronize THE COLONEL'S RESTAURANT Main at Midland * Dining Room Service 326-330 WEST MAIN STREET LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY The family shopping store, considers it a great privilege to serve you and the community, and to be able to bring the finest merchandise that can be found to Central Kentucky for your convenient shopping pleasure. . . . Since 1887 Lexington's Leading Department Store The Wildcat" Styled by "WlNTHROP $1095 Dirty BuckTan Calf SaddleRed Rubber Sole Grey BuckBlack Calf SaddleBlack Rubber Sole White CalfBlack Calf SaddleBlack Rubber Sole SIZES 6V2 TO 12 SHOE SALON MAIN FLOOR The Wildcat Tipoff Official Kentucky Basketball Program Published by U.K. Athletics Association B. A. SHIVELY, Athletic Director KEN KUHN, Sports Publicity Director ^=E==== NEXT HOME GAME E==^==== GEORGIA TECH Saturday, January 3 8:00 p.m. TICKETS $2.50 AND $1.50 Memorial Coliseum Ticket Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. COVERSid Cohe n, a very determined young man on a basketball floor, displays some of the form that has made him one of the brightest lights in Kentucky's early-season drive to national honors. Here Sid grabs off a missed shot in the nationally televised St. Louis game. Standing by to assist is UK's Billy Ray Lickert (44). OFFICIAL SIGNALS 5 Backing the Wildcats GOVERNOR A. B. CHANDLER, long-time friend of education throughout the Commonwealth and supporter of the University of Kentucky, is widely known and highly respected on both state and national levels. Perhaps he is best known to the sports-loving public, however, as the former Commissioner of Baseball. He is an enthusiastic sports fan and has been attending Wildcat athletic events for nearly 40 years. * PRESIDENT FRANK DICKEY, who became the University of Kentucky's seventh chief executive in 1956, is an outstanding educator and avid follower of UK sports. With an interest dating back to days as a director of intramurals for a junior high school, Dr. Dickey strongly favors the continuance of University athletics on their present high level and in balance with the institution's academic program. * ATHLETIC DIRECTOR BERNIE SHIVELY, a former All America footballer at Illinois, is the guiding hand behind the development of UK as a nationally-respected power in the field of inter-collegiate athletics. Serving in a variety of posts at the University since 1927, including terms as coach of football, track and baseball, "Shive" has been Director of Athletics since 1938. ONE STOP SHOPPING With A Lunch Counter and Large Restaurant McCRORY'S 5 -10 - 25c STORE Phoenix Hotel Building Downtown Lexington Dixie Bell Dairy Company "Quality Dairy Products For Over a Quarter Century" ? ? ? 315 North Limestone Street LEXINGTON, KY. The Lafayette Hotel Extends a cordial welcome and an invitation to the basketball fans to meet with us after the games. Renew old friendships, greet new friends, and enjoy the spirit of good fellowship that abounds. LEXINGTON TRANSIT CORP. Avoid "Park/tig Temper" RIDE THE BUS TO THE GAME Charters For All Occasions Phone 3-0334 7 OUTSTANDING GAMES are on WHAS 840 RADIO Every Game of the ^University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville Presented By Citizens Fidelity Bank and Trust Company, Gulf Oil Corporation and your nearby Gulf Dealer Play-By-Play Descriptions by Cawood Ledford and Dave Martin With a combined sportscasting experience of nearly twenty years, Cawood and Dave are full-time sports reporters, conducting daily sports shows in addition to describing basketball, football, and baseball. Sports Director of WHAS, Cawood Ledford also calls horseracing. Cawood Dave TUNE TO "Basketball Warm-up"A pre-game ten-minute fact session of team records, shooting averages, and info on outstanding players, sponsored by Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company. H.A.S." has the Best in Sports Coverage Every Season o/ Every Year 5.15 P.M. Daily-"Kentuckiana Sports"; 10:15 P.M. Nightly-"Report on Sports" KENTUCKY BASKETBALL SCHEDULE AND RESULTS 1958-59 1 9 5 8 UK Opp. Dec. 1 Florida State (H) .............. 91 68 Dec. 6Temple (A) ...................... 76 71 Dec. 8 Duke (A) .......................... 78 64 Dec. 1 1 S.M.U. (H) ...................... 72 60 Dec. 13 St. Louis (H) .................... 76 57 Dec. 15 Maryland (H) .................. 58 56 U.K. Invitational Tournament Dec. 19 Ohio State ........................ 95 76 Dec. 20 West Virginia .................. 97 91 Dec. 29 Navy...................................... Home Dec. 30Illinois .............................. Louisville 19 5 9 Jan. 3 Ga. Tech ................................ Home Jan. 6 Vanderbilt .............................. Away Jan. 10 L.S.U..................................... Away Jan. 12 Tulane .................................... Away Jan. 17 Tennessee .............................. Home Jan. 26 Ga. Tech ................................ Away Jan. 29 Georgia .................................. Home Jan. 31Florida .................................. Home Feb. 7 Mississippi .............................. Away Feb. 9 Mississippi State .................... Away Feb. 14 Notre Dame........................Chicago Feb. 1 8 Vanderbilt .............................. Home Feb. 21 Auburn .................................. Home Feb. 23 Alabama ................................ Home Feb. 28 Tennessee .............................. Away 9 ADOLPH FREDERICK RUPPFor nearly three decades, the sports world has watched an amazing record being forged with near perfection out of meager raw material by a colorful figure in the Bluegrass country of Kentucky known familiarly to hundreds of thousands as the "Man in the Brown Suit." He is Adolph Rupp of Kentucky and when the sport of basketball is mentioned today, a direct chain of thought brings out the name of this maker of champions who holds undisputed rank as the "Nation's Winningest Basketball Coach." The name of Rupp, feared and respected in opponents' hearts and beloved by the millions who have witnessed the remarkable success of his Wildcat cage teams, has become synonymous with the game of basketball. Such unprecedented recognition for the fabulous mentor is only natural since his success in the past 28 years as head man of the fabled Kentucky cage thoroughbreds has been nothing short of phenomenal. It would take a book longer than his own technical bestseller, "Championship Basketball," to recite the record completely. Briefly, however, that record includes: An amazing 584 victories out of 687 starts against many of the nation's top twenty basketball powers of the past quarter-century for an unmatched winning average of better than 85 percent. An unparelleled honor roll of four NCAA Tournament national championships, including last season's surprise triumph by the "Fiddlin' Five." -Nineteen Southeastern Conference titles since the league was organized in 1 933. A National Invitational Tournament championship in 1946 that makes Rupp the only mentor to guide a team to four national tourney titles in six years. Olympic Trials collegiate bracket laurels in 1948. A nominal world's championship as co-coach of the successful USA entry in the 1948 Olympic Games, which included members of the NCAA champion Kentucky team. Four Sugar Bowl Tournament championships. Three titles from the first five U.K. Invitational Tournaments featuring the cream of national cage powers. Deve opment of more All-Americans (20) and more material for the pro ranks (17) than any other tutor. Election to the Helms Athletic Foundation College Basketball Hall of fame in 1946 and selection as national "Coach of the Year" in 1950. Recipient of first plaque of appreciation awarded by Sugar Bowl committee (1951) and twice made honorary citizen City of New Orleans. Election to Kentucky Hall of Fame (1945) and os outstanding citizen of Lexington (1949). Tournament invitations in pre-Rupp years were almost unheard ofKentucky played in only seven sectional eliminations. In contrast, the Rupp-led Wildcats have the distinction of not only playing in more tournaments of all types than any other team but also hold the record for most appearances (1 0), most games won (20) and most championships (4) in NCAA Tournament play. All told, his Bluegrass five has achieved the unequalled feat of 1 28 victories against only 33 defeats covering action in 30 national classics plus 29 conference meets and the '48 Olympics. 10 SUCCESSORS TO CHAMPIONSUniversity of Kentucky's entry in 1958-59 cage sweepstakes as successors to the National Championship Wildcats of last season includes (front row) Coach Adolph Rupp, Bill Lickert, Sid Cohen, Al Robinson, Johnny Cox, Dick Parsons, Bennie Coffman, Asst. Coach Harry Lancaster and bock row) Student Manager Jay Atkerson, Bobby Slusher, Phil Johnson, Ned Jennings, Don Mills, Carroll Burchett, Howard Dardeen and Trainer Sam Pressman. Not present when the picture was taken was Lowell Hughes who will join the team after the football season. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ROSTER Name Pos. No. 4 Ned Jennings (c) 10 Lowell Hughes (g) 12 Al Robinson (g) 14 Phil Johnson (f-c) 22 Sid Cohen (g) 24 Johnny Cox (f) 30 Benny Coffman (g) 32 Bobby Slusher (f) 40 *Carroll Burchett (f-c) 44 Bill Lickert (g) 50 Dick Parsons (g) 52 Don Mills (c-f) 54 Howard Dardeen (f) * Not eligible until second semester Class Ltrs. Age Ht. Wt. Soph. N 20 6'8" 200 Jr. 1 19 6' 175 Soph. N 20 6'1" 185 Sr. 2 22 6'5" 190 Jr. 0 24 6'1" 175 Sr. 2 21 6'4" 180 Jr. 0 21 6' 173 Soph. N 19 6'4" 190 Soph. N 20 6'4" 190 Soph. N 19 6'3" 185 Soph. N 20 5'10" 155 Jr. 1 19 6'6" 185 Soph. N 19 6'4" 190 Hometown Carlisle, Ky Lexington, Ky Brooklyn, N. Y Hazard, Ky Four Mile, Ky .............. Berea, Ky Terre Haute, Ind COACHAdolph Rupp (28 yearsWon 584, Lost 103-ASSISTANT COACHHarry Lancaster STUDENT MANAGERJay Atkerson -85%) The Phoenix Hotel "Lexingtons Largest and Finest" 2RESTAURANTS COCKTAIL LOUNGES "Where Friends Delight To Meet" NAVY General Information CONFERENCEIndependent LOCATIONAnnapolis, Md. COLORSBlue and Gold ATH. DIR.Capt. Slade Cutter NICKNAMEMiddies PUBLICISTJohn Cox COACHBen Carnevale (14 yrs. W 215, L 97) 1957-58 RecordWon 10, Lost 10 Series Record against UKWon 1, Lost 0 OUTLOOKIf any convincing were needed that the Middies can be troublesome, a bit of record checking in connection with their 10-10 season reveals the crew laid a 30-point licking on Manhattanthe club that later knocked West Virginia out of the NCAA Tournament. Coach Carnevale freely predicts improvement on the strength of a fine bunch of holdovers. Will lack height, but not scoring ability. WE BEST //V BASKETBALL IHBHHBBBBBBBiBM College Basketball The nation's top collegiate basketball games of the week. See all of the country's outstanding teams playing live from the courts of action. SATURDAYS AT 3:00 P.M. BASKETBALL WITH RUPP 1 COACH ADOLPH RUPP n NBA Pro Basketball Exciting, thrilling professional basketball at its best when the country's finest players, including many former Wildcats, match skill in the big games each week. SUNDAYS AT 2:30 P.M. in a 30 minute program high-lighting weekly play of the National Champion Wildcats. Program includes parts from actual game film with Rupp's comments. WED. NIGHTS-8:30 <9/v5jSD CJM/MC\& NBC-ABC 12 FIRST ROW (left to right)Head Coach Ben Carnevale, John Mascali, Henry Egan, Team Captain Dick Johnson, Jim Bower, Dick Brown, and Captain John Schmidt, Officer-in-Charge. SECOND ROWJoe Duff, Assistant Coach, Frank Delano, Bill Inderlied, Gary Bagnard, Ronald Doyle and Mike Fitzgerald, Team Manager. LAST ROWD:ck Macke, Walt Land, and Jay Metzler. NAVY ROSTER Name Pos. Class No. 3 Thomas J. White (g) ................ Soph. 4 'Ronald J. Doyle (g) .............. 5 *Jay C. Metzler (c) 11 Gary C. Bagnard (f) 12 Walter R. Land (c) 14 *Henry P. Egan, Jr. (f) .......... 15 *John H. Mascali (f-c) .......... 21 *James W. Bower (f) 25 'Richard W. Johnson (f) 34 Richard C. Macke (c) ......... 35 *Richard L Brown, Jr., (g) 41 William T. Inderlied, III (g) 44 Francis X. Delano (g) * Returning Lettermen. Age 19 21 21 20 21 21 22 21 21 21 21 20 21 Ht. 5'10" 5'10" 6'6" 6'1" 6'6" 6'2" 6'4" 6'2" 6'1" 6'5" 6'3" 6' 5'11" Wt. Hometown 145.................................... Sea Girt, N. J. 152.......... Cranford, N. J. 225 .................................. Mount Joy, Pa. 160................................ Lakewood, Cal. 210.................................... El Reno, Okla. 165 Flushing, N. Y. 190.................................... Allentown, Pa. 180 Chester, Pa. 163 ........................................Austin, Tex. 190 Kirkland, III. 190........ Silver Spring, Md. 166......... Wilmington, Del. 170.................................... Narberth, Pa. COACHBen Carnevale (14 YearsWon 215Lost 97) ASSISTANT COACHJoe Duff STUDENT MANAGERMike Fitzgerald CAPTAINRichard Johnson (25) 13 Enjoy Your Lexington Visit At The Ranch Motel EASTERN CITY LIMITS U. S. 60 1133 Winchester Road Phone 2-0777 Lexington, Kentucky ROBERT LUTESOWNER WILLARD TRAYNER, MGR. The All New WVLK MORE KENTUCKY COVERAGE THAN ANY OTHER STATION ORIGINATING STATION FOR ALL U. K. BASKETBALL ON THE STANDARD OIL BASKETBALL NETWORK DIAL 590 FOR A NEW ADVENTURE IN SPARKLING RADIO WVLK 14 All 1958-59 Basketball Games of with GlCLUCLe Sullivan brought to you on the STANDARD OIL _____ NETWORK STANDARD OIL ^ WCTT WFKY WHOP vK/J | WJ WVLK WAVE WPAD WPKE WOW CORBIN FRANK FORT HOPKINSVILLE ^^HGl2|I|P^ LEXINGTON LOUISVILLE PADUCAH PIKEVILLE OWENSBORC CROPPER'S 60 MINUTE CLEANING SAME DAY LAUNDRY Plenty of Parking Space 606 so. BROADWAY PHONE 4-4454 SUB STATIONS 142 N. LIME 529 S. LIME PHONE 5-5187 Sportsmanship Is Everybody's Job The visiting team and the officials tonight are our guests and we as host desire that these visitors shall leave our campus fully inspired with the desire to return, and fully impressed that we have rendered a genuine spirit of true southern hospitality. In order to accomplish this objective it is recommended that we all strive to: Make our guests feel at home and wish to return. Keep in mind that your team plays away from home and desires good treatment. The officials assigned here are gentlemen of good character and standing in their community. Respect their opinions and decisions. They have been given thorough and competent training and have had more experience through the years. Basketball officiating is considered the most difficult of all arbitering. All teams have been well coached and have practiced diligently. Each is entitled to reflect this training and to show that their success is not luck nor a gift from the officials. Give credit and recognize ability when due. Booing is a sign of a poor sport. It is the source of all poor conduct and lack of good manners. Eliminate it. The impression your visitors gain depends on you. Let's prove that we can be courteous and hospitable. 15 NAVY'S SCORECARD MIDSHIPMEN FG FT PF TP 21 Bower, James W. (f) 25 Johnson, Richard W. (f) 5 Metzler, Jay C. (c) 4 Doyle, Ronald J. (g) 35 Brown, Richard L, Jr. (g) 3 White, Thomas J. (g) 11 Bagnard, Gary C. (f) 12 Land, Walter R. (c) 14 Egan, Henry P., Jr. (f) 15 Mascali, John H. (f-c) 34 Macke, Richard C. (c) 41 Inderlied, William T, III (g) 44 Delano, Francis X. (g) TOTALS (Complete Roster on Page 13) OFFICIALS CLAUDE TA^KSI flETNO 1 W ASHLAND 1 Bkmffi IIC guarant aMk ~mmmmmm or your i 1 PLUS1 For fast cold-weather starts . . . plus instant acceleration and ways rely on A-Plus gasoline. Yes, A-Plus gasoline is so good th power and better performance with your first tankful OR YOU See your Ashland or Aetna Oil dealer for complete details o I FILL-UP WHERE YOU SEE THESE 16 KENTUCKY'S SCORECARD WILDCATS FG FT PF TP 24 Cox, Johnny (f) 32 Slusher, Bobby (f) 52 Mills, Don (c-f) 22 Cohen, Sid (g) 30 Coffman, Benny (g) 4 Jennings, Ned (c) 10 Hughes, Lowell (g) 12 Robinson, Al (g) 14 Johnson, Phil (f-c) 44 Lickert, Bill (f) 50 Parsons, Dick (g) 54 Dardeen, Howard (f) TOTALS (Complete Roster on Page 11) I DE TANKSLEY and EDDIE JACKEL RANTEED MORE POWERFUL YOUR MONEY BACK? eration and knock-free performance, you can al-s so good that it is guaranteed to give you more Ful OR YOUR MONEY BACK! ete details on the A-Plus gasoline guarantee. THESE SIGNS OE GOOD SERVICE 17 SERVING LEXINGTON OVER 40 YEARS QUALITY SHOES for Men Women Children FREEMAN'S The way you look is important . . . right down to your shoes! Be sure you're there ... in the right pair! Most Styles $12.95 to $19.95 LOUISVILLE PADUCAH NASHVILLE CINCINN/' WBLG Radio "Lexington's QUALITY Station" DIAL 1300 Blue Grass Airmotive, Inc. PHONE 4-5234 Blue Grass Field Lexington, Ky. 20 HARRY LANCASTER, Freshman Coach, Assistant Varsity CoachWhen Harry Lancaster finds a spare moment to reflect on his days as an all-around star athlete at Georgetown (Ky.) College back in the early thirties, he can recall with a degree of dismay how close he came to never pursuing the "round ball" sport that in the days since has earned him a respected position in the basketball world. An All-Conference halfback for three straight years and captain during his last two seasons, Lancaster's football career almost overshadowed his play on the basketball court. In the cage sport, he was equally successfulwith three All-Conference nominations and two team captaincies to his creditbut considered himself a better football player than eager. Experience, however, proved him a good student and teacher of the sport of basketball as he began his coaching career. Lancaster bosses a promising group of yearling cagers and holds down the position of assistant varsity basketball coach and general right hand man to the fabulous Adolph Rupp. He was made a full-time assistant by Coach Rupp in 1948. Born in Paris, Ky., Lancaster attended Paris High School, participating for four years in all sports. KENTUCKY FRESHMAN BASKETBALL SCHEDULE AND RESULTS 1958-59 Date Opponent UK Opp. Dec. 1 Transylvania "B" Team (Home) .............................................................. 96 54 Dec. 4 Vanderbilt Freshmen (Away) .................................................................. 78 90 Dec. 1 1 Georgetown "B" Team (Home) ............................................................ 73 58 Dec. 15 Kentucky Christian College (Home) ........................................................104 40 Dec. 17 Vanderbilt Freshmen (Home) ................................................................ 51 67 Jan. 16 Georgetown "B" Team ................................................................................ (Away) Feb. 1 8 Lindsey Wilson Jr. College .................................................. (Home) 6:00 p.m. CDT Feb. 19 Transylvania "B" Team .............................................................................. (Away) Feb. 21 Campbellsville Jr. College .................................................. (Home) 6:00 p.m. CDT Feb. 23 Lees Junior College ............................................................ (Home) 6:00 p.m. CDT KENTUCKY FRESHMAN BASKETBALL RESULTS 1957-58 (Won 16, Lost 1 .937) UK Opp. UK Opp. Dec. 7 Kentucky Christian College (H) 101 46 Feb. 1 1 Morehead Freshmen (A) 100 89 Dec. 12 Georgetown "B" .................. (A) 88 63 Feb. 13 Georgetown "B" (A) 89 55 Jan. 11 Campbellsville Jr. College ...... (H) 92 49 Feb. 17 Georgetown "B" (H) 91 69 Jan. 13 Georgetown "B" .................. (H) 89 59 Feb. 20 Campbellsville Jr. College (A) 87 83 Jan. 1 7 Vanderbilt Frosh .................... (A) 67 65 Feb. 25 Lees Junior College ... (A) 1 16 61 Feb. 5 Transylvania JV .................... (A) 115 74 Feb. 28 Kentucky Christian College ... (A) 1 19 51 Feb. 7 Vanderbilt Frosh .................. (H) 85 59 Mar. 3 Evansville Freshmen (N) 88 90 Feb. 8 Lees Junior College .............. (H) 124 61 Mar. 4 Itawamba Junior College ... (N) 1 1 1 86 Feb. 10 Morehead Freshmen .............. (H) 96 65 1658 1125 21 CT in radio in * Central Kentucky Complete-MtioH Paeked Coverage U. K. BASKETBALL 1 with Earl Boardman and Wah Wah Jones Every Wildcat Game at Home or Away RUPP REVIEWS ... an exclusive on-the-scene interview with Coach Adolph Rupp, direct from the playing floor after every U.K. basketball game . . Heard only on the Ashland-Aetna Oil Sports Network. on the Ashland-Aetna Oil Sports Network and WLAP radio . . . COLOR channel 63 . . . the BIG sound in town CASSELLS PHARMACY Prescriptions since 1904 Located Just Behind Central Bank FREE DELIVERY DIAL 2-3434 140 N. UPPER Wc Fill All Doctor's Prescriptions DAN CHANDLER, Assistant Freshman Coach A 22-year-old veteran with an enthusiastic love of the Kentucky style of basketball based on his playing days as a Wildcat is the newest UK cage coach. He is a son of Kentucky's famous Governor, and he prefers to think more about his basketball future than his political heritage. Dan has a solid background in the sport and is determined to make his own way as a teacher of the game. The small and scrappy former Wildcat guard spent three seasons here before going in the service where he got his first taste of coaching. Chandler replaces Bill Wireman as assistant freshman mentor and also will handle some scouting and recruiting assignments. 22 University of Kentucky, Lexington . Coach Adolph Rupp says, "At Kentucky I specified that Seal-O-San must be used. I've recommended it many times to other coaches." Murray State College, Murray Coach Rex Alexander says, "Seal-O-San provides good traction and a lasting finish to our gym floor. It's easy to keep clean, too." Western Kentucky State College, Bowling Green "I have been using Seal-O-San since I started coaching here thirty-six years ago," say Coach E. A. Diddle. Morehead State College, Morehead Head coach Bob Laughlin says, "I found that Seal-O-San keeps our floors looking good and makes a safe, nonslippery surface." Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond "Seal-O-San does a wonderful job in improving the appearance of a court, as well as protecting it," says Paul S. McBrayer. Read why these five Kentucky schools use Seal-O-San. Hundreds of coaches and school officials in Kentucky and all over the country prefer Seal-O-San gym floor finish. It provides a nonslippery surface that is durable and glare-free. It is easy to care for and reduces maintenance costs. Most important, Scal-O-San is resilient enough to give a player's foot the "extra spring" needed for fast action. Specify Seal-O-San the next time you refinish your gym floor. Write today for more information. HUNTINGTON & LABORATORIES INCORPORATED Hunlington, Indiana Philadelphia 35. Pennsylvania Toronto 2. Ontario ARNOLD W. STEINBRENNER 400 Holliday Road Lexington, Kentucky JAMES HENDRIXON 418 Norway Avenue Huntington, West Virginia HUNTINGTON 23 Turf Catering Co. "SERVING STOLL FIELD AND MEMORIAL COLISEUM" DELICIOUS HOT DOGS COLD DRINKS POPCORN PEANUTS CIGARETTES CANDY YOUR PATRONAGE KINDLY SOLICITED 1958-59 KENTUCKY BASKETBALL STATISTICS (8 GamesWon 8, Lost 0) REB. Name Pos. G FG FGA PCT. FT FTA PCT. REB. AV. PF TP AV. Cox, F ................... ....................... 8 58 147 .395 41 51 .804 125 15.6 22 157 19.6 Cohen, G ............. ....................... 8 28 77 .364 35 55 .636 25 3.1 20 91 1 1.4 Mills, C .............. ....................... 7 28 66 .424 34 40 .850 85 12.1 20 90 12.8 Parsons, G ............ ....................... 8 29 76 .382 24 27 .889 1 7 2.1 19 82 10.2 Lickert, F ............ ....................... 6 30 67 .447 1 1 18 .61 1 41 6.8 15 71 1 1.8 Slusher, F ............. ....................... 6 22 48 .458 12 13 .923 35 5.8 16 56 9.3 ....................... 8 17 33 .515 21 26 .808 17 2.1 1 1 55 6.9 Johnson, F-C ........ ....................... 7 8 19 .421 7 10 .700 31 4.4 8 23 3.3 Jennings, C ........... ....................... 5 5 15 .333 2 5 .400 19 3.8 8 12 2.4 Hughes, G ............. ....................... 3 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 0 4 1.3 Dardeen, F ........... ....................... 3 1 3 .333 0 0 1 .3 0 2 .6 Robinson, G ......... ....................... 3 0 0 0 1 .000 0 0 0 Kentucky Totals ....................... 8 228 553 .412 187 246 .760 407* 50.9 139 643 80.4 Opponent Totals ....................... 8 209 535 .391 125 195 .641 335 41.9 171 543 67.8 * Includes 1 1 team rebounds. INDIVIDUAL SINGLE GAME HIGHS Player Opponent Date Number TP Scored Cox Florida State Dec. 1 27 (FG 1 2, FT 3) St. Louis Dec. 13 27 (FG 9, FT 9) FG Scored Cox Florida State Dec. 1 12 (FGA 24) FT Scored Mills West Virginia Dec. 20 1 1 (FTA 1 1) FT Attempted Cohen Ohio State Dec. 19 13 (Made 9) Cohen West Virginia Dec. 20 13 (Made 7) Rebounds Cox Florida State Dec. 1 24 (Team 68) Lexington Laundry Company Semitone Dry Cleaning Service Master Rug and Carpet Cleaning phone 3-0838 SAVE 15% CASH AND CARRY AT 139 E. MAIN 128 E. SHORT 869 E. HIGH 424 SOUTHLAND 24 FRONT ROW (left to right)Coach Adolph Rupp, Ronnie Waggoner, Larry Pursiful, Ed Godbey, Eddie Mason, Joel Moody, Jim Beshears, Freshman Coach Harry Lancaster. BACK ROWAsst. Coach Dan Chandler, Jim McDonald, Allen Feldhaus, Harry Hurd, Mike Surface, Herky Rupp and Roy Roberts. KENTUCKY FRESHMAN BASKETBALL ROSTER COACHHarry Lancaster (9 YearsWon 85, Lost 10) 4 10 12 24 25 30 33 34 35 40 42 50 Name Pos. Jim McDonald (S) F Larry Pursiful (S) .................. G Harry Hurd (S) F Eddie Mason (S) ................... G Joel Moody .......................... G Jim Beshears (S) ................... G Ed Godbey.............................. G Mike Surface (S) ............. F Ronnie Waggoner G Allen Feldhaus (S) C Herky Rupp F Roy Roberts (S) F (S)On basketball scholarship Age 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 Ht. 6-3 6-1 6-5 5- 11 6- 0 6-1 5- 11 6- 5 5- 10 6- 5 6-4 6-4 Wt. 195 165 195 160 153 170 160 195 155 205 170 185 ASSISTANT COACHDan Chandler Hometown High School Louisville, Ky............................... St. Xavier Four Mile, Ky............................. Bell County Lawrenceburg, Ind. Elkhorn-Frankfort West Point, Ky................... Elizabethtown Georgetown, Ky...................... Scott County Mortons Gap, Ky. South Hopkins Owenton, Ky.......................... Owen County Louisville, Ky. ...................................... Butler Paris, Ky. Bourbon Vocational Burlington, Ky. Boone County Lexington, Ky. University Atlanta, Ga. ................... Northside Student ManagersBobby Martin and Ronnie Maze 1957-58 RecordWon 16, Lost 1 NicknameKittens 25 Memorial Coliseum Only a little more than a quarter century ago, the University of Kentucky provided its busket-ball team with its second homea magnificent new Alumni Gymnasium seating 2,800 spectators. A great many persons freely suggested that the arena would prove to be a "white elephant" which would never be crowded to anywhere near capacity by the sport that then was considered little more than an innocuous winter-months' pastime. But the hardwood game blitzed the nation and Kentucky teams forged to the national forefront in such a crowd-pleasing manner that the "huge" hall soon could not begin to accommodate the large number of fans seeking to whet their newfound interest. In fact, the situation soon developed to the point where only the student body and faculty were admitted and for several years about all that Kentuckians at large knew of their state university's famed cage teams consisted of information gleaned from the press and radio. In 1941, when Dr. H. L. Donovan became president of the University, one of his first recommendations was for a building "that will properly take care of our athletics, our health service, physical education, and recreation." From this beginning came the plan that culminated in the construction of 1 1,500-seat Memorial Coliseum, an unparalleled edifice costing $3,925,000 by the time it was completed in 1950. The huge building, which serves as a memorial to the nearly 10,000 Kentucky heroes who lost their lives in World War II and the Korean conflict, covers an entire city block and contains as much space as a seven-story office building. Situated along Avenue of Champions, the Coliseum is used primarily for basketball games but also serves as the site of a sellout community concert and lecture series as well as numerous physical education classes and conventions. In sharp contrast to the early days in Alumni Gym, the present hall plays host to more than 100,000 Kentuckians annually for appearances of the famous Wildcat cage teams alone and interest is increasing with such strides that even this splendid arena may soon be outgrown. SOUTHLAND SPORT SHOP Distributors of Rawlings & Wilson Plenty of Free Parking Space Gene Stokley - In The Southland Shopping Center PHONE 7-3977 Dick Wallace 26 Hargett Construction Co. INCORPORATED General Contractors Phone 2-2992 113 Walton Avenue Lexington, Ky. Marlowe Tire Co., Inc. "Best Service In Bluegrass" PHONE 4-0612 Complete Tire Service PASSENGER TRUCK FARM OFF ROAD TIRES Batteries Recapping NORTH BROADWAY AT LOUDON THE LITTLE INN RESTAURANT COCKTAIL LOUNGE Featuring Charcoal Broiled Steaks Choice Prime Ribs of Beef Serving . . . LUNCHEON AND DINNER Open . . . 11:00 a.m. 'Til 12 Midnite 5 Minutes From Downtown Route 60 Winchester Road _KEEP YOUR EYE_ ON WKYT _CH ANNE I__27_ .Great Movies. _News_ .Weather. -Sports. CBS FOR CENTRAL KENTUCKY 27 LUSTERWAY F\ I" 1/ f LUX <$. DRY Dryeleaning Laf I I I 1^ LAUNDRY ^ Guarantees cleaner, mmf Ibb Vrf I X. La I X Everything wnhW ^ brighter, and softer in gentle Lax garments LAUNDERERS CLEANERS Flake.. 6 Convenient Locations Our Newest LocationSouthland Shopping CenterNext to Sagcter Drug NOBODY can Launder a Shirt like BECKER Meet A Wildcat - SID COHENJuniorGuard Brooklyn, N. Y. The one biggest job facing Coach Rupp in rebuilding the graduation-riddled national championship team is development of good guard replacements. Sid Cohen, a 6-2 sharpshooter from Brooklyn by way of Texas, is being counted on to fit into one of the vacated posts and help ease the lack of experienced hands. A product of Eastern District High School in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, Cohen enrolled at Kilgore (Texas) Junior College home of the famous "Rangerettes" and good basketballto continue his cage career in spectacular fashion after a hitch in the service. It wa