xt7pzg6g306b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pzg6g306b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19840525 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, May 25, 1984, no. 431 text The Green Bean, May 25, 1984, no. 431 1984 2014 true xt7pzg6g306b section xt7pzg6g306b i i ' A ` QOR R A = UNIVERSITY'OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES NEWSLETTER 5-25-BH No. M3l , May 30 & June 1 OCLC M300 Demostrations I A I ‘ , May 31 Walt Whitman's Birthday _ _ June 1 Kentucky SOLINET Users Group I Kentucky Admission Day (1792) _ June 1-7 Teacher "Thank You" Week _ June M-5 The Future of Academic Libraries: p Beyond 198M U June 8 Library Faculty Meeting, 8:30 a.m. June 9 W Rx for Burnout: Stress Reduction : July 23—Aug. 3 Institute on Federal Library Resources ‘ » Next "Green Bean" issue: Friday, June 8. I ‘ Deadline for inclusion: Monday, June EL 10:00 a.m. ‘ , _ _ Emergency items can be submitted to the editor by ‘ phone after the deadline (7-1631). :Production Staff: Cecil_Madison, Sandy Hardwick, 4 A Rob Aken (editor)· PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT THE MARGARET I. KING LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON, KY. 40506~0039 LETTER oi kiwi-.isCi1:’E‘ii;:3 I would like tolthank all of the people in M.I.K. North and South ° for their wonderful prayers, cards, money, flowers, fruit and many visits during my stay in St. Joseph Hospital and while at home. Your kindness and thoughtfulness helped make my shut—in s imore pleasant. ‘ Thank you all, ~ T Jean Whitney ‘ _ A imronun _ ` V Thomas Satterwhite Noble: Artist and Teacher _ The following essay, by James Birchfield, is reprinted from · "Kentucky Expatriates: Natives and Notable Visitors," the _ exhibition catalog of the current exhibit at the Owensboro Museum . of Eine Art. (See GB #N30.) · ] ‘ Thomas Satterwhite Noble, eldest son of a wealthy Lexington hemp _ ·manufacturer, was born May 29, 1835. Precocious, he received his first formal instruction from a local divine, the Rev. John Venable. Noble's family moved to Louisville in l8A8, and there he studied with Gen. Samuel Woodson Price (1828-l9l8). At the age of l8 Noble passed a winter visiting artists and galleries in _ New York; at 2l he left for Paris, where the English—born artist Edward Harrison May (l82M-1887) introduced him to Thomas Couture l 6(l8l5—l879), the history painter and teacher of Manet. Noble became a favorite of Couture, absorbing much of this_master’s - style and technique over a period of three years. A . It was not until after the Civil War that Noble showed his first major painting, The Slave Mart. This great canvas, portraying 7% y figures, was included in the 1866 exhibition of the Artist Fund 8 A lat the National Academy of Design in New York. A critical ` ‘ l sensation, it was placed in the capitol rotunda in Washington, and it also received similar praise in Boston, Chicago and St. Louis. Equal approval greeted John Brown's Blessing and The Price of Blood. Margaret Garner, photographed~bY Erady and* i ‘ engraved for Harper's Weekly, won him election as an Associate of the National Academy of Design. . Now a celebrity, Noble was sought out to head the new McMicken » School of Design, later to become the Art Academy of Cincinnati. , From 1869 to l9ON Noble’s talents as an artist were subo dinatod .·‘- ‘ _ to his administrative skill in developing one of Americs's msgnr art schools. His pupils include Paul Sawyier, the Kentucky · watercolorist; Gutzon Borglum, sculptor of Mt. Rushmore; and Y Elizabeth Nourse, the Cincinnati artist who led a Parisian s~”on GHPGGP; 3 , // The strong appeal which the Munich Academy held for Cincinnati · .' students (many of them of German stock), influenced Noble to study there from 1881 to 1883 under Alexander von Wagner (1838- 1919). During this second European interlude he abandoned _ historical themes to concentrate on genre and landscape subjects. ` Noble also encouraged his students to study abroad, directing some to Couture. In 189U, as a gesture to Noble's teaching, Rodolphe Julian (1839-1907) established a scholarship to receive ‘ a pupil from Cincinnati annually at the Academie Julian in Paris. ` ‘ _ Noble remains a key figure for his versatile achievement as an artist and for his broad influence as a teacher. In retirement on Long Island, he painted a series of miniature seascapes which form a surprising foil to the gigantic moral tableaux of his early career; similarly, his manuscripts show a keen interest in adopting progressive practices from other academies into the Cincinnati curriculum. Following Noble's death in New York April 27, 1907, major exhibitions were mounted in Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis and New York. Except for a few life-sized portraits of eminent Cincinnatians, his work has since passed largely unnoticed. There is evidence today of renewed interest in this important Kentucky painter, and 1985, his sesquicentennial year, will see the first extensive showing of his work in nearly 80 ` years at the University of Kentucky Art Museum, Lexington, Kentucky. _ References: Mary Noble Welleck Garretson, "Thomas Satterwhite Noble and his Painting," New York Historical Society Quarterly Bulletin, XXIV (October l9H0), 113-23; Albert Boime, "Thomas Satterwhite Noble Casts Couture's Spell in America,"Thomas Couture and the Eclectic Vision (New Haven, Connecticut: Yale _ University Press, 1980), pp. 580-89. Check of Fire Alarm System The fire alarm system in both building of M.I. King will be checked between 7:35 and 8:00 a.m., June 5. It is not necessary to exit the buildings at that time. (Pat Lloyd) New Article Matthews, Joseph R. "Competition and Change: the 1983 Automated Library System Marketplace." Library Journal, 109 . (May 1, 198U), 853-860. ALA Midwinter 1985 Date Changed ALA has announced that the date of the Midwinter Meeting will now be January 5-10, not February 2-7; it will still be in Washington, D.C., and heavy attendance is expected, The change will make possible lower hotel rates. (Library Hotline, 13 (April 30, 198U), l) A — i More on Possible Damage to Magnetic Elements from Security Systems An investigation by Gene Heltemes, a 3M engineer, may have , narrowed down the danger of demagnetization of video and audiotapes, micro software, and 8mm sound tracks to one element of the security system: the book check-in and check-out unit used to sensitize and desensitize codes. . Heltemes said a thorough check of the 3M system shows it to have otherwise such a weak magnetic field it could not.possibly damage a tape carried through it. Material could be damaged if passed within a foot of the check-in/check—out unit, and 3M tells its customers to keep magnetic materials a safe distance away from these. (Library Hotline, 13 (April 30, 198N), 7) East Carolina University Picks an OCLC LS/2000 East Carolina has acquired software to mount an OCLC LS/2000. local library system. OCLC will provide training, profiling, installation, and software maintenance. SOLINET will also be involved in this one: it will "create from ECU's subscription tapes a local database of some 250,000 records, inserting unique identifiers in the records,...and will generate a print tape of these identifiers for a third party vendor to use in printing bar code labels." Initially, the system will serve ECU's Joyner Library, Branch Music Library, and Health Sciences Library; but the university envisions a broader role in working "with the State Library to ensure that all citizens in all parts of the state have better access to library resources." (Library Hotline, 13 (May 7, 198u), 5) L THE UK LIBRARY SYSTEM 5 The following is another in a series of descriptive articles concerning various aspects of the UK Library System. The Art Library The Art Library is the branch of the University of Kentucky Libraries system that houses art and theater materials. Originally located in the Fine Arts Building, the collection was combined with that of the Music Library. In 1963 it was named ‘ the "Edward Warder Rannells Fine Arts Library." Professor Rannells was the head of the Department of Art from l929—l95l and was instrumental in building the art collection during his tenure at the University. ,/3 .f The art and music collections were separated in l97¤, when the J' Art Library was established as an independent entity in the ’ basement level of the Margaret I. King Library-North building. Another change came in 1979, when theater books were transferred , from the main library to the Art Library. At the same time, play scripts from the Theater Department were brought over to start the Acting Editions Collection, which now has over l,M00 scripts. The combined art and theater collections are now comprised of · over 20,000 monographs, 5,000 bound volumes of serials supplemented by microfilm, and a vertical file containing newspaper clippings and pamphlets. History and criticism of western art and studio practices in the areas of painting, drawing, sculpture, graphic arts, ceramics, fiber, and decorative arts are the major subjects included in the art collection. The y theater collection consists of materials on theater history, production, design, management, directing, acting, and playwriting. Eleven Years Ago Today in the "Bulletin" . 1 The "Bulletin" published its first issue on May 25, 1973, with I Tom Marcum editing. Maps moved to room 20M, King. CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS, AND MEETINGS s Unless otherwise noted, see Rob Aken for details and application forms. Rx for Burnout: Stress Reduction This one—day workshop is designed to teach you how to recognize and reduce stress in your life. Presented by Dorothy C. Luther, Associate Professor at the UK College of Nursing, the workshop will be held June 9 from 8:30-¤:00 at the Harley Hotel. The fee of $35 includes lunch and all handouts. Deadline for registration is May 28. Register with Sharon Miller in the College of Library and Information Science. Institute on Federal Library Resources The scope of the federal library collections and services and the problems of their use will be discussed at this institute in Washington, D.C., July 23-August 3. Lectures, panel discussions, and information clinics featuring library leaders, information scientists, government officials, and others prominent in federal _ library activities will provide a detailed examination of the - complex of general and military federal library programs and operations. These presentations and exchanges will be coordinated with instructional visits to major federal libraries, information centers, and data banks, where participants will be given the opportunity to observe and use the resources and see ‘ the technology in operation. Tuition and fees are $525. Registration deadline is July 2. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES (For more information, see the Director's Office.) Alabama Head of Bibliographic Instruction Services, University of South Alabama. Salary: $18,500 minimum. Deadline: June 1. Arizona Microforms Librarian, University of Arizona. Salary: $16,500- $22,000. Deadline: August 15. Science—engineering Librarian, University of Arizona. Salary: $16,500 minimum. Deadline: July 15. ' Catalog Librarian/Project Supervisor, University of Arizona. Salary: $16,500-$18,000. Deadline: July 15. i California . Reference Librarian, California State University, Long Beach. Salary: $18,02M-$28,872. Deadline: June 15. Reference Librarian, California State University, Long Beach. Salary: $20,880-$32,MM8. Deadline: June 15. Delaware Assistant Director of Libraries for Public Services, University of Delaware. Salary: $35,000 minimum. Deadline. July 9. Assistant Director of Libraries for Technical Services, University of Delaware. Salary: $35,000 minimum. Deadline: July 9. Monographs Cataloger, University of Delaware. Sa]iry: $19,000 I minimum. Deadline: July 15. '/ Indiana I Cataloger for Retrospective Conversion Project (2 year I temporary), Indiana University Law Library. Salary: not specified. Deadline: July 1. Visiting Assistant or Visiting Associate Librarian, Newspaper Cataloger for NEH Grant Project (3 year temporary). Salary: $15,800 minimum. Deadline: June 1. J Louisiana Head, Chemistry Library, Louisiana State University. Salary: $20,000 minimum. Deadline: not specified. Serials Cataloger, Louisiana State University. Salary: $l5,U00- $19,000. Deadline: June 1. _ Michigan " Associate Director for Public Services, University of Michigan. Salary: $55,000 minimum. Deadline: June 30. Head, Graduate Library, University of Michigan. Salary: $35,000 Q minimum. Deadline: June 30. g Associate Librarian, Chemistry Library, University of Michigan. Salary: $18,000 minimum. Deadline: June 15. Associate Librarian, Senior Science Cataloger, University of Michigan. Salary: $18,000 minimum. Deadline: June 15. New Jersey Librarian, Psychology Library, Princeton University. Salary: not specified. Deadline: June 8 ` North Carolina Assistant Head, Public Documents & Maps Department, Duke University. Salary: $19,000-$26,000. Deadline: June l. Ohio W Head, Monograph Cataloging and Classification Unit, University of Cincinnati. Salary: $16,615. Deadline: July 15. Assistant Head, Archives and Rare Books Department, University of Cincinnati. Salary: $16,615. Deadline: July 15. eo *19,; Pennsylvania ‘ Catalog Librarian, Books Format, Pennsylvania State University. _; Salary: $18,0Qp minimum. Deadline: July 31. · Catalog Librarian, Non—Print Formats, Pennsylvania State University. Salary: $18,000 minimum. Deadline: July 31. Head Librarian, Altoona Campus, Pennsylvania State University. Salary: $18,500 minimum. Deadline: June 15. Director of Libraries, Temple University. Salary: not specified. Deadline: August 1. Tennessee f Catalog Department Head, Memphis State University. Salary: not specified. Deadline: June 8. UK LIBRARY SYSTEM OPPORTUNITIES (If interested, see Ann Short.) Staff Assistant V. Grade 6. Law Library. Account Clerk IX. Grade 10. Administrative Services. A