lmmwm|n HlnlIn1illW \ 3 GMES HbL.?"l5B G il.;em;;E‘ Special Publications Series N0, 2 Cc-spcnsered by the Gcvernment cf Shelby County Prepared by ”* The Tennessee Hieterical Records Survey Prefect Division of Prefessienal and S,rvice Projects Work Projects Adminishrebicn Tennessee State Library, Spenser 1 i I I I O I I I I ver"- Qashv llc, Tennes·ee ’ ,.. Y. l . V ~. . . at ilie T€1’11’1’3SS’;Q l1]_S'Y}VJl`)_ eel Ju'3UO]T`*l S S¥.lY"»/'(3:/ l’I`O_i}'4 Cl) -2 Hevumber lJQU