xt7pzg6g4q48 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pzg6g4q48/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-04-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 11, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 11, 1980 1980 1980-04-11 2020 true xt7pzg6g4q48 section xt7pzg6g4q48 ///
All plead ‘not guilty’
P I' h n male two U K football players With unlawful taking
0 ice 0 arge o e , ,
By DALE G. MORTON defensive end; Clay Franklin Rumph. UK Police Lt. Tom Saunders and Rumph. a business and economics on anything rightInow. You'll have to arrest. "I don‘t really have anythingto
Staff Writer 22. a junior walk-on defensive back; Officer David Laird made the arrests major from Madisonvrlle. has never wait until tomorrow'I say. I dont want to talk about it.‘
Copyright 0 mo. Karim! Kernel and Rcll Darwin Stanley. 20. a South in response toacall that someone had suited up foragame.the spokesperson C t l _ 'd h . bl T- Lynn Williamson. asststant dean
. Central Bell employee from seen persons trying to remove said. Rumphtransfcrred to UK from cominziii) $5“ h° was ”Ih‘f: ‘0 of students. said the two students will
Two University of Kentucky Richmond. pleaded "not guilty" motorcycles from Seaton Center‘s lot. the Air Force Academy, located in at the time anldscditfntiahczii 5,0:st be charged this afternoon With a
. football players. plus a third male. yesterday morning to the charge of according to Padgett. The three men Colorado Springs. Colorado. and was until yesterda' “When was this violation ofthestIuIdent(«idea/Rights
were arrested at 3:33 am. yesterday “criminal attemptr theftbyunlawful were beside the motorcycles when the redshirted last year. said dcfcnsrvc supposed to a“: ha pencd”“ he and Responsibilities. .
while allegedly trying to remove two taking over $l00" in Fayette Circuit officers arrived. he said. back Coach George Catavolos. asked “I don‘t know anlythingiabout lhaven tthoughtaboutany(oIrIteoi
motorcycles from the parking lot at Court. A UK sports information Th t f tb ll 1 e . ‘ . . the SCVCH POSSiblC) sanctions to
. . . . _ . , e W0 00 a P ay is are it. Coach Curcr handles all those im ose Williamson 5 'd “Th x“
the Seaton Center. according to lhe cases werecontinued untilApril spokesperson said that Lyons. an roommates. matters ,. P . . aIi .' Icy wt
Director of Public Safety Tom 24 at 1 pm. A guilty verdict on the education major. is a scholarship ‘ . . bedIealt with under offiCialUnivchity
Padgett. class “A" misdemeanor carries a player from Pikeville and played in “I don‘t know exactly what has Football Coach Fran Curcr said. “I dISCiPlinc. Williamson Would not
According to police records. David maximum sentence of $500 and up to four games during the 1979-1980 happened." said defensrve end Coach have no comment'j on the arrests. elaborate on what the sanctions might
, Neal Lyons. 20. a sophomore reserve one year injail, season. Bill Glaser. “I don‘t want to comment Lyons also declined to discuss the inVOlVC.
Vol. Lxxu. No. 142 Ker e haunts": or g'ntuct)
Friday. April ll. l980 . an independent student newspaper 19"“! 0"» "it“ i
‘ ‘_ __
To live In Lexmgton
> A“. L I - I
- ' “4t 6 Van Hoa family arrive at Bluegrass Field
' . 'i ll; ' V'fi 1' .;_ ‘3" A??? I I
I; {II/I . I y .. .LI, IIIIIIIII. .45: .2; . 4;." y .
j ’75" /¢ .. H ' By RON HALL program and received his MA. in tunnel. without even a slim light and refugee camp until he was able to get .

-£ if Staff Writer December. 1969. without exit." permission to come to this country.

/ , V Hoa rcturnedtoVietnamin|97lfor Hoa managed to escape from After several delays, one of which

. ' After spending six years in the one year to do research for his Vietnam on April 28. i979. He madea occurred when Hoa elected to stay

.5" y j' shadow of Communist oppression in dissertation on political attitudes deal with a Chinese organizer to buy behind and serve as the interpreter for

. . .;:,. :3 Vietnam. and one year in an among Buddhist leaders in South passage on a refugee boat bound for a refugee involved in arape trial. Hoa
overcrowded refugee camp in Vietnam. He returned to UK and Malaysra. Hoa paid one half of the and his family returned to Lexington.
Malaysia. a former UK graduate received his PhD. in September of $l0.000 fare in gold before he left When asked at the airport press
student‘s dream to return to “my old [971 Vietnam. and promised to repay the conference what his future plans were.
'. - .I * .. home Kentucky“ was fulfilled last When he returned to Saigon in I973 balance when he arrived in the United H08 said. “i Want to do something for
t «3., night. he became chairman ofthc sociology States. . my country.‘ He added that it was
\ ' Dr. Le Van Hoa. who was enrolled department and dean of Human A committee formed by Hoa‘s important that Vietnamese people notI
. i, atUKfrom|967tol973.hiswifc Bang Sciences and Letters at Van Hanh friends in Lexington sentatelegramto forget what has happened under
., .. z 9’ Tam and their five-year-old daughter University in Saigon. the organizer's son. who lived in Communist rule. .
V . ”if .. Lily. arrived at Bluegrass Airport at Although he corresponded with Maine. pledging that it would be The familywillstai’in an apartment
I .--- . ' 7'5. .5 9:24 pm. It was the last leg of the friends from UK after returning to responsible for Hoa’s remaining debt. rcntedI With funds collected by the
V I i family‘s flight from what Hoa Vietnam. the letters stopped when Lee Coleman. professor of sociology committee. Committee members are '
' ,. . ls A“. I described in a letter sent earlier to Saigon was overrun by the North and a member of the committee. said JOCI Broderson. Lee Coleman. Gerry
a”... a ' ., friends in Lexington as. “the sky of Vietnamese in 1974. lt was not until the group paid the son $3.000 as part Gairola. Terry GU‘SSCH- Janice .
‘ terror and threat impendingover us by July of 1977 that friendsin Lexington of Hoa‘s fare. Humble. Paul Powell and John
a .1 t 5..” ‘ the Communist rulers." were able to correspond with Hoa “As far as we were concerned we Slhghensonc- IA“ “CG LchIingto:
‘ » ' f... . I“; . . I' “I feel so excited. I‘m very happy to again. were helping Dr. Hoa to repayadcbt.“ TCSI cnts. o eman. arm a an
.‘ I? . ' 5/ . be back to the place l love," Hoa told in a letter sent in June of I978. Hoa Coleman said. Humble are UK . faculty members .
' ‘ i g “a; reporters at a press conference held at talked about the difficult times he Atthe airport press conference, H08 Wh'le Stephenson ‘5 chairman Oh the
. w. I 1/ the airpon. encountered while adjusting to said the refugees‘ boat was raided five department 0f Appalachian Studies.
of : f‘fi Hoa came to the United States in postwar Vietnam. times by Thai piratesThc piratcstook institutional sponsors are Chapel
' y . . , ,- 1966 after receiving a degree from the “In the beginning I was so jewelry and any personal propertythc Hill Presbyterian Church. Grace
. @3 - . . " Saigon University. He attended frustrated. depressed and almost in hostages had with them. The boat Evangelical Free Church and UIK‘s
, ' 57/ ‘ 3:, Kentucky‘s Berea College for one year psychological imbalance." Hoa wrote. reached the Malaysian coast on May sociology departmc nt. T h c
“ M... :’ . ‘ . _ and transferred to UK in 1967. where “No hope. no dreams. Living seemed ll. Transylvania Presbytery. 4|2 Rose
I/ “ it. x he enrolled in the sociology graduate to get lost in avery. very longand dark Hoa remained in the Pulau Bidong Street. handles the committee‘s funds.
.7 . I ‘23:...“ l l '
. Police seek male suspect In alleged sexua assau s
.I .f' *5 .. é By DALE G. MORTON have occurred during the past five lant) are so nearly the same. Smith being a white male between 25 and 30
’ ' 2 Staff Writer weeks. although “otheriassaultsl may said. years old. approximately 5 feet 9 .
a agirjgy .1. “l have occurred that we don‘t know He would not elaborate on the inches toofect in height. Hehasaslim
-- (I . :00 y : Lexington police detectives are try- about yet.“ number of sexual assault complaints. build. weighing between MS to I60
. ‘ 3 ing to find a white male who has Although not all ofthc victims were but said he is working on three cases pqunds. . . . .
is, nun)torts/Kernelsrtrr attempted to sexually assault several UK students. and notall occurred near which he believes are .asshdateh‘ The man iS described as haVing
, _ . . I females in neighborhoods surround- campus. two attempted sexual assaults Smith also said Metro Policejuvenile straight red blond hair wrtha beard of
Dr. Le ‘ “h "h" h" M“ Bang Trim and the" five-year-old ““8“" L'lyr ing the UK campus. reported Tuesday were on streets near detectives are working on cases related the same color. On at least two attemp-
. smile as they walk into Bluegrass Airport last night after traveling from it Metro Police Detective Mitchell the University. One reported sexual to the assaults. ted assaults he wore a green. hooded
M'l'YS'I" "“18" "mil “I feel 50 "Cheat I‘m V"! h'PPy ‘0 be ["0" ‘0 Smith said none of the victims have assault took lace in the mornin on in most of the attempted assaults sweatshirt. jeans and carried a knife.
. . . P g
' the placellove.‘ Hoa said.The family isstayinginiiLexingtonapartment been injured or raped in theattempts. Clay Avenue and the second was reported to police. the subject “I would urge.asamattcrofprecau-
. rented for them with funds collected by a committee. Although none of the reported sex- reported as occurring on Bonnie Brae approaches the female immediately tion. general safety rules that should
a I n u I ual assaults have occurred on campus. Alley. a street off Maxwelton Court. before or while she is enteringIher car. always apply." Smith said. Females
' - Domlno S Plzza Wlns SUIt Metro police are coordinating their around 3 pm. Smith said. At thistime. “hcdisplaysa should not be alone in the evenings;
~ efforts with the UK Police depart- According to Smith. police think knife or states he has one. Then he they should avord contact wrth
. a merit. Smith said. Smith. the investi- the assaults are being made by one per- demands sexual contact." Smith said. unknown people andIshould locktheir
to contlnue "Slng name gating officer. said assault incidents son. “The descriptions (of the assai- The police descripe the suspect as car doors after entering their vehicles.
' ( By JACKI RL'DD communications. . Oda ' .
Cepy Editor “We are celebrating. We finally “anyone I know." against lran. but it hinted that some action might be
. .. . . knocked the giant down. But were Lance. 48. is charged on two countsoimakingfalsc taken later.
IRevengc IS “sweet espeCially in very cautious; it‘s not over yet." statements to banks. He is also charged withl0counts In Tehran, meanwhile. the Moslem militants
this case. Salogar said. we of misapplying bank fundsin loansto his relatives and holding the embassy madea nch death threat against
The 5th Circuit Court oprpcals in Salogar explained that Amstar has WITH THE HELPoffriendsand strangers Stfunk friends. ”it" American Pit-50M“. “P"VC l°i_l59 days.
New Orleans ruled in favor of Domi- l4 days to appeal the court decision Ridge. Ky. residents worked yesterday to clear the Prosecutors rested their case Wednesday. after the The hostflBCSIWill be "dwroyfll" if lraq '“V3d5
no’s Pizza. lnc.. a national pizza deliv- and could possibly petition to the US. physical evidence of the tornado that killed two or ”Shimmy Ol their l59lh WitnCSIS- U-S- DiStiiCt JUdBC "a"; a militant ldcmlficd °“ly “5 Hab'b '0” NBC‘
cry companyinvolved in a lawsuit with Supreme Court. “It will be two to four their neighbors and injured six others. Chm“ A' M°y° “y‘h‘” acquitted ”new“ 100”” TV ‘h an "herv‘cw' , f
Domino‘s Sugar. a subsidiary of months before the verdict is solidi- Gov. John Y. Brown Jr. declared a state of hahk fraud Chars“ ‘h ‘hc '"d'c‘mc'h‘ h lraIn and LraqageheangagedicrlIaIIi-eshgountflo border
Amstar Corp yesterday. fled,” he added. emergency in McCreary County in a move an aide . £31le33 Sufi shfcrs, ‘ e 0‘ er 0 acting on
Six Domino‘s chain stores are Until then. “We will maintain the ”id “hid 59““ the 9'0““ °f8°mn85m¢aldmlh° PREEIDEN: ICA'IHER SIS") yesterday he ‘5 a o ‘ ‘ Impala“ 5‘

' ' I " , ' ‘ - ' I i0 (3 C Cgfl aCllOfll necessary to prevent NIAN AND IRA l f d
located in Lexrn ton. Fifi (060 r- Pizza Dis atch name and t people Who need " . prep?" . . . . IRA Q OMS. SilPPOm by
cent of the custgmers at lhe campcus o cnin nepw store und th (ion in": The 'omhdois Vimm‘ may also "mm “5mm“ Amen?“ athletes from panrcrpating m the Moscow hCIiCOPtCTSr exchanged artilleryand mortar fire across
location on South [imcgmnc Strict Silo as said 5 er a name. ““4" ”“5““! state programs if they qualify. Olymp'“ this summer. . . their troubled border yesterday. Tehran radio

UK ‘ A " i ‘ g I ' ' Tw° of ”‘0“ injured in Tuesday‘s lWiSlCfl Betty I" a speech prepared {0' ‘h° American Socrety Of reported. It said the Iranian command di5patched
are . students. according to Area After the [979 dccrsron DPI began HayfieldI 2|. and Johnny Dewayne Beaty. 7. remained Newspaper Editors convention in Washington. the ships mm the northern pen-“n Gulftoguard against
Franchisee Mike Cochran. opening new stores under theIname in "may condition in the intensive care unit a. Lake president made it clear he does not consider the “any aggression" from qu

It all began in I975 when Amstar Pizza Dispatch. DPI first investigated Cumberland Medical Center in Somerset. United States bound by a decrsion of the US. Iran‘s news agency reportedabomb blastkilled one
brought surt against DOTmOSPlfli to make suretherc was notanidcntical . . Olympic Committee. which meets this weekend to pmon and wounded 20 inth: southwestern p0" city
for using the tradenamc Domino 5 tradename in the United States. GOV- JOHIH Y- BROWN JR» preparing to veto ”mm" Carters C3“ {0" 3 ”WW" 0‘ the Summer of Abadan. near Iraq. It blamed the Iraqis.
On Nov. 2. 1979. an Atlanta judge DPl.the nation‘sonlypina delivery “hm" 20 "mm” bl'ls~I"P°"°dIl¥ '5 “P“l‘lly Ghmcs- _ . The Baghdad govemmcni, calling on other Arab
ruled that DPI was imposing on the company. was working on a national troubled by "“5“" ‘0 ‘hh‘h marijuana penalties . Carter prewously had mld Ammc'h “hm“ nations to rally behind it against Iran. denounced
trademark of Domino Sugar and for- ‘conversion process which would "d pave u.“ way for legal cocki'tghting in Kentucky. "Wind m the WW House that the ”mud States '¢V°'“‘l°““y Ind“ ”3'0”“ R“h°“‘h Khomeini.
bid its franchises the right to use the involve the complete name change of House 8'” l4]. would mfluhe possession orsale 0f would “m send a team w the Summer Games (his “MW“ WW9“ ”‘9 Mideast “Ciflhl‘orsv “hie“
name “Domino's .. all 270 x' t' D . . P' eight ounces 0' more Of marijuana l felony rather year. bl" "me have 1““ “38‘5““ ”l“ 50““ have long been antagonistic. erupted into violence
DPl a l d. th (1 . . P' e ls. m8 ominos izza stores than I misdemeanor. athletes might seek a change in Olympic rules to earlier this week. when Iran reported cross-border
. ppeae c court ecrsron. to ma Dispatchhadthcappealbeen 5m.“ am 263. would remove birds from the permit them to participate as individuals or to assaults by small bands oilriiqi "0°”
arguing that pizza and sugar are lost yesterday Approxrmatcly 30 definition of animals. which thereby would ”crude compete withouttitking part in Olympic ceremonies.
totally unrelated and the public does Pizza Dispatch stores have opened birds from statutes protecting animals from cruelty. WW“
not confuse the two products. with that name since September. I979. "ado wand
After several appeals the case If the court had ruled in Amstar‘s n
reached a three-judge panel in New favor. and a complete name change FORMER FEDERAL BUDGET director Bert WESTERN EUROPEAN NATIONS told their IT LOOKSLIKEArainyweekerldisinstoreforin.
Orleans yesterday which reversed the had been necessary.Salogar estimated Lance opened the defense in his bank fraud trial Tehran ambassadors yesterday to “demand"thatlran Occasional rain will develop tonight and continue
lower court ruling. The decision was it would have cost the company SLS yesterday declaring that hehad not Iiedtoan Atlanta release the 50 US. Embassy hostages. The roughly tomorrow. Highs today will be around 70. Lows
based on the “likelihood of confusion million dollars. He estimated DPl‘s bank. President Carter‘s mother testified that Lance worded declaration by the nine Common Market tonight should be in the low to mid ‘05. it will be
.r of the trademark," according to Bob five-year court costs a“ $600 000 to had more “honesty. integrity and truthfulneu“th|n nation: ttopped short of joining in US. sanctions slightly cooler tomorrow with the hightin the low to
Salogar. director of DPl's marketing $800111).

 KENTUCKY mm.- ,
Mum in (trier Mark Green Kim Aubrey norm cm John Chy Guy lander!
Jay I-‘ooutt lob Cochran: Entertainment Editor Spurti- Ed or 0mm" 0] Photography
(in Willis .4.\.\U('Ialt’ Editors Paul Mann
WU’IGRI’IK hdtlw (‘lndy McGee . S. T. Robinson Brim mama David Maynard
Jodi Rudd Assistant Assistant Sports Editor Photo Manager I,
Steve Money Lin Don-art! Copy Editor; Entertainment Editor ‘
editaials & comments (am/ms Editor Editorial Editor
| th I t' to air pollution? Iry working it out together '
Sometimes. listening to politicians can be like think about. I can‘t help it if your toys are always Tuesday. million in state fundsto aid in reducingthe cost ofthe I
listening to children w ho cry because they can‘t decide broken. I’ve got a lot of other people to worry about.“ A bill requiring annual auto emissions inspections tests to around $7. to be paid by the car owner. Later,
whose toys they should play with. “You never did like me. did you. Johnny?“ inthe four counties was passed bythe state Senate, but Brown (who. by the way. is going back to Florida next t
One of the children. (Little Johnny Brown). That‘s probably the way the governor of Kentucky the House ofRepresentatives tabled the measure. The week) dropped his offer amid legislative opposition.
screams that they played with his toys yesterday; why and the mayor of Louisville would be acting if they bill could be reconSidered Monday or Tuesday if the So we come to another Louisville-vs.-the-Rest-of-
. can‘t they play with Billy Stansbury ‘s toystoday‘.’ And had played together at age seven. House votes Ito bypass a rule stating that the only bills Kentucky standoff. Many Kentuckians have long
Billy is upset becaLise Johnny had already offered to The real-life issue is who should foot the bill for to be reconSidered on those days are ones preVioust expressed a distaste forthe state‘s largestcity."lt‘s too
' supply the toys for today. auto emissions tests in Jefferson County(as welIIas for vetoed by Brown. . big, impersonal and polluted." say detractors of
They had met inaneat little clearing surroundinga tests in Boone. Kenton and Campbell counties in Stansbury and Jefferson County Judge Mitch Derbytown. .
iaiit oak tree in a field 'ust down the street. and Northern Kentucky). The US. EnVironmental McConneIIclaim it is the states responSIbility to pay Ah. but what a tid little basket of tax mone n
_ g J . . . _ y if
neither one ofthe boys wanted to go back horreto get Protection Agency has threatened to cut off $l40 for the inspections. and paint to the fact that Brown rakes in. II
1 his playtliings. million in federal funds to the counties if something had earlier expressed interest in instituting such 3 There is a solution. Perhaps the state could work ,
“But you promised. Johnny.“ Billy says. his lip isn’t done to alleviate air pollution problems. program. . I together with Louisville and Northern Kentucky .
quivering. "You've got all kinds of toys; ‘now come I Louisville Mayor William Stansbury (who IS Brown(whoyustreturnedfrom aFIorida vacation) (work together _ what a novel idea!). splitting the
I never get to play with any of them?" vacationing at the present) is expected to ask Gov. sees things through a different setI of glasses. costs. and everybody could smile and go home happy.
. But Johnny would retort. "Hey. Billy. I think you‘re John Y. Brown Jr. to calla special legislative session if “McConnell has the power to order automspcctions." And while that may not make the River City any .
big enough to bring your own toys. You‘re an only the General Assembly fails to approve a state-funded he said Wednesday. “What else does he need?“ smaller or friendlicrI it would at least make it a little
. - child. but me. I've got all those brothers and sisters to test program before the legislature‘s final gavel next The governor originally offered to prOVide up to $2 less polluted.
. l _________________________..____.
A new Vtew of the Olymptc Boycott L h t m Ed't rams policy
By AHMAD JABBARI tailor-made clothes and carrying turai output. IOverIproducnonI trom -—_—__-_———-___—
' ' ' cameras and digital watches, eXisting wells is rapidly depicting the v
reserv f f' t d d h d . . . The Kentucky Kernel welcomes
Mr, Stephen Wohl tn his opinion Mr Wohl talks about cheap high- overahlseooilrsleagi secIon h an rec; Donor Derby . Iwould like to giveaspeCial thanks all contributions from the UK
, (Kernel. March 27). expresses himself - .l t ms and an absence of . a rig 0 t e ".56. o - . . tothe people at WKQQ-FM who gave community for publication on the
I I . I . r189 apar me - . expenSive methods suchas water injcc- The Donor Derby which was held 0 ht th t h d ' _ - x ~ -
M d staggering range or issues. all m slums and ghettos. Would n not be tion techni ue A 'I 7 h d 8 h . s muc osee a t e rive wasaIsuc editonal and opinion pages.
an effort to prove that the reason for conceivable that the Soviets have q ~ anh :1 an I t “’Iasfqthtgoa success. cess. Thanks for the albums given Letters. opinions and commen-I
, _ Carter‘s boycott of the Moscow moved all their slums and ghettos to . - . . . It: a set I‘ goa 0‘ 5 donated away. the airtime.the stickers.concert taries must be typed and triple-
- . -, , - -. _ . . . . ., 50“” dhthhg methods. particu- Pthts * Wh'Ch was very 0Pt'm‘5h‘3- tickets. and for all the time the disc 5 aced and must include the
Games 'Sdht‘tt’the fearof comparison areas off-limits to the ViSitors. In the . - P v
,. I, ‘ between Soviet and American Iifes- absence offree travel anvthing is con- tart-ht" the “:35 0t second-hand ITCC‘ HOWCVCL through the generosuy 0t jockeys spent at the Coliseum. We writer's signature. address and
' tvles As he suggests. “A judge should ccivable When Soviet dissident Alex— overies. are at beh'hd the Uhhed the UK students and faculty and the couldn't have done it without their phone number. UK students
.I Inch Inn the full “Inn from both "nderSakharoviwas sent into exile to States. They spend millions of dollars peopleIof Lexington we came close. help. should include their year and .
sides.“ and having failed to follow his fiorkv: the world learned that Gorky :aniually for pnuehasmgnnegded teth- Wed htte to say thanks to all 495 0t ' i would also like to thank Central major and University employees \
' own advice. I took it upon myself to was h CltV inaccessible tO foreigners. 0 ogy mm c weSt' 6? OVICtS ‘0 yoquhO tOOk the ttme to come to the Kentucky Blood Center who handled should list their position and s
. accept the position and make a few p h G )rky is a iant slum or 08- not have adequate capability to, dtth Coliseum to donate. From these car- the physical aspects ofthe drive. With- department.
’ . , . . I I“ aps t « . g . , _ p for Oil from CXlSllng wells while stmuI— ing people we were able to draw 380 -
. remarks. I consider myself a neutral SlblV a big mentalinstitutionforthose ta 1 I . h 'b‘l' . I I . . out these compasswnate people who The Kernel may condense or .
; , I “judge.“forlcomefrom Iran(|ike it or who dare criticize partv leaders? Ineous y exp 0’th 0t er POSSI I 1' Pints of DIOOd- These d°h§tt°h5 are give ”0 percent there wouldn‘t be any reject contributions. and frequent
. not). a country which has suffered . tIiItItg.5 FItIiIr czarpIpIIIe. heiwIeepsleIIIIand (and Will be) greatly appreCiated. blood drives. writers may be limited. .
under the vice of both the USSR. . -' th (35,011“ it: . ey h e. a ca 0 m' ”’h We WW“ 3150 ht“? to thank 3” Once again. thank you ,, all of ou . . .
' I and LS alike. I. therefore. have $2.? (“Dummy M e y p meIters whereas 'h t975 alone.the us those folks who made the drive POSSt' w for contributing to the succes: of Contributions should be deh'
: . ' nothing to gain by defending the tis. dhhtd 5.3 hthho" mete” more than the through the" donattm °t t°°d~ the Donor Derby from the Sponsors mid “3 Room 114 Joum'hsm’
I . against the USSR. inthis article. but Wohl believes that the US. athletes the.h(tv‘et 5 five year effort. time. {00d coupons.and movie P355“. UK Student Government. WKQQ- Unlverstty 0‘ Kentucky, Lextng-
' ' in the interest of fairnessto your read- as a team would lose and “probably Sov1et Iwheat production has sur- Thanks to the KW"?! for the‘storics FM. and‘ Central Kentucky/Blood ton, Ky. ”506' .
ers. thev should be made aware ofthe I Id ot ven take second lace .. in passed US. production for several and photos. Alsothanks are duetothe Center. For legal reasons. contributors
' ’ . ' 't ' - . , . t, ._ “0“ h .e ., p 1 decades. The reason 15 “0‘ because members ofthe Student Government must present a UK ID before the
. thOhCCPhOhS thhtd'hed ‘h *Ohtb the Ohm ic competitions lsheclaim- . . .
8mm . - p 1, they have been ablClOdISCOVCramIFa- Senate who delayed their meeting to Susan Hagen chairperson Ker”?! Wt“ be able to accept the
' ing to be a fortune teller. I suppose I . 9 . .
. S I . l I h 't t’ cle seed nor any proof ofthe superior- donate. B&E sophomore material.
' , 0n the Fear of Comparison hOt' ‘ 0' let us aria yze t e 5' ua t°h ity of the Soviet system of farming.
i I i ’I he author contends that “fear of thteh'geht it. 1:6 ECtisthaéwhfltisastanIeIcIropin _ ' i I a t
. ' ' » I. I .I _ . t e usstan let cause 0 t e ow ’
. ‘ ' unfavourable comparison with the The SO‘tet‘tthteht piogramis SUP- average incomes of Soviet citizens Unions. the em [0 e S rotectlon
- Soviet l'nion“and ’he fear of “what ported by the government. unlike the S ‘ ' t . ' i
I , . , , i , . I I I . . . owet government practically devotes ’ ‘
‘ - wi'I follow if thev (the Carter adminis- [ ‘5' amateur athletic program WhICh ' ‘ ' t
. . _ I . . all its efforts to the production of
f ' ' - tration) allow great numbers of Amer— depshdt 0" phv‘he COhtthhOhs‘ The wheat at theexpense of. say, corn soy-
_ . icans particularlyyoung Americans Soviet IIaIEhlctes are property of the beans, and other crops. As average By RALPH E. JOHNSON satisfaction ofallconcemed.contracts faith could quickly agree just what
‘ ' to see. with their own eyes.an alter- Slate? d e andymmgw else. and are incomes rise people's diets shift from provide for grievance procedures to constitutes an emergency andgorwhat
.- I I native socral system.“ is the reason for ifggrtehot? IIunI ergo yngoytnus trainIiIiIiIg low income elastic starchy food to high Is there going to be a Little Ken- iron out the differences. -- is reasonable ,A but words as difficult
- . the boycott of the Olympic games. soldiers tiainaiiiytboctiirr I ou‘ihx‘inbaet income elastic food such as meat and lucky Derby event this year? If so. Those two related matters should do to define as those two have sent unIion
. I Io fully comprehend this point. I mission in the‘internatlonal com eti- vegetables. The Soviet government what‘s happened to the publicity? We it. The troubles, of course, stem from members to picket lines time and time
, . would like to present some statistics tio‘ns Strictly speaking the arepnot has yet to provide its citizens with a know there‘s going to be a Kentucky disagreements that cannot be settled again. I I
. pertaining tothe number of American amateur athletes but the Soyviets can diet comparable to that ofthe Ameri- Derby because the newspapers tell us amicably or otherwise. even in ngie- And the grievance procedure is
- . I I thurlht “h” hate “Shed thCI 50““ get away with this b I claimin that cans. In the US. wheatis no longera so. Now. let‘s hearitforthe Little Ken- vance sessions. There is. to be certain. often used as a catchall for the more
. ' th'Oh In recent years. this 15 81“?“ ,- ' t . g necessity in peoples‘ diets and thus tucky Derby! arbitration. but not all contracts are provocative union members. a device
; I here; I969 53 (x3. I972 66 665' sincethere are no professtonalathletes . . . . - . - - -
I .‘ .J . . . in the U S S R ever I athlete en'o 5 there is no need to produce it in enor- no bound by it. Nor do all union dispute used to bait bosses and preCipitate
' - ‘ .1974 84‘637‘ 1975 98‘774' Data an amat ” t t” [f yn U g ,J y mOUS quantities. _ that go to arbitration terminate in slowdowns and walkouts at the whim
I . i indicate that more and more Ameri- l Ct": a ”S". t t " 'gmeth' . Umomare legal,you kh°WtThattS~th satisfactory solutions. Then it‘s either of disgruntled shop stewards.
, ' cans have visited the Soviet Union htehtdhhhhl? a Shhhat program by thhhemhthymeht rate '5 an “0' other words. unions are sanctioned by capitnjate or strike, neither a happy Nevertheless. and despite the worst =
. since I969 and although the figure for :peIn thg ilil tOhSno don?“ annually :10me iImnossgnlity regardleIsshof the the law. by the government ofthe Uni- solution. of its imperfections. unions are neces-
; I979 is not yet available. based upon I: mm a B altsbctl'e res: tstouId be t eo Ogtcan Uh erpinnings 0 t c sys- ted States of America. —’—-——-‘————-—— sary. That is absolutely all that stands
5 the past trend. my prejected estimate . eIsame. ht . iIevet atIitdestroys tern. tt '5' onever.truethIatthe uncm- The concept has been tested. tested in the way of criminal abuses of the
. I , I_ shows that 200.000 American tourists tIdetdhat motives thCthSthgaSPOtt- ploymentI th the SOV'et planned by fire. by blood. sweat and tears. It positive laboring man.
. ‘ - ' ' . visited Russia in I979. What do these ‘ O goverhmhht th my lhhgmeht has economy ‘5 less than the decentralized has been tested in courttime and time Employers simply becausethey pay ~
., , , figures tell us‘.’ the right to dictate to its Citizens what US. economy. The Sov1et system of again _. as high up as the Supreme - oft n assume the ri ht to mis-
'f 1‘ ' ' 1 ___——————— SportsIthey should becomeengagedin. labor planning has manydifficultiesof Court negative has? 1‘: g
' _ _ even if it means a smaller number of its own. The official Soviet position. Th ' ‘d - - - . - _ rea emIp oyes. . .
i is ' ’ t. Inlon medals in international competitions also echoed by Wohl is that unem- e I .ea 0t “mom 1.5 neither new __— Whats wrong thh speedthg up an
‘. ‘ . I 0p The victory of the U S hocke team Io ment does not exist in Russia If nor foreign to humankind. To begin I‘ve beeninvolved th strikes “ahdt assembly line? Why should a person
i , ' ' i ——-—-———-—-—— over the Russian team'cltearl 'dimon- thisy view is acce ted it could oiil Iwith.weIhumans areoneofthegregar— hate them.afeclinglam COthhCCd is have two consecutive days off? A
-“' i 5 ' '7 Hm‘ the MOSCOW games at best stratedthatthe U S athleteszan winif mean that a Sovift worker is able t: ious animals that band into “OCKS‘ shared by the vast majority 0t ttht°h month’s vacation? Shht leave? Pen- '
. ' . may be able to draw only a small ttac‘ they put their mirids to it Predictin leave one '0b and start another with- herds. etc. We are natives. citizens or members. Every last one Of them StOhS? Hospitalization? Ah those
.- I -.' tion oftourists in comparison withthe whether the US Olympic team wifi outatimngap for adjusting to the new habitants Of a nation that became a would have preferred. and would things and a hundred Other items that
' . . . numbers who visited the USSR. in come in second or third to the job environment Not even in anideal union 0t t3 statesI. prior to Wh'ChIWC gladly have gone along with ajudicial adversely affect a PCTSOhS health and
‘ t t 1979’ It (‘arter fears for unfavourable U S S R is premature and childish econom is this situation ossible In were properly adVised that: “In union SOIhttOh to the problem. happiness A simply because an
I-I‘. ', I ' comparisons he should ban tourism ' t ' real-ity )ihere are at leastptwo areas there isstrenth"and“Hangtogether 0" So wh