xt7pzg6g4q71 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pzg6g4q71/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-11-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 1983 1983 1983-11-08 2020 true xt7pzg6g4q71 section xt7pzg6g4q71 (’v‘i“
________________._—.——————————————_______.____.-_m.cscc_ . W. .
K ‘N C Y
Vol. LXXXVI, No. (,4 Established l894 Unlvorsi'y of Kentucky. toxin-igloo Kentucky lndopondom sou. l97l tuudoy NavombOf a mo
..____ __.___ _ __________._______._ . ._c________._. _ __ .._. .._.. _._...__.____.__._—._.
o U Collins campaign CXDCCtS ‘substant' l, . t
By ALEX(‘R()L'(‘H *——’———‘— Republican, would be strongly campus success in his intuition «it. to !.~ ~- "a 'v "..:.1' .' in. J. ‘. ' . Wis‘ . _' m1 ' m in!
‘ Senior StaffWriter Democratic" the issues and to students ioi Hun his! \ it: Jon. V"\l'l-:!-ll:~§!"1 ls -. .n t-w.‘r"..i::' ‘vxr'tli'
andTheAssoctatedPress I Greenwell’s prt’dlt‘lltlm \u‘rt‘ ning Hr ..i;:H‘ ‘lt \u‘ir'i‘. l’u'f‘." 4! .i"‘. .\ , ‘ 'i"«" to" ".r" E“ ‘t\\
' ELECTION 83 strongly dented b\ Larry BIN“. State Sen Jti‘ l’rdllk‘f lullllb wl~l1 , v3, _ . . ‘J ‘ ; a
~ ' » professor seeks seat
E o e e
i in 8th District race ~
. 5 lhltl llllt\t.l \\ll
,,u ,4 7/ a ;,~_'r‘.. mfl. ""’2f;ff:”;’,,,KW’Wfim—w’w W, ,. , w 1+. .. . ' . .v . ‘ I(l’p€ll"l‘l
" “w EdW/a afiWamWWm» c - ..,- i
k [/z;// vf/AMLZfl/ZJ‘W ‘4’”,. /”’”V ' . ,r . ..’. ~. . 7 V ‘ “E; i lhr loll. Hunt ill l’illll‘l \tll. llmt't ELECTION 83
H V / . 1‘ E V , ' ‘zfl \‘lllldlll l.\tilis .i tltliliiiil stH-liu'
‘ prtilt-ssm t.” \iJll .i .xitlc- \.sl.i tit
. . a“? ' [A'Xitigtoii «m is wiill llN'rl' is .i post #
y} . ‘_ . ' E or with thi .ltllllllllllllltl Ito sonn- m u. h “"1 M u ENHN
,9! "155.2: a, f" , .6 i Y t I , y ‘ l . ' . ".|\\ ‘ t .I l t‘ It . ‘ ‘
a. : 1": ,,// .' ~ .. .y t 1-. *"' hfflflqa ‘ w M,,. h? ,. 1" E 31:1” H “(i “111”" M “l ”H“ I” J” "mm“ "'l"""'“‘-‘E3‘"K “h“ h "'l
h ‘ ‘5’” E I 3' ---—- “V- : luons is tio' llle .inottwr ',\ri[". -"""“ “51"“ AIN‘- ”limit-N to tm'titt‘
.411. / f ”M’Ww tutu-t Illl\l‘l'tll a? fltfll'lllllll‘lll to m”. “’U'Hmmm‘ H'” W‘ml’ I‘M“
:.;/ ;, E ‘ “Hill" llzllim'i‘l E” ll'lllL’ .I llill'llll li'ltlllfliqf 'i- turbid! .I ll '.'JN} “ll".r l1)
M g” .' [Mill .is zu'll lit' st-rWti .is t’ll.’lll’lli.ll1 tom, " ‘umm “ 'm‘H‘l"“"" "i"
"'w_ E' “ E; ill 'lir (thil'i'l itillilltlssiul. flui' mongol “NH" M "I“: "h. M"
.2 y; ”W E | /. ‘ ‘ ,- ‘ ‘ H. " E marked out Tlit tlliiiiltllll ltil llio- ”it'll! V 'E‘ H ' till gt
"3» £52.}; ., ~ ' ’l' ' i -. ~ g... 4 . . ; tiicrgct oi lA-xitigtiii. s and Litctlr . Y" l H" by H " ""'
“if" i 7" 8.: ' , ' 1‘” ' I 6 flat. «I . ‘ a toutilx s iiinci'iitaiclils iii Nil 5: Hr “Wing-H” hm EH“. VI tum” ”1...”;
' J”~“"j‘1”’.1fi" ' .‘T‘ ‘ 7 ~ .' nu tr " w _..v w _ . has \t‘t'tl'll two tl-iiils oil the l llmti YE'EI‘V‘E‘.”E" "IN“! “V . f'\‘:“""j"h‘ENE"
"we” V 9.3;- . "I" r ' ‘ I ""V'IM‘ “‘1 ”ks t ‘ loiiiitx litlllit :l .ititl llll~ liil. is hit. " "L‘ “'"M “"' “ " I ‘ " I "‘ '
g“ , _ w t ‘ ,. . ' * 7'- ‘. 2 I I 3' . _ . “0 ”Hill tor m“ w" “Mn" “3" [Ant \ .Ii .1 town-inc.“ Lislimti iii-.illtig' ii
".1.” .Zfifo ., r .3; " ‘ v:_“~w 1“; c s. ‘ I” . ”ltllttilit.’ ti ilii l.l||‘ .\ :lisiilnliiu ‘l‘lti‘i 'Tllllltljll': ll'l'vt-IV‘ll-‘llll‘ lily
“Ly, . ‘ ‘ ”'_ .‘ '5'" (RH... E sitlt'hlllnil [ht-k l’i-rry who lml the- "H" “"‘m' ”“”‘"'“ n" 'h'H'.“ "‘
:1; E . . r - - _ . .\1;i\ ”mm“ m '1‘; “M5 tutlli l‘ lltt‘ .Illll strwl ntnmtmmme
“mfg! f "-1“? "‘ . . ¢ . i “3,“, Mm“ “Um E“ ”m for ”f st'l\:lt‘\ iiistilfit'it'rit lions said that
a; "1* ' :U- 'c‘ K s v” I 37 i I ' ‘ ‘ low when some oi the burning issues “hr" m" 1"“? ‘ldlh‘l 1'5 Hittipuixli
i...” . ,. , . .. %‘ ‘w'; 7‘ >< . l ”1”WMHMMIK“drpw“”\ “mm tlim iloiilitwl ill.” liicrgq-r would
‘ " ‘3 ~ ~ 3-6” 1- .7 scabs.) . :- 4” . r , ' riiiiiiinw' .iiitl parks and arm is for Wm" "hm” ml ”"1“”, H w”
III \\\thtlsl ~ E the elderly llll llltl \llf't‘ that l mun-mm“ m"! ought I” “I. but“,
A M an I E coiisitioy \t".\l'lk .. totally diill \llll ”'mwwzmvh' E‘lhjr .Eh'km‘nl V”.
e o g er E in? l‘tulis \illll H.‘ C'Kpldlllh llllll H”! m!” N 4“ mm- on u “my ”m
. . . i L”, \ltrlllk' \ “Em “rum” rtimlv xiiicwl tli.i' this probably was .I xi
Steve Spencer of Lexington bratcs early morning tcmpera- which is located olt Richmond Road lhc liikc til\\d\*~ \L'L'lll\ door indoor «.iinpiiigning lor tlu- ""I" "‘““"""'1""”“w'r "' ""'“" "1
lures recently to do some bass fishing at Jacobson Park, to attract tishcrnicn. rcgardlcss Ul ihctimcol dav l prilllilr‘. .. llll \llt'k‘t 1 round it mt m" l”""“‘““ “‘“l’mm’m “”“W "
l tnstvtiil hiit it-t‘h'iitily not dull to 1”“
“—~‘_~~NMV '7 I walk through tic-ighlnirhtuub who-re lv'lmx ”um H“ r" m" J H"
C C O . . thlt'l, l lrnlllllwl ilt ltrss ,i ldvlli l ‘Ans (I. J "' “My“, Alllt h ““1”." ”n
Beirut air ort closed as war int nSlfleS .. ..
e ll‘Hllll problem glut-t, tlio- kititts oi [TWHHR "H‘\ H' krmurh m
dist-uses llllll .‘irc <.llTlI‘41 iti Til‘vl W“ “P H ”Em“, ”1 {hm mp ”WW"
BEIRL‘T. Lebanon (APl%hiite Arafat. who has accused Syria of Shiite gunners and the Lebanese t'S officials have not accused st-uagt- ho-snid “M """”‘l“"'"" H" ”m". "M

Moslem gunmen fought Lebanese backing the rebels because it wants army, and that air controllers diyer Syria of engineering the attack but A si-wcr pint. tot .iirii- th.ii hiid m" w ’_"' "'“w'r "V H "E“, ”W”

soldiers near us. military positions to take over the PLO. told repOrters ted planes to Cyprus. It was the first implied the Syrians knew about tu-longml to thr old wool; in“ u...“ Wt"! Wit":s about ionlm t~. tr

yesterday. wounding a Marine and in Tripoli that the Syrians were time the airport closed since a plans to bomb the base and ii hold up iot lhrm- ‘M‘dr\ .itttirtllt‘ik to ”W“ ”W ‘ “" l"""‘ "“‘l “"“"‘ l"

forcing authorities to close the air- planning to overrun his Baddawi ref— cease-fire aimed at halting the coun- French post nearh) that left 38 Mom l“ mm. d mmmn .,, ”M. l“ “ -”"l ‘1’" W'PM'WW‘ 1“ ”W i 1“-

port for the first time since a truce ugee camp and invade Lebanon's try's chronic civil war took effect French soldiers dyad ()“K-lalg m dents who would like it ll minnow. “n'l WW“ I ”“m‘ """~“‘-" '“ ”W '

t°°k effect six weeks 380- second-largestcity. Sept.26. Washington said there are no plans Wtuld [my ll” i' an .igimist it :"HV'M‘ "' ”w """“:'r h” "'"l M

The Syrian government ordered a In the Israelioccupied West Bank The radio said later that artillery to retaliate againstSyria Lyons said he L'dlllt‘ out tour ""1 HT);,”“E'“T “E: 1.1""! ”W" ‘ m '

full mobilization of its 220.000-man of the Jordan River and the Gaza shells were slamming into Christian square lot lllt‘ prowl tin-muse thi- ‘l‘E'M'm‘LW‘ “T ‘ m

army. saying it feared an attack Strip. there were widespread dem- towns along the coastal highway l r,“ h' g d S, , h’lped l' , underlying rock structures of thr‘sv W”; “l “338‘” 3"” E" ”I".

from the United States or Israel. But onstrations in support of Arafat. At north of Beirut for the first time 51‘} bjbr‘a" "7;“. (l .E 9‘21,” arcas Hr" not .lllil'l..ililt' to \n-plil ””5 “" “ “m E” V'. " (”n '0'

the Americans and Israelis said least one demonstrator was since the truce was eclared There “I'm ar m‘nng ”,1 We, as ,Hl d} tanks and tho- situation has limonu- " mm‘w' "mm” w" w “ ”m‘“

. . . . that killed 28 lsraelis and 31 lx-h Pennsylvania town when- he was
there were noattack plans. wounded in clashes with Israeli au- were no immediate reports of easy , , d P I?“ n' h t l' , ,1 zimayorhc-alth hazard ' . -r g _[ _ _, r it-
In northern Lebanon. Palestine thorities. ualties daef‘flén, (Lama P u. 5m,“ Lyons came to it»; it. loo? “5' ""“ "h“ " E” "mm“ 1“” W r

Liberation Organization chairman US. Marine spokesman Maj. Rob— ln Damascus, a spokesman for 0, Md}, 5d) 0 0 ”0 mum m M earned lll\ l'h l) lrom l'enri stiiti- in ”Mm” ”Mr". ”M“ ”"1 h' M“

. . . . . . . , tack Syria. An Iranian-backed Leti , .. l‘lmnflll into running by the lural

Yasser Arafat s loyalist guerrillas. ert Jordan said the leathernecks in PreSident Hafez Assad confirmed , . ~ . _ , 1m» and llilll written ;. book rm l _. -

. . . . . . . . anese Shiite Moslem group has . lk'tl’ltl riits .is .i token gl-stun- be

trapped in their last Middle East Beirut dived into bunkers and fox- reports that Syria had put its claimed res n5ibilitv for a” three nadian [llllll(‘\ while teaching Ml ii . n . ”E t .., . .

stronghold by advancing Syrian-sup- holes when fighting broke out near 220,000-man army on alert and truck mmblpos - university in Hamilton tmtano Hl' ‘7‘“‘5" . "' " ”" "““E'T' m “‘5

Ported mutineers. fired rockets and their airport compound and returned called up its 100.000-man reserve "3‘ m-amu involved min ;. ltl'ill good """J‘ "an {I'm “mm mm

mortars at rebel positions to counter firewhensnipersshotatthem force. fearing an lsraeli attack or gowrmnont group that had floun ”" ”"24 "my” (WWMM mm

a barrage of hundreds of shells. Po- He said a Marine was wounded US retaliatory strike for the terror- The Israeli army. Which “'CUPM rlcrt'tl around for «'i lottit hm" and ”‘an H" ”mm" '1' “imam"

lice said 1.000 people have been and“treatedon thefield" ist truck bombing of the Marine southern Lebanon. on M'mday F" nf‘i‘fll"lille‘uhal'lfldlr‘Tlltlfl ”m” ”f‘“““““"’-}"" "9"“ W nth

killed and 3.000 wounded since the State radio said the airport closed base Oct 23 that killed 230 Ameri- taxed restrictions it decreed last ln 1517., W. cm“. Nahum". l’lh’rll- st‘d' ~tl ”7' H“ V'F‘vfil N“

PLO war began Thursday. because of the fighting between cans Friday after the Tyre bombing passed the l'm-k Mt t'ann bill a ""m‘ "“"l W" ”W WWW? attain I"

1979 but was. knot kiwi off the ballot
O O for the general tilt-(lion aftrr his
Dom it ever Where m
for lacking the required number of
signature. '
Many students try to make their homework less mundane by studying in unusual locations "W“ ”“m W "' "W“ t
B" PAL’LETTA ROWSER *‘FM . @ monious Singing of the “lat k to“ es _____ L::'..'.”L‘l-;ff. -
Reporter ' Q chair “I just studied at the Black E
”A” ‘ Ch” ‘/’/’ W I \‘mces rehearsal since the: 'M'rc n‘" : 'NS'DE
Studying can be a tedious task for - .5' V F; t' / ///// // - teaching the alto parts " Williams E
. most students. especially in tradi- L ‘ ’ LH 7/77 / / an altointhechmr said
' tional spots like residence halls and I’ . ///’ / ////, Another popular spot is the bath ”~11!!th fill.

laundry rooms. the Student Center. t . t ' I ‘ // /’ 4 room from the commode stall to the- m No i Mahdi m n I.

the library and the cafeteria. But for L ‘l' ' // 6/13,. @ ,.- shower Medina Jewell an unde couimy For dumb and u m

those who chose to study in bath w 4 ‘ J ,z .'/’/j; @ ,./ cided freshman. said. There 1.5 a with m spam cm A“

rmms or in a twwseater plane high ’ ' 1 1/71/13,; . glrl In mV m that studlm ln the W.m

above the clouds. pouring over the , / , bathroom stallat midnight

booksbecomesalotltssboring. ‘ ‘7'“ 0 l j /; /: .l I like to study in the bathtub no Polo- w-«i a and at more

Some students just want to get 44L ,p // " , // ( thris Stephens an undecided mom than 2).!!!) u it played in let. M
away from the cadence of the cam- “ .j////’ , 1/ more said "any“ undue-and!

Pits and find a quiet place. “When I ' f‘ ' ' laVerne Baker. 3 Ml”! senior. rm. For n min. a. VA!-

' want peace and quiet. there was a l have seen so far is someone study- nice place to study ~ especially dur- Taylor said “l think what works said I knew this guy who studied Imp-us.

certain treelliked [0 study in." Jen- inginacar." ing nice weather You could get a is that sometimes when you have in the shower He would cut the

nifer Bricking. an undecided sopho- P l . l tan buidesaquietplacetostudy " something to block out, we concert shmwr on. mow the shower heed

more.said. . egki'liay or, “93W.“ the. eam- Some students howevcr‘ said they trate It depends on what it is you away from his books and himself

Shelly Miller. a telecommunica- ing 5 ‘1 s umt. 581d: What 15 per- want more than peace and quiet block OUt’MISQWSIance ' He would put a chair in to the show
tions sophomore. likes to study in feet for onestudent ‘8 not perfect for They would like to get away from . . ert-loseme curtain and study -
the library. "I studied in the eleva» 3mm" " ‘9’ ”me "‘9 "”3”?“ the campus and even on the SW" A MN" 8 ”do” Tavlor said the chm" 0t sludv
. . . . thers in theirroomsat theirdak. ' freshman. needs to study with some '_ ' .

tor in the King Library imth two ° groimd. some said Flying high b8 .1 h. M ed places even the mt hiurre Ymflhm—V‘I‘ -

other people between floors." she John Swintosky. a metallurgical above the clouds in a two—water smug“! ”an”; 1 depends on the students preference nth-“0. 7*...“

said “Under the stairwell in the engineer graduate student. said: plane. Anita Lukym. a chemistry se- . . W‘ 5“ Any student should be aware of d. in I W I N “‘3'"

dorm is also a quiet and private “To get away from all the mine of nior. uid. “Greg's (her boyfriend‘sl omen said they hire a different what distracts them. even how to m - u an III- III!

place tostudy " other engineers I would go to the got a little two-outer plane called kind of noise when studying For Re- amid it and get along with it, ‘ Tay mliuhfilflifi-

Terry Sublett. a political seience roof of the third floor of the Engi- the Tamhoc, and l have studied nah Williams. on electncal engi lor said This has a lot to do with
freshman. said. “The weirdest thing neenng Building ibecuase iti is a whilewewereflying " henna sophomore. it's the her chmceolplac' .
i I ,

 2 - THE KENTUCKY KEINEI. Tuoodoy, Novornbor I, 1'3
V °h toondhtt thn tth
otmg. w ere g a w a o expec w e you go ere
Sam le Ballot Polls for today's general I
p at election will be set up at over ‘
I‘iunomm SCUM “WW—W" ‘ fim -_ ’ I ’ Comm." o? ' W ’00 W d"("18“)“t ELECT'ON '83
Govm Governor of State 6.“ M T M m W cm“- Faymc county' '-
m m mum Eleven voting booths lo- ..
____________.______——————-————-———————-—-—— cated close to campus are list- _-
ed below. 0 l
0t ' ‘ _
Y ‘ Ann Janos 0. Ronald I. Patricia 0. , tholic Newman Cm dude?” 90"“ P'aces '“ ‘
m not: “not: lintsoli scum m 320 Rose Lane. -
l .1 Rice House, Building A, .1 Lexington Mall (front
Huguelet Drive (Rear of C00— entrance). Richmond Road. 31
Frances perstown). .1 Fayette Mall (center en- R
r . Steven L. ”"1." D." ”If! Ann “II“ III“ DIV“ E. llonry ,, Maxwell Elementary trance), Nicholasville Road.
NW BESHEAII DAVIS AIIISTIOII TOIII HILLS IOMIALD 303“”- SPll-Dl“ School, 333 Woodland Ave. r Turfland Mall. Harrods- c0
.z Y.M.C.A. Building, 239 burg Road. fo
- E. High St. / Tates Creek Senior High a:
, Morton Junior High School, Centre Parkway. M
T ‘ IIOIOIIS 0. School, 1225 Tates Creek t’ The Fayette County in
m IOBUIBII Road. Courthouse, Short Street en- W
t w Cassidy Elementary trance. . Cl
School, 1125 Tates Creek A sample ballot, "kc the B"
pike_ one at left, will be posted at
T DOII ‘ , Fire Station No. 5' each polling place. Instruction gr
‘ 'ICOIIS. Woodland and Maxwell on the use of the voting ma- ot
MUMERSl-my ll- streets. chine will be given on request. 53
p .1 Fire Station No. 6, Scott
and South Limestone streets. JOHN VOSKUHL th
1)A\ll)PIILR( i. Kernsitirapmct l“
. . 1n
. T’fl" """"" "" W” ' 7#7___ "A” ’ ‘ m
0 1118 ‘ 1 tr
' Continued from page one l 1 W
ning's going to win tomorrow," Bisig said. “If it‘s a election, while Bunning’s camp reported raising l _ , 3‘
choice between excitement before and excitement after, $941,422. 3 _ er
I'll take excitement after." Bunning’s campaign advertising depicted Collins as a i .‘ ’ . . I CC
Few issues surfaced in the election, with both candi- politici_an Who can win elections — she also won 1 - i- . i V“ te
data saying securing more money for education would Staterde Office as Clerk of the Old Court of Appeals — ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ -‘ .- ‘ ‘ H1
bethetoppriority of the next administration, “1:83:02: with fewgdeffig “tug-m . the co l ‘4 g ., . 1 S:
., . m ralcVic w pu onsin mpa- V ,,.
By the end ofUOctober. ”(13:11": [flailipalfgn 3?“ reporti ny of the late Ella T. Grasso, elected governor of Con- : i _ 1 . \ fl ' w
ed ratsmg 3 18" y more a 3 1°" or e genera necticut in 1974, and Dixie Ray Lee, elected governor of l , .‘ ' \ l g . -
Washington in 1975, as the only women to have served l ‘ , f! , ”'4 f. 5.”
. _ _ _ as governors without succeeding husbands. 3 ~ , , ' ,1 "
lemon" C'V'C Cen'e" Democrats outnumber Republicans 21/2-to-1 in Ken- l . ’ by . ,'
a f MAGIC PAN tucky and Collim‘ campaign chiefs were predicting . ~ \ 4 9" '
Now Hiring party members would remain loyal. l . , ‘ ‘t
for Greenwell listed a strong, united Democratic party as l . . l " ‘
Supple All Positions a factor in her victory. i ' l
‘ . ‘Ki'chen Wade predicted a heavy crossover vote would trigger I l
. ’D'mng R°°m a 10.000-vote victory for Bunning. “The people who sup- i- - 1
58,151,” I 2§pp'y";APe":“' ported the other candidates are not supporting her," 1 n ’
’ 9"“ n" ‘ ° ' Bisig said. “They (the Democrats) haven’t mended all . ,-
"Perieci ior College theirwounds.That’llbeimportantforour victory. l fl ,, r .
Siu dents There’ll be a lot of raised eyebrows when we win," i P y « ,r ,4 ‘/,
LEATHER Bisig continued, “and a lot of reorganization in the 1 4' ‘ .- ’_ ‘5... i
. Democratic party." i . Iva? . _ , '-. l
. 1 “We’re doing nightly tracking, fellas, and the wheels 1 . ‘ “ ¢
Annual Fall 5a Q Can You we“ have just totally come off her wagon," Wade told re— l w . ‘ _." ‘% {
November 7-19th Contact Lenses? porters Sunday. 1 . , .. w . .c/ l
mm m (on ma on. .i you ran Asked what would cause Democrats to defect, Wade "' ‘ .l ‘
15-25% :3L53232L.532?22f;£:’,“?.",.l$ said. “The woman issue." i - ' -. t.
_ decide is so, mu m walk out Collins, a former schoolteacher, disagreed. Asked re- I .u .1 4
Off everything :"SOITZ: "ij; 3;";;;‘:j'g,'d:y cently if she believed Kentucky was ready for a woman 1 .x , f . ¢% 8‘ _ .
PC'WMI vhuom- dav vovwm' governor, she said, “I think the people of Kentucky 1 t. a ' a U i < .1 g ' .
Click“ Genum '" Noappomlmentnocessary havesaidsobythefactthey made me theirnominee." } ,. ~ ’ .. ‘ , “ ' . . I ..
”2:533:15": :‘g'j’g'p 2?: g” Greenwell also disagreed, saying that Collirs is ' ’ ‘ . ‘- ‘3 f". ,
eame ntihesarrlehme “stronger than most men I know. it will give more i .. ’ “3 _ \k ,3": ~ .
‘ INCLUIDESSEAXVATA?:ATION VOtes thanltwtll take awaY- t .2 1" - . J I“: - \\W' ; i Y ‘ l
5041/5 Euclid Ave. mm'lfilvq'Nl . _ . . . ‘ l 1 ‘ - . ~ I ' $ . ‘ P ,, 7 ~
253412] scum-wg‘imjg: Bunnlng, 52, was making his first statewrde bid. He 1 '4 .\ _ :M "-, - - . . .
. ; “ms”: was elected in January as the leader of the Republican l - ‘ ‘. . ‘ h .2, -\ ‘7. \ _
' w-muw-uavu Party’s ninemember minority in the state Senate and ‘. . N ,’ ’ - ‘ « ‘ , _ _ . , ;
Contact Lamas previously was a city councilman in his northern Ken- l , ‘ i . l' \ ~
KERNEL Unlimited tucky home of Fort Thomas. He is a broker and agent i A --." . ‘ - ‘ - ‘
foradozen rofassional baseball la ers. ' . ' . ,- r .
CLASSIFIEDS! wow " p y I v , - i
a... tumour a Lexington lawyer Nicholas McCubbin, running under ‘ K‘ _ .4‘
' the Citizens United Party banner, was expected to have l , ‘ - - -.
little bearing on the outcome. He campaigned yesterday 1 .i . ,-
b . ‘l in Jefferson County. .
Remem er to relgls er Gov. John Y. Brown, who campaigned vigoromly for l .
for 1984 S rin C asses Dr. Grady Stumbo in the closing 10 days of the Demo- ;
p g cratic Primary, stumped sparingly for Collins in the \\
”m general election. He spent most of the last few months
s, 90‘ in office calling attention to his administration‘s pro- l
’ 4., ' l . grams. He had said in the primary that election of Col- “ I
, $ $ lins would mean a return to Democratic machine poli- ‘
h 6’ 4m“ " tics that he had helped displace while running four . ',
l ' . ’ years ago as a non-politician. _
,0 Candidates also were seeking seven other constitu- F
tional offices, 19 state Senate seats, and state Court of l‘
w) .) Q Appeals and circuit court positions. » l.
‘ ’7
"‘-“"’ . m. VAN'HOOSE/Kernel Surr ]
' i‘ Q agff‘l‘t‘u CLASSIFIEDS! The sun rises slowly over a farm on Military Pike one morning last week. ‘
° , , ACCOUNTING sruosms
‘ 1’, Part-time Data Entry Clerk needed. 0
\ \\‘\ . ,/ ,/ Flexible hours available. Minimum of ,—
. \ ‘.‘ 4/ 20 hours/wk. A l in erson at: d
present the ‘5, ' u ,fo/ FOR pp Y p t.
H m... ,, m Foam Design, Inc. “
. .‘ .9 N GS 444 Transport Ct.
. SAVI Lexington. Ky ii
. factory outlets . r
Pizza Inn .
O l"
"' ltd C lle e B flat
' v
o - Tuesday b
- . ~ 2 -4 Vin n
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Writer vzszts [us No. 1 school
‘Pla bo ’ s orts editor has pra'se f r W 'ldcat basketball team
front y y p
1. By KEN PAYNE When the Supreme Court decided very long and detailed questionnaire - . cw“.
‘r en- Reporter in the case of Roth vs. United States that i send out to over 200 schools." . l. \ ' , . y r‘ ~ - I' “
d that “no magazine was obscene if it Mount said "I also consult hundreds cf ‘ *t a» II' 4
. id Winning a national short story served a public service," Hefner of coaches and pro scouts and pick a .. (“"x f; .. I .. .5. I. '
to 5- contest and watching an occasional called a staff meeting of his writers their brains “ u .I \ . a - , .I'
football game can turn someone into and come up with new ideas for the ln Mounts preseason poll for the * _ t ' ’ " II - . . a
High asports editor overnight. publication. ”Hefner suggested the upcoming college basketball season. ' ‘ “ . _ ‘ . ’M,.‘ ‘
This is true in the case of Anson magazine start a sports department he picks UK as the tap team in the , . : _ ' *t "
)unty Mount. sports editor for Playboy and asked if any of us had any country “I think Kentucky deserves I _ I“ t . ‘ ' . _, ‘ ,. ls .
t magazine. who was in town last sportsexperience."Mormtsaid to be number 0N." Mount said “I ,3: . a .. ‘ ' . 4 4+ 4 ‘3: " if a. "
en- week to address a meeting of the 101 .. tha , l I thought they deserved to be number ' i i V. ' w .: -
Club in the Student Center Grand 1 cemented ‘ I occaSionay one last ymr also " r r I a
. the Ballroom watch a football game and Hugh re- _ ¢ {3%
. .. ' . . sponded ‘OK you‘re in charge,‘ and Although L’K did not finish in the " "I \ ‘ i 3
ed at Pr10r to becoming sports editor, . v . ,_ .. . , . . I
. 1 had no 5 rts ‘ournalism ex ri- I've been sports editor ever Since. Final Pour last year. Mount did pick . M _ l .
iCUOfl d p0 l'Jttl - peI Mountsaid. Houston as number two A number ‘ ~ ‘ I
L ma- etihce an ‘9”; .1 e ixPeriiexfie 1’: . of people. including the people in the ' "'5‘
est. 9 Sir areas 0 Journa ism, oun Mount has proved that he 15 capa- Houston area. thought the pick was
531 ' . . ble 0f handling his dUliGS OVCT me crazy Houston finished second to i . 4 . 2
Mount attended the UniverSity of years as he has become one of the North Carolina State in the national . . ,
UHL the South inISewanee. Tenn, where more recognized handicappers. In finals 4‘ . -‘ a. ”t‘
he majored in zoology and minored the past years he has been very ac» . .. fl - -
in chemistry and math. There he curate in his preseason polls. No Mounts article has Wildcats Mel- V 1 N.-. - :
“—3 met Joe B. Hall. then a basketball years ago he predicted the NCAA vin ”l‘urpin and Sam [Some listed as i q I I "“4 i V at . . ' ‘v- ' I '
l transfer from UK. Final Four college basketball teams Playboy All-Americans The article a A ,- ’
Mount then served in the Korean as Georgetown, North Carolina. also lists freshmen Winston Bennett ” -3 . . '
t War and on his return to the United UCLA and Louisville. North (arch. and James Blackmon as top new at
I States. wrote a short story which he na won with Georgetown as the run- comers “Kentucky is the oddson "
entered in a national short story ner~up. while UL and Houston favorite to win the Southeastern . .1 . I. I
i contest. Mount‘s story won the con- rounded out the Final Four. UCLA Conference championship.“ Mount . .. . {w . . {*1 .. . . t.
test and was purchased by Hugh was placed on probation and could said in his article. "If the Wildcats . . I I , .. , I.
t Hefner. editor and publisher of Play- not participate. can ox ercome their narcoleptic ; . -- a.» “J - I
boy. who was so impressed with the sleep Sicknesslikei tendencies in I. ‘ - “~ "“ . I
‘ story that he asked Mount to come Mount takes months to put togeth- postseason play, they will carry ‘ _ __ . , ' , . '
write for him. er his preseason picks. "l have a home the nationalchampionship “ .H 1'; , ‘
i " I i 7 Playboy Sports ltliloi -\ti\mt \1i‘lll" tia't \st'lt l k \" \ ' ti 4" . - ~.. lt . . i i ii “in '
allllt"\ summer piniiiotiuna‘ it‘:il
= S B ’
i _ W ports riefs
: , , we ,
i «a. ‘
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l '» _ _ Hedges to play pro hall \iipii-r to lllltlt‘l‘uti \||rurr\
l \ I_ hittiict lath kai i'il.|l:l l’ai'x it» llt'ill’t"- \l l \ t: : ' 1 h i ~ ,
l . litix tlt‘t‘itlt‘tl lll lc.i\t' l I\ ;~‘..-.. twwicwuittal "" t ' . : ' ' it: /
1 . "it: i 'ii ‘1‘. ball lll lldl\ llL'tiL‘t‘\ Alli llt‘ li“"*lli‘i ill Ilit tll'li'- i . i. '
x 1 1 \dlllt‘ llltlthlllill lt'dL'iit’ i: arm? ‘w'ttucr Icaii: i :2 ;'- ' . - .
l .. ' iI nialc \alciic \itll plav. .ll'lw‘tik'll 1n" t‘li 'lit “"41 I" -
l ‘ samc team She \tili it‘liili'. 1:1 19w 1 Mod \Iatw \’ if ' ' - ~ . -
‘ iiw‘““‘\ ii i\‘~..I. . i:_ In Nlfllt'll lll lllllt‘ lt‘l 'llt' (”Ninth "\t‘iitv» lll itilil'” i? kn... t v- '- H i' - ' -
. .-__. it ii : $5. . . (itlltlltltltl\t‘llllt'\ ‘-" 47 -| A ’ ,
i .ig'I ’ ’ii- - “W 57 pliuital t‘tlti.a'itit. iii": \t'.il «t‘lllit' l‘li' l“? 1: ' ’ . . - 4
“3“?“ 3* , “a -» ah i Will return he! aiiiatctii \laiti within-ti -.: lic ..t:t.;:.,:,t,: ‘ t -. . .
‘ i jig, i fl“ “‘3‘ i iiiii . Cllglhlt’ lt‘l llit‘ (llHiit‘t. .i\ Jtt \K‘vll lit uti'. mi ’ ' tit :' H 3 -
I i i i fii .. , V. a :fi l_\ considered a iniiittiain it'tittut'iiiaii-t- taint-i i am hat ‘tii: i ii . ‘
\ , ii» I ’"‘ “A i A ii ”ti“ than at pltllt’\\llilllll aililcic \lllllllt‘ llt‘l l lllii \lllt't'l‘i «ii .li'w' .tt .mc " r t" ' '
. » ~ % ~ :‘ W: i PW“ \liil- l"" ‘ M" -’ V" :2. I ' ‘ '~ ‘ * ‘ : .
W s ‘ “ ~ ‘1 ’ - ' . .. 2 ' . Vt Ildcat game (late changed .1, " > ’ " , = - ~ '
__ ., .. .4. . 4 , a _ it, :. i
W; , 4...:-« . II 3: i a} . > ll i. .l I "w i, ,: ; ' ' . . .v .
43m” )4; "i i” ’4.Ni ' » " i The “ildt at hil‘«lt.‘7l"flll team will ttltn lllt‘ i‘i‘i‘ii ii“ “‘ “l'
’ .. .' i3. . l!’ i, i Mi ti , '. l,, , . t - _ 4 I
635 i Lnixcrsiiy oi lllllltlh l)t'~ 3,4 .13 l H‘ 1" ill lll
i i‘ §$I l if . (‘liampaign lll. lll\lt'.ltl vii I)ct. ll a~ :illL’l “tilt” 'Wl i i' -' 1“ -‘ ' l .
l iii» t . Nil itally scheduled \I":'lit'!'I in. , ' ., , : . t .
a l i i i 3, Athletics l)llL'\lUl ( lit! ll.iL’.ili \dltl lllt‘ “MW \iiitiii' ii ii i ii i
r l l :' i i change “(is iiiiitlt' lti Ii'iH flit‘ [\laxt'r iiiiiit' tiiiic l k ~44, i:-.- v - t1 . . .
C4 :2 , i l its: ”w ~ oil itii (llllxllllth local lH‘lHlL' :‘tlt'lllllL’ lllL‘ lime. aunt: :. 2.. i» r.... i.;..i l . i! .;; .
, i ., i ’ :ii avg" Southeastern («iiiictctttc ~ lll'tllllt’ Ian Z a1 \Yt‘lm it» \I \ \ -. . n. ~ , z
, . . m, .. I...” III i A, “if . Mississipi. il‘ l.iiitt.i".
t .1: ,,- . ___.___,---- ,_._,_._
y W..- .. We- a“ . A5“- w ‘ -::—-.— -_-., : - . —: ,
. "‘ “"‘”“ K HER COOKER
Freshmen Sandy Harding (left), from Auburn, N.Y. and Winston Bennett (right), from louisville. are ”usfllk THE FRES
two of the new faces on the UK basketball squads. The Wildcats open their season Nov 26 against est 0 (t )l’ R A. l Abl HWI)
Louisville at Rupp Arena, while the Lady Kais travel to ('incinnaii that afternoon. Watch for the It’er- '0‘ ‘I‘ Hi bl,“ K’t‘il
nel’s special basketball edition Nov. l5. .3 I
. Novem er rims
.‘lStIfl F h ° b k ° d t' """" “'" llll l l Rl N'l
I‘CS man l'llllfllllg 3C en] oys pro llC 1V6 .
ale ' Now iiiitiNt.
. ' ' ' ' ts Till: (.RANI) om Nthit ltl w
. i
evening, but disappomted With loss to UK
_ . . . . : \siiiim
8." AND) Dl'MstF _"‘ _" _ "' fort and I can’t really call it because 15 070 Off , in ~31," m w
Staff Writer l was on the 40-yard line and the ref . Vi , liil' l l . (l l) l \H iii If in
I’ . .. t < a 3 I
_ 4 ‘ It doesn’t make any wasright there. A C” 5 dnm ”R an“ t“. Ma 1... . t 4' .
3d A dejectedICarl Woods sat in front . > Woods. who was heavily recruited . DUOliOld ”—l'i\ct “ll“ & iw , ”4 ., . . . .I ,.
' l ofhis locker m the Vanderbilt locker difference how many by ”(I was sanctioned before the ~ ‘. W... , ,. o i.. . ., .
o 2‘0ng“ w'thI a 10?? ”‘4‘ would have vards [make If] game by the offensive coaches to BOllOlT‘h 'iVMiiul'i/i‘ iI ,it. ,' .. iii-.3; it],
driven away eHl spirts after his . I . run the ball as many times as he . S I hi &I 8 II I
$1122? 135‘ made“ a 17‘3 lost make 200 or one it just did. Due to the lack of other players : “‘33“ ”l ‘ ~ “ H“ Wm ‘ ”"9 “m"
0 i ur a