xt7pzg6g4r12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pzg6g4r12/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-11-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1986 1986 1986-11-12 2020 true xt7pzg6g4r12 section xt7pzg6g4r12 l .
. . . t
. , ,. ,-.A_____________________________—_____.__—————————————_n_s_fl . __,____e___.___
. V Vol. XCl, No. 56 Established l894 Umvonny of Kentucky. tomogton. Kentucky 3 . Willie. "71 Wednesday, November 12. "06
I h l '
12 “a“ “0 093“ Speaks 6» Cheerleader under oes
he 0 lo 0 .
on et ics , imp ications -
- Sllr er on S ma COT ' "1 4'
, o Robertson campaign . . - - . -
A Is?“ ‘ 13" I ' I
' i I . . . f. 'A' Lill'lo'y'liill: IAPI — L'K Hilldwm's skull [0 keep his neck tilltl "' ' i' . . ”at 't tt's Mort}, including . -
‘ I ‘ “H PINKS“ \“ l” i'eterenee I" Robei £5011. (ieisler cheerleader Dale Baldwin under- head still, allowing him to be more tno- ~;i '. ,: i ordain: still tissue . . ~
. ‘ \l" H “”d m“! “mo Jackson had run {0" . went a tour-hour operation yester- comfortable. said hospital spokeswo Th" titus‘tl'rstrt' scan uses a strong . 4 :_
' t I . 'in-oiot II \Ul'lliall (‘eisler prm'dom‘ mm.“ ““5 n" ”“5““ to , ilaI-t to izise l\\tl damaged vertebrae manliebtiie Foshag magnetit- llt'ltl. a radio frequency ' . 3 I - , .
. . ii. iiiii lqiil'\t‘k|l‘i‘l 1the se ‘ll“ll'lt>rl ot question the legitimacy 0f Robertson ‘. i" ’ In his neck. which he injured during The orthopedic device includes a signal and computer equipment 10 H ‘ » ‘ . '
I iiiii. II IIIII st II_ ' p. ‘ “*‘“°“”dldmv . _ ' . .. a cheei'leadiiig stunt last week. Jew~ metal band that encircles Baldwin‘s produce themiaizes I-’ . ~ '
ii; I“. I. “i ‘I tlieonosite According .m ("gulch ”"9 ”f “(’h' ishllospiuilotticials said. head, From that hand. metal rods l’iiiltlAIH iniiivmt his spine last ' _ - I‘ . I
I lit 1 if” .11“ \n poiiniwin doesn't ”mm 5 political motives ‘5 to bring . a...”- . Doctors have told Baldwin and his extend to his shoulders and screw l a-sday whet he performed 1*; f " '. . _ ‘
..I . TI ii... a“. .a Ii .‘ rm. In ”Ci ll “You“!h‘wkm“h'bhcalbase' ' V' f family that he is a quadriplegic who into a plastic test. kt‘t‘plnu his head ' is «it! i lliili. iiariipoline at a L'K ' . ' .
:. 'Ill‘I.‘ \. .\ .. Ii it‘lleEfI‘ ‘llll‘tiu’h the “w question then arose as to , prolialily will never walk again. but iniiiiohile ~t'l ~ ' tee .' l.tili‘\'\lll0 He ex- . . ' V i
:- ihf.“ A? Ii i (LT... .I \ xii-n he “homo" H ““5 right lorIRobertson 0 who ltt.‘t‘- t'.‘iltlt the use of his hands Baldwin will remain in the tlt'Vltt‘ piaamt \ioinin. that he had in. -‘ ' . -.
‘ ll . i-iiil‘tl liitlo “1 list‘iniiiht 'll the imlum to"lei1islate morality ant‘at’ia toi tour to six weeks and will be al 'r'ivtt-v‘ 'o (to f» one flip. but over- i" ' if 3
4 I I”: i it"lil‘llilil’sn "’ L ‘ (""SIHV though. “ml the nation That pl'tiILllitisls was unchanged lowed to sit up in two or three days rotated .is lit taiia- out of it and , .' - " .
. : iflliw itililetl lllt'oltlll‘ill sinki- h‘“ "l?“ ."” ”‘9‘“ ”“”"l‘~’" “"d ”l' \omnstirisiitk all” the writer}. but the Operation P‘oshugsatd. lttlttlt‘tt’tttltisnetA, Nani ' . '
I IIIII'I oi “I II‘I‘IIIII'II‘I ll I\ riglif ior a‘reli ‘IHl lhtll lhill lt‘RISlillmf-i mm‘iill' should afford the patient the ability He lay still and horizontal lel‘lllL‘ \. “w... I... . I... \Tlti'lilsl. Baldwin , I '». .
i * “’1‘“ I" "m” l""”""~ and “T ~\"»\ll tood lt“‘lsl‘llltlll loiisl‘ites‘ ”WNW-1N lhill. itccordint.I to (leislci'. m N “ll "I"! to be more mobile. the a "my“. eoiilei‘enee Monday and h“ l "t " ‘la 't ll . .i' ii‘t-ideiit and I .; ' '.-
' . ttvll. oi. .t l‘at Robertson is the man IIIIIIII l th"h- . d» ‘ l» * ~ "states that through the rehuking ot hospitat saidiiia iiewsi‘elease. I tirst comment to reporte'f entering mid ’I‘litlllt-l‘s l, he iiad no regrets ' l I I. l i i '
l “hat l‘l'sllillisiliilll\ it ' l sun .. (I .. II '1 such things as hurricanes. all power lhe 32-year-old lrom Leitchfield his hospital room was l wish l ”mm t‘hl‘t‘l'ti' nine which he began .
'l‘i t ,.i t ‘lt‘sl‘tllt concerning the ”mwur' )} n” midm 0” (“b A t\ eouldbeeliminated.” remained “‘ 5”““1‘ b“! stable con- could 5” up six \t'ais at“. it. high school He had _ l ' ' - '
. . . t. . it It .I t'l' \yéilll to he considered an advo. ‘. . . . . . . ~. I diiionyesterday. I, . . t I-I . I l . I . . I I I~ . . I
ll‘,_‘ oi a i-li-iuiinan ltt't'tlltlllltl in c'ite oi .I )os‘s‘ihle Robertson c'im- This theology only sets Christiani- Baldwin will continue to be ieti t iptai. It i }\ squat foi II . .
‘. : pitta-s. eeiitei‘ul on the I‘III,” ‘ I H L i ty up tna position where it is easily l)r Andrieys Dzenitis fined Bald- treated at the hospital‘s neurivsci 'wo rats and spent his summers TI ' » .
I 3 I. . -iI on. “M IMIM. .laeksoii l‘ n "made fun of." (ieisler said. wins Math and fifth cervical verte- ence center and is expected to heinii \lll2‘lllt".lt& wt: r.\ll‘lp\ tor l'niiersal . ' '- n ‘ .
, : .- Lttt's‘tft‘ill in l‘JtH and that l" lhl' lh’l‘l‘wl WIN“ “0151” 54M. "I don't want anyone in the high- lirae to stabilize the patients neck rehabilitationtherapy soon t‘lieei team-i» \.\\tl'lfilll()ll i- ' -I ’ -'
. i u lint-Us hau- served in t‘on- hIh ‘3‘”‘Ip‘f'5m (,huuid cause a ”Pm m est ott'ice lot the t'hited States) who and m prevent more spinal-cord Also Within the next few weeks 1 .- .-i 71“ planned l“ W . .-"
" ‘ ' “ 1.“, “”ihfilmimf‘ WW' as well as the will politically divide our cause. he damage, Baldwin '5 expected to undergo it i t” “ 5“ ‘ ' ‘ “WW”? hlh l’UN' .' ‘ ' . V
in.” tutti ioi» ”ilf'iislcl‘s in palm. “"le “dnl «”l.‘ l|('\'(’S in ithat theology» and has a The operation also entailed attach- magnetic resonance imaging scan it .. .__-- ”rinsing and man 1 . j .
I o. ;.it i-x ta-islei‘ said liolit-i'tson believes lll a form ot direct pipeline to(iod lllL‘ an e\teriiai| "halo" device to that will allow doctors to see images : . - ’ h. ' ' :‘
’ 1 r. G . I I V i l '1
. - -« ,. I . or parking debate . .
i ‘ C -
', ' o . . .
. \ . ] syneriienxsiai .. ,. avii- lltt . , =
.I . r’ Contributingnriter '7» _ Iii-s. I Ito; _-. arid inure . , .I
>- _-~‘:i..':r... ‘wiiosslm
' . 1* . ~ Parking problems tor ~.I ;_ . I.v”,II....,,I,II..,H1,IIII, . “u ‘ .
.e i ;\ students will be the topit =:-- . ..._ I“. Miami. .1 \i‘ -
‘W f is. l. -s cuSSIon at 3 pm today 2': -11: sh. 3' . .. . that” .
'. > ‘ _ . fr denttenter. . I. l--. .. .I \I_. I he the I I
| I .- I}, . ‘ P ‘ -‘ _. I Students. faculty and statt in '. ,. - " , -
' ‘ f0 ‘5. . g; \ vited to attend a pai‘kii._ 't ' . _ . 'n J'wteiiis, . - . '
I » a“ . ' I“ ' sponsored by the commuter stirtem . t t: ~. ' ' '. . .; wt‘Kit'tI‘s Is . . ' .
I' 1““ l) - I g“ office and Student (i()\t'l‘7lftit'!l'. \s ‘ '. '-_ 't ~-‘j'4 t'tvtji'giiT‘vi‘ sltltlt‘llls. '
‘ ‘ I ' ' ' 3 . sociation ‘. ”not? s'a-teifls ti:;.’"lf"lt.tllttll ' ' i
. ‘ ~ in -- " r- , ‘ i . ‘I I. ., . The forum will discuss ill ,:. - _ ”sot iiu>7 sli2.lll.1, t lltlils .,I » '
- ., I. and administration policies .t‘ «if - . g ,.i .a' _: si.i'i.-I. to . oinniut- ' .
* 5% . as plans to solve parking [Jittltit'llx n: s'lIE‘lt'l.i.\ t‘llt} out what their '
. i .5 said Sharon Childs. director w: 'tv‘ .i; it. . ini-‘niiiig was a prior . I.
, . commuter studentotiiee '. s. i , ‘ -
.x “The main reason for the i . . - 1. . My. - 1; ;' tin tor action
\I TI to enlighten and gite ou‘. tl‘tlttl"’a. . i.. .~ 1\-'itl(i"‘ to llt' better = I '
I - tion to help students hen. -- livit‘l .: up I. . ivItiiiiwIiiiii parking I; I
' ‘ stand the (parking iit‘ot L~iii grlw' li‘l? . 'm It new: 'o show up and ‘ . . '
' - Childs said. Gene Willians .i‘.\5‘ Igf'iiaf'llt‘l“? at. I . ‘ ,
‘ tant vice chancellor tor ltthlia‘f‘ s iont \i.t~..i t‘lL‘L‘ . v p ', . .
I . ( U 0 0 I I . V ‘ I '
. . x .. ', I I ,
. s . E nivers1ty Senate e ects --
I s: .: ‘3,» I 3,, . . II N 3-. "';,:““‘~*§efgI . , at . . t b t l . i I'.
arm... ~-- 5 ~ _ wo mem ers 0 con nCl .. . . ; _
_ « .. v, .1 .- ,s-I-u may“ . ‘ .s.€’“<‘u’ "Eh,- _ . I . A
a ~ « w n I». e — 4 '-
. W... > « - ' ~ “autumn... Ambrose and Applegato scheduled . ‘ ~ ' . -
I ) V . o o ,. - ‘ H .- I‘ll ‘
l I" ll“ sPOllli‘lhl to begin terms during spring semester ~ -
l . -_ ' j '.
er tut, hot Volleyball seniors Sandro Lunney (left), Irene last home game last night against Louisville in Memorial Col- BIVBRADCUOPFR l'u- :w so}; you tie ioi the third _, .. II . "
.. .o two.» and Jill Ackermon receive roses before their iseum, liie Lodi' Kots beot melody Cords 3.QI See Page 2. Assistant News Editor up a t, .t‘ or. 'he council -' r. . i _.
I '~ 2 -
Charles Ambrose a pl‘tili'sstij oi l‘.ii.i s... i: that ballots for the third . I
II S d o . medical microbiology. and Jan is posi'ioii i-.:ii flt' to the 87 voting - . 1 ' .' j
. ’ AppleguteI an aSSQCiJh- ‘)I'li!(‘I\I\\II iii Tlit‘!‘iiltt'!‘\ vi? ll‘tt‘ l'!ll\(‘r.\ll_\ Senate i t i _‘
tu ents raise $27 ,000 in B&E phone-a-thon . i. , . . , . _
Monday as the Senate t "it! t . toitiiticii-i: it'. the t. .I , . ' "
'I “I‘ “”“l” “”“ll ” arship Fund. The fund is set up to port." The fund drive was also sup- dowment. we add more recipients of ”9“?“ members It, I ,. I II, th \ \. "if \ election ‘ l ,' l ‘
. he“ “th” pronde money for scholarships ported by about 50 businesses, indi- the scholarship." Ford said. 89- Ambrose__and Applcww "W . 7“ \. ”li— All w idlitri rotes- , ' i i 7
_ given toB& E students. Ford said. viduals and campmorganizations, cause of the outstanding results of elected b3 3] "‘“mg m"””“" ‘ “l 7h“ M; M“ i ‘5‘]. 'Hi t~ d lit i it)” Al 3 ‘ *1
. \loii- than sliIooo was raised by 1)“wa said she is pleased with the "I cannot say enough things about this year‘s drive. the college hopes LniverSity Senate to llll two ot three I‘“’ 'l ' "ll-ll"“"‘I-’ I‘m“ . ‘I’I‘I I I ' ' . . I
students (tin-mu the t “llt’t-lt‘ ot BUSI- results”. "It went great." she said. the student participation and the to give 12 scholarships next fall. seals 0“ the “mm” ”W “ll ’" “t “'“l‘m” "“""““” ,‘i‘ ”I“ “m” " ‘ '
he» a l‘.t‘ollt)llllt's annual phone-a— “We raised $27333 strictly from do- businesses that supported us." Ford l-‘ordsaid. cated in December. said liaiivia'i “”thllt’t‘l‘tllts‘ Idlhl “Md ‘10“? pro ' . » ' .
him last. \\l‘t‘l\'I s.ll(l Tina Payne . di— nations received on the telephone," said. t‘ecd C Carpenter a former dean Dahl. the University Senate s set-re 3"““l “3 H‘lt‘l‘WU WWW“ . - .
iet-torot the itinddrive .. _-\n additional $3.000 was sent in be- More than $7.000 was raised Itlon- of the college as nt‘ his life makin tar}. .. II . . . .. th» .
ll" ”1‘1””1‘ donated double the forethefundriser P ' ' . ‘ . ' .. - . . _ . ‘ pe , . . g. Although Dahl. who ser\es as '3“? 1‘iit“".\"-‘- “’m‘ on ‘ - ‘.
a . aynesatd. day night, Payne said. We ayer ., trh to . t th b . t' .
amount of money and made double _ 'lgedabOUISStinani ht .. U” l u‘ "5 0 e ““9131 3~ UK'S registrar. was unable to pro ii‘tt'it‘lo‘l‘vl‘d‘i ltecemlwt' ~ . ~ ,
the lilllillN'l' oi pledges“ than were 1‘35! 3'3“, students raised about t F d . '. g ' Payne said. vide specific election results. he did
tei-eited (llll'tltL‘. last year‘s phonea- film? .. ,(‘I‘r'Ingd "I19. phone-a-thon, . holr if“ S'I" CeCllI Cd Carpenter "The scholarship was started in say that Ambrose and Appleuate I g
_ ‘lt'tt‘. \Htl Hu'k Ford. director of all T I”? If“, $22300 for the total 3c (Lisarsf $5 \(i‘eIrIe 3“? edI.t°I’tu' honor of him and is awarded to stu- needed at least 30 votes to recent: a INS.“ ' . .
.iiiinini .ittaii‘s lltl‘ the college 5‘ 0 d” ID “‘9' [Palm 0 le IOI ege 0 Business 8‘ dents in the college based on merit.“ majority I ‘
lioiiatioiis trom the phoneathon "We‘re really happy." Payne said. ‘C omics as year. Payne said. “The primary consider- Senate rules require candidates to '
\\t'lll to lllt' i‘ecil t‘ t‘arpenter Schol- "We had incredible student sup- “Each year. as we add to the en- ation is academic achievement." capture a majority of the votes to he
. . elected to ItIhe council Lb; Senate Empty mt! at Common- I~ .
“WC“,‘S‘ egoyerning l) ol ‘ wealth leave the Wildcats
I ex e l e c e UniverSity Senate. . I .
and coach Jerry Claiborne
Ambrose and Applegate beat out .i I I h
i - . . . slate of four other candidates. who W'“ empty carts. 5.. .
tsew three-credit class offers students chance to learn many leadership qualities wereitm Lang. an assmtato l‘rt‘los' soc-us Pagez
sor of management; Don Leigh. pro
, lh l.\ \ t ti\(‘.l.l1'l‘o\ "'"""_—— But. "it someone from Bell County lessor Ol enIgineering. Jtlh“ IPKTIW’I- Wong Chang's loMt
~. « w ~. .. ~ - , ' ~ - - rofessor o armacy; ant o x-r . -. -
N ”“” ”d” ““‘” “The idea 15 to show students how an agency 31:3;th bligiiigtipfificmill 33‘ gpeddmg moflsormdennsm °'bb“'“ “MW“ AW": 'M'
~ - - .‘ . .. ' ‘ ‘ 0 session. suici 0 on ~
to .-\ppalaehiaii Leadership Pro- works, hOW a community 18 organized and hOW prove the Appalachian image. she I . . good
grant will he offered as a threecred- . - . said ' APPlegalei who has seryed as times backed by 0" ml“
it ant-a» this spimg leadership works in economic development. chairman of the communications de» Mimi drive and "(WW
\ \‘ ~'\lu't|t‘llllill education course. Jane Bagby Interested students not from Ap- thszg'gfggfsofiefsegspgilm ‘5 instrumentals. For o to“...
" ‘ "“3“” "5’4“" ““9““ ”real assistant director of the UK Appalachian Center Duluth“! mil) also SIS" "9- but they see DIVERSIONS. Pogo 3.
m.- t‘\lK'l‘tt'llt‘t'I said Jane Bagby. will he referred to either United “They are a good group of p90-
d“ \ it'll (“W '0' “l W [K Appala- (aiiipus Ministries or the Experien- ple. Applegate said. The senate .. ,
(hilly i ”It.” in". com" “1” work class. such as reading. tests or writ- works- in economic development." “3' Education Office to find an has been an important orgamIzation . w M ‘9 ”K113253223:
\\tll| .llt‘ \ppaiacliian students tak- iiiepapers.llagbysaid. Bauby said "The students will have agency to work With. Bagby said. for working Wll-h academic 901le at 1 " I . I , _ ”slim
ittL‘ lllt‘t't'llt se ln addition, the organization will a ChOIL‘e of where twhich agency) (0 andkllheg WIll lIlOl treaty/31:0 at:end the theUmvemty. ‘ 'i = . ’ z. -.,. g. .
. .. ' ' ' i - wee v iscusswnsa cen er. . . I.
., "We want to train Appalachian fil legs“ [mm do (tibiIngs that w'" "0‘ ”be “M ‘ Ambrose said he was “delighted
students in leadership qualities.‘ . p .t "l u “3'31 Idan orggi- . _ . . In general most of the counties with his election. adding that there 70"” W". b. M M
liaghx said The course includes mum". '.5 '1‘"- s e 5““ ' Bag y The course '5 aimed primarily at ‘ - are variom projects the council will with a high in the all “.
l ‘ used “sitting inonaboard meeting“ A l h' tude ts 'd east of Fayette County are in the . . . .
working for a volunteer agency. h m le P93“ ian 3 n . 388W 38' - Appalachian region be working on that he is interested Tonight will be mostly h
*8... ”‘ grammar... ‘ moi-sow was»
ours a wee an one ur is- — . . . Ni.
WSW)" at the center. "The idea is to show students how they will be taking those leadership The course has been made pour Leigh and Piecoro were the two morrow a high all “a
an agenc - works. how a communit ualitia to a mountain communit ble due to I grant from the WI leadi vote ettiers behind Ambrose around 25. ‘ '~
37 .y <1 y. . n8 . . ..
There “in he no work outside of IS organized and how leadership shesaid. Action Agency,Baghy said. and AwIegate, Dahl said. Leigh and ~

 l . .
. J .
- 9 " . 2 9 KENTUCKYKERNEL Wednesday, Novontber 12, 1986 .
" ‘ ——-——,._____._ M-~_.__—a_nww _ ______,_V_._ n , _ M V . .. .._ ._ .——~—————..——.——___—___———v
. Andy Dumtod
l 5 Po RTS sporls Edllor
' 9 " ' ~ 9 . . ~ \. *t‘tvy ".'i I: +“*‘
9. l W , . . _ ....
9. _ . , , 9
lr-we ther fans weaken UK 8 mar APFootbauPon
91,9. " ThiopiommslnthoIOthAuocloltd'tou
‘ ... . t tom." l,wl”tllfl- a... -
- . - 9-. mm» “m ; ———-—~~———~———-~~-——~—-——~—-—v~~—---—~A-—~- - ~~ “9- men more d9tftcult when the game \teIIhopeI to have more students m?“ m. 30,. .0...',°7',3:'.;,°:M§§.
'". 9 9 l. v .. \\9 . . _ , . . lslx’lllg televmed on cable by “TBS there. (‘latborne said. ”They get I9.|B-I1.tots-Milli}t-lO-O-IJ-o-S-l-J-t-t and
. ' 9‘9 N ”l " " H l llC_\ l‘c‘ ltt‘l ;‘l.!_\ Elly lUl‘ IllL‘ CFO“ Ll. ll And a cold. gray. l'itlh)‘ day t‘trst chotce and we want them to rantingmvh-twwmspo"
9‘ .- .. . ” . . . . .. . , y . .9 ‘, . ~, 9- .9 ; 9 . . , 9 tltwsn'thelpellher have first choice. But if they don't lowed m on
.X‘ .I I. .99. I . I9. ..I.I 2‘. 9.... -....... \llUllltlll . 9t..tt!.t t lllLlL I\ 1,000, 10.000 0! "For lht’ fans to come out m m” IN ”MI WM like m give them to , mm “a m, _ we ’3” ,
5": ‘. "_ ‘. -- "I \ " t \l" M \l l 9. mm” 9.9..9 Sllfllllll [\t‘vt‘lt' illc‘l L‘ l llOpC lllL‘ plLtIVCH \\ lll t_\pe ot weather. that Just showed someone else There are fans in the grilfilll. it: :3: g
9 '. .. , , . \ . ." [QM . 9 h . . " .., .. . ; ‘ l ‘ , . . that \\t‘ have some real fans." soph- other parts of the state that would mum,” .. .. _ 3.0 ,w .
"'. I .l ‘9", N l- . "9. 1:. ., ,Il. ““lll’lk‘l‘. ll“ "l ‘l‘ ‘"" ”0“ Mid”) PLOP L J“ umorc tailback Ivy Joe Hunter satd usethent ” SAruonaSt m . .a-o-t 973 s
l. 9 "1.; A: \. l ' l A lllL‘l C “ "I'd question tt I‘d even come tn The players agree. Seats filled by 7&3? 9 3:9: 2;: I;
I\ . 7". 9 I; ' l . ("l‘ ‘| I - that two of weather 99 someone 15 better than empty seats “2:,“ I ‘ “ .34..) m 0
"_ ..‘ _ . 9 . \t‘r...‘ . ‘ IUIT) ‘l' mrr l ‘ The weather may have been the l‘t‘St‘l‘Wd for students. worms» 5.290 m 9
. ""1"," .‘ ; ‘9. .‘ l,’ .xt‘9‘ .' l k lUUiliull ('chll reason fur the 10“9 [urnuut Saturda} ll gClS IVUU llred up \"hen every it) Washington . 7-2-0 606 ll
"‘" - ' - ‘ "‘. " l i ., . -l. 9 , - ._ 9.9-. I“ -—__ But some of the players feel it may body ‘5 cheenngloud. KunkelsaItd. l; (2350“ V" ‘ iii a .:
"-9-1... . - .. "I . c. . .. 12.9.: be Mother Nature "'l'hc crowd has a lot to do Wlih a 93 ”SC . . $2.0 M .1
L ‘1} “—193.97“ " l . l m, .-.. \ ' n... “999.: .99 ~ ‘ - " ' 9 ' "' '= ”99‘ “N” “"l l’” ‘m'l' "ll V" 99 -.9 - h- -. h. .9 - -t- - gamef Dot‘tch Silld’ ”If you have a 1.9 Ammo 72-91 495 17
."3" "f? f " " "L, . l. " 9 , . 9-..99~ .9 9.~ .'._ 99 ‘ - ‘9 “-9” “9"‘1'9‘9‘l‘l' -" ll 9“”.“9‘ If“ \” d“ 5mm in" good croud. you seem to play bet- lfit’lemsun :79 39- 2999
- ‘5."9‘9 ' "‘ 9‘9 ' . 99‘ 1~9K . .9. I .9' “I. ..I ;9l\.9 ,., .mm‘ ....v 9...“..- mutther tam. sophomore tietenme ter And some crowds can be tntim- to 5909mm . 72-9 m
. ”7:" hit-",4": ' ' ” ‘ l l l" l” U\. . "I .9 ., 9 9.. _ ..., 9: mt.- 9939-19.-\t.9.t _.,... “an...“ 9., 9...... end J21} Dortch satd "It we re gotne, ”hung ll" vou let them be Like if ”Arkansas 72.9 m 9.9
I t l l 1‘25"" "| i 1." "l I f" " ""ll ... -.'-A 1. 9 A \ - . " vtttt‘ lt‘.:it‘ .z'. t '.l“.t‘ \\l‘.t‘!: ‘t "t't‘tlt'tl “Md- they‘re lwhlnd ”IS Bl“ ll. “0 \ttll [mm ”"1 ’rpnnp“ppI p\.‘Ixy-\:h(yj\.‘s first" ' :3: l: 9,
:"9~9""5"" 9.9‘".'9 \ " "M." " l" l ""0"" It?“ _ E910". . ," .9 .9 9 9 '9 ' llt'llt 91.9.... 1-" ‘99“9‘9‘ l0“ ‘ 13"! mil Mlllw ball l)l't‘ilk.~. ”w“ L,“ mm” hearing orange. and that can be a 2.) Miss-snow 621 as
:99: l‘: A" " M ". .. ." . I” l \ll ..9T~ .-;.; ,- 9 ' 9 9 the t': 99m E 9t:.- man- the '9 r9-'-"9‘-“ ”ll “5 lllll“”lllmldullng'” ; d 3 l
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..9 -". ‘I '.I .'.-'" ..: . .; ‘ .. .. .. 999..- 99.9;.9' 939099 ‘ 9‘ 9‘ \‘ ‘ ' I ‘ ‘I' ' ' l" " ” " . . g p ‘ _ . . “ t‘ommonttmlth Stadtum last week ‘d" "“‘i 2" ,C"'°'°‘l" 2.49:...» S'°'°,,'§.' V3."
.- . 591‘ ., . . u..9..\ 9 ~ .9.-9 99 9- 9 .- 9 ‘ l 9:419. 99 .99 .99.. 9 :..; 9 -.. .\ntl (latbotne bellows tt 9t conttn- . . t"! I l\'~r 9]- r9 lrom em t\' 'tlu— 9....0 law ..9 9. Jon M, ,....., .
9,‘ '.-"..~',"‘{ 1.9;" ' " L l "I I .9 . ' 9 9' 9 ‘-9'9 9 9 ..;.t-..:.9r.ti9 9t \ ; 99 - . -. llt'r'. 1n the future. somethtng ma} lltd" tlll9>ln9l19fd ( p ~ ‘ Gwsrut 809'099C0t’999‘ 1810‘160'3 N0"?
Hulls-“l," H'" "l .. .. ' .9999! t1" the u *...' ~ have to be done It this meanx' tak- Hm” ‘ l t" D""“"
’I“ £5." l l I ' \ . . . . .. , 9.. 9. . . . -_. 99 : .9 ., ., 199. - 9 ,~. 9 9 . that may some of the sllltlt‘lllh" tlh I\e.'th. ttckcts are sttll available u..." mm, 9.... ..,..,...t M... “.9. mm. H...
‘.".~ "".'"-‘('"~'. l A ,, ,. l. . _, I“. .9 :99 . 9 . - . .‘, 9» . - 99 .. .t :3. - \..t... . -.9 . .9 - 9 ' H.000 reserved seats. then he's all my tht> Saturday's game against 99... Assnuatedt’tesslnp23p¢lliuesday
9"." "x d . .. . . .. 9.... '9 4 ." .' . 9 . .. :, : 9t.' 0399;“) I. t- \ " 10"” Florttlu
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if .5 , , W49 .
_.- \lJlltnlth Ill."‘=9}‘t"l 9n" . '- 99.9: 9 9‘..9 xer .9.9~.' 9' wwr. ‘t';'-.- '9. - -9 W 0 SUN AFTER DARK LJ‘ )
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I“ I :‘t, . l\.. 9 x .. .5 9 \l:ii(\ r:I\_:l .tt- ' 9 9 ~ I . 5 visits $8.50 3
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KENTUCKYKERNEL, Wednesday, Novelnbew 12, 1986 3 ‘ .
Erlli Rocco ‘ " .
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Wolellor 4 ‘
Asccvuwtunis> ‘ , . 44, -'
t .4 I .
I' est’wvsp " ' ~' ' 4 , . ' .
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Wang Chung’s ‘Mosaic’ ~ "‘ Jazz/ blues artist Allison ‘ '
q _ .- - J . .
I 1". ‘
lt.f t . t 'i' 'l o ,-
mu 1 C e [I 0 m ‘" t0 erform at Breedin S ' "
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B) 'l‘lltl.\l.\3.l..\l l.l.l\ \\ 2 4 44“ . 24-? [4&44'4‘4' ‘ " 4 .. a . .,_.',,- 4:
StaflCritic MUSIC REVIEW '5‘" ‘ “‘ . ‘ - ‘ d ‘ ‘.,'.-'"4, are '.
. - , ’ - . I, a I
M053“ “Eng t‘hung'Gelten H“ "”15 _ '. / ’ .3 f ‘ “hi“ 1“ if”! i‘ “4 -,, 1 “I ‘ ‘ M’ -."' V,,' .' . ‘.
i ‘ 7 v 4 hir'b .ttttf this. . l.~ " .v * - ‘ ' 4 " , '4. ‘4 3’ "4444,“.- .:T4
A background vocal in the luv thi-w dit'terent time zones and three 4‘ .4 ’ ~ ' (’0 4 m4)”. , 4 4 ,4: .1 .1: ‘4"
song. “Everybody Haw- m r.. two's-m vim-s ‘ " ' it... . . em «,4, ' 4 . '27--
night." asks the queallttll "thin _wti The tac' that both Hues and Feld- \ All mm. 4.44.4. M4,.“ 4 4_ 4 _4, - * M 4. r ,_"44;r-:,u44.-’4 -.
tell me what {i “an: (hunt; is“ man uere influenced early b} the ¢ ’ ten "} \h t..- : 4. 4- . -. :44- 4444.14.43.43
They are. quite simply Jack Hue. Heaths 1.x obvious in their music. 4 I °' . llbtlttltirt , ..: -: -: .-~~ . ‘4', 6,347.455- .4? 1.4%:
and Nick Feldman, the host 'elohn. particularly on this album \ ‘ mm). ”A.” .,.,_. ,4, ' , .. . . 4 ”s .m. . 5444444544 444.4414
pop"duo reeordmgtixln} The last song on the album. "The =3- , ' counties. .- .. . ~. 4, ' . 4 4 : ',4-,'-4>:' 5-4.4}; -;,-4’Y_?f.'
Their first album. I’m-t tt‘t \torld in Which We Live." is very / ‘ ctamtui J 7;.“ ’4,,!‘4
Curve. enjoyed moderate some» similar to the style of Lennon and \llssrsi‘.» ',:'. ;- ' ‘ - N «7 , ”if v“;- " 9'14] 4-4.: "p;-,i_3,,.-I-'4;' ,11' '4',-
Wllh the international hit ' [inner “.tct‘urtne) > "Revolution Number sound . wt:.' w ' . t " ‘ " all l «2 ,. «7 '4" «.7. ’ 4,. 5 . 'r’-"'."';"";,, “’ gi.’
.. . 4, 4 - - , ' '.4 —«s.—— v— «sf—To- ,‘
Hall Days. .\on. one _\ear Liter \ine in its introduction. It incorpo- board .\ n'r - " .x'” - ' . : " V 4. 4 4s '9;",.',,'-,',l,4.~‘:~vfr:
they‘ve released their third .tlltllllt t;itc.\ Pygmy chants. Persian sing- phllthttttl - r ' ' .1. , ' _ - f 3:4 . .‘ ”iv-1141.424. ‘,4-_a4~‘
Mosaic mg. Spanish crtmd chants, a tribal llh him - -: ~ ' ' . .. --' g4: :1 ,_' :.i'..':.:,‘.;sf‘:i4;'1
The first song on the album. "lit tackhentand CllpS t'rom elements of . plating . '17.th ' - . ' “0.; \l 5 g. p, ‘._-.4';7:';'-‘,‘y:_(4"4;: 5-4};
erybody Have Fun Tonight m'er \merieansrxtett‘ mmmumflmommncm4 oneer» - ‘ E. .. - . ‘ 4tiy.i4:,4a4,t~;4_-44".4-‘:‘\4p?;
changes the title With the inn l r‘e. l't .llt ltkt' .ill tour ot the \ll‘tit.fl t' -: l ‘ iv. . ,4 4 _ 4 I ...,,5rs-,.-‘»f.’i"-"i5'{;.’-‘
erybOdy Wane, ('ltung 't‘oymgm {my . h 4.4 .0“ “will" ”“441“le Wong Chungs Nick Feldman (left) and Jack Hues have produced 'l'h- w ' .. . . . . 444.44: 44.: 4.4:,_.;34.4;4g4;.
Feldman cloth» that the tin».- .n r: - tines .. .. lt’.llllt‘(l mimetnn a new set M glnbot pop that should please their tans h l " ” ' ‘ ‘ . .- ' 44:52”-154,4,4v-43344:
.sz‘s-tz-zez . .. -. ,.
swers the nll.\'(‘tln('t‘pllt)ll.\ about t} ,_ ho s‘ntnwl t‘ltmptlxlllltll and llltl>l(' mi" (‘THLMK 4 4 : _4 -4 ‘ _r 4 4 44 s;:.,’:4-§.'.44.““~._"4‘ r,
4 4 4 . _ 4 _ . .» i . - '4 ' 4. ~ -- [jib .,‘ .‘,."..«4.'_-‘
name oi the group " 'l'I“ lWH- ‘ t'llt‘fh’l' ”l MUN“ “Hill. The new unmatched sound of fame but the l .\ based Australian tntluet ”,4 . . . ., 4131-. 1,1} ‘§-:;f:'-L5-$f‘i
_ - ‘ “4.. 5 4 4 -(‘; 1, I .2 -. 4 . _ . \.. 4- - 4 .4 » 444 4 ‘4 ‘ . " 4.4:».4- ,:_¢-4‘;\,:.4.
“The name Wing ”.ng 444m“. "‘ ‘1‘ ‘4“ ”"l “f4 t' “.‘44 W :14!» such songs .i. Lt! .\ (,o. The Hat hit maker. both produttd and pH 43m.” 4.4444 4 . 4 , 4 4 . 4 4',37.4.;
whatever \‘ou want [.4 .44 ”4444.4“ H4444 'i _ ‘t l‘JIEl-Itttl lltt'} mt 1” l-‘H Horizon and "llipni‘tti/e Me show formed on the album \ tt-nttt'st‘ per .444“ 44 44. 4.. . _ 4 _ , . 44 , 4:.,4~iu4-'.-424-4"’.“. .3 74;
tun mm If That's the 44.444“ ”5.444 4: " -=¥'« Atht't’l'wnlt‘m I” ”‘1‘ the treedom that l~eldmnn brings to tormance artist Andre Heller .idrt.~ ”My,” 4-343'1‘1‘3‘4
the line .. Feldnt'tn still 444 4 4444444 7,, .2. zoom rteekh. .\lelod} the duo'.\ lltil>lt‘ 1mg. deal mm ey- background \'I)Cill.\ alone xxxt‘n Rt; .4 _4 4 4 ‘-4414;;“-,.‘-;;t4’.\,.‘»:',«'4’.4'.4'_,_
release. ‘ vl-W’l enthmg trom inH' to 'tlbess'ltln to chaelMcDonald ANN”- ‘ - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 4. l 44 "it 35933”.
‘ l'ne ti.‘\\l('ill background at Hues sutt'tde 4 44 \lmd 1- it' I ‘ ' - ‘ ' ‘ I ‘ ("Iii-16.425. _'."~"
4 4 4 ,, 44 _ 4 4 4 .\l :-..::.t.’rt. ‘tr.’ .\t;. .':..ii\’t . , .. ' '.'..","4 '5'I“,fs‘,,,'
The album 15 deemer. tr. ll‘l'."- .t- .4.-.. t :t. the shone lt‘llrsllllt Mod“, 1,. ”Us o1 rm. best albums 4 .1. 4 44 4. 4, 'r 444 444. 4 WM) \ ‘ 4 4 4 . .. ”ill-‘3’."ails/:45;
"global pttp' lle e\pi.ntts ".m- - s: ‘ tum ot ’ lit-tram} ot the \ear Mon; with the talents ot .. . i H H 4 in" ”m“ L“: i‘ “"' i i"‘.‘i3"=‘.".‘.r\-2"i "$13.5";
‘ 't' it ~ ' ' ' ,'- -..‘ .‘. | .
“5 1‘ blend "l ""t'k- l“’l' !L.'.- -‘-"'- “ 5 " ‘1‘” H ‘ elm-‘1‘ l’il“ Hues and Fellhnnn. Ituttterotb other ‘ \t'.10ll\ .w'p '- 5 -. ‘ -- ' ' ‘ .‘Th‘.\;’.~,’".-fl'4"_.‘if.
electronic mum: m with”. "in t- ”no”. oi l‘e-tltimh \ sole l> name: had a hand :n tts production “50 if your feehnu low turn up L1H”. 'l‘t“ "35 1’77‘ r ' ‘ ' 3? "- iii-pf ‘51,;243? '-
{act that the llltl>it' it is it! :‘r i .: . i... . H'slltllt'ft' Peter Wolt. not the \Volt ot .l (ieils your radio " .\ill.\|tll L'ltl" WM " .' ‘ : ’ " ' ' ' (316'H
, -.‘~'-"_.. .-.:‘.v 1.
.__'.-.-.‘, ‘«~"»:.‘,‘-.
. : .34., ..':4 ' _.-4.:‘(4,-,~ 0. i:
o : 4 r ; , .4 :4; ‘4‘}. " 1.4-4: ;
needs your help! REG : ”/12 "/45