xt7pzg6g4s3s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pzg6g4s3s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-02-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1998 1998 1998-02-20 2020 true xt7pzg6g4s3s section xt7pzg6g4s3s      




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Entertainment initiative may raise i888



c'ntcrtainment opportuiiiticsaw1'.\ would like t11pt11\1d1 l h1y 1.11111' liclotc this makes it to 1111' Board program is faith low



/ in San .\ntonio,
Reed and Bunton-Dotiglas said they the other schools. For the first two top teams in a way s11 that they Wlll not . (.‘nmpilnl from n'n'r rrpom
» .S1'1' COURI on 2 l
...—......J. o 0 ‘ 9 I C
.. . ,1 — A ..-. - _ _, - “*WW "'.—— ”.... s s - f ‘ - ....—.- ~ - - ”Wi ' t s .,

Increase expected to help

SAB develop programs

By Aaron Sandertord

chancellor for .Studeitt '\1'l'.llt\, to

\ lot 111 pe11plc.“.tltettl\ feel like
there isii 1 th it much to 1111 1 his is
11111 an .S.\11pt11posal. but .1 lot 11111
has fallen 1111 11111' shoulders."

1111' board .11111 the Student
(.11yei'nment \ssociati11n1li'aw its

up with 1 11111111111 figuie 1111 1111 111

extra s1-"'1\111s an additional


“lt's itist 111 the talking stages
right now. 11 may l11'.1litil1'pi'c

li'ustecs for final approyal.
1111-11 \\111 111' .1 lot more research."
V1.11111ka(11111'11\\.1ter.a telecoiu~
111111111 .1ti11ns s11plioiii1ii‘e doesn't
11111111 .1.1uls1i1lf111 1111. 1.111llii'sis

l’ippin said.

Kildei' said L'l\ administrators
are trying to make the Lexington

In addition 111 looking for
eutertainiiient alternatives. the

(.'1III/flll.\['.1/[INT ask 5"“de (Zenter Director Iolin base budget from student fees. feelings on a fee increase." 1 l1'i'l1st "if the\ get the right stuff. the "‘l””l"““i"l“r’”1‘ "'\1’l"“'”.‘4 '1 ”S“
llerbst for student mp1”, ' .S(1"\ receives SKI; per fullititue said. kinds of things that e\e1‘\body' "S"rc"“"“"l l""’l”."
. . . ‘ . .1 ‘ . ‘ ~ . . . _ . . ‘ ' ' h‘ . ‘ .. . , J V - . -
'\n initiative to increase campus Because .S.-\B provides 111111'11 111 ““‘lU‘I‘: 5 \B 5‘ 1’“ 11111111111 “l“ 111. It potential iiici'e. 1s1- woull “"1”" l" ‘l"_: ”1‘“ 1‘ " 1“” that \\ K J” “”UU‘Ul 1” “”‘1'1111
L'K's “min“ entertainment. dent. lhe tentative plans would PM m, J “u.“ weeklv 11111\i1 fea 11111111 1111111. she said. “11 would out what students want. lsudei'

entertainment options could cost
students S7 more in fees each

President \\'inn Stephens was
administration to

push S \li's allotment to S111 per
full-tune student.

tute. si\ small 111ii11'i'ts like last

L’l‘xt' 1111 more 1111111,"

lilivlogy sophomore .\l.ltt l’llt-

said. “( 1111' of the possibilities
would be a student fee. \\'1' are 111


[ls '.11liuinistrators are
researching a fee increase 111 give
the Student :\ctivities Board '.1
chance to fund more extracurricu—
lar events.

asked by the
“'ith the pressure of a (ireek .Sys S31
tent on the brink 111141111114 .1111111111
free timing is c'riti1.il.

“11 we go alcohol free (caiii~



'l'he .S \11 budget for 1‘)“.—
1.111111 withoiit
from tickets. .S\l3 made .111 .111111
tional S117
other revenue last year. Stephens

-'I1‘\' is
sales revenue

.(11111 in ticket sales .11111
.Scaton l"icltl.

years ()utkast show.
fee house 111' open 11111 nights. si.\
novelty shows like 1111' liypnotisi
and an alternative tailgate party .11
home football games 111 be held .11

weekly c111
pin said 111'
1'11111'1' \\.t\
.l‘ltl said 111'

sponsoiwd 1'\1'ut

wouldn't be effected
ll1' lt\1'S off campus
11(‘\('1 been to '.i L'K'
:1-qiui1-1ll1y (1.1‘1s \\ ith a sarcasti1 we

the very initial stages of finding
11111 what we can 1111111 improve

student 1111'11111'.1111piis
w .1sii't "1 think that this is .1 year where

gather infoi'iiiatioii and 1111

.\ focus on improving campus puswide). options are going to 111- said. “\Vhat 1 11111 was put down 111111'. 111' said 1 l\ is going 111 raise some needs assessment." lsudei'
conditions and findingalternatives a big issue." Stephens said. “(Zen Stephens and llei'hst talked some preliminary id1'.1s."Stepheiis 11-1 s.111yw.1y said. “It will be .1 staged improy 1-

to alcohol 11'11 _l'aines Kuder. vice

tainly' that's going 111 take several

about the e\tr'.1 programs .S\li

s.lltl. H

’1111 1 am iust 11111' student

“\11 opinion of the financing






By Karla Dooley

(.'11IIII'I/'IIIIIIQ H ‘I'II1'1'

l’aul Spi mge r considers himself ati oddity

1 le has all his teeth.

.'\t 7-1. Springer is a tiieinber 11f a unique population
where the field 11f dental hygiene is concerned. and he

Clinic reaching
out to community




recogniles that he needs 111 take good care of his oral

.'\nd Lexington (Iommunity (Iollege

him. and others like him, do iust that.
The 1.( 1(1

‘Ianella Spencer

community . "SPCHCL‘T S'di(l.

wants 111 help

Dental Hygiene (Ilinic will offer free
dental care to new senior citizen patients March 3-6
associate professor of Dental
Hygiene said the clinic offered the special last year
and it worked so w'.ell they decided to do it again.

1111' free exams. cleanings polishings \- rays. oral
cancer screenings and patient education tools are
offered to seniors as .1 form 111 “appreciation to the



The clinic. w 111111 is located in the ()s'wald Building.
is operated \londay' through lriday throughout the
school year 11y students in the Dental Hygiene l’ro-

Spencer said first— —year students usually practice on
each other. then work 111 the clinic their second year
Because all the work students do must be c'he1ke1l by a






”PE" WIDE I"II' .1'I 1'11II' 1/1 I'lhl/ log/1111' \le/(‘Ilf C'SliprIIIt' 1.11;.”1 :. '1II(1'1/ on Sup/11 II 11 I/\'IIII' .1 I1'1IIv 1l/H'IIIQ .I In'tiIIIqroII
(oIIIIIIImIIy(o//1g1I)1IIIII/(/I'III1 in'1'1'l1I"1I1Ii 11111 moo/I

clinic often takes more tiiiie than it would in a regular


In addition to the week 111 free eyains.
offers all of its scr\'1ces at rates considerably lower than
those in a regular dentist's office.

dentist's office.
“Senior citilens are the perfect patients for our sin»
" Spencer said.

“They h.i\e more time and less

the 1lini1


But the new patients the special brings in don' t hutt dentist or registered hygienist. the work done at the 5'”. TEETH 0,, 2 l ”"‘r" , .
‘ ' ‘ 1 [he recommendation comes at a critical .v
; time. iust months after doctors discovered ‘2:

iillll prepared iOI‘ 1081 Hi count skills

By David McGarvey


Kim Bunton—l)ouglas and jason
Reed ofthe LTK \lock Trial Team have
been busily preparing for the\ 1 \'ational
.\lock 1 rial .ompetition since winlning
the Regional 'l'ourn'ament on l"eb.l

l'\he 1 National (.oinpetition. spon-
sored by the lexas Young Lawyers
\ssociation will take place March 17


are both looking forward to the com 1e

tition. where they will face 31 ot er

teams from such prestigious schools as
Hay lor and (.eorgetown universities.

\.ll of the) iarticipating schools have
been given 1 e same case 111 argue iii
.ISan .\ntonio: a sexual harassment case.

l'ach team is expected to prepare argu-
ments from the perspectives of both the
prosecution and defense.

\1 the tournament each team \Hll
arguet three preliminary rounds against

rounds ea1h team will be given an
opportunity for arguing either sides of
th( ase. lhe method for determining
argumental positions for the third
round is random.

.'\t the end 111 the preliminary rounds,
the teams will be seeded according to
the outcome of the judging ballots. a
method called “Power l’rotect. "

l his tnethod of seeding is similar to
the NC \.\ Basketball lournament."
Reed said. “It attentpts to match up the

encounter each other until much later
in the competition. "

111 adequately prep."ti1 for what
promises to be a stiff 1"11mp1tition. Reed
and Bunton- Douglas are practicing
'l'uesday, \Vednes1lay'.l htirsday Satur—
day and Sunday.

'l'hese practices as erage between three
and four hours a day. “my also have fel-
low tiiock trial members l' 111 lohnson and
Hunt Rounsayall. both of whom are
third—year law students. helping them get



Clinton halts
move in wake of strike

\\ \Slll\'(i'l'().\ ()n 1111' 1'\e 111 .l
highAst'akes ['.N. diplomatic
Baghdad. l’resident (Ilinton ordered his
national security [c.1111 to postpone11\1,'1‘sc.ls
ti'.i\1'l 'l'hursday while he considers .1 p1 1ssiblc
military strike.

(:ltttltttt said he had made 1111111'11s11111 1111
setting .1 11ea1lliiicf11rlraqi l’resitlen! .Sadv
11.1111 llussein 111 bow to Linited \ations
demands for access 111 suspected w capoiis
sites. “I feel that time is on our side." he
111111 reporters.

The (.S. military buildup in the Persian
(11!” continued .ipace. 'l'he lead contingent
111.1 1.1111(1~strong .\ritiy unit from l'11i't.S11'w 7

1. (1a.. arrived in Kuwait to take 11p defen-
siye positions .11111 demonstrate [.S. resolve.

Clinton said Vice l’i'csitlcttt \l (1111‘1'
would ptit off his trip to South ,'\f'rica. and
l’ent .114'1111 officials said Defense Secretary
\\ illi.ini ( ohen would 111'1. 1y a planned iour—
ney to South .\fri1.1 '.11111 South \'1111r'i1.1 that
was to have begun nest l'.uesd 1y.

“ln coming days 1 want 111\ full national
security team on hand to take part in our
deliberations and decisions on this vitally
important issue." (3111111111 said.

lindsey testifies toi- investigation

mission 111

\\'\-S1 ll.\'(."l'(1.\' l’i'1sideuti'11confi—
dant Bruce 1 iudsey testified 1111' .1 second day
lhurs'day in the \lonica l ewinsky investigaA
tion while \\hite House liwy11spr"1ss1d 111
limit his questioning 11y .1 grand iury and
avert .1 \\'atcrgate-sty'lefight11y1'rcy1'cutiv1'

l'her1 w1re no signs that l’i1si1l1nt ( liii
ion was ready yet 111 invoke executive priyi
lege in the case. .'\nd the “hue House said
that counsel (:harles 1".(1. Ruff was “con~
tinuing to try to t‘csol\e the matter 111 the
confidentiality of cominuiiicaiions"
between (Ilinton and his 111p aides iii 111-go
tiations with independent counsel Kenneth

\ ph. 11.111.\ of 1(1presidentiai lawveis led by
Ruff attended the he armg with l llt(1S(\
111-“111111 .S. District ludge .\11rm.i ll11ll11w.i\
l1.1hns11n l Indsey fated questions 11111111
whether the pre'si1l1nt tried 111111111 up 1111
alleged affair with Lewinsky by iii1lu11ng hei
111 file .1 false court affidavit in the l’aula
~Iones case.


(}.-\l'l'l11".RSBL'RG..\l1l. Doctors may
soon have a long—needed new weapon against
the growing threat 11fdrug—i'esistant germs:
Government advisers recommended
approval Thursday of Synercid. the first
alternative in 1(1 years to the antibiotic oflast

that strains of the highly common staph
germ are developing resistance to that silver
bullet" antibioticy. vanc'omy1m

l he l'rench-developed .Synercid is .1 new
type 11f antibiotic that appears 111 work by
dealing bacteria .1 one—two punch.

In clinical trials. Svnercid had a signifi-
cant effect even though “these were
severely ill patients," noted Dr. (ieorge
'l'albot of manufacturer Rhone—Poulenc

Advisers to the Food and Drug Adminis—
tration cautioned that .S'y'nercid is not a mira—
cle infection fighter.

in some studies. it didn't work as well as
existing antibiotics, the panel said in reicct-
mg .Synercid as a treatment for everyday




 2 Friday. February 20. l 993. Kmmih’ Kernel








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Students preparing




. . .Todd Hash
Jay C Tate. Rob llerbst

Editorial Editor

Sports Editors. . .

Entertainment Editor ...... OJ. Stapleton

Assnsunt Entertainment Editor ........... Luke Saladiii

KeG Editor ........................................... Mary Dees

Andreas Gi-stafsson

Onlinc Editor ........

Photo Editors , . . . .....
Deugn .......................................... Sheri Phalsaphimjen Smith,

.,................\l.itt BartonJamt-s (Irisp

......................... Mhlee Harris, (iina Stickler, Chris Roseiithal

Graphics Editor ................................... Chris Rosenthal
The Independent Newspaper zit The University of Kentucky
Founded in 1894 ..........
026 Grchnn Jonmahsm Bldg. Univewity of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0042
tburfim copy ofi‘be Kentucky Kernel l)‘ free.
Extra topic: are $1.00 tflt'b.

................. Judependeut since l97l







Last day to begin is FEBRUARY 23

{loin the walking program designed especially for UK
employees, spouses and children
‘°The objective is to jog or walk 20 minutes a day, three
days a week during an 8-week period

'Earn incentive prizes: T-SHIRTS,








they have beeii scrimmaging Reed
and Bunton-l)ouglas to give them
extra preparation. Johnson and
Rounsavall will also travel with
the two to the tournament as
assistant coaches.

Regardless of the outcome,
both Reed and mutton-Douglas
said they have learned important
skills that they would not have
received throtigh classroom
instruction. Bunton—l)ouglas said
“the best thing" she has received
through participation in mock
trial was knowing she could coni—
petently argue a case.

’l‘heir coach, assistant professor
Allison (Ionnelly, eiiiphasixed this
point. stating that when it comes
to hiring potential attorneys,
“'l‘hese (law) firms recognize that
they have basic courtroom skills."

(Ioiiiielly should know. She
worked in the public defender's
office for | i years, the last four as
the ptiblic advocate for Kentucky
under the former (iov. llrereton

Ilones‘ administration.




JAMES CRISP [ti on! trait

"IE PRACTICE Isl/II III”IIUII'I)U/IQI1I\ Jul/low; Rm] :z'nrk our t/w XIlt’i'lfIt'V off/arir arguments during a practice .\'t’.\'~

mm for Mr Hallo/ml roll/primal] I/u'i :."I//i(rli'm/ m t! moutl' m Kim .‘liIIo/Iio. li'vila.


lllt, KSll rehabilitate program

Rehabilitation connselingfiela’
increasing wit/9 schools’ efirthS

require a master's within five
years." (Iry‘stal said.
Officials at Lils' and KSL' began
planning the program in :\ugust
WW. while faculty .it the universi-

Students who attend KSL' aiid
satisfy the requirements of the
program. will receive certificates
from the L'K Department of Spe—
cial Education and Rehabilitation
Counseling. Kentucky rehabilita-




Editor In Chief .................................... ennifcr Smith '
. . t0 win competition
Managing Editor . . ......................... Chris (.aiiipbcll
Associate Editor .................... Dan O'Neill I'M)”, PAGE 1
"E'; News Editor . . . . . . . . . . ....................... Mat Herron read." IUr Ihc competition. ‘
La. _ . h \l .-\lthough Johnson and Roun-
it- ASSlslanl News Editor ............................... Matt cw . .iy savall did not qualify for nationals,








By Matt Barton initiative to increase minorities ticstrepai'ed the program‘s design . . . . . -.
. l’lmtu Iii/nor working in the rehabilitation field. during kl” WW’ and I‘l"‘”‘g 1997- “(m “gum“ require these “Tm" ' ‘
WELLNESS lltit it will also increase the lllllll‘ l” ”“1": years they INHIFIQVlC“ Ill" “”0? for Ieiiiployment. .
P-lzflfl-fl-A‘M ’l'hanks m .i team effort by 1“.” her of minorities returning for program to determine it it should (,ertified students With a teha» i
II M . . . .' . . ‘ . " ‘. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ~
'NUK'Emw-m state universities, the held of reha~ graduate school. which will help l‘“ “"“W‘Isll- 5”?“ the Prlogml'llls lill'lim‘i“ l degree ”F“ lm h‘gh l
- bilitatioii counseling is about to them succeed in the job market. 511‘” A" “mu“ "' State 1‘“ I“ - (“mim‘ ’CCR‘UW ”1 U“ ‘99” i
v . 7 I ,7 . 7 I . .7‘ . . . . .' . .. . . . . -.
Conrad the LIx ll 81/7165: Frog) (1771 at ..).7— ”III boost I“ membership. 1),; Ralph (.rystal. director ”I classIsi/es l1;l\ e tripled. .. ;\iiiericans \\ ith Disabilities .-\ct. I
[K and Kentucky State L'niver‘ the graduate program. said he . II he “U" ("l-“‘5 (’llk‘l‘C‘l at llarley Mm}- . . f
sity have teamed tip to offer a rehaA expects tliai eight to I.’ minority hhk lm'llllls' -\lt'_tllt':llI l’WClW’ I“ l he llt'ld 1* really grimmg {
bilitation counseling undergraduate students a year will be added to “KT-ll l‘l’t‘cl‘ “I [)1‘ill’ll'll‘3f I and “”h 5" ”lilllli PC‘WIC entering the i-
program for KSL' students. the program, ll. Orientation to Rehabilitation vocational rehabilitation system," “
“lt's dclinitely a win—win for K- .\gencies iii the vocational and l’rincipals 0' Rehabilitation. llarlcy *tlltl. 5
State and his." said Dr. Debra rehabilitation systeiu require 'I‘hese classes are similar to More people with disabilities
llarlev. an assistant )rofessor in cm ilovees to eventually earn their L'ls's irogram but they’re not are returning to work, and the 3
the gradtiatc rehabilitation coiinr master s degree. lhis' program identical. need rehabilitation agencies to .
seliiig program at L'ls'. will aid in that, (Irystal said. “\Ve’re not trying to dupli- ltt‘lp them is increasing.
'l‘he program is in response to "Most agencies will hire stti— caie the program at K- State." “The need is very great in rural
‘ (iov. l’aul l’atton's call for a state dents with a “.5. degree btii might llarley said. and urban areas," Crystal said.
.i. ' " 5' . l
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. PUKAAKThankilts CargoraOtIaIPaCrtnersII PfiaDJOhr}: ARMY. um DAMON Arnie/Ila]! ' I
. r r | a 0 . . . . . .. . . . . .
. . Illa, roge ‘ owe eb'lk O asu y' C ona 8’ BE ALL mu CAN BE. PICKIN' AN“ GBINNIN' If I. \ Step/value lance i/i'iHm/ Step/veil ll I/i‘on i' reef/.7 trial/r going oz'crlwi‘li‘ dent/II Itvglcnc l
l e mi IIIr/IIIQ proper flowing and IU‘IHI'IIIQ. l
- I I I ,. _ . . . .
pieparcd to address their specific he check the l.(.( . clinic otit.
I I Advertlse In Teeth needs. Ilardy said. “They went
th K I ‘ . But in addition to the the extra mile on
ve I e In ' I e erne - blllcl‘l‘y plIIIL'IIIX Q-pf lic‘llt'ills the program . . my mouth."
, ~ , ,‘ allows students, llardy Springer said.
T116 fi'OWI [,(JC says it sometimes gives its He says he
. older patients .i sense of kec is coming
the Kernel. I'm’” PAGE‘ usefulness in knowing A 10’ 0ft!” bac' because the
\iii\ ”In“ I \t‘t'illtild e ir they ‘\ c helped students elderly patmm l(i-chair office is
I ilt‘llltll’l“ git-iic'stiitlt'iit and presi- evpand their knowledge. [avg the clinic comfortable. the
i ' dent of the l (‘(‘ Student \iiicri ul\ I”! ”1 them get an“. “M1006 ”.7! rates are reason-
. ’ ' ' ' . . to iis in a helping each is able and the lock
. ‘. ) ‘l . ' l ' ‘ . , .. .- . . .
. l m I ( n ll ”3 gum.“ " \Tw‘ ll other sense. she said WIS. tion is convenient
._ tioii. said the senior citi/cns t'lllllL ~-.\ I t i ll . (‘l |~ l 'l r. .4 .. h . l' I_
1: will liclp her to grow as a student. H U u ( Hr" ' gm“ L ”U
,I p .. patients on e the clinic and M". “can: nearby.
ii ‘ I l' 34"“ "‘ “P‘N'” “' ”l" lovetlicstiidents."Spencer aren't" “I think the
i: aging population and thcir needs. said. W’" girls are very
: y V) we can be better ctpiipped to Springer said I“. has thorough," he
y WWII" them "i l"""”" practice. enloyed visiting the clinic said. “And the
._ she said. for the past in c years. His daugh— instructors are very nice.
L - a - Since so many \niericans are teIr once worked in a dentist's “I'm a big hear. I inst lay there
' I ll\ mg longer. hygienists must be office. .iiid she first suggested that and let them work on me."










' r" *;











3 ii















“a .






(”Will 1111. 51.. 3/11 gate .S1111Ili(

JAMES CRISP 1‘\1'1'111/ 1.1M
"IE HOME ZONE I rem/11111111 [1111: 1111i KL11y11 lull/IQ (11/111: 1) 1111111 {11 L I\ [111111

11111/1111111 [Hr/1 [1111111111111 11 [11:1 11111'111g t/t1

11'11111.\”f11'.tr wee/111g, ”arr/111111 mun/1 ltiglu 111 1'1/11111111/t II )1 111111/1111111.\' (18’).

_lanuary the


AMI/1111‘) [\1'1'111

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K not taking use lightly

1a streak
on the line
at Carolina

By Dave Gorman
Sniff l l '1‘111’1'

(laution: slippery when hot.

They won seven gaittes iii a
row iit December. lit the iitoiitli of
\Vildcats had lost
three gaiites aitd five games iii a
row, brokeit tip by a road victory
in Cincinnati.

L'K is now riding a two—game
winning streak, sporting wins over
\lississippi State and l‘iasterit
Kentttcky. Sottth Carolina is next
on the tnenu for the httngry (Iats,
a team they embarrassed at
Memorial (ioliseum with a 87'—

'l‘he (Iats are curreittly H—li
reachittg one of the team’s “goal~
setting" marks for the season. But

Kate l00l( t0 I‘BQI‘OIIII

Sealers laopeforfona’

fame]! against 'Bama

By Katy Crossen
Smii'll 1'1/1'1

'lihe (tyinKats are otit for blood.

\o. S L'K tisetl to be \11. (t L'K.
'l‘hat‘s until \liL'ltigan liattded the
(iyiiiKats a lopsided 1011511110111
loss last weekend . L'K‘s worst
performance of the season.

'l‘hey' want to prove they ‘re bet~
IL‘i‘ than that.

One problem -.. \11. i .»\l'abania
is uniting to town.

“I. pL-rsontlly' ltid iity best per
toimanLe iti \ltc.higan btit it was
tlte worst meLt .is i team." sopho~
ittore Krissy lloel'erlin said. “In
\lieltigait, our sLores were biased
agaittst tis. btit otir scores will be
better l'iriday."

Because of the big loss iit .\lichi—
gait and the drop in rank nationally.
the (ivniKits are tiiore inotiyatLd to
get back where they feel they belong.

“It's an adyantage as well as a dis-
adiantage for its." lloeferlitt said.
“I he advantage is that we‘re going
to keep ptisltittg we need to
improve. ’l‘he disadvantage is that
we may get the reputation with
other teams that w c cant w in on the
road so they tiiight get a little


lhe (iymKats tiitist focus on
ls'L‘Llilii” their events clean of errors
so they re bLLfing tip the praLtiLe
sthedtilL t bit

“lxatlter than take 'l'hursday off

because it‘s the day before the meet.
w e're going to hold a light practice
to make sure \\L"l'L' on track." lloL‘~
ferlin said.

l‘riday 's titect against .\l.tbania is
special because it is Settior Night.
and some athletes like seiitor \Vhin
itey' l‘lllis are sad to see the season
winding down.

"leaving the team and sport is a
littlL sLary for niL " shL said. "(lyin—
:iastth his been abig thing tit my
lifL for the past lo years btit l tltiitk
l iti t'L tdy to move on

“But l itt really going to iitiss the
team the Loaches 7* the support l
get every day.“

Other ithleth said tltey re sad to
see the seniors go. too.

“( ltir seniors are like the moms
of the team," lloeferlin said. “They
take care of tis. and it’s hard to have
otir last time at home with them."

(:ltitwood agrees.

"'l‘ltis will be an emotional meet
for us. btit we're going to try attd

JAMES CRISP [\1‘1'1111’ 1111/3

BALANCING lei .t111111;1»1'1—11111111

111111 the (ivt111y111rf111‘1’ '131111111 mnigltr.

channel our emotions and turn
them into otir best performances."
(Iltitwood said.

“\Ve’re expecting a big crowd.
and we'd love to see them all cheer—
ing." she added. “\Vlten we were at
‘Baitta last year it was the first time
lsaw a Lapacity Lrowd they were
loud. I Ll love to see that on l rid ty'.



By Jay G. Tate
.S'pm'rt Int/Ilnr

'l'hings are generally the same
is they were on .lan (i.

(leorgia. still led by point guard
(LG. Smith. is still a steady team

full of steady players _. all of

whom still played for last year‘s
steady teattt.

L'K is still coached by former
(ieorgia head coach
Tubby Smith. who
is still (i.(i.‘s father.
The (Eats get still H
minutes and three
points per game otit
of freshman guard
Saul Smith. who
remains the soit of
'l'tibby' and younger
brother of(l.( i.

It's still a true
family feud.

Btit what has
changed since the
teams' last meeting
_. an easy 90-79 L'K witt in Athens
~~ is what makes Sunday‘s rematch
at Rtipp \rena alluring

\ftcr winning at (.eorgia last
tnotith L K Won six straight games
by an aterage of I] points. .\fter a
home loss to Ole Miss and the
residual pain of an tinLharacteristic
loss to Florida two weeks ago. the
(lats looked for redemption at
Florida \Vednesday night.

'\nd they got it. To the tune ofa
70-54 bloodlcttiiig.

Btit the fallout from the jan. 6
L K/L ( .\ gatne (rippled thL high-
ly touted Bulldogs (l-l ll) for
weeks. Prior to L (i .\ s loss to L K

Last game:

a t

(8) my mm

'78-71 vs. Alabama



the Bulldogs had lost their previ—
otis two games. \ftei' the L'K loss
(.eorgia dropped three more in a
row before findiittr sottte relief in
wiits oyerl SL antlUle \liss.

()yer its past four games.
though, (ieorgia scents to have
rehabilitated its problems. l'(l1\
has won four straight —— including
a 16-point blttdgeoning of
Arkansas last week. But Georgia
head coach
Ron .lirs'a
believes the
team‘s early»
season strug-
gles provided
his team cru—
cial insight

Record: 23-4. 11-2 SEC
Last game;
I 79~54 vs. Honda

m lilies 1.11., W, 11

Record: 14-11,

takes to win.

“I think
we'll remain
Jirsa said.
“\Ve had a
very hunt-
bling experienLc at the beginning
of (the Southeastern (onferente
season) and we need to remember
where we're coming from."

But where they're coming from
Sunday is a happy place. The Bull-
dogs’ winning streak has rein-
forced beliefs that things aren't as
bad as they scented a month ago.

“( lcrtainly. l was concerned. btit
I knew they were losing some Llose
games and they had some people
injured. ltibby Sitiith said.
“\Vben you re losing it‘s iust
tough. .\o one is happy and I know
((i .(1 )wasn t very satisfied. [hat 5
why he Lontintied to stay foLtised


6—7 SEC


and to keep working hard."

’l‘hat refocusing has forced
change in ltow the Bulldogs do
business. (i.( J. Smith. who fulfilled
a ball~handing role dtirittg his first
two seasons in .\thens, ltas
emerged as both a playmaker and a
scorer 7—» he is among Sl'iC leaders
in scoring. assists and three-point

It s .i Lhange w hiLh 'l‘ttbbt
Smith didti t acknowledge the last
time the two teams itiet. when he
was asked to compare (LG. and

“They‘re very different styles of
player 1. (i.(i.‘s game is tiiore
milk and toast, whereas Saul gives
you sotne of that flair." 'l‘tibby'
Sittitb said last month.

Along with (;.(i. Smith. L'(i.-\
has benefited froitt the emergence
of freshman power forward
lttitiaine [ones who Lame otit of
high sLhool saddled with Lompar-
isons of former (neorgia and 1\B \
star Dominique \\ ilkins. Jones was
recruited by 'l‘ubby Sitiith while he
was at (ieorgia and is quickly
becotiting the player the Bulldogs
had envisioned last summer

“He 5 the guy we thought we
were ttiiss'ing, ltibby Smith said
last month. “He's an athletic for-
ward that. like a Scott Padgett. can
ptit the ball on the floor. he can
rebound. he can shoot with range.
The only thin right now is that he
doesn’t have t L- experience."

He does now.

filones has started all I; ofLieor~
gia's games this season and is third
on the team in minutes and first in
scoring with I35 points per game.


all oftltat work is .it stake with the
last game of the season for tlietii
coming tip on Saturday although
the (iaineLoLks are III in the
Southeastern ( ~onterence.

L S(. will li.i\L‘ stiiltL' llll)ll\1l
litilts l)l its ti\\it: i‘L'\t'itgL'. .| home
crowd and it will be senior night.

““1 L1lll.l take any team for
granted tn the Sl"(:. \\ e hope to
fittislt strong with a win." L K
ltL'atl L‘ti.!L'lt liL'l‘itatlL‘iIL' \l.|tto\

L‘K had more to celebrate than
its \iLtoi'y oycr L S(:.

Senior l\illl l)etikiiis sLoi-L-tl hcr
l.l)()lltlt L'.tt‘L'L't' point. lltL‘y' also

received some pt'odticthe play' off

the llL'llL'll from Kenya toting.
'l'he freshman scored eight points
and snatched Ii rebounds.
’l'iffany \Vait also pitched iii a sea
son high 3.— points.

Both tL ants lt.'i\L thiLL play'Lis
itLraging iii double ligtitcs. But
motL pl1'-iyLrs for L K atL .ippai'
cntly stepping it tip towards the
end of the season.

\nd w lt'at LoiilLl possibly be
better time? '

"\\ L- are

really coming along


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the Kernel.







Catch Holly Cole in cot

Klein) Blue


well. Our team is hoping to keep
otir 500 record." Meadows said.
“Natalie is stepping it tip a lot
more. She ltas a great shot."

"\Ve need her to score more
and sltc had been doing that for its

.\fter the L‘S(I game. the (Iats
ltaye .1 match with Mississippi Stat
iii next week's SH) tournament in

'lhe (Iats beat the Bulldogs iii

their last meeting on Feb 1;. If

L'K sltotild win. they are guaranv
teed a date with \o. l 'l‘ennessee.

Senior Ill'lllfl

It‘s almost the end of the road
for senior Kim l)enkins.

'l'lie possible matchup with the
Lady \'ols itiade her think back
over her four years here at L'K.

“Hi we were to win that game it
would be the biggest win since I
have been here." l)cnkins said
LCSILLL‘l—(Vl l"

It is sad to finish tip my mm
is .ieolnge baskLtball player btit
Ive had sotite great times lien
and hope we cait iitake a run iii the
Sl’.(‘. tournament."

UK as 8. Carolina


7 mm.
% innit McGuiio Alena
Columbia 5 C

N: None 8‘: None

Kentucky Widcats 1 137131

G Natalie mm 4.0 '33


6 Laura Meadows 11.2 56
f Tiffany Walt 11.1 2.9
F Jaye Barnes 14.5 5.8
I: Kim Denkins 8.8 6.3
G N'ildtiMlars 12.0 '4.7
G Lisa Williams 126 53
F Zevonla White 6.0 4.4
F Donna Carr 64 69
6 Annie Lester 17.8 8.8

‘aSSIsts pet Jane




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