Minutes of the Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky July
27, 1962.

         The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky met in the President's Office on the campus of the University at
3:40 p.m.,EST, Friday, July 27, 1962, with the following members present:
Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Dr. H. B. Murray and Robert H. Hillenmeyer. Absent:
Smith D. Broadbent, Jr. President Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frank D.
Peterson were present. Dr. Angelucci presided.

        A. Meeting Opened.

        Dr. Angelucci opened the meeting by welcoming the press and public
and explained that the meeting was called for 1:30 p.m., EST, but, due to
delays in air travel, a quorum could not be procured until this time.

        B. Approval of Minutes.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the
Executive Committee of March 16, 1962, and of called meeting of the Executive
Committee of June 9, 1962, were approved as published.

        C. Financial Report.

        Mr. Peterson presented Financial Report for the eleven-months
period ended May 31, 1962. He stated that copies of the Report had been mailed
to all members of the Executive Committee ten days prior to the meeting. He
referred them to the balance sheet and other related financial statements. The
Chairman stated that the Report had been in the hands of the Executive Committee
and asked for the wishes of the members; whereupon, motion was made, seconded
and carried that the Report be received and filed.

        D. Reguisitions, Purchase Orders, etc., Approved.

Mr. Peterson read the following letter: