xt7q2b8vcd9w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q2b8vcd9w/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1922 journals kaes_circulars_001_2_124 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 124 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 124 1922 2014 true xt7q2b8vcd9w section xt7q2b8vcd9w · ~
i f 60%
Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
Junior Agricultural Clubs
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.1. B. KELLEY and EARL G. wE1.cH
Lexington, Kentucky
MARCH, 1922
i’nl»l1sli·~l in i··»iiii¤¤-mimi xxiili ilw 1i2l`lL'llll\Il`i\l oxicnsion work
•~;n·i·i.»·l on by i·····;»t·i·;iri·¤1i of xiii- <"··!ii·:i· o1` .\§l'l\'llllllI‘t‘, l`Ili\'0l‘-
` sity nil l{··iiim·is o1` Alaiy >, ll•i»i_
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, gi -
_ 1. Club members must be 10 to 18 yours of age (inclusive).
2. Enroll not later than May 1 for summer work. and Ileccniber 1
for winter work.
i 3. The club member must agree to do the following things: `
a. Make ten articles shown in this circular.
t I b. Follow the directions in this circular. C
c. Cooperate in every way with his county agent and other club
I members.
d. Attend club meetings.
· e. Exhibit one or more articles at some club show or other fair. l""
T f. Keep a record of the total cost of making three articles, uc- f"l
cording to outlines in this circular. >•*l~
g. \\'rite a short story ot the project according to outline ter
furnished. mu
h. Give the county agent not later than six mouths after enroll- ml
ment, a report of work accomplished, with story and expense {ml
records of three articles. Till
4. In awarding prizes, club members will be graded upon the follow-
ing basis:
Neatness ...i........,...i.........,... 25 points
Accuracy ..........................ii.. 60 points ma
Report .............................,...... 15 points ii`-
_ lllt
Each member must apply for the wood-working course to the {lp
county agent or State Club Leader. The consent of the parents or
` guardian should be obtained before this is done. The club mcinbcr
must enroll in some farm or home project while working on this merit ‘ St
course. NW
C sln
1 Junior Agricultural Clubs
i The olijeet of tl1e woolIllll()l)l}' litblllltl (lll tl1e ii2tl'lIl. lu
]ll2ll{lll;! these exereises. tl1e l{ll(l\\`l(’lClllS of
_ repair uml L’UllSll`lll'llOll.
» liilvll Vlllll ]]l<‘llll)l‘l` sl1o11l¤l tlerive a great tleal of pleasure i11
I lllilklllgj the various urtieles. as most people like to do t‘(>l1Sil'llC·
_ tive wo1·k. (`2lI`Ol‘lllll(‘SS. ll<‘2lilll‘SS. aeeiiruey, (‘t‘0llOlll}’ of time,
tl1e lll‘\`(‘lUplll(‘lll of lIll‘\‘llZlIlll‘ill skill uml elear tl1i11ki11g are $01110
, ot` tl1e tl1i11gs you slioulal strive to ilevelop i11 yourself i11 doing
, tl1e work.
l (`uret`ul stmly ot` tl1e tlrawiugs. bills of lll2`tll‘l`l2IlS uml i11-
st l`ll('lltlllS liefore sturti11g {lll exereise will lesseu the ]llllllll0l' of
mistakes. l·`or eaeli lesson llll‘l'll2lllll“2ll (ll`il\\`lll{l`S are furiiislied
i Sll0\\'lll§I tl1e details of <'t1l]Sll`ll(‘llOll. Auotlier llruwiug shows
‘ tl1e parts 2lSS(‘llllIl(‘1l into tl1e tiuislietl artiele.
1 'l`l1e l»ill of lll2lit‘l‘l2llS gives the l1l\llll\L‘l` uml sizes of tl1e
pieees ueetlell. \\vllt‘l] material euumit lie ]>lll`l‘ll2lSt‘ll teach them how to sharpen the saws and various teols.
· 1-16-i111·l1 CUIIIIPZISS saw.
· laeljli-i11<·]1 rip-saw, 5-])()1llt.
1—-(`4»1»i11g saw with metal lllllltlllj.
1*24-in. <'I`USS-(*111 saw, 10 point.
1———15-in. ill" jaek plane.
1-saw set. n A
1-saw viee.
% 1—-(5-iu. l»l<»1·k plane.
1—H-in. draw knife.
~1—N<»1·l;et 1i1·111e1· ehisels, ;}", Q", 1", li".
1—1-ll>. remiml nose claw l12lllllllCl'.
O 1—·lllilllL*l, iiiortixeil liamlle.
]··l1illl1l axe.
1—f1'2lllllllQ square.
1—sliits, }". Q", C", fl".
]—(‘X]WilllSlOl1 lwif. Z" 10 B".
—L—twist. drills. ;}", 5/lm", E",
_ 1-—(‘O1l1li(‘l‘Sllll{.
= 2—gimlets N0. 5 and N0. 7. l
1—0ilst011e 1" x 2" x T".
4 2—w001l rasps, 10-iu. half 1‘O1lI1ll. _
; 2—S(°l`l‘\\' (ll`l\'(‘1`S. 1 small and 1 large.
1—11ail set.
1-6-iu. pliers. n I
1-10-in. flat file. i i
1—S-in. iringular file.
1 1--6 ia. slim tapered 1l`1lIllg1ll211‘ {ile. . if
I {
A 6 C'1`r¢·11lu1‘ No. I2! I
i ninja
" 4 · as 1
` l i.l't1I
` i ii iii
· :i§? , ni QY1 will
;1·` A/\/1~ l1·*
‘;;._·=:·..· 2.-:=:·=.’=· iff-}`Q-_·C· VUV
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· I-I-Il I .
{ {9 111 I
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DLAN 1i111
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The varioiis a1·li<·l})l‘Ell` \\`lll’lI all 2l$S<‘Illlll(‘l2llI2lll<\ll will prow lIl‘l[1l.IIl. _ 1,.-,
Ill ]1lill(lIlf.§ shop (lI‘&1\\'lIIQS (p1·ojc1·lio11 ilrawiiigs) wo uso
three views; thc plan, which I`C])l'0SL‘IIlS thc il1)]_)C2ll`illll‘O of tho l11‘2
H'UINI·H'4/]']i`l-IIU Jlrxril Ceur.vc—J1¢n[or .·1yr1`eull1n·al Clubs 7
eh_je<·t us viewed l·I'()ll1 uheve; the l.l`()l1l, elevutieu, its uppeuruuec
Z us viewed l.l`()ll1 straight i11 l·l'(Pl1l; uml the e11d elevutiou us seen
i t'1·e111 the right eml.
z A ('lll'L'l·lll study of drawings of u broom holder 011 puge 6
V will ussist yeu iu l<‘2ll'lllll{{ hew to interpret the plums for the
Q vurieus urtieles gziveii iu this Cll`L‘lllill‘. 011 the upper part of
`. the page is u ])1'l`Sl>(‘l'll\'l‘ druwiug of the l)I`()f)Ill holder repre-
sented us l»lm·ed inside u glass hex. lf :1 person looking (lO\\'1l
_ thru the tep el' the gluss hex sheuld druw Oll the glass the out-
lim· nl the eh_ie1·t us it uppeurs, he would have the lines shown
v_ iu the plum view; leekitigr thru the gluss ut the iil'()lll, the ohjeet
. weuld 2l]|[>l‘ill` the S2\lll(* us shewu hy the front elevation, and
leekiiig llll'll the side it weuld uppeur te you us Sl1U\\'1l by the
l druwiug el` the eml elevutiou.
Il` &ll·l<‘l` druwiug these three views eu the gluss box, }'0\l
eeuld l·l2llll‘]l out the hex. the tep. front uml eml (‘lt*\`2lll()1lS
would up]»e;11· te yen us shewu hy the druwiugs ut the ltttllillll of
the puge. 'l`he~e three views. properly tllll1l*llSl(}Ill*(l_ ure some-
lllll•‘S eulleil werkiug er shop druwiiigs. The selid li11es repre-
sent lines eu the ehjeet whieh we euu see uml the dotted lines
» I`t*[)l't‘$l‘lll hidden liues. After u little pruetis you should be
¤ uhle te get u ll1<‘lll2ll pieture el the ussemhled ohjeet by looking
" ut these views.
ix Hardware for Bench:
= S L‘l`tl`l`iilg0 bolts Q" x 6Q" with washers for holding sills to
; lt‘g`S.
4 e21r1·iu51e bolts x T" witl1 wushers for holding top to sills.
_ 30 llnt»l1ea1d bright wood serews, li" No. 8 or 9 for fasten-
ing tep heurds. upreu. hruees uml druwer guides.
- l dex. ~ld <'()lll]ll0ll uuils for usseuihliiig druwer guides.
` { lh. (id liuisliiiig 11z1ils for druwer.
2 Hardware for Vise:
- 1 ll`<>ll hem·h serew Q" or 1" with huudle.
1 4 llut»l1ea1d hriglit weed screws U" No. 12 for fastening
V hem·h serew lo juw.
· TI (‘2ll`l'l2l{]_`t‘ hell, with wusher to fusleu lower juw
_ hruee to juw.
8 Cz'rcuZar N0. 121 1
- 1
; 1 I »
I I ‘ O
t 3 i `
— }
I I 51110
\ Logs
I ' __ (Tos
I 5 }·I11d
\ I)1111
1 \ 111:11
_ I. ¤ I)r:11
; % ;:$& _ ____ __ -l'bL9L ])I`2l‘
· k- _' Drw
_ · 0 I)I`li'
`» v_ 1.1111
‘ Q J :1 w
I Ju",
E P—=·+-¤··l V -6**
: 'J` -‘”
L1.] I { ; °' 2 g
U] F- --—- · = - fe 1
F" `‘`` ·· I H {I wm
X I 5 5 __ LE Q Iliill
Q { I 1 lg O iil('
1 :
O E : : ¤ 5 I
g I . 1 ag I
1 I . ' I
IIZZZZZ 1'.Z' 9 `T'* __ _ g 5
I I °° . D12 “ 2
I 1 Q I Z· U I
-.-.;-.—. uy -1} "` I
I f = Q 8 1
I I l
izii ’E“1“? E ?
-1 ~¤
l ll'eu1l 1111|1
1 111 U 1
10-* 011 Q1 CC1l1Cl' 11111- 11f the 11-2 S 1l`<1lll 111 1 of 111-111-11.
O e
1 T. Mortise 0111 the 1`L‘t‘12lll§ll121l` O11L‘ll1Il}.!` t`111‘ \'1Sl‘ l11·111·1-
1" x Z2" 1111 il 1-1-11t1·1· line 111 jnw Zi" 11*11111 110110111. l·`11s11-11 1
111*21110 111 11l111·e w1tl1 il Q x11 1·;11·1·1;1g1- 111111. 1
1 1
1 S. Asse11111le the vise St‘1`1‘\\' 111111 jeiw, 1`ilS1l‘ll1IIQ` 1111- Sl'1°1‘\\'
\\`ilS11Q1' :11111 tl11‘ez11le1l CUl1ill' i11 1)lill‘L‘ with 1?[" X11. 12
1 1?1i11—1lC21(1 screws.
`· 9. Make the (11’&l\\'1‘l‘ 211111 g.ll1(1l`S 2l1'1'1’1{. 'llll1‘ {jl`(); 2C*g"x20{5"
Sides of nail tray I 2 ‘§"X 2lf;"X20¥f;"
` 1’ai·titi<>ns in nail tray 3 I *;"x 1*‘;"x ug"
Handle 1 I Tg" round x 21" long
2 l`lat—liead l»i·ie·lit wood swews, 2 invlies, No. IO for handles.
Cl iloz, liil iinisliiiig nails.
_ —l daz, —l¤l iinisliing nails.
'1`lie tual lmx slmnlil lie niaile ol` a liglil weed sui·l’ai·ed 0n
lmlli siiles and edges. 'l`l1e pinrpose of it is to i"lll'lllSll a means of
l‘2l·l`l'}'lll;.l‘ a quantity oli Iools, nails, Sl‘l't‘\\`S and staples needed
I`m· doing odd jobs ziroiiiiil ilie l`2ll`lll.
I f
I 12 Circular Nu. I2.! I
- I
3‘Z' ~r ··*·;r··—r A - 4.
It vi TF REI
I § I —l— I
3 ~’~·— I
, s 3> 7 g
°‘ I * »
§ __{_ I
» I » \ 1
; ——-—‘——4 —»—t .·L I
-*2}* r•~’*'r"·—" { I
Bill of Materials
Use I N0. of Pieces Size ‘
` `
Top 01- saddle I 1 pc. S 2 S I 2"x·t"x3S"
Braces 1 " Eg" x 3%" x 15"
The sawherse should he made out el' material surI`a<·4·d two
I sides. Before starting to lay out the inaterial fer the sawlmrse,
21 careful study should he inade nf the drawings, as the li-gs tit
t0 the saddle at two ditterent; angles. The cuts for these may I
be determined by laying them out with il square, using l' FLOI/l/E/Q BOX
f.`CI`T, iK
.1 I 1-
. 7- , **71*
li ` K1
11.-.-,rK..`.-—.1_..Y{1 p
11 _, H 1 N I
` — J1; - .. ¢'~.
q ‘ / 2 T
1,, 6, _. 11 1*
1 1: ¥·—§ ·x1 -1-1 fir w 1; i'
1 L_`.".‘l1;;.1;"i Y ;;;.;L;.‘;1. 1 ul-*“‘i‘ . 1 M
· _ _,_ 5 -,;·- -
1 Bill of Materials
; Use N11. 111 1*101-05 Size
1 1
L B111111111 I 1 Tg"x G"x3G"
` $1111-s 1 2 1 TS"X 6"X36"
1·]1111s 1 2 1s"X12"X SW"
1 '1`111- 1111111-1· 11111 s111111111111-111:1111-11l`1·1|11-1-~s111-s111111-s111'1 \\—(1(1(1
1 S111`1`11(°1l|1 11111 N1111'S. 1`z11·1- >111111111 111- 111111-11 111 1111* 111111 :111 p11-1-1-s
1 z11·1-111-111112 111 (11111(`11$11111N y1`1\`l‘ll 1111 111l` 11l'i1\\'1ll§S. 1301111*1: us-
` S(‘IIl1l1111Q` 1l11- ]1i1l'1S. 1111- _1111111< $111111111 111- 11:111111-11 s11 11s 111 ]1l`Q\'1‘1l1
11ll*1l‘ 1.1111111u*. '1`11·- 1111x $111111111 111- 111111111-11 111$1|1l‘ :11111 11111 111111
11111 1-11111s 111. 11:11111. $111111-111111-s111111-s:11-1-111-1111-11 111 1111- 11111111111 Of
1 _
I A i
3 14 Cl·)`C2lI(l)‘ N0. 124 ‘
~ the box sn els tn ]l1't‘\`<_‘lli the plaints living •
1 I ]_/A 1
~ Tv
l .
Bill of Materials
Use N0. of Pieces Size ·
CCCC C 1 l
Posts I 4 l 1"x2'&"x5' V
Cleats ? 12 l"x2"x1i1’ 4" `
Shelves i 12 l" X ii" X IE' Hill" ·
A Nails:
lb. 6d nails.
Soft linnlner Slll`l`2lI
_ Bill of Materials
I. Use I No. of Pieces Size
_1 Legs I 2 I 1"x 12"x 1S"
S Top I 1 I 1"x14"x 3’0"
‘ Sides 01* zipmns I 2 I 1"x 6"x34"
‘ ;} liv. Gd cmnnion nziils.
I l`se llllIllIL‘1‘ Slll'l‘{lC(‘(l Oll two sides and edges.
_ 1. C'z11·efnlly lay out the shape of the legs to dnnensions
I by using Z1 cz11·pentc1"s squzn*e and pencil.
. ~ i
· l
I 18 Circular No. 124
_ 2. Cut out legs with a erossent saw, earel`nll_y entting to
" _ tl1e peneil lines.
I Q 3. D0 11ot ent out the plaees in the legs for the side apron
‘ u11til after tl1e aprons have been inade.
I 4. Be sure all edges are planed perfeetly straight and
5. Cut out aprons and dress to dimensions.
i (5. If eonvenient make top ont of one pieee of hnnher. lt
may be made of two or more pieees joined together
· l with dowels, or by nailing eross eleats aeross hoards. Q
; These should be plaeed llll(l(‘I'llt‘2lil1. Top may he inade
· of slats so spaeed as to have nniforni width ol` eraehs
I between tl1en1. l
` 7. (`nt out a l1ole in the top 1" wide and 4 inehes long to
i be used as a hand-hold for pieking np the heneh. 'l`his
hold can be inade by boring a series of 1" holes, and
then finishing with a ehisel or by drilling two holes the 4
eorreet distance apart. and sawing out between with a _
compass-saw. l
8. Nail aprons to the legs with Gd nails, testing with a V
square to see that the legs stand exaetly at right angles
to aprons. J
9. Nail top to legs and apron boards. i
10. Paint the beneh with two eoats of good paint lo pro·
teet it from the water. V
i Bill of Materials
Use No. of Pieces V Size i
Bottom i 1 i 1%" x 3*/Q" x 24"
Sides l 2 I G4" x 3%" x 24" _;
1 10 bright, flat-headed screws lit", No. 9.
ll'oo¢l-ll'm·ki'ny Merit Coursc—J112zi0r Agricultural Clubs 19
MWER Box ///
t /6/{
··w‘_ t q"" . wtioi »g5’—·4
l r *·* ·¢ ’ #· ’—= of " —Jz— :;+2}-
3 l.....l.. .< l..-.r:.·Ti*
C O O G ,.].,;:4
‘ l. 'l`l1el>otto1n should he nnule ot`:1elea\rpieee0{pe1‘{`eeIl)‘
sound lnnther.
li ZZ. Neleet tl1e liest snrfnee of t.he ltottoin pieee and 1l1&lI`l{
it tl1e working snrtnee.
· 3. l’lnne one edge perfeetly straight nnd sqnztre for n
\\'(>l'l{lllQ' (‘ll§`t‘.
Z 4. (htnge the widtl1 on hoth snrfnees. `
M 5. l’lnne to gauge lines.
_ ti. Be snre that. hoth edges nre perfeetly square with tl1e
working snrfziee.
- T. Prepare the sides zteeording to dimensions.
it S. 'l`he two sides nre to he fastened to the edges of bottom
pieee with serews, nntking the hottont edge perfeetly
_. even. l.)l&ll’0 the serews so that they will not interfere
with the sowing. A
ll. Tiny ont the nngles.
l :1. 'l`l1e niiter liox should lnive one perfeetly square ent
i near one end. Lny it ont very zteenrntely with at large!
. I
I 20 Circular N0. 124 l
s I
I steel square, with the long blade held earefully on one I
A I edge of tl1e box; with a sharp peneil or knil`e lay out
· I a square li11e aeross the top edge of eaeh side pieee.
I \Vith tl1e try square square these lines down the sides. .
g b. Lay out the "half piteh euts" or 45 degree angles I
Q forming a letter X, across the box. lie sure to make i
these acenrate or the miter box will be worthless. Lay 1
I out the half piteh ent by using a large steel square.
I i Lay the square on the working faee of the material in
i sueh a way that the same figures on the blade and on
I tl1e tongue are exaetly even with the working edge ot'
I the material. For example, take figure l0" on the .
blade of the square and make it exaetly even with the
_. working edge; also figure 10" on the tongue of the
r square exaetly even with the working edge. \\'ith the
` square in this position mark along either the tongue
or blade and the angle will be exactly 45 degrees or
half pitch. I
e. After tl1e angles are laid out on the top edges, square
dow11 the two sides with the try square.
d. Sawing these angles is the most partienlar part in eon- ‘
strueting the miter box. lie sure to follow the guide
lines. .
10. Finish box with sandpaper and give it one or two eoats
of shellae to protect it from moisture and dirt. ~
Bill of Materials
Use I No. of Pieces Size
» Upright 1 l Zg"x2"x 5’ _
Crossbars I 4 I ig" x 1" x 30"
Crossbars . I 1 I ig" x 1" x E6"
Crossbars I 1 I Eg" x 1" x 24"
Crossbars I 1 I TQ" x 1" x 12" I
Brackets I 2 I '9§"x6"x T"
Brackets I 2 I Eg" x 4" x 4"
Soft iron wire I 2 I 5l)'
. 16 if" staples, 2-; doz. (id finishing nails. A
11'ouel-11'w·l:i11g Merit C01(7'S0—Jll1ll-OT Agr1`c21ltura1 Clubs 21
/701/1/EQ 7`QELL/S
J. W
1 n 1 ' '
1 0
1 1 {I
· 1 I—I 1 {
`* ` Y *1 '
I 1. 31:1110 1110 11111·1g111 11111 of 111:1101·1:11 s111·1`:11·011 011 :111 f(111I`
$1111*51 111:11<111¤ 0:11-11 S111l‘ S1 11i11`•J \\`1111 1110 :111°:100111 0110s.
:¤ D 1 J
1 2. \\`i111 :1 11·y S<11l2l1`l‘. 1:11 11111 :11111 s1111:11·0 :11·1·0ss 1110 1111-
f 1·1g111 1111‘1'1‘, \\'111‘1'C 11 1s 111 110 0111 0111 f01` 1110 1·1·0ss-11:1rs.
1 110 (‘21l`1*1'1l1 11111 111 L'111 0111 11111 111110 il s11:11·0 01· 1110 L'1'OSS—
1 11:11*s 11111 11111; 111.
5 8. \\'1111 :1 1ll2l1`1(111{J_' ;::1g0. g:1g0 11011111 01 C111. S21\\' 0111 1110
»1 \\'(`10(1 just 111$1(1(1 0f 1110 11011011 111:11*ks \\`1111 :1 11:10k-$:111
0I` (‘1'()SS-(*111 S2l\\`.
4. (`111s01 11111. 1110 11l2l1(‘l`1211 111 1110 11011111 0f {l`21fl`C 111Z11‘1(S \\`1111
I- :1 s11:11·11 0111s01.
. 5. 1*12181011 1110 (‘1`OSS»111ll`S 111 111:100 111111 11:111s.
6. N:111 Ollt 1110 11r:11·1<01s 10 :1111* $1111:11110 (1OS1Q_`11. Use a.
("0]1111{.1`-S21\\` 0I` (*01111121NS-S2l\\'. 11"£1S1L‘11 111(‘111 111 1108111011
\\'1111 11:111s.
` 7. 1<`:1s1011 1110 \\'1l`(‘ 111 1110 O1l11‘1‘ 1‘11(1S 01` 1‘1`(1SS-11{1l`S 111111
Q s1:11110s.
{ S. 1’:11111 1110 11*0111s 111 111`01l‘(’1' 11 1`1`O111 1110 110:111101·.
· 22 Circular N0. .121
7 ,—{ .I..¤;_
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Io V5 I
{ I {Z L1 5 `
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Q"“ - » `~·¤ O`?
*=¤> · . I
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i· —»+§- + `
Bill of Materials I
Use No. of Pieces 3 Size
1 7 V I _ .
Bottom l 1 l §g" x 4*F.I" x 14¥~Z,"
Ends 2 I Eg" x UI" x G"
The book ruuk slmuhl bc mualc of ouk, \\'illlllll» or some otlicr
huul wood. Grcut cairo slmulil lic lukvn in lilylllg out, uml vul-
tiu;5 Tho cmls uml iiiortisvs for thu lmlilmi. lll‘l.lll`<‘ 2lS.<<‘IlIl)llll§l`.
svrupu uml sumlpupcr ull l>l‘<>2lfl siii·l`m·i·s. L`2ISll‘ll thc purls with -
fish or uiiimul glue uml smull liruels.
The gzlme Sllfllllil lu: l1<·u1<·211l11¢‘t1 01· $1:1111011 :1 (1£ll`1{
1 CO10l`.