xt7q2b8vdz97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q2b8vdz97/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-10-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1990 1990 1990-10-04 2020 true xt7q2b8vdz97 section xt7q2b8vdz97  

Editorial Editor

The two versions of the 1990 farm
bill passed by the U.S. House and
Senate before August essentially are
ineffective because of the federal
budget negotiations and the eruption
of the Persian Gulf crisis, according
to a UK agricultural economist.

“Federal budget negotiations and
the Persian Gulf crisis make it clear
that the assumptions used by the ag-

riculture committees in preparing
their versions of the farm bill are
obsolete," said David Freshwater,
an agricultural economist in UK’s
College of Agriculture.

The House and Senate versions of
the 1990 farm bill have to be
merged in a conference committee
and approved by the president.

“Until that happens, we don’t
have a farm bill,” Freshwater said.

The Persian Gulf conflict could
“radically change global and nation-

.~'r.. jma'M-A . .....

al. economic and political condi-
tions,” he said.

In August, when the farm bill
passed, few could anticipate that oil
would be in the $40 range, he said.

Congressional leaders and the
White House agreed this week on a
budget plan that calls for an addi-
tional $13 billion in cuts from the
baseline agriculture budget during
the next five years, Freshwater said.

The U.S. Department of Agricul-
ture will be forced to make “real


1r 9»

cuts," he said, which means that ag-
ricultural committees won’t be able
to make up for savings by shifting
payment dates or claiming savings
from programs that were expected
to decline.

“There will be pressure outside
agriculture and from the White
House for real cuts because you
can’t bring the deficit down unless
you make cuts," Freshwater said.

Freshwater expects most USDA
cuts to be made on commodity pro-






A sure sign that it's fall is, of course, leaves dropping from trees. But summertike conditions are sticking around for a while. The Na-
tional Weather Service predicts thunderstorms and a temperature of about 70 degrees today, with an 80 percent chance ot_rain.




SGA calls for teller machines at LCC

Staff Writer

At last night‘s Student Govem-
ment Association Senate meeting,
the senate passed a resolution by ac-
clamation, calling upon UK Treasur-
er Henry Clay Owen and Vice
Chancellor for Administration Jack
Blanton to “incorporate the place-
ment of automated teller machines
on the Lexington Community Col—


UK professor Ray
Betts will speak on
“The Unfortunate
Legacy of Empire:
British Colonization of
the Ottoman Empire"
at 7 pm. in the Stu-
dent Center, room



Psychotic vil-
Iians make
"Peace,” “Pa-
cific” a suc-

Story. P399 2


Diversions ........................... 2

Viewpoint ............................ 6
Classified ........................... 7


lege Campus."

The resolution, sponsored by the
Campus Relations Committee, calls
for the process to be completed no
later than Dec. IS.

Also at last night’s meeting, the
senate allocated $140 to the UK
Graduate Day Fair for refreshments
and a server. Debate concerning the
bill centered around the fact that the
senate’s money would be used to
buy refreshments.

Senator at Large Ashley Boyd
said she wasn’t sure “whether or not
we should pay for refreshments out
of student fees.“

Adrian Jones, vice president of the
Black Graduate and Professional
Students Organization and organizer
of the fair, noted that he was seeking
additional funding from the SGA
Student Organizations Assistance

But he said that SOAC funding

can’t be used for buying food.

Sean Coleman, senator at large.
said he was in favor of the bill be-
cause it will help to “acclimate the
graduate students when they first get
on campus kind of show them
what UK‘s about (if they didn‘t do
their undergraduate studies at UK).
So I think it’s good. Let‘s make it
look professional A good propor-
tion of our students will hopefully

SGA election draws about 600 voters


Staff Writer

The Student Government Associ-
ation kicked off its freshman and
special elections yesterday with a
higher than average turnout, election
chairman Tom Bloom said.

“We've had a really positive tum-
out, a lot more than last year," he
said. About 600 votes were reported

The highest turnout was at LCC,
where more than 130 people voted
for LCC Senator at Large. Locations
at Blazer, Donovan, and Commons

also had higher-than-expected tum- .


More freshmen this year turned
out at the Student Center and Mar-
garet I. King library, according to
SGA President Sean Lehman.

There are 14 freshmen candidates
vying for four seats on the SGA sen-
ate. Special elections are being held
for colleges of Social Work, Library
Science, Dentistry, and the Graduate

Turnout at SGA elections in the


Student Center


1990 Freshman and special elections

10230-2130, 5:30-7:30





Special elections voting will take place in the li-
brary only, and LCC Senator-at-Large
voting will take place at LCC



spring traditionally is low. and some
candidates felt the short amount of
time allowed to vote may have add-
ed to the problem.

“This is a bad time for freshmen
since their classes are usually earli-
er,” Lenore Crihfield. candidate for
Social Work senator, commented.
"they won't come back out."


However, Bloom was very
pleased with the results.

“This is above what last year's
was," he said. “We’re really happy
about that."

Elections will continue today at
the same locations. Bloom urges
anyone who has not yet voted to
come out.



grams, but the form those cuts will
take is uncertain.

“As long as caps on farm program
outlays are imbedded in a budget
agreement, there is little leverage for
traditional farm interests," he said.

Several factors point to a difficult
farm bill conference, he said.

In addition to problems caused by
the federal budget and the Persian
Gulf, prospects for lower interest
rates are dim. commodity prices are
soft and the global grain markers are

[T‘ Obsolete’


“Conditions in agriculture and in
the general economy have signifi-
cantly deteriorated since August,"
Freshwater said. “If current trends
continue, farm income is going to
be hit hard by higher levels of sup-

“There has been a shift in projec-
tions from a continuation of the re-
covery that started in the mid-19803
to a concern that conditions of the
early 1980s may be returning."

Students say
time Will tell I 1
on Germany

Assistant News Editor

Students who gathered tor a lor—
um last night concerning the reper»
cussions of the reunification of Ger-
many said only time ‘will tell the
Story of the wounded economy of
former East Gemiany.

About 30 American students and
German exchange students crowded
into a classroom in the Old Student
Center to discuss “what the unifica-
tion of Germany means to us."

Sylvia Buskill, :1 CK graduate
student whose mother is a native
German, said the reunification is a
“great sign of what people can do
when they get together.

“I came to this meeting to help

Buskill, who lived in West Ger-
many as a child, visited her mother
this summer and said there was a
visible change there.

“I remember, as a child, seeing
fences and guards. Now the guards
are gone."

Although Buskill said she sup»
ports the reunification. she admits
there are hardships ahead for her

“Young Germans have a euphoric
view and don't see the changes that
need to be made.“ she said.

Some students said they are con—
cerned With the effect that the quick
transition from socialism to capital-
ism is having on the East Germans.

“It will be stressful for East Ger—
mans to get used to the Western val-
ues," said Anita Roy-(‘houdhury an
exchange student from Heidelberg,

Roy—Choudhury said she is con-
cerned that East Germans will lose
their ltiCllIlI) It) being assimilated
into West (icrman culture

Ania \ .int‘cltcn. also a West Ger-
man exchange student, said the re-
unification doesnt mean freedom
for the lust Germans ,. .is many
Americans may think.

"Evertthing Will he West German
the .inihcm. the flag,“ she said.
“There's not much of a choice for
East Germans,"

“So many changes will occur. It‘s
hard to make a statement of what
Wlii he.” and Markus HoI/hauer. a
West German graduate exchange

(')n .1 national level. German—
Americans \esterday applauded
their homeland's unification. Vete-
rans who had to light a unified Ger-
many said H was time to forgive —
but not forget

An ABC News poll found that 80
percent of 1.002 Amencans in a
random telephone survey support
unification .md 79 percent see no
threat. Among Americans older
titan 65, those of fighting age in
World War ll. eight in 10 approved
of a united Germany.

People who faced the Nazr Holo-
caust had a dittcrcnt view. Joel Ru-
bin, who tled the Nazis when he
was [2, was the only one of 97 peo—
ple in his extended family to escape
the Nazis during World War II.

“I don‘t trust them," he said. “I
cannot tmsi the ticnnans."

Others were pleased With what

has happened.
“I Wish I could be there to help




Associated Press

BERLIN -— Leaders of a
new Germany rushed to as-
sure the world yesterday that
it would strive for peace in
the future and would never
forget the dark lessons of its
Nazi past

As most of the nation sa-
vored its first hours of unity

, and sovereignty after night-
long celebrations, leftist radi-
cals protesting unification
rampaged in Berlin. Police
fired tear gas and water can-
nons in street battles, and
about 50 people were arrest-

Soviet President Mikhail
Gorbachev, widely credited
with making unification pos-
sible, will visit Germany next
month, a government spokes-
man said yesterday. A hero’s
welcome is expected.

In a message to govem-
merits worldwide, Chancellor
Helmut Kohl pledged Germa—
ny would never again pose
the territorial claims that
marked Germany from its ini-
tial unification in 1871 to its
defeat and division in World
War II.

“In the future, only peace
will emanate from German
soil," Kohl said.

“At the same time. we
stand by our moral and legal
responsibilities that arise
from German history.” Kohl

That was a reference to the
Nazi past and the Holocaust,
which claimed the lives of 6
million Jews.

Presidmt Richard von
Weizsaecker raised the same
themes in his speech at the
ceremony in Berlin’s Philhar-
monic hall.

"The Nazi tenor and the
war it caused inflicted untold
serious injustice and suffering
on almost all of Europe and
on in." he said. “We continu-
ously recall the victims.“

Among the several hundred
invind guests was Heinz Ga-
linski' ', an Auschwitz death
camp survivor and now the
teeth of Germany’s Jewish





celebrate. I'm happy for Gennanv
and for all the people.“ said Lena
Bremer. bl, of Freistatt. Mo, who
spent her first 20 years in Fast Ger-


 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, October 4, 1990

p [)1 I 'ERSI ()NS
Fast-paced action makes both ‘Pacific,’ ‘Peace’ work

Contributing Critic

“Pacific Heights" and “I Come In
Peace" are films that both deal with
psychotic villains who make inno-
cent people miserable or dead. then
proceed to profit from the damage
they create.

That's about the only similarity
between these two fast—paced, enter-
taining romps into anything-goes

The multitude of differences
range from genre (psychological
thriller vs. sci-fi action/adventure) to
directors‘ expertise (John Schlesing-
er‘s 25 plus years vs. Craig R. Bax-
ley’s two years). But both films
agree that success comes from being
able to mix the thought-provocative
plot points with the entertaining au-
dience-grabbing visuals. These two
flicks are fun with a message.

Schlesinger’s tale of yuppie first-
time landlords Patti (Melanie Grif—
fith) and Drake (Matthew Modine)
dealing with the tenant from hell,
Caner Hays (Michael Keaton), has a
dated unreality that actually adds to
the film's appeal. With the upward-
ly mobile attitude becoming a thing
of the ’805, seeing Griffith and
Modine having pie-in-the-sky goals,

Award-winning jazz ensemble performs at UK

Staff reports

The Alumni Jazz Ensemble will
perfonn the first time as a unit Sat~
urday. Oct. 6 at 8 pm. in the Otis A.
Singletary Center. As a special treat,
Professor Vino: DiMartino will di-
rect this compliation of talented stu-
dents that he so inspired over the

Also performing in the concert
will be the award-winning UK Jazz
Ensemble under the direction of
Miles Osland and saxophonist/
composer Bob Mintzer.

bric-a-brac decor and mineral water
—— while Keaton goes bump in the
night, twiddling razor blades, breed-
ing roaches and trashing his unpaid—
for apartment —— has the overall
quality of a perfect fantasy for any-
one who despises young urban pro-

Griffith presents a heroine who
fights back with intelligence and de-
termination, instead of physical vio‘
lence, a rare trait these days. Mod-
ine plays the short fuse to perfection
and adds a good-sport quality to
how his attempts at violence always
lead him to more self—injury than

Keaton is the type of actor who
needed the chance to play an incred-
ible villain, and the script gives him
one that he can play with the right
mix of subtlety and schlock.

Schlesinger’s taut efficient direc-
tion adds to the necessary tension
that any good thriller has, and he
has fun throwing in some unexpect-
ed twists while dishing out the ex-
pected chills.

While “Pacific Heights" is real-
ism with a touch of fantasy, "I
Come In Peace” takes realism,
throws it screaming out of the win-
dow, and injects sci-fi shenanigans
into the wom-out cop-buddy genre.

Besides winning the 32nd Annual
None Dame Collegiate Jazz Festi-
val, and having two students receive
"Outstanding Musicians" awards,
the group’s recent recording. Live
— Into the ’90s) was favorably re-
viewed in Jazz South. The record
ing also received four out of five
stars from Downbeat magazine.

The cassette will be on sale at the
show for $10 each.

One of Mintzer‘s compositions,
“In the ‘805," is featured on the
UKJE‘s recording. They also per-
formed the piecc during their win

This combination worked perfectly
in the vastly underrated “The Hid-
den," and this film does a great job
at copying that success, with the
right new touches.

Dolph Lundgren is a tough, yet
eccentric, cop who seems to rely
solely on hunch, finds himself up
against an alien criminal, who
“comes in peace,” only to steal a ton
of heroin. inject it into helpless in-
nocent people. and extract a chemi-
cal from the brains of the doped-up
victims that the alien sells on his

Oh. and an alien cop is chasing af-
ter him as well. Oh, and the FBI
seems to know more about space-
mcn than they let on to.

Naturally, a flick like this is only
as good as its bad guy, and the alien
drug dealer, with his killer magnets,
lethal syringes and atomic handgun,
has all the right qualities of sadism
and surliness. to make him as mem-
orable as any Bond baddie, euro—
nasty or galactic scum. Baxley’s last
film was “Action Jackson,” a dim-
witted excuse ofan action film.

"I Come In Peace" has the same
slick, special effects look but makes
the right decision to insert plenty of
original tidbits, outlandish humor,
and good dialogue —~ for all the

ning set at at None Dame.

Mintzer has a New York based
Big Band of his own. Mintzer stan-
ed as the tenor saxophonist and ar-
ranger with the Mel Lewis Orches-
tra at the Village Vanguard playing
every Monday night in New York.
Four albums later he is one of the
most wanted performer/educated
composer in the country.

Mintzer will also be premiering a
piece composed by Miles Osland,
written specifically for this concert.

A multi-faceted musician, Mint~
zer has either recorded, arranged.




Matthew Modine (left) and Melanie Griffith portray a couple of young urban professionals terrorized by
tenant Michael Keaton in the psychological thriller "Pacific Heights."


few weeks away and the last of the and the eye. See these flicks as a
summer films trying to make their double feature, and you’ll be sur-
last dollars, it’s good to find two prised at how completely good you
films that appeal to both the mind feel when the lights come up.

The EaSt Meadow by Zale Schoenbom

characters, not just for the bad

With the holiday film season a

composed or performed with: Bud-
dy Rich, James Taylor, Randy
Brecker, David Sanbom, Steve Win-
wood and Jaco Pastorious — just to
name a few.

His own six-year-old New York
based Big Band has recorded five
CDs on the DMP label.

This concert is being co-
sponsored by the Jazz Ans Founda-
tion and the UK Alumni Associa-
tion. Tickets are $6 for students,
children and senior citizens. General









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 Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, October 4, rue - 3


.8 I '( )R I .8

The major league baseball
playoffs have a way bringing out
those special moments.

Whetlter the occasion is a two~out
home run in the bottom of the ninth
or a pitchers‘ duel between the
league’s top hurlers, the playoffs of-
ten leave baseball fans with everlast-
ing memories.

As America eagerly awaits this
year’s Fall Classic. the National
league Championship Series wiu
give fans a classic matchup — the
Cincinnati Reds and the Pittsburgh

Although the two teams were
missing-in-action in the ’80s (the
Reds and the Pirates were the only
National League teams failing to
win a division crown in the decade),
they’re no strangers to the playoffs.

As the predominant powerhouses
of the ’70s, the Reds and the Pirates
each played in six playoff series in
the decade. 0n four occasions (’70,
’72, ’75, and ’79), the two clubs
squared off against each other. The
“Big Red Machine” won the first
three before falling to Willie Star-
gell and “The Family” in 1979.

If the regular season matchups be-
tween these two teams are any indi-
cation (they split the season series
6—6), expect another exciting show-

Some will say the Reds have
“backed into the playoffs," while
the Pirates have charged into them,
capturing seven straight wins down
the stretch. Cincinnati, however, has
won every game in which it had its
back to the wall, leading the West-
ern Division since day one.

Pittsburgh, on the other hand, has
been in a constant battle with the
Mets since June and may start to
show signs of a long and exhausting

The following is a breakdown of
the teams’ strengths and weaknesses
and what to look for in the series.

-Pitching: The Reds were second



in the league in pitching (3.42
ERA), while the Pirates were close
behind with a 3.44 ERA.

Look for the Reds to start right-
hander Jose Rijo in game one and
lefties Tom Browning and Danny
Jackson in games two and three. The
Pirates should counter with righ-
thanders Bob Walk and Doug Dra-
bek in games one and two and lefty
Zane Smith in game three.

Rijo, at this time, might be the
best pitcher in the league (14-8,
2.72), but Smith has won gone 5-1
with a 1.50 ERA since having come
over from Montreal in a midseason
trade. The Reds seem to always have
trouble with Smith and can make
him look like the next Cy Young on
any given day.

The biggest factor may come in
the form of the Cincinnati bullpen.
The “Nasty Boys” have regrouped
since Norm Charlton has returned
from the starting rotation to give
much-needed middle relief. Hard
throwing Rob Dibble and Randy
Myers give the Reds a 1-2, righty-
lefty punch in the late innings. The
Pirates will counter with Neal Hea-
ton and Randy Tomlin.

-Hitting: Cincinnati led the
league in hitting with a team average
of .267, but the Reds have a roster
full of “slap hitters." Barry Larkin
(.301), Hal Morris (.350), Chris
Sabo (.273), and Mariano Duncan
(.300) are all good hitters, but none
of them can hit the long ball with
regularity. Eric Davis (.260, 24
HRS) is the Reds‘ lone home run
threat and he needs to come alive if
Cincinnati hopes to put runs on the

Pittsburgh, on the other hand,
looks like the '27 Yankees com—
pared to the Reds. The outfield slug—
ging trio of Barry Bonds (.306, 33

s will see Red in Series

HRS), Andy Van Slyke (.287, l7
HRS), and Bobby Bonilla (.280, 32
HRS) are enough to carry the Pirates
even if the rest of the lineup is held
in check.

-Defense: Again, another catego-
ry in which the Reds led the league.
Larkin is a potential gold-glover at
short. Davis has won three consecu-
tive gold gloves in centerfield (al-
though he’s been shifted to leftfield
due to sore knees) and centerfielder
Billy Hatcher has yet to make an er-
ror this season. Catcher Joe Oliver
has a rifle arm behind the plate and
handles the Reds’ pitching staff

The Pirates, however, may be
tougher in the field than Cincinnati.

lose Lind is on his way to being
the league’s premiere defensive sec-
ond baseman. Bonds is the leading
candidate for the NL gold glove
award in leftfield, and Van Slyke
has won several in centerfield dur-
ing his career.

-Other: The Reds have the
home-field advantage. Games one
and two as well as four and seven
will be played at Riverfront Stadi-
um. Games three, four, and five will
be played in Pittsburgh.

Baserunning could be a major fac-
tor. Cincinnati likes to make things
happen early in the game by running
the bases. The Reds have five
players (Hatcher, Larkin, Sabo,
Duncan, and Billy Doran) with 20
or more stolen bases. The Pirates
have only two real running threats
in Bonds (51 stolen bases) and Lind.

-Prediction: The Reds in six
games. Veterans like Browning, Da-
vis, Larkin and Ron Oester will rise
to the occasion, but not without an
all-out light from the Pirates. Look
for close games decided in the late
innings by the bullpcns.

Staff Writer Jeff Drummortd is a
journalimz sophomore and a Kernel
sports columnist.

Ice Cats connect with Canada

Contributing Writer

Despite Kentucky's obvious cli-
matic disadvantages. the Cool Cats
—- UK’s hockey team — have land-
ed two recruits from the fertile
hockey country of Canada.

Canadians Art Wickson and Paul
Sloan have joined the team, giving
UK new weapons in its quest to re-
peat as Southern Collegiate Hockey
Association champions.

Wickson hooks up with the Cool
Cats via Vancouver, British Colum-
bia. Playing hockey since he was
live, he will add support to the de-
fensive line.

“I think we’ll have a great year,"
Wickson said. “We’ve got a corps
of guys that have great talent, and if
we pull together and play as a team,
we’ll have a great season.”

Winning isn’t the only thing go-
ing for the Cats — they also have a
large band of hard-core fans.

Only football and basketball
games draw more fan support.

Wickson said he is looking for—
ward to playing in front of the near-
ly 1,000 fans that watch the games.

“It’s crazy here," he said. “At
home varsity football we got 300
people. The most people I’ve ever
played in front of is 200 to 300. I
think it’ll be neat playing in front of
that many people."

Fans and championships aside.
Wickson was most drawn to UK by
the dental program it offers.

UK academics also was the No. 1
reason Paul Sloan joined UK and
the Cool Cats. Having come from
Chatharn and having gone to school
in Ridgetown in Ontario, he has
come to finish his degree in agricul-


.-= lllllllllllill :....*r

tural education.

"UK has a good (agriculture) pro-
gram and it will be recognized in
Canada." Sloan said.

Sloan also will be playing defense
for the Cool Cats. Sloan learned to
play when he was five, and he’s
been competing ever since.

“(UK) is better than I expected,”
Sloan said. “There are some good
hockey players on this team. It’s
comparable to my last varsity team."

Some die~hard Cool Cat fans will
be happy to hear that Sloan likes
rough hockey. Unlike the classic
hockey player whose smile reveals a
veritable checkerboard of missing
teeth, Sloan has come out relatively
unscathed in hockey wars. He broke
an arm once, but it didn’t slow down
his drive for a physical game.

“I’m used to full contact, and it
can get really rough." he said.




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tainment—use your imagination?

Ifyour office organization or committee would like to partici-
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 4 - Kontudty Kernel, Thursday, October 4, 1990

Hopkins hints at candidacy after poll

Associated Press

LOUISVILLE, Ky. —. U.S. Rep.
Larry Hopkins said he is giving
closer consideration to a race for the
GOP gubernatorial nomination next
year after receiving poll results that
show he has widespread natne rec-

The 6th District congressman was
viewed favorably by 35 percent of
Kentucky’s registered voters in the
survey conducted Sept. 49 for the
Republican Governors’ Association.

Only four percent of those sur-
veyed viewed him unfavorably.
bringing his overall name recogni-
tion to 39 percent, according to the

Hopkins, who has stated previ-
ously that he is leaning toward run-

ning, said he was “a little bit sur-
prised" by the results of the survey.

He said most people are telling
him he sh0uld run. but “this is the
first hard evidence. and that’s what
we wanted to get. Obviously, it‘s
good news."

The telephone poll wm conducted
by Market Opinion Research of
Washington and Detroit, which said
it surveyed 800 registered voters,
making the margin of error plus or
minus 3.5 percentage points.

Jan van Louhizen, the finn's vice
president, gave a brief summary of
the poll results in a memo to Hop-
kins last Wednesday and met with
him Monday.

“The results show that you are in
a strong position to make a run for
governor in 1991,“ van Louhizen

wrote Hopkins, adding that he was
“equally well liked" by Republicans
and Democrats.

Hopkins' name recognition was
“quite high." considering that his
Bluegrass district lies only in the
Lexington news-media market. the
pollster said.

Hopkins was recognized by about
one-fourth of voters in Jefferson

Van Louhizen said Hopkins‘ low-
est name recognition was 20 percent
in his native 1st District, which is
heavily Democratic but has been
leaning toward Republicans in fed-
eral elections.

Name recognition has been a
problem for some recent Republi-
can gubernatorial candidates, partly
because they were nominated in

low-key or perfunctory primaries
while their general-election oppo-
nents gained support in strongly
contested Democratic primaries.

A primary would help whomever
gets the Republican nomination. ac‘
cording to Harlan lawyer Eugene
Goss, who has said he also is lean-
ing toward seeking the Republican

Announced GOP candidates are
Leonard “Buck" Beasley of Willis-
burg, who placed third in the 1987
primary, and state Rep. John Harper
of Shepherdsville, the 1987 nomi-
nee, who says he won’t run if Hop-
kins does.

Hopkins was the only GOP candi-
date tested by the poll.

Gallery committed to show Mapplethorpe

Associated Press

CINCINNATI ~ The art gallery
director who is on trial for showing
homoerotic photos by Robert Map-
plethorpe testified in his own de-
fense yesterday that he never wa—
vered in his commitment to display
the works.

Dennis Barrie, on trial with the
Contemporary Arts Center on ob-
scenity charges, said he and the gal-
lery‘s board had talked about the
controversy an exhibit of the photos
had triggered in Washington, DC.

The govemmcnt-supported show
ing of Mapplethorpc’s photos was
canceled last year in Washington
amid a debate over federal funding

of an. The National Endowment for
the Arts now requires grant appli-
cants to certify that the awards will
not be used for work that might be
considered obscene. Sen. Jesse
Helms, R-N.C., pressed for the poli-
Barrie, h0wever. said the board
strongly supported going ahead
with the exhibit.

“This was an exhibition of high
quality. It had been seen in other
cities and was by a well-known art-
ist," Barrie testified under question-
ing by his lawyer, H. Louis Sirkin,
in Hamilton County Municrpal

Seven photographs in the 175-
photo exhibit are at the center of the
trial. Five show graphic sex acts in-


391A [QTY

Come and see what happens.

Where: Student Center Ballroom
Who: BSU, Peer Counselors
How Much: SI before 10:00 52 after 10:0