xt7q5717mm64 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q5717mm64/data/mets.xml Smith, Z. F. (Zachariah Frederick), 1827-1911. 1889  books b92-152-29698781 English The Courier-Journal Job Printing Company, : Louisville, KY. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky History. School history of Kentucky, from the earliest discoveries and settlements to the end of the year 1888  / by Z.F. Smith ; prepared for use in the schools of the State. text School history of Kentucky, from the earliest discoveries and settlements to the end of the year 1888  / by Z.F. Smith ; prepared for use in the schools of the State. 1889 2002 true xt7q5717mm64 section xt7q5717mm64 


)'1I5ITORy       OF      fEJTdQ Y

         TO TILE END OF THE YEAR 1888.

         By Z.    F. S4iTH.







  The offering of a Pupils' History of Kentucky as a text-book for
the public and private schools of our Commonwealth is an enterprise
boin of no sudden impulse. For years back, the author has been im-
pressed that the course of study was seriously defective in our schools,
without a study that would familiarly acquaint the children with the
history of their own State and its people. He has often had occasion
to give expression to that conviction. Of the many leading and vet-
eran educators who have given an opinion on this subject, he can not
recall a single one who has not expressed a like view, and with em-
phasis. The uniform testimony of such witnesses but confirms the
idea that such a text-book is urgently needed.
   The aiw in this work has been to bring the history within the
compass and use of the text-book course; and yet to preserve, un-
broken, the narrative of events in chronological order. While the
multitude of details can not be admitted, yet the main events and
episodes around which these cluster are given.
   Long have the children of our Commonwealth been taught to
know of Greece and Rome, of England and France, and of the United
States in general, in the course of study, but left to know little or
nothing of the history of their own State. We would.not undervalue
the former, but let us assert at least equal importance for the latter.
What mere inspiring theme for the admiration and emulation of the
youth of Kentucky, than the world-wide fame of heroism and adven-
ture of their own ancestors 
   Of the distinguished educators of our State, who have given utter-
ance to their views on this subject, one writes: " A school history of
Kentucky is needed. I can not assume to say how long I have en-
tertained such opinion, or how often I have expressed it."
   Another says:  " It is my opinion that an elementary history of
Kentucky is a necessity."
   A third writes: "The more the personal history of the early
settlers is included, the greater will be the good results of such a work.
What we most need for the youth of this Commonwealth now is the
heroic in morals, in patriotism and in self-sacrifice. There is no
better field for this than in such a history of Kentucky."
   Many similar testimonials might be added to these.




               TABLE OF CON TENTS

                             PERIOD FIRST.
                                                                  PA 6 FS.
CHAPTER T.-G eography of Kentucky-Sources of the seven rivers-Physi-
       cal map or Kentucky-Latitude and longitude-Importance of
       location-Origin of the name Kentucky-The wilderniessof Ken-
       tucky-Visits of Dr. Walker-Visits of Finley and Boone-Dispe.-
       sion of Boone s party-Boone's brother goes in search of him-The
       Long Hunters-The hunter's life and habits-No Indians dwelling
       in Kentucky-Prehistoric remains-Tribal conquests and succes-
       sions.. ... .. . .9-17
CHAPTER II.-Iroquois conquer the Shawanees-Blr.. khoof's visit to Ken-
       tuckv-Indian titles to Kentucky-Rest and preparation-Disaster
       to a first immnigrant party-Others visit Kentuckv in 1773-Adven-
       tures of Captain Thomas Bullitt-The McAfee party-jalies Doug-
       las a. Big Bone-Pre-historic animals of Kentucky-Other surveys
       and surveyors-Simon Kenton comes to Kentucky in 1773-First
       alventure of Harrod and party-Settlements and lottery cabins-
       Indian troubles overcloud all-Battle of Point Pleasant ..26
CHAPTER III -The wilderness deserted for a time-The Cherokees claim
       title to Kentucky-Transylvania Company formied-The treaty of
       Wataga-Boone's Trace into Kentucky-Indian ambush and at-
       tack-Construction of Fort Boonesborough-Description of the
       fort-Early life of Daniel Booue-Boyhood days-Boone moves to
       North Carolina-First excursions-An instrument of Providence-
       Great work of Boone and comrades-The founder of Tiansylvania
       Company-Office opened at Boonesborough         -             27--
CHAPTER IV.-Return of Harrod's party in 1775-Harrodstown fortified-
      Settlement of St. Asaph-Simon Kenton returns to Kentucky-
      Other improvers and settlers-Arrival of the first women and chit-
      dren-Tratisylvaiiia Company and its troubles-The Trausylvania
      Convention-Laws enacted-A constitutional cornpact-Protest
      against Transylvania Company-Virginia asserts authority-A
      thrilling scene .       -....-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-...  35-41

                           PERIOD SECOND.
CHAPTER V.-Visit of George Rogers Clark-Clark's appearance and man-
      ners-Clark's jealousy of Transylvania Company-Wlar supplies
      asked for-Indians attack the convoy-Three girls captured y In-
      dians-The pursuit and rescue-An interval of quiet-Attack on
      McClellan's Fort-First divine services-Keiitucky County org An-
      ized--England instigates savage warfare-Attack near Harrods-
      town-General James Ray-Spies sent out-The fight before the
      fort-Dark days for Kentucky .-..........-.-.-.-.-.-... .  42-50
CUAPTER VI.-Formidable siege of Boonesborough-Fighting at Logan's
      Fort-The siege coutinues-Clark's spies to Illinois-Boone and the
      salt-makers captured-Boone a pet of the Indians-Life among the
      Indians-Boone's escape-Formidalile attack and siege-Strategy
      and failure-Clark's plans developed-Marches on Kaskaskia-
      Capture of Cahokia-Vincenines captured-An immense territory
      conquered-The bearings on Kentucky-Vincenues lost and capt-
      ted again . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . ..   51-60





CHAPTER VTT.-Tmprovements at Louisville-Fort Nelson built-The corn-
       shelling party attacked-Adventure of Simon Keniton -Kenton's
       tortures--lnd of his captivity-Colonel John Bowman's defeat-
       The attack by Logan-The cuirrency aid the lands-The hard wil-
       ter-Settlemnent of Lexington-McAfee's station-Massacre on the
       Ohio.                    .                       a....... 61-67

C HAPTFR VI1IT-Fort Jefferson built-Chickasaw war-Formidable invasion
       in 78o-Barbarities practiced -;eneral Clark retaliates-1Incidents
       0l 17S(-General Clark's naval defense-Adventures of Clark-De-
       ;igtns on Detroit-Massacre of Louighrey's men-Petty hostilities
       continued--Floyd's defeat-Importation of feniale-Primitive hab-
       its andcustoms.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . ..   68-74

 'IiAPTFR TX.-Needs and supplies of the backwoodsmen-Civil events,
       i7Sr-S2-Disasters of 17S2-Alarm and pursuit-Battle of Little
       Mountain - Estill's heroic death -Adventure of Captain John
       Holder-Siege of Bryant's station-The Kentuckians taken by
       surprise-Siege and rc-en forcements-The women bring water-
       The fighting begins in earnest-The hasty pursuit-Battle of Blue
       Licks-After the battle-Logan arrives-Capture of Kincheloe's
       station-Revenge and retaliation-Other incidents of hostilities. .  75-86

                             PERIOD THIRD.

CHAPTER X.-Peace with Erngland-Savage tribes quiet-Separate govern-
       ment wanted-Spanish intrigues-Kentucky a judicial district-In-
       dustry and prosperitv-First foreign gtxxl-Stationis around Shel-
       byville-Captain Blazid Ballard-Ambushes three Indians- Indians
       pit toflight-LoiigRuii fight-Ballard Sr., killed-Captain Ballard's
       later life-Battle of the RoardsThe wild cat and schoolmaster-
       Death roll of pioneers-Treaty delayed-Virgiiiia's generous gift-
       lniportant con feretice-First convention for separation-Massacre
       of Immigrants-Mrs. McClure's rescue .87-96

CHAPTER XI -Population of Kentucky in 178-Virginia's fears-UTnited
       States Constitution adopted-Washington was the first President-
       Indian raids renewed-A fruitless campaign-Colonel Logan de-
       tached by Clarke-The fourth convention-The first newspaper-
       Overtures by the Spaniard,-The conflict of opinion-The seventh
       convention-Indian outrages again-A brave woman-A desperate
       fight on a flatboat-Many other raids and massacres.    g716

CHAPTER XIT.-State of affairs in r7go-The door opened at last-Indian
       raids and outrages-President Washington provides relief-Har-
       mer's defeat -Kentuckv protests-Desperate attempts on two boats
       -St. Clair's defeat-First State government-Massacre of Hardin
       and Trruman-Would not the Indians treat for peace-Wayne's
       great victory-Sympathy for the French-Governor Isaac Shelby-
       Nicojack Indians in Tennessee-The last Indian incursion into Ken-
       tucky-Big Joe Logston's fight-Rest for Kentucky homes. .  . . 107117

CHAPTER XIII.-Courts and legislation-Tmportant treaties-New Spanish
      intrigues-Spain not yet satisfied-The second Governor of Ken-
      tuickv-The second President of the ITnited States-Land laws and
      land titles-Devouring land sharks-Alien and Sedition laws-Ap-
      iiig royalty-Protest against the Alien and Sedition laws-Kentucky
      boldly adopts-Last years of Daniel Boon-Of Geneial George
      Rogers Clark-Simon Kenton shared a fate like Boone's-The
      second Constitution for Kentucky-Troubles with France-Actual
      hostilities-African slavery..........       . . . .     .. . . l8iT




                            PERIOD FOURTH.
CHAPTER XIV.-Nature and customs of the Indians-Gallantry and court-
       ship-Indian hospitalities-Feast or famine-Cunning devices and
       strategy-Indolence and sporting-Treatment of ch ildren-Religion
       of the Indians-Dances anid debauchery-Thepurchase of Louisiana
       by France-Rlection of SLate officers -Conspiracy of Aaton Burr-
       Henry Clay settles at Lexington -Clay's early promotion -Bad feel-
       ing between United States and 'England-Prosperity of Kentucky-
       Battle ot Tippecanoe-The great earthquake....... . .. .   . 129,3S

CHAPTER XV.-Second war with FEngland-Outrages upon the high seas-
       War spirit in Kentucky-H-ull's surrender-General Harrison takes
       command-Battle of Frenchtown -Massacre at Raisin-Cruelty to
       prisoners -War spirit in Kentucky-Dudley's defeat-The British
       abandoned the siege-Repulse at Fort Sandusky- Perry's victory on
       Lake Frie-Iuvasion into Canada-eud of the war in the North-
       west-Campaign at New Orleants-Defense of New Orleans-De-
       fenses continued-Battle of New Orleans-End ot the second war
       With Englad ..........                                        -.. -. z3IRIS

                             PERIOD FIFTH.

CHAPTER XVI.-Thirty years Of pace-The Chickasaw purchase-Viist
       banking experiments-Reief arnd Anti-Relief issues-The Old Court
       and New Court contest-Increase of population-Other industries
       of Kentucky-Federal and SItate jurisdictions-National politics in
       Kentucky-The three orators of Kentucky- Internal improvements
       begun-Early religion in Kentucky-Pioneer Roman Catholics-
       Earliest Methodist ministers-The Presbyterian church-The Disci-
       ples church-The Cumberland Presbyterian church-Kentucky pol-
       itics and finance-National and State elections-Henry Clay again
       a candidate ......... ... - .                               152-t62
-CHAPTER XVII.-Agitation of the slavery question-Agitation in Ken-
       tucky-A wat-cloud appears-Invasion of Mexico-Kentucky vol-
       unteers-Capture of Monterey-Battle of Buenn Vista-Conquest of
       Mexico-Treaty of peace-Politics in 194S-Changes by the new
       constitution          -:64-x69
CHAPTFR XVII[.-The irrepressible conflict-The Know Nothing Party-
       Death of Henry Clay-Politics and parties-Pioneer schools in Ken-
       tuckv-Devices for learniing-Transylvania Sgeminary-Cointy sem-
       inal ifes-Ou common school ystem-Our common schools before
       the Civil war-Mineral resources-Stock-raising in Kentucky . . . 1--178

                             PERIOD SIXTH.
CHAPTrF. XTX.-Vorebodings of war-The war inevitable-State politics in
       is6r-Position of neutrality-The Confederate ('.overnment-The
       first gun fired-Preparing for the issue of war-Military position of
       Kentucky -Battle of Manassas-Battle of Belmont-Roth armies
       occupy Kentucky-The horrors of war-Militarv anests and ban-
       ishmenits-Battle of Mill Spring-Battles of Forfs Henry aid Don
       elson-Capture of Nashville-President Lincoln's proposal-The
       battles in the South-Morgan's cavalry-Morgan's first raid .... 17gg9
CHAPTER XX.-Martial law- it 1862-Resignation of Governor Magoffin-
       Battle of Richmond-Bragg's invasion of Kentucky-Bragg's re-
       tleat and failure-Battle of Perrvville-Bragg's retreat from Ken-
       tucky-Canipaign outside of Xceitiucky-Morgan's brief raid--
       lProclamation of freedomn-Skirmish battles in Kentucky-Morgan's


8                             CONTENTS.

      campaign across the Ohio-Imprisonment and escape of Morgan-
      Morgan's career and death-Military changes in Kentucky-Guer-
      rilla bands-Another rcign of terror-The last of the camipaignsin
      Kentucky-The end of the war-Abolition in Kentucky-Compara-
      tive size of Kentuckians-Losses of men by the war .... .  .  .   . 192205
CHAPTER XXI.-Assassination of President Lincoln-Politics and parties in
      Kentucky-Kentucky relieved ol military oppression-Kentucky
      saved from Carpet-bag rule-Civil order quickly restored-Political
      parties in 1867-Elections in 1867--Federal and State politics-
      Governor Stevenson's administration-Common school reform-
      Official changes-Unanimnous sentiment of Kentucky .  . . . 2oii
CHAPTER XXII.-Rights of citizenship to the colored people-Events un-
      der Leslie's administration, 1871-5-Great financial panic of 187,-
      Governor McCreary's administration, 1875-9-lmiportant legislative
      acts-State and national elections-Dr. Luke P. Blackburn Governor
      in 1879-The Superior Court established-Events in Blackburn's
      administration, 1879-83-Officials elect-Events in Governor Knott's
      administration, 1883-7-Presidential election in 184-ImporUant
      reform measures-Educational conventions-Seiitiment of social
      reform-Issues of interest in Kentucky-Increase of population-
      The quadrennial election of 1887-Result of the election-Revenue
      reforni-Railroad improvements-Common school system-Presi-
      denitial election of 8SS8-Our National Centennial-Kentucky now,
      and in the future....... . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .  . 212-227
APPENDIX ..................................                       . 228-2.6



                 PERIOD FIRST.

                    CHAPTER I.

                WHITE, HUNTERS IN 1771.

  1. Geography of Kentucky.-Kentucky lies midlway in
the tier of States bordered on the west by the Mississippi
river, and nearly equi-distant from the great lakes on the
north, and the Gulf of Mexico on the south. The Ohio
river borders it on the north, and the Big Sandy in part on
the east. It is territorially bounded on the north by the
States of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois; on the east by Virginia
and West Virginia; on the south by Tennessee, and on the
west by Missouri. Its Virginia and Tennessee boundary lines
meet at a point in the extreme south-eastern part of the
State, where the Cumberland mountains reach a common alti-
tude of sixteen huindred feet above the level of the Atlantic
ocean. The two great river mains, the Ohio first and after-
ward the Mississippi, receive from this territorial surface the
waters of Big Sandy, Licking, Kentucky, Salt, Green, Cum-
berland and Tennessee rivers, and bear them through their
channels over a thousand miles away to the Gulf of Mexico.



  2. Sources of the seven rivers.-From the lofty apex and
slopes of this mountain range, which crosses south-eastern
Kentucky from Virginia into Tennessee, begin the sources
of these tributary rivers, which form the drainage system
of the State. Flowing out north, south, and west from the
region of their common origin, but each finding a north-
westerly course, all finally empty into the gentle and
beautiful Ohio, and are. borne southward by the channel
of the great and turbid Mississippi.
  3. The physical features of Kentucky.-These present to
the eye a picture of rugged mountains in the east and south-
east, gradually subsiding westward into hills and knobs, and
these fading out, within one hundred miles, into the more
level lands and plains of central and west Kentucky; and
the latter skirted at last by the fertile valleys of the Missis-
sippi and lower Ohio rivers, which lie at an altitude of but
three hundred feet above the Gulf level. The average
elevation above sea-level is near eight hundred feet. From
the highest elevation of east Kentucky there is a steady
decline of altitude, for more than four hundred miles to the
lowest valleys on the extreme west, of over thirteen hundred
  4. Latitude and longitude.-Kentucky lies between 360
30' and 390 o6' north latitude, and 820 02' and 890 41' west
longitude from Greenwich. The extreme length of the
State is four hundred and fifty-nine miles, and its great-
est breadth is one hundred and fifty-six. With unequal
sides and irregular boundaries, it is difficult to reduce or
define the contents of this area with accuracy. It embraces
about forty-one- thousand two hundred and eighty-three
square miles. It has that medium of climate which is mild
and temperate, and usually healthy and invigorating.
  5. Importance of location.-In its early history, when the
title to the great Mississippi Valley was under question by




Spain, France, and England, the position of Kentucky was
important from the fact that its shores control the naviga-
tion of the Mississippi river for over fifty miles, and the Ohio
for seven hundred.  The.se, and the seven other rivers
named, give to Kentucky a navigable river frontage of ove;
feur thousand miles-more than that of any other State.
  6. Origin of the name Kentucky.-Through the midst cf
the rich bluegrass region ran one of the rivers of which vec
have spoken, which had cut its channel four hundred feet
deep in the rocky bed over which it flowed. On either siOe,
amid pastures of wild clover, bluegrass, and cane, game m:ot.s
abounded; and here lay the favorite hunting-grounds of thv_-
Red men. The Indians called this region, in their tongue,
Kanfuckee-"At the head of a river;" and from this title the
white man gave both to the river and country the name-
  7. The Wilderness of Kentucky.-This lay five hundred
miles west of the colonies on the Atlantic slopes, and the great
Allegheny range of mountains stretched across the conti-
nent like rugged barriers midway between. From i654 to
I750, it was viewed at tines by white men venturing down
the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and in rare visics of ex-
plorers through the forest. In I75I, Captain Gist led an
exploring party as far as the Kentucky river, and up the
same on his way to North Carolina in the interest of the
Ohio Land Company. From his report Lewis Evans, of
Philadelphia, printed a map of middle North America, in
1755, including this territory.
  8. Visits of Doctor Walker.-In 1750, Doctor Walker, of
Virginia, in company with others, made a visit to Kentucky
by way of Powell's Valley and a gap in Laurel mountain.
To this mountain and the river on this side, the doctor gave
the name Cumberland, for the Duke of Cumberland, which
they yet bear. A second visit was made by the same party




in 1758; but they gained only a partial knowledge of the
wilderness land.
  9. Visits of Finley and Boone.-The truer aspects of Ken-
tucky were viewed by John Finley and a party of comrades
in 1767. Returning to North Carolina with wonder and
delight at what they had seen of the country, they planned
another visit in 1769. With Finley to pilot them, under the
lead of the noted Daniel Boone, this party went out from
the valley of the Yadkin river, North Carolina. These
hunters reached the foot hills of the mountains in June, and
built a cabin camp on Red river, near the junction of Estill,
Clark, and Powell counties. From this camp they hunted
and explored until December.
  10. Dispersion of Boone's party.-Happy and contented,
this party spent the summer and autumn, hunting and
roving over the valleys of Elkhorn, the brakes of Dick's
river, and the pasture grounds of Stoner and Licking. The
country seemed a paradise for the hunters. But for a time,
a startling event broke up this charmed life. Boone and
John Stewart, while out hunting, were captured by a band
of Indians. They were marched by day and watched by
night until, on the seventh night after their capture, they
made their escape. Making their way back to camp, they
found it deserted; and no information of Finley and his
comrades could they obtain. Boone and Stewart lived for
months in the wilderness upon wild meat and fruits, and
without bread or salt.
  I 1 Boone's brother goes in search of him.-Squire Boone,
late in 1769, left home, in North Carolina, with one compan-
ion, to find the party of his brother Daniel. Late in
December the brothers met in the solitudes of the great
wilderness, and gladly greeted each other. Squire Boone's
companion returned home, and John Stewart was one day
shot by the Indians.  The two Boones were now alone in




the vast forests until May, 1770. Squire Boone then vent-
ured home, to return again with ammunition and supplies,
leaving Daniel alone in the forests for months. The two
daring brothers hunted and explored the wilderness for
many months before they returned to their homes, Daniel
having been absent nearly two years.
  12. The Long Hunters.-In I769, forty adventurous hunt-
ers came into Kentucky from the valleys of the Holston,
                                New and Clinch rivers,
                                led by Colonel James
                                Knox. Their first camp
                                was made at Price' s
                                Meadow, near a flowing
                                spring, about six miles
                                from  Monticello, in
                                Wayne county. Here
                                they also made a dp6t
                                for the supplies and skins,
                                which  they agreed   to
                                deposit every five weeks.
                                They hunted out as far
                                as the present counties of
                                Green, Barren, and Hart,
                                and on the waters of
                                Dick's river. They built
                                another camp and dp6t
          JIOHN FILSON.         nine miles east of Greetns-
    THE FIRST HISTORIAN OF KENTUCKY. 17384.  burg, near the site of
Mount Gilead church. They were absent two years; so
long that, on their return, they were called the "Long
Hunters. "
  13. The hunter's life and habits.-Boone's party and the
Long Hunters did not meet, and neither knew of the
presence of the other, being in different sections of the




country. The garb of these backwoodsmen was a loose
frock, with cape made of deer skins dressed, called a hunt-
ing-shirt; leggings of the same material covered the lower
limbs, with moccasins for the feet. The cape, the coat, and
the leggings were often adorned with fringes. The under-
garments were of coarse cotton cloth. A leather belt
encircled the body; on the right side hung the hatchet or
tomahawk; on the left was the hunting-knife, the powder-
horn, and bullet-pouch. Each man bore his trusty, flint-lock
rifle, ever on the alert for deadly foes or welcome game.
   14. No Indians dwelling in Kentucky.-It was notable
that these hunting parties found Indians often, but no
Indian villages, in Kentucky. The great tribal wars had
driven the Shawanee Indians north of the Ohio to build
their lodges on the Scioto, the Miami, and the Muskingumn
rivers, and left Kentucky to become the common hunting
ground of those tribes and the Wabash Indians on the north,
and the Chickasaws, Cherokees, and Choctaws, of the
Tennessee valley on the south. From these opposite abodes
would often issue forth bands of savages going out for the
hunt, yet always painted and armed to act the part of war-
riors when those of hostile tribes met. While traversing
.the forest and roving over the fertile lands of Kentucky,
where the buffalo, the deer, the bear, and lesser game most
abounded, these warriors would meet and re-enact the bloody
tragedies for which Indian warfare has ever been noted.
From these scenes of strife and its past traditions, Kentucky
came to be known as the " Dark and Bloody Ground."
  15. Pre-historic remains.-Only the Indian tribes are
known to history to have dwelt in the valleys of the Ohio
and Mississippi rivers. But ancient mounds, earthworks,
and relics, found scattered over these valleys, give evidence
that a much older race of people, and much farther advanced
in the arts and in civilization, dwelt here centuries before the




Indians. Many of these mounds and relics are found in
Kentucky. Of the origin of this ancient and extinct people
we know nothing except by fabled story, curious records,
and antique remains. The Indians related to the pioneer
whites a tradition which they said their fathers had handed
down, that ages before such a people dwelt in these valleys,
and that their tribes engaged them in war, and destroyed
them in a great final battle at the Falls of Ohio.
  16. Tribal conquests and successions.-The restless and
roving habits of the Indians forbade that their tribes should
grow large in numbers, while their cruel and warring spirit
led to the frequent destruction or dispersion of other tribes;
and hence, they often changed their places and conditions.
The Shawanee Indians held their homes in Kentucky before
the year 1700, and until 1753, but were often at war with
tribes north and south of them.

         ';opsicai Qalpio a ub aeAgioV.

                       CHAPTER I.
 1. Geography of Kentucky.-What rivers and States bound Ken-
     tucky What mountains in the South-east What is their com-
     mon elevation above the sea What seven rivers drain Ken-
 2. Source of the seven rivers.-Where do these seven rivers head
     What courses do they flow What two rivers carry these waters
     to the Gulf of Mexico
 3. Physical map of Kentucky.-What of the surface of East
     Kentucky Of Central and West Kentucky What elevation
     have the valleys of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers What is
     the common altitude of Kentucky What is the decline in
     elevation from east to west
 4. Latitude and longitude.-In what latitude does Kentucky lie
     In what longitude What is the extreme length of Kentucky,




     east and west Its extreme breadth north and south How
     many square miles does it embrace  What of its climate
6. Importance of location.-To what countries was the location
     of Kentucky important What great navigable rivers did it
     contain What is the total navigable frontage, or shore lines,
     of Kentucky
6. Origin of the name Kentucky.-From what was Kentucky
     nanie(ld What of this river, and the country adjacent What
     attracted hunters there 
 7. The Wilderness of Kentucky.-How far was it from the colo-
     nies What mountains lay between  When, and how, was it
     seen only by transient adventurers In what year did Gist ex-
     plore it What map of this country was soon after published 
 8. Visits of Dr. Walker.-Whlen was Walker's first visit made 
 ) When the second To what objects (lid he give inames
 9. Visits of Finley and Boone.-When was Finley's first visit
     When his second  Who led the second party with Finley
     Where was the home of Daniel Boone Where did the Boole
     party build their camp How long did they hunlt from this
10. Dispersion of Boone's party.-Over what grounds did Bootle
     and comrades hunt Who were captured by the Indian's 
     What became of the captives What became of their coin-
     rades What of the camp
   Boone's brother goes in search of him.-When did Squire
     Boone find his brother irow many other men were there with
     them What became of John Stewart What of Squire
     Boonle's companion  What journey did Squire Boo;ne make
     What became of Daniel  How long was lie absent on this
12. The Long Hunters.-How many hunters were in this party
     From whence did they visit Kentucky In what year Where
     was their first camp How far out did they hunt Where was
     their second camp How long were they absent Who lead
13. The hunter's life and habits.-What was the dress of the back.
     woodsmen Of what material was it made How were they
     armed and equipped What kind of guns were then used
14. No Indians dwelling in Kentucky.-Were Indian villages
     found in Kentucky in 1769  Why  What great tribe was last




     driven out Where did these locate What did Kentucky
     then become What opposing warriors met here How did
     they treat each other What name did this strife give Ken-
16. Pre-historic remains.-ls there evidence that any other people
     lived here before the Indians What is this evidence Have
     we any history of them  What do tradition and these curious
     remains say of their civilization
16. Tribal conquests and successions.-What effect do the habits
     of the Indians have on their tribal conditions When did the
     Sliawanees occupy Kentucky






  1. Mohawks conquer the Shawanees.-About i66o, the
Menguys of the North-east, with fire-arms, came down the
Ohio in large war parties, laid waste the country and con-
quered the Shawanees whose weapons were yet but arrows
and tomahawks. In 1700 they repeated this conquest; and
so weakened this tribe that the Cherokees, Chickasaws, and
Choctaws came in from the South and drove them north of
the Ohio river. After this no Indian villages were known
to exist between the Ohio and Cumberland rivers.
                              2. Blackhoof's visit to Ken-
                            tucky.-In   i8i6, Blackhoof,
                           the g