Collection on Manuscript Documents from Spain


The Collection on Manuscript Documents from Spain (dated 1139-1798; 5.85 cubic feet; 921 items) includes legal documents, ecclesiastical records, and personal papers in Latin, Spanish, Catalan, French, and Italian generated by Spanish dukes, counts, clerics, students, merchants, property owners, and many others.

Descriptive Summary

Collection on Manuscript Documents from Spain
Porter, Jose
5.85 Cubic feet
Legal documents--Spain
Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern)--Spain (local)
Manuscripts, Renaissance--Spain (local)
Manuscripts, Spanish--Spain
Collection is intellectually arranged into 19 series by 50-year increments and/or by undated centuries. Items are listed within series by document date. Documents are physically numbered in the sequential order in which they were originally cataloged (which was miscellaneous) and are housed in boxes in this number order. Patrons must know the item number and box number to be able to locate a specific document. The item numbers in this finding aid are not consecutive, because of the re-arrangement of the collection chronologically.
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by John Lihani, Spanish and Italian Professor, University of Kentucky; encoded by Olga Rodriguez-Walmisley under the direction of Ruth Bryan, Director of Archives
Preferred Citation
73m33: [identification of item], Collection on Manuscript Documents from Spain, 1139-1798, University of Kentucky Special Collections.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Scope and Content
The Collection on Manuscript Documents from Spain (dated 1139-1798; 5.85 cubic feet; 921 items) includes legal documents, ecclesiastical records, and personal papers in Latin, Spanish, Catalan, French, and Italian generated by Spanish dukes, counts, clerics, students, merchants, property owners, and many others. It also includes documents, edicts, and decrees endorsed or initiated by several Spanish kings including Ferdinand the Catholic (Ferdinand V); King Peter of Aragon; Philip II, Philip III, Philip IV, and Philip V; and Charles I, Charles, II, Charles III, and Charles IV. A few of the documents are signed by kings and princes, including numbers 153, 418, and 470 (Felipe IV); 158 and 161 (Felipe V); 698 (Felipe II); and 694 (Prince Carlos, son of Philip II). Other notables that appear frequently in this collection include the Duque de Abrantes, the Conde de Aguilar, the Marqués de Montealegre, the Conde de Oñate, and the Duque de Sesar. A complete index of personal names can be found in the Special Collections Research Room.
A large portion of the collection consists of legal documents such as wills, bills of sale, and property transfers. Other materials include personal letters, marriage announcements, personal tributes, appointments, and genealogical records. The oldest document is number 753, dated 1139. The largest document is number 672, which is 58 cm by 64 cm. Document number 755 was written on February 15, 1212, five months before the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, the last stand of Muslims versus Christians.
Taken as a whole, this diverse group of documents the opportunity to study Spanish history and culture, linguistics, social mores, and economy from the twelfth through eighteenth centuries.
Processing Info
The elements of each document's description are: type of document; author/sender; recipient; date of the document; place of origin; incipit, or first words of the document (presented in quotation marks); general topic of the item; type of material (vellum or parchment); and number of leaves the item comprises. No indication is normally given when the material is paper. When any portion of the information is not available, it is omitted. When there is more than one document in a single folder, the additional documents therein are inventoried with alphabetical sub-designations.
The inventory of the collection was first begun in 1977 by Judith S. Conde, David G. Burton, and J. Drake Smisson. Their partial findings were published in La Corónica, 6 (Spring 1978), pp. 115-118. This complete inventory was published as an issue of the University of Kentucky Libraries Occasional Papers, 6 (April 1984).
An index of names in alphabetical order represented in the collection is included in the paper finding aid/occassional paper to the collection, available in the repository.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.

Contents of the Collection


Document Signed. Pere Guinard. "In Dei nomine ego Pere Guinard et uxor su...", 1139 May 1

  • Box 9, Item 753
Scope and Contents note

Oldest document in collection. Latin. Vellum. Ends with "anno II regnate Leuuico (?) rege." 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Cretarii Saedori (?). "Vn dni (?) ego Cretarii Saedori uod vxor sua Arnavita(?)", 1160

  • Box 10, Item 797
Scope and Contents note

Document ends with "anne xxiii regni Lvdoici." Ecclesiastical. Latin. Vellum. It is the smallest document in the collection: 14.5cm x 10.5cm. 1 leaf.

To top

1200s undated

Document Signed. Majorca. "Notum sit omnibus quod ego Dani (?).", 1200s

  • Box 10, Item 769
Scope and Contents note

Faded document. Legal contents. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. "Hoc es ruslatu augdam [...] forma ralis est. Sit notum cunctis quod ego Gimo de Villa Mayori et dna. Geamca vxor eius.", 1200s

  • Box 10, Item 770
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. Faded document. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Prefect. Medina. "Sit omnibus manifestum quod ego Prefectus de Pratis alfachiminus.", 1204 November 30

  • Box 10, Item 798
Scope and Contents note

Addendum to the Latin portion of the document has three lines in what appears to be a Semitic script. Legal. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Arnaldo de Rripis. To Petro Adalberti. "Sit notum cunctis quod ego Arnaldi de Rripis debeo tibi Petro Adalberti et tuis.", 1208 November 15

  • Box 9, Item 754
Scope and Contents note

Payment of debt. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Berengarii Angle. To Guillelmi de Vetula. "Sit notum cunctis quod ego Berengarius de Angla. uxor mea Anglesia libenter anima.", 1212 February 15

  • Box 10, Item 755
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Raimd. Saio. "Cunctis sit manifestu quod ego, Raimundo Saio et vxor mea Maria.", 1215 November 10

  • Box 10, Item 799
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. The document has several different symbols used as seals. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. "Nouerint sit cunctis quod ego Sraudi de Beuer (?).", 1219

  • Box 10, Item 800
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. Document is faded and damaged by moisture. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Berengarius. To Taucandus de Ripis. Barcelona. "Omnibus sit manifestum quod nos Berengarius Dei gratia Barchinone episcopus et Taucandus de Ripis.", 1221 December 15

  • Box 10, Item 756
Scope and Contents note

Agreement over castle of Guilialtrace. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Jacobus de Castellario. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Jacobus de Castellario de parrochia Sti. Martini de Medine, confiteor et recognosco [...]co uobis Guillelmo ffilio Berengarii de Podio.", 1230 January 17

  • Box 10, Item 758
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Majorca. "Nouerint sint cunctis quod ego Petrus de villa majoric dono.", 1241 July

  • Box 10, Item 801
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Guillelmus. San Miguel, Podio de Berenguer. "Sit notum cunctis quod ego Guillelmus Mali.", 1242 November 23

  • Box 10, Item 759
Scope and Contents note

Absolution. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Guillelmus Blanc. To Ferrario de Rocha. Valencia. "Sit notum cunctis quod ego Guillelmo Blanc dono et stabilio tibi Ferrario de Rocha et tuis et progenitori atque posteritati tue ad meliorandum et ad tempore habendum ominque in pace possidendum et tenendum domos atque orto.", 1245 August 12

  • Box 10, Item 760
Scope and Contents note

Property gift of home and orchard. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Pedro Diaz (abbot). Taragona. Note on back of document: "Donación de ciertas heredades en Aragón.", 1261

  • Box 10, Item 761
Scope and Contents note

1299 Era Hispánica appears in document, or 1261 A.D. Gift to monastery (?). Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Guillelmus de Castelleto. To Pere Vila de Viladordis. "Notum sit cunctis quod ego Guillelmus de Castelleto q. di[...]et de vila Ordorum pro me et meos, laudo et concedo et.", 1265 February 15

  • Box 10, Item 762
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Document Signed. Guillmus. "Sit notum cunctis quod ego Guillmus de Ecija (?).", 1267 February

  • Box 10, Item 802
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Mayayo. Veruela. "In Dei nomine. Notum sit cunctis quod ego Mayayo.", 1268

  • Box 10, Item 803
Scope and Contents note

Document dated 1306 Hispanic Era (1268 A.D.). Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Veruela. "In Dei nomine. Notum sit cunctis.", 1268

  • Box 10, Item 804
Scope and Contents note

Document dated 1306 Hispanic Era (1268 A.D.). Donation to monastery. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Guillelmus. To Arnaldo. Granada. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Guillelmus de cuilione per firma saptacionem permitius ab ano Arnaldo Dei gratia episcopo Barchinone quod liberamus ab omni obligatione.", 1268 May 15

  • Box 10, Item 763
Scope and Contents note

Sale of property. Latin. Parchment. 1 leaf.

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Document. Veruela. "Donación de vn campo e de vna viña.", 1275

  • Box 10, Item 757
Scope and Contents note

This is a badly faded document; on its verso it bears a note stating the contents. Field and vineyard given to monastery. The text bears the date of the Hispanic Era, 1313, which is 38 years more than the Christian Era. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Petri de Greualosa. To Raimundo de Solano. Manresa (Minorica). "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Petrus Greualosa pro mi et meos presentes et futuros vendo vobis Raimundo de Solano et vestris.", 1284 August 16

  • Box 10, Item 764
Scope and Contents note

Sale of property. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Astrugus de Valle. To Raymundo de Figuerys. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Astrugus de Valle habens locum cum publico instro. ab Arnaldo filio quondam Petri de Fabrica stabiliendi omnes honores tenedones.", 1285 December 17

  • Box 10, Item 765
Scope and Contents note

Transfer of property. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Guillelmus Ramo. "In Dei nomine nouerint vniuersi quod nos Guillelmus Ramo.", 1286 September

  • Box 10, Item 766
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Bengarius Sinali de Vico. "Notum sit cunctis quod ego Bengarius Sinali de Vico permitto et conuenio.", 1287 February 4

  • Box 10, Item 805
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Guillema de Planello. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Guillema de Planello vxor.", 1290 January 4

  • Box 10, Item 806
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Petrus de Juncta. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Petrus de Juncta miles.", 1291 April 4

  • Box 10, Item 767
Scope and Contents note

Transfer of property. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Berengarius de Area. To B. de Turribus. "Notum sit omnibus quod ego Berengarius de Area et Ronna uxor mea por nos et nostris damus et stabilimus tibi.", 1292 March 7

  • Box 10, Item 768
Scope and Contents note

Transfer. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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1300s undated

Document. France. Guillmus de Masrans. "Noverint vniuersi quod nos Guillmus de Masrans.", 1300s

  • Box 10, Item 796
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Paper. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego.", 1300 October 14

  • Box 10, Item 795
Scope and Contents note

The document is badly damaged and faded by moisture. Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Ruhy Mudo de Rrato. "Nouerint omnibus quod dje vygesima sexta mensys februharius anno.", 1304 February 26

  • Box 10, Item 807
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Periconus de Angulo. To Paume de Solá. Manresa. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Periconus de Angulo filio Perri de Angulo de Manso (?) de Angulo de parrochia minorise confiteor.", 1317 February 2

  • Box 10, Item 771
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Guillelmus de Vila Major. "Notum sit cunctis quod ego Guillelmus de Vila Major et vxor Maria.", 1317 March 14

  • Box 10, Item 808
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Fferrarius Morastrelli. Majorca. "Nouerint omnibus quod nos Fferrarius Morastrelli et Barchinone.", 1320 September 8

  • Box 10, Item 772
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Pérez Aguyón. To Jacob Abdelefet (Conde de Berenguer). Caildarum. "Nouerint vniuersi quod cum Pérez Aguyón quondam de ville Calidari de Montebonino.", 1323 September 7

  • Box 9, Item 745
Scope and Contents note

Property transfer. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Johanes de Cumbis. "Notum sit cunctis quod ego Johanes de Cumbis, filius et heres Arnaldi de Cumbis et vxoris eius Sibilie quondam de ciuitate Vicey (?).", 1324 April 9

  • Box 9, Item 746
Scope and Contents note

Donation. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Bartolomeus de Cotto. Rona. "Notum sit cunctis quod ego Bartolomeus de Cotto de parrochia de Calayano.", 1329 February 14

  • Box 9, Item 747
Scope and Contents note

Will. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Bernardi Oliverii. Hostalrich. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Bernardus Oliuerri clericus obtineus beneficius publicatus que fferarius nepotis quondam stabiliuit in ecclesia hostalrici gratiset.", 1331 July 6

  • Box 9, Item 748
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastical license. Latin. Parchment. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Perro de Rippa. Calidarum de Montebonino. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Perro de Rippa de villa Calidari.", 1334 February

  • Box 9, Item 749
Scope and Contents note

Property transfer. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Guillmono de Plano. To Ramón Catru. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Guillmono de Plano filio et heres vniuersalis Hernandoni de Plano.", 1337 April 14

  • Box 9, Item 750
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Petrus. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Petrus, vniuersalis heres.", 1343 January 4

  • Box 9, Item 751
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Parchment. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Petrus Ffrarii. Calidarum de Montebonino. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Petrus Ffrarii et ego Guillma eius vxor de villa Calidari de Montebonino.", 1344 December 10

  • Box 10, Item 809
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Bernardo Teperut. Torta. "Notum sit cunctis quod ego, Bernardo Teperut, filius et heres Bernardi Teperut.", 1346 September 17

  • Box 9, Item 752
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Bernardo Seperuh (?). "Notum sit omnibus quod ego Bernardo Seperuh (?) filius.", 1346 November

  • Box 11, Item 810
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Raymundo Sabbadia. Ecija. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Raymundus Sabbadia, presbiter vicarius in Ecija.", 1347

  • Box 11, Item 811
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document. Johan. "Nouerint omnibus quod ego Çabana...quod banana quod Izais Frid.", 1348 July 2

  • Box 11, Item 812
Scope and Contents note

Latin. Paper. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Calidarum. " villa Calidari de Montebonino manins sor et vsaim testamen exegutor Gueraldi de Oliuaria filij Arnaldi de Oliuareja.", 1350

  • Box 11, Item 813
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Raymundo. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Raymundo de villa mayori et oyargria vita eia vxor de parochia.", 1351

  • Box 11, Item 814
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Catrina. Majorca. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Catrina.", 1351 November 12

  • Box 10, Item 773
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document. Peter IV of Aragon. To Ffrancisco. Valencia. "[Pet]rus dei gra[tia] Rex Aragonum, Valencie, Majorice, Sardinie et Corsice, comesque Barchinone, Rossilion, et Ceritan.", 1352 December 13

  • Box 10, Item 774
Scope and Contents note

Latin. Seal. Paper. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Bernardo Oliverii. Calidarum. "Sit omnibus notum quod nos Bernardo Oliverii...ville Calidari de Montebonino.", 1353

  • Box 11, Item 815
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Bugius de Gua (abbot). "Notum sit cunctis quod nos Bugius de Gua abbas monasterii Sta. Gii. absolutionus et diffinitionus.", 1353 February 27

  • Box 10, Item 775
Scope and Contents note

Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Petri Borganelhs. Calidarum. " villa Calidaris de Montebonino, attendens.", 1354 October 22

  • Box 11, Item 816
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Alamada. Sti. Mathei de Montebonino. "Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Alamada vxor Buganij Furtunij pro Lt...", 1355 November 13

  • Box 10, Item 776
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Vngarii. Montebonino. "Noverint vniuersi quod nos Flaminda vxor Vngarij.", 1355 November 14

  • Box 11, Item 817
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Bernardo. Calidarum. "In Dei nomine. Noverint vniuersi quod nos Bernardo.", 1356 May 7

  • Box 10, Item 777
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Peres Secra. Barcelona. "In Christi nomine. Notum sit cunctis quod ego Peres Secra oriundo ciuitate Minorise...habitator Constantina vxor.", 1360 July 21

  • Box 10, Item 778
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Petra Ranipas. Calidarum. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Petra Ranipas filia Petri Ranipas.", 1361

  • Box 10, Item 779
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Parchment. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Johanis de Podio. Calidarum. "Noverint vniuersi quod ego Johanies de Podio, presbiter beneficiatus.", 1363 May 11

  • Box 11, Item 818
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Guillelmus Petri Guillelmi. Majorca. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Guillelmus Petrii Guillelmi habitator Loci de Paharana.", 1363 November 27

  • Box 10, Item 780
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Donanata. To Bernardo Savall. Majorca. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Donatana vxor Petri Guillelmi Fflassadery quondam ciuis Maioric.", 1364 May 17

  • Box 10, Item 781
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Catherina Lambiles. To Mariano Felicis. Majorca. "In Dei nomine et eius gratia, amen. Sit omnibus manifestum quod ego Catherina vxor Ffrancischi Lambiles quondam mercatoris civis Maioricarum.", 1366 November 18

  • Box 10, Item 782
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Frater Petrus. Barcelona. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego frater Petrus de Villaffranca.", 1367 October 22

  • Box 10, Item 783
Scope and Contents note

Power given to Barcelona magistrate. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Francisco de Alfonbra. Teruel. "Sea conocida cosa a todos hombres como yo Ffrancisco de Alfonbra vezino de la ciudat de Teruel por mi y por los míos presentes et auenideros por [...] regno.", 1371

  • Box 10, Item 784
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Gujamo Cordera. To Jahme Nereyel. Fraga. "Sit manyfesta cosa a tots como jo vn Gujamo Cordera hitador. de Fraga procurador de la confrarja de Sant Simo de Fraga.", 1374 June 27

  • Box 10, Item 785
Scope and Contents note

Donation. Parchment. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Nicholas de Carnejo. Barcelona. "Sit omnibus manifestum quod ego Nicholas de Carnejo cuius Barchinone filius venerabilis Raimundi de Carneris.", 1378 November 16

  • Box 10, Item 786
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Parchment. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Petrus Marrades. Valencia. " Cunctis notum sit quod ego Petrus Marrades cuius Valencie procurator et nomine procuratoris excellentissimi principis et ani. domini nori. Regis.", 1383 March 9

  • Box 10, Item 789
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. [copy]. King Peter of Aragon. "Hoc est translatum fidelis suptum valnar. xxix die octubr, ano 1383 quod nos Petrus, Dei gratia Rex Aragonum.", 1383 October 29

  • Box 10, Item 788
Scope and Contents note

Authentic copy of an edict by Peter, King of Aragon, in good memory of P. Marmads of "poder de vender ls. cence de Cardeny e dela casa anno Rleyda...scriptor de dit. S. Rey." Copy of decree made by secretary to the king. Decree dated December 2, 1382. A note by later hand states that the document is an important one. A Latin scholar has estimated that it would take a week's work to decipher the document's script in order to verify its contents. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Anthonius Augusti. To Reymunde. Majorca. "Sit omnibus notum quod nos Anthoni Augusti. Blancha eius vxor Sarena mater dictus Anthonii.", 1386 September 13

  • Box 10, Item 790
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Bernardus Ferrarij. Valencia. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Bernardus Ferrarij monetarius ciuis ciuitatis Valentiae.", 1386 November 12

  • Box 11, Item 819
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Bugarin [Berenguer?] Furtuny. Calidarum de Montebonino. "Sit omnibus manifestum quod ego Bugarin Furtuny nostris ville Calidari.", 1387 October 7

  • Box 10, Item 787
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Petrus Mirull de Procha. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Petrus Mirull de Procha.", 1389 March 1

  • Box 10, Item 791
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Petrus. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Petrus.", 1394 June 28

  • Box 10, Item 793
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Francisco Rosella. To Jaume Argemia. Barcelona. "In nomine Domini. Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Ffratris Rosolli habitatore ciuis Barchinone.", 1394 October 28

  • Box 10, Item 792
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document. Queen María de Luna of Aragón, widow of King D. Juan I of Aragón. "In nomine Dei. Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Maria Dei gratia Regina Sicilie et.", 1397

  • Box 10, Item 794
Scope and Contents note

Homage of castle owners. Latin. Paper. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Bernando de Falehs. Calidarum. "In nomine dominj, nouerint vniuersi quod ego Bernardo de Falehs.", 1399 November 16

  • Box 11, Item 820
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Majorca. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego S...vxor...Her...Bartholomeus Vila.", 1400 May 25

  • Box 8, Item 711
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Anthonius de Fonte. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Anthonius de Fonte.", 1400 August 9

  • Box 11, Item 821
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Jacobus Barri. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Jacobus Barri, filius Bernardi de Cordera, presbiter parochiae Sti. Andree.", 1401

  • Box 11, Item 822
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Donna de Vito. "Nouerint, vniuersi quod nos Donna de Vito et donna Tria...vxor Georgio de Vito filius.", 1401 February

  • Box 8, Item 712
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Balutina. "Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Balutina Dei gratia propositus.", 1402 November 9

  • Box 8, Item 713
Scope and Contents note

Starting field of olives. Latin and Catalan. Vellum. 1 leaf.

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Document Signed. Raymundo de Planilla. "Notum sit cunctis quod ego Raimundo de Planilla.", 1403

  • Box 8, Item 714
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Petrus de Beluer. "Nouerint vniuersi quod cum questio sui discordia...Petrus de Beluer.", 1404

  • Box 11, Item 823
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Johane de Urucala. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Johanne de Vrucala, proche via.", 1404 August 14

  • Box 9, Item 715
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Francisca Bellir. Calidarum. "Noverint vniuersi quod ego Francischa Bellir, filia Petro Bellir.", 1406 November 29

  • Box 9, Item 716
Scope and Contents note

Will and donation. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Conde de Rivadavia (Bernardo Sarmiento). To Alvaro Gil. [Faded]., 1406

  • Box 9, Item 717
Scope and Contents note

Latin. Vellum. Partly illegible. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Jacobus de Roudarb. "Noverint universi quod ego Jacobus de Roudarb domicellus habitator ville Calidari.", 1407

  • Box 9, Item 718
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Anthonin Buadesta (prior). Majorca. "...quod nos Anthonin Buadesta prior.", 1408

  • Box 9, Item 719
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. "En nom de Deu e dta. humil ego Maria mare sua siv amen. Capitols.", 1409

  • Box 9, Item 720
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Catalan. 4 leaves.

To top

Document. "In nomine Deij...Jhu. Xpi.", 1412

  • Box 11, Item 824
Scope and Contents note

Latin. Paper. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Anthonia. Majorca. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Anthonia vxor Vngary Solsona.", 1412 February 5

  • Box 9, Item 721
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Jauefredy de Visar. Majorca. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Jauefredy de Visar, filius venerabilis Raymundi dez Visar.", 1414 March 23

  • Box 9, Item 722
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Paulus Sala. Calidarum. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Paulus Sala viterarius.", 1417 June 24

  • Box 11, Item 825
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Fernán Gómez. To Juan de Valensia. Zamora. "Sepan quantos esta carta vieren como yo Fernand Gómez de Ysla, vezino i morador en la cibdat de Çamora.", 1417 September 23

  • Box 9, Item 723
Scope and Contents note

Sale of three houses. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Petrus Bellit. Calidarum. "In Christi nomine. Ego Petrus Bellit senior ville Calidaris de Monte Bonjno, cupiens toto animo.", 1418 February 3

  • Box 11, Item 826
Scope and Contents note

Will. Latin. Vellum. Excellent condition. Exceptionally large document. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [signed by Bartholomus Siruet]. King Alfonso of Aragon. To Johannes. Turoli. "Alfonsus Dei gratia Rex Aragonum, Sicilie, Valencie, Majorice, Sardinie, Corsice, comes Barchinone.", 1418 June 2

  • Box 9, Item 724
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Siniona. Ozaiori. "Nouerint vniuersi quod cum domina Siniona vxor et detenti honore Johanis Palmery Ortolani.", 1421 August 11

  • Box 9, Item 725
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Anthonia. Calidarum. "Nouerint vniuersi quod cum questio sen contronsia dinag ducta fuisset...Anthoniam vxore Raymundi Vnet Teytoris.", 1422

  • Box 9, Item 726
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Rex Siciliae (?). Luthomaiori. "Nouerint vniuersi quod Consu...Rex Siciliae.", 1423 December 9

  • Box 9, Item 727
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Constantia López. Virei. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Constantia vxor Verd. Ffransti. de Podiata [...] ciujs Vireij ex certa [...] confiteor.", 1423 December 11

  • Box 11, Item 827
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Zamora. "En la cibdat de Çamora, sábado primero día del mes de abril del año del nascimiento de nuestro Saluador Jhesu Christo de mill quatrocientos vejnte e quatro.", 1424 April 1

  • Box 9, Item 729
Scope and Contents note

Payment to abbey. Parchment. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Bartholomeus Columbianus. Majorca. "In Dei nomine et eius gratia, amen. Ego Bartholomeus Columbianus maioris laz. egestudine.", 1424 September 30

  • Box 9, Item 728
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Jacobus de Ferres. To Pedro Galtes. Barcelona. "Noverint vniuersi quod ego Jacobus de Ferres Olim ferrarius ville Calidari de Montebonino.", 1425

  • Box 9, Item 730
Scope and Contents note

Transfer of land. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Bartholomeus Morro. Baleares. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Bartholomeus morro notarius maioricutu.", 1427 November 9

  • Box 9, Item 731
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Gabriel Muianus. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Gabriel Muianus habitator vallis de Dayanolprothis.", 1429 May 3

  • Box 9, Item 732
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Peritona Lunes. Calidarum. "In nomine Dei nouerint omnibus quod ego Peritona Lunes, filia et heres Petri Lunes...ville Calidari.", 1431 February 8

  • Box 9, Item 733
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Petrus Claurius. Calidarum. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Petrus Claurius.", 1433 November

  • Box 9, Item 734
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Dalmarius Dodey. Palliento. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Dalmarius Dodey villa Pallientus.", 1434 February 22

  • Box 11, Item 828
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. 3 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Johania. Calidarum de Montebonino. "In Dei nomine amen. Ego Johania Bet. Johannis valls Blanquius ville Calidari.", 1434 June 13

  • Box 9, Item 735
Scope and Contents note

Will. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Gaspar Burot. To Domina Constantia [vxor honorabilis Petri Lunes]. Calidarum. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Gaspar Burot ciuis Barchinone procurator.", 1435 February 18

  • Box 9, Item 736
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Gaspar Butor. Calidarum. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Gaspar Butor ciuis Barchinone procurator.", 1435 February 18

  • Box 11, Item 829
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Johannes Pera Boterius. Barcelona. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Johannes Pera Boterius ciuis Barchinone.", 1436 July 10

  • Box 9, Item 737
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Bernardos de Queralro. Barcelona. "In Dei nomine nouerint vniuersi quod ego Bernardus de Queralro, habitator ciuis Barchinone.", 1437 February 2

  • Box 9, Item 738
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Jacobus Sermani. Majorca. "Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Jacobus Sermani presbyterus benefficiatus.", 1438 March 22

  • Box 9, Item 739
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Arnaldus Rabatus. Calidarum. "Sit omnibus notum quod nos Arnaldus Rabatus presbiterus ema. beate Marie ville Calidari.", 1439 October 27

  • Box 9, Item 740
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Parchment. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Johanna Drapa. Aymorise. [Menorise?]. "Sit omnibus notum quod nos soror Johanna Drapa abbatissa monasterii sorore minore.", 1441 January 10

  • Box 9, Item 741
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Arnaldus Çabari. Calidarum. "[...] vniuersi [...] presbiter [...] prochiali ville [...] Calidari de Montebonino.", 1443

  • Box 11, Item 831
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Johan Sera. To Joan Serra. Lérida. "Hoc est translatum vene et fideliter factum vigesima sexta mensis martij anno anate. domini.", 1443 March 26

  • Box 9, Item 743
Scope and Contents note

Will. Latin and Catalan. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Franciscus Oller. Sagales. "Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Ffranciscus Oller Petrus de Sagales.", 1443 August 16

  • Box 11, Item 830
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Margarita Johannes. To her heirs. Barcelona. "In Dei nomine. Ego Margarita vxor Anthonii presbiterus ciuis Barchinone.", 1446 Feburary 19

  • Box 9, Item 742
Scope and Contents note

Will. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top


Document Signed. Ferrando Donya. To Fray Gabriel Serra. Magallón. "Sepan todos que nos don Fray Gabriel Serra por la gratia de Dios abat del monasterio de señora Sancta María de Veruela.", 1454 January 24

  • Box 9, Item 744
Scope and Contents note

Transfer of vineyard to abbot. Parchment. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Perens de Olzinells. Calidarum. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Perens de Olzinells habitator ville Calidarum de Montebonino.", 1456 March 1

  • Box 11, Item 835
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Johanni Carala et Vernardo Sartra. Silue. "Nouerint vniuersi quod constitutus in judicia curie regal parochie Silue Vernardo Vrinargol.", 1456 July 16

  • Box 11, Item 834
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Johana Olhera. "In Christi nomine amen. Omne quod ego [...] terra fir et moritue [...] ego Johana Ohera vxor [...] olher.", 1459 May 9

  • Box 11, Item 832
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Bernardus Cuyll. Cardona. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Bernardus Cuyll presbiter ville Cardone Saens.", 1459 November 19

  • Box 11, Item 836
Scope and Contents note

Receipt. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Francistha. Calidarum. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Ffrancistha vxor venerabilis Petris Gramonte habitator ciuis Barchinone.", 1460 September 18

  • Box 11, Item 837
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Johannis Sellers. To Bernardo de Prato. "Nouerint vniuersi quod anno anatis. domini.", 1461 March 5

  • Box 11, Item 833
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Petrus Sestrade. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Petrus Sestrade maior diebus ciuis Barchinone.", 1461 August 8

  • Box 11, Item 839
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Eulalia. Calidarum. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Eulalia vxor Ffrancisci Farell Blanquerij ville Calidarum de Montebonino.", 1461 September 9

  • Box 11, Item 838
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Jacobus Ballester. Majorca. "Noverint vniuersi quod ego Jacobus Ballester.", 1462 September 25

  • Box 12, Item 840
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Bartholomeus Camella. "Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Bartholomeus Camella, notarius.", 1463 April 6

  • Box 12, Item 841
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Nicolas Ramenta. "Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Nicolas Ramenta sartor, Sperança eius vxor.", 1467 December 19

  • Box 12, Item 842
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Johanes de Cassa. Rona. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Johanes de Cassa vyguela parochie santi Julianj.", 1469 July 29

  • Box 12, Item 843
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Petrus de Olzinells. Calidarum. "Noverint vniuersi quod ego Petrus de Olzinells ville Calidari de Montebonjno.", 1471 May 29

  • Box 12, Item 845
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Fernando. To Reverendos Padres. Burgos. "A los reverendos padres frayres custodios, guardianos, maestros et graduados e non graduados.", 1471 December 2

  • Box 12, Item 844
Scope and Contents note

Objections to false testament of individual attributed to Pedro de Soto. Written during the reign of Fernando el católico; a recent note on the document seems to attribute the same to Fernando. Document has an official seal. This document shows one of the clearest early uses of seseo (/z/ = [s]) in period of the Catholic Kings in Castile. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Antonius Forrents. Calidarum. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vninuersi quod nos Antonius Forrents. als. Ruberta et Caterina eius vxor.", 1473 February 20

  • Box 12, Item 846
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Andreas Terragona. Barcelona. "Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Andreas Terragona presbiter beneficiarius in eclesia beate Marie.", 1474 August 6

  • Box 12, Item 847
Scope and Contents note

Sale of land. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Beatriz Puerto Herrera. To husband. Enbrera. "En el lugar de Enbrera aldea y término de la noble cibdad de Salamanca, el nueue días del mes de nouienbre.", 1474 November 9

  • Box 8, Item 680
Scope and Contents note

Power of attorney and inheritance for husband. 12 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Ffranciscus Marha Semar. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Ffranciscus Marha Semar.", 1476 August 6

  • Box 12, Item 848
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Antonius Ledo Blanquerius. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Antonius Ledo Blanquerius habitator ville Calidari de Montebonjno.", 1477 November 13

  • Box 12, Item 849
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Joanne de Ortigues. Barcelona. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod cum die lune institulata sexta.", 1478 June 27

  • Box 12, Item 851
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Johannes Depons Stutiffer. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Johannes Depons Stutiffer habitator Barchinone.", 1478 July 30

  • Box 12, Item 852
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Martinus. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Martinus Dorna Bregarius.", 1478 August 3

  • Box 12, Item 850
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Anthonius Branjguerus. "Hoc est translatum fidelicer sumptu aguadarij clausula postra.", 1480 March 19

  • Box 12, Item 853
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Ffranciscus Ordines. Barcelona. "Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Ffranciscus Ordines als parallada sparteris ciuis Barchinone.", 1480 September 18

  • Box 12, Item 854
Scope and Contents note

Also includes other dates. Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Salamanca. "En el lugar de [...] aldea en el camino de la noble ciudad de Salamanca.", 1481 August 20

  • Box 12, Item 855
Scope and Contents note

Other dates also appear. 6 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Salvator Vall Lossera. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Salvator Vall Lossera parochie sancti Ffenctuosi de Balanyano.", 1482 March 10

  • Box 12, Item 856
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. "En la villa de Sant Martín de Valdeiglesias.", 1483 September 18

  • Box 12, Item 857
Scope and Contents note

Pledge to give tithe. 8 leaves.

To top

Document Signed [copy]. Catholic Kings. To Juan Ruiz de Medina. Seville. "La posesión que se dio al dotor de Medina de las casas [...] En la muy noble e muy leal cibdat de Sevilla.", 1484 June 24

  • Box 12, Item 858
Scope and Contents note

Possession of houses given out by Catholic Kings. 4 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Fray Pedro. Veruela. "Sia a todos manifiesto que yo Fray Pedro de Sanguesto.", 1486 November 5

  • Box 12, Item 859
Scope and Contents note

Public notice about monastery's vineyard. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Alfonsus de Bolas. To Jaume Segons. "In Christi nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Alfonsus de Bolas domicellus et Ffrancescassina de Bolas eius vxor.", 1487 August 4

  • Box 12, Item 860
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. One of the largest documents in the collection. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Cristóbal de San Miguel. To Lope de Sosa. Ledesma. " la villa de Ledesma.", 1489 October 7

  • Box 12, Item 861
Scope and Contents note

Receipt for land sold. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Petrus Johannes. "In Dey nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Petrus Johannes.", 1490 February 3

  • Box 12, Item 863
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Juana de Pineda Moliner. Calidarum. "In Dei nomine. Noverint vniuersi quod ego Juana vxor Petri Pineda.", 1491 January 7

  • Box 12, Item 864
Scope and Contents note

Sale of land. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Pedro de Enbrin. To Inhabitant of Borja. Veruela. "In Dey nomine. Sia a todos maniffiesto, que nos don Fray Pedro de Enbrin, por la gracia de Dios abat.", 1492 April 25

  • Box 12, Item 862
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [copies]. Catholic Kings. To various individuals. "Legajo sétimo de papeles [...] Primer año.", 1492 June

  • Box 12, Item 871
Scope and Contents note

Copies of 63 items upon which the Catholic Kings took legal action. Mention of licenciado Diego López de Yanguas (several times). Dated 1492-1499. Documents are cut through with oval-shaped hole. 5 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Fray Lorenzo. To María Juana de Ajcon. "Sia a todos manifiesto que yo Fray Lorenzo...monge del monesterjo.", 1493 November 7

  • Box 12, Item 865
Scope and Contents note

Taxation of land. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Gaspar Bordils. Majorca. "Noverint vniuersi quod nos Gaspar Bordils ciuis Maioricarum.", 1493 December 9

  • Box 12, Item 866
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Beatriz de Herrera. To Marina de Herrera. Zamora. "In Dei nomine amen. Sepan quantos esta carta de poder vieren, como yo Beatriz de Herrera.", 1496 June 14

  • Box 12, Item 867a
Scope and Contents note

Appointing of executrix for estate. This document has mention of Pedro de Fermosel in 1426 in Zamora, which could be some connection with Juan del Encina's (Fermoselle's) family. Paper. 3 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Violante Cherino (?) To Notary. Cuenca. "En la muy noble y muy leal cibdad de Cuenca.", 1496 October 4

  • Box 12, Item 868
Scope and Contents note

Sale of hay. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Michael Corte y Litterarum. Majorca. "Noverint vniuersi quod nos Michael Corte y Litterarum.", 1498 June 12

  • Box 12, Item 869
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

1500s undated

Document Signed. El marqués. To Don Grelimpato. "Señor magistral.", 1500s

  • Box 7, Item 628
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Document. Licenciado Esperado. To Elvir Figueroa. "Doña María de Ulloa y Orsi y doña Cata. de Saavedra.", 1500s

  • Box 7, Item 629
Scope and Contents note

Settlement of estate of chamberlain. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. El licenciado Virués. "Vista la relación que se haze por parte del señor thesorero de Plazencia en que se dize que al tiempo.", 1500s

  • Box 7, Item 630
Scope and Contents note

Treasurer of Placencia requests rightful inheritance. [Cf. 632-634] 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Isauel de Paredes. To heirs. "Y el horden que se a de tener para hazer la partición de los bienes y herencias.", 1500s

  • Box 7, Item 631
Scope and Contents note

A will giving indications which are to be observed in distributing goods. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Treasurer of Placencia. "Vista la relación que se hace por parte del señor thesorero de Plazencia en que se dize.", 1500s

  • Box 7, Item 632
Scope and Contents note

Son of Isabel de Paredes and of Alvaro de Sande requests rightful inheritance of his grandparents' estate. Grandparents are Isabel Cuello and Sancho de Paredes. [Cf. 630, 633-634] 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Doctor Torizes. "Vista la relación que se haze por parte del Sor thesorero de Plazencia en que se dize que al tiempo que doña Ysabel.", 1500s

  • Box 7, Item 633
Scope and Contents note

Judgement in favor of treasurer of Placencia. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Licenciado Espadero. "Es el caso que el camarero So. de Paredes y doña Ysabel Cuello su muger.", 1500s

  • Box 7, Item 634
Scope and Contents note

Continuation of lawsuit from numbers 630-633. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Johan de Scociaca. To Marquesa Fernández de Felizes. "Lo que se pide y supliqua por parte de la Señora marquessa.", 1500s

  • Box 7, Item 635
Scope and Contents note

Captain Johan de Scociaca states conditions for marriage and dowry that is expected. 3 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. "Juan Sama vecino desta ciudad digo que yo e sido e soy hijodalgo.", 1500s

  • Box 7, Item 636
Scope and Contents note

Lineage. 16 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Petrus Ucles [...] de liber.", 1500s

  • Box 7, Item 637
Scope and Contents note

Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. "Nouerint vniversi quod ego Petrus [...] benefficatus.", 1500s

  • Box 7, Item 638
Scope and Contents note

Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Catherina, vxor Anthonij.", 1500s

  • Box 7, Item 639
Scope and Contents note

Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Orlando Franco. "Nell' anno 1497 furno cencesse da. Re Federico al Gran Capio. le terre di Torre Magiore.", Late 1500s

  • Box 7, Item 640
Scope and Contents note

Report on lands of Gran Capitán from 1497 to 1602. In Italian. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Manuel [...]. "Sepan quantos esta carta de obligación vieren como yo Lco. Francisco [...] de la villa de Argansa.", 1500s

  • Box 7, Item 641
Scope and Contents note

Legal document about debt. Printed and written. 1 leaf.

To top


Document Signed. Petrus Bovedes. Calidarum. "In Dei nomine. Noverint vniuersi quod ego Petrus Bovedes.", 1500 February 28

  • Box 12, Item 872
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. [Cf. 870]. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Petrus Bovedes. Calidarum. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Petrus Bovedes, habitator ville Calidarum de Montebonjno.", 1500 March 11

  • Box 12, Item 870
Scope and Contents note

Sale of bread. Latin. Vellum. [Cf. 872] 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Calidarum de Montebonino. "In Dei nomine. Noverint vniversi quod ego Jacobus Granada.", 1501

  • Box 7, Item 642
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Rodrigo de Carranza (?). Villada. "En la villa de Villada.", 1503 January 28

  • Box 8, Item 681
Scope and Contents note

Accounts. 4 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Joanne Feyedes. "Nouerint vniuersi quod anno [...] dominj.", 1503 November 20

  • Box 12, Item 873
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Juan de Aragón. Medina del Campo. "Memorial de las escrituras que dejó Juan de Aragón Medina del Campo a diez de enero de 1504.", 1504 January 10

  • Box 12, Item 874
Scope and Contents note

List of documents compiled in 1504. 3 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Gabriel. "Nouerint vniversi et [...] quod ego Johannes.", 1505

  • Box 7, Item 643
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Bartolomé Sánchez. Valladolid. "Señor. Ayer jueves en la noche llegó aquí Pablo Sanz.", 1505

  • Box 12, Item 875
Scope and Contents note

Recent activities of Pablo Sanz. Personal. Paper. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Notary. "In nomine Dei, amen. Per hoc [...] publicum.", 1505 October 25

  • Box 12, Item 876
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Johannes Ferrer. To Convent of San Lázaro de Garoça. Zaragoza. "Johannes Ferrer decretorii dector archidiacono.", 1508 July 10

  • Box 7, Item 644
Scope and Contents note

Preaching and collecting alms for new chapel. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Pedro de Recayo. Toledo. "Sepan quantos esta carta.", 1512

  • Box 12, Item 877
Scope and Contents note

Tribute. Paper. Watermark on first page. 4 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. To Rodrigo de Murthena. "Mayordomo Rodrigo de Murthena, yo.", 1512 September 9

  • Box 8, Item 682
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Joannes Moce. Vallisoleti. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Joannes Moce majoraticum habitator.", 1513

  • Box 7, Item 645
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Fernando de Huesca. To Sr. Lameson. Altarejos. "Sentencia dada y pronunciada [...] En la villa de Altarejos logar e jurisdición del Sr. Diego del Castillo.", 1513 March 11

  • Box 12, Item 878
Scope and Contents note

Hospital employment. Dated March 11, 1513 and May 13, 1513. 11 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Juan Fadrique de Baeça. To Duque de Sesa. "Muy poderosos señores. El licenciado Juan Fadrique de Baeça en nombre del duque y duquesa de Sesa.", 1514

  • Box 8, Item 683
Scope and Contents note

Arrival of dignitaries. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Wife of Michaelis Fernando Domecilli. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Frama. vxor [...] Michaelis.", 1514 January 19

  • Box 7, Item 658
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. María de Contreras. To Alonso Gonsalo Santobal. Toledo. "Sepan quantos esta de vendida vieren como yo Ana María de Contreras.", 1514 March 5

  • Box 13, Item 880
Scope and Contents note

Sale. 7 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. [...] de Teruel. To Andrés Esteuan. "Vuestra merced mandará dar al alguazil fuertes por la lengua de seis meses que sea dado a los soldados para azer la guarda.", 1514 May 27

  • Box 12, Item 879
Scope and Contents note

Request for money. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Didacus Lopes. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Didacus Lopes.", 1515

  • Box 7, Item 646
Scope and Contents note

Marriage. Latin and Catalan. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Blas López. "Sepan quantos esta carta de vendida.", 1516

  • Box 13, Item 881
Scope and Contents note

Bill of sale. 2 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Magistral. To Antonio de Bobadilla. "Carta de pago [...] Esta es copia de bien e fielmente.", 1517 August 20

  • Box 13, Item 882
Scope and Contents note

Receipt of final payment. 3 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Pedro Celdrán. To Jaime Sánchez. "Yo Pedro Celdrán, escribano de ración del Rey nuestro señor, prometo a vos, señor Jayme Sánchez.", 1519 January 26

  • Box 8, Item 684
Scope and Contents note

Transfer of property to Antonio Dexneyo. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Sadornina. Barcelona. "In Christi nomine amen. Ego Fulaba filia Ffrancisco Sadorni.", 1520

  • Box 7, Item 647
Scope and Contents note

A will. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Christobal Giando (?). To Alfonso. "Señor. Mando.", 1520

  • Box 13, Item 883
Scope and Contents note

Record of payment, with receipt on reverse. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Johannes Petrus. Calidarum de Montebonino. "Nouerint vniversi quod nos Johannes Petrus de Carreras.", 1522

  • Box 7, Item 648
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Juan Navarra y Mendoza. To people of Lodosa. "In Dei nomine amen. Sepan cuantos esta presente carta"., 1523

  • Box 1, Item 62
Scope and Contents note

Compromise between parties. 22 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Antón Hernández. To Catalina de Santisteban. Salamanca. "Sepan quantos esta carta de pago de dote vieron como yo Antón Hernández Crazatero, vezino de la cibdad de Salamanca.", 1524 July 15

  • Box 8, Item 685
Scope and Contents note

Payment and receipt of dowry promised by future mother-in-law. 3 leaves.

To top

Document. Hernando de Lugue. Benacazón. "Información dada en Venacazón, que está por autorizar sobre las denunziazones.", 1525

  • Box 8, Item 686
Scope and Contents note

Accusation. 32 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Petrus Dolzmelles. Calidarum de Montebonino. "Nouerint vniversi quod ego Petrus Dolzmelles.", 1526

  • Box 7, Item 649
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Paulus. Gramittaris. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Paulus Musmiga y Roihne.", 1528 August 7

  • Box 7, Item 650
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Alonso Pérez de Medina. To descendants of Enrique Enríquez. Barcelona. "Memoria de las escrituras tocantes y pertenezientes a los maiorazgos del Sr. Dn. Enrrique.", 1529 June 9

  • Box 8, Item 688
Scope and Contents note

List of documents belonging to heirs of Enrique Enríquez. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Diego del Río. To Andrés de Herrera. Pedraza. "En la villa de Pedraza viernes a diez y seys días del mes de setiembre.", 1530 September 16

  • Box 8, Item 689
Scope and Contents note

Lawsuit decision. 3 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Joanes Coll et Tecda. Constantini. "Sit omnibus notum quod nos Joanes Coll et Tedca.", 1531 December 14

  • Box 7, Item 651
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Joannes Collette. Constantini. "In Dei nomine, amen. Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Joannes Collette et la eius vxor Mansi Fermini de Constanti principales.", 1531 December 14

  • Box 13, Item 884
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Villa de Pobbla. To Duque de Gandía. Puebla. "Lo senyor procurador et [...] allo pobblo.", 1532 January 14

  • Box 7, Item 652
Scope and Contents note

Financial. Catalan. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Alonso Pysador. To Hurtado de Mendoza. Orense. "Alonso Pysador, contador y procurador que soy del conde de Monterrey y adelantado de Cazorla.", 1532 May 1

  • Box 13, Item 885
Scope and Contents note

Itemized goods for Hurtado de Mendoza. 3 leaves.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Gonzalo Farfan. To Albar Pérez de Guzmán. "Mayor Gonzalo Farfan. Yo os mando que de los maravedís de vuestros cargos de las rentas.", 1532 May 6

  • Box 13, Item 886
Scope and Contents note

Payment. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Fadrique (Archbishop of Zaragoza). To Rodrigo Celdrán. Barcelona. "Nos don Fadrique de Portugal Arçobispo de Çaragoça, lugar-teniente general por la cesárea.", 1533 February 20

  • Box 8, Item 690
Scope and Contents note

Testimony of faithful service by Rodrigo Celdrán. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Jacobus Malagaricia. Sitmorize. "Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Jacobus Malagaricia [...] ciuis Sitmorize.", 1534 February 15

  • Box 8, Item 668
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin and Catalan. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Binimelis Blanquerig. Maioricio. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego [...] Binimelis Blanquerig maiorus tutor et curator Gieronimi Rossell.", 1537 June 6

  • Box 7, Item 659
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Margarita. Turicesse. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Margarita vxor honorabilis Joannis Foreor.", 1538 May 27

  • Box 7, Item 653
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Michael Puig. Barcelona. "Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Michael Puig [...] doctor.", 1540 November 19

  • Box 13, Item 887
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Petrus Abrimus. Almenar. "In Dei nomine et eius gratia, amen. Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Petrus Abrimus de Callar.", 1541 April 25

  • Box 7, Item 654
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Gonzalo de Avrea. Jaén. "En la muy noble famosa e muy leal ciudad de Jaén.", 1542 April 27

  • Box 13, Item 891
Scope and Contents note

Water rights of Guadalbollon. 7 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Alonso García Gutiérrez de Jaén. To Francisco Ruiz de Adarbe. Jaén. "En la muy noble famosa [...] y leal cibdad de Jaén.", 1542 July 12

  • Box 13, Item 889
Scope and Contents note

Controlling of water rights from river. 9 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. The Chancellery of Granada. To Pedro Ponce de León. Granada. "Don Carlos, por la divina clemencia emperador [...] de Alemania dona Juana su madre y el mismo don Carlos por la gracia de Dios rreyes de Castilla, de León.", 1542 August 17

  • Box 13, Item 888
Scope and Contents note

Watering rights from river. Royal seal. 5 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Joseph de Amaya y Badasos. "Juan [...] del Reyno [...] de la villa de Burgosillas.", 1542 September

  • Box 13, Item 890
Scope and Contents note

Personal experiences in various towns, and testimony of nobility. 34 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Ortega de Salzedo. To Illustrísimo Señor. Burgos. "Illustrísimo Señor. Por rrelación de algunos que tienen arrendados los préstamos desta sancta yglesia.", 1542 September 24

  • Box 13, Item 892
Scope and Contents note

Payments of rents. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Joan Palles. Saverdu. "En nom de nostre senyour Deu sie, amen. Yo mestre Joan Palles.", 1543 November 21

  • Box 7, Item 655
Scope and Contents note

A will. Catalan. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Pedro Pages. To Sagismundo. Calidarum de Montebonino. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Petrus Pages, paraco.", 1548 May 7

  • Box 7, Item 656
Scope and Contents note

Transfer of items to father. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Joannes de Val Desnots (?). "Nouerint vniuersi, quod singliprins (?) litras inspecturi qui nos Fr. Andriago.", 1548 December 1

  • Box 13, Item 893
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. Attached is a tiny seal with strip of vellum cut from document at bottom. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Jacobus Fortuny. Calidarum de Montebonino. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Jacobus Fortuny mercator.", 1549

  • Box 7, Item 657
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Jacobus Fortuny. Calidarum. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Jacobus Fortuny [...] ville Calidari de Montebonjno.", 1549 October 3

  • Box 13, Item 894
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top


Autograph Document Signed. Gil Ruyz. To Joan García. "Sepan quantos esta carta de poder vieren como yo Gil Ruyz continuo de la casa y corte de su magestad y vezino de la villa de Valladolid conozco que doy e tengo todo mi poder cumplido.", 1550 February 6

  • Box 13, Item 900
Scope and Contents note

Transfer of property. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Larebris (?). "Vniuersis et suscritus presentem ego Larebris [...] regia.", 1551

  • Box 13, Item 895
Scope and Contents note

Latin. Paper. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Pedro Sotomayor. To Magistrates of Alcalá de Henares. Urganda. "Muy magníficos señores. La justiçia y regimiento de la villa de Alcalá de Henares hazemos saber a Vros. Mds.", 1552 February 18

  • Box 8, Item 691
Scope and Contents note

Delegation from Madrid to visit Alcalá de Henares. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter. To Señor. "Tres cartas fallamos de V.M.", 1553 July 4

  • Box 1, Item 68b
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 2 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Pedro de San Miguel. To Martín de Cáceres. "Sepan quantos esta carta de pago et feniquito vieren como yo Pedro de San Miguel.", 1554

  • Box 8, Item 692
Scope and Contents note

Receipt of payment. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Christóbal de Porras. To Francisco de Sant Martín. "Yo Xpobal de porras señor de la villa de Castronuevo.", 1554

  • Box 13, Item 901
Scope and Contents note

Appointment to office of mayor. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Jacobo Rialo. Veruela. "Noverint vniuersi quod anno ang. dm.", 1554 December 24

  • Box 13, Item 896
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastical. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Pedro de San Miguel. To Martín de Cázeres. Ledesma. "Carta de pago que otorgaron.", 1555 January 17

  • Box 12, Item 867b
Scope and Contents note

Payment. Paper. 4 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. A copy of a brief from Clemente VII to Aldonza Enríquez. Salamanca. "En la muy noble ciudad de Salamanca a diez días del mes de febrero de [1556].", 1556 February 10

  • Box 8, Item 687
Scope and Contents note

The Pope's brief dated November 29, 1527 begins: "Dilecte fili, saluten," and there follow notes in Spanish and signatures of several officials of Salamanca. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Sepo Valle Valdés. "Est'es vn [...] bien y fielmente sacado de una librança.", 1556 April 13

  • Box 8, Item 693
Scope and Contents note

Included is an autographed note from the Duchess doña Felipas. 3 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Berengarius. Barcelona. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Berengarius de Phramames.", 1557 March 23

  • Box 13, Item 897
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastic. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Antonius Cojortela. Majorca. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Antonius Cojortela domicellus de Maio Sains.", 1558 March 16

  • Box 8, Item 660
Scope and Contents note

Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Jacobus Uentallos. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Jacobus Uentallos textor lane ciuis Vicen. Margarita eius vxor.", 1558 June 6

  • Box 13, Item 898
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Cervera. "Nouerint vniuersi quod Anno a nativitate Dominum millesimo.", 1559 October 27

  • Box 8, Item 661
Scope and Contents note

Latin. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Prince Carlos. "Tres cartas del Principe don Carlos fechas en Alcalá por el.", 1561 December

  • Box 8, item 694
Scope and Contents note

3 letters from Prince Carlos to 3 separate people in order to facilitate marriage between Enrique Enríquez and his niece, Inés Enríquez. Also includes one page describing the letters. The three autographed letters may be copies. 4 leaves.

Letter Signed. Prince Carlos (On behalf of Enrique Enríquez). Alcalá. "Don Carlos por la gracia de Dios, príncepe de España.", 1561 December

Scope and Contents note

Enríquez seeks approval to marry his niece, Inés Enríquez. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. El Prínzipe. To Cesare de Gonzaga. Alcalá. "El Prínzepe. Ille. Sr. fiel y amado nuestro. Bien creo debéis conozer a don Enrrique Enrríquez, caballero de Salamanca.", 1561 December

Scope and Contents note

To arrange marriage to niece. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. El Prínçepe. To Conde Federico Borrones. Alcalá. "Don Carlos por la grazia de Dios prínçepe de Spania, de las dos Sicilias, de Jerusalén, León.", 1561 December

Scope and Contents note

Seeking marriage to niece. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Bartholomeus Cossones. Majorca. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Bartholomeus Cossones ciuis Maioricio.", 1562 August

  • Box 8, Item 662
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Franciscus Monjo. Minorise. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Franciscus Monjo et Joannes Monjo, fratres.", 1563 September 27

  • Box 8, Item 663
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Berengaria Binet. Majorca. "Nouerint vniversi quod nos Berengaria Binet, domicella, et Jocobo Gergua.", 1564 February 23

  • Box 8, Item 664
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Rodrigo Pinel. To Alonso de Anaya. Granada. "Sepan quantos esta pública escritura vieren.", 1564 July 8

  • Box 8, Item 695
Scope and Contents note

Legal obligation. 5 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. "In Dei nomine, et eius diuina gratia.", 1565 January 29

  • Box 13, Item 903
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Parchment. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Petrus Gras Parator. To Bisbe de Viel (?). "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Petrus Gras Parator.", 1565 October 19

  • Box 13, Item 902
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Franciscus Pou. Calidarum de Montebonino. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Franciscus Pou, presbyter in ecclesia Bercinone.", 1566 March 6

  • Box 8, Item 665
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Montserratus Cadenall. Minorise. "In Dei nomine nouerint vniuersi quod ego Montserratus Cadenall tragineris ciuis Monorise.", 1567 July 19

  • Box 8, Item 666
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Purchase. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Joan de Acuña (Conde de Buendía). To town council. "Don Joan de Acuña, Conde de Buendía, señor de la villa de dueñas, gentilhombre de la cámara de su Magestad.", 1568 May 27

  • Box 8, Item 696
Scope and Contents note

Permission granted to levy tax for buying bread. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Anna Verges. Barcelona. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Anna Verges vidua relicta Jannis Verges quondam surratoris ciuis Barcinone.", 1569 May 11

  • Box 8, Item 667
Scope and Contents note

Will. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Anna Verges. To Eleanora. Barcelona. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Anna Verges vidua relicta Joannis Verges quondam surratoris ciuis Barcenione, gratis et ex mea certa certa scientia per me et meas heredes et successores.", 1569 May 11

  • Box 13, Item 904
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Obispo de Teruel. To Dionisio Sánchez Muñoz. Teruel. "Ya recibí su carta y como andamos en tantas guerras rebueltos no respondí y oy estamos peores.", 1571 November 8

  • Box 13, Item 905
Scope and Contents note

Personal. Paper. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Margarita Solera. Constantini. "Sit omnibus notum quod nos Margarita Solera et Petrus Soler eius filius et Elisabet eius vxor.", 1572 March 21

  • Box 8, Item 669
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Parchment. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Margarita Soleras. Constantini. " Noverint vniuersi quod nos Margarita Solera et Petrus Soler eius filius, et Elisabet eius vxor agriculos constantini campi et diocesis Tarrathone.", 1572 March 31

  • Box 13, Item 907
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Parchment. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Sauia de Campo. Ronsana. "In nomine domini. Nouerint vniuersi quod nos, Sauia, vxor Guillemis de Campo.", 1572 December 6

  • Box 13, Item 906
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Antonio de Padilla. To Diego Laínez. "Sepan quantos esta carta de obligación vieren como yo don Antonio de Padilla, comendador de la encomienda del Val de Peñal de la orden de Calatraua.", 1574 May

  • Box 13, Item 908
Scope and Contents note

Acknowledgement of debt to silversmith. Paper. 4 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Jacobus Arus. Sabadelli. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Jacobus Arus parator pamiorplane ville Sabadelli.", 1574 December 24

  • Box 8, Item 670
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Jacobus Aras. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Jacobus Aras parator parrochiae.", 1574 December 24

  • Box 13, Item 909
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Michael Gili. "In Dei nomine et eius gratia, amen. Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Michael Gili.", 1575 November 19

  • Box 8, Item 671
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [initialed]. Prior of the order of Calatrava. Seville. "Muy poderoso señor. El prior general de la orden de Calatraba, digo que.", 1576 March 11

  • Box 8, Item 697
Scope and Contents note

Report on lawsuit over rental property. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Michael Dalmau. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Michael Dalmau droguerius ciuis Barcinonine.", 1577 January 12

  • Box 8, Item 672
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf. Could be largest document in collection (58cm x 64cm).

To top

Letter Signed. Felipe II. To Duque de Maqueda (Magistrate of Toledo). "Nuestro corregidor o juez de residencia de la ciudad de Toledo, o vuestro lugarteniente en el dicho officio, por parte de don Vernardino de Cárdenas.", 1578 January 28

  • Box 8, Item 698
Scope and Contents note

King permits sale of certain property, but needs more information. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Barnardus Puig Sech. Folgaroles. "Sit omnibus notum quod nos Bernardus Puig Sech.", 1578 May 6

  • Box 8, Item 679
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Bernardus Puig Sech. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Bernardus Puig Sech agla (?) heres et proprietarius mansi Puig Sech parrochie beate Marie folgaroles Vicenz et Eulalia eius vxor.", 1578 May 6

  • Box 13, Item 921
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastical. This is one of the largest documents, with additional vellum sewn on at the bottom. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Juan de Ortega. To Marqués de Aguilar. "Ylustrísimo señor. Yo llegué aquí y hallé a doña María con salud.", 1578 June 18

  • Box 13, Item 910
Scope and Contents note

Salaries. Paper. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. University of Granada. To Lvdovici Araia. "In Dei nomine amen. Per hoc publicum instrumentum.", 1579 February 2

  • Box 8, Item 699
Scope and Contents note

Granting of bachelor's degree. Latin. Parchment. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Baptista Grondo. "In Dei nomine et eius gratia, amen. Ego Baptista Grondo domicellus de May. gratis et scienter dono donatione.", 1580 February 27

  • Box 8, Item 673
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Gift. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Duquesa de Baena. Cabra. "A lo. y a su criado de Luisa digo que yo tengo en arrendamiento.", 1581 October 29

  • Box 8, Item 700
Scope and Contents note

Request for delay of collections. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. La Duquesa. To Rui Gómez de los Cameros. "Señor Ruigomez de los cameros...administrador general de las rentas de mis estados.", 1582 August 1

  • Box 8, Item 701
Scope and Contents note

Transfer of money. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [no signature]. To new caretaker of palace. Granada. "En Granada, a dos de mayo de 1585 a.d. y quel duque dará fiadores a D. Pedro de Acuña.", 1585 May 2

  • Box 13, Item 912
Scope and Contents note

Administration of a ducal palace. Paper. 3 leaves.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Johan Diez de Aldriguez (?). To Duque de Sessa. "A su excelencia todo lo que le a llebado mal, llebado remal me andarán los mismos (?).", 1585 May 10

  • Box 13, Item 911
Scope and Contents note

Personal. Information about health of friends. Paper. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Bartholomeus Perpinya. Puig. "Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Bartholomeus Perpinya habitator parrochiae Puig.", 1585 September 14

  • Box 8, Item 674
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Baudilius Puig. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod nos Baudilius Puig junior agricultor çiuis Barcinone.", 1587 February 16

  • Box 13, Item 913
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed [various signatures]. Don Pedro de Silva. To King Felipe II. Toledo. "Señor. El alegría y contentamiento que esta ciudad a reçebido con el buen alunbramiento.", 1587 May 29

  • Box 8, Item 702
Scope and Contents note

Congratulations to King on birth of grandchild, Da. Catalina. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Bernardinus Bauça. Majorca. "Noverint vniuersi quod nos Bernardinus Bauça Dominic et Honoffria eius vxor.", 1587 September 2

  • Box 8, Item 675
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed [various signatures]. Lawyers of Murcia. To King Felipe II. Murcia. "Señor. En las cartas húltimas que V. Magd. mandó tener en Toledo.", 1589 August 14

  • Box 8, Item 703
Scope and Contents note

Requesting that Pedro Bernal y Alallán's family be reinstated to its former place of honor. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Duque de Gandía. To Nicolás Miguel. San Juan de Castro. "Magnífico Señor. Responderse a con ésta a uestras dos cartas de 29 y 30 del passado.", 1590 April 5

  • Box 8, Item 704
Scope and Contents note

Acknowledges receipt of certain goods. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Ana de Castro, widow of Bernaldino Manrrique. To Aldonza and Guiomar Manrrique. "Este es un traslado bien y fielmente sacado.", 1591

  • Box 13, Item 916
Scope and Contents note

Designation of heirs. Signed by Luis de Aponte, scribe of King. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. [...] Cerda. To Bernaldino Manrrique. Seville. "Provisión. Este es un traslado bien y fielmente sacado de una real provisión de su magestad sellada con su rreal sello.", 1591 July 18

  • Box 13, Item 915
Scope and Contents note

Copy of document by Felipe II. Answer to petition made on behalf of heis of Bernaldino Manrrique. 4 leaves.

To top

Letter. Ana Bapol. To Fernando Hurtado de Mendoza. Santi Spíritus. "No tenía a poca dicha y uentura la que mi dios me auía dado.", 1591 September 2

  • Box 8, Item 705
Scope and Contents note

Request for aid. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Felipe II. Second document is from Francisco de Cardona, Almirante de Aragón. "Provisión. Este es un traslado bien y fielmente sacado de una carta provisión de su magestad.", 1591 October 3

  • Box 13, Item 914
Scope and Contents note

Two documents bound together. Copy of charter from King Philip II. Documents are dated October 3, 1591 and July 14, 1592. Second document contains several signatures, including one from the King and another from Melchior Davila de la Cueua. Legal. 3 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Gabriela Mas. Majorca. "In Dei nomine et eius gratia amen. Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Gabriela Mas vidua relicta bozengarii.", 1592 September 16

  • Box 8, Item 676
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Duque de Gandía. To el Canónigo Ambrioso Martínez. Madrid. "Memorial paral canónigo Ambrosio Martínez...Primo. Es mi voluntad que todas mis rentas.", 1593 November 17

  • Box 8, Item 706
Scope and Contents note

Will. 6 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Joannes Serra. Vicenz. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Joannes Serra, presbiter ecclesiae Vicenz, beneficiatus parrochie.", 1595 May 3

  • Box 13, Item 917
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Gabriel Coll. Constantini. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Gabriel Coll agricola de Mansio parrochie ville Constantini.", 1595 July 8

  • Box 8, Item 677
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Gabriel Coll. To Joanni Boser. Constantini. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Gabriel Coll agricola de Mansio [...] villa Constantini.", 1595 August

  • Box 13, Item 918
Scope and Contents note

Legal. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Juan de Santillana. "En el logar de Villamedejo (?).", 1596

  • Box 13, Item 919
Scope and Contents note

Concerning right of primogeniture. Paper. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Melchor de Cárdenas. To Fernando Hurtado de Mendoza. Córdoba. "Rodrigo Collantes llegó a esta siudad oi biernes a las ocho del día.", 1596 April 19

  • Box 8, Item 707
Scope and Contents note

Announcement of arrival and items people are carrying. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Duque y conde de Oliva. To Miguel de San Martín. "Al governador de Oliva le sacaréis luego cédula de la tercia de su salario.", 1597 January 13

  • Box 8, Item 708
Scope and Contents note

Receiving payments. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Joan Yraplana. To Enrrico Camporat. Calidari. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniuersi quod anno anat. domini millesimo quingentesimo nonogesimo octauo, die vero sabbati quarta mensis julij.", 1598 October 3

  • Box 13, Item 920
Scope and Contents note

Sale of house and land. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Joannes Brunes. Calidarum de Montebonino. "Nouerint vniuersi quod ego Joannes Brunes paraco ville Calidarum de Montebonino.", 1598 November 3

  • Box 8, Item 678
Scope and Contents note

Sale of land. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

1600s undated

Document. Juan de Villanueva. To council. "Juan de Villanueva vezino de la ciudad de Jacca.", 1600s

  • Box 1, Item 15
Scope and Contents note

Writer seeks appointment. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Hernando Hortiz de Angulo. "Relación de los seruicios de Hernando Hortiz de Angulo.", 1600s

  • Box 1, Item 17
Scope and Contents note

Summary of individual's services. 2 leaves.

To top

Autographed Letter Signed. Marqués de Aguilar. To Juan Barroso. "Mucho me olgara tener más salud.", 1600s

  • Box 1, Item 33
Scope and Contents note

Health and personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Bishop of Palma. To Diego Fajardo. "Vuestra merced señor olvida a sus seruidores y amigos.", 1600s

  • Box 1, Item 58
Scope and Contents note

Requests release of Luis de Guiros from jail. 2 leaves.

To top

Document. Bartolomé de Arce. "Razón de los seruicios de Don Bartolomé de Arce.", 1600s

  • Box 1, Item 64
Scope and Contents note

Accounts. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués. To Fray Francisco de Pocielos (at Monastery of Parral). "Con cuydado estaba en no aber tenido rrespuesta.", 1600s September 1

  • Box 1, Item 83
Scope and Contents note

Donation of relics to monastery. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duquesa de Arcos. To her brother. "Hermano y mío de la vida.", 1600s

  • Box 1, Item 84
Scope and Contents note

Condolences for death of sister-in-law. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque. To Sebastián García de Albear. "A este lugar de Noués legué aier jueues a la oración, que como el día fue fresco podimos salir más templano de casa.", 1600s

  • Box 2, Item 85
Scope and Contents note

Arrival at city. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. La condesa de Leta. To her cousin. "Primo y señor mío. Mui gustosa me deja su carta.", 1600s

  • Box 2, Item 86
Scope and Contents note

Illness. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter [no signature]. Cádiz. "Exmo. Señor. Señor. Hauiendo llegado mi familia y yo con salud a Cádiz.", 1600s

  • Box 4, Item 357
Scope and Contents note

Explains delays of trip. 8 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Antonio de Toledo. "El conde de Benabente me a dicho que tiene horden para decirme que.", 1600s

  • Box 5, Item 407
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Document. Humilde Seruidor. To Excelentísimo Señor. Logroño. "Excelmo. Sr. Dios me es testigo que no hago esto con celo de indignación.", 1600s

  • Box 5, Item 463
Scope and Contents note

Testimony against individual. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Mathías Cuello. To King's office. "Mathías Cuello es pobre estudiante.", 1600s

  • Box 5, Item 468
Scope and Contents note

King grants 500 reales to a student and former employee. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Pedro Villalón. To King. "Señor. Don Pedro Villalón, marido de Doña Francisca Menez.", 1600s

  • Box 6, Item 470
Scope and Contents note

Seeks money for marriage of daughter. King Felipe IV grants wish and initials note. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. El alcalde (?). To Luo. de Insarestegui (?). "Ya sabe V.M. lo que deseo. El buen suceso de la consulta del capitán y sargento mayor Don Diego de Ouiedo.", 1600s June 19

  • Box 6, Item 471
Scope and Contents note

Seeking position. 1 leaf.

To top


Document [copy]. Fray Domingo Pimentel. To Duque de Benavente. "Sepan quantos esta carta y pública.", 1602

  • Box 1, Item 65
Scope and Contents note

Renouncement of secular possessions on entrance to religious order. 6 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Hernando de Mendoza. To Sebastián Treviño. Toro. "Dos pliegos de V.M. e recibido por los de 26 del pasado y dos deste.", 1600 October 14

  • Box 8, Item 709
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter [copy]. Felipe III. To scribe of court. "Escrivano de ración de nuestra casa i corte.", 1602 January 7, 1604

  • Box 1, Item 30
Scope and Contents note

Names Pedro Ximénez de Murillo to post of secretary. Copy by scribe. Second leaf is in Catalan and dated 1604. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde-duque de Olivares. To his administrator. "Las cartas que van con ésta.", 1603

  • Box 1, Item 44
Scope and Contents note

Acquisition of household goods. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Juan de Canpillo, Bartolomé Gallo and Joan de Salcedo. Valladolid. "En la ciudad de Valladolid a bentidos días del mes de abril de mil seiscientos y quatro años.", 1604 April 26

  • Box 7, Item 627
Scope and Contents note

Title: "Información de mi muger Biolante Gallus." Husband takes pride in wife's pure lineage. 15 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Duque de Ossorio. "Beso a Vuestra Excelencia los pies.", 1606 September 22

  • Box 1, Item 22
Scope and Contents note

Request for favor. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Felipe III. To Concejo de Pinto. "Don Phelipe. Por la graçia de Dios.", 1606 October 30

  • Box 1, Item 43
Scope and Contents note

His wafer seal. Financial. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Juana de Mendoza. "...capitán general gobernador...", 1607

  • Box 1, Item 41
Scope and Contents note

To governor. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marquesa de Poza (Duquesa de Sesa y de Baena). "Pedro de Salinas Peñ, mi mayordomo de rentas.", 1607 August 29

  • Box 1, Item 11
Scope and Contents note

Payment of debt. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. J. Baptista Viues. To Sto. Oficio. "Aquí paresió vn padre Francisco Gutiérez.", 1608

  • Box 1, Item 42
Scope and Contents note

Report about individual from Madrid to Rome. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Ximénez de Medina. "Yo llegué bueno a esta villa de Aranda.", 1609

  • Box 1, Item 39
Scope and Contents note

Arrival in city. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Joanna Çenglada. "Sit omnibus notum quod ego Joanna Çenglada.", 1609

  • Box 2, Item 94
Scope and Contents note

Legal document. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Petrus Nater. Barona Turrbelle. "Noverint vniversi quod ego Petrus Nater.", 1609

  • Box 2, Item 93
Scope and Contents note

Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Alonso de Cabrera. To Duque de Bejar. Valladolid. "Dos cartas e escrito a V.M.", 1610 August 31

  • Box 1, Item 74c
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 6 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Alonso de Cabrera. To Duque de Bejar. Valladolid. "Un agente del Duque de Bejar me a dado.", 1610 September 5

  • Box 1, Item 74b
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 2 leaves.

To top

Document [copy]. The King. To Alonso de Cabrera. San Martín de Rubiales. "En el registro y libros del esemptorio de la Cámara." Thomas de Angulo (Secretary)., 1610 September 25

  • Box 1, Item 74a
Scope and Contents note

Copy countersigned by Domingo Navarro. Official commissions. 2 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Antonius Sauila. Soria. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniversi quod ego Antonius Sauila.", 1611

  • Box 2, Item 92
Scope and Contents note

Legal document. Joanes Balaguer, witness. Latin. Parchment. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque. In Baena. "Ya escriuí a V.M.", 1611 June 29

  • Box 1, Item 37
Scope and Contents note

Financial matter. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de Salazar y Castelnovo. To Bernardo de Velasco y Aragón. "Don Bernardo de Velasco y Aragón, conde de Salazar y Castelnouo.", 1613 July 9

  • Box 1, Item 54
Scope and Contents note

Request not to have troops lodged in Pinto. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Caracema. To Diego de las Marinas. "Pocas cartas o ninguna he tenido.", 1613 December 26

  • Box 1, Item 51
Scope and Contents note

Personal illness and family loss. 2 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Duque de Sessa. To Juan de Sierra. "Falta hazen los papeles de Doña Juana de Laguna.", 1614

  • Box 1, Item 5
Scope and Contents note

Buesiness. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [copy]. King. To Conde de Altamira. "Teniendo concideración a los agradables y buenos seruiçios que me a hecho D. Lope de Moscoso Osorio.", 1614

  • Box 5, Item 459a
Scope and Contents note

Dispensations from King. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. "En el pleito qu' es entre los ospitales reales.", 1614 November 19

  • Box 1, Item 38
Scope and Contents note

Names of declared rebels in Granada. 20 leaves.

To top

Document [printed; seal; various signatures]. King Felipe III. To Joseph Juarez. "Don Felipe por la gracia de Dios, Rey de Castilla, de León." King Felipe III. To Joseph Xuarez. "Don Felipe por la gracia." Phelipe de Liéuana. To Lucas Palamesín. "Segunda paga del precio. En la uilla de Madrid a siete días del mes de mayo.", 1615-1617

  • Box 3, item 204
Scope and Contents note

3 documents bound together. 9 leaves.

Document [printed; seal; various signatures]. King Felipe III. To Joseph Juarez. "Don Felipe por la gracia de Dios, Rey de Castilla, de León.", 1615 June 15

  • Box 3, Item 204a
Scope and Contents note

Juridical suit. 9 leaves.

To top

Document [printed; seal; various signatures]. King Felipe III. To Joseph Xuarez. "Don Felipe por la gracia.", 1617 February 8

  • Box 3, Item 204b
Scope and Contents note

Legal. 9 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Phelipe de Liéuana. To Lucas Palamesín. "Segunda paga del precio. En la uilla de Madrid a siete días del mes de mayo.", 1617 March 7

  • Box 3, Item 204c
Scope and Contents note

Payment to King's office for job. 9 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Don Pedro Fernández de Boan y Landecho, Alcalde de Baena, against don Luis Fernández de Cordova, Aragón y Rojas Duque de Sella., 1615-1618

  • Box 1, item 2
Scope and Contents note

Testimony, Petition, and final printed result of lawsuit.The Cabinet of Ministers of Boan rules in don Pedro Fernández de Bohan y Landecho's favor against don Luis Fernández Duke of Cordova, Aragón y Bohan, but don Pedro must confirm the final verdict. Don Pedro will not receive the full amount he is owed, but will receive more than what don Luis originally offered. 28 leaves.

Document Signed. Juan de Santillana (King's scribe). "Sea notorio y manifiesto a todos los que la presente scriptura de venta e ynpusición de censo vieren.", 1615 July 18

Scope and Contents note

Testimony by don Luis Fernández de Cordova, Aragón y Rojas Duque de Sella.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Pedro Fernández de Boan y Landecho. "Petición. Don Pedro Fernández de Boan y Landecho.", 1618 November 9

Scope and Contents note

Petition by don Pedro Fernández de Boan y Landecho against don Luis Fernández de Cordova, Aragón y Rojas Duque de Sella.

To top

Document. Consejo de Ministros de Boan. For don Pedro Fernández de Boan y Landecho. "Sobre que se ha de confirmar la sentencia dada por el Alcalde...", 1618

Scope and Contents note

Printed result of lawsuit.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque. To King. "Abiendo llegado a mi casa de tan larga ausencia y enfermedad.", 1616 August 19

  • Box 1, Item 81
Scope and Contents note

Sending of payments due. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. (Fernández scribe to King). To Juan de Ayala. "Don Phelipe por la gracia de Dios.", 1617

  • Box 1, Item 29
Scope and Contents note

His wafer seal. Juan de Cenbrana makes sale. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Juan de Ciriça. "Mucho deseé besar las manos.", 1618 July 31

  • Box 1, Item 56
Scope and Contents note

Requesting matters be fulfilled prior to King's departure. 2 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Duque de Sessa. To Juan de Sierra. "Mal se nos lucen las diligencias.", 1618 December 25

  • Box 1, Item 31
Scope and Contents note

Concern for unpaid debt. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [various signatures]. Joanna de Malla. Barcelona. "In Dei nomine, noverint vniversi.", 1618

  • Box 4, Item 349
Scope and Contents note

Sale. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [copy with various signatures]. Juan de Soria, (scribe for Felipe III). To treasurer. "Don Phelipe. Por la grazia de Dios Rey de Castilla.", 1619

  • Box 1, Item 35
Scope and Contents note

Payments. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque Sera. "Con albanir (?) escriuiré a V.M. luego y embiaré los papeles.", 1619

  • Box 1, Item 36
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Duque de Sesa. To Vuestra Merced. Cabra. "En Cabra me hallo y fuera de mi casa muchos días a, buscando dineros.", 1619 March 6

  • Box 5, Item 465
Scope and Contents note

Seeking money. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque de Sesa. To Vuestra Merced. "Antes de ayer scriuía a V.M. Desde Cabra.", 1619 March 8

  • Box 5, Item 466
Scope and Contents note

Has no money. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque de Sesa. Baena. "A causa qu' ésta escribo ques domingo de Ramos por la mañana, ha llegado de mi peligrinazión por tomar con tiempo.", 1619 March 24

  • Box 6, Item 477
Scope and Contents note

Wishes for happy Easter. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. King (?). To Agn. de Fuentes (?). Mérida. "Por la presente mando a mis contadores que los rastrojos que pasto de las sementeras que están hechos.", 1619 June 22

  • Box 6, Item 476
Scope and Contents note

Collecting money. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [copy]. King. To Cardenal de Borja. Belén de Portugal. "Don Phelipe. Muy Rdo. In Christo Pe. Cardenal de Borja, y [...] mi muy charo y muy amado amigo.", 1619 June 28

  • Box 5, Item 459b
Scope and Contents note

Grants military income to newlyweds and their descendents. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Conde de Salazar. To heirs. "En el nombre de la Sanctísima Trinidad.", 1619 August 2

  • Box 1, Item 8
Scope and Contents note

A will. 9 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Various signatories. To Felipe III. "Don Phelipe. Por la graçia de Dios, Rey de Castilla.", 1620 February 7

  • Box 1, Item 57
Scope and Contents note

Legal. 2 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. R. Carranco de Aiala. To Príncipe de Aragón. Puerto Carero. "S. Exmo. M.P.S. Como a tan gran Príncipe doy quenta de la aleuossía que conmigo cometió Don Nicolás Caireño.", 1620 March 11

  • Box 5, Item 389b
Scope and Contents note

Complaint. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. R. Carranco de Aiala. To Príncipe de Aragón. Guadalcanal. "Exmo. P.S. Don R. Carranco de Ayala, vecino de la uilla de Guadalcanal.", 1620 March 13

  • Box 5, Item 389a
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Duque de Sesa. To Pedro Terán. "Tomando las quentas del señor Pedro Terán e hallado.", 1620 June 5

  • Box 5, Item 464
Scope and Contents note

Payment. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Francisco de Bero. To King. Burgos. "M.P.S. Vuestra Magestad a hecho merced a don Juan de Mendoza.", 1620 September 15

  • Box 4, Item 363
Scope and Contents note

Reference to appointment of page to king. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Juan León Lacios de la Cerda. To informers. "A los informantes de las pruebas de don Francisco Marmolejo.", 1620 December 1

  • Box 1, Item 6
Scope and Contents note

Report of lineage. 3 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Guillermo Puyol. María Modiliani. "In Dei nomine. Nouerint vniversi quod ego Guillermus Puyol.", 1621

  • Box 2, Item 91
Scope and Contents note

Legal document. Latin. Parchment. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. [various signatures]. Juan de Çamora. "Don Phelipe por la gracia de Dios.", 1621 February 19

  • Box 1, Item 18
Scope and Contents note

Payment to Diego de Medrano. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Regente Agustín Justa y Pont. To the King. Madrid. "Quarenta y quantro años ha que siruo a su Magd.", 1621 April 4

  • Box 1, Item 80
Scope and Contents note

Request for position. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Lorenzo de Vargas Çapata. To King. Naples. "Señor. Para la información que por mandado de V. Mgd. e hecho en esta ciudad en compañía de el doctor Martín carrillo entre otros testigos.", 1621 May 3

  • Box 4, Item 364
Scope and Contents note

Investigation for appointment to order. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. El conde. To Luis de Valladares y Vlloa. La Posada. "Don Luis de Valladares y Vlloa la persona a quien deseo muy buen sucesso en sus pretensiones.", 1621 May 12

  • Box 6, Item 482
Scope and Contents note

Well wishes. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Francisco Guillamaz Velázquez. "Aquí embío a V.E. relación sacada de los cuadernos.", 1621 May 13

  • Box 1, Item 53
Scope and Contents note

Servants and accounts of estate. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Alonso de la Parra. Ecija. "Illustríssimo Señor. Otra escribo en esta estafeta a V.A. que es original desta con deseo que llegue a V.A. la noticia de la injusticia que dos commisarios an hecho sobre vnas probanzas.", 1621 September 2

  • Box 4, Item 362
Scope and Contents note

Against applicant to order. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque de Cea. Tordesillas. "Bien puedo dezir que me puede parezer lisonja desear yo mucha salud a V.Exa.", 1621 October 21

  • Box 4, Item 365
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Pouar. "Envío a V.M. los papeles que tenía dados.", 1622 May 18

  • Box 1, Item 34
Scope and Contents note

Fulfulls request. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Miguel de Ipenarrieta. To the King. "Suplico a vuestra merced.", 1622 August 12

  • Box 1, Item 19
Scope and Contents note

Request for money. Pedro de Contreras, sec. to King Felipe IV, approves. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Juan de Baler (?). Castell Follit. "Exmo. Sr. Señor. La compañía que se halla aquí de guarnición que es del captn. Don Gaspar de Montaña.", 1622 August 23

  • Box 4, Item 358
Scope and Contents note

About military quartering. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Duque de los Arcos. To Augustín de Arellano. "Porque el señor conde de Alcaudese.", 1622 September 30

  • Box 1, Item 59
Scope and Contents note

Poor health used as excuse from fulfilling obligation. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Florencio de la Bera. To king. "Muy poderosso Sr. En compañía de Don Juº de Córdoua me mandó V. Mag. hazer las pruebas.", 1623 January 27

  • Box 4, Item 359
Scope and Contents note

Information on applicant. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Rodrigo de Lorençana. "En el convento de Viles.", 1623 March 22

  • Box 1, Item 12
Scope and Contents note

Fernando de Meneses Pacheco y Silva enters monastery. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde-duque de Olivares. "Dízenme que ay algunos informes.", 1623 May 10

  • Box 1, Item 48
Scope and Contents note

Seeks information. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter. Informant. To King. Ecija. "Señor. Vna de las cossas de que se le avía dado...A V. Magd. para averiguar la berdad en las pruebas.", 1623 June 5

  • Box 4, Item 367
Scope and Contents note

Against appointment of Alonso de Çaras to order. 4 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. P. de Contreras. To Don Fernando de la Rábida. Madrid. "Con el ordinario que partió de aquí el sábado passado, avissé a V.M. del resciuo de los despachos.", 1623 August 28

  • Box 4, Item 366
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Letter. Capt. Gerónimo Marqués. To King. Aragón. "El capitán don Gerónimo Marqués, hijo de Gerónimo Marqués y en quien sucedió su cassa.", 1623 September 3

  • Box 1, Item 82
Scope and Contents note

Request for favor. 2 leaves.

To top

Letter. Juan de Vega. "Tanto quanto se conoce la grabedad de esse rreal consejo de las órdenes. Lastima y escandaliça que se bean los ábitos en personas indignas.", 1624 March 30

  • Box 4, Item 368
Scope and Contents note

Against appointment to order. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Duque de Sessa. "Dos cartas he recibido vuestras con este orden.", 1624 June 18

  • Box 1, Item 7
Scope and Contents note

Condition of a ship. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [stamped rubric]. King Felipe IV. "Don Phelipe por la gracia de Dios, Rey de Castilla.", 1624 August 7

  • Box 1, Item 25
Scope and Contents note

Diego Faxardo is named magistrate. 3 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque de Pastrana. To Felipe IV. "Luego que recibí.", 1624 November 14

  • Box 1, Item 3
Scope and Contents note

Complying with King's request. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Francisco de Contreras. To Fajardo, (magistrate of Medina del Campo). "Son tan grandes las nezessidades.", 1625

  • Box 1, Item 45
Scope and Contents note

Defense of nation. 1 leaf.

To top

El Presidente. To the King. Madrid. "Señor. A la cosulta que a 31 del mes pasado hice A.V. Magd.", 1625 February 5

  • Box 5, Item 371a
Scope and Contents note

Division of duties of council. 1 leaf.

To top

Minister. To King. Madrid. "Señor. Veo un defecto de que me auisa V. Mgd.", 1625 February 23

  • Box 5, Item 371b
Scope and Contents note

Political. 4 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marquesa de Berlanga. To Duquesa de Frios. "Per el memorial.", 1625 March 18

  • Box 1, Item 20
Scope and Contents note

Recommendation to religious order. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde de Franquenburg. To Exmo. señor. "Exmo. señor. Sr. Alfonso de Requesens Obispo de Rosana me a dicho que no vino a manos del Pe. confessor del Rey (que Dios guarde) el decreto.", 1625 March 24

  • Box 5, Item 372
Scope and Contents note

Religious vacancies. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. To Duque de Sessa. Madrid. "Quedo advertido de lo que me decís.", 1625 April 1

  • Box 5, Item 384
Scope and Contents note

Duke answers on same paper: "De Cabra me escriben con este ordynaryo que los de los molynos se an resuelto de acudyr a Granada."

To top

Letter Signed. Gran Prior de Santiago. To King Felipe IV. "Antes que su Magestad (Dios le guarde).", 1625 April 13

  • Box 1, Item 60
Scope and Contents note

Requests information about new position. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde de Solre. To King. Madrid. "Señor. Por un decreto de 20 de julio.", 1625 May 9

  • Box 1, Item 79
Scope and Contents note

Informs of murder. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Pedro Hurtado de Gacioria. To King. Madrid. "A. V. Mgd. No canso a V.M. con mis negocios. No puedo escusarlo con los de mis sovrinos.", 1625 May 9

  • Box 4, Item 369
Scope and Contents note

For appointment to order of Santiago. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [stamped rubric]. Felipe IV. "Por quanto por una mi cedula.", 1625 May 20

  • Box 1, Item 26
Scope and Contents note

Retirement of Pedro de la Torre. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde de Cabra. To Juan de Sierra. "Vuestra carta recibí y me huelgo mucho.", 1625 July 23

  • Box 1, Item 13
Scope and Contents note

Complaint about household goods. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter [no signature]. To Fr. Antonio de Sotomayor. Madrid. "Llamaréis a Don Pedro de Granada y Don Antonio de Toledo mayordomos de la Reyna.", 1625 September

  • Box 5, Item 370
Scope and Contents note

Fulfillment of obligations with office. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Fernando de Vallejo, (sec. of Felipe IV). "Don Phelipe. Por la gracia de Dios.", 1625 September 15

  • Box 1, Item 52
Scope and Contents note

Has wafer seal. Diego Faxardo is magistrate. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués del Villar. To his niece. Valladolid. "Sobrina y...", 1626

  • Box 1, Item 49
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 2 leaves.

To top

Letter. Manuel Esteuan Castellón. To King. "Señor. Manuel Esteuan Castellón receptor de las rentas reales.", 1626

  • Box 4, Item 360
Scope and Contents note

Request for position. Request granted and initialled by King Felipe IV. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque de Sesa. Baena. "He recibido la de V.Md. con Matheo Gómez.", 1626 January 13

  • Box 5, Item 376
Scope and Contents note

Material for clothes. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque de Sessa. Baena. "Después de escripta la que ba con ésta me a mandado mi Sra. escriba a V. Md. para que me dé abiso quantas libras de seda cruda serán menester.", 1626 January 23

  • Box 6, Item 483
Scope and Contents note

Seeking information on amount of cloth necessary for a job. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter. Diego Antonio Antín. To Felipe IV. "Señor. Diego Antonio Antín, suplicante infraescripto.", 1626 January 25

  • Box 5, Item 373
Scope and Contents note

Seeking position. Response on same letter initialled by Felipe IV. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter [no signature]. To Juan Martínez Falcón. "Vos oystes se...en esta tierra de auer sauido que don Juan.", 1626 January 28

  • Box 5, Item 379
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marquesa de Lombay. Gandía. "Llegó mi tío el padre fray Francisco.", 1626 February 1

  • Box 1, Item 9
Scope and Contents note

Domestic matters. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque de Sesa. Baena. "Con la de V. Md. reciví la mucha que siempre y por ella y la que V.M. me ofrece le beso cien mill veces las manos.", 1626 April 21

  • Box 5, Item 380
Scope and Contents note

Order of cloth and paper. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marquesa de Aguilar. Madrid. "En todos los negocios del Marqués mi señor.", 1626 April 25

  • Box 1, Item 72
Scope and Contents note

The marchioness requests favor against the magistrate of Murcia. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Diego de Argote. "Yo rezeuí una de V. Md. y", 1626 June 29

  • Box 1, Item 47
Scope and Contents note

Speaks of ill health while in prison. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Duque de Sesa. To Juan de Serra Hurtado. Granada. "Señor mío. Bien sabe el cielo cuanto le deseo serbir, y pues conoce mi boluntad y obligaciones.", 1626 July 7

  • Box 5, Item 375
Scope and Contents note

Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Selido (?). To Pe. de Contreras. El Aposento. "Supplico a V.M. fauorezca la pretensión del memorial inclusso.", 1626 July 19

  • Box 5, Item 378
Scope and Contents note

Asks a favor. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque de Sesa. "Comienço esta carta con decirle a V. Md. que perdone el papel que por no tener uno entero va en esta forma.", 1626 July 24

  • Box 5, Item 381
Scope and Contents note

Request for materials. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Duque de Sesa. Baena. "El portador desta lleua setenta y zinco mill marauedís para que con ellos se le pague a Don Juan Luis de Hinojossa el terzio de su zenso.", 1626 August 2

  • Box 6, Item 475
Scope and Contents note

Sending messenger with money. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de los Arcos. To Felipe IV. "Respondiendo a lo que.", 1626 October 5

  • Box 1, Item 4
Scope and Contents note

Personal fight in palace. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque de Sesa. Baena. "Mucho me huelgo de que a V. Md. le vaya mexor de sus achaques.", 1626 October 12

  • Box 5, Item 374
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Francisco de la Cerda. To Juan de Siera Hurtado. "Muy faborecido me hallo con su carta de V.M. de 13 del presente.", 1626 October 16

  • Box 5, Item 377
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Pedro de Toledo (Marqués de Villafranca). To Conde-duque de Olivares. "Esperáuamos oy a Vuestra Excelencia (que hací la ausencia tolerable).", 1626 November 29

  • Box 1, Item 1
Scope and Contents note

Letter requested for division of property. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter [initialed by king]. Phelipe IV. To Andrés de Roças. "Teniendo consideración a vuestros muchos y buenos servicios.", 1627

  • Box 1, Item 16
Scope and Contents note

Appointment to warden. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Jabala. "Sobrino y primo. Mucho me' alegrado con la carta de V.M.", 1627

  • Box 1, Item 40
Scope and Contents note

Affairs of the family. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Diego Morejón. To the council. "Selosos los de esta ciudad de Medina Çidonia del onor de la orden y rreputación del Consejo, damos quenta a V.Sa.", 1627 March 26

  • Box 5, Item 410
Scope and Contents note

Report from Medina Sidonia. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Diego de Castro y Carbaja. To Pedro de Contreras. Caña. "Vna de V.Md. ha en Aranjuez a trece de mayo e rrecibido el día último.", 1627 June 4

  • Box 5, Item 383
Scope and Contents note

Request of aid for marriage of girl. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Antonia de Arteaga. To Fr. Pedro de Conticavans. "Asta este ordinario no auía sauido y como V.M. se alla ya con nieto.", 1627 August 24

  • Box 5, Item 382
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Felipe IV. "Por quanto por una mi real processión.", 1628 March 15

  • Box 1, Item 32
Scope and Contents note

Legal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Fernando Ruiz de Contreras. To Conde de Linares. Zaragoza. "Por el despacho de su Magd. que acompaño con esta carta mandará V.E.", 1628 August 26

  • Box 5, Item 412
Scope and Contents note

Expression of gratitude. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Antonio Zapata (Inquisitor). To Diego Fajardo. Madrid. "Mucho siento el ver tan mal dispuestos los ánimos.", 1629

  • Box 1, Item 78
Scope and Contents note

Lineage. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque de Sesa. To King. Baena. "Oy escribí a V.Md. con el alcaide de Castel de Ferro.", 1629 February 23

  • Box 6, Item 474
Scope and Contents note

Reports movement in search of finances. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Don Ambrosio (Duque de Velasco). "Ayer de mañana domingo se partió mi padre.", 1629 March 4

  • Box 1, Item 10
Scope and Contents note

Search for ways to repay debt. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Cardenal. To Diego Fajardo. Madrid. "El señor don García me dice lo que V.M. a trauajado en estos seruicios.", 1629 March 20

  • Box 5, Item 387
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. A. de la Cerda y Mendoza. To Marqués de Pobar. Cordoba. "Señor. Como corre por quenta de V.Ex. los aciertos del seruiçio de su magestad.", 1629 April 11

  • Box 5, Item 385a
Scope and Contents note

List of witnesses against applicant for military order. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. A. de la Cerda y Mendoza. "Señor. Los días pasados escribí a V.Ex.", 1629 April 28

  • Box 5, Item 385b
Scope and Contents note

Repeats advice against acceptance into order of certain individual. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Pedro de Torres. Medina del Campo. "Yo sé mui bien que V.S. es el eclo. de esse supremo y único tribunal.", 1629 June 15

  • Box 5, Item 386
Scope and Contents note

Against appointment of J. de Palacios. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Crispín López. To Cabildo. Barcelona. "Yo me salí muy contento de essa ciudad por la occasión que se me auía ofrescido.", 1629 July 16

  • Box 6, Item 539
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastical. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [copy]. Gabriel Coll. Monacor, Majorca. "Sit omnibus notum quod Nos.", 1629 August 7

  • Box 2, Item 88
Scope and Contents note

Granting of title. Latin. Vellum. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Santa Cruz. To Arzobispo de Burgos. Cartagena. "El licenciado don Dio. Faxardo tras muchos años que sirue a su Md.", 1629 October 25

  • Box 6, Item 481
Scope and Contents note

Asking for favor. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Marqués. To A. Ximénez herador. "J..nuñez me...", 1629 November 6

  • Box 1, Item 46
Scope and Contents note

List of expenses and payments. Ledger. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Melchor de Molina. To Marqués de Aguilar. Cartagena. "V.M. me tiene en...y seria (?) gran suerte mía.", 1629 November 29

  • Box 5, Item 388
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Duque de Arcos. "Páganse...", 1630

  • Box 1, Item 50
Scope and Contents note

Order of payment for clothes. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Marqués de los Trujillos, et al. To Luis Malo. "En el nombre de la Sanctíssima Trinidad.", 1630 February 9

  • Box 1, Item 63
Scope and Contents note

Legal judgement. 10 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Licenciado Marqués. Alcalá. "Sor. Las pruebas de don Gerónimo de Guzmán y Manrique que se me cometieron.", 1630 May 31

  • Box 5, Item 390
Scope and Contents note

Explanation of failure to receive appointment. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Martín de Arostegue. To J. de Guzmán y Córdoua. Vélez. "Por la copia de carta que mostrará a V. Md. el Capitán Don Pedro del Rossal.", 1630 June 19

  • Box 5, Item 391
Scope and Contents note

Explanation of behavior. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Abad del Monasterio de Veruela. To Bernardo Blasco. "Nos Don Fray Martín Albaro, Abbad.", 1630 July 20

  • Box 1, item 24
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastical. 2 leaves.

Autographed Document Signed. "A 29 de julio deste presente año de 1630. Yo fray Prudencio Arnalte.", 1630 July 29

  • Box 1, Item
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastical. 2 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de Carillo. To Señor Fajardo. "He visto su carta de Vuestra Merced, y la diligencia contra Don Francisco del Río.", 1631 May 15

  • Box 1, Item 21
Scope and Contents note

Collection of sum of money. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Toribio de Gerreray. La Mamora. "Toribio de Gerreray Montero cauallero de la orden militar de Santiago.", 1631 July 23

  • Box 6, Item 484
Scope and Contents note

Seeks recognition for war service. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque de Medina Sidonia. To J. de Guzmán y Córdoua. San Lucar. "Huelgo mucho de sauer que V.M. se halle con la buena salud que le deseo.", 1632 May 1

  • Box 5, Item 392
Scope and Contents note

Apology for failure. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués. To Juan de Paco y Molina. Escalona. "Quedo advertido de todo lo que me decís en vuestra carta de 28 de abril en razón del dinero.", 1632 May 6

  • Box 5, Item 393
Scope and Contents note

Payment from Serón and Tirola. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Aguilar. To Gregorio Martínez. "Don Fernando deTeruel me dize que asta aora no se le han remitido.", 1632 July 15

  • Box 1, Item 66
Scope and Contents note

Purchase of horse. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Gómez de Medina. To King. Daimiel. "M.P.S. Pedro Gómez de Medina loacssa (?) V.S. de la villa de Daimiel.", 1632 October 14

  • Box 5, Item 394
Scope and Contents note

Lineage. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. King Felipe IV. To Villa de el Almendralejo. "Consejo, justicia y regimiento.", 1632 November 8

  • Box 1, Item 28
Scope and Contents note

Appointment to alderman. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [copy]. Gaspar Ruiz Escaray (scribe of Felipe IV). To titled nobles of Castile. Madrid. "El rey--Conde de...Pariente. Por lo que os mandé.", 1632 December 20

  • Box 1, Item 73
Scope and Contents note

Copy of original order by King. Order for war contributions. 2 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. P. de Andonas. To the King. "Señor. Don Juan de Guzmán, natural de esta cuidad.", 1633

  • Box 1, Item 23
Scope and Contents note

Recommendation for nurse. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Domingo Pérez de Santa Cruz. To Duque, mi señor. "Oy estada a besar los pies de mi señora y alládola con salud.", 1633 March 31

  • Box 1, Item 68a
To top

Document. To King. Granada. "M.P.S. Dios nuestro señor, tengo por sin duda sea de seruir del auiso que por esta doi a V.A. haciéndole saver como christiano que soi...hijo de mis padres.", 1633 October 14

  • Box 5, Item 396
Scope and Contents note

Lineage against Francisco de Valençuela. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Chr. de Montero. Talavera. "Están en esta villa con las informaciones de don Luis de Vargas.", 1633 November 19

  • Box 5, Item 397
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Ramiro de Salazar. To Juan Clareu y Mendoza. "Yo salí de mi cassa.", 1633 December 14

  • Box 5, Item 395
Scope and Contents note

Lineage. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Fray Isidoro Aliaga (Archbishop of Valencia). To Excelentísima Señora. Valencia. "Mossen Luis Buena Ventura con la trocura del retor de Miramar.", 1633 December 20

  • Box 1, Item 67
Scope and Contents note

Denial of dispensation. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Alonso Moreno. Illescas. "Señor. Hauiendo acudido a Illescas Don Gmo. de Mochinilla, cauallero de la orden de Santiago.", 1634 March 16

  • Box 5, Item 399
Scope and Contents note

Entrance to order. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque de Sessa. Madrid. "El P. Ciegosca Rdo. y no se puede responder a él con este hordinario.", 1634 May 2

  • Box 5, Item 398
Scope and Contents note

Response on same leaf about finances. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Innocentivs de Ciron, Praesbiter. To Joannem Miralda. Tolosa. "Innocentivs de Ciron. Praesbiter.", 1634 October 2

  • Box 2, Item 87
Scope and Contents note

Degree of doctor of jurisprudence is awarded at University of Tolosa. Latin. Parchment. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter [stamped rubric]. Felipe IV. To jury of Teruel. "Amados y fieles míos. Sabed que la Santidad.", 1634 November 4

  • Box 1, Item 27
Scope and Contents note

His wafer seal. Asks payment for preaching of Crusade. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Lorenço de Eredia. To King. Navarrete. "M.P. Sor. Su Mag., Dios le gde., a echo merced de vno de los ábitos militares.", 1635 April 20

  • Box 5, Item 400
Scope and Contents note

Critical of lineage of Antonio de Arraya. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Xabian Reiez. To King. Madrid. "No sin gran razón y consejo le juro a V.Sa. su Magd. en el oficio que está administrando.", 1635 November 22

  • Box 5, Item 401
Scope and Contents note

Against favor to Agustín Zilimon de Zamora. Initialed by the King. 1leaf.

To top

Document. Duke of Abrantes. "Memoria de las resultas de las quentas de los gastos.", 1636

  • Box 1, Item 69
Scope and Contents note

Account of expenses of Duke's wedding. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter. "A don Bernardo de Ogeda berdugo a dado su Magd. el ábito de Alcántara.", 1636 February 10

  • Box 5, Item 403
Scope and Contents note

Entrance into order of son of Fernando de Ojeda. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marquesa de Villa Real. To Juan de Caçedo. "Sobrino el ordinario.", 1636 August 19

  • Box 1, Item 14
Scope and Contents note

On death of husband, nephew to take charge. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Juan Polanco. Salamanca. "Aunque tengo escrito al señor presidente, he querido abisar a U.Md. como a tan gran caballero.", 1636 November 8

  • Box 5, Item 402
Scope and Contents note

Recommends individual to order. Note initialed by receiver. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Business transaction in Gerona. "Nouerint vniversi quod cum admitantiam.", 1637

  • Box 2, Item 90
Scope and Contents note

In Latin, Spanish and Catalan. Vellum. Legal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Bishop of Badajoz. To Juan de Chaves. "De mano de Don Sebastián de Agnero, Corregidor.", 1637 January 30

  • Box 1, Item 70
Scope and Contents note

Payments for services. 4 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Town of Corva. To family of Marqués. "Esta cuidad a savido la muerte.", 1638 April 24

  • Box 1, Item 55
Scope and Contents note

Condolences and items for funeral. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Conde de Montalvo and others. "En el nombre de la Santísima eterna Vnidad.", 1638 December 8

  • Box 1, Item 61
Scope and Contents note

Legal judgement in Córdoba. 8 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Juan, Duque de Estrada. To King. Alcalá de Henares. "Señor. En cumplimiento de lo que V.Md. nos mandó por su Real prouissión.", 1639 February 7

  • Box 5, Item 411b
Scope and Contents note

Petitioner, who is nephew of Melchor de Zúñiga y Valdés, is successful in entering order of Santiago. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Juan Duque de Estrada. To King and his council. Guadalajara. "Exmo. Señor. Por orden del licenziado Po. Marquéz mi compañero, he dado quenta a V. Exa. y al consejo del estado que tienen estas pruebas de D. Melchor de Zúñiga.", 1639 [February] 24

  • Box 5, Item 405
Scope and Contents note

About order for Melchor de Zúñiga. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde de Oñate. To Excelentísimo Señor. "Sírbase V. Exa. como tan zeloso de la honrra de las órdenes militares.", 1639 May 31

  • Box 1, Item 75
Scope and Contents note

Against Gerónimo de Guzmán. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Mariscal de Castilla. To Marqués de Val de Fuentes. "Con un soldado que fue de aquí"., 1639 July 5

  • Box 1, Item 71
Scope and Contents note

Payment of troops. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Da. Juana Villa de Recina. To Mariscal Don Juan de Mendoza. "Una carta me dio.", 1639 August 26

  • Box 5, Item 406
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Gonzáles de la Fuente. To Pacheco de la Vega. Granada. "En veinte y dos de octubre reciuimos vna de V.Sa. y en ella inserto vn memorial.", 1639 October 23

  • Box 5, Item 404
Scope and Contents note

Report to council on Capt. Don Bartolomé Bara Polo. 4 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Pedro Calvo. To Juan del Castillo. Alcalá. "Exmo. Señor. Aquí asiguran se hacen pruebas en esa corte.", 1639 November 24

  • Box 1, Item 76
Scope and Contents note

Lineage. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Servants of Your Highness. To King. "Exmo. señor. A este lugar vinieron a hacer las informaciones de Don Melchor de Çuñiga y Valdes los informantes Don Juan Duq. de Estrada.", 1640 September 18

  • Box 5, Item 411a
Scope and Contents note

Lineage. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Juan de Pined Villarroel. To Claudio Pimentel. Toledo. "En esta ciudad de Toledo.", 1641 May 27

  • Box 1, Item 77
Scope and Contents note

Lineage. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Luis XIII, King of France. Barcelona. "Nos Ludouicus Dei gratia rex Galliae.", 1642

  • Box 2, Item 89
Scope and Contents note

Reference to decrees of preceding years. Latin. Parchment. 3 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Juan de Góngora. Seville. "El licenciado Don Juan de Góngora del Consejo de su Magestad.", 1642

  • Box 2, Item 101
Scope and Contents note

Raising regiment and providing for its lodging. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Pedro Pacheco (Marqués de Castrofuerte). "En quanto a llegado al lugar de Xetafe.", 1642 September 4

  • Box 2, Item 125
Scope and Contents note

Arrival of troops. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Juan de Loyola. To King Felipe IV. Jerez de la Frontera. "Señor. Don Juan Jirón y Çuñiga me escribe en nombre de Vuestra Alteza.", 1642 September 28

  • Box 4, Item 351
Scope and Contents note

Information about applicant, Pedro Ramos de Baños, entering into order. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Juan de Loyola. To Antonio de Luna. Jerez de la Frontera. "Señor mío. En conformidad de lo que V.S. me dice en su carta.", 1642 November 9

  • Box 4, Item 350a
Scope and Contents note

Information on applicant for order of Calatrava. Related to 350b. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Juan de Loyola. Jerez de la Frontera. "Señor. Don Antonio de Luna me escribe prosiga las diligencias.", 1642 November 9

  • Box 4, Item 350b
Scope and Contents note

Re entrance to order. Related to 350a. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Christóbal de León. To King. Villa de dos Hermanas. "Christóbal de León, teniente de fiscal de la villa de dos Hermanas.", 1642 November 29

  • Box 5, Item 414
Scope and Contents note

Against Juan de Lara and Jorge de Gandier. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed [various notes and signatures]. Duque de Medina Sidonia. To Duque de Estrada. Castle of Coca. "Don Martín Dábila, Duque de Estrada.", 1643

  • Box 2, Item 124
Scope and Contents note

Payment of debt. 2 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Bernardo de Moscosso y Córdoba. To Claudio Pimentel. Seville. "Mi señor. Siendo sabidor del celo sto. con que V.Sa. atiende a las cosas tocantes al seruicio de su Magd.", 1643 January 29

  • Box 5, Item 415
Scope and Contents note

Evidence against Gaspar de Campos and his informant Diego Laso de Castilla. Letter arrived, as often happened, after acceptance into order of individual. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Astorga. Diego Baltadono. Huelva. "En los treynta ábitos que su Magd. hiço mandar al cabildo de esta ciudad.", 1643 February 4

  • Box 5, Item 416
Scope and Contents note

Against granting of habit to Gabriel Dias de Florencia y Aguila. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Domingo de Cardinal. To King. Córdoba. "Señor. Pasando por la villa de Palma donde nacieron algunos de mis agüelos.", 1643 July 9

  • Box 4, Item 352
Scope and Contents note

List of witnesses against acceptance of applicant to order. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Bedmar. To Clemente Benegas. La Posada. "Auiéndose buelto a discurrir en la Junta de Guerra.", 1644 February 21

  • Box 2, Item 114
Scope and Contents note

Organization of military companies. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter [stamped rubric]. King Felipe IV. To Diego Fajardo. Seville. "El Rey. Don Diego Fajardo. Hanse visto las cartas que hauéis escrito.", 1644 March 12

  • Box 2, Item 112
Scope and Contents note

Comment on previous correspondence. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Informer. To King. "A don Antonio de Salcedo vecino de Segovia. Se dice están nombrados ynformantes para las pruebas.", 1644 April 8

  • Box 2, Item 111
Scope and Contents note

Questions of lineage. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Ant. Félix de Vega. To King. Seville. "Señor. El zelo en el servicio de Vtra. Magd. y autoridad del que de las órdenes me mueve.", 1644 September 25

  • Box 5, Item 413
Scope and Contents note

Information to king on lineage of Martin de Acosta y Salazar. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document. To lawyer. Almansa. "Señor fiscal. Deseando en todo acudir y dar parte de lo que se quiera haçer.", 1645

  • Box 5, Item 447
Scope and Contents note

Evidence against Fulgenzio Marín. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Antonio de Artehaga. To King. "Señor: Por ser tan aficionado seruidor y obligado por muchos respectos al seruicio de V.A.", 1645 February 23

  • Box 4, Item 354
Scope and Contents note

Reference to applicant into order. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Christóual de VIlalta. To Antonio de Luna. Granada. "Dios puso a V.S. en ese puesto para mirar por el lustre y autoridad de la orden, y será desgracia que en el tiempo que gobiernan tan grandes ministros, se pongan los ábitos quien no tiene calidad para ello.", 1645 April 24

  • Box 5, Item 425
Scope and Contents note

Against Antonio de Talabera's entrance into order. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Fernando Ruiz de Contreras. To Conde de Linares. Zaragoza. "Su Md. responde a las cartas que se han tenido de V.E. en el despacho.", 1645 July 25

  • Box 5, Item 419
Scope and Contents note

Response to king's request. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Fernando Ruiz de Contreras. To Conde de Linares. Zaragoza. "Además de lo que su Magd. Mandó escriuir a V.E. en despacho.", 1645 August 2

  • Box 5, Item 420
Scope and Contents note

Answer to king's request. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Fernando Ruiz de Contreras (sec. of Felipe IV). To Conde de Linares. Zaragoza. "Remito a V. E. el despacho.", 1645 August 18

  • Box 2, Item 115
Scope and Contents note

Channel of communications. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. King Felipe IV. To Conde de Linares. Zaragoza. "Conde de Linares, pariente, mi capitán.", 1645 August 26

  • Box 2, Item 126
Scope and Contents note

Affairs of Barcelona. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Fernando Ruiz de Contreras. Zaragoza. "Anoche...a V.E. del buen subcejo de que...el correo llegó muy tarde.", 1645 August 30

  • Box 5, Item 409
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Arzobispo de Burgos. Vita. "Relación de los actos positiuos.", 1645 September 4

  • Box 2, Item 113
Scope and Contents note

Order of Calatraua. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter [initialed]. King Felipe IV. To monastery. "Las causas que mouieron a que los prelados asistiesen con soldados para los presidios en lugar de las lanzas que deuian dar en ocasiones de guerra.", 1645 September 28

  • Box 5, Item 418
Scope and Contents note

Request for war support. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter [stamped rubric]. King Felipe IV. To Conde de Linares. Madrid. "Conde de Linares, mi capitán general de las galeras.", 1645 October 19

  • Box 2, Item 116
Scope and Contents note

Disposition of money derived from sale of two ships. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Conde de Villamediana. "General. Relación de los acrehedores de censos que ay a los vienes del Conde de Villamediana.", 1646

  • Box 2, Item 96
Scope and Contents note

Inventory of Count's possessions. 7 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Diego Fernández de Avalos and a list of witnesses. To secretary. "No podemos dexar de cansar a V.Sa. y darle cuentas.", 1646 August 28

  • Box 5, Item 422
Scope and Contents note

Against individual wishing to enter into order. Response on separate sheet starts: "En el consexo se a tenido abiso." 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Pedro de Balen. To the council. "Dícese en esta ciudad se a dado informantes a Don Martín de Cayas.", 1646 September 3

  • Box 5, Item 421
Scope and Contents note

Evidence against candidate for order. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Pedro de Guzmán. To Cousin in Convent de la Esperanza. "Primo y señor mío. Con González de Balbuena he reçiuido la carta que me auéis escrito.", 1647

  • Box 2, Item 97
Scope and Contents note

Personal; encoded letter. 4 leaves.

To top

Document. Justo de Torres. To King's office. "Don Justo de Torres dize que le embaraza para pretender salir a seruir fuera del Reyno en pleito de grande importancia.", 1647

  • Box 5, Item 469
Scope and Contents note

Seeking position within realm. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Jorge Morejón de Alarcón. To King. "M.P.S. Auiendo reciuido en Ezija la horden que V.A. nos mandó guardemos.", 1647 March 15

  • Box 5, Item 423
Scope and Contents note

Evidence against Luis de Lea's entrance into order of Calatrava. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [stamped rubric]. King Felipe IV. To Alonsso de la Torre y Verna. Madrid. "El Rey. Licenciado D. Alonsso de la Torre y Verna, oidor de mi audiencia.", 1647 March 20

  • Box 3, Item 220
Scope and Contents note

Sec. Anto. Alossa Rodarte. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Diego Fernández de Peñalosa. To king. "Deseando que el consejo y V.Sa. tengan noticias.", 1648 February 20

  • Box 5, Item 424
Scope and Contents note

Evidence against Francisco de Segura's entrance into order. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Miguel Díaz de Peñalossa. To Francisco de Roja. "Deseando que el consejo y V. Ea. tengan noticia de las cossas.", 1648 February 29

  • Box 2, Item 108
Scope and Contents note

Lineage followed by list of names. Against Francisco de Segura. 4 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duke of S. Lucar de M. Jaranan. "Primo y señor mío. Por más que soliçita Vuestro silencio mi queja.", 1648 April 28

  • Box 2, Item 109
Scope and Contents note

Personal letter anticipating visit. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Alonso Ruiz de Guertas. To council. Almagro. "Sor. Por comisión de Va. Alteza se an hecho ynformaciones en esta villa de Almagro.", 1648 September 29

  • Box 5, Item 426
Scope and Contents note

Against Francisco de Valenzuela into order of Calatraua. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed [several hands and signatures]. Abad del Monasterio de Veruela. "Nos Domnus Fray Hieronimus.", 1649

  • Box 2, Item 110
Scope and Contents note

Proof of Fr. Juan Francisco Peror. Latin and Spanish. 4 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed [various hands and signatures]. Abott of Veruela. "Nos domnus Fr. Hierónimus Amad. sacre theologie professor.", 1649 July 17

  • Box 5, Item 408
Scope and Contents note

In Latin and Spanish. Ecclesiastical. 8 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Francisco Ant. de Peñalta. Segovia. "En esta ciudad de Segovia está haziendo D. Manuel de Calzedo.", 1649 August 2

  • Box 5, Item 428
Scope and Contents note

Lineage. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Pedro Fo. Patiño y Serrano. To Diego Zapata Caravaca. "Por la duda que se puede offrecer en la puntualidad con que siempre e acudido y acudiré al seruicio de su Magestad y al de V.S.", 1649 November 4

  • Box 5, Item 429
Scope and Contents note

Evidence for a lawsuit. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Luis Lorenso de Vena. To King. Seville. "Exmo. Sr. No cumpliera con mi obligación çi no.", 1649 December 26

  • Box 5, Item 427
Scope and Contents note

Evidence against Blas de Cabrera's entrance into order. 1 leaf.

To top


Autograph Letter Signed. Antonio de Torre. "A esta ciudad se ha benido aser las pruebas.", 1650 March 8

  • Box 2, Item 106
Scope and Contents note

Speaks of family line. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. El Marqués de la Petexa. Seville. "En esta ciudad se están haziendo las pruebas de don Blas de Cabrera.", 1650 March 23

  • Box 2, Item 107
Scope and Contents note

Speaks about lineage; contains list of names. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [various signatures]. Juan de Arévalo. To Council of Villa de Cuenca Campos. Madrid. "En el nombre de la Santíssima Trinidad y de la eterna Vnidad.", 1651

  • Box 2, Item 99
Scope and Contents note

Transfer of property by king. 7 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Jamdo. Bardalesguiral (?). Toledo. "Exmo. Sor. Porque V. Exa. sepa la justa razón que me muebe para escribirle, le digo.", 1651 March 10

  • Box 5, Item 431
Scope and Contents note

Defense of individual and against another witness. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Diego de Velásquez. To Exmo. Señor. Seville. "Exmo. Señor. La notisia de esta ciudad a benido como Don Juan Arnesto, vecino de la ciudad de Cádis.", 1651 November 7

  • Box 5, Item 417
Scope and Contents note

Against Juan Arnesto's entrance to order of Santiago. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Antonio de Menesses. To Conde de Peñaranda. " hiço merced a don...natural de la ciudad de Talauera.", 1652 March 5

  • Box 5, Item 433
Scope and Contents note

Against entrance to order. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Baltasar de Tores. To council. Seville. "Sr. Muy poderoso Sr. Por mandado de V. Sa. se a despachado comisión para que don Juan de Albares Maldonado.", 1652 April 24

  • Box 5, Item 432
Scope and Contents note

Against Gonzalo de Herrera and Gonzalo de Serra. Lineage. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Martín de Huerta. To King. Logroño. "Excmo. Señor. Biendo los alborotos que en esta ciudad y su tierra an pretensión que tiene D. Juº. Gonçález.", 1652 May 24

  • Box 4, Item 353
Scope and Contents note

Against acceptance of applicant to order. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Pedro Pacheco. To Alonso de Lugones. Madrid. "Nos el Dor. Don Pedro Pacheco del Conssejo de su Magestad.", 1652 June 21

  • Box 2, Item 103
Scope and Contents note

License for indulgences. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Francisco Maldonado y Riuera. Seville. "Exmo. Sr. Lope Ruiz de Cazorla, vecino de esta ciudad de Seuilla trata de comprar vn áuito que su Mgd. dio a Don Francisco de Céspedes.", 1652 October 8

  • Box 5, Item 436
Scope and Contents note

Against attempt to buy into order. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Joseph de Espinosa. To council. Logroño. "Señor. Por la general noticia de la entereza de V.Sa. doy quenta por si en esto huuiera alguna cosa digna de remedio.", 1652 November 25

  • Box 5, Item 435
Scope and Contents note

Against Juan González and Gonzalo de Penda, who informed against letter writer. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Franco. de Tores y Sanabria. Moguer. "Exmo. señor. A nouedad bendrá V.E. el uer letra mía, pues desde que uesé su mano.", 1652 December 11

  • Box 5, Item 430
Scope and Contents note

Against applicant to order. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Criado de V.Sa. Sigüenza. "Don Luis de Córdoua, vesino de Seuilla a puesto a dos hijos ábitos sin justamente, y aora pretende poner los otros dos.", 1652 December 23

  • Box 5, Item 434
Scope and Contents note

Against admission into order. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Bishop of Cádiz. To Nícolas García de Santillana. Puerto. "Desseo que V. Md. aya tenido muy buenas entradas.", 1653 January 12

  • Box 2, Item 105
Scope and Contents note

Illness of entrusted one. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Juan (?) (Marqués de Almendralejo). To King. Madrid. "El Marqués del Almendralexo Sr. del estado.", 1654 October 30

  • Box 2, Item 104
Scope and Contents note

Appearance of name of Manuel Durán. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Don Miguel. To Mi hijo Don Fernando. Puerto de Sta. María. "Hijo. Razón ay para que se despage.", 1655 June 22

  • Box 2, Item 121
Scope and Contents note

Seeks liberty from prison. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Miguel Sánchez. To Conde de Linares. "Digo oi frai Miguel Sánchez.", 1656

  • Box 6, Item 479
Scope and Contents note

Receipt for money paid for masses. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Juan Escudero. To Conde de Linares. Palencia. "Digo you el Mo. Fr. Juan Escudero.", 1656 April 28

  • Box 5, Item 438
Scope and Contents note

Receipt for money paid to celebrate masses. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Juo. Pérez de Ayala. To Fernando de Noroña. "Digo yo Fr. Juo. Pérez de Ayala.", 1656 May 3

  • Box 5, Item 440
Scope and Contents note

Receipt of money for masses. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Ambrosio Bautista Cabray. To Conde de Linares. "Digo yo Fr. Ambrosio Bautista.", 1656 May 13

  • Box 2, Item 119
Scope and Contents note

Receipt for 100 masses. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Fr. Francisco del Pozo. S. Ginés de Talauera. "Fr. Francisco del Pozo. Superior o presidente en sede vacante.", 1656 May 24

  • Box 2, Item 118
Scope and Contents note

Receipt for 300 masses for father of Conde de Linares. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Francisco Cauallero. To Conde de Linares. "Digo yo Fray Francisco Cauallero.", 1656 June 22

  • Box 6, Item 480
Scope and Contents note

Receipt for money paid to say masses. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Domingo Guillén (prior). To Conde de Linares. "Digo yo el presentado Fr. Domingo Guillén.", 1656 July 12

  • Box 5, Item 439
Scope and Contents note

Receipt of money for masses. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Diego Pescado. To Marqués de Tabara. "Toda esta tierra está escandalizada de aberse dicho en ella que a don Manuel.", 1656 July 26

  • Box 5, Item 437
Scope and Contents note

Against admission into order of Manuel Pareja Monjón. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [various signatures].To King Felipe IV. "Don Phelipe por la gracia de Dios Rey de Castilla y de León.", 1657 April 7

  • Box 6, Item 472
Scope and Contents note

Seeking justice. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Marquesa de Lombay. "Memoria de lo que a gastado Jayme Clua y Agramunt.", 1658 September 22

  • Box 2, Item 117
Scope and Contents note

Accountings. 6 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Condestable of Castile. To Luis de Tomar Bonifaz. Madrid. "Don Antonio dy Fuertes me dio de la salud de V.M.", 1659

  • Box 2, Item 120
Scope and Contents note

Thanks for sympathy on death of son. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed [various hands and signatures]. Abad del Monasterio de Veruela. "Nos domnus Fr. Michael Bueno, Sanctae Theologiae professor.", 1659

  • Box 2, Item 123
Scope and Contents note

Judgements on lineage. Seal. 11 leaves.

To top

Letter [stamped rubric]. King Felipe IV. To Miguel de Molina y Salcedo. Madrid. "Duque de San Germán de nuestro Conssejo de Guerra.", 1660 May 18

  • Box 2, Item 122
Scope and Contents note

War orders. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marquessa de la Pora. Madrid. "Mi sra. y mi poder de mi vida.", 1662

  • Box 2, Item 155
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Juan de Olaridades. Córdoba. "Señor. Quisiera decir a V.S....lo mal que obran los informantes.", 1662 January 2

  • Box 5, Item 442
Scope and Contents note

Against informants. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Loday. To Luis de Bonifazio. "La de V.M. de este deía recibí con.", 1662 June 26

  • Box 5, Item 441
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autogaph Letter Signed. Conde de Lema. To Duque-conde de Oliua. "Mi señor y mi primo.", 1663 January 14

  • Box 2, Item 156
Scope and Contents note

Condolences and services offered. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Pedro de Mendoza y Arellano. To King. Molina. "Aunque V.A. está informado de la calidad de don Juan Arias de la Muela, natural de la uilla de Molina.", 1663 August 8

  • Box 4, Item 361
Scope and Contents note

Denounces character of applicant for military order of Calatrava. 8 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Juan de la Cerda (Since Alfonso X, the name used to be associated with heir to throne.) To Duque de Abrantes. "Don Pedro de Balenzuela en virtud del poder.", 1664 January 28

  • Box 2, Item 144
Scope and Contents note

Financial. (Various notes and signatures.) 1 leaf.

To top

Document [copy]. El conde de Aguilar. To King. "El señor de los cameros. Marqués de la Ynojosa, conde de Aguilar.", 1664 March 20

  • Box 2, Item 157
Scope and Contents note

Presents status of family and requests remuneration for services. 15 leaves.

To top

Document Signed [multiple documents and signatures]. Duque de Abrantes. "El duque de Abrantes. Marqués de Valdefuentes.", 1664 June 12

  • Box 2, Item 154
Scope and Contents note

Payments. Other documents carry other signatures. 9 leaves.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Fr. Bernardo López (abbot). To his secretary. Veruela. "Nos P. Fr. Bernardus López, sacre theologie professor, abbas.", 1664 December 27

  • Box 5, Item 443
Scope and Contents note

Purity of blood of Bartholomé Anglas. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. King Felipe IV. To magistrate of León. Madrid. "El Rey. Mi corregidor de la ciudad de León.", 1665 May 27

  • Box 2, Item 153
Scope and Contents note

Registration of horses. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter [stamped rubric]. The Queen (la reyna gobernadora). To Constable of Castile. Madrid. "Condestable de Castilla, Duque de Píos.", 1666 April 5

  • Box 2, Item 98
Scope and Contents note

Payment of Conde de Aguilar. Response of Condestable on verso. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Duque. To Juan Francisco de Castañeda. "Don Juan Francisco de Castañeda.", 1667

  • Box 2, Item 152
Scope and Contents note

Directions to treasurer. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Diego de Zamora. To King. San Lucar. "Altíssimo Sr. La causa que me muebe (Señor) a dar quanto a Vuestra Alteza de unos caualleros informantes que an llegado a esta ciudad.", 1668 November 27

  • Box 5, Item 444
Scope and Contents note

Evidence against Miguel Senssio de Guzmán. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque de Sesa. To Vuestra Merced. Cabra. "Con el ordinario de Madrid de 26 del pasado tube carta del duque mi señor, por la qual me diçe su Exa.", 1669 October 8

  • Box 6, Item 478
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed [various notes and signatures]. Fray Orencius Borruel. "Nos D. Fr. Orencius Borruel. ", 1671

  • Box 2, Item 149
Scope and Contents note

Recommendation for entry into order. Latin and Spanish. 5 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Francisco Beltrán. "Jesuschristi Saluatoris ntri.", 1671

  • Box 2, Item 150
Scope and Contents note

Latin. Parchment. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Valparaíso. To King. "Don Francisco Gonzáles de India. Hago fe que cuando su Magestad (Dios le guarde).", 1672 May 1 (1642?)

  • Box 2, Item 148
Scope and Contents note

(Secretary: Diego del Río.) 1 leaf.

To top

Letter [stamped rubric]. Queen Mariana de Austria (Queen of Spain). To Bartolomé de Legara. "Príncipe del Monte Sancho del Consejo de Guerra.", 1673 October 31

  • Box 2, Item 147
Scope and Contents note

Raising salary for Alférez don Henrrique Joseph de Guzmán. There are several responses with signatures. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Martinus de Vera (abbot). Veruela. "Nos D. Fr. Martinus de Vera, sacre theologie magister.", 1676 November 19

  • Box 5, Item 446
Scope and Contents note

Questions in Latin from Veruela and answers in Spanish from Borja. Several documents and signatures of informants. 5 leaves.

To top

Letter [stamped rubric]. King Carlos II. To Abbot of Veruela. "Venerado y amado nuestro. Siendo Dios nuestro Señor el origen y manantial de todos los bienes.", 1677 February 27

  • Box 2, Item 146
Scope and Contents note

Request for public orations. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Conde de Garciez. Baeza. "Don Pedro Juan de Quessada y Toledo.", 1677 June 23

  • Box 2, Item 151
Scope and Contents note

Appointment of magistrate in town of Garciez. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Archbishop of Valencia. To Duque de Gandía. "Señor mío Hauiéndome participado Don Francisco Ortiz que los ministros.", 1678 October 3

  • Box 2, Item 145
Scope and Contents note

About bandit in prison. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Martínes de Vera. Veruela. "Nos D. frater Marthinus de Vera sacrae theologiae magister abbas Regij Monasterij.", 1679 August 21

  • Box 5, Item 445a
Scope and Contents note

Lineage. Seal. Italian and Spanish. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Manuel Pasqual Forror. To Marthinus de Vera. Borja. "En la ciudad de Borxa.", 1679 August 23

  • Box 5, Item 445b
Scope and Contents note

Questions and answers for applicant. 3 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Duque. To Duque de Gandía. "Exmo. Sr. Primo, amigo y señor mío.", 1680 January 28

  • Box 2, Item 143
Scope and Contents note

Speaks of letters received and people of Valencia. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. El Duque (?). To Joseph de Fuentes. Madrid. "Todos quedamos con salud gracias a Dios.", 1681 April 8

  • Box 5, Item 448
Scope and Contents note

Personal financial business. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque (?). To Joseph de Fuentes. Madrid. "[...] salud es buena, gracias a Dios, y he recibido tu carta de 22 de este.", 1681 April 29

  • Box 5, Item 449
Scope and Contents note

Receipt of money. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Joachin de Pedraza Maldonado. To Joseph de Fuentes. "D. Joseph de Fuentes Cauallero del horden de Santiago.", 1682 January 29

  • Box 2, Item 141
Scope and Contents note

Poor condition of manuscript. Topic unknown. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. To Marqués de la Laguna. "Excelentísimo señor. Primo y amigo y señor mío.", 1682 April 18

  • Box 2, Item 142
Scope and Contents note

Financial matter. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Afus. de Ryetre (?). Toledo. "Exelentíssimo. Ese memorial se rremite a buestra como a.", 1682 June 17

  • Box 5, Item 450
Scope and Contents note

Information sought about lineage. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de Annaya. To Duque-conde marqués de Çentellas. Valencia. "Primo, amigo y Sr. mío. Los de Piles an benido diciéndome.", 1683 January 21

  • Box 5, Item 452
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. García de Bustamante (?). To Duque de Sesa. "Exmo Sr. Pongo en manos de V. Exa. la inclusa copia del despacho que se ha expedido.", 1683 September 8

  • Box 5, Item 451
Scope and Contents note

Sending dispatch and offering service. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Manuel de Zúñiga (Marqués de Aguilafuerte). To José Fradexo. Valladolid. Don Manuel de Zúñiga Enrríquez., 1683 November 29

  • Box 2, Item 140
Scope and Contents note

Appointment as scribe. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Castelnovo. To Duque de Gandía. Madrid. "Señor mío. Sauiendo su Mg. (Dios le guarde).", 1684 August 30

  • Box 2, Item 139
Scope and Contents note

Gratitude for support. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de Annaya. To Duque de Gandía. Valencia. "Primo, amigo y Sr. mío. Déxame la noticia de tu salud muy alborotado y ansioso.", 1684 September 22

  • Box 5, Item 453
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Martinus de Vera (abbot). Veruela. "Nos D. Fr. Marthinus de Vera, sacre theologie magister, abbas.", 1684 December 13

  • Box 5, Item 454
Scope and Contents note

Information on lineage sought and given. Seal. Response in several hands and signatures. 5 leaves.

To top

Letter [stamped rubric]. King Carlos II. To Martín Ortiz de Guinea. Madrid. "Don Carlos por la gracia de Dios, Rey de Castilla, de León, de Aragón.", 1687 September 29

  • Box 2, Item 138
Scope and Contents note

Title of prosecutor, granted. Seal. (Other hands and signatures also present.) 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Agustín Fernando. To Vuestra Merced. Madrid. "Illmo. Señor. Considerando el celo con que V. Illmo. desea acrecentar el lustre de las religiones militares.", 1688 January 23

  • Box 4, Item 355
Scope and Contents note

Regarding military order of Santiago. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Charles II and Juan Tomás Enríquez de Cabrera (Conde de Melgar). To city of Barcelona. Barcelona. "Nos Carolus Dei gratia rex Castellae, Aragonum.", 1688 July 21

  • Box 2, Item 95
Scope and Contents note

Melgar to take over city of Barcelona. Parchment. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed [various hands and signatures]. "Abad del Monasterio de Veruela. Nos Domnus Fr. Hierónimus Amad. Sta. Theologie Proffessor.", 1689

  • Box 2, Item 137
Scope and Contents note

Inquiries about lineage. 6 leaves.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Juan Bautista de la Madre de Dios. To Jesuit Order. "Singulares y secretos admoniciones para particulares personas de nuestra compañía de Jesús.", 1690(?) April 25

  • Box 2, Item 135
Scope and Contents note

Supposedly secret rules for order on how to take advantage of influential people. (Punctuation seems to be of eighteenth century, rather than of the seventeenth.) 8 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Nobility of Murcia. To King. "Desde que esta nobleza tubo noticia.", 1690 July 25

  • Box 2, Item 136
Scope and Contents note

Against certain appointments. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Humilde Criado. To King. Logroño. "Excelentíssimo Sor. Señor excelentísimo. A esta ciudad de Logroño an llegado nuebas de que se Magd., Dios le guarde, ha echo merced del ábito de Santiago.", 1690 August 2

  • Box 5, Item 455
Scope and Contents note

Evidence against Juo. Baço's admission to order of Santiago. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque de Ciudad Real. To Juan de Guzmán y Ayala. Cádiz. "Muy gran estimación hago del affecto con que V.M. me hace merced.", 1691 April 12

  • Box 6, Item 473
Scope and Contents note

Seeking position. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Diego Péres de la Vela. Logroño. "Eselentíssimo. Señor. Siento Sr. que no me espanto, nos susedan en este Reyno tantos trabajos y penalidades, malos susesos y tantas rebolusiones.", 1691 August 18

  • Box 5, Item 462
Scope and Contents note

Evidence against individual. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Antonio de Céspedes. To Exmo. Sr. "Exmo. Sr. A noticia de esta ciudad es venida como su Magd. (que Dios guarde) a hecho merçed de vn ábito de Santiago a Don Bernardino Tirado.", 1691 October 31

  • Box 5, Item 456
Scope and Contents note

Evidence of low birth against Don Bernardino Tirado. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Crispín de Botelho. To Duque de Sessa. "Exmo. Señor. Pasó a manos de V.E. el despacho.", 1692 March 6

  • Box 2, Item 134
Scope and Contents note

Offer of services. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Valdealma. "Con la fecha...he reciuido la de V.M.", 1692 March 24

  • Box 2, Item 132
Scope and Contents note

Fatal illness. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de Valdeáguila. To Bartolomé Nauarro. La Posada. "Señor mío. Tengo entendido que en el bentorrillo de la barqueta.", 1692 April 19

  • Box 2, Item 133
Scope and Contents note

Sale of meat. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Prudencio Ruiz (abbot). To Benito Sallent. Veruela. "Nos el maestro D. Fr. Prudencio Ruiz de Pereda, abad de Real Monasterio de Beruela.", 1693 March 13

  • Box 5, Item 457
Scope and Contents note

Questions in Latin, answers in Spanish on background of inidividual seeking entrance to order. Seal. Several hands and signatures in response. 6 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Francisco Fernández de Córdoba. To Duque de Sera. "Exmo. Señor mío. La causa que me es motibo.", 1693 September 1

  • Box 2, Item 130
Scope and Contents note

Urges stifling of a rebellion in Valencia. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Andrés de Mucientes. "Señor. Del dinero que se a atribuido.", 1693 September 25

  • Box 2, Item 131
Scope and Contents note

Military costs. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Pimentel (?). To Duque de Sesar. Seville. "Exmo. Señor. Señor no pudiendo dudar V.E. mi asistencia en este lugar.", 1693 September 25

  • Box 4, Item 356
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. El Marqués. To Duque de Sesar. Seville. "Exmo. Señor. Recibo la de V.E. con la adjunta para su Magestad.", 1693 September 30

  • Box 2, Item 127
Scope and Contents note

Trip to Madrid. 2 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Enrique de Benávides y Bazán. "Don Enrrique de Benáuides y Bazán de los consejos de Estado y Guerra.", 1694

  • Box 2, Item 102
Scope and Contents note

Installation of prior in Villa de Val de Peñas. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Condesa de Pinto. To Antonia de Vermúdez. Madrid. "Da. Antonia de Vermúdez Carrillo y Toledo.", 1695 January 1

  • Box 2, Item 129
Scope and Contents note

Selling of wine. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marquesa-condesa de Monterrery. To Marqués de Fastañaga. "...general...", 1695 January 28

  • Box 2, Item 128
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter [stamped rubric]. King Carlos II. To Marqués de la Inojossa (Count of Aguilar). "El Rey Marqués de la Inojossa, Conde de Aguilar, Miércoles.", 1696 May 25

  • Box 2, Item 100
Scope and Contents note

Announcing death of the queen mother, María Ana de Austria. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Diego Pérez de San Juan. To Condesa y Duquesa de Linares. Úbeda. "Exma. Señora. Señora V. Exa. perdonará mi atreuimiento en no auer con puntualidad corespondido a mi deuida obligación.", 1697 February 29

  • Box 5, Item 461
Scope and Contents note

Sympathy note on death of D. Manrique. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Benito Rodríguez de Salamanca. To Manuel Rodríguez Gallo. Burgos. "Amigo y Sr. mío. Olgareme infinito goze V.M. la salud que io deseo. Lo que yo tubiere estará siempre a su disposición.", 1697 September 20

  • Box 5, Item 458
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

1700s undated

Document. Monasterio de S. Bartholomé. To Nuestro Real Monarca. Lupiana. "El prior y monges de nuestro Real Monasterio.", 1700s

  • Box 2, Item 173
Scope and Contents note

Petition for extension of privileges. 6 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Duquesa de Nágera (?). To Alonso de Borja. "Ilustre señor hijo. Por tener por muy cierto que V.M. Sor. mío a de sentir las cosas desta casa.", 1500s-1600s

  • Box 8, Item 710
Scope and Contents note

Announcement of marriage of daughter. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter. Conde de Aguilar. To a cousin. "Primo mío y Sr. mío. Haunque aier y oy es tal la cargazón de caueza que tengo que no sé donde estoi.", 1700s

  • Box 3, Item 197
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde de Torrepalma. To Conde de Garciez. Baeza. "El Sr. conde de Garciez se a de seruir de dar poder.", 1700s October 12

  • Box 3, Item 177
Scope and Contents note

About siut pending. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Pauscual Campillo. To the mistress of the house. "A la más venerada ama y señora. Por la de V.S. veo la buena salud de V.S. la que celebramos.", 1700s

  • Box 3, Item 178
Scope and Contents note

Visitor in the kitchen is not appreciated. 1 leaf.

To top

Ms. Nícolas de Azara. "El gusto que tenías con ella.", 1700s

  • Box 3, Item 179
Scope and Contents note

Numbered sentences and sayings. Attempt at poetic writing. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. "Orden de Batalla. Comandante general el Exmo. Señor Marqués de Sarría.", 1700s

  • Box 3, Item 175
Scope and Contents note

Schematic order of battle, and names of commanders and origin of their troops. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. La condesa de Lemos. To Duquesa de Montemar. Montemar. "Exma. señora. Mi sra. i mi amiga. Recibí la de V.E. y quedo muy asegurada.", 1700s

  • Box 3, Item 176
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque de Montemar. To Vicente María Matusana. "Muy sr. mío y amigo. Como nadie como V.S. sabe.", 1700s

  • Box 2, Item 174
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Murcia. "Descripción del altar mayor de la Iglesia Parroquial de Santiago de la villa de Jumilla, Murcia.", Late 1700s

  • Box 3, Item 201
Scope and Contents note

Gives names of families connected with church for several centuries in Jumilla. 10 leaves.

To top

Document. Secretary. Fernando Nicolas de Castro. "Tarifa de los precios de dispensaciones matrimoniales.", 1700s

  • Box 3, Item 213
Scope and Contents note

List of prices and directives from Rome on how to handle paperwork. 11 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter. Juan Antonio García. "Exmo. señor. Señor. Juan Antonio García soto ayuda a la furriera del Rey.", 1700s

  • Box 6, Item 512
Scope and Contents note

Request for letter of recommendation. 1 leaf.

To top


Letter Signed. Marqués de Valhermoso. To Marqués de Castromonte. "Exmo. señor. Mi señor, y mi amigo. Logro en tu carta.", 1700

  • Box 2, Item 171
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de S. Orcente. To Marqués de Castromonte. "Mi señor y mi amigo. Déxame la favorecida de V.E.", 1700

  • Box 2, Item 172
Scope and Contents note

List of names. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Obispo de Málaga. To Marqués de Castromonte. "Exmo. Sr. Sr. mío. Hállome summamente gustoso con la carta que reciuo de V.E. de 16 del corriente.", 1700 March 23

  • Box 5, Item 467
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Arzobispo de Sevilla. To Marqués de Castromonte. "Jesús. Exmo. Sr. No pueden ser de embarazo las cartas de V.E.", 1700 April 23

  • Box 3, Item 211
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Cristóbal Mejía. To Marqués de Castromonte. Madrid. "Exmo. Sr. Reziuo la de V.E. y con ella el gusto.", 1700 May 14

  • Box 2, Item 170
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Obispo de Málaga. To Marqués de Castromonte. "Exmo. Sr. mío. Hállome fauorecido y gustoso con la carta de V.E.", 1700 May 28

  • Box 2, Item 169
Scope and Contents note

Personal. Offer of services. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Cabeza de Vaca. To Marqués de Arze. Burgos. "He rreziuido su cartta de V.E.", 1700 July 12

  • Box 2, Item 165
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Obispo de Málaga. To Marqués de Castromonte. Málaga. "Exmo. Sr. Sr. mío. Reciuo la carta de V.E. de 12 del corriente con el mayor consuelo que podía darme V.E.", 1700 October 12

  • Box 6, Item 516a
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Juan Francisco Faxardo. To Conde deAguilar. Madrid. "Exmo. Sr. Señor. Pasa mi rendimiento y obligación a dar a V.E. la enorabuena del feliz alumbramiento.", 1701 April 14

  • Box 3, Item 199a
Scope and Contents note

Congratulations on birth of son. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Juan Francisco Faxardo. To Blas de Lozano. "Amigo y señor mío. Muchos días ha que carezco de las noticias de su salud.", 1701

  • Box 3, Item 199b
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde Marqués Arze. To son. "Hijo mío. En casa de mi señora la duquesa de Aveyro donde aora me allo escriuiendo ésta, me pide el duque de Arcos."c, 1701 June 23

  • Box 3, Item 198
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Lancaster. To Esteban Ambrosio Montero. "Por la carta que V. Md. escribe a Don Francisco de Molina.", 1702 September 7

  • Box 3, Item 200
Scope and Contents note

Payment. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de la Lapilla. To Manuel Rodríguez Gallo. "Muy Sr. mío. Su carta de V.M.", 1703

  • Box 3, Item 194
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde de Villariezo. To Manuel Rodríguez Gallo. "Mui Sr. mío. Por la de V.M. del corriente que recibí el domingo pasado.", 1703 March 14

  • Box 3, Item 195
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Fernando de Rala y Mendoza. To Manuel Gallo. Seville. "Reziuo tu cartta con mucho gusto por las notizias que me trae de tu salud.", 1703 August 14

  • Box 7, Item 622
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter [stamped rubric]. King Felipe V. To Duque de Linares. Madrid. "El Rey. Duque de Linares. Primo. Por vuestra carta de 29 de agosto.", 1703 September 3

  • Box 3, Item 212
Scope and Contents note

Acknowledges news of duke's brother. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Vega. To M.R. Gallo. Seville. "Amigo y Sr. mío. He rezibido las dos de V.M. Vna en que me manda no pague y otra pague.", 1703 September 25

  • Box 6, Item 516b
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Joseph de Andino y Santayana. To M.R. Gallo. Burgos. "Amigo y Sr. mío. Reciuo la de V.M. de 10 del corriente con la noticia de los lanzes que le han pasado con ese sujeto.", 1703 November 16

  • Box 6, Item 517
Scope and Contents note

Thanks for items received. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Obispo de Huesca. To Conde de Beabedel. "Illumo. Señor. Señor mío: continúame V.S. sus favores.", 1706 January 10

  • Box 3, Item 192
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Duque. To Francisco Sanz Aretino. Loeches. "Don Francisco. Llegamos buenos a esta villa.", 1706 October 19

  • Box 6, Item 518
Scope and Contents note

Verso side is used for receipt. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Marilica de Torres. To Tarraga. Lérida. "Sres. míos. Habiendo llegado a esta plaza.", 1706 November 30

  • Box 3, Item 193
Scope and Contents note

Military account. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. José de Andino y Santayana. To Manuel Rodríguez Gallo. Burgos. "Amigo y señor mío. Con la de V.M. de 10 del corriente he reziuido.", 1707 February 14

  • Box 3, Item 196a
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde de Villariezo. To Manuel Rodríguez Gallo. Burgos. "Se está debiendo de estos rreditos.", 1707 February 14

  • Box 3, Item 196b
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Joseph de Andino y Santayana. To Manuel Rodríguez Gallo. "Amigo y Sr. mío. Por la de V.M. de 9 del corriente beo hauer reziuido el testimonio.", 1707 February 14

  • Box 6, Item 511
Scope and Contents note

About will. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Isabel María Fernández (abbess). To Manuel Rodríguez Gallo. Bibar. De mucho consuelo será para ésta su menor serbidora., 1707 February 25

  • Box 3, Item 191
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde de Villariezo. To Manuel Rodríguez Gallo. "Logró la de V.M. de aier las buenas nuevas de su salud.", 1707 March 28

  • Box 3, Item 190
Scope and Contents note

Request for medical books. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Francisco Antonio de Salcedo. To Marqués de Gastanaga. "Muy señor mío y mi amigo. Con verdad puedo asegurar a V.S. el particular regozijo que reszibi.", 1707 July 24

  • Box 6, Item 519
Scope and Contents note

Congratulations on selection of wife to serve Queen. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Francisco Manso de Zúñiga. Madrid. "Muy señor mío; Estimaré a V.M. infinito me aga el gusto de azer entregar a un jentil onbre del Prínzipe de Bergas.", 1708 March 12

  • Box 6, Item 521
Scope and Contents note

Requests delivery of money. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Duque. To Manuel Zerezo. Madrid. "A Manuel Zerezo, que os entregará ésta.", 1708 May 16

  • Box 6, Item 520
Scope and Contents note

Payments. Two other notes on same page signed by Manuel Zerezo and Antonio Gómez de Medina. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Juan Milan de Aragón. To Andrés de Elcorobarrutia. "En atención a la singular y constante fidelidad.", 1708 May 25

  • Box 3, Item 189
Scope and Contents note

Recognition of service. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed [varous reports and signatures]. Abad del monasterio de Veruela. "Informazión de Juan de Montañana. Nos Domnus Donus Fr. Francisco Navarro.", 1709

  • Box 3, Item 188
Scope and Contents note

Report on individual lineage. 10 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Obispo de Málaga. To Joseph Rodríguez Gallo. Málaga. "Remito a V.M. esta libranza.", 1710

  • Box 3, Item 185
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde de Villariezo. To Joseph Rodríguez Gallo. "Señor mío doi respuesta a dos de V.M.", 1710 January 6

  • Box 3, Item 182
Scope and Contents note

Personal. Related to # 91, 96, 97, 100, 101. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Francisca María López. To Joseph Rodríguez Gallo. Bibar. "Mi primera obligación es solizitar noticias de la salud de V. Md.", 1710 July 14

  • Box 3, Item 183
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde de Aguilar. To Miguel Coronel. "Satisfago a tu carta de 12.", 1710 August 23

  • Box 3, Item 184
Scope and Contents note

Consolation for not having appointed correspondent to position. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Francisco Miguel Coronel. To Luis de Salazar y Castro. Aguilar. "Señor. Con virtud de los singulares fauores que tengo receuidos de mano de V.S.", 1710 August 29

  • Box 6, Item 522
Scope and Contents note

Requests additional favor. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués. To Conde de Altamira. Burgos. "Exmo. Sr. Amigo y señor mío. Hauiendo llegado a esta ziudad.", 1711 January 13

  • Box 3, Item 186
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Obispo de Solsona. To Vila de Tarrega. "Havent arribat en manotricia.", 1712

  • Box 3, Item 187
Scope and Contents note

Catalan. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Villadarias. To Conde de Montemar. "Señor mío; aprecia la atenzión.", 1713 June 17

  • Box 3, Item 180
Scope and Contents note

Arrival in Madrid. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Duque. To Domingo de Herdozia. Madrid. "2º mayor y menor. Espero saber lo que resultare de la proposizión hecha al corregidor y mayordomo de Arcos.", 1716 January 7

  • Box 6, Item 523
Scope and Contents note

Working of lands. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Alonso Vázquez Saavedra. To King. Agudo. "Muy poderoso Sr. Nunca puede el médico curar la llaga que el enfermo encubre.", 1716 January 22

  • Box 6, Item 497
Scope and Contents note

Evidence against Joseph Arias. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Obispo de Cádiz. to King Felipe V. "Sello tercero...D. Phelipe por la gracia de Dios, Rey de Castilla.", 1716 June 20

  • Box 3, Item 181
Scope and Contents note

Juridical decision. Seal and various signatures. 3 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Abad del Monasterio de Veruela. Veruela. "Nos el maestro Don Fr. Thomás Gonzáles.", 1717 September

  • Box 3, Item 203
Scope and Contents note

Lineage. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Campofuerte. To Ignacio Castells. Barcelona. "Su carta de 29 del passado me dice el señor Marqués de la Ensenada lo siguiente.", 1718 October 7

  • Box 6, Item 485
Scope and Contents note

Service in the galleys. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Hauamore. To Luis Curiel. "Presupónesse lo primero que en los citados generalmente de esta carta.", 1718 October 29

  • Box 3, Item 206
Scope and Contents note

Legal questions. 4 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Cortes. To Marquesa de Castromonte. Guadix. "Exma. Señora. Señora. La noticia que V.E. se sirue de partiziparme de su salud.", 1718 December 25

  • Box 3, Item 205
Scope and Contents note

Collections of money. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marcelo Santos de San Pedro. To Iglesia de Urgel. "M. Illes. Ss. Reziuimos la de V.S. de 14 de corriente en que se sirue dezirnos los motivos que tiene para no pagar todas las pensiones.", 1719 February 23

  • Box 3, Item 202
Scope and Contents note

Inquisition seeking funds. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. [?] del Ualle. To Canónigos. Barcelona. "Doy respuesta a su carta de V.Sa. estimando mucho las atentas expresiones.", 1719 June 30

  • Box 6, Item 524
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Bonas. To Cabildo de Canónigos de Urgel. "Siendo el real seruisio nueua creación de Baile en el lugar de Oliana.", 1719 September 3

  • Box 3, Item 207
Scope and Contents note

Appointment. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de Cantillana [sic]. To Exmo. Marqués de Castromonte. Seville. "Exmo. Señor. Sobrino...con el mayor desconsuelo tte escriuo esttas.", 1720

  • Box 3, Item 209
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Fr. Thomás González (abbot). To Informants. Veruela. "Nos el maestro D. Fr. Thomás González, abad del Real Monasterio.", 1720 January 24

  • Box 6, Item 525
Scope and Contents note

In following responding document, informant speaks of lineage of Joseph Luesma. 4 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Campo Florido. To Ant. Sotelo. Madrid. "Respecto de que las circunstancias que concurren en la fidelísima Villa de Zentellas.", 1720 February 17

  • Box 3, Item 208
Scope and Contents note

2 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. King Felipe V. To Fernando de Cartejón. Madrid. "Conde de Aguilar, Exmo.", 1722 February 23

  • Box 2, Item 158
Scope and Contents note

King announces marriage of son. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Marqués de Montealegre. To Diego Zid de Mendoza. Madrid. "Don Seuastián de Guzmán, Enrríquez, Porras, Sotomayor, Morica, Espinosa.", 1722 July 29

  • Box 3, Item 210
Scope and Contents note

Appointment to governorship. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Príncipe de Castel Florido. To Marqués de Montealegre. Valencia. "Exmo. S. Amigo y señor mío. Deseando en todos tiempos.", 1723

  • Box 2, Item 166
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Francisco Díaz Roman. To King. Madrid. "El Rey (que Dios guarde), informado de los daños.", 1723 January 16

  • Box 2, Item 160
Scope and Contents note

Financial matters. 3 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Obispo-duque. To Marqués de Quintana. Cuenca. "Exmo. Sor. Primo y Sor. mío. No puedo ponderar el gran sentimiento que he ttenido con la noticia.", 1723 February 10

  • Box 6, Item 529
Scope and Contents note

Sympathy at death of cousin. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Cardenal de Borja. To Condesa de Altamira. Balsaen (?). "Exma. Sra. Mi señora y mi sobrina. Auiendo arriuado a este sitio con felicidad ayer.", 1723 June 1

  • Box 6, Item 528
Scope and Contents note

Announces his arrival and offers services. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Diego Sarmiento de Sotomayor. To Marqués de Castronovo. "En todos tiempos procura darse a conocer my deseo.", 1723 December 11

  • Box 2, Item 159
Scope and Contents note

Seeking position. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Peñaflor. To Marqués de Castromonte. Ecija. "Primo, amigo y Sr. mío. El festiuo tiempo de Pasquas.", 1723 December 15

  • Box 6, Item 527
Scope and Contents note

Offering of services. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Bishop of Cartagena. To Condesa de Valdehermoso. Murcia. "Exma. Señora. Y muy señora mía.", 1723 December 17

  • Box 2, Item 167
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Anttonio Díaz de Arze. To Obispo de Jaca. Zaragoza. "Illmo. Sr. Mui Sr. mío. Avnque supongo que V.S. tendrá noticia.", 1724 July 22, 28 and August 27

  • Box 6, Item 532
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastical financial needs. The response and another letter follow on same folio. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Díaz Arze. To Obispo de Jaca. Zaragoza. "Illustrísimo Señor. Muy s. mío. En respuesta de la fauorecida carta.", 1724 August 30

  • Box 2, Item 168
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Anttonio Díaz de Arze. To Obispo de Jaca. Zaragoza. "Illmo. Sr. Mui Sr. mío. Hauiendo sido seruido V.S. de remitirme diferentes relaciones juradas.", 1724 November 14

  • Box 6, Item 531
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastical. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Antonio Díaz de Arze. To Obispo de Jaca. Zaragoza. "Illmo. Señor. Muy Sr. mío. Doy a V.E. ynfinitas gracias por la particular confianza que le merezco en su carta.", 1724 November 22

  • Box 6, Item 526
Scope and Contents note

Acknowledging appointment. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Fr. Michael Episcopus Jaccensis. Jaca. "Libentissime ad hanc. Almam.", 1725 January 20

  • Box 6, Item 536
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastical. Latin. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Anttonio Díaz de Arze. To Obispo de Jaca. Zaragoza. "Illmo Sr. Muy Sr. mío. Hauiendo el Rey nuestro señor resuelto, vsando de su innata piedad, aliuiar a sus vasallos.", 1725 February 21

  • Box 6, Item 530
Scope and Contents note

Prices and financial matters. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed [various signatures]. Matheo Man. de Sagredo. "En Zaragoza a 20 días del mes de abril.", 1725 April 20

  • Box 2, Item 162
Scope and Contents note

Lineage. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. King Felipe V. To Juan de Ama Viscar Manrrique. "Don Phelipe por la gracia de Dios Rey de Castilla.", 1725 May 18

  • Box 2, Item 161
Scope and Contents note

Granting of entrance to order. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Francisco Tabuenca y Fernández (abbot). To Informants. Veruela. "Nos Dn. Fr. Francisco Tabuenca y Fernández.", 1725 April 3

  • Box 6, Item 534
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastical. Information on lineage is requested on Juan de Latas. Seal. Response is given in ten pages from Tauste on April 6, 1725. 7 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Fr. Thomás González (abbot). To Informants. Veruela. "Nos el maestro Don Fr. Thomás González, abad.", 1725 September 21

  • Box 6, Item 533
Scope and Contents note

Information sought on Juan Francisco Ortubia, from informants of Almunia. Seal. Response on lineage is made in ten pages. 7 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Arzobispo de Rodas. To Obispo de Jacca. Madrid. "Sr. mío el Emo. Cardenal.", 1726 April 13

  • Box 2, Item 163
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastical. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Alonso Brioso y Salguero. Ayamonte. "Señora. Notorio es a V.E.", 1726 August 30

  • Box 2, Item 164
Scope and Contents note

An opology. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Valdelano. To Marquesa de Astorga. El Pardo. "Exma. Sra. He puesto en noticia del Rey la instancia de V.E. solicitando que al Alcalde.", 1727 January 13

  • Box 4, Item 307
Scope and Contents note

Advice to reappointee. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Monasterio. To Conde de Aguilar. "Exmo. Señor. Señor. Siendo tan apreciables de my todas las ocasiones que se ofrezcan para repetir my rendimiento.", 1727 May

  • Box 4, Item 298
Scope and Contents note

Seeks room in palace for family to escape epidemic in Logroño. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marquesa de Astorga. To Joseph Isla de la Torre. Madrid. "Se ordenó que al conuento de Nra. Sra. de la Cerca, orden de Sn. Agustín, de esa ciudad, disponga entregar luego duzentos y setenta y dos ferrados de trigo.", 1727 October 15

  • Box 4, Item 308
Scope and Contents note

Gift of wheat to convent. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde de Torrejón. To Conde de Aguilar. Seville. "Exmo. Sr. Mi Sr. y mi amigo. Mi Padre, el Sr. Marqués de Villagarcía me dize que en la justa confianza que gozo de ti.", 1728 June 10

  • Box 4, Item 306
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Castromonte. To Jacobo Flon. y Zurbarán. Madrid. "Muy señor mío. Haviendo pasado a casa de V.S. y no encontrándole, me balgo de este medio.", 1729 January 4

  • Box 4, Item 297
Scope and Contents note

Business letter. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Obispo de Segovia. To Marqués de Montealegre. "Exmo. señor. Muy señor mío: Bien me persuado de la affición con que siempre mi difunto hermano estimó a V.E.", 1729 March 20

  • Box 3, Item 247
Scope and Contents note

Announcement of brother's death. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Fr. Joseph García de S. Pedro. To Condesa de Altamira. "Digo yo Fr. Joseph Garzía.", 1729 April 2

  • Box 6, Item 535
Scope and Contents note

Receipt of money for masses. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Joseph García de S. Pedro. To Marquesa de Astorga. "Digo que Fr. Joseph.", 1729 April 2

  • Box 6, Item 537
Scope and Contents note

Receipt of money for masses. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Cortel. To Marqués de Castromonte. "Exmo. Sor. Primo, amigo y S. Te esttimo el senttimiento que tte a causado la resolución.", 1729 September 18

  • Box 6, Item 538
Scope and Contents note

Unsuccessful attempt at favor is explained. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Alonso Ant. Zúñiga. To Conde de Aguilar, Sor. de los Cameros. Valladolid. "Exmo. Sor. Primo, amigo y Sr. mío. Déjame tu fauorecida carta de 11 del corriente con el sentimiento correspondiente.", 1730 January 14

  • Box 7, Item 620
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 3 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Alonso Antonio de Zúñiga. To Conde de Aguilar. "Exmo. Sr. Primo, amigo y Sr. mío. Como no creo dudarás de mi cariño.", 1730 January 21

  • Box 6, Item 541
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Alonso Antonio de Zúñiga. To Conde de Aguilar. Valladolid. "Exmo. Sr. Primo, amigo y Sr. mío. Respondo a tu apreciable carta.", 1730 March 4

  • Box 6, Item 540
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Alonso Antonio de Zúñiga. To Conde de Aguilar. Valladolid. "Exmo. Sr. Primo, amigo y Sr. mío. Tu carta de 28 del pasado me dexa tan mortificado como corresponde a lo mucho que en todo deseo complacerte.", 1730 March 4

  • Box 6, Item 542
Scope and Contents note

Turns down request. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Alonso Antonio de Zúñiga. To Conde de Aguilar. Valladolid. "Exmo. Señor. Primo, amigo, y señor mío. Por mano de el aiuda de cámara que llegó con felizidad.", 1730 March 8

  • Box 4, Item 296
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Alonso Antonio de Zúñiga. To Conde de Aguilar. Valladolid. "Exmo. Sr. Primo, amigo y Sr. mío. Déjame con el sentimiento correspondiente la dolencia que en tu carta de 26 del correinte me manifiestas.", 1730 April 29

  • Box 6, Item 543
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de Oron (?). To Corregidor y ayuntamiento de la Villa de Tárrega. "Señor mío. Hallándome con orden del Sor. Intendente Gral.", 1730 July 21

  • Box 6, Item 544
Scope and Contents note

Agricultural provisions. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Pedro (Bishop of Avila). To Conde de Aguillar. "Señor. Recibí con el mayor aprecio la de V.E. cuias expressiones estimo.", 1730 August 16

  • Box 3, Item 228
Scope and Contents note

Defends his integrity. A second document is a copy of a letter sent to the Bishop of Avila from Madrid. August 7, 1730. 4 leaves.

To top

Letter [stamped rubric]. King Felipe V. To Joseph Mansilla, et al. Seville. "...o, motivo que para ello tengan.", 1731 October 15

  • Box 3, Item 235
Scope and Contents note

Granting favors to manufacturers of porcelain. First page missing. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Francisco, Obispo de Lugo. To Marqués de Montealegre. Lugo. "Exmo. Sr. Muy señor mío. La pretensión de Dn. Andrés Carrera a necesitado muy bien de la protección de V. Exa.", 1732 April 26

  • Box 6, Item 545
Scope and Contents note

Supports candidacy to position of Andrés Carrera. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Joseph Patiño. To Conde de Montemar. Seville. "En consequencia de lo que V.E. expuso en carta de 21 del pasado.", 1732 July 2

  • Box 4, Item 294
Scope and Contents note

Report of promotion of Diego Merino to colonel of cavalry. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. La Duquesa. Madrid. "Entendida del estado en que se hallan los autos de residencia que de mi orden está tomando.", 1732 August 26

  • Box 6, Item 547
Scope and Contents note

Matter concerning Francisco de la Portilla in Riaza. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde. To Padre rector del noviciado. "Habiendo explicado su vocación de religiosa, mi hija María Sebre., se alla próxima a tomar el áuito.", 1732 September 4

  • Box 4, Item 293
Scope and Contents note

Daughter will take vows in convent. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Juan Antonio Longares (abbot). To Conde de Oñate y de Villamediana. "Exmo. Sr. y conde mío. Reçibo la de V.E. de 1º del corriente.", 1732 December 8

  • Box 6, Item 546
Scope and Contents note

Acknowledgements of appointments. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Cardenal de Borja. To Marqués de Montealegre. "Exmo. Señor. Sobrino, amigo, y señor mío. El gusto con que reciuo la tuia en que me anuncias las Pasquas.", 1732 December 29

  • Box 3, Item 232
Scope and Contents note

Personal greetings. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Francisco Fabuenca (abbot). To Fray Juan Olves y Valenzuela. "Nos el maestro Dn. F. Francisco Fabuenca, abad.", 1734 January

  • Box 3, Item 229a
Scope and Contents note

Order to investigate purity of blood. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Fray Juan Olves. To Francisco Fabuenca. "En la villa de Sissamón de el obispado de Sigüenza.", 1734 January 17

  • Box 3, Item 229b
Scope and Contents note

Report of investigation on purity of blood. 3 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. María Domingos. To Marqués de Abilafuente. Puebla. "Exmo. Señor. Hermano y señor mío. Reciuo la de V.E. estimando lo que me fauorece.", 1734 May 13

  • Box 4, Item 295
Scope and Contents note

Congratulation on betrothal of Marqués's sister to Duque de Abrantes y Linares. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Joseph (Obispo Adramitense). To Conde de Oñate. "Exmo. Señor. Señor: Recibí la de V.Ea. de 15 de abril con la estimación que corresponde a mi obligación.", 1735 June 18

  • Box 3, Item 248
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Miguel Gastón de Yriarte. Madrid. "Don Miguel Gastón de Yriarte thestamento de Sr. Dn. Juan de Goyeneche.", 1735 December 30

  • Box 3, Item 218
Scope and Contents note

Executor administers estate of deceased. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde de Cerced (?). To brother. "Hermano, amigo, y señor mío. Deseando te mantengas.", 1736 April

  • Box 4, Item 292
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. El Patriarcha. To Marqués de Montealegre. Aranjuez. "Exmo. Señor. Mi señor y mi amigo: Cumpliendo con mi obligación pongo en tu notizia como tengo ajustada la boda de mi sobrino, el Marqués de Monroy.", 1736 April 13

  • Box 4, Item 302
Scope and Contents note

Announces engagement of nephew. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Josef de Bazán Mendoza y Sotomayor. To Marqués de Montealegre. "Exmo. señor. Señor. Ya haze tres semanas supliqué y escriuí a V.E.", 1737

  • Box 3, Item 260
Scope and Contents note

News of mutual interest. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Francisco Roca. To Luhy de Gálvez y Saavedra. "Al muy illtre. senyor Dn. Luhy de Gálvez y Saavedra.", 1737 November 19

  • Box 6, Item 548
Scope and Contents note

Scholastic judgement accepted. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Benito Joseph de Bazán Mendoza y Sotomayor. To Marqués de Montealegre (Conde de Castronuebo). Castillo de Viango. "Exmo. Señor. Señor. En confirmación de lo que tengo escripto a V.E. este correo por Ponteuedra.", 1737 December 10

  • Box 4, Item 291
Scope and Contents note

Local parson and maintenance of castle. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Thomás Francisco de Sotto. To Diego Joseph Medrano Esquibal y Berona. "Habiéndose representado a los s.s. de la sala por el fiscal de S. Md. los graves inconvenientes.", 1738 June 11

  • Box 3, Item 254
Scope and Contents note

Restricting use of Maypoles. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Bernardino Manuel Spino. To Pedro Hidalgo. Palacio. "Dn. Bernardino Manuel Spino S.S. del Rey nuestro Señor (que Dios guarde), y Grefier de su Real Cassa.", 1738 August 22

  • Box 6, Item 549
Scope and Contents note

Finances. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Alonso Antonio de Zúñiga. To Conde de Aguilar. Valladolid. "Exmo. señor. Primo, amigo y Sr. mío. En respuesta de tu fauorecida carta.", 1739 March 11

  • Box 6, Item 550
Scope and Contents note

Marriage in family not welcome. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Ramón de Varajas y Cámara. Madrid. "Ramón de Varajas y Cámara S.S. de cámara del Rey.", 1739 July 24

  • Box 6, Item 552
Scope and Contents note

A will. 4 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Secretary of King Felipe V. To Vt. de Montero. Barcelona. "Nos don Felipe. Por la gracia de Dios, Rey de Castilla.", 1739 August 17

  • Box 6, Item 551
Scope and Contents note

Financial judgement. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Cardenal de Molina. To Alcaldes de la Villa de Pinto. "Habiéndome representado don Juan Bautista Gil, vecino de esta corte.", 1739 September 10

  • Box 3, Item 261
Scope and Contents note

Contesting of belongings. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde de Villavera. To Joseph Gallo. "Señor mío, el viernes remití a V.M. la certificación del contador andino.", 1740 July 7

  • Box 4, Item 290
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Cardenal de Molina. To Alcaldes de la Villa de Pinto. Madrid. "Remito a V.Md. el memorial adjunto de Dn. Francisco Guerrero de Castilla.", 1740 July 14

  • Box 6, Item 555
Scope and Contents note

Information on Francisco Guerrero to satisfy Juan Pingarrón. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Cardenal de Molina. To Villa de Pinto. Madrid. "Hauiéndose establecido de mi orden en essa villa una junta que se compone.", 1740 October 22

  • Box 6, Item 554
Scope and Contents note

Government. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Duquesa. To Villa de Pinto. Madrid. "El particular amor con que miro los aliuios de mis vasallos.", 1740 December 28

  • Box 6, Item 553
Scope and Contents note

Concern for subjects. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Francisco Alastuey (abbot). To Informants. Veruela. "Nos Dn. Francisco Alastuey, abad.", 1741 March 22

  • Box 6, Item 557
Scope and Contents note

Seeking information on individual and receiving several replies from Taragona. Seal. 6 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Cardenal de Molina. To Alcaldes de la Villa de Pinto. Madrid. "Por la priora del convento de Recoletos Bernarda de la ciudad de Toledo.", 1741 May 7

  • Box 6, Item 558
Scope and Contents note

Payment due. "Fee de llegada" signed by Joachin de Guzmán. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Duque de Medinaceli. To Abad de la Iglesia Colegial de Cardona. Madrid. "En respuesta de lo que Vd. me expone por su carta.", 1741 May 27

  • Box 3, Item 246
Scope and Contents note

Dispute over church's jurisdiction. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Scotti. To Condesa de Valhermoso. El Pardo. "Exma. Sra. Muy señora mía. Veo lo que Vuestra Excelencia me dice en su estimadísima carta de ayer.", 1742 March 4

  • Box 4, Item 276
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Luis de Salcedo y Arcona [archbishop of Seville]. To the King. "Memorial al Rey Nuestro Señor.", 1742 March 6

  • Box 3, Item 259
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastical. 5 leaves.

To top

Document [copy]. Church. To Marqués Scoti. Seville. "Copia de carta de la Sta. Iglesia Patriarcal de Sevilla, en respuesta a otra del Exmo. Sor. Marqués Scoti, Hijo y mayordomo de S.A.R. el sereníssimo Sr. Infante Card. nuestro digníssimo Prelado.", 1742 March 6

  • Box 4, Item 341
Scope and Contents note

Defending property of the church. 6 leaves.

To top

Document. Obispo de Avila. "Respondiendo era mui sensible a V.I. huviere havido quien me diere noticia de la capellanía vacante.", 1742 October 3

  • Box 3, Item 269
Scope and Contents note

Papers, bulls, and other writings concerning the patronage ofthe chapel of San Segundo, Patron Saint of the city of Avila. (Sec. Sebastián Cabrera). 7 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Condesa de Valhermoso. To father. "Padre de mi vida y todo mi consuelo.", 1743 January 4

  • Box 4, Item 275
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Agustín de Montiano y Luyando. To Condesa de Valhermoso. Aranjuez. "Exma. Señora. Señora. Esta mañana llegó el nuevo ministro.", 1743 May 8

  • Box 3, Item 233
Scope and Contents note

Report of progress to obtain pardon for noble, and giving impression of new minister. (Cf 277). 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Agustín de Montiano y Luyando. To Condesa de Valhermoso. "Exma. señora. Señora. Esta mañana estube con el ministro mobióme por su propia virtud la conversación.", 1743 November 28

  • Box 4, Item 277
Scope and Contents note

Latest report of activities to gain favors. (Refers back to number 223.) 1 leaf.

To top

Letter. To Maestre de la Religión. El Pardo. "Exmo. Rmo. Sr. Hallándose noticiosa la prinzesa Real Sra. de que el marqués de Benamegi tiene yntroducida.", 1744 February 1

  • Box 6, Item 513
Scope and Contents note

Request for favor. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Ju. de Lorenzana. To Juan Manuel Pacheco. Madrid. "Amigo y Sr. Llegó Pedro esta mañana y entregó la carta y su contenido.", 1744 May 23

  • Box 4, Item 330
Scope and Contents note

Division of goods received. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Francisco Man. del Rey. To Pedro Lumbreras. Almazán. "Certifico yo Fr. Francisco Man. del Rey.", 1744 August 18

  • Box 6, Item 561
Scope and Contents note

Receipt for money. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Abadesa de Sta. María la Real. To Queen María Barbara de Portugal (Marquesa de Aguilar). "Excelentísima señora y muy señora mía: así esta comunidad como yo deseamos a Va. Exca. unas Pascuas tan felizes.", 1745 December 20

  • Box 3, Item 243
Scope and Contents note

Lawsuits. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Campofuerte. To Ignacio Castells. Barcelona. "Las Reales cartas que contienen la relación adjunta sobre los lutos...por...Phelipe Quinto.", 1746 August 6

  • Box 4, Item 319
Scope and Contents note

Concerning death, and burial of Felipe V. (Fernando VI becomes King.) 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Juan de Aguilar (Marqués de Figueroa). To Conde de Torrepalma. "Pariente amigo y exmo. Sr. mío. Aprezio la noticia que V.E. me confí su ajustado casamiento.", 1747 April 26

  • Box 4, Item 321
Scope and Contents note

Congratulations on betrothal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Garzía Golfín de Carbaja. To Joseph de Carbajal y Lancaster. "Exmo. Sor. No sé como las lágrimas que mis ojos derraman permitten pueda hejeguttar esttas mal formadas lettras.", 1747 August 5

  • Box 6, Item 556
Scope and Contents note

Lament over death of Duque de Abrantes. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Puerto Nuevo. To Ignacio de Castells. Barcelona. "Muy señor mío. Queda enterado por la carta de V.M. de 23 del que acaba de quanto me expresa con motivo del Decreto.", 1747 September 25

  • Box 4, Item 320
Scope and Contents note

Excuses self from certain functions. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Arzobispo de Mazianzo. To Padre General de la Congregación Benedictina Tarraconense. San Lorenzo. "Rmo. Pe. Genl. Recivo con particular aprecio la favoredica carta de V. Rma.", 1747 November 10

  • Box 3, Item 252
Scope and Contents note

Archbishop glad an investigation uncovered nothing. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter [copy]. Francisco Darien de Villegas. To Francisco Arizmendi. Valdepeñas. "Copia de carta [...] Querido Arizmendi: Yo no puedo dezir ni azierto lo que dezía Narizes de que le havía abandonado.", 1747 December 19

  • Box 6, Item 514
Scope and Contents note

Personal business matters. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Bejar. To Conde de Torrepalma. "Mui Sr. mío y amigo. Celebro mui gustoso la noticia que V.E. me da de la felicidad de aver dado a luz un niño mi Sra. la Condesa.", 1748

  • Box 4, Item 322
Scope and Contents note

Congratulations on birth of child. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Campofuerte. To Ignacio Castells. "Preuengo a V.m. en respuesta de su carta de 29 de octubre próximo pasado, que Dn. Francisco Pérez Domínguez.", 1748 October 2

  • Box 6, Item 515
Scope and Contents note

Maintaining that Francisco Pérez should enjoy certain exemptions. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués. To Marqués de Montealegre. "Exmo. Señor. Primo, amigo y Sor. mío. La melancólica notizia que me han participado de la muerte de mi señora la condesa.", 1749 February 25

  • Box 6, Item 560
Scope and Contents note

Sympathy on death of recipient's daughter. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Joseph, Obispo de Solsona. To Joseph de Carvajal y Lancaster. Solsona. "Exmo. Sor. Muy Sor. mío: La adjunta lista servirá de algún testimonio.", 1749 June 2

  • Box 6, Item 486
Scope and Contents note

Accounts. 10 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Obispo de Avila. To Joseph de Carvajal y Lancaster. Avila. "Exmo. Sr. Señor. Haviendo reconocido las matrículas de este obispado.", 1749 August 2

  • Box 6, Item 487
Scope and Contents note

Registry report of births, deaths and marriages in Avila. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Isidro (abbot). To Joseph de Carvajal y Lancaster. Olivares. "Exmo. Sor. Señor. Según las matrículas do este año.", 1749 September 21

  • Box 6, Item 559
Scope and Contents note

Census. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter. Francisco Alartuey (abott of Veruela) and Padre Antonio Sanz de Larrea. "Nos don Francisco Alartuey, abad por su Magestad.", 1749 September 30, October 9

  • Box 3, item 258
Scope and Contents note

Request for inquiries in to purity of blood, response, and report. 5 leaves bound together.

Autograph Letter Signed. Francisco Alartuey (abbot at Veruela). To Padre Antonio Sanz de Larrea. "Nos don Francisco Alartuey, abad por su Magestad.", 1749 September 30

  • Box 3, Item 258a
Scope and Contents note

Request for inquiries into purity of blood of Joaquín Hovella. Acceptance of commission by Antonio Sanz is dated October 8, and written in same letter. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [various signatures]. Padre Antonio Sanz de Larrea. To Abbot of Veruela. "Información hecha de.", 1749 October 9

  • Box 3, Item 258b
Scope and Contents note

Report of inquiries on purity of blood of Joaquín de Hovella. 4 leaves.

To top


Letter Signed. Condesa de Garciez. To Duquesa de Montemar. Baeza. "Exma Sra. Amiga y querida. Abiendo mi hijo Jaquín logrado la dicha de merezar por dueño desta casa a mi Sa. Da. María Josef Dábila.", 1750 March 10

  • Box 4, Item 324
Scope and Contents note

Personal note of congratulations. 1 leaf and fragment.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Andrés (Bishop of Palencia). To Conde de Oñate. "Exmo Señor. Muy señor mío y amigo de mi maior estimación.", 1750 July 3

  • Box 3, Item 264
Scope and Contents note

Bishop offers services to Marqués. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Francisco (Bishop of Sigüenza). To los alcaldes de la villa de Pinto. Madrid. "Remito a vuestras mercedes el memorial adjunto de Dn. Pedro Lluch.", 1750 October 19

  • Box 3, Item 263
Scope and Contents note

Orders payment for a doctor's services. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués del Cairo. To Marqués de Sta. Coloma. Zaragoza. "Muy sr. mío con fecha de 29 del mes de noviembre próximo pasado me dice de orden de la cámara Dr. Andrés Otamensi su secretario.", 1750 December 8

  • Box 4, Item 323
Scope and Contents note

Family and state affairs. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Obispo de Palencia. To Conde de Oñate. Palencia. "Exmo. Sor. Mui Sr. mío y mi dueño. No he podido decir a V. Exa. la satisfacción y gusto que he tenido en veer los exercicios.", 1751 March 6

  • Box 6, Item 489
Scope and Contents note

Praising success of Antonio Carranza. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de la Leina. To Duque de Sessa. Barcelona. "Exmo. Sor. Muy Sr. mío: Dn. Juan de Arias me remite la segunda recomendazión de V.E.", 1751 May 4

  • Box 6, Item 488
Scope and Contents note

The King must make a decision. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. To Pablo de Robledo. Barcelona. "[...] el Illmo. Sr. conn [...] Gral. nos previene.", 1751 June 5

  • Box 5, Item 460
Scope and Contents note

Military order. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Juan Baron Pérez and Aluarez de Velasco. "Plan general de lo que ocurre en los estados del condado de Aguilar. Señorío de Cameros Estado de Andaluz.", 1751 June 17

  • Box 4, Item 343
Scope and Contents note

Affairs of running a county. 6 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Henrique Henríquez (archbishop). To Manuel Medrano. Madrid. "Henrícue [sic] Henríquez Dei et...sedis. ", 1751 December 8

  • Box 4, Item 348
Scope and Contents note

Daughter can enter order without dowry. Latin. Seal. Parchment. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de Anguisola. To Conde de Oñate (Duque de Sessa). San ildefonso. "Exmo. Sr. Muy Sr. mío. Con el maior aprecio reciuo la d V. Exa. con fecha de 14 del corriente.", 1752 February 16

  • Box 6, Item 491
Scope and Contents note

Sympathy on death of marqués. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Luis de la Fuente. To Marqués de Farsis. Madrid. "Señor mío. El Sr. Sumiller de Corps me manda prevenga a V.S.", 1752 April 4

  • Box 4, Item 318b
Scope and Contents note

With respect to chamberlain's key. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. To Obispo de Lugo. Madrid. "Illmo. Sr. Muy Sr. mío. Sólo la confianza del favor que siempre he devido a V.I. puede servirme de indulto en la molestia.", 1752 April 5

  • Box 6, Item 490
Scope and Contents note

Seeks favor. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde de Rarient. To Marqués de Montealegre. "Exmo. Señor. Mi señor y mi tío. Después de desear a V.E. disfrute de la más cabal salud.", 1752 November 29

  • Box 4, Item 288
Scope and Contents note

Seeking advice about sister's marriage to son of Marqués de Belgida. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter [stamped rubric]. Domingo Pérez de Rivera (Bishop of Gadara). "En la ciudad de Ezija en veinte y siete días del mes de henero.", 1753 January 27

  • Box 3, Item 255
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastical. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Fr. Pedro Fernández. To Joaquín de la Cerda. "Confiesso el abajo firmado.", 1753 March 7

  • Box 3, Item 221
Scope and Contents note

Receipt of money for 50 masses for Rosa de Silva y Pimental. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Fray Juan Carbonel. To Augustín Navarrete. Valencia. "Certifico el infrafirmado provincial de la provincia de religiosos menores.", 1753 March 16

  • Box 4, Item 272
Scope and Contents note

Acknowledgement of payment from estate of Rosa de Silva y Pimental. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter. To D.L. Siegono de Valle Clauijo. Madrid. "Señor. Siendo práctica regular el proponer a V.M. todos los años quatro ministros.", 1753 December 7

  • Box 6, Item 492
Scope and Contents note

Proposal of four ministers. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de Valdeparaíso. To Conde de Parcen. Madrid. "Exmo. Sor. Mui Sor. mío. El ministerio que últimamente se ha dignado el Rey confiarme.", 1754 July 27

  • Box 4, Item 325
Scope and Contents note

Asks for house to live in till finds another. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [copy]. King Fernando VI. To Francisco de Angostina. "Testimonio de hauerse armado cauallero de la orden de Santiago Dn. Francisco de Angostina. En el nombe de la Santíssima Trinidad.", 1755

  • Box 6, Item 493
Scope and Contents note

Angostina dubbed knight by King Fernando VI. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Antonio de Menoio Rette. To Juan Angel de Norzargaray y Aguirre. "Dn. Juan Angel de Norzargaray y Aguirre, la obedizca y cumpla en todo.", 1755

  • Box 6, Item 494
Scope and Contents note

Record of knighting. Incomplete. 3 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. To Marqués de la Mina. Madrid-Barcelona. "Exmo. señor. Muy señor mío y amigo. El Sr. Dn. Francisco Escarano y Tribiño, hixo de vn oficial de muchos méritos y de la hija de mi nieta, passa a essa ciudad con ánimo de sentar plaza de cadete.", 1755 December

  • Box 4, Item 316
Scope and Contents note

Seeks favor for young relative. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Ricardo Wall. Madrid. "Exmo. Sr. En conformidad de lo que V.E. me previno en papel.", 1756 February 6

  • Box 4, Item 318c
Scope and Contents note

Sends the golden key. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. "Relación del gasto que se ha aumentado a la casa del Exmo. Sor. Conde de Oñate, Duque de Sesa, mi Sor. con el motibo de la boda del Exmo. Sor. Dn Diego de Guzmán Marqués de Guevara su hijo primogénito, con la Exma. Sra. Da. María Isidra de la Cerda, Condesa de Paredes, el qual dio principio en 1º de octubre del año de 1756 y mensualmente le componen las partidas siguientes.", 1756 October 1

  • Box 4, Item 317
Scope and Contents note

List of expenses for a wedding. 9 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Theran. To Minister of State. Madrid. "Recibí del Exmo. Sr. Marqués de Montealegre, Conde de Oñate, y Duque de Sesar, Sumiller de Corps del llabe de Gentil Hombre de Cámara.", 1757 February 9

  • Box 4, Item 318a
Scope and Contents note

Receipt for honor. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués del Campo de Villar. To Joseph Joachim de Verona (?). "Amigo y señor. Ya V.E. avrá savido por cierto lo que dixeron a V.E. de Monte de V.", 1757 March 20

  • Box 4, Item 313
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Miguel Bonel (abbot at Veruela). To Padre Joseph Robira. "Nos el maestro don Miguel Bonel, abad por su Magestad.", 1758 July 29

  • Box 3, Item 222a
Scope and Contents note

Appointment. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. "El domingo 27 de agosto presente a las quatro menos cinco minutos de la mañana, falleció en el sitio real de Aranjuez.", 1758 August 27

  • Box 3, Item 227
Scope and Contents note

Report of death and burial of Queen María Barbara de Portugal, queen of Spain. Separate sheet has expenses of burial: "Gastos causados con motivo de haver traído el cuerpo de la Reyna." 11 leaves.

To top

Document Signed [various signatures]. Padre Joseph Robira. Redován. "Informazión de limpieza de sangre de Dn. Judas Marco.", 1759 February 7, 8

  • Box 3, Item 222b
Scope and Contents note

Report on purity of blood. 3 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Juan Fernández de Beyxar. Seville. "Testimonio de hauerse armado cauallero de la orden de Santiago Dn. Juan Manrique de Parada y Heredia [...] Fernando por la grazia de Dios Rey de Castilla.", 1759 March 13

  • Box 6, Item 496
Scope and Contents note

Knighthood bestowed. 5 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Obispo de Cartagena. To Alcaldes de la villa de Pinto. Madrid. "En atención a los motivos que se me han hecho presentes por parte de Luis Fernández Guerra.", 1759 April 25

  • Box 6, Item 495
Scope and Contents note

City matters. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Juan de Alcalá Galiano (Marqués de Calderón). To Marqués-conde-duque. Cabra. "Exmo señor. Señor. Con toda venerazió recivo la de V.E. de 24 del próximo pasado celevrando se mantenga V.E. bueno.", 1759 May 2

  • Box 4, Item 312
Scope and Contents note

Personal joy at recovery of friend's daughter. 1 & 1/2 leaves.

To top

Document. Duque de Bejar. Villainojosa. "Memoria de los diamantes, brillantes que contienen dos caxas de cartón en blanco, con vnos filetes morados.", 1759 June 26

  • Box 4, item 342
Scope and Contents note

Descriptions and inventory of the King's jewelry. 4 bound leaves and 2 loose leaves.

Document. Duque de Bejar. Villainojosa. "Memoria de los diamantes, brillantes que contienen dos caxas de cartón en blanco, con vnos filetes morados, ambas rotuladas de mano de la difunta Reyna nuestra señora, y dize en la vna: diamantes grandes del Rey." (Secretary, Pedro Marentes.), 1759 June 26

  • Box 4, Item 342a
Scope and Contents note

Inventory of royal jewels. 4 leaves.

To top

Document. "Lista de alajas de el Rey.", 1759

  • Box 4, Item 342b
Scope and Contents note

List of King's jewelry. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. "En 11 de septiembre de 1759.", 1759 September 11

  • Box 4, Item 342c
Scope and Contents note

List of jewelry given to individual at death of king. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter. Marqués de Montealegre. To Pedro Gordillo. "Para satisfacer al informe que de orden del Rey me pide el Marqués del Campo de Villar.", 1760 January 23

  • Box 4, Item 278a
Scope and Contents note

Seeks more information in order to carry out orders of king. 4 leaves.

To top

Letter. Marqués de Montealegre. To Contralor [sic] Grefier General. Buen Retiro, Madrid. "En los papeles de la casa de la señora Reina doña María Ana de Neoburg.", 1760 March 11

  • Box 4, Item 278b
Scope and Contents note

Request for payment of services to queen. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter. Marqués de Campo de Villar. To King. "De orden del Rey me dirigió...", 1760 March 16

  • Box 4, Item 278c
Scope and Contents note

Paraphrase of the letters from the Count of Montealegre (278a and 278b). 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Obispo de Cartagena. To Conde de Aguilar. Madrid. "Excelentíssimo Señor: Muy Sor. mío. Por inteligenzia de el papel de V.E. de 31 de marzo próximo pasado.", 1761 April 2

  • Box 6, Item 498a
Scope and Contents note

Gives order to mayors. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter. Iglesia de la villa de Bergara. To Manuel de Molina. Madrid. "En carta de V.M. de 4 del corriente he recibido la escriptura de Concordia.", 1761 June 24

  • Box 6, Item 501
Scope and Contents note

Title of church. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Francisco Antonio de Salcedo. To Prior de San Marcos Extramuros de León. Madrid. "El beneficio curado de la Iglesia parroquial de San Miguel.", 1761 September 16

  • Box 6, Item 498b
Scope and Contents note

Benefice opening announced. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Francisco de Salcedo. To Prior del Convento de Santiago de Uclés. Madrid. "El beneficio curado de la iglesia parroquial de San Miguel de la ciudad de Xerez de los Caualleros.", 1761 September 24

  • Box 6, Item 500
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastical. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Francisco de Salcedo. To Prior del Convento de Santaigo de Uclés. Madrid. "Hallándose para cumplir el día de mañana los edictos puestos al Curato.", 1761 October 20

  • Box 6, Item 499
Scope and Contents note

Legal matter. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Francisco Xavier Alvarez Ossorio. To King. Seville. "Señor. A consequenzia de la cartta original de V.A. a mí dirigida.", 1761 October 31

  • Box 3, Item 249
Scope and Contents note

Recommends Joseph Taraquemada for a position. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Gaspar de Melgar Gil. To Marqués de Montealegre. "Exmo. Señor. Señor, noticioso de la hazentada eleczión que ha hecho la Reyna.", 1761 Novomber 9

  • Box 4, Item 284a
Scope and Contents note

Congratulations to Marqués that his niece, the Marqués's daughter, Marquesa de Guevara, was selected lady for the queen. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter. Marqués de Montealegre. To Gaspar de Melgar Gil. Madrid. "Señor mío. Agradezco a V. las expresiones de enorabuena que me hace en su carta de 11 de noviembre.", 1761 November

  • Box 4, Item 284b
Scope and Contents note

Thank you for the congratulations expressed in 284a. Marqués adds that his daughter is also Marquesa de Quintana and Condesa de Paredes. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter. To Luisa Vananleun (?). El Pardo. "Muy Sra. mía. Con la carta que recivo de V.M. de T. del antecedente mes, me quedo enterado.", 1762 March 6

  • Box 6, Item 573
Scope and Contents note

Baptism of marquis's child. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Telerigen. To Joseph Vereterra y Valdés. Astorga. "Muy señor mío y amigo: Reitero a V.S. mis molestias.", 1762 December 20

  • Box 3, Item 256
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter. Marqués de Montealegre. To Marqués de la Mina. Madrid. "Exmo. Sor. Mi señor y mi amigo. Queda en mi poder la copia de los gastos de Iglesia que ha causado el Padrinazgo del hijo del Baron de Reding.", 1763 October 11

  • Box 4, Item 315
Scope and Contents note

Speaks of hard times and fire he helped extinguish. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. María Visenta Fares (abbess). To Condesa de Aguilar. Valencia. "Exma. Señora. Señora: con el motivo de auer negado la licencia dos años haze...para recoger la limosna.", 1764 February 28

  • Box 3, Item 230
Scope and Contents note

Requesting usual generous contributions to alleviate financial straits of the community. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Juan de Urieta. To Marqués de Montealegre. Buen Retiro. "Exmo. Sor. Muy señor mío: El conde de Torrejón a presentado en esta secretaría de Cámara de el Rey los instrumentos justificativos de su título.", 1764 April 12

  • Box 6, Item 503
Scope and Contents note

The count is made a grandee of Spain. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Fernando Aguado (Conde de Aguilar). Palencia. "Exmo. Señor. Señor. D. Fernando Aguado clérigo y basallo de V.E. y muy interesado en sus fauores.", 1764 April 21

  • Box 6, Item 574a
Scope and Contents note

Announcement of arrival in city. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Obispo de Oviedo. To Marqués de Gastanaga. Oviedo. "Sr. Marq. y mi dueño. Gracias Dios que respiró V.Sa. acia aquí.", 1764 September 13

  • Box 6, Item 502
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. King Carlos III. To Bartholomé de Zuazola y Cigonaga. "Testimonio de hauerse armado caballero de la orden de Santiago Dn. Bartholomé de Zuazola. D. Carlos por la gracia de Dios, Rey de Castilla.", 1765

  • Box 6, Item 507
Scope and Contents note

Testimony to knighting of Bartholomé de Zuazola in county of Uclés. Incomplete. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Juan Joseph Miguel y Romero. La Sorena. "Testimonio. D. Juan Joseph Miguel y Romero, notorio mayor de la audiencia.", 1765 January 14

  • Box 6, Item 504
Scope and Contents note

Three letters in folder signed by various individuals giving testimony on lineage. 4 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. To Marqués de Gastanaga. Oviedo. "Sr. marqués y mi amado dueño: desde el día 12 del corriente estoi metido en un concurso.", 1765 January 30, 1768 June 20

  • Box 6, Item 505
Scope and Contents note

Education. The second letter discusses The Bishop's trip to the capital. 5 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Villadaria. To Conde Garcies. Aranjuez. "Amigo y sr. Me deja el más reconosido tu finesa de tener presente la comodidad que nesesito para seguir mi tarea de ir al campo.", 1765 [March] 8

  • Box 4, Item 314
Scope and Contents note

Thanks for gift of horses. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Obispo de Ciudad Rodrigo. To Manuel de Roda. "Muy sñor mío de toda mi veneración.", 1765 July 11

  • Box 3, Item 266
Scope and Contents note

Congratulatory note and report on Nicolás de Azora. (Azora -- later, a diplomat to the Vatican). 2 leaves.

To top

Letter. Ambrosio García de Cázeres (Señor Intendente de Marina). "Muy señor mío. El día 7 del corriente ancló en esta Rada vn nauío olandés.", 1765 July 11

  • Box 4, Item 286
Scope and Contents note

Report of a Moorish vessel being captured by Spanish and English ships. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Tolosa. To Marqués de Montealegre. Cartagena. "Exmo. Señor. Muy señor mío. Recibo la muy apreciable de V.E. de 6 de agosto.", 1765 August 10

  • Box 4, Item 287
Scope and Contents note

Personal health and travels. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Agustín de Sanz. To Marqués de Montealegre. Albacete. "Exmo. Sr. Sr. Consecuente a lo que noticié a V.E. en carta de 13, seguimos con prosperidad.", 1765 August 18

  • Box 4, Item 318d
Scope and Contents note

Brief account of trip. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Esquilache. To Conde de Torrepalma. El Pardo. "Exmo. Señor. Muy señor mío. Don Luis Mrz. de Beltrán de Génova acaba de cajoncito de trúfulas.", 1766 January 28

  • Box 3, Item 231
Scope and Contents note

Thank you note for linen. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Manual Martín (Bishop of Cartagena). To Hermandad de la villa de Pinto. Madrid. "Haviéndoseme representado por Manuel Martín vezino y ganadero de el lugar de Jetafe.", 1766 March 6

  • Box 6, Item 508
Scope and Contents note

Appropriating cattle without due process. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Antonio del Vallejo (Prior of San Lorenzo del Escorial). To Marqués de Montealegre. "Exmo. Señor. Muy señor mío, y de toda mi estimazión. El día de la fecha, entre seis y siette de la tarde, recibo la de V. Exa.", 1766 June 26

  • Box 3, Item 250
Scope and Contents note

Preparations for queen's impending death. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Obispo de Oviedo. To Marqués de Gastanaga. La Nava del Rey. "Sr. Marqués y mi dueño: Saue V.S. quan difícil es la pretensión de su recomendado.", 1766 July 20

  • Box 6, Item 509
Scope and Contents note

About appointment to office. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [stamped rubric]. King Carlos III. To Duque de Linares. San Lorenzo. "El Rey. Duque de Linares, primo. Habiéndose servido nuestro señor de pasar de ésta a mejor vida a la reyna.", 1766 July 25

  • Box 3, Item 225
Scope and Contents note

Decree of mourning of six months for the king's mother, Isabel Fernesio. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [copy]. Orio Iturbe [copyist]. "La competenzia ocurrida entre Dn. Juan de Vrbina.", 1766 (October 16?)

  • Box 6, Item 506
Scope and Contents note

About homicide committed by a servant. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Padre Sarmiento. To Señor Fiscal del Consejo. "Carta del Rmo. Sarmiento...mui Señor mío. Dueño y Señor y especial favorecedor.", 1767 February 17

  • Box 4, Item 271
Scope and Contents note

Discussion of how monasteries support themselves. 3 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Conde de Sayve. To Marqués de Montealegre. "Exmo. Señor. Muy señor mío. A consecuencia del honor que S.M. se dignó dispensar a Da. Antonia Brias.", 1767 August 22

  • Box 4, Item 299
Scope and Contents note

Baptism of child. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Obispo de Oviedo. To Duque de Arcos. Benavente. " Excelentísimo señor. Mui Sr. mío: En este correo recibo atrasada por el de Oviedo la mui apreciable de V.E.", 1767 August 22

  • Box 6, Item 510
Scope and Contents note

Personal politics in church. Receiver writes: "Respóndasele." 3 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de Aranda. To Marqués de Ville. Madrid. "Reciví con la de V.S. de 20 del corriente, las diligencias originales que incluía.", 1767 October 27

  • Box 4, Item 311
Scope and Contents note

1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Joseph Ignacio de Goyeneche. Madrid. "D. Joseph Ignacio de Goyeneche, comendador de la Villafranca en el orden de Santiago.", 1767 November 7

  • Box 7, Item 592
Scope and Contents note

Appointment of magistrate. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Arzobispo de Burgos. To Marqués de Gastañaga. Madrid. "Muy señor mío. Recibo su carta de V.S. agradeciéndole su atenta expresión de Pasquas.", 1767 December 27

  • Box 4, Item 305
Scope and Contents note

Wish for a merry Christmas. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Felipe (bishop of Salamanca). To Marqués de Montealegre (Conde de Oñate). Villanueva de Cañedo. "Exmo. Sor. Muy señor mío, de mi mayor veneración y respeto: considero a V.E. penetrado del más vivo y justo dolor por la muerte de mi Señora la Marquesa que de Dios goza, y deseo a V.E. el más poderoso consuelo.", 1768 April 26

  • Box 4, Item 304
Scope and Contents note

Sympathy offered upon death of Marquesa. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Juan Vidal y (?). To Francisco Desvalls. "Muy Sres. míos. De acuerdo de esta Real Junta de Govierno, paso a V.M. el memorial de Pedro Cleopart.", 1768 May 4

  • Box 6, Item 570
Scope and Contents note

Payment of architect. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Joseph (Obispo de Solsona). To Ortensio Domizio. Solsona. "Muy Sor. mío: Si la pretensión del recomendado de V.S. Mn. Borruix, no incluyesse.", 1768 May 14

  • Box 6, Item 563
Scope and Contents note

Reiterates fidelity. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Juan de Alcalá Galiano. To Marqués de Montealegre. Barcelona. "Exmo. Señor. Señor. Participo a V.E. he conseguido mi arrivo a esta capital con la maior felicidad.", 1768 June 15

  • Bin 6, Item 569
Scope and Contents note

Announcement of arrival in city. Reply given in margin on June 29, 1768. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Juan de Peruetas. To Prior de Cartuja de Mallorca. Madrid. "De orn. del convento pasó a manos de V.M. el exemplar adjunto de la Real cédula.", 1768 August 22

  • Box 6, Item 565
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastical. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Augusto Vásquez de Aldana. To Conde de Altamira. Toro. "Señor. Doy a V. Ex. las más rendidas gracias por las honrras que se sirbe hacerme.", 1768 September 24

  • Box 6, Item 564
Scope and Contents note

Gratitude for appointment. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Raphael Doza Loaise Rossario. To Marqués de Villel. Jerez. "Muy Sor. mío y mi dueño. Remito a V.S. la adjunta certificación.", 1768 October 4

  • Box 6, Item 567
Scope and Contents note

Pedagogy. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de Trigosa. To Marqués de Ville. Puerto de Sta. María. "Mui Señor mío. Con la de V.S. de 26 de septiembre próximo pasado recibo los exemplares del edicto de V.S. en que se comboca a los Maestros y Preceptores de primeras Letras y Estudios.", 1768 October 5

  • Box 4, Item 310
Scope and Contents note

About job-qualification exams for teachers. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter. To Conde de Rivadavia. Madrid. "Exmo. Sr. Querido amigo. Por mis acupaciones dexé de contestar en el correo anterior a tu apreciable de 26 del pasado.", 1768 December 3

  • Box 6, Item 571
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Villel. To Pedro Rodríguez (conde de Campomanes). "Illmo. Sor. Muy Sor. mío. Con fecha de 16 de agosto pasado en este año.", 1768 December 12

  • Box 6, Item 566
Scope and Contents note

Business. 4 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Andrés (Obispo de Palencia). To Conde de Aguilar. Palencia. " Exmo. Sor. Muy Sor. mío: La recomendación de V.E. en favor de Dn. Fernando Aguado.", 1769 April 10

  • Box 6, Item 574b
Scope and Contents note

Letter of support acknowledged for Fernando Aguado. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Giovanni Bottari. Rome. "Excellenza: serva questa.", 1769 [April] 24

  • Box 4, Item 347a
Scope and Contents note

In Italian. Expulsion of Jesuits. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. For Juan Antonio de Archimbaud. Málaga. "Lista de los vienes de las capillas.", 1769 September 1

  • Box 6, Item 568
Scope and Contents note

Listing of property of chapels. 6 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de Ricla. To Enrique Van Mechelen. Barcelona. "V.S. ha obrado conforme a la ordenanza, valiéndome de las penas de cámara.", 1769 September [15]

  • Box 6, Item 572
Scope and Contents note

Payment of expenses. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Rome. "Monsieur, Parvenu...Clement.", 1769 [September 29]

  • Box 4, Item 347b
To top

Letter Signed. Pedro Rodríguez Campomanes. To Marqués de Villel. Madrid. "Habiéndose visto por el consejo en el extraordinario que celebró en 1º de este mes.", 1769 October 12

  • Box 3, Item 244
Scope and Contents note

Teacher and furniture for a school. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Thomás del Valle. To Marqués de Villel. Málaga. "Diez y nuebe de oct. de mill setezientos sesenta y nuebe, a el Dr. Dn. Fernando de Pardo Marqués de Villel.", 1769 October 19

  • Box 6, Item 575
Scope and Contents note

Filling of professorships. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter. "Quelques observations sur le Mandemem de Barcelone du 26 mars 1769.", 1769 November 26

  • Box 4, Item 347c
Scope and Contents note

Observations on the "Mandemem" of Barcelona on March 26, 1769. Concerns Jesuits. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Thomás del Valle. To Marqués de Villel. Málaga. "En diez y ocho de diziembre de mill setezientos sesenta y nuebe a el Dr. Dn. Fernando de Prado, Marqués de Villel, mariscal de campo.", 1769 December 18

  • Box 6, Item 576
Scope and Contents note

Filling of professorship. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duque de Losada (?). To Duquesa de Montemar. Aranjuez. "Exma. Sora. Mui señora mía. En vista de la carta de V.E. del Día 15, no dejé de hablar a S.M. en el asunto de que trata sobre descuento de el Monte Pío.", 1770 June 18

  • Box 4, Item 309
Scope and Contents note

Appeal to king in favor of Duque de Sesa has not been effective. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Cardenal de Solís (Arzobispo de Sevilla). To Marqués de Quintana y Guevara. Seville. "Exmo. Señor. Primo y muy señor mío: He recivido tu mui apreciable de 31 del passado.", 1770 August 15

  • Box 3, Item 251a
Scope and Contents note

Seeks alms for an individual. Response grants request. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Quintana y Guevara. To Cardenal de Solís (Arzobispo de Sevilla). Madrid. "Primo, y muy señor mío. Doi a V. Exa. las más expresivas gracias.", 1770 August 21

  • Box 3, Item 251b
Scope and Contents note

Expresses thanks for granted request (answers 251a). 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Quintana y Guevara. To Pedro Quizano y Cárdenas. Madrid. "Señor mío. Según lo que me escribe el Exmo. Cardenal Arzobispo de esa ciudad.", 1770 August 21

  • Box 3, Item 251c
Scope and Contents note

Assistance obtained. Concerns 251a and 251b. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Arzobispo de Burgos. To Marqués de Montealegre. Madrid. "Exmo. señor. Muy Sr. mío y de mi mayor respecto. V.E. por quien es y por lo mucho que me honrra tantos años.", 1770 September 22

  • Box 6, Item 578
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 3 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de la Puebla. To Marqués de Montealegre. Córdoba. "Exmo. Señor. Muy señor mío. dueño y amigo. He recevido ya la carta del Exmo. señor Marqués de Astorga, nieto de V.E.", 1770 September 23

  • Box 4, Item 289
Scope and Contents note

King has agreed to let Puebla's daughter marry. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Pedro Rodríguez Campomanes. To Marqués de Villel. Madrid. "He pasado a este depositario general del caudal de temporalidades.", 1770 November 23

  • Box 6, Item 579
Scope and Contents note

Business. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Arzobispo de Zaragoza. To Marqués de Quintana. "Exmo. Sor. Muy Sor. mío. Con la maior estimación recibo la de V.E. en que se sirve franquearme el anuncio de Pasquas.", 1770 December 29

  • Box 6, Item 577
Scope and Contents note

Thanks for Christmas greetings, and offering services. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Duque de Medina Sidonia. To Marqués de Montealegre. Aranjuez. "Exmo. Señor. Mui señor mío: He dado la orden correspondiente.", 1771 April 14

  • Box 3, Item 226
Scope and Contents note

Preparing horses for funeral procession for Infante D. Francisco Xavier. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Villamejor. Romañones. "Querido amigo y estimado dueño. Recivo vna de V. atrasada.", 1771 June 18

  • Box 7, Item 581
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Barón de Prulean. To Condesa de Torrepaloma. Barcelona. "Exma. señora. Señora. Luego que ha llegado en mi noticia del logro de ser V.E.", 1771 [September] 28

  • Box 7, Item 580
Scope and Contents note

Congratulations on being selected to serve in court. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter. Duque de Arcos. To Obispo de León. San Lorenzo. "Yllustrísimo Señor. Muy señor mío: Don Josef Quesada, dador de ésta y administrador de mis rentas,", 1771 October 24

  • Box 3, Item 267
Scope and Contents note

Concerning property dispute. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Lucas (Obispo de Tuy). To Benito Ant. de Barreda. "Muy Sr. mío. Enterado de la V.S. de 22 del mes próximo y lista que me incluye.", 1772 September 12

  • Box 7, Item 583
Scope and Contents note

Report. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter. Marqués de Montealegre. To Conde de Castelblanco. San Ildefonso. "Señor mío. Estimo a V.S. la atención de participarme su llegada a esa su casa.", 1772 September 27

  • Box 4, Item 279a
Scope and Contents note

Confirmation of expected visit from count. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Diego (Conde de Rivadavia). To Marqués de Montealegre. Valladolid. "Exmo. Sr. Amigo querido. Contesto gustosísimo a la que [...] tuia.", 1772 October 10

  • Box 7, Item 582a
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 2 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de Oñate (Marqués de Vssel). To Marqués de Montealegre. Cáceres. "Exmo. Señor. Habiendo merecido a la piedad de S.M. (que Dios guarde) me haya onrrado confiriéndome el corregimiento de la ciudad de Salamanca.", 1772 October 13

  • Box 4, Item 281a
Scope and Contents note

Informs friend of receiving magistracy of Salamanca. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter. To Conde de Rivadavia. Madrid. "Exmo. Sr. amigo querido. La conformidad con que en tu apreciable.", 1772 October 14

  • Box 7, Item 582b
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter. Marqués de Montealegre. To Marqués de Vssel. Madrid. "Señor mío. Celebro infinito que V.S. se halle con la satisfacción de averle conferido el Rey el conrregimiento de Salamanca.", 1772 October 16

  • Box 4, Item 281b
Scope and Contents note

Congratulations for the appointment in letter (281a). 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de Rivadavia. To Marqués de Montealegre. Valladolid. " Exmo. Señor. Amigo querido, la antecedente que reciuí se pospuso dos días antes de llegar a mi mano.", 1772 October 17

  • Box 4, Item 301
Scope and Contents note

Expression of relief that friend is recovering from illness. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter. To Conde de Rivadavia. Madrid. "Exmo. Señor. Amigo querido. Creo de tu fineza quanto me manifiestas en carta de 17 del corriente.", 1772 October 21

  • Box 4, Item 279b
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Joaquín del Corral. To Fray Don Plácido Ahijido. Veruela. "Nos don Joaquín del Corral, abad.", 1773 January 18

  • Box 3, Item 219a
Scope and Contents note

Letter of appointment of investigator. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Six colleges. To King Carlos III. "Los seis colegios maiores de Salamanca, Valladolid, y Alcalá.", 1773 May 25

  • Box 3, Item 241
Scope and Contents note

Eloquent plea for distribution of scholarships. 4 leaves.

To top

Autograph Document Signed. Fray Plácido Ahijido. Borja. "En la ciudad de Borxa.", 1773 May 30

  • Box 3, Item 219b
Scope and Contents note

Report of investigator for order in number 219. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Josefa Agustina de Ozaeta (Marquesa de Rocaverde). To Conde de Oñate (Marqués de Montealegre). Vergara. "Exmo. Señor. Muy señor mío, y pariente. Tendrá la honra de poner ésta en manos de V.E. mi nieto Dn. Miguel de Lili, Moyna, cadete de Reales Guardias para que V.E. le reconozca por vn rendido servidor suio.", 1773 July 31

  • Box 4, Item 285
Scope and Contents note

Josefa seeks support from Marqués for individual losing his position. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Manuel (Obispo de Cartagena). To Marqués de Montealegre. Murcia. "Exmo. Sor. Mui Sr. mío. Aviendo llegado sin novedad a esta ciudad me hago el fabor de participarlo a V.E.", 1773 September 28

  • Box 7, Item 584a
Scope and Contents note

Announces arrival in city. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter. Marqués de Montealegre. To Rubin de Celis (Obispo de Cartagena). Madrid. "Itmo. Sor. Mui Sr. mío. He tenido especial complacencia en que V.S. I. haya logrado la de llegar a esa ciudad.", 1773 October 1

  • Box 7, Item 584b
Scope and Contents note

Acknowledges arrival. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Villamejor. To Pablo Tover. Romanones. "Mi estado amigo, señor, y dueño.", 1774 April 27

  • Box 4, Item 280
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Antonio del Rossario. To Duque de Abrantes. Salamanca. "Exmo. Sor. Señor y venerado dueño mío: Siendo mas anibelado a mi genio el ser culpado por molesto.", 1774 October 14

  • Box 7, Item 585
Scope and Contents note

Sympathy. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. María Francisca de Alva (Duquesa de Alba). To Duque de Abrantes. Salamanca. "Exmo. Señor. Señor. Corresponde mi gratitud con el sentimiento devido.", 1773 October 16

  • Box 7, Item 586
Scope and Contents note

Sympathy on death of countess. Reply in margin made on October 20, 1773. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter. Marqués de Villamejor. Romano. "Mi estimado dueño y amigo de mi mayor veneración.", 1775 January 11

  • Box 7, Item 587
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Antonio (Bishop of Zamora). To Marqués de Montealegre. Zamora. "Muy señor mío, queda admitido para estas próximas órdenes el recomendado.", 1775 May 23

  • Box 3, Item 262
Scope and Contents note

Notification of acceptance of Ignacio de Guneba to order. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Juan Rodríguez de la Avecilla [prior of León]. To Fernando del Mazo. San Marcos de Mérida. "Nos don Juan Rodríguez de la Avecilla del orden y caballería de Santiago de la Espada.", 1775 September 25

  • Box 3, Item 217
Scope and Contents note

Appointment of canon in convent of San Marcos de León in Mérida. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [copy]. Ramón Antonio de Hevia Miranda. Barcelona. "Para que las reales intenciones de S.M. que he comunicado a V.S. tengan el más exacto y puntual cumplimiento, le prevengo.", 1776 August 17

  • Box 4, Item 344
Scope and Contents note

Copy of judgments for payments to crown. 2 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Pedro de Ceballos. To Conde de Oñate. "Exmo. Señor. Mui señor mío. La recomendación que merecen a V.E. Dn. Agustín Gómez y Aldunzin...y Dn. Mariano Gómez de Torres.", 1776 October 12

  • Box 4, Item 273
Scope and Contents note

Recommendation. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Various doctors. To King Carlos III. San Lorenzo. "Señor. El mayordomo mayor. Haviendo fallecido Dn. Gerónimo Montero, uno de los médicos de familia.", 1776 November 30

  • Box 3, Item 240
Scope and Contents note

Recommendations to fill post of physician to King. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Obispo de Cuenca. To Marqués de Montealegre. Cuenca. "Exmo. Sor. Mui Sor. mío. En el hecho mismo de haver querido V. Exa. recomendar por su estimable.", 1776 December 10

  • Box 7, Item 588a
Scope and Contents note

Christmas greeting. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter. To Sebastián Flores Pabón. Aranjuez. "Itmo. Sr. Muy Sr. mío. La circunstancia de hallarme con el Rey en este sitio ha hecho diferir mi contestación.", 1776 December 16

  • Box 7, Item 588b
Scope and Contents note

Greeting for Christmas. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [stamped rubric]. King Carlos III. To regimental commander. Aranjuez. "El Rey. Por quanto para la subtenencia de vandera que en le Regimiento Provincial de Toledo se halla.", 1777 January 24

  • Box 3, Item 224
Scope and Contents note

Appointment of Juan Ventura Fernández de Castro. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Barón de Serrahi. To Juan Salvador de Iturralde. Barcelona. "En vista de las representaciones de V.S. de 14 de agosto, 17 de septiembre de 1776.", 1777 June 23

  • Box 7, Item 590
Scope and Contents note

Business. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Barón de Serrahi. To Juan Salvador de Iturralde. Barcelona. "Teniéndose entendido que varios sugetos del lugar de Monistrol.", 1777 August 19

  • Box 7, Item 589
Scope and Contents note

Problem of beggars. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Phelipe Varela Bermúdez. To Prior de Uclés. Madrid. "La administración del combento de Sta. Cruz de Valladolid.", 1777 October 7

  • Box 7, Item 591
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastic position available. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Phelipe Varela Bermúdez. To Prior de San Marcos de León. Madrid. "La administración del combento de Sta. Cruz de Valladolid.", 1777 October 7

  • Box 7, Item 593
Scope and Contents note

Advertising of position (Cf. number 107). 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués-conde. To mayordomo. Aranjuez. "Entréguense a Dn. Pablo Ximénez, mayordomo de mi casa cinco mil reales de vellón para gastos extraordinarios de ella.", 1778 May 11

  • Box 4, Item 329
Scope and Contents note

Money for domestic expenses designated and received. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués del Cadimo. To Duque de Abrantes. Jaén. "Mui Sor. mío: La gustosa noticia que V.E. me participa del ajustado casamiento.", 1778 August 29

  • Box 7, Item 594
Scope and Contents note

Congratulations on betrothal of daughter of Duke, María Luisa Carvajal y Gonzaga to Antonio Ponze de León y Dávila, Marqués de Aguilar, son of Marqueses de Castromonte. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de los Truxillos. To Duque de Abrahantes [sic]. Guadix. "Muy señor mío: La noticia que V.E. me da del ajustado casamiento.", 1778 August 30

  • Box 4, Item 303
Scope and Contents note

Congratulations on betrothal of María Luisa Carbajal y Gonzaga. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de la Puebla de los Infantes. To Duque de Abrantes. Córdoba. "Exmo. Sor. Muy Sr. mío. La noticia que V.E. me comunica del ajustado casamiento.", 1778 September 3

  • Box 7, Item 595
Scope and Contents note

Congratulations on same betrothal as in number 594 (daughter of the Duke of Abrantes, María Luisa Carvajal y Gonzaga, to Antonio Ponze de León y Dávila, Marqués de Aguilar). 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Cardenal Patriarca. To Duque de Abrantes. "Exmo. Señor. Muy señor mío: celebro mucho haver tenido una pequeña parte en la colocación de Dn. Francisco Serrano.", 1778 September 16

  • Box 3, Item 253
Scope and Contents note

Cardinal expresses pleasure at playing part in placing individual in position. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Marqués-conde-duque. To Pedro Salvador y Clemente. Madrid. "Con su carta de V.M. del día 12 recivo la esquela que me incluye del Sor. Dn. Luis Alvarez de Mendieta.", 1778 September 18

  • Box 7, Item 609
Scope and Contents note

Agricultural. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Obispo de Çoria. To Duque de Abrantes. Soria. "Exmo. Señor. Muy señor mío: No he dado respuesta a la apreciable carta de V.E. de tres del que rixe.", 1778 November 26

  • Box 7, Item 608
Scope and Contents note

Appointment to position. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter. Father of Marqués de Guevara. To Príncipe de Francavila. San Lorenzo. "Exmo. Sr. Mui Sr. mío. Doi a V.E. las más expresivas grazias por el favor que me dispensa en su afectuosa enhorabuena del ascenso de mi hijo.", 1778 November 29

  • Box 7, Item 610
Scope and Contents note

Reiterating services. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de la Puebla. To Marqués de Montealegre. Córdoba. "Exmo. Sor. Mui Sr. mío y mi amigo: Respecto a que está próximo el parto de nuestra Princesa.", 1779 January 7

  • Box 7, Item 605
Scope and Contents note

About royal birth. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de La Puebla. To Marqués de Montealegre. Córdoba. "Excelentísimo señor. Mui Sr. mío y mi estimado amigo. Participo a V.E. el gusto con que me hallo.", 1779 January 14

  • Box 7, Item 599
Scope and Contents note

Announces birth of grandchild. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Marqués-conde-duque. To Pedro Salvador y Clemente. Madrid. "De algunos días a esta parte han corrido voces en esta villa de que pueden tener falencia las dos letras.", 1779 June 1

  • Box 7, Item 606
Scope and Contents note

Reaffirming his actions. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Marqués-conde-duque. To Pedro Salvador. Aranjuez. "Por su carta de V.M. del día 1º del presente, quedo enterado de que la parte del Marqués de Navarres ha presentado su papel en derecho.", 1779 June 7

  • Box 7, Item 611
Scope and Contents note

Lawsuit. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Marqués-conde-duque. To Pedro Salvador y Clemente. Aranjuez. "En carta de 8 de mayo anterior me dice Dn. Gil Bas, que ha puesto en poder de V.M. los autos que formó.", 1779 June 10

  • Box 7, Item 607
Scope and Contents note

Question of property rights. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Marqués-conde-duque. To Pedro Salvador. Aranjuez. "Dirijo a V.M. originales dos procesos seguidos ante la justicia de mi villa de Pego.", 1779 June 10

  • Box 7, Item 612
Scope and Contents note

Lawsuit. 1 leaf

To top

Document [copy]. Ramón Antonio de Hevia Luranda. "La Real sala en su acuerdo extraordinario criminal, celebrado con asistencia del Exmo. Sor. comandante General, su Presidente.", 1779 August 3

  • Box 4, Item 328
Scope and Contents note

Against laws for prosecution. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Condes-duquesa. To Pedro Salvador y Clemente. Madrid. "Respondo a la carta de V.M. de 30 de octubre próximo (que he recivido por la vía de contaduría) que quedo en inteligencia de no haber querido admitir el thesorero de esa junta.", 1779 November 9

  • Box 7, Item 613
Scope and Contents note

Lawsuit. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Villamejor. To friend. Guadalajara. "Mi estimado D. Pablo: tengo escrito ha V. dos, y no le he merecido la mínima respuesta, lo que ha la verdad he estrañado.", 1780 April 5

  • Box 4, Item 327
Scope and Contents note

Has written to friend twice, and friend has not yet responded. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Francisco de Camals. To Juan Salvador de Iturralde. Barcelona. "Mui señor mío: Juan Toro, labrador del lugar de San Agustin.", 1780 June 8

  • Box 7, Item 600
Scope and Contents note

Permission requested to build house against zoning law. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Obispo de Palencia. To Duque de Abrantes. Palencia. "Exmo. Sor. Muy Sor. Mío: He recibido con el mayor aprecio la de V.E. de 3 del presente.", 1781 March 12

  • Box 7, Item 601
Scope and Contents note

Seeks support against vassal who complains of oppression. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Francisco Sáenz de las Bacas. To Duque de Abrantes. Torreximano. "Exelentísimo Sor. Duque de Abrantes. Exelentísimo Señor, en cumplimiento de que me mandó V. Ex. en la que merece su respuesta exelente, de la que remití por asunto de agua.", 1781 August 24

  • Box 4, Item 326
Scope and Contents note

Problems of water supply. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Anselmo Novella (abbot). To Informants. Veruela. "Nos el P. Mo. Dn. Anselmo Novella, abad.", 1782 March 5

  • Box 7, Item 602
Scope and Contents note

Information on person seeking entry into order. Seal. Reply is made by several informants from Agori on March 13, 1782. 3 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter. Marquesa-condesa-duquesa. To Francisco Antonio Laenzana (Arzobispo de Toledo). Madrid. "Exmo. señor. Muy señor mío. El favor que el Marqués-conde-duque mi marido, y yo merecimos de V.E.", 1782 April 23

  • Box 3, Item 268a
Scope and Contents note

Holding mass in home. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Francisco (Archbishop of Toledo). To Marquesa-condesa-duquesa. Toledo. "Exmo. señora. Muy señora mía: En vista de la carta de vuestra excelencia de 23 del corriente.", 1782 April 26

  • Box 3, Item 268b
Scope and Contents note

Reply to letter of April 23, 1783. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter. Marquesa-condesa-duquesa. To Arzobispo de Toledo. "Exmo Señor. Muy señor mío. He recivido la de vuestra excelencia de 26 del que fenece.", 1782 April 30

  • Box 3, Item 268c
Scope and Contents note

Reply to letter of April 26, 1782. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de Lannoy. To Jacobo María de Spinoza y Cantabrana. Lérida. "Muy Sor. mío. Para habeiguar el delito que se supone en la djunta representación que remitió V.S. al corregidor interino.", 1782 October 2

  • Box 7, Item 603
Scope and Contents note

Legal. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. "En el pleito que entró doña Isauel de Bozmediano muger de don Híñigo López de Mendoça, hija legítima de don Pedro de Bozmediano.", 1782 November 25

  • Box 13, Item 899
Scope and Contents note

Various documents. Also includes sections dated 1577 and 1583. Genealogy and relationships. Several names: Alonso de Bozmediano, María de Mena, Alonso Coello, Francisco Osorio, Gutierre de Soto Mayor, Pedro de Villa Fuerte, Domingo de Mendoça Bernardino de Mendoça, Alonso Arias. Also includes notes dated 1577 and 1583. Paper. 6 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Baron de Serrahi. To Andrés de Ciria (Teniente corregidor de Tannega). Barcelona. "Enterado su Exa. y Real Acuerdo del memorial presentado por el Dor. Ramón Nonato Tover, y demás regidores.", 1783 February 8

  • Box 4, Item 338
Scope and Contents note

Appointments. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Antonio López (Obispo de Astorga). To Marqués de Montealegre. Astorga. "Exmo. Señor. Mui señor mío: La recomendación a V.E. en favor de D. Josef Cavallero.", 1783 December 19

  • Box 7, Item 604
Scope and Contents note

Recommendation of Josef Cavallero. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de Florida Blanca. To Juan Salvador de Iturralde. Madrid. "Haviéndose liquidado en la contaduría de esta Superintendencia General, las cuentas.", 1783 December 31

  • Box 4, Item 340
Scope and Contents note

Financial. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués-conde-duque de Astorga. To King. Madrid. "Con motivo del nuevo empleo que S.M. (Dios le guarde) se ha servido conferirme de Cavallerizo mayor del Príncipe.", 1784 January 6

  • Box 4, Item 337
Scope and Contents note

Requests office help. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Marqués de Castañar. Cadiz. "Estado que manifiesta en el que entra en este puerto de Cádis.", 1784 April 9

  • Box 3, Item 215
Scope and Contents note

Inventory of warship's contents, structure and crew. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Various signatures. To Marqués de Aguilafuente. "Exmo. señor. Marqués de Aguilafuente: Señor: El Abad, y Religiosos del Colegio de Sn. Pelayo de Cerrazo.", 1784 July 28

  • Box 7, Item 598a
Scope and Contents note

Request of favor. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Duquesa de Montemar. To daughter, Mariquita. Madrid. "Hija de mi vida. Recibo la tuya. Celebro tu salud, la de mis nietos a quien abrazo. Yo quedo sin nobedad.", 1784 August 20

  • Box 4, Item 334
Scope and Contents note

Personal, domestic affairs. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Secretary of Marqués de Aguilafuente. To Abad del Colegio de San Pelayo. Madrid. "Mui Sres. míos. Hallándome constituida tutora y curadora de la persona y vienes del exmo. Sr. Dn. Angel de Carbajal y Gonzaga, Duque de Abrantes [...] Marqués de Aguilafuente.", 1784 August 25

  • Box 7, Item 598b
Scope and Contents note

Negative answer to request asked in 598a. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. El Capitán del Puerto, Lázaro de Leyua. To Antonio Valdés, in King's office. Málaga. "Exmo. Señor. Mui Sor. mío: Me es indispensable el recurrir a V. Exa. aunque contra mi genio.", 1784 September 10

  • Box 7, Item 597a
Scope and Contents note

Complaint for lack of courtesies. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Antonio de Arce. To Antonio Valdés. Ferrol. " Exmo. señor. Mui Sor. mío: Quedan en esta darsena el navío, Dn. Felipe, y fragata Sta. Perpetua.", 1784 September 29

  • Box 7, Item 596
Scope and Contents note

Boats in harbor. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Juan Salvador de Iturralde. To Baron de la Linde. "Mui Sor. mío: Para dar cuenta al Consejo, como dixe a V.S., sobre la inteligencia del tiempo.", 1784 November 16

  • Box 4, Item 339
Scope and Contents note

Income. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Prior of Cataluña. To Ramón Norrato Tover. Barcelona. "Muy señor mío: contextando [sic] a la de vuestra merced de 12 del corriente digo:", 1785 June 18

  • Box 4, Item 270
Scope and Contents note

Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Matallana. To Marqués de Montealegre. "Excelentísimo Señor. Muy señor mío: Aunque todas las satisfacciones V.E. me causan la mayor complacencia.", 1785 July 16

  • Box 4, Item 300
Scope and Contents note

Congratulations on daughter of Montealegre receiving doctoral degree (Doctora en las Facultades de Philosophia y Letras Humanas) at Alcalá. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Phelipe de Rivero and Antonio Favira. Salamanca. "En la ciudad de Salamanca a veinte y dos días del mes de Agosto de el año mil setecientos y ochenta y cinco, Dn. Phelipe de Rivero y Valdés, caballero del orden de Calatrava.", 1785 August 24

  • Box 7, Item 618b
Scope and Contents note

Report on visit to convent in Salamanca founded by the Catholic Kings. 18 leaves.

To top

Document. King Carlos III. To Pedro López. Madrid. "El Rey ha dirigido el decreto siguiente al Sr. Dn. Pedro López de Lerena, Secretario interino de estado y el despacho de la guerra.", 1786 February 7

  • Box 4, Item 335
Scope and Contents note

Military procedures. 4 leaves.

To top

Document Signed. Conde de Campomanes. To Justices of Cervera. Madrid. "Remito a V.M. el memorial adjunto de María Antonia Sesé.", 1786 May 4

  • Box 4, Item 336
Scope and Contents note

About legal problem. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [stamped rubric]. King Carlos III. To Pedro Jordan (Marqués de Ayerbe). El Pardo. "Don Carlos por la gracia de Dios, Rey de Castilla.", 1787 January 14

  • Box 3, Item 236
Scope and Contents note

Granting permission to levy taxes. 3 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter. To Conde de Floridablanca. Madrid. "Exmo. Sor. Mui señor mío. Me consta que Don. Bartolomé Gómez Buenacho, presbytero.", 1787 April 7

  • Box 7, Item 614
Scope and Contents note

Request for favor. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Francisca María Monserrat (mother superior). To Conde del Carpio. "Muy señor mío de mi mayor estimación. Enterada del papel de 23 que acavo de recivir. ", 1787 September 2

  • Box 3, Item 234
Scope and Contents note

Explains medical conditions in convent. 2 leaves.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Marqués de Ussel. To Conde de Oñate. Cartagena. "Exmo. señor. Muy sensible me ha sido la muerte de nuestro amo (que en paz descanse) por lo que escrivo al Rey la adjunta.", 1788 December 20

  • Box 4, Item 274
Scope and Contents note

Sympathy note on death of King Carlos III. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Baronesa de Escridie. To Pasqual Compottos. Zaragoza. "Pasqual: Recivo la de V. ...celevrando su salud y la de la María a quien dará V.M. mis memorias.", 1789 July 28

  • Box 4, Item 333
Scope and Contents note

Family matters. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [stamped rubric]. King Carlos IV. To Marqués de Ayerbe. Madrid. "El Rey. Por quanto por parte de vos el Marqués de Ayerbe y de Lierta, vecino de Zaragoza.", 1789 September 12

  • Box 3, Item 237
Scope and Contents note

Permission granted for a marriage. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Fr. Rafael (Obispo de Solsona). To Ramón Nonato Tover. "Muy señor mío; Podrá V.M. ver la adjunta, y luego de cerrada mandarla entregar a ese Raimundo Cura.", 1789 September 12

  • Box 7, Item 616
Scope and Contents note

Ecclesiastical order. Answer to María Miro and Paula Reyner. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter. Antonio Valdés. To Lázaro de Leyba. (Capitán del Puerto de Málaga.) San Ildefonso. "Debuelvo a V.Md. los dos oficios originales.", 1789 September 17

  • Box 7, Item 597b
Scope and Contents note

Complaints to go through channels, not directly to King's office. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Joseph (Obispo de Cartagena). To Marqués de Montealegre. Cartagena. "Exmo. Sor. Mui Sr. mío. Con la estimación que debo, recibí la de V. Exa. de 22 de julio.", 1789 September 29

  • Box 7, Item 615
Scope and Contents note

Congratulations on marriage of daughter, María Isidra de Guzmán y la Cerda, to Rafael Alfonso de Sousa. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Manuel Joachin (Bishop of Valladolid). To Conde del Pinar. Valladolid. "Con oficio de 22 de febrero deste año, dirigí a V.S. vna cartta orden de S.M.", 1790 April 3

  • Box 3, Item 265
Scope and Contents note

Reference to an earlier letter concerning appointment to position. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. A. Baron de Serrahi. To Joseph de Barvosa. "En vista del memorial del P. corrector y convento de PP. mínimos de esa ciudad.", 1790 June 5

  • Box 6, Item 562
Scope and Contents note

Health concerns. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Lerena. To Josef de Ibarra. Aranjuez. "Habiendo hecho presente al rey quanto V.S. expuso.", 1790 June 30

  • Box 7, Item 618a
Scope and Contents note

Tobacco businessman disassociates himself from business. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Rosa María Campos. To King. Mérida. "M.P.S. Da. Rosa Campos de Salzedo de el orden de Santiago, comendadora del Real Monasterio de S.S. Olalla. extramuros de esta ziudad, a V.A. con la devida venerazión digo.", 1790 November 6

  • Box 7, Item 617
Scope and Contents note

Decision on novice. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Document Signed [several signatures]. Antonio Sánchez Burguillos. To Duque de Abrantes. "Memoria de la obra echa de dorado y pintado perteneciente a la servidumbre de cavalleriza del Exmo. Sr. Duque de Abrantes.", 1791 February 11

  • Box 4, Item 345
Scope and Contents note

Costs of repairing coaches. 5 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Domingo [Prior of León]. To King Carlos IV. San Marcos de León. "M.P.S. En cumplimiento de lo mandado por V.A. en su carta.", 1791 September 4

  • Box 3, Item 242
Scope and Contents note

Recommendation of student of canon law for professorship at Salamanca. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Baronesa de Escriche. To Pasqual Campillos. Taragona. "Pasqual: Recivo la de V.M. celebrando su salud y la de la María a quien dará V.M. mis memorias.", 1792 June 30

  • Box 7, Item 619
Scope and Contents note

Concerned about illness. Personal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Marqués de Montealegre. Madrid. "Entréguense a la excelentísima señora Marquesa de Montealegre, Condesa de Oñate y de Paredes, Duquesa de Náxera y V.S. mi muger.", 1792 November 1

  • Box 4, Item 282
Scope and Contents note

Marqués orders a sum to be given to his wife as pin-money. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Obispo Barbastro. To Conde de Tepa. Barbastro. "Muy Sor. mío, amigo y dueño: Mi hermano me escrive la muy sensible noticia de la muerte de nuestra condesa.", 1793 October 22

  • Box 7, Item 621
Scope and Contents note

Sympathy on death of countess. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [stamped rubric]. King Carlos IV. To Patricio Martínez de Bustos. San Lorenzo. "voluntad y mando que vos el mencionado Dn. Josef Manuel Roel de Andrade.", 1793 November 3

  • Box 3, Item 238
Scope and Contents note

Promotion to amanuensis in office of Exchequer of Josef Manuel Roel de Andrade. First page missing. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Conde de la Cañada. To La justicia. Madrid. "Por el procurador sindico, personero de Madrid, se me ha representado que teniendo el ganado que sirve para el abasto de la corte la facultad de pastar en los comunes.", 1794 June 12

  • Box 4, Item 332
Scope and Contents note

Grazing of stock in pastures around Madrid. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [stamped rubric verso with other notes and signatures]. King Carlos IV. To Domingo Ballveny. San Ildefonso. "Don Carlos por la gracia de Dios, Rey de Castilla.", 1794 September 13

  • Box 3, Item 214
Scope and Contents note

Appointment of captain to batallion of volunteers. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Fray Manuel Carranza. To Marqués de Montealegre. Colmenar de Oreja. "Exmo. Señor. Señor: deseo a Vuestra Excelencia en compañía de mi Exma. Señora la Marquesa y señora mía felizísimos días del Señor San Diego.", 1794 October 3

  • Box 4, Item 283
Scope and Contents note

Well wishes for a festive day. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Joseph Lexalde (abbot at Veruela) and Ildefonso Colas (Fray Anselmo Hovella, comisario). "Nos don Joseph Lexalde, abad por su Magestad.", 1794 May 31, June 3

  • Box 3, item 257
Scope and Contents note

Request for inquiries into purity of blood and results of inquiry (correspondence between Joseph Lexalde and Anselmo Hovella).

Letter Signed. Joseph Lexalde (abbot at Veruela). To Padre Maestro Anselmo Hovella. "Nos don Joseph Lexalde, abad por su Magestad.", 1794 May 31

  • Box 3, Item 257a
Scope and Contents note

Request for inquiries into purity of blood. Seal. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Ildefonso Colas (Fray Anselmo Hovella, comisario). To Abbot of Veruela. "En la villa de Huévalos.", 1794 June 3

  • Box 3, Item 257b
Scope and Contents note

Results of inquiry into purity of blood of Antonio Lambán y Andrés. 1 leaf.

To top

Document Signed. Phelipe (Obispo de Salamanca). To Alcaldes de la villa de Pinto. "Remito a V.Ms. el memorial adjunto que me han presentado Dn. Luis Cabello y José Peral.", 1796 May 13

  • Box 7, Item 623
Scope and Contents note

Seeking information. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Juan Antonio (prior). To Duque de Hijar. Santiago de Uclés. "Exmo. señor. Deseando no dilatar el cumplimiento de las superiores órdenes de V. Exca.", 1796 June 8

  • Box 7, Item 624
Scope and Contents note

Informs of people who are retired and handicapped. 3 leaves.

To top

Letter Signed. Ant. Card. de Santonanat (Patriarca de las Indias). To Josef Trasi. "Tengo señalados para celebrar las honras annuales del Señor Rey D. Carlos 3º.", 1796 December 8

  • Box 3, Item 245
Scope and Contents note

Selection for preacher of memorial services for Carlos III (d. 1788). 1 leaf.

To top

Document [stamped rubric]. King Carlos IV. To Marqués de Lierta (conde de San Clemente). San Ildefonso. "El Rey. Por quanto atendiendo a la súplica que havéis hecho.", 1797 August 7

  • Box 3, Item 223
Scope and Contents note

Permission granted for marriage to María Juana Bucareli. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. To Marqués de Santa Coloma. Monrroyo. "Cobranza del año 1797 de los treudos perpetuos de trigo y censos hecha en la villa de Monroio.", 1797 [August 15]

  • Box 7, Item 625
Scope and Contents note

Collecting of contributions. 1 leaf.

To top

Letter Signed. Francisco de Saavedra. To Duque de Abrantes. Aranjuez. "Exelentísimo señor. Por el adjunto exemplar del Real decreto que el rey se ha servido dirigirme con fecha de 27 del corriente comprehenderá V.E. quan instante es la necesidad de acudir con prontos recursos a la defensa y conservación de la Monarquía.", 1798 May 30

  • Box 4, Item 331a
Scope and Contents note

Request for and sending of money for defense of Monarchy. 1 leaf.

To top

Duque de Abrantes to Francisco de Saavedra. Madrid. "Exmo señor. Mui Sor. mío: He recivido el mui apreciable oficio que V.E. se ha servido pasarme acompañándome los dos Reales decretos expedidos por S.M. en que ha tenido la vondad de manifestar a sus vasallos las urgentes necesidades del estado.", 1798 May (?)

  • Box 4, Item 331b
Scope and Contents note

Duque de Abrantes answers Francisco de Saavedra's letter of May 30, 1798. 1 leaf.

To top

Autograph Letter Signed. Manuel de Carranza. To Marqués de Montealegre. Oreja. "Exmo. Sor. Señor. Me alegraré que en compañía de mi Exma. Sa. y señoritos tenga los días del Sor. San Diego", 1798 November 6

  • Box 7, Item 626
Scope and Contents note

Well wishes for a good San Diego day. 1 leaf.

To top

Document [stamped rubric]. King Carlos IV. To Patricio Martínez de Bustos. Madrid. "...el mencionado don Josef Manuel Roel de Andrade.", 1799 July 21

  • Box 3, Item 239
Scope and Contents note

Appointment to fourth official of treasury. First page missing. 1 leaf.

To top

Document. Lorenzo Azara (Vice chancellor of the Univ. of Huesca). To Count of Aranda. Huesca. "Arenga que se dixo al Exm. Sr. Conde.", 1799 September 1

  • Box 3, Item 216
Scope and Contents note

Granting of honorary doctorate. 2 leaves.

To top

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