xt7q5717q817 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q5717q817/data/mets.xml Kentucky E.H. Taylor Jr., Co. (Frankfort, Ky.) 1886 33 p. plates (1 double) 22 cm. TP605 .E4 1886 books English This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Distilleries -- Kentucky Whiskey Description of the O.F.C., Carlisle, and J.S. Taylor Distilleries, and Process of Whiskey Manufacture Applied Therein text Description of the O.F.C., Carlisle, and J.S. Taylor Distilleries, and Process of Whiskey Manufacture Applied Therein 1886 1886 2020 true xt7q5717q817 section xt7q5717q817 \%Y R “L \H, \ SHOBER & CARQUEVILLE LITH.CO. CHICAGO. ‘ 5.11.01? )5 I ‘06, mm 6’ hWhiskev . “a“ EJSLTEYSLOR JR cu » sOURMASH- 7’ ¢DasmLEnsk§ ‘ / w'mSKF—Yé: .zvd’FORT ivj“ ‘ Ooopowq’ / // 4//x/ ; 4//,,,/n//N//’ Fan—Smile Uf_CU'UpEragE_and TradE Mark Brands. 1'? Lof‘fflt'cé' éiféSPac . aggg; '- D; A"? ‘ xi+4 ’41 ENLBEH. THE 0. F. C. DISTILLE'RY. HE commanding excellence of the celebrated O. F. C. Whis- key, and the leading features of its manufacture, have become household words in the American trade. Established sixteen years ago, its reputation has grown with each successive season. It is to familiarize the general public, and especially the whiskey trade, with the details of the manufacture of O. F. C. Whiskey, the locality of its production, and the processes that distinguish it from other less valuable goods, that this descriptive article is written. The cut on the preceding page represents the original 0. F. C. distillery, a stone and frame structure, established in 1869, on the spot where now stands the present handsome O. F. C. distillery. The former building was crude in appointments, unpretentious in appearance, and simply represented the then knowledge of the then modes of whiskey manufacture; but in the product was at once recognized the elements from which, with increased knowl- edge, continuous experiment, and applied skill has emerged the now famOus O. F. C. Whiskey. The original building was torn down in 1873, to be replaced by the second 0. F. C. distillery. The second 0. F. C. distillery is represented faithfully in the accompanying illustration. (Plate 2.) It was erected shortly after the destruction of the original structure, and aside from the lack of the more commodious and better adapted features of the present distillery, was, without doubt, the handsomest and best structure for the purposes to be then found anywhere in the country. DESCRIPTION ‘ THE 0.F.C., CARLISLE, AND J. S. TAYLOR DISTILLERIES, AND PROCESS OF \VI'IISKI‘ZY MANUFACTURE APPLIED TI'II‘ZREIN THE MODEL DISTILLERY PLANT OF THE WORLD. 'l‘lll-I DETAIL (H9 \\'HL\'KI".\' I'RHIH‘I'TIUN A\'l‘ 'I‘Hl’ O. 1?. C. DISH‘ILLERY EXI’LAINED FULLY AND ACCURATELY‘ AND I-IANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED W'ITH ENGRAY [NUS FROM DRAWINGS AND PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN ON THE SPOT. 0 \5 CAPITAL, $500,000. SURPLUS, $100,000. E. HT TAYLOR, JR, CO.,‘PROPRIETORS. FRANKFORT. KY. we“ ~ ‘-“§\.“~::‘:.v~ , .. . I , ab \m=:.\m. “‘fins: \N\ ‘ ’ ~ ‘ ..-\ “‘“ ~ ~ ‘. - ‘- - 3% \“Q; -‘:§.~:¢L ‘~‘§9‘\ Q‘x‘ xiv \§\\\§\§\\ \ \ \\ \\\\\§\\\ ‘\‘:\\ \ \ \\ HIM" F fiiémm‘“ "an m" -w' wfi‘ W 0% y “H n‘unmfl n] W . ' ‘ an , ~ I" zlunlumu I lilyumuum I Rimmrn l I! u] v , I 17 '1 .4— , ~ I 4“ {I PHI 5" - ' HUI. Mum“; '"""*"""1'-'“':£":‘9.::"‘.5'aa:mu$mm“:m l .'. I III] mm {mnmmu E. H TA? "‘ ’ lOR J R ' ' uunmmmnmum EHWW” «a; I‘V"’l‘vv ‘,;‘"v:i.‘:‘ THE 0. F. C. DISTILLERY. The second 0. F. C. distillery was destroyed by fire in the summer of 1882, and immediately the process of its restoration was begun, so that to-day it stands without a rival in the beauty of its design, the completeness of its appointments, and the adaptedness of every feature for the manufacture of a perfect whiskey. . Not a cent of expenditure has been withheld that could add a single detail necessary to the completeness of the product, whether relating _to the distinguishing properties of the whiskey, or the subsequent storage for speedy maturity. The experience of Mr. Taylor in the building of distilleries, and in the manufacture of fine whiskeys, has been especially availed of in replacing the old house with the present splendid distillery. Whilst the process of manufacture, which has given so deserved a reputation to O. F. C. Whiskey, is continued, it is accompanied with many advantages, hereafter described, that have never here- tofore been availed of, nor attempted. These will commend them— selves to any ordinarily intelligent mind as an improvement (not an innovation) that is self-evident and greatly beneficial. The O. F. C. distillery is situated in Franklin county, Ken- tucky, about one mile from Frankfort, the state capital—a region . whose waters, climate, and special facilities have long since caused it to be known as the almost exclusive locality for the manufacture of pure, old-style, sour—mash whiskey. (See Plate 3—Distillery.) The O. F. C. distillery is a handsome structure of brick, with stone basement, with apartments or sections specially allotted to the use of each branch of manufacture. Long experience aided in perfecting a building in which harmony in general product is aided by completeness in each detail. The edifice is 212 feet long by 85 feet wide, with two stories and tower over basement, and sectionized into fermenting room. mash room. meal and mill b 8 THE 0. 1“. C. DISTILLERY. rooms, engine room, distilling room, and condensing room. Every feature (an unusual thing in distilleries) is included under one roof, from reception of grain and water to finished product. Per- manence and solidity of construction will be noted throughout in the materials of stone, brick, iron, and copper that unite in the building. THE SPRING. The cut on the opposite page shows the reservoir spring, whose crystal waters issue in large volume from the solid limestone cliffs of the Kentucky River, and are immediately utilized in the manu- facture of the O. F. C. Whiskey. It was the special properties favorable for producing a fine whiskey possessed by this spring that caused the selection of the locality as the site of the distillery. Distinguished chemists, including Dr. Peter, the former well known assayist of the Kentucky Geological Survey, have made analyses of its waters, and indorsed its fine properties in the particular named. Prof. Barnum, chemist, of Louisville, Kentucky, whose analysis has been published, says : “The water is of wonderful purity, and of peculiar adaptedness for the manufacture of whiskey." And again: “Your water contains (what I never saw before) very appreci- » able quantities of phosphate of lime, which would have the same effect in promoting the growth of the yeast plant that a dressing of bone phosphate would on a wheat field. Of course, the more Vigorous the growth, the better and more perfect the product.” The temperature of this spring water is very uniform the entire year, never exceeding 60° Fahrenheit, and has properties closely identical with the celebrated Burton spring water of England. , F : 'Mr v ‘3‘! £5: 3 \\ 13 4‘ ‘15 THE 0. F. C. DISTILLERY. THE MILL ROOM. Besides using a richer and more expensive formula in the way of grain than do any other sour-mash distillers whatever, there is also used, instead of the stone mills employed by the latter, the new coy/rugaz‘cd roll, which has, of late, made such vast improve- ment in the quality of flour. The principal objection to the old mills rested in the fact that the grain was mas/zed or pulverized, the grinding uneven, and the life of the product often destroyed by heating. The corrugated mill {WM/cs the grain into a uniform granular mass, most suitable for the production of the starch prop- erties and the action of the spirit-producing ferments. Two separate sets of rolls are used —a single-corrugated and a double— corrugated roll—the grain passing through both mills preparatory to the mash. (See Plate 5.) The resulting meal of corn, and Hour of rye and barley malt, is of a quality especially adapted to the mash, and superior far to that resulting from any other process. The farmer does not expect a good yield from imperfect and rotten seed; nor the manufacturer a fine fabric from defective materials; nor the miller a wholesome flour from bad wheat— so, a fine whiskey, fine in body and flavor, cannot be evolved by any known process from either rotten, or sour, or unripe, or unclean grain. - Cleanliness, soundness, and maturity being made especial fea- tures in the selection, of grain, the alcoholic product is found richer and riper in all desired qualities. MILL. RUUM AT DE]: 1315 THE 0. F. c. DISTILLER-v. THE 0. F. c. MASH FLOOR. The illustration (see Plate 6) shows the mash floor and em— ployes engaged in the daily process of mashing. The floor is of two-inch oak, water-sealed, and covers a space of 10,000 square feet. Patent globe ventilators in the roof above afford easy escape for the steam vapors. Iron pipes and rubber hose con- vey hot and cold water, and copper pipes convey strained slop to such points of the room where needed. Meal is received direct from the hoppers in the room above, after being weighed in allotted proportions for each mash. . The mashing is conducted, as heretofore, by hand, in small tubs of a little more than one bushel capacity each, but the improved meal and flour gives to the mash an added excellence which the most superficial examination recognizes. 77w sirazflm’ 502W spent [2667’ used in mas/5mg is obtained by a patented process, whereby the dead particles of meal are separated and cast off, and the rich, creamy liquid, full of yeastng power, is reserved for use. This liquid, or improved spent beer, is conveyed by copper pipe to the “heater” shown in the engraving, where it is heated to the temperature required for cooking the mash. The mash completed, remains twenty-four hours on the mash floor in the small tubs before it is put to fermentation—the rye and barley malt being added at the juncture most suitable for developing the spirit properties. i The mash coolers, located between the mash floor and the fermenting room, contain numerous copper coils for conveyance of cold water, whereby the mash is cooled to a uniform tempera- ture essential to perfect fermentation. This is accomplished under the ninety-six hour period, the process being spontaneous and self-Continuous, under the accumulated aggregation of yeast spores, collected and contained in the strained spent beer used for »mashing and for setting the vats. THE 0. F. C. DISTILLERY. THE FERVMENTING ROOM. The fermenting room of the O. F. C. distillery is believed to be the handsomest and best in America. In the construction of the fermenting room special attention was given to the attainment of cleanliness, light, and ventilation. In most distilleries, where the fermenters are not exposed on out—. side of buildings, the beer is fermented in wooden vessels, placed on wooden or dirt floors, and the walls of such vessels, as well as the floors. become saturated with acid from the daily washings. Bad smells predominate. Filth reigns beneath the working floor or platform. To remedy this objectionable condition the walls of the O. F. C. fermenting room are constructed of rough ashler from limestone. quarries—~the floor is grouted in best English cement, beveled to side troughing—and a fifteen—foot ceiling, sup-ported by iron col— umns, with numerous windows, affords ample light and ventilation. The vats, eight in number, are constructed of brick, laid in En- glish cement—the base six feet below the level of the floor, and the tops eleven feet below the ceiling. They are first lined with first quality of Portland cement, and this again lined with the [2652f s/wez‘ cofpmc manufactured especially for the purpose. There is no place for sourness, or decomposed acids, or disa- greeable smells. Everything is sweet and clean. The vats, after use, are bright as a mirror in their polished surfaces. After the beer has been permitted its proper stage of ferment- ation under the ninety-six-hour plan, it is drawn from the vats by a powerful pump, through copper suction pipes, and lifted directly into the beer stills without the intervention of the unclean beer receiver in use in nearly all distilleries.‘ There is no process of butter making in which greater care is exercised in every detail than in- this 0. F. C. process. of ferment- ation. 7. E T A L P . LmLco :m L: Um; .snzun x 55;; 1:! \I/ r A LE T L. [IFDDIETI I‘M/I AAT I EERUU VH J‘A AENT RR ‘1 4 THE 0. F. c. DISTILLERY. THE 0. F. C. 'STILL ROOM. The elimination of the alcohol from the fermented bee’r iS' accomplished by the process known as singling. (See Plate 9—‘ page 21.) i ‘ The beer, under the methods of most distillers, is firstiheated in wooden tubs by vapor pipe from the stills. These tubs becom‘e . sour and filthy, and even when proper attention is given, require ' frequent cleansing. - i i This firm has dispensed with these heating tubs, and uses a clean copper vessel of its own patent, air-tight, and of peculiar interior construction, exactly adapted to a uniform heating of the beer en route to the still.‘ No‘sourness nor spoiled liquid can im- pregnate this vessel, and there is no loss of spirit vapors. The beer is pumped direct from the fermenting vats into the heater, whence it is conveyed to the copper stills (the great majority of distillers use ordinary woodwz' stills for boiling beer), and there boiled gently for the elimination of the better spirit, which is con- veyed in shape of vapor to the improved condensers. In architectural design, the still room is especially noteworthy. It is a spacious apartment, 43x38 feet, with ceiling 45 feet high, and, with condensing room attached, contains in complete and compact shape all the machinery essential to absolute distillation. This machinery itself, in solidity and durability of construction, in adaptation to ends to be attained, and in handsome finish, is unsurpassed. The massive engine that furnishes the motive power'for the complex, yet complete, system of this model distillery, is a fine specimen of mechanical skill and ingenuity. ? THE 0. F. C. DISTILLERY. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 8. The engraving on the next page gives a bird's-eye view of the O. F. C. and CARLISLE DIS- 'l‘ILLERY premises and surroundings, looking southward. On the right is the Kentucky River, with Lock No. 4, and the city of Frankfort in the dis- tance, reposing in the valley of the Kentucky. The distillery buildings proper lie parallel with the river ; the warehouses are opposite, with a broad avenue between. In construction and detached form they secure immunity from fire. The surface drainage is perfect. The buildings and appurtenances occupy a plot of about twenty acres that is well set in grass, with macadamized roadways and dry sidewalks. No View on paper will give any adequately correct idea of this splendid property and its picturesque and beautiful environments. In adaptation to uses, and in manufacturing capacity it is, of all distilleries, unquestionably the most costly in the world. \ A \ C?“ 20 THE 0. F. C. DISTILLERY. A GEOLOGICAL FACT. The state of Kentucky has recently published an official Geological Map, authenticated by complete surveys, and showing the various strata that outcrop upon the surface and form the soil bed. This map shows that in the small section of the state made world famous by its fine sour- mash whiskeys, the rare bird’s-eye limestone of the lowest stratum of the Lower Silurian forma— tion alone outcrops. This small section, with the exception of a small isolated strip in Powell’s Valley in southwest Virginia and east Tennessee, is solitary in this one remarkable geological feature in the whole West. The O. F. C. and other brands of the E. H. TAYLOR, JR., Co. are produced upon the de— pressed apex of this stratum, thus securing the best limestone drainage it can possibly afford. The result in fine whiskey is no doubt largely due to the water that, percolating through the lime- stone, becomes impregnated with its properties, and imparts them to the spirit during the pro- cess of manufacture. Opinions and assertions are debatable—a geological fact, stereotyped iii and reflected from the earth’s crystallized strata, is as solid and immovable as the everlasting hills. 'l: ,,* 2L U L_J . lflQTEI VT T 11- ‘J . llfl’tl "Val? {’fl/A. W%W FF 1 b EU J \ND DU DEED / » J B T ‘1 J LLEEOK vli T; «7 LA I 1 T1115 0. l“. C. DISTILLERY. THE CONDENSERS. The vapor from the beer is converted by most distillers through a worm submerged in the water of a wooden tub. The O. F. C. method is to use cylindrical copper columns, containing an interior cylindrical vapor chamber, with close converging walls, on both sides of which cold water is constantly passing, the contact con- (lensing the vapor, and precipitating a spirit shower that is gradu— ally led by copper pipes to the receiving tub. {See Plate 10.) Besides many other advantages of this vastly improved process of condensation is the greatly lower temperatures at which reduc- tion is completed, and the cOnsequent lesser harshness of the product. After condensation, the singlings are then transferred to other copper vessels known as “ doublers,” and again gently boiled over an open fire, the resultant vapors passing upward through col- umnar copper “caps,” so arranged that the heavier essential oils, so deleterious to the product, may fall back into the still and pass off with the rejected refuse. The purer spirit vapor is condensed as in the singling, process, and run to what is known as “proof whiskey.” Here all other distillers begin» the barreling of the product as finished whiskey. The O. F. C. Whiskey, however, receives an additional finishing step that completes its character'as a PERFECT whiskey, superior to all others. The product is subjected, in air-tight vessels, to an atomizing process that is at the same time detersive— each atom coming in contact with atmospheric oxygen, and causing an oxydation of the amylic alcohols (fusil oil) so injurious to other whiskeys. This purely logical separation of the injurious salts of lead and copper (which other distillers never accomplish), and the oxyda- 24 THE 0. F. C. DISTILLERY. tion of the fusil oils into odorous essences, gives us a whiskey, when first barreled, superior to any other product of the best distillation at two years of age. Of this process and its results, Prof. Wayne, analytical chemist of Cincinnati, says: “I have examined the samples for impurities acquired in pro- cess of manufacture, such as the salts of lead and copper, and find none present.” And again : “Your whiskey is remarkablv free from fusil oil and other alco- hols than the ethylic, to the piesence of which 1(especially fusil oil —-amylic alcohol) is largely due the intoxicating and stupefying effect of much of the whiskey sold at present. Not an atom of foreign substance is allowed to come in contact, by absorption, with the pure spirit in the oxygen process; but freed of the injurious oils and salts common to all other whis- keys,'it passes to the cisterns to be barreled in splendid packages —the pure oil of grain—the genuine O. F. C. Whiskey, without a rival throughout bthe world. Col. A. M. Swope, long coll lector of the seventh revenue district of Kentucky, says of it . “ In my judgment, there is not a better or purer article of whis- key made 1n the world. ” And it was this superior character of whiskey that, being ex- haustively analyzed by him, obtained from Prof. R. Ogden Dore- mus, professor of chemistry and physics in the College of the City of New York, and of chemistry and toxicology in Bellevue Medical College, the following indorsement: “These facts (of analysis) commend it not only to the public who seek a superior whiskey, but also to the members of the med- ical profession in their practice.” Prof. Barnum, analytical chemist, of Louisville, Ky., after mak- 'FllE 0. 1K C. IUISTWIJLEH{\fl 25 ing several analyses of the O. F. C., and a personal examination of the details of making, “ I can see no way in which your whiskey can be improved in purity, in flavor, or in cleanliness of manufacture.” The public, including a not inconsiderable portion of.the trade, has attached to Kentucky goods generally the reputation of Aland—made sour mash without questioning the actual detail of manufacture. Thousands of barrels yearly go on the market and are sold with no other belief in the buyer than that he is handling or consuming a hand-made sour mash whiskey, when, in fact, it is only a grade of machine goods, distilled by an artificial process, of inferior materials, by inferior appliances, and deleterious both to health and morals. The following letter from the Commissioners of the Board of Underwriters at Indianapolis, Ind, addressed to the local board says: at Frankfort, Ky” not only officially indorses the O. F. C. Dis- tillery as a model in design, but forcibly adds a voluntary testi- mony, based on actual inspection, to its process of manufacture as /zmm’-maa/e sour mash : . . “ FPANKFORT KY \4 “Local Board Commission, No. I : ‘ ’ " l ay 23: 1885- “GENTLEMEN,—In conformity with agreement made with the Frankfort local board, we have carefully inspected the following distilleries : Taylor’s O. F. C. and Carlisle, and now beg leave to report on same : The new 0. F. C. distillery is about seventy-five feet south of Carlisle distillery, proper; is a beautiful 1 and 2% story building; boiler house disconnected, and is superior in all respects to any distillery we ever inspected in arrangements, appoint- ments, roominess, solidity, and security. No language that we can use in a brief business report will do it justice; it is actually “ne plus ultra” of its Class. The only fifire-heat in it being a well constructed furnace under the doublers, grinding by roller process ; fermenting room, stone floor and copper vats ; no cooperage. Above it is a spacious floor for small hand-mash tubs ; no machinery in same. “As to ‘Carlisle’ : This is a good distillery, and externally bears a close resemblance to O. F. C., and internally its order and arrangement is good. “We earnestly recommend suggestions which we made to you regarding tariff, if you feel at liberty to make such modifications. u r 7. , , Respectfully, M}: 113‘ 22:31:33}; % Commissioners.” T111) 0. l“. C. DISTILLICRY. THE 0. F. C. WAREHOUSES. The manufactuIe of a perfect whiskey 15 not so desirable a con- summation if the subsequent storage does not preserve and improve its fine qualities. Hence the proprietors of the O. F. C. distillery have'spared no pains or expense in providing substantial, dry, and commodious warehouses for such storage and constant supervi- sion of the packages therein. These packages are manufactured at their own shops, of material selected in the mountain forests of Kentucky by their own agents, and are first-class in every partic- ular. . The illustration (see Plate I I), shows an exact view of the new 0. F. C. warehouse, designed to reflect the best method Of storage. Only 'the old-style three-tier storage is observed, whereby dryness, ventilation, and light—properties essential to ripen whiskey are attained liberally. Every barrel of O. F. C. possesses the ad- vantages stated. The dampness, darknes‘s, and consequent low proof so often found in the dense aggregation Of barrels in patent rick warehouses find no place upon the O. F. C. premises. A low rate Of'insurance is guaranteed by all insurance companies. Security is provided by competent watchmen and a watchman’s clock. CONCLUSION. _ The foregoing facts illustrate the superiority of this unequaled whiskey, and the unquestioned responsibility of the manufacturers —— E. H. Taylor, Jr., Co.’—— is pledged to the accuracy of the recital as embracing the exact methods, the identical processes, and the constituent elements employed in the production of each and every barrel of O. F. C. Whiskey. The details observed in illustrating the methods of O. F. C. manufacture are, in general, substantially and practically descrip- tive Of the processes used 1n the manufacture of the CARLISI E and J. S. TAYLOR whiskeys. CARLISLE DISTILLERY. The Carlisle distillery, represented in the engraving, is located ‘on the Kentucky River, just below and closely adjacent to the O. F. C. distillery. It is a large and handsome structure, zoo feet long by 45 feet wide, three stories, including the basement. The basement and boiler rooms are built of large blocks of Kentucky limestone, hammer-dressed, and the main edifice is of brick. The fermenting room is 83 by 43 feet, with concrete floor: am— ple windows for light and ventilation, and 16-foot ceiling supported by strong columns. Eight large fermenting tubs contain the daily production of beer. Themashing is done by machinery, the grain scalded with strained spent beer, and a sufficient quantity of. the spent beer to produce a perfect fermentation is mixed with the mash, in a cooled state, when placed in the fermenters. The fer- mentation is accomplished under the niiiety—siX-hour regulations. The machinery throughout the Carlisle distillery is of the best quality, costly in construction, and well adapted to its uses. , The stills are all of copper, four large boilers supply ample steam power, and iron tanks temporarily hold the fresh cold water drawn from springs in the vicinity. The water from these springs is first collected in a stone basin or reservoir, and then pumped to the dis- tillery, some half mile distant, through underground iron pipes. .These springs are identical in properties with that which Supplies the O. F. C. diStillery. . . EAR LI 5 LE U1 ETI LLE RY: THE J. S. TAYLOR DISTILLERY. ' The above distillery is located six miles from Frankfort, in the picturesque valley of Glen’s, Creek. The situation is so well adapted to the production of a fine whiskey that the site of the j. S Taylor distillery has been used for distillery purposes at fre— quent intervals as far back as 1819. The building itself is an un- pretentious structure of stone and frame—a genuine old—style sour-mash distillery. The mashing is done by hand in small tubs, and the mash, after proper mikture, is allowed to stand twenty-four hours before being placed in the fermenters. Strained spent beer is the fermenting agent used, and the ninety-six—hour plan observed in perfecting fermentation. The water used in mashing is obtained from a copious spring in the vicinity, issuing from the base of the lofty limestone hills. Copper vessels alone are used for cooking the beer, and separating and condensing the spirit vapor. On the. premises are three stone warehouses, having capacity for safe and well arranged storage of 8,000 barrels. The product of the J. S. Taylor distillery has become so favor- ably known as a whiskey of fine flavor, purity, and general excel— lence that it is needless to elaborate the details of its manufac- ture. It is strictly copper-distilled, strictly hand-made, strictly sour-mash, strictly first-class. ‘ J. EWIEERT TAYLUR DIETILLERY 8< WAREHUUEEE ELEN'E CREEK,WUUDFURU EUU‘NTY’, KENTUCKY. THE (J. l“. (J. DISTILLERY. O CASED GOODS. Appreciating the fact that‘there was a large class of persons who, while desiring a pure article of whiskey, could not utilize it "in the customary barreled shape, we have provided a complete establishment, directly under our supervision, for bottling our sev- eral brands of goods. The illustration on third page of cover faithfully represents our goods as they appear in genuine form of bottle and case. The bottles are filled from the contents of old packages that have been thoroughly tested as to fineness and flavor. They are then packed for shipment in neat wooden cases of one dozen each, the latter being neatly branded and fastened securely with patent wire seal. For family use, these goods are especially adapted, and the drug and retail trade will find them, in quality and attractiveness of 'shape, particularly suited to the popular demand. I Q THE 0. l“. C. le‘TlLLEKY. CERTIFICATES OF REVENUE OFFICIALS. (I) 0. F. C. DISTILLERY, FRANKFOR'I‘, KY., Feb. 6, 1886. Having been assigned as U. S. Storekeeper at the O. F. C. distillery of E. H. Taylor, Jr., Co., and being requested by the proprietors to state the daily process of mashing observed at said distillery, it is as follows: The meal, after being crushed in the corrugated roller mills, is scalded in small tubs with hot, strained slop or spent beer from previous mash. It is then thor- oughly stirred or mixed by hand, and allowed to stand on the floor in the small tubs till next day, when the rye and malt are added. The mass is then again well stirred by hand, and emptied into the fermenting tubs with an additional quantity of strained slop. After fermenting 72 hours, or until ripe, the beer is then distilled. H. DUVALL, U. S. Siare/aezyfier. (2) CARLISLE DIS'l‘ILLERY, FRANKFORT, KY., Feb. 6, 1886. I am the U. S. Storekeeper at present assigned to the Carlisle distillery of E. H. Taylor, Jr., C0. At the request of the proprietors I would state the process of mashing daily ob- served at said distillery as follows: The meal is first ground in roller mills, then scalded in tubs with hot, strained slop — the mash stirred by power. It is then allowed to stand one day, when the small grain—rye and malt—is added, and the mash broken up and put to fermentation in arge tubs with additional strained slop. The time of fermentation is 72 hours, after which the beer resulting is distilled. ll. FOUSHEE, U. S. Storekeeper. J. S. TAYLOR DIS'I‘ILIERY, Feb. 6, 1886. At the request of the proprietors, I state that the process of mashing daily observed at the J. S. Taylor distillery, to which I am now assigned, is as follows: The meal is scalded in small tubs with hot, strained slop of the day’s distillation. It is then thoroughly mixed by hand, after which it lays over one day. The rye and malt is then added, and after being well mixed by hand, the whole is then put in the fermenting tubs with a quantity of strained slop, and allowed to ferment 72 hours, when it is distilled as soon as ripe. ' i J. E. P. WOODSON, U.. S. Storekeeper. (4) D. W. Voyles, Revenue Agent in the Internal Revenue Department, whose duty it is to in- spect the condition of distilleries and bonded warehouses, on June 10 last reports thus officially. “As Revenue Agent under commission of the United States, I have to-day thoroughly inspected the distilleries and bonded and free warehouses, the property of E. H. Taylor, Jr., Co. I find them all in the most perfect and admirable condition. There is no respect in which it seems to me any betterment could be effected. D. W. VOYLES, Revenue Agent.” FRANKFORT, June IO, 1885. Fau~5imila [If Easad Bands. p \ANCE AND AP 120 ngxxEEERI ES ARE QOMPLETE AN é. % i 2 v: E 3 .g, 3; 2,. “x: \--~.:WMMW_V__‘ ‘anwwm..t