xt7q5717q94j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q5717q94j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1940-03-29  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 29, 1940 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 29, 1940 1940 1940-03-29 2020 true xt7q5717q94j section xt7q5717q94j I ginnges of the University Senate ~ March 11, 1940

Dean Boyd read to the S:nete the fa Llowiug statement from the Uni—


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1 'At a meeting O: -ne oouncll flared o, 13x0, it was decided to

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I suggest to the Senite that it annoint, or aitMIJri e to be anbointed,
e co ommittee to arTaLYG for son> form 0; exoressidn by the Univer"
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sity family of eno. sident McVey and his services here.




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g It was Stiggested furt11er t." committee be authorized to add

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to its members reoresentativ _ grouns of the University staff

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outside the faculty, and that the A.lumni Assoc tion 0.- fice .rs and
the Board of Trustee s be asks: to annoint membe:s of the committee,
and that the n03sibili 5v of including student renresents tives be


otsd that a committee be ennointed by Dean Boyd in accordance
recommendation. The following nerSOns were annointed:



REM Dean Sarah G. Blending, Ch airman
”W" Professor Leo M. Chamoerlein

FrofesSor George Roberts

Professor D. V. Terrell

1 Professor W, L. Roberts
I Professor h. E. Ligon
; Professor J. W. Martin

1 I )Secretarfj

March 29, 1940


« The Univeraity Senate met in special session in Room 111, McVey Hall on
Friday,kerch 29, 1340,at 4: 30 n m. In the absence of President McVey,
Dean Boyd presided.

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The Senate voted t oend the rule reouiring that recommendations from
cu 31 n

the Graduate Fa orar'r degrees be held over one month.

Dean Funkhouser then read tothe Se ate the recommendation from the Grade

uate Faculty which had been oreser te d to the Senate at its reg21.ar meet~
‘ ing on March 11.

; ”The Graduate Faculty recommends that Justice tenley Formen
I Feed be extended 2 second invitation to attend the University Com~
menc cement to receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. The

E granting of the degree to Justice Reed vas ennroved last year, by
the Senate and the University BOard of Trustees.

The Graduate Facultv also recommends that the degree of Doctor
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[he Univerflity Senate me










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the Curriculum Committee

March 1941 i as follows:

Eiucatlon ~ C. C. ;oss
Comme:ce - C. C. Carpenter 3
Law _ Amos H. Eble“
En~ineer1ng w BrinLlej Barnett
Agriculture ~ Statie Erikcon M
A3tt and Sciences: Wyn
Foreidn Languaves _ Hobart Ryland
Literat re, Philos-Dhy and the Arts — W. F. Jallawaf

r‘ "V
{in ‘u a

M 0 Fa. r1 an

». H; Weaver, Chairman

. Huntley Dunre ‘

The College of Arts

following changes in cour



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