xt7q5717qb8f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q5717qb8f/data/mets.xml United States Burt, N. C. (Nathaniel Clark), 1825-1874 1859 scores (documents for music) M2130 .P378 1859 English J.B. Lippincott Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox Collection Presbyterian Church -- Hymns Hymns, English -- United States A Pastor's Selection of Hymns and Tunes: for Worship in the Church and Family, 1859 text 1 close score (192 pages), 21 cm. Call Number: M2130 .P378 1859 Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C A Pastor's Selection of Hymns and Tunes: for Worship in the Church and Family, 1859 1859 1859 2023 true xt7q5717qb8f section xt7q5717qb8f . . vfficdamgéq r u U &V .3 \ . .<\\FFI\NH\¢(A\WI\ A hpf \. \( \ \WQ m K\\\nK N F K\ XX wQ9(\§(A\ géCMV \ f.\ \N\N\m\\(H\ NF\F\N\Kr\.K\K\KKF «\W\ \VA.\\/W\Q\ AKVmwAwNY .<. QX \ AQQEV \x I\\\f|\\.\\rl\\‘fl\ x a .3 Q . \r . \MW, ‘ \ x \ {Pkg .mvmm. $3in _ . \ 9N ; » \xn‘K. \l x \ . r\ \\\ T ‘x . \rflg‘ Md \ (rt \ \ PASTOR’S SELECTION OF HYMNS AND TUNES jar ammlgiy in the @311th; mm gfitmim. THE HYMNS IN THE BODY OF THE WORK BEING TAKEN FROM THE BOOK OF PSALMS AND HYMNS 01“ THE I‘RESBYTERIAN CHURCH; THOSE IN THE SUPPLEMENT, FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 1859. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, by J. B. LIPI’INCOTT & CO. ' in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. g i g a“ Z i 3 -~-.—— Wmm._.w~ "OMWI W .9 may“ - r “m...“ >-_4..—....——