xt7q833mx98p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q833mx98p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19380111 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 11, 1938 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 11, 1938 1938 2013 true xt7q833mx98p section xt7q833mx98p The ECentucecy Kernel FRIDAY EDITION SEMI-WEEKL- KERNEL Y VOLUME XXVIII LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY,) TUESDAY, JANUARY II, Wild cans rked By Rupps Meet Double Trouble; Bow To Detroit, 34-2After Defeat In Michigan State Tilt 6, Battle DETROIT, MICH, Jan. -Red" Hagan, who scored 14 points against Michigan State Saturday night, was again defeated last nirht by the I nj versity mt Detroit's fast passing aggregation, 34-in the Naval Armory. In all, the flashy Louisville forward' ammassed 16 points, making the only tfildrat field goals for the fin 32 minutes of the struggle. Detroit's fast passing aggregation opened up in the first minutes and. after Kentucky took a a to 0 lead, led all the way. Led by Kolibar, who constantly intercepted passes by Opper and Rouse, the Northerners presented an impregnable defense. In fact. Hagan was the Kentucky team last night, as he did practically all the scoring and was the defensive strongarm for the Rupps. At the half. Detroit held to a 20 to 12 advantage. Spurting in Ihe final period, the Detrolters Increased their lead rap idly as the end neared. Curtis and Thompson not only were unable to score, but were unable to receive the ball but few times. The entire Detroit team, regarded as underdog, played its most sparkling ball of the season. However. Captain Laske and Kolibar. a substitute, deserve praise for their herculean efforts. Eight points was the nearest the Rupptnen were able to approach the entire final cession. Coach Rupp used numerous substitutes in an endeavor to discover a successful offensive combination, but all to no avail. Tonight the 'Cats were clearly outclassed. 26. Kentucky '26. Hn .16. Cunu tl Thompson Opprr 2 Roukt 1' Drnhm . PO- .. 1 . . (2 - 2i 3 By L. T. IGLEHART Plana Kolibar .t c At men the who y itt - II Hugo Wolf Hugo Wolf .... .Hut? the invitation of the deans of and women of the University, managers of rooming houses have University students in their care will meet at 3 p. m. today in Memorial hall to consider the question of organizing a cooperative Housemother's club composed of all those who have University students as roomers. With approximately 1,000 students living in private rooming houses in the city, the University feels that such an organization would be of benefit to the landladies as well as the students, in as much as there are certain problems arising from time to time which could probably be easily solved with the cooperation of the University authorities. The service rendered by these women have this large group of students in their care, is necessary and vital to the successful continuation of the University. There are doubtless many ways in which they and the University authorities could cooperate to Improve this service. Every student living in a private rooming house Is" requested to notify his landlady of this meeting and scii-- Won" iegene Liebe BY V More... John Olden Carpenter Baby's Night Song. Gerald Williams The Witch's Song. Harold Davidson Georges Bizet Habanera from carmen j Edward Harris at the piano COMMITTEE No Dates Released For 193S-3- 9 School Year Dates for the 1938-'school year mere released yesterday in the University Calendar, official publication from the office of Dr. Leo Chamberlain, registrar. Registration will begin on Monday. September 12 and continue through September 14. with class work starting on Thursday, September 15. Holidays for the first semester will consist of Thanksgiving vacation, from November 24 to 28. and Christmas holidays lasting from December 17 to January 2. 39 vantage at the half, as they connected on numerous long shot sal- lies. Apparently, the rest period did the Ruppmen no good, as they failed to tally during the first four minutes of the final period. Curtis was lost to the 'Cat offensive in this sesssion on personals. With -- Red" Hagan rimming the hoop in fine fettle, the 'Cats at one time pulled to within four points of the Northern sharpshooters. Again, the attack was checked by an air tight Michigan defense. Pour thousand fans cheered the efforts of Hagan and Opper. The failure of Curtis and Thompson to (Continued on Page Pour Literary Honorary To Hold Pledging Chi Delta Phi. national honorary literary society for women, will hold pledging exercises for four girls at 7:15 o'clock. Tuesday evening, Jan- uary 13. at 119 Bassett Court. Those pledged will include Wilma Bush. Winchester; Harriet Estes. Macon. Georgia; Barbara Smith. Harlan; and Mary Grinter White, Cadiz. The organization, the purpose of which is to faster creative writing in college women, is sponsored by A hobby club for children and a Dr. S. B. Ewing of the English- - depuppet class, under the direction of partment. Oscar Patterson, University student Officers of the organization are and professional puppeteer, will be Kadell Dorn, president; Grace Sildiscussed by the Art club which verman, and Jane meets at 7:30 o'clock. Thursday Lewis, secretary. night, in Room 170. in the Training school. GRADUATE APPOINTED Mrs. Ruth Haines, teacher of ele- TO INSURANCE POST mentary education at the University school, is chairman of the Uni- Vernon D Rooks. Paducah. forversity Art Club and the P. T. A. mer student at the University, and art classes. The Art club was pre- - sports editor of the Kernel, has tented for the first time la-- fall been named commissioner of insurand is now busy with two projects ance of Kentucky by Gov. A B to be discussed. Chandler Patterson began his classes last Only 28 years old. Rooks is one Thursday. The club was organized of the youngest of Kentucky's ofin the art edu- - ficials. He began his services with to interest cation and the development of hob- the state five years ago as a clerk bies and to aid teachers of art. The and stenographer in the insurance only cost is the purchase of needed department. He became actuary 1936 and held that position until materials. P. T. A. art classes will take place his recent appointment. Rooks, who left the University at 7:30 o'clock every Tuesday during the month of January in Room in 1931. is a member of the Alpha 170 of tne Tiaiaimj bchv-'-L Tau Omega fraternity. UK Student Forms Puppet Class For Local Hobbyists ' j las-me- ing Houses Having UK Students To Attend Meeting The Day Is 43-3- st University Deans Invite AH Owners Of Private Room Association series. Miss Meisle's range and versatility will be well expressed in a group of songs taken from the works of leading masters of various EuroHer program will pean countries. include German. French, Italian, and English selections. The concert is restricted to holders of season memberships In the Mrs. I. D. Best, association. of the organization, announced that the fourth concert of the series will be given oy ine "Concertina'- on February 11. On February 25. John Charles Thomas, baritone, will conclude the series. Miss Meisle'6 program is as follows: I In quests tomba oscura. .Beethoven Foster I Dream of Jeanie Horn I've Been Roaming Ponchielli Aria: Voce di Donna 'from the Opera "La Gioconda") FuFsrcise ROOMING HOMES REPORTS MADE After triumphing in their first four contests. Coach Rupps defending Southeastern Conference title clutchers were submerged into the of defeat by sucking quagmire at Michigan Slate's Spartans. 8. East Lansing Saturday night. naMichigan State, one of the tion's top ranking fives, played its most sparkling ball of the season m downing Kentucky. Kentucky's failure to cash in on a fair percentage of its charity opportunities caused its not unexpected loss. In all. the 'Cats tossed away nine foul chances. Starting as they did against Pittsburgh, the Wildcats Jumped into an early six point lead with Ha can and Opper sparking the attack. The bparlans, nowever, stopped ine Lai cflensive and went into a 22-- 18 ad- HENRY CLAY HIGH 1938 J Meeting Consisted Of Series Of Four Drafted Reports Which Were Presented To University Senate Reports of the Committee to Discuss University Conditions were submitted to the University senate at their meeting at 4 p. m. Monday, January 10, in McVey halL it was announced by Dr. Leo Cham-berli- n. secretary. With Pres. Frank L. McVey, head of the senate presiding, the meeting consisted of a series of four reports. The committee, headed by Prof. Niel Plummer, was composed of 30 of the younger members of the faculty. Drafted and submitted to President McVey last summer, the reports have been mimeographed and presented to the senate for consideration. The four sections of the drafted statements were: faculty ethics and duties, a program for stimulating student and faculty research, a report on faculty University relations, and a statement concerning the sale of duplicate material to students. Initiation Held By Pi Mu Epsilon The Team Speaks; Am 1 Now? Bditoiul University's football team met yesterday and for the return of assistant coaches Porter Giant and loin Gorman, it provided the first bullet of enthusiasm shown by any organization since the two popular football leathers resigned. Now that some unrest is in evidence, The Kernel feels that speculation upon the gridiron sil nation is apropos. Within the last few weeks the University has lost two valuable members of the varsity coaching staff, and in view of the disastrous 1937 football season, no one should be surprised that there should be considerable speculation upon three questions: Why did these coaches leave the University? What was wrong with the team last year, if anything was wrong? W hat tan the Student Body and the Athletic Council do NOW to strengthen the University in the football wars of the future? The Kernel does not presume to offer itself as a seer n which, by a few mystical generalities or perchance a word, can solve an athletic problem presenting the many ramifications that are found when a losing team has floundered along its unhappy way. However, The Kernel can joint out that there is "talk" among the students and alumni, and that the Athletic Council, the duly responsible body should be cognizant of this, and that, in view of the fact that Athletic Director and Head Coach C A. Wynne is soon to present his outline of plans for the future to this bmly, the Council should endeavor to act more wisely and with more caution than it has ever done in the past. When, or if, the Council uncovers any facts which necessitate any changes in policy or personnel in the Athletic department. The Kernel feels that the facts should be given to the Student Cody, perhaps even at called meeting of the Athletic association in Memorial hall. The student body .would like to know just what is happening in its association, and if by chance it should be found that blame lies partly with the student body, then it certainly should be informed. This is no time for an inflamatory attitude toward our own problems. The times are too propitious for the achievement of a tremendous amount of good for the University and the Commonwealth which it represents. The challenge first must be faced by the Athletic Council in its charting of a future course, in its choice of replacement in the depleted coat hi ng siaff, and in its acceptance of a new attitude of with the student body. Until this Council has had opportunity to act, has chosen to accept the Student Body or exclude it from its confidence, The Kernel is willing to "watch and wait." After that, considering always the best interests of all concerned, it shall . thoose its course according to the contingencies. Squad Caucus Threatens En Masse Quit Unless Try Is Made To Reobtain Aids Stephan Hero Appears On Sixth Vespers Program Grid Programs Available At' Publicity Office By JAMES TREADWAY Stephan Souvenir copies of the football programs distributed at the five home games during the past season are available without cost to all students. They may obtain them at the publicity director's office in building the Administration while they last. Schools To Hold Enthusiasm "OUTSIDE PRESSURE-TABBE- D son-in-la- -- REASON Footballers' Action Is First Blast Taken At Post Season Situation Student Council Meeting Slated For Tuesday By GEORGE KERLER, Kernel Sports Editor Kentucky's football squad slashed into the uniquely muffled University A student Council meeting coaching situation yesterday when will be held at 4 p. m. Toes-daplayers met in McVey hail to proJanuary 11, in Dean T. test officially the mysterious resigT. Jones' office. All class ofnations of assistant mentors Porter ficers, officers of A. W. S- and Grant and Tom "Kitty" Gorman. the Pan Hellenic council will Threatening to pull a attend the conference. strike when spring practice is called. tne caucus climaxed when 70 var sity men signed the following reso lution : We. the undersigned football representatives of the State I ni versity (not the I'ni versity of Lexington.) hereby formally and vigorously protest to the Athletic department the resigof Amateur Playwrights Will nationsGrant assistant coaches Porter and Thomas GorHave Opportunity To Have man. Cognisant of the fact these two competent and that Their Manuscripts Produced respected men were gracefully On Stage ejected by alien pressure, the team, unless action be taken In an effort to sponsor creative toward reinstating coaches writing in the field of dramatics Grant and Gorman, will volunamong University tarily retire from the Universtudents, the sity's football program. Guignol theatre is offering amateur Led by Sherman Hinkebein. Wild playwrights an opportunity to have gridiron club congretheir original manuscripts produced cat center, the after lunch yesterday gated shortly on the stage at the next two labor- to pool their observations and in atory nights. formation concerning the departure Operating on the theory that of the two popular football profes sors. everyone at seme time or another Insisting that Grant play, were in no way blameabieand Gorman writes - at least me one-a- ct for the dis the Guignol has declared itself open astrous season the University's team one-ac- t recently endured. Blue gridders con dramas, the for original best two of which will be produced cluded that "outside pressure" forced on the laboratory nights following the two coaches to resign. The squad's action is the first bomb the next two Guignol productions. "The Spider," and "Idiot s Delight." to be pitched into the Athletic deThe lab plays will be under the partment's office since the dual resgeneral supervision of Lolo Robin- ignation occurred. Despite the admiration fostered for Messrs. Grant son. Any theme or plot may be used. and Gorman by the football aggre the chief requirement being origin- gation, no recalcitrant measures or ality. The Guignol will be glad to opinions had been offered, until yesassist or advise embryo authors in terday's blast of discontentment. Seventy players, including last any way concerning their manu scripts, but urges that they be sub years varsity and frosh squad, penned their signatures to the promitted as soon as possible. Manu scripts for the March 21 Laboratory test, copies of which were sent to night should be submitted by Feb President McVey. Dean Funkhouser, ruary 1. while those for the one and Head Coach C. A. Wynne. Commenting on the players' re following must be in by March 1. Laboratory night was established action. Coach Wynne said: 'For the team to meet in January, last year as an experiment, but as its value as a training school for when football seems distant, shows amateur actors was soon estab- that the bovs have something to lished, it has become an essential them. It's a fine display of spirit. I sympathy part of the Guignol program. It can understand gives students with the ability to act toward Tom and Porter." Mr. Wynne held little hope lor a chance to gain experience before the footlights, and develops them Grant's return, because the flar.k specialist seems enthusiastic about for future productions. his new position at Auburn. HowAll ever. Wynne stated. Gorman might For come back if given a salary boost. Hero, brilliant young violin virtuoso, was presented to a large and appreciative audience at the sixth vesper program of the current season Sunday afternoon in Memorial hall. He was accompanied t the piano by Marjorie Winslow Briags. Hero, the of the great Iturbi, displayed an exceptional tone quality which was not only lovely in texture, but was also of considerable power. His technical mastery and artistic phrasing were clearly evident, and the charm of his playing was obvious to the lay man as well as to the musician in the audience. First in the three part program came a masterful rendition ol To- maso Vitali's rhythmically delightful "Chaconne." which received enthusiastic and prolonged applause. After a brief intermission the vio linist presented three movements from Felix Mendelssohn's ever popular violin composition, "Concerto in E minor." They were: "Allegro molta appassionata." "Andante," and "Allegretto mon troppo Allegro molta vivace." The final group of selections be gan with "Praeludium and Allegro" by Kreisler-Pugnan- i. It was followed by two renditions of the exo"Mode Espagnole" by Percy tic and, although the Fullenwider. yoiithfui mupic'aa had publicly presented the number only once before. It was received quite enthusiastically. Hero became somewhat amused when the audience applauded the number for the second time, apparently without realizing 'that there had been a repetition. Next came the familiar "Caprice followed by 24" by Paganini-Aue- l, Ries' "La Capricciosa." which replaced the scheduled "La Ronde des by Bazzini. deemed too Approximately 100 Students Lutins" for the short program. lengthv Will Receive Degrees At its insistence, the unusually responsive audience was awarded On January 31 two encore numbers: "Malagueria" At Exercises by by Albeniz, and "Mazurka" Wieniawski. Approximately 100 students will Ernest McChesney. lyric tenor, will be presented at the next vesper receive degrees at the mid-ye- ar commencement to be held at 3 p. program, which will be given at 4 p. m. Sunday, January 16. m. Monday, January 31, in Memorial hall, it was announced yesterday by the registrar's office. Bachelor degrees will be awarded . . Adopted Resolution Sent To McVey, Funkhouser; Wynne Commends Players' "AS Young Violinist Is Enthusiastically Received At Recital In Memorial HaJl Brilliant Jones To Present Address Commencement At Mid-year 2$ Resignations Wiikn mt -, n AUTHORS GIVEN GL'IGNOL CHANGE BOOKLET ISSUED of to approximately three-fourt-hs the graduating class. There will be BY more than 20 advanced degrees givcommencement. en at the mid-ye- ar The commencement address will New Radio Guide Lists be given by Dr. Edgar DeWitt Jones, Air Programs Planned pastor of the First Christian church their RADIOSTUDIO of Detroit, Mich., who will speak i on "Proverbs." Dr. Henry Noble Sherwood, president "Teachers Retirement- Will deliver of Georgetown college, will the baccalaureate sermon at. Be Discussed At An4 p. m. Sunday, January 30, in Menual Meeting morial hall. Dr. Frank L. McVey will preside Teacher Retirement" will be the at the baccalaureate services, with subject of the fifth annual dis- Dr. Warner L. Hall, of the Maxwell cussion contest to be held as a part Street Presbyterian church, delivering the invocation, scripture reading of the speech program of the anand benediction. Organ music will nual high school week at the Uni- be furnished by Lela W. Cullis.' 9. versity April The Lexington alumni club of the Sponsored by the Kentucky Edu- University will be host to the gradcation Association, the contest will uates at a banquet Tuesday night. be open to pupils of Kentucky Jun- January 25. The Louisville alumni ior and senior high schools. Two will have charge of the program banquet. divisions will be held and three at the mid-ye- ar Mrs. Tom Ballantine is in charge prizes will be given in each division. There will be 16 districts held be- of the arrangements of the Louistween March 1 and March 26 and ville club, while Dr. E. Cronley the winners of the district con- Elliott heads the Lexington group tests will meet in the final state committee. Complete plans for the comcontest at the Universiy. Winners mencement exercises will be anof the final contest will speak before the general session of the nounced later, according to Dr. A. E. Bigge. head of the German deKEA, Thursday, April 14. The discussion contest offers not partment, who has charge of the only experience in public speaking arrangements. for pupils in high schools but also an opportunity to acquaint citizens PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB with problems that confront school TO PRESENT LECTURE Speech Contests - Initiation services of Pi Mu Epsilon. national honorary mathematical fraternity, were held for five students Thursday night at the Wellington Arms. A banquet followed the ceremonies. Students initiated were Mrs. Charlotte John, J. E. Davidson and Frank MeGee. all of Lexington; Eugene Louisville, and Comm. Glenn Clark, of Hickory. Mu Epsilon is organized to Pi further the science of mathematics authorities. by bringing together those who show superior ability in that field, and by keeping- them informed of TEACHERS TO HEAR the worft being done by .foremost ADDRESS BY DUNCAN mathematicians. Mrs. May K. Duncan, head of the MILES TO LEAD LECTIRES elementary education department, will speak to the teachers of the Dr. Robert Miles, pastor of the Harrodsburg elementary school on First Presbyterian Church in Lex- "Parental Cooperation in Teaching ington, will speak on the subject of Children to Read" at 2:30 p. m. "The Spiritual Aspects of Marriage'' Sunday, January 12, at Harrodsat the next meeting of the series burg. of marriage lectures arranged for On Friday. January 17, Mrs. Dununiversity women by a committee can will be the principal speaker at headed by Dean Sarah Blanding. a dinner meeting for Cynthiania Doctor Miles was formerly pastor teachers at the Harrison hotel at of the Presbyterian Church In Cynthiania. Her subject will be Lynchburg, Virginia. "Modern Trend in Education." - NEW SERIES NO. Grant-Gorm- an well-chose- Katryn Meisle, popular leading contralto with the Metropolitan Opera Association, will appear at 8:15 o'clock tonight at the H?nry Clay high school auditorium as the third attraction in the current Central Kentucky Community Concert Zur Ruh UK TO ORGANIZE Hugo Wolf Hugo Wolf give her an invitation to attend. Ich hab' in Penna Those not receiving personal notices III are urged to come of their own voliAlia: Mon coeur s'ouvre Saint-Saen- s tion. The meetings will be informa ta voix al, and the discussion will be open frcm "Samson et Dalila") to all. Intermission IV None But the Lonely Tschaikowsky Heart Snowfiakes Gretchaninoff Floods of Spring ... Rachmaninoff .c 2 Performance Will Take Place' At 8 O'Clock Tonight In Auditorium Of Henry Clay High School Vei Brucf 2i O Donneil Clugfifch Meisle To Be Presented On Community Concert Series Ninunciratte Llobe 3' il' .6' LatKe i7i Cutlihan it' Hayes Bucholc . Jocko eki walker Goodman .. 8 O'CLOCK TONIGHT UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Z246 Jo Hawaii Tallies 16 Points As Wildcats Trail Through Major Tart Of CONCERT In an attempt to stimulate inter est in photography on the campus. the Photographic Club, in conjun ction with the student group of the American Chemical society, will present a lecture on "Color Photo graphy," "by Dr. Wayne H. Keller. of the department of chemistry, at 7:30 o'clock. Thursday night. Janu- ary 13, in the lecture room of Kas-U- e hall. Dr. Keller will give a complete survey of the development of color processes with in photography, of apslides and demonstrations paratus, materials, and processes. Both early and current motion picture techniques will be described. Six Months Period By UKy Studios Listing every regular feature to be heard from the University studios during the first six months of 1938. a new radio booklet, published by the University, is Just off the press and is ready for distribution. Among the programs planned for the six month period are a course of twenty French lessons, eleven dramatizations of famous bits of literature, eight sport talks for women, and a series of thirty-minut- e programs during the summer dedicated to the mountain people of Kentucky. Selections Made For Rifle Squad Coeds On Team; Match Will Be Held In February Kampus Kernels Twenty-Fou- r Final selection for the Women's Athletic Association's rifle team was made this week. The team is now members. composed of twenty-fou- r A match will be held the week of February 26th. Coeds who made the team are Margaret Able. Lois Campbell. Adda Beth Clabaugh. Glen Coombs, Nathalie Dye. Mildred Gravette. Nancy Harrison. Ruth Harrison. Billie Hiestand. Martha Hill, Katherine Stations that will carry the regu- Jones, Anne Otter. Runelle lar features are WHAS, Louisville; Anne Victoria Phillips. Liland WLAP. Lexington. Besides lian Piper, Helen Reichenbach, these two stations, WCMI. Ashland: Opal Lee Roberts, Frances Schreck. WPAD. Paducah: and WOMI, Betty Sowards, Sue D. Sparks, and Owensboro. will carry many of the Eleanor Wolfe. programs by the rebroadcast methCoaches of the rifle team are od. Forrest James and Tom Perry senIn addition to many miscellane- iors in the advanced Military corp. ous programs, nineteen series of educational and informative talks are scheduled. Eleven musical series are listed. One of these, a composers series, will Kentucky consist of five periods during which compositions of Kentuckians will be Discussion of "World Communfeatured. Compositions to be in- ity." by Dean Sarah Blanding. cluded on this program must be scheduled for the regular weekly sent in so as to reach the studios by meeting of the World Fellowship April 1. group of the Y. W. C. A. at 3 p. in.. John Jacob Niles. nationally Monday, in the Woman's building, known collector and interpreter of was postponed until a later date. southern Appalachian ballads and Elizabeth Cowan, secretary of the folklore, will attain present his Y. W. C. A., Mary Jane Roby. "Salute to the Hills" programs for head of the and Fellowship group, World thirty minutes each week starting spoke on programs and features of in June. Rehearsals of mountain ballads, and the narrating of native the National Assembly of Univerfolklore will comprise portions of sity Associations of the Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A., which they athis program. Miscellaneous features of the new tended over the Christmas holidays. Others attending from the Y. W. radio booklet include a tuning schedule for schools, a memoran- C. A. were Mary Elizabeth Koppius, Anne Lang, Janet Fergus, Ruth dum page to list times of important programs, and a list of the current Peak. Anna Jane McChesney. and Rae Lewu. U. K. mountain listening centers. -- Pal-mor- e, Koby And Cowan Address "Y" Group Delta Sigma Chi. men's Journalism fraternity. wiU hold a meeting at I e'rlock, Tuesday night, at the home of E. G. Sutler on X!l Aylrs-forPlace. It is important that all members be presenL Pledging will be held at the meeting. d The Bacteriological meet at January society will 7:30 o'clock. Tuesday night, 11. in Kastie hail. Mem- bers who attended the convention of the Society of American Bacteriologists, held in Washington durui the holidays, will report ou papers read at that meeting There will be no meeting of the Senior Forum until after examinations. All students interested ui entering intercollegiate debating or oratory are requested to see Prof. W. R. Sutherland at his office in hall, from 1 to 3 p. m. on Tuesdays or Thursdays. Mc-Va- y Phi Alpha Theta will hold iu regular business meeting at 4 p. m.. Tuesday in the Women s building. PROFESSOR ATTENDS MEETING Profs. J. B. Miner and G. B. Dun-mi- ck of the psychology department. and Dr. S. D. Vestermark and Misa Marguerite Grimmer of the Lexington office of the U. S. Field Studies in Mental Hygiene attended the annual meeting of the Kentucky Psychiatric Association held ia Louisville Saturday, January 8. * THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Tage Two THE KENTUCKY KERNEL HMHTIS OPTTHTAL TBS CHTVaHWTT rA uttrr nW tha tnMH m tba riaaa ireii of A . I'7- - Wk Lex1ttoa Board of OimafrM rratntty IntcrtaUeclatc pfMgMinaB MA Anoclattoa Pre HationalAdvertisingService.lnc. 420 Maoon . CHrM atMtna t MM fMMTItC Ro J. CHrrri xtf Ravmonh T. Latiirfm Managing Editor D. Pknn Business Manager Liir.AR Edilor-i- ADVERTISING Pftf Smith Chief n Advertising Manager JOHN H. MORGAN Jmim DnoW Circulation NFYIIXE TATTJM Manager CLIFF SHAW ANDREW ECKDAHL Associate News Editors was just n iv eyes." What "W e were doing on the corner of Limestone and Main at two o'clock Saturday morning is of 1 ui import. The significant thing is that we heard the police telephone ringing furiously. We stood there until a policeman came galloping up and' of.vned the box. He listened for a few Sports Editor GEORGE H. KERLER oorr Fd MnenWer Mtrvin Out Alice Wood Bade? HPOHT8 Tom Wotvina Imn Rantia EDITORS WRITERS Mr nttwa Joe Creanin Lonli Finkin 0' J. B. ruleoner toula Harnea n of llic tradi tional altitudes assumed at man y l.irgc universities is Faculty tliat a prfesvi' ought his jcrvmal interprenot to interject rmith of discussion. tation into a lecture or a class-rooNo Ik lid could lie more fallacious or more to the immediate purpose of education. Wlieii a few professors, however, do at tempt to minimize this attitude in the endeavor to in-- t orpin their work in relaiion to sictiru- modern economics, problems, principally political and they are branded and classified as dangerous and undesirable. None of us who is at all interested in the problem of improving education can ever . the ridiculous and insipid charges made vcar and this year against some of our belter last know professors we do acLest we seem to be knowledge that some faculty members give the students the benefit of their opinions; but there is room for so much more. We do not advocate one particular doctrine or another, but we do advocate that the students take tip some beliefs and convictions which they would Ik willing to defend in an intellectual combat. To assist the students, we rvhoit the piofessois to enter the lists. To those who may think that the students mav succumb 10 a pernicious doctrine, in one held or another, we have only this to say. The put pose of education in the first place is to provide students with the meat and method by which they may live better lives. To exclude atbitratily the opinion of an authority is the mask of intellectual starvation. ...An increasingly large number of Miidents are admitting that it is a waste of time to attend lie stock lectures which only rcxat what can le found in textbooks. More and more students want tlie objective facts correlated with problems of current interest. The classroom is patently the proper place fopsuch correlation. The piolessors arc just as patently the jxrvons to direci that correlation. The Cornell Daily Sun. d I01-3H- 1 tit earth is degen The erating in these latter days. There are Ostrich signs that the world is Tactics sK.di!y coming to an e nd. Ri iliery and corruption abound. The children no longer oley their parents. Every man wants to write a book, and it is evident that the cud of the world is speedily approaching." President Frederick C. Perry of Hamilton College, expressing distrust of "gloomsters who view the world with alarm," has cited these writings taken Irom an Assyrian tablet dated 2S00 b. c. as pioot that political prophecy for a dismal future has always been prevalent. In this wav Dr. Pern' implies that there is no leason to lie concerned with contemporary conditions. Although war is imminent, although new concepts of the state are being formulated, although tlie old social evils still exist, his argument would seem to be that these conditions have alwavs been; consequently, why should we y to solve them? The attitude of passive acceptance of things as they are, backed by the reasoning expressed by the Indian in Maxwell Anderson's "High Tor" that "Men's monuments make good ruins." has become evident on both courtho