/ cv;/1 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER 3-4-83 No. 401 March 6-12 Women's History Week March 8 Continuing Series on Third World Development March 9 lecture on Private Presses March ll The Gallery Series Program March l4,l5,l6 Training at UK 17,18,21 March 18 Deadline for Ordering Acadanic Hoods Narch 18 Prichard Lecture PLEASE NOTE: The next Green Bean will be issued on Friday, March 18th. Any items submitted for this Green Bean must be in the Di.rector's Office no later than lO a.m. on Tuesday, March 15th. Euergency items can be submitted to the editor by phone after the deadline. M Contributors: Jim Birchfield, Karl Boewe, Faith Harders, Cathy Hunt, V Barb Lucas, Liz Pogue, Paul Willis, and Gerry Webb (Editor)