xt7q833n070d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q833n070d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19140319 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 25, March 19, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 25, March 19, 1914 1914 2015 true xt7q833n070d section xt7q833n070d  
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tw. w»•»....¤ nw ll wm. \ ly T_wf_‘;’S'°:;f· m _ .
. —John Ruekln. WH"  M M your dl", W
l . ;-,__ __.._;_____;
University of Kentucky le
I l
R é VOL. VI. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, MARCH 19, 1914. No. 25.  
Q —-————————— —————-—   -——-— -.»»—»»—~ ****1 A
**1 Captain TIg•rt’q Mm R•port•d to be The Mon 8uc¢•••1uI Benson In th• _
9 Al P|¢k•d by Our Coach Would Hav• in d",,|n· cdndmdm Hm", M th. UM ch"""‘°'T' °' A" T“”" UM" V" Four l••t 8p••k•r• 8p•nd W••k In
All Play". com- From QM "rmy. ••*¥ •¤¤ H¤V¤ • °¤°d ln••r••¢ of Modern Religion.
_.._d gm, ·|·,,,,,_ wrsnzsr csunns on ncuuv *°°°"’· IMPORTANQNGS UNLV
g _;____ -————- ONLY TWO GAMES DROPPLD "' 
I OTHER M. On the 6th of March our faculty took HAVE TAKEN UP THE MIT. A t d t T· I d
= TEA ARE MENTIONED Rlchmond’s teachers across to the mel- The basket ball season just ended ——— H i : u fun cmypatsu 1;; smcnom mr
. 0 , m e " r "
dd ody of 47 to 13. Thls score wlll be has been one ot the most successful ln but Thursday °'"'°m°°n uw Fresh mieun Q; wu hold Int week I: ig
1 (BY Mlm! B*'“m¤€°) reconsidered here next Saturday nlght. the hlstory of the game at the State men basket bm mam °¤d°d me muon Umverjié tr im Thunda mm:
lhave been asked to plck an All- Dr. Tlgert announces Rhodes, Schmlt· Unlverslty. Sixteen games were with °' hmdwme victory °v°r the in dy' di S8 d af:
Kentucky Intercollegiate Basket Ball ter and Spears as guards and Rasmus- scheduled, Mteen played and thirteen Br°°dW°y (“hmu°n church t°°m' Tsregzf UT. br! tu; yi themoom
Team. I do not feel at all competent een, Downing and Spahr as the tor- won. The last game ot the season, The tum he Mm t°8°"h°r °x°°°dm8` tr in audit $8*; CBA :0; (::1;
• for I haven't seen all the teams in wards, while he hopes to hold Keith which was scheduled with the strong ly wm during um s°“°u and have h;_e for four dg sl Qld °tw° of me
K¢¤t¤ckY Dlly. I am Very Bhd. how- at center. The Richmond forwards Muskingum College team was not siwn some 8°°d °xmbm°ns °! bunt Mmmm and mrriioiiu leader. of the
ever, to pick a team from the material will be Bernard, captain of team and played on account of their {allure to M"' out or tha su games plum only Y W C A d tod { r
. ..... n eetln
Isaw. Athletic Director of the E. K. T. and arrive at the time the game was thru www “°n' but this is no du the women co uc m gs 0
However, [ wjgh R uudgrggogd gm; Prof. Wooten, Center Keith and Hes- scheduled. The Wildcats played in cmdn t° um "°°m' The games mn Coopemémg with the student lad
the mgtgrigl gn [hg [ggm I pick is not klns and the guards will be Pullen hard luck in all games after the third w°r°° by mmm dm°r°n°° Md 8:°r°·’ ers in Seeing the campaign through
d J h _ W t t tch k 1 J I t th t whlle the games won showe etter
chosen from all the teams or me state an o nson U e wan 0 we wee n anuary ye e enm was playing than is usually sun by cl", was a faculty committee, comming
but only gglgctgd from me mage;-my of Bernard and remember the Rich- able to pull htrough with a complete of President Barker Pm! E L Gnu.
g few of the beg; {_ggmg_ jg might bg mond" ot three years ago.The students string of vlctorles after that date. The t°°m°‘ The uma pmyad w°r°' Tha Rev S P Hawes lard `J `J `Tison;
that   [gum could |]()t be c§1lBd lll should Nike   game   8*0rm and Brut hard luck was the loss of Tom t“'0 games   Lexington   were 'wajgf Q W Gullfgu iudég.  
ls some material I have not seen that University has some men in its faculty promised to break all previous records mmm °°°r°°’ uw mst 2° w 26' um Able work was also done bs; L. M Tar;
( merit; c0¤.m°¤,u0¤_ lhgvg gggn {hg ranks as well as among the students. ln polnt getting. Next Preston was °°°°°d 20 t° 15‘ TM Cynmuna tum rm State College Secretary fm_°K°¤.
following gum. plgyg gum Univer. The reputatlon ot our classroom heads ruled out of the game by the faculty w°° by uw °°°r° °‘ 20 °° 18 °° umir '
home dom. The Freshmen trimmed tucky, in assisting the local olllcers.
  gigy, Cgntrgl, Trgugylvgnjg, and the depends to a measure on this engage athletlc committee on a mere technl- ‘ Dr W D Weatherford Inmmauonu
2 ’ Univgrgity of L°u]gy|]]g_ gm other ment.There will be two referees, Klng callty. Then Carl Zertoss, who had me S°ph° °° um °°°° °t 20 t° 9‘ V"` ` ` ` '
games Y M C A_ lost td them 37 td Secretary tor the South, was the lead-
team, Georgetown, which had a very Bild Bowman. If th0¤6 two prove in- been filling one of the positions no ‘ ‘ ‘ in B wher for the mem H8 ave uw
E good season, I have not seen in action. Mwqlllte, others Will be recruited from nicely, was compelled to leave the 19· In m° lu" g°m° uw Fmlmm pai": addresses   P Ninn LH A
1 U 8 . ·
No dgubg gm; gum by mon who the hustlngs. game on account of sickness. Still Mn °h° Br°°dw°'y chunk tum by um nmcmce of smh HTM Social signi:
; should be considered tor this mythical —•·•·•-———- the team continued to tlnlsh ln front *‘°°"° °f 35 °° 15· { Si H   H M _
F qulntette, The following college     and were not headed at any time. The "°°'“p in tm gum Thursdw :;:3;;) NT2; S'I:;;0wC00;gi Gm:
teams 1 ma not see play: se Marys, Perhsw no other mm r¤vre¤¤¤¤¤s “’“‘ Q .. ..
P    Schwantz and Hopkins ............. F Rock- and The Llberw Of Lim-
Bethel, Cumberland College nnd Ken-     W  the Unlverslty met adversity tor as C The wml aggregate of students hc"-
mcky welloyuh Not an of than comment playin; Sandlin ...........................
  i th dd 1,020, ki
teams mnsued well but that is not Some of the best teams in the South G““‘b°" *"’ Cl“"k· P°°‘k* mus ‘‘‘‘‘‘ G ng em a rum wu ma ng
· Gr•=• ¤¤¤¤r¢¤¤l¢y F¤r ¤¤•¤•¤• Y¤¤••¤ h d i di d us 0, 8 wm, an average attendance or 204.
saying they dld not have material that Men to Get Mama'., Im Wwe defolted. Only twice were the T are are g°° ° ca ° W LO i H 1 i t N U M
ning base ball team to represent the · SS “ se ° mqu S- · “ °¤
should be considered in a selection or mucdon M camp. Wildcats beaten. Once by the strong S Y W C A
Q this kind • University ot Virginia team and again °l”·” °f 1917 this Spring Ah`°°dy Ocmmry of the ` ` ` " assisted
' ·——·—— bMl F Sith,fSt.Ll,
Centra, University had only one mu Foun cAMPs. by me cadets at v. M. 1. It is doubt- Pm °' R S°h°d“*° MS °°°“ °"“"g°d y ss mms m ° °° S
.h l d th dl ——————— ful it either ot these teams could have by P"°f· Weaver and Pr°8‘ Clark led the meetings for the gu"` AS
xl dl p aye mrc: an can or naliy The Students. Military Institution won Over me Sum, on 8, mum`] court- Cymmana High wm be played at Gym these meetings occurred downtown in
"°° g*""°‘ S w" ° °m“"* w_ ° Camp wmen was new mst summer at The Virginia umm wu one of me bm [ma¤a,Aprs124,anu at Lexington, May "‘° W°'“°“`“ C‘“*’ “·“d "’ °°“j““°“°“
vlavéd ¢*>¤¢¢r- C¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤ ¤ Ms- , , . 4 . with other groups from Hamilton.
Gettysburg. Pennsylvania was u played this www Thev M I team 1.,, The class games will be played
strong fellow with a good eye for the · · · · _ Sa I. hd I. sid in Lexi
marked success, all the men who at- was only nm, Had that tum been near the last ot Aprnl. A game has Y °· and 8 ° mts °gt°°•
g°“l· and “°°m°d t° ““d°"““*nd me no detlnlte record was kept of the at-
tended ¤8|'€€m€ that UIQY had ¤6V9¥' l dd t th tim th th also been arranged with Lexington
¤¤m¤w¤¤ ¤¤¢w¤¤ v¢rv¤¤<>w- H6 WM "“’ “ ““’ ° °' ° ‘"‘ °“ ° rename ot the stm uulvmny uns
had a better time during the summer and Ot B long hud trip the result High but no dam has ye; been set, 8 ·
wo many covamd to be considiwdsog as so llttle cost. Not only was the lite would have balm diuerenti -. _.._i I P k with the exception that lt was
raster company. Transylvana a one of enjoyment and pleasure. but it All games played with S I A A tion in cane or subst tut on. ar s nodded that our students strongly pm,
only one man, who, ln my judgment, _ · · · · played great ball when ever called ddmdmdted in numbers at an meet,
gave the men an intensely lnterestlng teams were won No other S I A A _
· was worthy of special mention. That insight mm and expeneuce of y [ h d h d t;u·   upon. Lnpt. Tuttle proved a great ings-
was the midget guard, Barbee. It this Gam “ ““° “ "°c°" B leader for the team as well as one ot . · I
1 Max laxner, M. D., nternatlonal Sex
S°rvi°° °°°du °n°‘ Th° practical season It looks ulte likel that the
man had been of medium size he would value of the information received the ' q y the best pl°y°r° in the South and °l` Education Secretary of the Y. M. C. A.,
be the fastest man ln the game ln the Y H i, _ Wildcats h"° uw mm °“ **11 uw ways had his men well organized and gave {dm. dt the clearest and most
°“°“Siv° dd °°v°r°d’ and uw mw other teams of the Association Cer- ·
State today. Rnoten and Barnett, on eating way in which thc men were · ngnung hard tor the school and stu- helpful addresses dvd,. heard dd this
the Georgetown College ww are rs- mgm mmm be mo Strongly emphw ""“" "° ‘°“'“ °““ °“"“ "‘° °"““‘*"°“‘ dents. me in Lenugwu. no two audiences
ported to ge good men. l did not see sized Shiv O""` uf Stam and “°“° has as All of the members of this Ye&r¤’ in has University heard him dd pri,
HIGH} [HEY Urlid h8l1CB CBHHOY. COIIl|)8.lB An idea of the camp can be gained strong B cla lll to U18 Ch$IDp[0l1Bhip, [Gam are duo to return to school next da) and Sunday afternoon. with the
their work with me work or me other from the fonowmg survey which ex °l“"8(;w° 2*‘;’°ti°“'°"“S°f'°:;“ :°'° year except Prestomwhc wl11s¤¤d¤¤¢¤ S..;,jwS; wh., young Muna sex
men' The University of Louisville nlalns ln full detail the cost, daily mo, payu an 0 were G °° y ° lu June. An ellort will be made to |,mbl6m’.. and ..881 and me Religious
had three good men, Rodgers, Baker and benefits to be derived. ““T°· “°°"°· take on more ot the S. I. A. A. teams Lm._·· 300 mw heard him dd Friday
and Caldwell. Those three men WGPB On July 31, me men len Gettysburg rhehmen fa') Bd imost consistent next Y6&1'· EV9!'Yb0dY WU"-! an °l* and 70 on Sunday. Hes poke also at
• the strength or the Louisville team. and Spam me remaining time on a ""`°“:;“;h‘ ° °“:  t“°“i’“· O"': prmunny to measum strength with the me High School on pdday to 200 boys
n me
Rodgers was an excellent forward and hike to ML Gretna. ut 8 distance of 65 gaieand that wasuinthgz cli: KW; best in md gddtd Andthdr winning on the Subject, ,,Natm_°,s way of Minh
lead his mam in scomm miles. The journey was made in 7 Th H h od; ' 'gam ' team ls expected next year. mg 3 Many 100 Transylvania med
All the material for my All-Kentucky days. the mon moving and acting as d nllillenjssftggz gt :13; 0 m;°2`::(:l;;°; A partial summary ot the results of heard him dd Saturday mdmmg
team I would select from the squad at . Nils 8°¤·8°¤ il U t°u°w'* One of the most interesting speak-
regular army on the march. Each man
th sv { u weren 1 do not use- °°'“""“°" '° my °“‘ °‘ “‘° “"“‘°· ’°‘ Games ¤¤·v¤¤—¤¤¤¤¤- -r— W- S n n ¤~·dw¤¤n rmmuomln
8 *’·“ “ Y· carrled llght packs besides his rille, * * ·* · · 4 ·
ix the changes dld not allsct the playing Games w0n_thm°°¤ lou wd _ S M
tate to say that the best s men at but had umd Uddbld in making me _ · Sol-lal Servlce ecretary of the Y. .
or the men. {avery man showed a re- Fi S I A A W udddkm _
the University should be considered udp as they mdk it in Guy staged dd k bl um hi h t h V6 · · · · 8$m°¤ °¤· · ( . A. He made seven addresses ln all
for the head of the llst. l say thls be- gagmg in sham www with the NSW mar R e wma y W ° ° mum ` Two Ohio Conference won, none lost. and reached d wml df 555 dinarout
ens the claim that the team was com- __ -·
cause ot the consistent wlnnlng of the Iars dt {mdudm mtdrydls_ The med d [ H I K I Z Points ¤°°"€d *0** people speaking on a dlllerent subject
SUNG U¤lV¤¤‘¤i¢Y ¢6¤¤¤· 6V6¤ in ¤l>i¢¤ glgpt gu shelter gems on me ground gy $088 I Gxgergm pl:_;9:s` as M"` 0l’l’°"°“*“ ”°°"‘·’d`256· to each of his seven audiences. These
ot adversity and the resultlng changes on hay ymcurdd from soma neighbor °T’|“(:nm ihaugéorins °l}m:;° zz" Average polnts per ga1ne—31. included the students id the tdudw,
made ln the line-up of the team. The hddd (armed ga g' m l UDDUUGUYB voints D9? 8¤¤¤¢>···i9· my depamuengn; Edur-anon, Lgw,
shlltlng ot the players from one posi- Mt I [ t M, G [ th showed umm), to score in every num ———-———•-•-+-1-— Science and Agriculture. ln addition
U C mar ul tended wt em hl} Gr an V ng a ' re M ° mm Scott, Capt. Tuttle and Gumbert were Resutlng trom the action of Chlca- to address"] 250 Trung www sm
on 0 mo 0 y D pm ul me regular pyramid mms in great guards. James Parka and go‘s Student Council, athletes will be 8 y
· (Continued on Pan Six) (Continued on pq, gu) Schrader were good men to dll a posi- barred from all class ollices. (Continued on Page Slx)

 1* 11 E 1 n E A ‘
Mm H OR HEUM HEA R "‘¥"l‘““‘°" J"° ·
ME AT Lhildren oc t
FlR8T·CLA|I IN EVERY APPOINTMENT. J. H. STAMPIR, Jr., Owner and Managor. , OPEN 10 A. M. TO 11 P. M. 1 1
 ?£iTT—Y_`——:L—-——————— ··—~ 1   -~ - .- --ww-i
KEITH VAUDEV|LLE—IEN ALI. PATT. HALL. REPUBLICAN CLUB ORGANIZED sity of Kvntuvky rvsldlmz hi Nashville • 1
».._.... “ - 1 - —q I- t m A »—--»-—(` W H ki mot and fornwd the- State University 1
lloglnning with the matinee todo) Bliss l HFr.\l•l‘l¢‘ · ( l\\P¢l'N IB at t the institute of . , ns ns, muh 01. Nushtvllltlt Tha 1_U"0“_1"g of-
Keith \'nur1evillr· will be the attraction he-r home in Frankfort. \\'. \\’. Chambers, M. U. \\'heeler, U. M. "(_m_R “_m_‘_ ‘_1N_H_d: Mr- John M Fm.
• ht gpo non All for the rest or the week, Miss Mary Mayes was the R\lPl·¤t of Edwards ond l‘harl<·s (Z Wilson. u wrt 1,N_S1(1m1_ Mr. 1tmg(_m_ mmhmd
    with (hilly matinee, The bill solw-teal \lls~ Iwl llollerfs for the Sophomore meeting of all Republicans in the- l'nl-_\.1'_'_ t,rM1dpm; John Jt Tlgprtt SWNL `
` t mr mtg wppk lg (mp of mp bpm mm dance. versity was cnllod for 7:30 o`clock Fri- 1m_\__.1.r1_mt""_r' ,1.1"_ U1)1N_tV U1, tho
Thursday, llrlday could ho procured. and is sure to Nlrs ll. ll. Nl<‘(`ll•‘r<|Nll¥lU‘(l to |l¥`4‘|Hll`4‘ it l‘0llS\l- Htlill‘t‘Ss to the I\h»trion grmltmting
ERNIE AND ERNIE _ (-pong}; is known to assure the pulillc Miss Kntlluryrw Parra. of Midway. tntion to bc submitted at thc nt-xt class. On the- following 'rnpgduy hr-
Th° M°n°p°d° and German GW" or rt mm treat, Ernie and Ernie, the was the guest of her sister, Miss llvlly mw-ting. which is to bo hcld March will also give- the- (-Inga udrlregg at
CARTNELL AND HARRIS, monop•·d•~ and German glrl, are u l"l\¥`l`il. Slllldlly. 1lllill.ilt 7130 p. m. commencement, ’
Stngtng and Dancing Dum whole show in themselves; ('ortmolt Saturday we all stood on the front 'I`he purpose of the organization is
. tm.] }{;1ppig, ginging and dam-ipg_ pro- steps, posing for our picturc.-»-ilnet that of n political club, to study thc
_ SAM cURTlS AND CO- gpm gm11gq|,mg new; Sam (iurqig {md more Item that goes tot make the history of the party, the lives of its D E N U I S  
“G¤0U BY¢» B°¥••" i M*"“*' EPl*°d°· 4·.,m1,;my_j11n piaritgl ppigqrity pn. Annual worth while. illustrious Icaders, and the political
HAypgN_ 3EN1·0N AND Havpgu, titl•·<1 "d Bye. Uoys." have an dc- WHS Dorothy Chambers, of Paris. question that are before the people to- nn. J. T,  
Antntc Oddtttel liomrnl mmeqy sketch; Haydon, Ilur- WHS an honored guest at the Hall Sat- day. These men do not believe that   Cheapsidc 1
ron ami lmyoon, ln artistic oddities. urday. the R<=publl<·un party has`¤utliv<=d its HOMSSA M MBP M PHONE wt X I
THREE OTHER ACTS TO BE AN- Hm] tprpp Otherg to be ammunped Miss Alla Turner ls at present our usefulness, to the contrary, they be- ` ` ' ' ` l
NOUNCED. sound out 3 mg}; glass entertainment, principal invalid. lleve that lt will come back a winner ‘ l
"\\'lthln the Law" is booked for an "Movlng Day" is over and all those ln |t•l•i. The "Mugwamps" are al- DOLLAR SAFEIY RAZORS· I
early ;tpppm·am·g_ who were compelled to oin the ranks ready coming back into the fold by the Ender, Keen Cutter, l
Prl_¢i••—l*;?ht coda Q/lgtrtneeéb :3:/{st`   of the movers, have gotten settled thousands. These fellows believe that and Ever Ready I
gczgrkd Baf§;`n;’10·c;n[:' ’ ' THE PHILO O H ' f‘0mf0l`lHblY in illPll‘ DPW homes. when the people come to compare the JUST WHAT YOU NEED_  
’ l
" _ e Miss Marlam Ginn spent the week wishy-washy diplomacy of the school-· l
· Tl Pl llo.o li n Literary Society l
400 GOOD SEATS ALwAY;AT wc` Wm fold iw ieglilgr meeting Tuesdav vnd with her mother and sister at the master and his tin-horn secretary oil   &   ·
L V H Hall. State with the solid administration ` '
T•l•¤¤¤¤• 638 Merril 17, 1914. DRUGGISTS l
· ` Thttp mgmm for this week is R Misses Holmquist, Smith and Brown that preceded them and that when the MMN STREET AND BROADWAY 1
· ‘ ‘ . ‘ ¤ 5 i f De { ti C -  
      llwadliltert and 8 splendid attendance who xx ere here all last week engaged exper ments o the mocra c op
° it oxpected in Y. \\'. (‘. A. work, left early this gress begin to pinch the people that           3
      l q0c1a1lqt_;_t_1(_€_Dr Tuthm week to continue their work ln other they will cry out "Oh Lord, how long? g p _ y  
’ ’ ° Vocal Solo Miss bormne ·N0e1 fields. Deliver us from this Babylon. Let us Miisizzlggcizid of
‘*L . I · '
' °   ' lk I l th ' l f C -
P'P°s Rcpmred° "Llf'? of Thomas M°°"€·" uS€l€c` BROKE, BROKE, BROKB :;,11 Bfzgggzeati Ssl1rlldn>pl;:t‘;’SH(;>ld€tt°    
Lgxiugrgu, . . Kgqwuexv tions from Thomas M<>ore's P0etry,"—— ‘ L ‘ 36 W EXCLUSIVELY. • •
Frances Geisel. Broke, b1‘0k6, broke, __" 1 E8" MAIN STREET _
1 ..—;-•.•+—»-— Of · h rd-e rned b n s, Oh, gee! l I
C t o I •'veI to students I ` ' ` -—-
.,1: }';c:Q‘;°,; 8,:,, 1,,,1,,,,,ty vounc. vlnomm nmmans 1-,,., thoughts that ms., in mg TABLETS and FINE l
__ At a recent meeting of the Kentucky   1
A B.   _ State University Alumni Association .
• ln every schoolhouse in Prince Ld- 01;, well for the two-dollar shows, t_ mi uc ubj tt of the visit to      
_ _ _ o tcago 1 s e·
com s' UMESTONE AND COLFAX \\‘Hl`d (OUHU'. WL. 8 Dl808¥'d ¢0¤i8l¤l¤1B And the {lowers and candy each day; _ _
_ _ Chicago ot the Senior Engineering ee  
  u (.m...d my the American country bv! Oh. well for the llaumlng tl"’"gl‘t (-1,,% Wag (lm-ugged and the members l
  and dedicated to the l%0)'S` COYH Club That intrudes, "l)00S lll¢·* \\`ll0l•¥ U i h · l     c0|
’ . ,. . . _ _ __ _, of the Association expressed their
wo oro stm Prooolng 4 Suits for $1.20 (ll \"¤‘“’*‘· hee b°€“ pobwd- ll madh llllng Day? gmtttttmton that they wm be present WM. E. STAGG, Sueeeooor. `
·**· ‘°"°"““"“' “°"S‘ ““E*’”·" . . U lit 309 WEST MAIN STREET l
. . . _ _ o we come ne v s ors. t
Btlly B3ll¢y’S Pl'€SSll1g   "l b<*l1<*\’P that the <>0¤¤U‘y Wh1<‘h And the ‘·l»lowing" still goes on. _ -——--——-:,:;—..._£ ’ Q '
_ This is a meeting which we consider .·
AND DRY CLEANING WORKS Hod made is more beautiful than the Ag it has in years gone by; 1_ _ t b it brm i *·
. _ , _ __ _ o nm or ance ecause gs us n ,
    L`"` °°`°"° P h°°°       iI1“iZ II2‘L"‘§.‘..EZ‘”2E.Z."Z.ii‘.Z   **1;*       .......5. wm.   ...... .....,   .......,,, J - D. Purcell
til)`5 at it 1 ‘ ' . »` rings mc 19 Sami) 0 ( (‘|`)’. (IMO, ted)
t U 1 °°'“
C A-   ll|•· Il;i[llI`kil lll-? Ul. IIIHH. I believe that Fu t from the nigoriity aihwe d d T      
* ' work with nature is more inspiring ;;mkp_},1-(,kp,bpOk€, E" yedrb ago' an asc W Home 0 FQR  
, . , , the men we knew during the time we `
Whoro you will find everything • Ithan work with the most intricate ma- yt,1 u Single Cgnt, gp, ggg! t tu U i it   to  
COMPLETE DRUG STORE · 1 . _ V V .r . _ _ Shen a te nvers y. '
should Huh Ice cm Soda 1.l.mtr,_ i lieliete that the uieniti of And the dough that 1 spent for that Some of the men wm locate in Cht RALSTON HEALTH SHOES l
lll l ·d· t *lt_* d,bt
MMN AM; WALNUT STREETS. I 1¤1>F\< *:11*:1** ii U; d‘;';;‘p;;tu‘l:t*) som; “ll;fl6 gil", b kt (Ego, and we wish that each Ot 1_h€m_ FOR MEN I
  M ` JU U Q l' ` ' ' ·` 'i never come ac ome.
· ~ if l . ,
KO k d C I C lto a boy on the farm as often as to a -—-—•-•~»——— mad dl;0 mit mth Teglbeztj ;) tiie *4 00 to $5 00 l
1 v 1 ·  
In     0• lboy in the city: that life is larger and A ¤*lollslil|r'} I’•·rlrzr|»s tlomrgctowrr gave I )   N ` lll*‘ *l*><‘l¤ll lllllt llllll ol tIl•· I- rl·—·lllrl»~rr
in to tl Hu lash. One forward goes to I. Zerfoss, {mq Wqr Wm hp tl (M Q flmu U I
. ` I l _ ’ ‘ _ - . t r r > r ‘ * .· 1
  i _ M ol btate, and the other to Rhoton. the mppung mst Thm_mm_ it “_m_ mum?    
· It looks good m HM, (lmm_h,,r hack plucky little captain of the K. l. A. A. mmm}, dm_M‘_d mm HW (_MS_ SIMM,
lat hard work again. (`f'llU`llf‘l' has all- "h°mpl°"”‘ I d° nm S"` lmw " hpmnr enterttlltl with a dancc as to l»•· uivcn B °` V
.· n()t1n(?$‘~tI his tl9tPl‘llllD8(l0Il to milk? 8 lm". of guards mmm be hmm] for Hm lll llI(‘ Al`llll)f')` 'l`ll•·rt· hud lwrll t’|llI·       ·
' vlttrc on tl¤•· track term and has ul- ’“"K°“"‘°“" '""""""""‘*"° "‘*‘“ T“" Sld(·‘I'f\l)l¢* (ll'<(‘ll‘4¥l()ll ·lr ll. lllr- ll·llllr»
ready begun training. fhg Woodson, ue and S°°“· Of swig Rhown `muld of the l·`r¢~sllrlls~ll •·rltt·rtrllrlrll»·rlt, Zlllfll   (    
i who has also been htbernattns since "‘“k" “" ld°“l °“l‘*“l"· “" l"’ "“" h""" now tlltlt il (l&Ill<'§’ llrls l.··l·ll sl»ttl•·tI
· W Thanksgiving, is back at work. “ w°"d°rful hp") t" (muh mmm and upon, lt |lf`Oll\lN•‘.< to be ll very pl•·ll.»;lllr
l HERSHEL SCOTT, _ ______ to his lPIH8-mH(9H ln this pal‘(l<·l1Iur‘. affair.   y   a
. . Under tl · .· .vl.l f t` tl ‘ .
Pregldent "K’ AIIOClItlOU· ( N' `mwr `Hm 0 up an The Lme Up' N0 dcllnitc ill`l`:lIllJ,|*lll**lllS haw yet
g At R mgmt mvpung of the w,,m.€rs Wflsllt. 0¤€ 0l` lll0¥`€ ll0l'i¤bl9 btiiillls Coleman, Central University, center. hppn mad? hm hw mnnuimw in
l rrr the   llersllel Scott was elected cages wm be constructed for the use mmmnt G¤¤r¤¤t¤-‘¤ C°“°g°* right charge will provldo the very llasrl ‘
t»r<~¤l<1•¤¤tt¤t¤*<¤t*t*<" °;‘;" ""“" :‘“"I‘“‘i’“ ""“i“*"";"· ";"" '°'"°"’ tl"'-*°°*’*°'"· lllllrllr and I`€*l°Y°PSllf]lPllls wlll ZIl$l) lla
. _ zo le mec ar ·a e r rn u- · ·
(th¤mb9l`B· who hu5 bepn president 4 d t `     8 Bld   zerf08s’ State I nivprsitpa   ?*l(°rVPd. rrlle JlIl`Il()l`S 3l`f‘ fl) l)$‘ lIl\'lT•’(l
l . . ' I` W ' . , ·
I Smce the beginning Ot the last school i ug"' ltr: e I or ng on tem OMS {forward. as rr r-larsl and will hr- rcc•-ircll by lll*‘
l Y€9·*`· Not only l’* Srvtt 0m` Uf the IC r sm}, mum- ' Tuuh" State University right guard l"l'(‘Sl\ll\Pll wlthoutl individual lni<>¤¤<·rs uml l*‘*’¤***l**”·|
FRESHMEN ARE GIVEN , ,pldyed great rmskm ban this Season i und in the n]€n's teumsh Though State l·`0r particulars, apply at 242 Clifton,
_ CLASS CHAMPIONSHIP land Should afford some good mmgrlal i rlnivemm. esmbushed a Clem. claim m, Heights, i Make your selection today, first
UNDER VARSITY tor the Varsity next year. Sandlln,`the championship the two prer·iotls\”_"_\\.AN,l.l_:I) XYm‘"‘fmus has Sp—‘mlm&‘—5_, Pl<>l'¤ b¤¤f- W¢
By rl,. d0ClSi0H§¢£1PllBl`UlIllll'lK(’ *¤¤¤¤ wt S¤*·-·¤t *·¤~·€ ¤·=r·· ¤r·*¤ti*r¤*°¤*· <*·****¤t*¤¤ *·¤··*~~’***€ ·*€¤*¤*~’r· portunltv lol Studeutg Wlllll,. ll...l.l °““"“"‘°° ’°“ ‘“""“°"°" °'
and the Mhleuc wmmmee me Fregwlpoint-gettors wlllle Hopkins, Peak,} ly, yet on this seasons play Louisvillel way to Pam uu *_\w_mH “_hH‘_ ml '“°"*°Y "°f¤"d°d·
men basket ball team was given the tilark and Hubble have guarded well. , would seem to hate the better ot the residtmwb Prmerndt Hxllerimlw Or.
championship of the University underiburnbert, the team captain, wasl argument by a shade, having amassed ability in Sulmumushipl wmel
the Varsity lm. rllt l—r.sl.l.l..ll ll..l·t.;—*r¤tt¤¤ by *¤¤t*·¤ *·· ¤*··*·r<*=*S·>¤· ¤¤<* *2 *>°"*tS *0 $****8* *2 r¤*¤t¤ tn the lllll. llat co., ollsllll, Neb, i
9 I Q played and defeated an the class mums   lllls played great ball on tllc Varsity. ltwo tzarnes played. l _d _ ___d_ ___   dd _dd d _ t ’
~ ___ ___ 1 in selecting the Aii_KPutu(.ky {Hun FOR RENT »-· Desirable fllrllislletl
of note in the school and so arc given ~ _ _ _ _ " _ _} _ _ l
. . _ l [’*`Ul· U V· “ €3"'$*` l***$ b***‘** l·€*"l**l·* for \\'OlllHll, no one would hesitate to r"‘"“*· MMU ll"k"l* $···*" \\- ll-l N
the title. bhould any team wish to! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l
dispute tlIlS Clalln (lf [ll? Fl'€ShlIlQ;}[|   lhls Services to tho Irpshnulu l"*”k°`[ llivk   lllllllsll. Ul. lA|lIlSVlll¢‘, LIN the *l****·ti**t‘ltl. l“l·' l`· Hl¥.ll. i
. . , ' Y ’l>¤ll i€t***l lll ll*‘•*l*t**'¤*l<>** l`***` *l*•‘lF_ rlrsl choice and captain. She would .‘   °   ‘, _ `"Tf""" mcggpggprgp
will have to back therr claim hy play ` I F I I IH l\\.-\N ll·.l)~h\er) student to ledtl the ··
§ mg me Frames u game. Nw Wish ,i>·*****i¤ ¤****· ·|***i¤*}> Jl; l** **%**1; play right torward, belng by tar the Saturda