xt7q833n090h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q833n090h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1932 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1932 Vol.3 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, January 1932 Vol.3 No.12 1932 2019 true xt7q833n090h section xt7q833n090h 1 1711‘ 1 1‘
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1 Published Monthly Of, By, And For The Kentucky Newspapers 1111 '1
1 Volumn Three January, 1932 Number Twelve 1 11
_______________—________——-————-——-—————- ‘1. 1‘1 S ,2 ‘
V - v v 11.1 '1 51,1 1
Censorlng The Advertlsmg Columns 1 . 1;
1 should the small daily and the com— giving your own experience if any with vertise in our columns, when they set ' 11 1 1 1 ’11
munity weekly refuse advertising from this problem and your views of the up standards based on their own pl‘Ofit : 1 5- 1 L 1
neighboring towns which competes correct answer; and demand that we follow them? It i, 1 f 1 11; 1
r with the advertising of the home-town An advertisement shown on this page is merely a phase of the eternal desire 1 11‘ 1 __ 11 1
1 . merchant? This question was raised gives the viewpoint of a newspaper and effort on the part of business in— l‘ 1 11 .211.
1 in a new and interesting way when published regarding the arbitrary cen- terests to establish a monopoly, t0 ,1}. 1‘. 1'1 i
, the Red 311m 1031‘) Daily News John sorship imposed upon the newspapers build a fence around a community or 1 1.,1 } 2911
1. 6" M11161" publisher, ran an advertise— Of the Smaller cities by the business a business, or a commodity. It is not 1 1 1 11
ment declaring that it, had refused an interests. . community loyalty; it is community 1 1 1 .1 1
1 out-of-town merchants message. and In most of the smaller cities and bigotry. It is community selfishness— 1-; 1 111 1,1,1‘
1 had 19ft the space unsold. Here is the towns, the publisher dare not take an let the newspaper bring as many 11 " 1 . 111;
way the Red Bluff paper put 1t: advertisement from any outside ad- peOple as possible to buy, but we won‘t 111 f 1 1" 1 3.117
1 _———————-—— vertiser who competes with the local have anybody come to sell. 11 1 1 ‘1
‘ merchants. It is not pleasant reading Such a standard robs the e0 19 0f , ‘ .' ' 7". '31
‘ GOd KHOWS -it is true. the community qf a priviiggep they ' ‘31 11
1 We Can’t ’ The merchant mav buy his printing should have. Any citizen of your 1 ‘ ‘_‘1 11
1 Afl: 01' d It _ _ where he will. but the publisher must town has a right to see the advertise- 1 1‘. : 1 11 "
toe the line by keeping out all outside ment of any business house who wants 1 r 1 1 ' 1‘ 1
‘ f d ’5 ll th' I advertising else he has his head out to place that message before him. That 1 ; ‘ 1 I1“ 3‘11 1
-. BUt we re use 0 se .18 off. The merchants of the towns have is his right as an American. It is i 1 1 .1 7'1.‘ 1
11‘ space today to an 0UtSlde made the 13,111,, have enforced it by a un-American and wrong to depriva him 1 .3 "127‘; 1
1 advertiser WhO’ had a line show of strength. and the publishers of that privilege. . " ’ 1'2; 1
1 that conflicted With a local have swallowed what is an affront and No business interests should own or 1 f1 ‘1 3 11‘1 1
1‘ I merchant. an injury until it has become a cus— control the newspapers. Freedom of 1; :‘-1 1 .'1
, tom. an unwritten law. the press applies to the advertising 1 1 1 1 11
That’s HOW Strong We Are No other business man in the town columns. The merchants of the town ‘ 11, ‘: 51 1,
' for the Home Town is asked to pursue the same policy of have no more right to ask you to keep 1 1 1“ 1 ' :11 1
' 1 recalled ”loyalty. Any merchant in a legitimate advertisement from an- 1f. ‘_11 1
MeIChant' the town. will buy where he pleases; other town out of your paper than 11' ‘, I11‘
- . - invest his money where he pleases, they have to ask the post-o. .ce to shut ‘ 1‘ , ’ 1E1
1 pld any Othel busmess mall the money he has made in his buSiness out direct mail advertising that comes 1 i. . 1 . ‘1 ‘1
in Red. B1111? make a S,acr1' in the town; will patronize every fiY- from another tOWD- ‘ 1 , 1 1111
1 lice to help other busmess bv—niaht itinerant advertising: scheme It is a condition that is unfair and 1 - 1 1‘1 ‘
1,. in town? thatdfonées along:i Win $31: 1112;111:1112: 2;} real haildEsliip 1to theruIbllisher. He 1 ' ‘ 1 1 11
1 in e own an spe - »' as a rig o ive. e as a right ‘ , f; ‘
1 foiivreiodiuréirtiegjusiitfzr1:331:53: pleases. And the very. men who will to a profit He has a right to sell his 1 1 1 1
1 paper does a thing like that. do this would resent 1t lhotly 1f the wares wherever he has the same rights 31 1 i 1 " ;
.1 ‘. We Thank You. publisher were .to ask him to deslSt- as any other business man in the town. 1 :
1 And yet he W111 immediately ObJeCt Muzzling the advertising columns is '- 11 1 ,
1' RED BLUFF DAILY and brand the Dubiihh‘i‘r as diSIOYal unfair to the publisher, antagonistic ii :1 f
1 NEWS to the town if he takes outside adver- to American ideals. an arbitrary blow 1. 3 11 1 11
1‘. tising. It is truly a lamentable mum. at freedom of the press. 1 7 , 1 11111
rtion. Looked at from the standpoint of 1 . '11 '1‘;
.1 Charles McIntyre, in the Pacific The publisher Of a newspaper has a community loyalty, such a stand on 1 . 1 1
1 Printer and Publisher, contends stout— right to sell his advertising Space where the part of the business interests is 1 .1 1 11 11‘
‘ 1y for the publisher’s right to sell ad— he will and to run any advertisement rank disloyalty to the town. It is a 31, 1 11 1111
‘, vertising wherever he can. He insists he wishes, providing it is decent and handicap to the growth and develop— 1 ‘_ 1 111 1
2‘ that it’s all wrong—wrong for the dependable. The fact that it comes ment of the town, which statement I 111‘ 1.111
1, home merchant to bring any pressure from a town twenty-five miles away can prove in a few simple sentences. 1 ‘ 15111 11-
1 on; the publisher to refuse out-of—town and merely 139031158 it has an element The chief mouthpiece of the town is 1"1‘11‘1
advertising, wrong for the publisher to of competition with 100811 stores ShOUId its newspaper. The newspaper is the 3 1 -1 1 1'1 g
refuse the advertising. Think it over, not bar it. To refuse it is wrong, mor— medium of telling the world and the 1 1 f 11 ‘1
1 after you have read the advertisement ally. and according to every standard people of the world what the town is, 1 1 ,1 ‘1 1:
. and the comment by Mr. McIntyre. 0f gOOd business. To use influence and what its prospects and advantages are. 1 .1; , 1 ,1
What is your opinion? Is this another preSSure to prevent the publisher from Restrict the newspaper and you pre— . 1‘ “ 111
case where newsnaper patrons adopt doing SO is a moral wrong- It 1S. also vent its growth; you limit and place 11 11-1 “
- an unfair attitude toward the paper? legally wrong. And certainly it is a handicap upon the best and often 1 .1- 1 , 1
1 What is the practice among Kentucky wrong from every standpoint 0f fair the only advertising medium of the ‘ 1 1,.
1 papers? We believe that what criti- play. town itself. For no newspaper can 5‘ 1 1| 1
1 cism there is in Mr. McIntyre’s article We make much of the fetich of free grow unless it is permitted to get all ,1 , ‘,‘ 1 f1
. is directed largely toward the business speech. We talk about a free press. the business possible; the more adver- 11 1 111, 1.
men rather than toward the publish— How can such traditions exist or be tising the better newspaper. The bet- 1 1 f 11 1
‘ ers. Read it and see what you think respected when purely commercial and ter newspaper, the better and greater 1 , 1 1 1 (1‘1
about it; drop a. line to The Press selfish interests tell us who shall ad— (Please Turn to Page Two) 1 1‘1 1 1 .
. 1 112‘, 1
3 _ 1. i1 2 )1
i 3 . - 1:1: 11“1
11 112;1 1.
,2 -_, M'mc.;1_.. . A , ,, .~ 1 ..: ”1’ 7:7“: 11" ., , 193211111! 1 ' .
1mm... ....1. .. r .. , a, _—._.__ _..._. ng%fiii .. 1

 .. 22-29-21;- . .- ., _ .
3'32 2 '32 11:33.3 “1.212. _
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~33 3333 3 2~ 2
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‘3‘ 3 2.3 32313 . , -
1131' 121 2.32.3 mm
3313‘ 3 11: .233 3 T .
, 2 he 22222: *
. 1331 1 3-231 ‘ Kentuck KENTUCKY
‘3“ 2. 3' 13‘2‘211‘ o___:’_f_ress Goo L“
2. :. :~ 233:3 - . D
11 11 1 111 ‘1'" 12::‘38’1 Publicatio CLASSIFIED PROM J
:. 12 1. 311: ‘Iif‘i. ucky P n 0f Th Cl . _ __ 0T1 aHUa
321 '1' 3 3.2.1 $122.22 l‘essA _ e asslfled ON I‘y 193
' I. ~ 222:3 1.3131 J— bly Want has t ’ 2
I 12‘. 2 21:11“ Vict "“1 falls of .ad bus‘ . 0 Sen 1 —___._ 2
1C. ‘2 1.1.121 11311111 or R- POrtman monthS. ka' d'mng the 1121655 1“Varia- eStabliShmeniven.lf he run 1
~11 "1111'1'11'1 flch' f a live prOblismls’ and aIWa‘lehSummer 1 Suppose “113:? its kind inst the Only 2-
3'2 .11 1 :1 3 . 1'3- ' 1e nesS for . as b ‘y Sto 9 I'u OWn 1
, .. .3 2. l _ man ent . . een re. . ns th -
1; 1.1: 13' .1 23E 1111 UThe Depiltlg's'led by Tasoh (”359: Who kngvprfismg busi: :VerYOne til; 1? Certaim; 311;? 36we1_ 1'
‘1" 1' 1:21- “11‘ niVe - ent of 1 5- 3‘1” eat 0W a d eWelr ‘ IS in Sen‘ 2
213. 11 ?§ 2 ‘23 a: Irslty of JOurn . S up an un C Y. no.2 is the m mg .
113. 1 .:‘2 1131‘ 1113 Prlnted b Kentucky L thsm Paul W. M nual prof- has he coma he getting all arket for 11111 3 y The Kerr; 8X1ngton Redlands D .00r82 general There ar 1 the busi-
_ 133 ‘31 1; .32.; .;.;f ”WW—£25 the Los Amy FaCts, andmanage. of the” J'ewe1e many P601
1‘1"? 1 1:1" ASSOCIATION the califOI‘Eiieles g0Verningmlimber 0‘5 Every year rYThfrom @82thng Who buy
23 2 3221‘- 293“ as . . 2 . - _ u .
2‘1 1331 1 '31; 111/ Mu JOE T OFFICERS k SOCla’monI tr’ NeWSpaper P oard of Outh get by Is buSlness h e houses
:1 2113 31112113 1111‘ Pray Ledger' IEOVETT 6813 the folk19d a different ubhshers1 36W5paper Madvertising 1:?U1d2no '
21- 1i 2* 2- i ’ min 5 of 2 st Ow ‘ an is 2
“1111 1 111.31 Ash JAMES T mes 'P’esident idead'iesd1 authough hlens- tQWn W22; to “Ba;1 Ito @1161" st§12e?0'1e 56nd oultocal
31:31 3 1132, land Inde ‘NORRIS A not an Ori - mSISts that ad Sold n my pape Whose ad Of
'2 1213 33 3‘. .' Dendent V' ’ 16 full—page ad glnal One the throuzgh ad rs. beefiuge 3. S they
3.1 1122 2 2175211 1:1; 0w LAWREN2 1 Ice President 1. annOuncm was run1O He Could getvertising. 1 hey are 1
1311 1. 111' .11‘ ensbol'o Mes (”E HAGER, filn a Want 5 that the Fan August Then he mut SOme of th' 1
212’ ‘21_ 1 13"131 ‘ 1-1-1 Exec _ Senger C .’ _ee On A 2d per . Cts W0u1 tunity h S not ne2 ls busing I .
‘1' 11‘ 111231 21 utlve Co"; .halrman . In th ugust 20 13815011 abso1 t (1 me“ e has of ed glect the 02 55. I.
111 '1 1‘1 1 1 11' Dan J' CURTIS mlttee 0f tbase qe Centel‘ 0f the u ely this 331:0 buy jeWeIrECating his (£12211- ‘.
‘1'2 '13 2 111 1-. lvill A ‘I uel‘ie . pa I‘Ou an 2 0- 1,
1131 2 2111321: 2112.2 JW 2HaVe muss0 ge were listed .Conduct aggridvertmng.d1?e can do 1
'1111111 . 1 1. 211 1.11; retary_Treas ”go you Waninfghlijng to 56119 21):? which b13335? thl‘Ouoh gszollld 1
1E2“? '1 ‘2 Z1 ' 0 you uy ‘. . Ore th . ‘ 'e a” ertis-
'. .1111 I'13131‘311I‘Ig' MEM “HaVe 3703/3111; to l‘entsgmethlng? 10115 Whe: Ipubhc for 1111‘}:ka products
223132 2 1 2:33.123 BER 2M2. And the Something 2 Wise? his bus... ”Wary make" «2222.2, 000235.
12"1‘111'12 1 153111 1311212 1611'“ Prints; '0 the righto exChange 22 He mu :55 “1011101 in01252F'l't5'1)1~*> aim
2 2.33 2: 1 2:32 K ~22: 2 222.. 22.. 47 other ..Of .2222 2222;. 22222222222 5. .be .2 " 1
‘ 2‘21,“ ‘ TUCKY Publisher pap” Carries aSSIfiCatioES “Ct gettirgxomg Out Of tow'hat there is 1
'11 : I...) . 3.: 2 A SS 0 PRES .. '_Calif0rnia the last 55:5e1nng him 11d 2322.23 he {s 3
132312 11 .I 1% CIAT MAKE * Countl~ p"Charle ° 161117151112;- * 1
2 .1 ..11.:32.|t . - 0 [ON THEM T y Journal’ 5 L. Allen . . IS 1
; ‘11 "3 13113.33 “21‘- # W ALK ABOUT “___in'___ In the 1
.1 133 331 :13: 022222 mufek after We... ‘T PRINTS COR 3
1311*. 1111111 1‘12“ 1 THING A 1 in a subscribers ayour papex" go NARESPONDENT f‘
: ~11 1 1311‘? PAPER mat’Iser “‘31 the es to The A13; MES S
11 '1': 11 111 11 SO We Set % CAN D0 of them tak‘ Of IcourSe Way accept it Started 12 0011a (Pa) 1
1. 31111 '. 11112. . Just Wh Our head met that lng Into (3 -y’ Very fe 02f it he printin2 ' Tribulie 1
1‘1 2"3 1‘12 3.1111. :352 Create git Was a paps to think‘ lot of Se them-e gettignSIderatiOn thW nams 0ut-of-t0Wn E at the head ofhas .
'I1211'2: [I 2151' 12 31.; ' 0d f _ 31- f 2 . - lngI I‘ViCe g J'u t 2 e e, 131:) 01.1.85 an -
12.2 :1 2 .‘ ~ :3 mlt thEr eehngg 01 1f the D for 4 S a Wh 9 Street ponden
2 . 3 :. 12;.1 1 - W not t . .aper Sh Cents ole number addre cee, th
1 ' 1 11'11 ' 111 paper e were m e had 0 1Z8 it Ould st 2. Week of the SS and te e
2 .2 .-3 2. 2 2.2.2.. Often 1 any th- to ad- ~ 010 they - If 4:“:— IePhOn
3 22 13 2 .- COuld no Clalm . lngs But Would 2 pOndent e
3 2 =2. ‘ 3 2's :21: - 1: ~ ed 1t 3 new a lot lea1_ CENS .
3 ..‘2; 2 2 Is leth Cou 8- st Of 03m __
1 a I .1352. .;j .. One thlhg t any SuFet 1d do and 910 to think y0ur readers _ (Co . G THE AD
11 11111 11 11 ‘atnd does if that a neWSy1 But thEre 1mm them about it un1 W1" neVGr nt'nued frOm FVERTISING
t.‘ 2.1 .2 3.22.2. ma. 1. 1 . pa . i 00c ' 955 ad~ 2 - age 0
212 . I.»..2 It, Can 58125 1135 p81 Can 011 now 3251011a11y you re_ Vertlsln ne)
1 1211.13 11111111 ‘1 Either a Cfeate 212111 Soul hefirti do Your a and then to ' Can atte nes5 m g for the tow a
1. 2 2111 1| 121211- 2.1 :n'Sm2 (frieglng of 031158135 towngne':1 Storiespogeéi bf uSing Tr: (iohtents 12);? putting 6131131111135 tricfing 21313“: O the bum-
1 “1'1" 1‘ "1‘1‘32 3111 1' 0 the . ' 0d will 15m 01. Only 13 Sp a2y ad a1 feat Welfa. 1 maps 0 Rising .
. . 1h: 2 12‘2- 3 . . _ Ilkes . or b 139551- , S rength S and . ure 1e. It 2 n the t _~2 a1e
‘ ' 1 1' 1' 2‘ 31 11“ Slt In it ‘31 diSIik ad accO, . “'U—bScrih , en the f - you W111 n This . Is a show . Oers mm
1.32.; 132:2,1' .3 Seen .5 editom es of th Idlhg th els but I‘lendshi , 0t Ctv . pohcy 0f Slghhed _ 1
. ~1 22‘ .2 t 811 0s em y0u - p of . illct Dolm.
.1112 2. 1133 g; 1 agaih _hls demOnsSfinCtUm- W: that Servic to talking. ab 2332111 actuauymg‘ day 3313?? of advertigfim'm‘ne: the .VI 3
.3111? 1. 3.2.31. .~..~.l ' Holden (Mo'ated time have rende:1 their home out the emceuget to 512 en the publiShg ‘5 a relic of 33:1” -‘ 3
1; 1111’ 311.1111 11 SPEC ~:. 4.1) IIIEntel‘priSe and greatfys tand that is Fown newsmazn'f Sou1gf2raway his life :11 WEES COmDeDég 1
1'113' 1 1111' '1 1 IAL EDI 1 0 be desir a. COnSHmm‘ 1-81 in . the m6re nd His 8633; -~ '
' ‘7. '11 1’12 £311.11 223‘3 TION AR 2 ’ed' atloh g a 11Ving Oppol‘t‘dnit ' 01-1211 1
”.13: 2.2 513123 2‘ ‘ SOme —-— 2TISTs * ' Exists a ‘ Such a . '1’ 0f mak_ . .
' 21313 ‘ E15 are at of the “s . G0 AF When nd the tim need no 107122 1
3 3.22%; ~2 2311 ‘2. 5. try a Work in ‘51??ch edition» Som TER IT ed at Such an impos‘: will Soon 005611
' ‘ ' 1 23"“: 1 1- ’ II . S 2 a2 ‘ - —— . 1 ' ., 11 ,
1 1 11 1.11 1211' ‘1 to folddcsle trymg 133:” of the 015111511135 Only Cigar-lag 0f busines CutSide :26 m.erchantlsor:‘oWl1.lbe lanai: '
1. 1 .1; 1, 2".1 5.1 ups that” :f’lemems Ofg:t the paper; In Very 1:1 people Cans Ile‘e Such that ished as avgffilsing a Cri'mlgb'tder Taking»
* ' 1 1 13111111 1 nBarby '9 Secured - Decial Wr't Only on mall tOwn e Customs. The -"me' 1 10 be Dun:
‘3 E g" 1131111131 .1 hills ' Thls Stun . In large 1 e- kind 3 Shop Or S2 Where th 1.5. Whe pubhsher W' 3
1 ‘1 1121112 :13 1 1305333 fhas absglultselas 01d 5.2011125 M 12:23 ptmprietor 5:8? tof a 2255;.18 Whe: 1131: StaMs 221311 i“; that 11333.... 1
i 32 ;‘ 212 13‘ ‘2 '1 I profits 2 0r it—as th y no m _e have t 0 advert' S hat he n Stro . 3550mm; demand .2
3 ..3 . -~ e 0 1s do _ ng Ons .q s IE.
: 1 1 1‘1 1.111111 1. l2 22 merchanl’ss lied fe110w 311?:151 one V3211; must begiggheir W01“: $31155 1090:); SpeCifica'i'fy 5131101 1332113222111 L1 2511-3161(211t1v 1
3 I 1\ 11E111 . '3 Ups. Th 0thers WorkS t more th Wn that, e the“: ' some Out _ will b 1 1m. M0221 3
.._1» .1111 :2 _. ,2 -:. V . . e Stuff for th he . an bI‘i . advert‘ . 4- He Slde a e Desew. . 2e 1
. .22 2 .3 . 2. 2: eel‘tlsm has eSe W . 1t bu m: In th 151113; d and to gency t 00de 1.2 .
' »‘ :- 2'2 ‘ : .2 1; g, and - not v 1 l‘lte- ys good - e Cugt Oes educat, 0 mak 01 . .
_ 2 .22 2 32;. 11 1 . 31 Cept to m lsn’t W 3- 119 as ad ChaSe W11] 2.21 Omers Comm 9 the e Qx/ert . N .
2 3‘. 2 '2. . .2 .. :3 _ . H Ong W. . that Bree legal ‘Lue3 2
‘2 ‘2' 1 1 ‘2 ‘ ‘ Show ake son’leb orth a da 0f ' e must b 1th (mm the and 0th Chamb 2 3
‘2 ‘ 2‘7 3 3‘ ‘ 3 3‘2 - Our bu - 0fly a . “1 ex- 1“Creasih 6 Sold Dur- aspects Er local 91 0f
: 2.1 2'13. 1:11 3 2-. :3 heVe in SlnesS e 50ft Job, L , those g his b . 0n the . on trut 0f the Gas beams 1
1:311 1:1 1311‘ 1 1 1 and encogmy legitiiaile that We its t0 ha‘félsiomers thaltlslness by getltéifia play. Fgoand CommO: that are 3335:: "' ‘
1:13 1 1111.1; 1 Other kindrage them toe advertisin: Wh0 are helr Work (5)0 out Of t0w§ ~edu€ative m the local $51936 and fair
13 152$? ,‘11 122 L 12. ‘11 1 pass up evef 1 now Or Whmot having me. and tho the indiv- work must b 00121510115. the
1:.~I2I1 1121 1.11' .. 213 y Much at: are not bug‘iny WOI-k (310:: but it wii'lqllloavl. There n’ey Extended to .
17132111311 31 12 .I eduCate th Vertjsing mung anything a fight to e a fight ford} be a. fight
12332123 3113 '2 1: 9 public St be u ' man . °Wn Our freedOm _ .2
”2.3122“:1 21 32113 to buy Wh Sed ‘50 w Wm fight Own 501312 and 1
. 122:;13‘1211 .31 :3. «W 51.2. at a man ell. _ Ado t early and 3- Strong 22
111““ 1 fl! ‘ __ ' Changes p ed from _flard and 11
‘A—.# II Oregon Ex
7 2;, a? _ I
'1 \

 'JJ '—_‘—"—__.__._.__~.——._._.______\ .vh-EJ‘ L“: 55:55:15

4:“. ”33‘ J 'v til

.5 January, 1932 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three I. i 3
“—_"‘—— .:‘.3J

J TWO EDITORS TALK OF COSTS en first place on the editorial page. I breathed “bunk” in every line of type. J . J ‘J J .J
53 —— do not agree with those who hold that We have seen moribund towns and Jf J J »J.3J
I As two publishers who meet always small town and rural readers should communities advertised as the most J . 'J.
talk shop so these two editors discuss— be forever restricted to editorials of progressive in the nation, with indus— J JJ I'J’JJ

ed a problem of cost of publishing a a purely local nature. That attitude tries booming, employment and wages J J -.J J

paper. One said to the other, vie have is a reflection on their intelligence. at the top notch, working and living JJ J J; J J

divided our six day week in two parts. Variety is the spice of life and variety conditions ideal, and farmers and J J; V. J

We find it requires the entire force is also the spice of the editorial page. manufacturers aiid merchants all on J J {ll

three days to get out the paper and Sometmes a well informed and con- their toes and a unit in cooperating to JJ JJJ J J :J

P this leaves three for commercial work. scientious editor finds himself out of make town and community prosperous. JJ ' JJJ J. ,. 5
So it would appear equitable to cut our harmony with the prevailing local sen- Then the next issue was the skinny, "J J J I, ‘. “J

overhead in half and charge it direct- timent. If he is sure of himself he little old regular edition, the appear- JJ iJ j. JJ JIJ

J 1y as the COSt 0f the 1010- will never hesitate to take the unpop- ance of which belied everything so iJ 3L5 .J J SJ
[J This editor said he fibkud his bOOk- ular side of an argument. If he is glowingly proclaimed by the special. 'J wJ 5i
‘5. ' keeper for a statement of the costs for right he will gain prestige as a result. Who gets fooled by that sort of stuff? J 5 ‘ J - J JJ
3J one week. The young man put in the —Nancy B. Darnell president Ala- Is it not most likely to be the publisher J‘ .5 3 J 5,5
J rent, light. heat,- power and salaries bama Press association. who sanctions it? JJ 1 J J ; .‘ J
5' of the employees with about $10 mis— __,—-——4——— If special editions are called for. the 1‘5 ! J‘JJ .5 _5. J
- cellaneous and handed it back to the RUN YOUR OWN! publisher would do well to get them -3. a; i’
boss. Asked if that was all the expense —. out himself and see that they are on a 1 ;JJ ’- 5 J

the editor asked him about taxes. It Various adaptations of the “Believe basis of fact and reason; on a basis. 5J J .

was not in and that was figured at $3 It 0': Not!" or “Do You Know?” idea not of artificial boost, but of sound 3 JJJJ J‘J‘J

a week. It took several days to work are observable for departments of service to the town and community. JJ . ‘5“

J out all the missing items and they are rare and unique bits of information. Special editions such as those devoted J J E f,
‘ . not sure they have them all yet. There The Lamesa (Texas) Reporter carries to Spring and fall trade. Christmas, 1- ‘15 f : _J
J was water rent $118 a week, news- a front—page “DO You KhOW?" 00111710513 etc, are justifiable. In many cases " _‘.JJ‘ J5 Fl
l print was overlooked and that was devoted to odd local discoveries. Eachffiliey harnesses“); to business re— .2 .J 55
J $9.60 a week. The advertising cut ser- issue contains fifteen to twenty an~' 'qvfiire"m§rits:~_'Agsheci.§f edition is justi- J‘ JJ J 'JJIJ
J vice cost $3.50. plate from WNU saved usual facts about the city and éoflnftfy'. flame, 51;? the ca'sé of a“n”new industry 5. 3 5 5 . El
J. composition and was a labor charge The dePal‘tment has been running? 5,351. .50} instituftibh‘, 501.5055 015d Bnes that need .5 . 5 ‘5 555
5' against the paper. It was 796 a week. sevezal months and has created a ‘puhiicity: hiitfitfstnoiiidhieponfined to ’ .- J. I 5 J J
J Correspondents were paid $7.25 a week. large amount of local interest as well; 113333.139 matters "that‘até‘ informative i .JJ . a,
J’ Job stock was listed on. each job jacket as much outside attention. gins: gl5luimnat§iv5egoi the special pur— '_,JJ ‘ i

and added up at the end of the week __————————’—- po'ses'iorr ~wh'ich15it ”is issued. ,' J? . 5 J

and the proper amount entered. In- SPECIAL EDITIONS The newspaperJthat advertises its J: J5 J ‘i

sul'ance was another item and carried .___— community, the newspaper that em- 5 55. 55. 5. 55 55

a cost of $3.28 a week. Cost of stock There are three types of special edi- phasizes community virtues to com— 5. 5?? J 5i J

sold over the counter was entitled t?- ticns: the one produced for the bone. muiiity people, week after week, month : J5 JJ Jj J

get into the week’s estimate hhd even fit 0f the promoter, the one for the after month, is the newspaper that is J. ‘j . J J

the COSt 0f towels, 503va DOV/61 laundry benefit of the newspaper, and the one best serving community interests The J .5 .J J JJJ J1J

(if any) amounted to 35 CEhES- Then for the joint benefit of newspaper and “now and then" special edition that is J.5- 5 J

old Miscellany became the actual items cnmmunitv. That the first two types based on nothing more substantial J“ J .: J 5

on the petty cash paid out during the are all too frequent and the last tyne than the desire of a5 p..om0ter5 m. the , J 5 . ‘ I J

‘ week and ran in varying amounts. It not frecluent enough. accounts for publisher, for some extra revenue. the ; 'lJ 5‘ J 5
ihcmded postage. spoiled StOCk. win— much of the unfavorable reaction to special edition that does not have back J 5 5J.

\ dow trim material, broom, sweeping this sort of newspaper effort. 5 of it a real community service pur— ,. .55 J-JJ
JIJ compound 01d rags bought. gasoline The promoter comes along and lays pose. is never a newspaper asset, it .5_ J...’
J fmf press washup bOUE‘ht, 011 f0? ma— out the enterprise iii glowing terms to can only be a liability—The Auxiliary. . -5 .5 5 J5 35
J chinery. the publisher—shows him there is 5 55 55 51
, . After all these items were in. telc- money in it. The profit will come fl * .. J 5§ J
J phone and telegraph bills had been from the business men of the town in w . J I.
J overlooked nor was the various dona- paid write—ups and extra advertising. .. . 5 51 ‘ 5
J tion jobs (material only) which went In every case the main talking point gfigckhggdugilggofifiu;253311612;thhdsg‘y $173 1 J 5" J J
J to churches. Red Cross and the like. is the benefit which the town and its when the binding date comes we bind JJ 5 J. ,i
Perhaps YOU can think 0‘7 some other business institutions will derive from and return them at the following prices: .5- J15 J; Ji

J things like light globes, twine. guinmed the publicity, should this benefit not 323535;! gtgefi’lgflhtshfi ' ' ' ' $§gg 5 J ,J . JJ J5
J tape. typewriter ribbons pencils. sin- be immediately forthcomng there is weekly, Twelve Mafih‘sjjj 5.00 J 5 J. 5.5. r3.3
" ale and bundle wraps. job ink. metal discontent. We are serving publishers in all parts i g 5 J J 5:5.5.J
3 loss. saw sharpening, office forms When the campaign is over and the Efietfggggsgilafstates. Write us for fur- J J 5 55 'J 53 J
J (SJOCk only) paste and what-have--you special edition is issued. a casting up MONMOUTHJ BLANK BOOK CO. J JJJJ ,
5J , J30 say 110th1hg Of Old Man Obsoles- r-f‘ accounts shows that the promoter 0. J. Forman, Prop. Monmouth, Ill. -5 J. H 5

l5 gence hhdt “if: 53115?)an Eepremagloh. has received the long end, the news- W‘W J J JJJ . J’

ype is s so .0 e use up an is e . 5 d that the bus- 5.5 J 5

J never investment. The liiollient you 33;: :1: 5:31,: 83525:; the entire bill, MILO BENNETT 5:55 55. 25..

" ‘ ”‘1‘ it for the first form it drops 50 mm} publisher has furnished the field. condu‘h’s a “’0thth Lmoh'pe'mter' ‘ :
D. . , 5 ,5 5‘5 55 , . . t _ type school and can develop slow op- . J 5 J .J 55

DJ cent .lh value. Then theies m“ the prospects and the good Will for the erators into fast operators or one of 5.55: i; J 5| 5

unproductive time. 5 promoter to trade upon and, not in— the men or women in your office into . J JJ ‘J J J

‘ By the hme the edltors gm through freouentlv. to jeopardize. Assuming a fine operator. Correspondence course, . J; JJJ 5‘5
. tahhhg they were bOJ’h convinced that that the business men are not entirely with keyboard for home study. $28; J ‘ Jw JJ

. ‘J they hadn’t EO’G dOWD t0 the 603$ 0‘3 satisfied with the investment they six to ten weeks at the practical school, J J J . . 5
5‘5 doing business—The Wyoming Press. have made, they are likely to show an $60 to $100. Write for free school llt- J 5 5; 5:5 5 J

J inclination to balance the cost by re- erature. @150 pleased to give you name J 5‘ JJ 1J5 .
. . . . . of prominent Kentucky newspaper J 3 ii (515

GIVE THEM VARIETY ducing their advertlsmg in the suc- publisher who knows what this school . . J J J 55

J _—‘ ceeding TEEUJ‘M EditiOhS- is capable of doing for you. Address J 5 ‘ J J J 53 ‘
. Local matters should always be giV' We have seen special editions which Milo Bennett's School, Toledo. Ohio. J 5 JJJ ; J

3 ' ‘ J.l 1 J

J . t JJIJ . ';

3 l , J 39-: . J

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