xt7q833n094v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q833n094v/data/mets.xml United States Housing Authority 1939 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/3 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing August 25, 1939 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing August 25, 1939 1939 2019 true xt7q833n094v section xt7q833n094v ‘ , ' 6 I" ’ /' , / My, / 3 M ”“3 g ’ 7‘ V” s } r ,nn‘ianag flag“ :7 ””-””’W’n”” “(i'§_1““n_‘“3'“ a]; @ Vol. 1, No. 3 Federal Works Agency, U. s. Housing Authority—Nathan Straus, Administrator “In 25I 1939 O I O C San F ranc1sco Holds Rent Cuts Announced Public Housmg Units M . H - In Three More PWA S H B old- V l eeting 011 OUSIIlg H - - W6 111 [fig 0 ume ousmg PrOJects At a mass meeting August 22 all Rent reductions to bring public Public housing accounted for about San Francisco housing and labor in- housing Within reach of the lowest one—fifth of the total number of dwell- terests, including organizations of income third who now occupy sub- ing units for which building permits Slum property tenants, united their standard dwellings have recently were issued during May, June, and resources in a concerted drive for been extended to three more PWA July, according to data compiled by an adequate local housing program. Housing Division projects. Two of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The first of its kind in any city on the the projects are in Nashville and the Building permits in all reporting entire west coast, the meeting was third is in Indianapolis. cities having a population of 1,000 or held under the joint auspices of the The average shelter rent per dwell- more were issued for 83,195 dwelling San Francisco Housing Association, ing unit in one Nashville project, units, of which 17,251 were in USHA— the San Francisco Citizens’ Housing Cheatham Place, has been reduced aided projects. . Council, the C. I. 0., the A. F. of L., from $17.81 to $13.69; in Andrew In terms of the total number of , ’ various welfare agencies, and organ- Jackson Courts, the cut is from $14.08 buildings, however, the USHA per- izations of slum tenants. to $9.81. (Shelter rent is equiva- mits accounted for only 4 percent. Speakers discussed important fac- lent ’60 rent 1low paid for slum dwell- Most public housing projects consist tors in the relationship between the ings and does 11011 include the COSt 0f of row-house or group units and each ' USHA and the San Francisco Hous- utilities.) group is counted as a single structure. ing Authority, and pointed out the The new rents 51105159111513“? lower Private residential construction, on (See SAN FRANCISCO on p. 3) the lgcome ranges Wlthln Wthh ten- the other hand, is largely of the single ancy is restricted: While the maXi- family, free-standing type of dwell- Raleigh Leaders Launch Housing mum income limit for the largest ing. Size family has been set by the local Permits for USH A projects were The local housing authority made authority at $1’.226 m Cheatham valued at $58 058,147 during the . . . Place and $1 004 in Andrew Jackson - ’ the City of Raleigh, N. C.,h0us1ngcon- Courts it is ’expected that the aver- 3-month period, or 19 percent of the scious on August 21 at ground break— age income of new tenants will be total valuation of all residential con- ing ceremonies for its $1,021,681 low- $800 and $650 respectively _ struction. rent housing project, Halifax Court. Present tenants With ' somewhat . . Leading citizens, including the higher incomes who were eligible for Housmg Expansmn Favored Mayor, the Pres1dent of the Chamber (See Re“ CUTS ANNOUNCED on 2) of Commerce, and Clarence Poe, ‘ p' The New York State Federation of Chairman of the Raleigh Housing Labor, meeting in New York City Au- Authority, participated in the cere- . . . gust 17, passed a resolution urging monies. Assistant Administrator Rail—100k FlmShes 720 Umts favorable action on the bill to ex- Jacob Crane represented the USHA. Seven hundred and twenty dwell- pand the program of the USHA when The project is the first of two in ing units in Red Hook Houses, Congress reconvenes next January. Raleigh for which USHA funds have Brooklyn’s low—rent housing proj- The bill, S. 591, is being held over been contracted. It W111 provide ect, were ready for occupancy from the recent SQSSiOl’l. . homes for 231 low-income white August 15, When the project The Young Democratic Clubs of families. The second project, for opened July 4th, 258 units had been America, in convention in Pittsburgh Negroes, will create homes for 200 completed. August 12, also went on record in sup- low-income families. port of public housing. 1 u ' ” square foot; the Munsyana Homes ' FaCts Lead Mlddletowp site (not at all expensive for down- New York Suburb Needs Housmg t0 Low-Rent Housmg town PTODGTW) COSt about 35 cents Indicative of the growing demand 1381” square f00h for public housing all over the coun- Confirming the axiom that where It is expected that ground-breaking try is the announcement that a group the facts are known, public housing ceremonies for both projects Will be of civic-minded residents of Mount . l is inevitable, Muncie, Ind., the typical held in early October. Vernon, N. Y., are seeking the crea- American community made famous The following quotation from the tion Of a 10031 housing authority in as “Middletown” by Robert and Helen Lynd book makes vivid the meaning order to obtain USHA assistance in Lynd, is soon to be served by two low- of these projects to Muncie’s workers: the construction .01: a project for some Them? housing .DI‘OieC’CS developed With “The poorer working man, coming home 500 N egho famlhes' USHA19.a13,§-...~.~ . . after his nine and a half hours ondthe job, N Housmg1 conditioln/Is among the ’r‘I'itnfii‘if." .4. . ' wa ks u the fre uent un ave street, I‘ ’ Th‘é‘COIri'fnunlties Will be hnOWn as turns in it a bare yqard litlteredpwith a rusty aciif-Zifiglfi; :332110: inteoilelgiegiins}: Munsyana Homes and M1ddlet0wn velocipede or worn—out automobile tires, 1 1 4 - t . n th Gardens. The former, built by the opens a sagging door and enters the living .Oca pl OJeC ’ aale 'among 9,,W0rSt Muncie Housing Authority, replacesa room Of his home- From this room the in northeastein United States. The one-time slum in the center of town whole house is visible—the kitchen with movement to Obtaln a preject .13 being . . . . table and floor swarming with files and sponsored by so-called “hlgh-income” Wlth 278 any dwellings, 1n two—Stohy often strewn with bread crusts, orange groups of both colored and white TOW houses and flatS; the latter: bu11t skins, torn papers, and lumps of coal and residents ( by the Delaware County Housing Au- wood; the bedrooms with soiled, heavy Mount .Vernon’s leader 1. t d th thority, is located on a former 80—acre quilts falling off the bedS- The worn green . S €11.15 e e farm just across the Muncie city line. shades hanging down at a tipsy angle admit and 0f Matthew Kelly, Chalrman Of It Will provide decent homes for 112 only a flecked half-light upon the ornate the nearby Yonkers HOUSing‘ Author- _ _ _ . , calendars or enlarged colored portraits of 1ty, who addressed a meeting, August low—income famlhes “1 free'Standmg the children in heavy gilt frames tilted out 18 attended by members of the Mount one—family, and SBTDldetaChed tWO‘ at a precarious angle just below the ceiling. Ve’rnon Cit C 31 b . f h family houses with pitched roofs and The whole interior is musty with stale odors . y ounu ’ melt] _els 0 t e individual lawns and garden space. 0f fwd: Clothing, and tObacco- ' ' ' Rh“ local real estate. board, cwic leaders, , , spots the base-burner. A baby in wet, dirty and representatives of various rac1al _ The Middletown Gardens 51139 005133 clothes crawls about the bare floor among groups. He described the $3,481,274 . just under seven-tenths of a cent per the odd pieces of furniture.” project built on a 200_f00t hill in the center of Yonkers, as “a permanent . Rent ClltS Announced community asset” which had wiped (Continued from p_ 1) out an eyesore and would benefit not admission to the three projects under dwelling unit for shelter rents in the only the 550 low-income tenant fam- former rentals will be permitted to Lockefield Garden Apartments in In- :heVSi) bUt WOUId relieve the Clty hf h remain until they are able to find de- dianapolis, PWA-built housing proj- lax urden and health menace. 81ml" cent homes elsewhere. ect now operated by the USHA, will far meet 1ngs, Wlth gueSt Speakers The Nashville Housing Authority’s bring the average shelter rent down rom c1t1es where public hous1ng pro- lease of Cheatham Place and Andrew t0 $11-54 as against the former PWA glramsd ire 4611110? tunder way, are Jackson Courts runs from August 1, rental 0f $13-85 p anne or e u ure. 1939, to March 31, 1941. It was While the maximum income limit - . executed under the United States for the largest size family has been Housmg ChPSheet Proves Useful Housing Act requirement that the set by the local authority at $1,170 in In order to keep housing authority USHA, “as soon as practicable,” sell Lockefield Garden Apartments, it is and staff members currently in— or lease to local housing authorities, expected that the average income of formed and to maintain a valuable DI'OJeCtS transferred to itfrom the new tenants Will be $752“ record of local press utterances on ffhedh‘llicwdihiency AdhhhlStrahOh Reductions in shelter rents, made housing, the Pittsburgh housing au— ' _ ' poss1ble under the USHA program, thority prepares a weekly clipsheet All nlahajgemenh; operatlon, 1113111" remove tWO major criticisms of the of housing articles appearing in the ance, repair, maintenance, and re- PWA projects, namely, that, they do Pittsburgh papers. placement COStS have been assumed by not rehouse slum dwellers and that The articles, summarized, appear the. Nashville Housing Authority, they compete with private industry. in the clipsheet according to subject' Wthh W111 pay the USHA a fixed LOW-rent housing projects built and i. e., Labor and Material Costs, Status rental 0f $57,200 during the 20—month operated by local housing authorities of Pittsburgh Home Building, Slum perlod. The USHA Will set aside with USHA financial and technical Education Program, Labor Contro- thlS amount for fUtUI‘e repairs, main- assistance rehouse only low-income versy, etc. Preparation and distribu- . tenance, and vacancy and COlleCtiOH families who cannot find decent, sani- tion cost very little money and the losses. tary homes elsewhere, and do not service has already proved itself well Average reductions of $2.31 per compete with private industry. worth the time and energy. 2 . ' 7/5 J/ 5 7 ing Cit M ' thority was about 30 cents per square , ° ' ‘ I ' y oves .Mountains foot; the costofgradmg and leveling Cmc (iroups Asswt in . and to Eliminate Its Slums amounts to about 87 cents. Thus the Furniture Demonstration )un- total land cost is less than 70 cents per 'oup ScarCity of inexpenswe land suit- square foot—an amount. much lower In order to demonstrate to prospec- )unt able for large-scale housmg prOJects than the cost of Sites Similarly located tive tenants inexpensive and practical rea- and the necessity of achieving the in other large cities. ways of furnishing their new homes, 7 in greatest possible economies in plan- _ _ model dwellings, equipped at little ex- 3 in nlng and construction have forced the Confer on Management Polic1es Dense with second—hand and recondi- Dme Etfiggzgggghlfgif aicithority literally Because the ultimate success or tioned furniture, are being exhibited S 0 cariy out Its ' ' ' to as man as 1 000 visitors a week at the public housing program. failure of public housmg depends on ’ Y _ , _ ion Two giant shovels, specially con- management, representatives of local 13113310 S Willert Park and Lakev1ew ’ d housing authorities and managers of DYOJeCtS- the structe for the task, and several . . . . - ' orst others are scrapino the tops from PWA prOJects Will meet in Washing- The dwellings were furnished by - ~ ‘3 ton in the latter part of Se tember to the Buffalo and Erie County League The three hllls in the heart of downtown , p , ~ing Pittsburgh, at the rate of about 44 exchange ideas on the formulation of of Women Voters and the Buffalo [new cubic yards Of earth every 41/2 min— management policies based on actual Goodwill Industries, Inc. In sponsor- hite utes. Special conveyors move the soil experience in 13111311c housmg prOJects ing the. exhlblt’ the .Buffalo. Housmg and smaller stones to convenient throughout the country. Authority is attempting to discourage the dumping grounds in an adjacent val— Problems for discussion the first a natural tendency on the part Of the . of ley which will later be used as a large two days emphasize the proper adj ust- tenants :50 spend beyond their means 101; playground and recreation field. ment of income and rental before and Tn furnishing the-clean, new dwell- rust The inadaptability 0f the three hill- after tenant selection, occupancy lim— ings. Similar eXhlbltS “1 other parts unt tops for residential purposes had its, and general eligibility standards. 0f th‘? 001111“? ’ notably Milwaukee, the caused them to be abandoned to the Should unit size determine rentals or Detmlt' and Minneapolis, have proved ers, worst type of slum dwellings. In should location and minor differences very effective. cial transforming these landmarks from in dwelling type be considered? How The plan is in the best tradition of 274 . an eyesore into apermanent com- shall the upper income limit of ace 1311th housing ill that it encourages a the “3111?. tasseté the fiitti?u3gh hoifng cepted tenants be fixed? Shall fam- satisfactory standard 0f fUI‘nlShlth ,ent . . :11] 1:);va iisblihahlgislicna y 63:51.31: lat' ilies be turned out of public housing Whlle protecting the pocketbooks 0f ped thg basicpre lannin ogfctflilrlclitihgfo: projects because Of increased earn- the low-income groups-to behoused. not better livingp g ings after admission? What maxi- The cooperation 0f ClVle bodies W_1th 3.111— Savin s on the r' f th 1 d mum occupancy limits should be the local housmg authority in making . g p “Fe 0 e an ’ established to avoid 0 ercr di 9 the exhibit possible helps to increase 'f a , which though located in the very cen- V 0W ng ' - - - - ’ . . . - , . local understanding and to mobilize ml- ter of the City, was inexpensive be- The thlrd days piogram calls for su ort behind ublic housin ieI‘S cause of its formidable to o ra h discussions on staff organization, per- pp p g. . p g p y, . )ro- Will pay for the extra costs of grading sonnel, labor relations, community S F . are and developing the site. The orig— relations, tenant cooperation, repair, an ranusco inal land cost to the local housing au- maintenance; and alteration policies. (Continued from D- 1) ful Scarcity'of Low-Cost Land Compels Pittsburgh to Level Downtown Hilltops to Provide Project Sites . significance Of prohousing organiza- L. ,, tion among the people who actually rity fife”; ~ w . i , »i" _ , _ . 7 live in the slums. One of the big rea- in— .3: *”””" "** . v ‘ . ”a?“ ‘ sons for the delay in many local hou3- awe Wm M “n.4, g» .m.’ as»? an. ”iii s5 e. ak‘é’xx 1 - , ' " ‘t . . . . L e -~ es «waernzs, "5v : mg programs, 1 was sal , Is a e b1 Ls, sf- ,s s f,“ m fl, m , , t d th tth on " .,:*fie%‘ fl“ .2." " people who need housing most are au- = w~s§h® “’eee‘sazs completely inarticulate as a group, .eet ,s he" \a . ye. e,g..,.,sf§§g . whereas opposition forces are well it «with * ' . .‘ warm-r Lewes.” " ,. - the E'ré‘fliis 5% " Vati‘ ' $‘a%¥ orgamZed and have abundant finan- e sens we can ear _ x~asgeeb . in“ A demand was also voiced for the act; “ ., a%b$*f‘£-h‘fi*af‘fl: “" . .j 'e, return of the Calvary Cemetery site, tus * 3%;sfhkii- _. I “.3 e recently abandoned by the San Fran- ;ro- erm1‘_»‘:n‘;ges§~‘ ,; “x . . fififififffi“? A similar mass meeting is being the We” seem {Weds sponsored by the Les Anseles Hous- Lr? 'w nix.” ’sxs-ws~*-s.ss‘~ ’ ' organizations. a r 1‘ a.“ ‘ it €"”’"“"’”%‘”?“3*¢w» ‘ ' ° ° i‘blr’fmi a -N ”‘7 ""." " v3"”"zw* gthegs‘rsgiqu E1ghty-Elght PYOJECtS Zifigmig’atzgegéfifieeséffifigflmw sewssssaeééie‘irwemhah “V”M%’R‘ififigg .6. a. ,4 PUBLIC HOUSING CREATES A NEW PROFES- NOW Clng llllt ————-——-—-——-—‘ . ~ ,. N — Dt SFON: by Béayrlce Glgenfield Rosahn! Na— State and local authority 1133113): belirgf otiiiii twnal Mummpal Review, Aug. 1939, pp. A jump in the number of projects units opening . 573—578. - - ———"‘—"—' Traces the growth of housing management as a under C0nstruCt10n from 55 to 88 In Bid ODBHiHES definitely scheduled profession. Describes the qualifications of a public the 7-week period between July 1 and ————————— 1i i ‘. A h G __._____________. — — _..,_, 9—1 —39 Ijg‘sVMR’EZ‘SE‘EOUSI G H A b J August 18 demonstrates that the pub— A5123: o3 gig—i-..” 138 9—13—39 N 1N OLL ND an - - - - - At] t , G _,______________ GA— —2______ 04 9—19—39 . ’ y 110 housmg program has hit its stride. Baiaiilmiie,aimi_____________ MDEZ—Luh 398 9—15-39 Bommer, The Architectural Forum, June , . Boston Mass MASSJH 342 9-13-39 1939’pp.19_20_ The passmg of State and City ena— _ ’ " Describes Holland's cooperative public housing bling legislation, the creation Of hous- Eggggigé: §§1:::::: gigs-I: 1%: 3:31:33? , , . . . . . . . 1, - _______________ M —2—i___ 9—15—3 EggvilamI-IOUSES AND NEw MEN b Edward mg authorities, the infinitely detailed gigygwfiityfiéxm N§§§4_____ 133 9-8-39 - - ’ y jobs of assembling land and drawing pituixdi°yiiif_::t::" their“: 338 11:38 yY — .~ R 6 Skillin, J r., The Commonweal, Aug. 18, 1939, . . . Wilmington N. c Ne—H no 9—29—39 pp. 388_390 plans, are at last bearing fruit in ’ How Nova Scotia miners financed and built three construction contracts. Buildings are Tentative schedule ofbid openings! housing projects. Houses and floor plans are ' ._______._——————— described- gomg Up. . . Boston, I\Iass___.___________ MASS—2—2R 870 10—10—39 PRINCIPLES AND CONSIDERATIONS TO BE AP- The tetal number 0f dwelling unlts gflarPfiei 115, gm"-.. §8+§mh 25; {$33223 - are e, . _________-__ —3— _____ 45 — PLIED IN THE APPRAISAL OF LOCATIONS FOR under constructlon on August 18 “’33 golumbgs, .Géi..-’_f____.--__, gi’Ji—Ii—l—R“ 36(2) 3:39-33 Low—RENT HOUSING PROJECTS, by Ladislas 37,494 as compared with 24,600 on ”pus ms" “m {X's—3‘11 7 7" D llas,T '______.__________ TEX—9%.... 626 10-5-39 $33339: TIE?) gllanners’ Journal, Main—June July 1. ggiy,£ncii_13________-_____ i311Ds11_1"_ 305 51:23:33 . — . - or 's u , a_____________ I ——1-__-__ 200 . ’ pp .. . . _ _ n . ~ The number of pI‘OJects under loan LosrringerlgsCo.,CaliL-____ CAL—24---- 300 9—26—39 Discusses criteria and desideiata which a proposed Mjccomb Miss _ __ _ M18873—1 75 9-25.39 Site should meet t0 Effect the proper relationship contract as of August 1 “ram 267_ ' "-- ----- — ~-— ‘ ' . - - - M b‘l ,Al ________________ ALA~2<1____ 100 9~28—39 ““3 f‘fture cmmmf‘ty devemnmem- Pleéem ”1' They W111 prOV1de a total of 102,118 pegsignia,am_--,_____,___- FLA—6—1__-_ 120 10—3—39 vestigations and studies necessary for applying these . _ . Peoria, 111___~_~____________ ILL—3—1—R-. 400 9—30—39 criteria. famlly dwelling unlts. georiahlllllnahtu._--_____.- 5%‘3fi'r 33g Eggs; . . , e I , ,_,______.__ —— __ ~ PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS IN THE LOCA— Recent data Indicate that the down- an S“ e 10 TION OF HOUSING PROJECTS by Harland ward trend in construction costs is lReadvertiscd8—21739. . . 7 . . 2Readvertised 8—31—39. Barthommew and Othel 5’ The Plamzeqs continuing. From June 24; to August 8 There is usuallyaBO-day period between bid advertising Journal, Main—June 1939, pp. 32—47. 19 1939 - and bid opening. None Of the bid openings shown here Presents the case for downtown locations, fringe , , construction costs on 1OW- have as yet been definitely scheduled. locations. and new towns. Summary of the discus- rent hOHSIIlg pI'OJeCtS built by local B.d T P . t R - t d sions held at the annual meeting of the American ' ‘ ' 1 s 01] W0 r0 ec s e ec e Institute of Planners in Washington, D. 0., Jan. 27— hOUSIDg authorltles under the USHA J J ~ 28,1939. program have been gradually re- Determined to reduce construction . DEARBORN .TO HAVE MODERN SUBDIVISION, duced. The average over-all cost of costs to the lowest possible level con- : r4 u n I g u ' ' The American CWA Aug 1939, pp- 30—36- new housmg per dwelling unit drop- Sistent With safety and durability re— New subdivmion prOJect for Dearborn, Mich., . . . - - recently announced by Trustee, of the Ford Founda_ ped from $4,744 on 23,700 units under quirements, local housmg authorities tion is described, with sketches and plat. construction on June 24, to $4,654 on in Perth Amboy and Asbury Park, PREPARATION AND REVISION OF BUILDING the 37,494 units under construction N. J ., have rejected bids by private CODT’fS’fbthegrg; N:'B Tildqmpsganth- 113. Big on August 19. The average net con- contractors on the 258-un1t W1lliam Tea 0 an an“ s ui In a eria s an - - - ' structures Report BMSlg9 May 1939 struction cost per dwelling unit was Dunlap Homes low—rent housmg : 7 ‘ 18 pp. ’ reduced from $2,949 to $2,914. i>rOJect_at Perth Arnboy and the 126; Discusses principles and problems associated with —————" unlt Ehzabeth ROblnson Vlllage pI‘OJ— building code requirements. Indicates how develop- Mei/noqcanduqn on Housing (Special Memo— eCt at ASbury Park, as “unreasonably ments in the laboratory and in the field may be used. raiida NO 5) National Policy Committee 111011 n SCHEDULING OF MATERIALS GOVERNS CON— w 3 ’ ’ a ‘ - ashington, D. C., 1939, 20 pp. ' ' erinlned u on STRUCTION ECONOMY ON Low—COST BUILD- Summarizes the topics discussed at the Second Na- Rejection fots tdgt 1) t1 1p 1 INGS, Construction, Methods and Equipment, tional Conference of the N. P. C. held at St. Louis, after. a care u _ S u y y 1e 003' Aug. 1939, pp. 42—45. Mo., May 1939. houSIng authorities and the USHA FRésuisné of coArhstruction cost savings effected in PLAY SPACE IN NEW NEIGHBORHOODS, Na— revealed that the total amount 0f the u ‘ 't . . . , ~ . K . ~ . . . _ . 192:35, 9:118 yWithmifilizgzgzg: DIOJeCt 'It Allendale tional Feeleational ASSOCIathn, Inc., 1939. blds greatly exceeded final cost es’u- Pamph‘etiZ?’ ppi. . mates. Bids will soon be readver— A guide in prOVIding outdoor recreation areas in . housing developments. tised. Material for Public Housing should be addressed to Informational Service Divi- Weekly Construction Report Sion, U. S. Housing Authority, Washing— _______._—_._—————————————-—-— ton; D- C- . It Week ended Week ended Percentage Publication 1s approved by the Direc- 0m August18,1930 August11,1939 Change tor, Bureau of the Budget, as required 1 1 ‘ - Number 1 r ‘ects dc t t‘ ‘_________________________._______.____ 88 87 1-1 1337,1199 42 0f the Jomt commlttee 0“ Numbergi3,931iiugé‘findref%’;:§t‘ifié€$,_____A_______________,____--____,_i,__ 37,494 36,634 $2.3 Printing. Total estimated over-all cost ' of new liousing____________..________.__________ $174, 511. 000 $170,445, 000 +2. 4 For sale by the Superintendent of Dow $32332flétzgisifiitifiifii‘stig‘éilfiii‘éiiE‘.TE::‘::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3313?: 23% N° SESPige' . ments, Washington, D. C. Subscription .____.______———————— pr‘lce $1 domestic, foreign $1.80 per year. ‘Ineludes; (‘1) Building 'the house, including structural costs and plumbing, heating, and electrical installation; Single copies, 5 cents. (2) dwelling equipment, architects’ fees, local administrative expenses, financial charges during construction, and contingency expenses; (3) land for present development; (4) nondwelling facilities. 2 The cost of building the house, including 5 uctural, plumbing, heating, and electrical costs. 4 W 172045