xt7q833n0c3c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q833n0c3c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-02-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 29, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 29, 1980 1980 1980-02-29 2020 true xt7q833n0c3c section xt7q833n0c3c In Frankfort
S t it b'llt I S’t d t CHE
By NANCY GWINN CHE executive director Harry the‘CHE‘s composition. He also said tion with SGAK. which represents cle of communication.“ Robinson. an Eastern Kentucky Uni~
5m», Wm" Snyder argued against the ht”, saying he found it difficult to support a billto over l00.000 students in Kentucky. To repudiate the “special interest" thtblt) student who has a seat on the
he was opposed to any fundamental place a student on a statewide board. (iunnell told the senate committee argument that helped defeat a similar EKU board of regents. Robinson was
lhe state Senate Education Com~ alteration ofthe structure ofstatewide “Two years from nowthey‘llwanta that a student representative on the bill in a House of Representatives present at yesterday‘s l0 a.m.meeting.
mittee approved by a 6-3 vote yester- boards which coordinate education. student vote.and ratherthan face that. council would provide “valuable input committee last year.‘I ichenor told the Chairman of the committee. Sen.
day a bill to place a non-voting ex ”I'here is no state coordinating l'llvote no.now.“Gibson said.“l lore~ that could be obtained in no other nine-member committee that student Allen Robert from the litth district.
officio student representative on the board with student or faculty repres- Wt? that this IS a UK StUdent effort." way.“ . representation “OUld h0t C8115? thf “Md “'tththe majority In ”\OWfBi“ -
Council of Higher Education, entation.“ Snyder said. "They should Although there were no lobbyists Gunnell and UK General Studies CHE to be swayed by specialinterests. N4. “I thinka student on CHE would .
lhe student representative would be never be members of boards where from other state universities presentat senior Gene Tichenor. last year's SG “Students are not a special interest create a better collegiate rapport.“ he ‘
' selected from one of the eight state policies are set.“ the meeting toaid the lobbying efforts president. urged the committeetosup« group." Iichenor said. “fhey do not Sitld.
PUbilV institutions. ' He added that once the (‘HE was of UK‘s Student Government.the Stu- port the bill at yesterday‘s meeting. donate to political funds or work as a Senate Education Committee
Senate Bill 194‘ filed at the state provided with a student representa- dent Government Association of Ken Tichenor told the committeelthat political activist group." member Sen. Ed Ford. from the 30th
capitol eleven days ago. will be pres- tive. primary and secondary boards of tucky has lobbied for a bill to place a the overall concept of allowing stu- Snyder concluded his speech of district. sponsored the bill. '
‘ cnted to the Senate Rules Committee education would also legitimize the student representative on the CHE for dents to be represented by their class- opposition by recommending that the According to SG senator-at-large
and mav reach the senate floor next possibility of student representatives, more than two years. mates on state boards of regents had chairman and members of the educa~ Britt Brockman. student lobbying
week The CHE passed a resolution Sixth district Sen. Kenneth Gibson UK A&VSjunior Bobby DeeGunnell been a good one. He added that plac- tion committee vote against SB l94. efforts “ill continue through next
Wednesday (,thhg an) legislation Cuht his vote against the bill. saying he assured Gibsonthatthe efforts of UK‘s ing a student representative on the “Snyder did no morethanchildishly week With the hopes that SB I94 will
. to change the makeup 0, the council. has hesitant to approveany changesin Student Government were in coopera- CHE would “provide a two-way vehi- discredit the students." said Rick be passed on the Senate floor. .
\‘ol. ”an No. “7 Ker 21 University of Kentucky
Friday. February 29. I980 an Independent student newspaper Lexmgton. Kentucky V
_ ‘
a. “Wwfiifl’u‘? W MMMWM'B‘WMW;
Freeze on capital construction protects 1 . szfima-azemarmc .
.. - . , . , , unwraw—mfiw gm»...
; . ' .. ‘ §*~mm~¢£~§ym
4 ' . . mm - than
may not affect UK 3 Primary Care fa0ility 2 v- - wm~3.r‘ . mm ‘
5:" * "1‘ ' .. '\ 2*i ~ . ‘ %”~m'-‘t'- :1: ' v-a- ‘ n
By KATY BANANAS statcfundsbecause ofthe natureofthe Brown is expected to release his 4% gr! 12/1,}:th . ’33:.) . .Q : '5
shin “rust proposed laCIlll). budget forthe l980-82 bienniuminthe 15;"- W; g , , W‘O‘rm “' . -'
"I‘ve been able to work out a pro- h€Xt tW0 weeks. Legislative action on :1 emf EV” , V . i ' armrmgw ' W
Funding for the Albert B. Chandler gram with Secretary (of Finance) the budget should follow immediately. Z”... , * ', ‘t , t V am%m&ug ”’3 mun-w .
Medical Center‘s proposed $12.5 mil- George Atkins where the project will Dr. Peter Bosomworth. vice presi- - . i; i it [’3' ti &*%~%E , i .. 5.“;
lion I’rimary (are (‘enter will proba- not be held up (in construction),“ dent forthe Med Center.saidthereisa .2ij . , ' ’i- 1:.“ L’. - 1. ., f w
bl) not be affected hi the heme Gov Blanton said. "The governor was very Pt°55ih8 need forthenewcenter, And. "i t ‘i’ J) ii i, .\ ii ' i i a.» ‘1 ' . M... ..,t “cat‘s-ii
John l Brown Jr. put tillctiplltllcot‘l- careful to say that any project that he said that funds forthe project “will *iqia.*, W“ .4 . c .7”; ”raw
i struction protects. according to state affects the welfare and safety of eiti- be in the budget as far as I know." at” . "Wit/«m. “'1'. 3% “Rag-37‘“ ~
and l'niversity officials. lens ofthe Commonwealth would not According to Bosomworth. the " 3.2-, "“"i’ .
In October. the Council on Higher be held up because of the freeze.“ facility WOUld increase the quality of W“ .* ‘ . ' . . '
Izducation approved construction of Blanton said the (HE recom— UK‘s medical program. He described ‘.
. the facrlity lhe center will be located mended that the state government sell the Medical Center‘s current outpa- ii r1 .- w i a ‘
on Rose Street adiaceiit to the College l'K bonds to fund the construction. tient program as being “very crowded“ W, " I; g: - .\,_ ~ ' ‘
' of Nursing building ‘lhe state would then "pay (the) and said about 225.000 patientsa year a; . . Mg: 4' V y ’ 1" i 2'
Doubts about whether the facility principal and interest (due) to the are treated thete. 43-... EM r334}? 7’ ’1, . . ‘ .2
would be constructed arose early this bond holders (at maturityl." Blanton “it Will beasignificant improvement if?» . .f‘” ‘5 .
' year when Brovvii announced the said. This plan will be carried out if in both our teaching and outpatient 4... W .- 1"“ ii V ‘
. . - tree/eon capitalconstruction projects. Gov. Brown includes the proposed care facilities." Bosomworth said. “If WWW " f s V
. Despite the freeze. l'K Vice President funding procedure for the project in it‘s constructed as proposed.thecenter “wt .. ’ ' . (it , .
. . for BUSlness Affairs Jack Blanton said his new budget and it the state legisla- will house all kinds of outpatient care. ‘ w Mg? V ., g. i' _ ,, . s..;£".’;.t
that he is optimistic about receiving ture approves that funding. General internal medicine, general 4. ' ,. ' . ,_ , * MM“ .
pediatric medicine.ourfamily practice 3% if .. .. v _ “34”.. * . " , ' 1“... . .
. . . . . program and the health maintenance all M». V ' ‘ » . . ‘ ”
' SIX Iranians vrolatm __ s... .
cept in preventing illness. plus a new , be -- ' «n.3,; '
parking area for patients“ will be ' ~ "“ t t; . M M’ -. . ' h
. included in the facility. Bosomworth “5.. Jr" R; ' flag-v1»; . ... . ,
f d . said. *7 Ii , Hm”. J » i} in l" g V V i
. » stu entstatus In state *' '- .
‘ a ministration. said the need for the L h .
. ‘ . . . . new facility is evident. but definite '9 ts’ camera'"
8" JAI “)2”th had not contacted her about the 5m. COWSIWCHO“ plans cannot be made Lydia Hodson. right. co-host of Channel 27‘s “PM shoots: partial segment of the film in front ofthe rusty
"WW“ will" dent. but sald that one Iranian student “”“l theamount ofmoney allocated to Magazine.“ reports on the Center for the Fine Arts and art structure outside the Center as Hodson faces L'K‘s .
, at the college “3d to attend a hearing Continued on page 6 its elaborate pipe organ. Field producer Tom SmithJeft. Student Center.
. lhe [KS Immigration and \atural- because he let his student visa expire.
nation Service has found six of Ken- She said the student had not contacted l I I '
tucky's Iranian students in violation of her on the outcome ofthe hearing and ats O n th e tra ll Wlth fl rst tou rna ment WI n
their student status and subject to she suspected that he wasthe student
dc onation. accordini to Dewev who was in violation. , ——-—‘—-'—— .. - .. , ~ , n .~
. Wlitring. director ofEthc INS iii Dr. James Moore. foreign students 33:33:32,: CLAY 0" Miss 'OPS Vols (page 4) while - HetooktalLardligk ongherneeang H {Tileufimdgtdbreffigfl flaring?
. V loumille. adviser at JCC. said the INS had not ip r hotels at" to fans (see p.“ 5)' iiiipfrigii looe 68d Hzlle“H:lS:oul:Iad‘t sofnething :ind fie hzid togseit him out
Ihc “X *tUdcnt‘i none 0‘ “mm are 90““th him concerning the student BIRMINGHAM » In the past. as Kentucky rolled to its 27th victorv tput any weight on it at halftime but he We have no idea what it is so we‘lljus‘t ‘
from the IIVK campus in I.exmgton. and added that he did not personally UK-Auburn games have been as close against {our losses. ' came back and played in the second watch him overnight."
have all ““d ill") “Witt leave the know who the student might be. as a razor‘s edge. bln in last night‘s Bowie poured in lo points and half.“ ' Despitethose injuries. Hallwas real
country voluntarily a route they VWotring said the immigration SCF- contest at the Civic Center. UK did pulled down seven rebounds in the “It was just like the Las Vegas pleased with the way his team played. '
. . may take to avoid the actual deporta- vice made its decision on the six Iran- almost all the cutting. first period as UK edged out to alt-28 game,” said. Bowie. “I went down low "Sam Bowie‘s first half was WW
“0“ Pritcet'dlhgs» ””15 during hearings Feb. 20 and 2l- The Wildcats slipped in thC Old one- halftime lead. andjumped up and gotmylegs cutout important to us." he said. “He is
Wotring said the students were from He said hearings on I9 other Iranian Itwo punch and then survived a late The Cats gained their biggest lead of from under me. I don‘t think it was maturing realfine. Heis improving on - ,
‘ ll“: lmwmi.‘ _ “l Louisville. More- students 5"“ had to be continued. bi“ scan? to defeat the Tigers 69-6l in the the half at 29-2I with three minutes to anything personal. I just came down his shots especially those he shoots '
head State l niversity. [:astern Ken- added that he did n01 know when they quarter finals ofthe SEC tournament. go. UK was leading 25-2l when Bowie over someone‘s back.“ down at the basket';
tuck) l “I‘CVI‘MU- Kentucky Weselyn. would resume. Although Macy and Minniefield hit a twisting layup and was cutdown Mysteriously. the Wildcats built However. in the second half. it was
Somerset ( ommunity College and President Carter ordered Iranian each won the first two g'ames on last underneath by Tiger Center Benny much of their first-half lead without Macy. with some help from Cowan.
V Jefferson ( ommuniny College. students to report to immigration offi- second shots. that was notthecaselast Anthony. The foul was ruled leading scoring Kyle Macy. who left who went to work. Thctwo combined
. $312222? and .l( ( arcl K community €68: iii-Siriblaisslil‘irifllrlti:t¥::r28;:3t;:: Eiffitpisstszhbtli‘iimc helped lead the ifntentthional and Bowie canned both hhifganhe svhth 8:46 remaininglihhthe for lilgstfirstgzvczlg'c Soil“: 3:th C815
. . _ ‘, ‘ . r - rows. r I re ure oa avana .
Joanne Story. assistant director for IraniansVenrolled in Kentucky‘s eight Sam Bowie put onashow in the first can the plav. however. the M mainufens weie rrtli'iiairieitrlfgr.n “ht e SP Continued 8on page 6 ’
student services at Somerset. said yes- state universnies: I36 of them are at half and Kyle Macy and Fred Cowan freshman bruised his knee when
terday that the immigration service UK. put Auburn away early in the second falling. Ii 8” t Lafihgmn man
oda lb 0"” es . .. .
selected by the [)e rtment of Labor. I): artment of Efforts to arran e a commission meetin with the [no r"
Education or titheflgrganilation agreed topbythelocal American hostagesgwere unsuccessful. at Icist for the m, 2 counts 0f 8X/7/b nls
State board and teachers‘ organiration. time being. The militant captors said they had not _
dectded whether to permit It. By DALE C. MORTON that time.
THE SENATE EDI'CATION COMMITTEE world It was fearethheVapproxVimately 50 Americans. who Staff Writer According to UK Police Chief Paul
yesterday agreed by one vote m send a controversial have been captive in the l .S. Embassy in Iehran for Harrison. detectives obtained a des.
professmnal negotiations bin {or teachers t0 the ”7 d‘YF'm'Ehtn9‘b'l'?‘di°’l0 "‘0” “'“l‘S-Alcad' UK police arrested a 27-year-old cription of Hamilton and his automo-
Senate floor. where it is expected to face another close WITH Gl'NFIRE ( RACKLING around them. a 1:32:32: 32:: mlslhltotittcrdtsozgsigor the as- Lexington man Wednesday ahd bllc~ “hell was described .as a
, vote heavily armed band of young term! guerrillas dug in 3 On its Fifth fulldii Tflramhcah Nd :n‘c‘hgnedmc charged him with two counts of“inde- Plymouth Satellite with its license
~ Ihe committee voted 5-4 to ntove the bill. which is yesterday in for what they vowed could boa months— ousted Shah‘s main risidence thehtmlied Evin mm cent CXPOSUW” plate removed.
backed by the Brown administration. after approving long standoff at the besieged Dominican Republic where thousands allegedly weretortured bv SAli/AK According to POliCC I’CPOI'tS. Jerry WCdHCSdaY afternoon. UK parking
8 5:33;; 26:11: ‘ b . Fmbassh “'hCTCthf) hcidthc t.'.S.ambassadorand at the shah‘s mm huh“ hm," the mohhrch “5' W. Hamilton has been exposing him- lot attendant MikVe Burnett observed
3 e u stituteincludcdrcmovinga east bOotherhostages, . . forced from thethrone heft,“ last vear'slslamicrevo- self in the Columbia Avenue area. the vehicle Circling the area near
3:211:32321333T5i“.iiilii‘i‘i'la'c"if§m"“5 “d to'iiiflii'u'rdii'lfiili’fllfi‘oiii??? T‘” ‘3 '“"°"' ' Wh‘" ”‘° ”my "°“‘“ "° '°°"°d‘ “mm mu"
The bill that came out of the committee requires the embassy and hostages Wednesdaryland‘defriiiiided Weather on weekends during the past two Flt'stPlatOOtLOfthCl’S Jijcllfl rhfimas
local school boards to negotiate on wages. hours and $50 million in ransom and freedom for political months. . and Mlkc Ban/V arreste amt ton.
curriculum along with other agreed to iicms. with a prisoners IT IS NOT SPRING yet as the mm.“ tomodm Lt Only two reports of indecent expo- who later admitted to the two inCi-
rccosmlcd local teacher organization. partly sunny but very windy and cold with highs in the sure were filed with police. the first on dents and also other recent inCidents of
A school board would not have to enter into a A l'.N. COMMISSION investigating charges upper 20: to around 30. Clear and very cold tonight Jan 27 Mid thC SCCOhd 0" Feb. I0. “indecent ”WWW-ii POl'C‘ reports
contract but a mediator would be called in for a non- against the deposed shah toured ii notorious prison in with lows from 5 to I0 degrees. Both incidents occurred on Sundays said.
binding finding it there is an Impasse. Tehran yesterday and metwitharepresentatiive ofthe Tomorrow. increasing cloudiness and continued around 5 pm. near the Newman Cen- If convicted. Hamilton could
The substitute provided that the mediatorwouldbe ruling Revolutionary Council. very cold with highs tn the low and mid 20s ter on Rose lane. The Newman Cen- receive up to. SZSOfine and or upto
tcr has a5 p.m mass every Sunday at six months in'iail.

 KENTUCKY Debbie Mcihniel .
Mirror in ( hm! Muir (inert Kim Aubrey i‘homns ('hrlt John (‘hy Guy Landon
Joy Foss“! Bob 2 ochnne Illt‘rlulltltlc'nl [Vt/trot sporty htliror Interior of Photography
(If) “HHS 4ytm lult' h/Htiry Plul Mm“)
\Iurrugrng fill/or Cindy Mdiu Ilii 'l'lrhnn Brion Rickard David Mlymrd
' Jin'lti Rudd itrrtlunr 4\\l\lllll( .Spom Editor I’ho/o .ilanagw
Steve Muse) List Dorm-rd («I/Ir l.L/ilU/\ Llllr'llummrnl h/riur
cdita‘ials & commnts ( uni/tut LJitur Miro/Au! hill/u]
' . .. _ .~.-..-.-.-..‘ .-.:...;.;.;.;.~.;.,.,....-.....-:.::::;.;:;:...:;:;:;... --..._.;.;-:;;:;:;:5E§E;::...,.535325;:=?=?.E::.§=E$S=::E:;:3:5:5;2:;...:;:::.¢:;:E::;.:I:.;:3r;:;3:335:33}:Ignite.
.fr;:55:325:325::93;:5:123:}:3:5:I33335$5155iIi15:32-35:52}:3:5:1'3'='1"-:35:3:513:5:Ezlziziiliif?!Eff1:73:33325525‘2-‘t '-‘-" * - .I 'I'. -: .-s -' ( '
. . . . 1352255:5:353:33;5:525:53552523253355?!" ’ '"3:133535525553515553555?"’ -- , ' . ‘ ..~'.e. .e . a
Some ot Kentucky 's leaders are doing all they can to but it bears repeattrrg that he (or she) is representatite + “3'; {r . . '3 it __ 6/ ‘ _. _.,., . ._ W .
make sure students won't hate arty say in matters that oi the citi/en most intimately aiiected by any clrartges ‘, \ 6 fif’ .__J ,5 3 - ~‘.' . tannin-As} M i I 5337.5
3 concern them. in the state‘s unitersity structure. f”; ' J )" 1:” ......‘ ”pi i t $333 1 3 \\ 3 y _ 3 - \
- Harry Snyder. executtte director oi the Council on Snydt‘l"5 comments 0“ ”‘9 matter yesterday “C“? 50 ‘I‘W‘hm‘s i ' ii .3 ‘3 3 l i“ :3)“ \ \i 3 333s \3 3 {m J i“?
llrgheri‘du‘cation. I. one 0] them. banal and inconsiderate that Kentucky students 'f“tk \. i in“; _‘ Witt; Mg“ i s\ \§:: \\ 3 z 3% ll I \L
Yesterday. the state legislatures Senate liducation deserte ati apology. "l‘hey (university students) i _~l~s>f”’$¥”¥, / \ i 'fi _ ‘ s»; 5. ‘t‘\\\3\\\\\kg i i313 y
, . ( ommittee toted out to place an at oil/t to student should net er be members oi boards where policies are i 3 ’ «letfl'zrfs‘hi, ‘ ‘ . Fl; 1 i _ y .. ‘3‘ ‘ 13ng i »
, mernberon the Clll’. Wednesday. howeter.the coun~ set." he told the Senate liducation Committee. He 1"?1 + t j y ”1‘ ‘_ 3i . . -r‘ 3,3333333 . .
3 ' 3 ctl passed a resolution opposing any such legislation. added that once CHI“. has a student member. primary . 2%,“. I’a‘ '; {$3.} ‘ “\ .y‘ ,6 .y. { _ \s k ‘ C
' Senate Bill I‘M prot ides tor the inclusion (it a stir— and secondary education committees will want to get y” gazitfl” ,.‘I \ \\\® y? 3‘ J 2-3;" ‘t 2 $3
, dent. wliocotild not \tllt.‘ butcould prot ide input tront student members. too. l ,fi‘yw. ., I . if 55‘” I t'm / it‘xéh \e\3\
i met Inenotoe new: onoI rt... IouneII Im HIIII IIIIrI I IIIIIrInI IIIIIIIIn I«IIIII a w \3\
' But Snyder dncgn‘r w ant to change the makeup oi student and a oth-grader. l.et‘s speak oi' the matter at - \""'I"1:-:;‘»:"?-=:1 .. 333i \\\\ 3“... liifiiisiifia: «he. _. fifggigé;§.5.';§=§=i" .,- \3' 157.3, \§\§\
' his little committee; apparently he‘s con and comior- hand; let‘s not try to yustiiy any decisions by r’eierr‘ing i -‘\y\\!_ ‘-' 3 ' ‘ ' S \ $3” -.':E=E=.-:1‘~." .. i) Elli-'25" .- \3\:\\:\
.- table with the way things are. lltat may be tine lot 10 an entirely diiier'ent situation. i 33:3 .373 s. \ '.:.i i -. ‘.~ I'UI. I"'.”:3=33‘:51' ‘ l—qh; \33\<
. him. bitt what about its. tlte students'.' Sixth—district SC“ Kenneth “lbw“ ”[50 ”WWICS xs... . s i;- ‘ ..;,Kb,~’v: "‘i H‘ 3.33
1 We're the ones who hate to pay these outrageous student representation on CH [3. saying. “ l wo years M 3‘ ‘ 33:3] than-..» 53535553555553535‘3 *4 \EEEF J {Q33
. . [trititrn increases. we‘re the ones ttho haye to put tip irom now (when the legislature contenes again). ‘ng 3 " ‘3- \U‘LU‘\§3
' . '- ttitli llrrnsy curricula. poor i'acilittesand weak tactilty. they ~ll want a student tote. and rather than iace that. I 3 Q3" 3 :7 VM‘U“ I 3| ‘ .32». N I1
it seems ortly right that ttc shotild haye one oi our kind l‘ll \Otc no now {>6 a " ,5" ‘ ///. :L. ‘3- id; 33323533333235 i 3333.33” .
' ‘ . ' on the coiirrcil. keeping the other members i‘rom wal- JUst what is it these men i‘ear'.’ Radical hippie college ‘1. _ i ‘ ‘3 F #4 " ( ,.A'; i' N y ‘I ti ‘
. 4 lowing m eellEimposed importance. unconcerned students who tyant to change this pcace-loting coun- / I, . 3 9:? “ M i, - ‘ fi‘ «:3 \ ‘ $23,. r
‘ ,: about how proposals may alieci the tery people ti’y‘.’ ()r are they trterely airaid students could irate Ff}.- j‘ u .“,.‘j:~.\\‘ / K #:f“ \t‘ ‘. .‘..-II" "Ail-171‘ .
, ‘ ‘ “th “Hume they shape something to say that might be tnore signiiicant than ,-‘. .7;:‘."s. - ‘ "/ f / ;§:/:_;\3,}2:»n N... _\ g" "
Vt title he was "not particularly pleased to irate to what they could think ot‘.’ (I t 7753‘ ‘ f A, “’32 /~ /, I g a _7 _ “" ..-_ :Qg
. ' recommend an increase in charges ior students." it is disturbing to consider the notion that someoi V‘ 'M‘Wt'“‘ ”0 r _- \I
‘ . Snyder said Kentucky‘s tuitions were tailing behind Kentucky‘s most poweriui and intelligent administra— u WEI Z GL/yf; isle/E [31.5 be 1/ 7- (I - 0A" (VF: Y7 1‘ X‘! I 52/ 7 4/ M t’{A/u€
. those at benchmark institutions. So we hate to pay tors seem to think ol untyer'srty students as being /()_ ( (Au! n , ‘_ J I: t, I g- V“. . - - - ,, .
' . more rust so we don‘t look like some cheap little col- unable to assist in making decisions thatgreatly inilii- ‘ ‘ * ~ ”4 5' [I F” (A .-"\ hit-3‘14. ,
’ , , 'i‘ . ' legc in some hick state. huh" CDCL‘ tht‘tt 0““ “WS- -
: '. _ (iranted. with inilation. costs ot educating the col- lht‘ ht” goes I” ”l“ 8““th “0t" “CU “63k. ittld UttC n n ,- ‘ J. ‘
" rcgc Iiudents are spiraling. But tsthis the tight way to M tt‘ principal opportents UP until 3h” year. SCH' MISS Amer/ca 8 (all (ale SprOUlS
'- .' I, go about soltrngtheproblem‘.’ Vt hatabout theimpot~ Robert Martin. l)—Richmond. now supports its pas—
' ciished geniuses tnust they wastetlteri‘minds.capa— tage. along with its sponsor. Rep. Ste\c Wilborn. g)- f / J. '/
4 ' ' ble o1 changmgthc world. btitinsteadstaytngat home Shelbytille horns 0 unp easan‘ I 6] 7 n 1 1a
:" ' , i in lilc hills to work at l‘d's (image because they can’t We can only hope that the Senate will be impressed . . . . . .
.' aiiotd schooling" not only by what the bill‘s sponsors hate to say in its 8’ ‘1’“ ”AM“ R(. l" ““51 “mt Whi'tghtl‘ll'd (iiidtugo l 11km helps .WU WI" heaufyypageapits
. . . - . . . .oin v tnu ”so ure . ._ ') ' .. '
. . . - , lire issue oi turttorttncreases. howet er. only begins deiense. but. Perhaps tnore importantly weigh rust “ him m” Pt‘s‘tt}. phi-H the piano. gall!“ :LIESHSSWEHC :{cttggnmes the ligltintchi)Lii[:lanngd-\s(:fr%;ii1:03i:::inhf)
‘ ' 1“ WWW lht‘ Wum 0“ CH [33-3 “agitating attempts “I '4 what the h'” “ opponents ”N imply ingabout 3h" ”um“ and hits a lt'i' tttIlt gtmtst‘ttt InChs‘S ‘dt it crippled limbs oi multiple sclerOsis starte without the energv to erawl'.‘
.. ' tau and thorough education tor Kentucky‘s youth. htlitt oi hating a student representative on the coun- rctlyal meeting" welt. oi course. as victim? , y . ' . .
‘ ‘ . . When it comes time tor the council to tote on capi- cil. College studtnts are adults and more to the point Cheryl l’rewttt. Miss America 1980. ————____ . ‘Mrsstmerrcak‘your tall. Ia": '5 in
' “ . -. tal construction proiects. it would be helpiiil to hayea adults w hose lites are dependent upon what goes on in 5h? ”‘UC‘L‘ ‘lli‘ldi'lm he‘wlhdnd‘h’: hn)y;:~:)t‘ngl1tt$:.163:1:Sugars? 1 C
’ . ' student there who might be able to discuss whether the Council on Higher Education. it‘s high time that “1“ ‘” PM" lll‘i‘d‘k‘ 7“.) ‘h‘m 1‘” stafl column L p 4
, ' _ . . . , . . . . . . . _ secrets oi better leg-growing. lather you are mistaken about your
' -, such protects ill; still necessary or may hate to be inlet was tcctigni/cd and .lcitti upon. . _ _ ,. . . . . . .
. . _. . 4 ll its all true. then this could be a legs. and (rod actually devotes His
. i z ' altered me‘m” to better “I students ”CCds’ Biw- ‘—" rare bonus lor l'K basketball, Miss ”—__—.__— energy tttOIhcrcntcrprisesliketheles-
. ‘ . '. “3“}- it student 1‘ ”“er 1“ ““1““ “”h the ”CCdS and The supplement which appeared i I\lllt.‘llL‘;l. please tell Coach Hall your Would He rather clear up a pimple seningolstartationtlr Miss America. ,
. ’ - dciicrenctes oi the college education than a council in the Kernel yesterday containing secret. i‘or wheneter the Cats take on on your lace betore the big dance than you are correct. and (rod spends His
'. ' .. ., member w rtlt little or no real contact with the college the “beliefs and visions" of Bascum bigger opponents. he canytist send the heal a leper" time helping pretty girls win the page-
V community Newberry was paid adyertising and learn out to a rental meeting. lhey‘ll Are you saying that instead otretit- ants ol' prettiness while His needy stay
.1 ‘I ' . . Without a doubt. the student member is not going does not reflectthe personal views of come back leeling ill leet tall. . mg the legs that ride in wheelchairs. uttiiili‘rrled.
.: . .- . to be an economics “PC” or eten the most knowled- the staff or the editorial policy ofthe 1 “till get ot[ihit. k\irss .-yriterilclti. whose (rodI tyouldhrathgr adjust youthn'lis‘h J H b _ [K d t
' ‘ . . . . .. i . .. . ., , Pap“ eg to you in' more pit trig. oii strii or e peasure o a ea” \ at am urg is a gra uate su-
. ‘ . . gable person “3"”de proper “Minn!” proccdtirts. ' were beaittiliil and you were talented Judge‘.’ dent and Kernel staff writer. _
. W
. ' l
-‘ UK b k b l/ d- - d Letters to the Editor
68 61' a tra [170/7 runs 68,!) ____________________
I‘ ' ' Miss Am‘ri‘s utw "‘ ‘t: .
' f .2 ' By RALPH E. JOHNSON (‘ary Spicer was an early .I\ll— road to Atlanta in those days ()ld the case and the other learn Unbiased, "antral? with the {:53 Ritht‘.‘ h} coniLse U3
- . ' ‘ \merrca selection. as was l’aiil Route 25 crawled tlttoiiglt the motin- rebounded. or it went out oi bounds lhis letter is in response to the amp Margie Malone
~ ' I II 1 ten .1. mm in m.- .Mmm and \it‘i‘ll'ayt'l ol the ruddy cornplesron, tains oi Kentucky and lennessee. But or it was ttirned met. their the team in cle by Judy Jones m the Acme! on Business freshman
‘ . . ' ”ldtl.‘ U, .mu did. i watched the! titted | ‘,r Mdmmcty “1“ small iora m“ we got there on a bitter March night possession patiently waited for the Wednesday. ir‘eb.27. ln herarticle M5. ‘ L ) L '
' ' " States hockey team beat the Russians kt‘thttll player. etcn in those days. But with no place to stay. oi course. delcnse to set iipitt thcoiherend oi the yum "enlightens" u, all with lter 5'3”" '[ hy‘thyon
.’ - . .rmr irn‘iHy thi- t-mnt m “m the (Hun he more than rrtade tip tor it by his M I recall it. and ior reasons ldott‘t court. Slow. slow. slow . . dummy of a recent engagement by indecrded freshman _ . . .
I ' . - - l‘tC gold Were tltere eter [“0 ”hm. quickness. Sorry. but I don't recall Big understand. the iinal game was played lint aboiit that time there was talk Cheryl Prew‘itt. Miss America. (Editors NO“? The artlclern qy‘lestlon
' . '. .. thrilling gym“ Pllttt'tl‘) \iac. esccpi that lie was considerably on a Monday in a decrepit arena rrt about “point-a-rninute" players. l’irst l'm sure Ms Jones is a competent 33a? run on thefront pageasan analy-
I\trd my“. the WW» scoresrtin up.” bigger which the temporary floor was btirlt we had a guy nattted leroy ldwiirds. 'young reporter. but in yhi3 case she 5'3 andwasclearlylabeled fSSUCh-An
.V ' l .' hour-long eyeball to eyeball Phil ()ld I\liirnnr (iym couldn't seat the “WI thL‘ filldltttllttm Wit“. th CI'ONL Wt‘tldt'l whateyer h‘li‘l‘t‘tlt‘d t” “It“? seems to have iorgottcn the basic rUlc gnalyslsuncludes the writers personal
. 7 ' Against the Russians the American entire student body. let alone accom- “hilt there “itstttitaitt inthe balcony. Ami thCH 0t” 0‘ thC ”ttttht‘d‘t L‘I'ttttt' of being a good reporter that is impressmns and opinions. 1:0 Chm”
3‘: .' . .‘ kids amassed the ”hurry“. my“. oi 4-3g modate anyone trom towrt. \ct. unbe- Sports writers there was no it or iirmors oi a team lll Rhodc island that being unbiased and neutral. it seems the I“! paragraph, Ms. Prewm agreed
. l' . .3 lhcy wertt the l'tnns one better by “Climb the \tittt' hdSM‘thiili CW” radio stood on ”W sloping lt‘tlllh‘ll.‘ lItl'llP‘Cmt'M" lililpointsit that this “account" should have t0.be mtervtewed by th? Kaine! but
.‘ .' coming trom behind to ”m up _, 4-) tournament was played there tor a ltUdltt‘ttum ”W” “5th tht‘lt “WW" “’l‘ltdk‘d ‘h’l'htitll- ht” ll l‘ltM‘d l“ ht‘ appeared on the editorial page rather failed to appear [or the tniervrew.
1:. - . . mark number oi years, ters not on tables on the basket the case and the test oi basketball set titan on the i‘ront page w'iththe news [{ undying love
‘ "~ ' . in he stressed the low scores to make. H hall tloor. Weird? out in purstttt ol htgltscortng games. It thrssiorvhad bccnlimitcdtofact.with
j t I; a point a little later OSHA/e n9 aal've l'hat game. as hate so many or the was called "i‘lrc‘llttllsc‘j basketball. personal opinions omitted it would Judy .lones‘ recent story on Miss
. 't\hert l trrst came to l'ls'. scttrcs in p g ‘ big games. went down tothe wire. Big Rirpp already had introduced the hate been one—third "5 size in the America was written like a typical
. " ‘1 g. ~‘ _-. the teerts and ”Chm. were hm lllue trailed 27 to 29. Cary Spiccr. the last break to kt-rttticky.antl he‘d intro- PHPCt'I green journalist who can‘t distinguish
. ' . llllstttllnlttll \nd i guarantee you. \tld~ ll Whitl‘l‘t‘ttt‘dththoscancient tt‘itm Ciiltt‘dttt- had the hit“ In center dttt‘t‘d KCttttls‘k.‘ 1" ”it ””4”“ h.‘ lrealilethat much oi'whatMs. Pre- opinion i'rom “MIN-‘4 “.5 true that
.l g ' :.,'-._ . '. itrlks. the 1500 we used in cramirnto days hull treentirry agothere weretwo court. ()ne second remained when he bringing them ttrto Madison Square “in “my about (iod and faith may Cheryl Prewitt is tery strong in her
,' ’ . . f _‘ old I\liimnt (Iyrn in those early dats classes. .\ and H. in both boysand grrlc let ily a desperation shot, it hit the rtrrr (iarden where \ew \ork( ity‘s syitdt hing been hard i'or many to believe. convictions. So what's wrong With
, -, ,.' . could make ”hm. old mm.“ “lltl- We brackets [hue when those who “Jr- and rolled oil. Welost. but Ruppwon. cated sports writers could get a gander but the job oi the reporter is to state that”? Most Americans applaud her
' were. i'elatryely ‘Pt'itl‘lnil- lllsl as used the regional tournaments ”C‘WHW hl‘“it.\~ Ht“ had hr‘lutlhlhh 4” them, ”WW l“ winning lt’l‘t‘dtt‘tl the lacts. not make judgments (that btrengthand her undyingloveiorGod.
-' . l / uhhmmhc and mm m are the ten- “mu-d m lestngton the games “m lrrst team through the lJ—game season is! C titles. heating \otre llame with rob should be leit to the reader.) Ms. Many people are sttllseckingthisloyte
t 3. . told crowds that y,“ Rirpp played all oycr 1.3“” 1“ lransy. at with but two losses. some consistency and totally knocking hymns (,hmyush had a predetermined and some will never find it. Hertime lS
. 'I .‘ 3*;I [My gone. Wm. ”1 them m,“ qud Henry Clay High. “my 1 beliete. “Ch Rirpp‘s second tear. in winch he had oil the biggies in the \(‘AA and \ Il opinion oi Ms. Prewitt. Sheobtiously limited so she must make the biggest
i f .I l sitl‘posc. were stars (,1 the Coach on an old court then located in Barker ”"9“ ”1 Ashland ”'ch St‘h‘ttll“ tourncys Kt‘ltltlfl‘i was “NW3d 0' it“ doesn‘t thinktoohighlyoi Miss Amer- impact she can on as many WOPIC as
’ , 3 .‘I ' Johnny Mum-r teanrs or 1939 and Hall. national champion players. went place tn the polls and the eyes oi the icas m general bywantrngtoaskabout she can. And Cheryl obviously had an
,.' _ 19hr (lit the top or my head i can One other lond recollection whe- down to the itnal game oi the regular lldlltln. the “meat market mentality of Miss impact onJudy Jones because people
. -".I ’, tt‘s‘dll l’iIUl l’otlah Combs. Blgand l.‘rl ne\er a ball was launched toward the “35“" beiore dropping it 83”” 10 ”it“ maintains ”W tt’ittl'ltlln ‘n “'21“ America." and her sntdcncss about Who "63”) W37“ ‘0 know about 00d
‘. , , \1t(turness. Spooks \itlward and KL‘ntucky basket. the crowd. m um. Vanderbilt at home 32—3l. 'l hen tnthe sttle religion m general shown brightly in Will ask a great amount 9‘ questions
i . y , I, 9 Carey spit.” “m. would yell. “Be there'" Didn‘t last Southern (‘onierence tourney the But speaking oi hockey as we were herquestion “Why‘didJesus satevour like the onesin herstory. lhcscarethe