xt7q833n0c64 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q833n0c64/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-02-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1983 1983 1983-02-01 2020 true xt7q833n0c64 section xt7q833n0c64 I
.i a . the seventh ranked Lady Kots won a '
if 5 {'3- ‘ hard fought 66-59 overtime VlClO'y over i
1' t ; '1‘», .' the ninthionked Georgia Lady Bulldogs
“g. I I. ' I .' i. 5 Sunday afternoon The Victory marked
7 -, L ‘ 1 $1., ' t the first leg of a Fabulous Five series §__ »__
"'"’"” '~" 7 ' ' T 4““, _. -" =7? U 4' ' which will see UK play three more lop
.5 _ '5 20 teams at home The action was lu
43' 5 a- ‘25; 1‘ How and lost as Out pictuie page at
; g 5,7 5.’ tests See pageS
Vol- l-XXXV. No. l04 Tuesday. February I. I983 An independent student newspaper UniverSity of Kentucky Leiiingion Kentucky
,4 . ,3, "Es ,, - 43,1; .1 ‘ .1
' ‘ ‘ e1.» -. I '\ I I
** “ Med Center' 'test tube' clinic
. . ,2: S; 5 i.’ L519: , . I
l W ”(41:91- a; i}, 4% 95?”? I, 9 “w"; ; am e. :“4 ”“..» 9 . ., ....
i . . . 4. 4_ , . - 2,4: ~‘.,,-“-.t~,-.~'1'iy~ ,3.“ . '?":+ 4» 4
,, no ye in p anning 3 ages
a 5 e ‘8‘ “e ”‘5 559.. ’ .
4 ,-:-,.V..r 144).“: .W #3 ' . “rm-Y7. .." vW * 4-41.” 1'4, ’ 4-
... «, -’ / was s S okesmon so 5 ress occo nts ro ’ 'd t l d
i ‘ --- -- - . 4 -» . ,. ' .. '1“ s; a, .1" := :c ' P Y P U W “94 I eo no ru e out
. i ; for. ’, . 1' “in, _"' “’f. e ' We»
i 1/, .y ., .. . ”"1” ”it? “ B) ('l'liT.\Sl)I‘II{S()V Based on a lot of its ‘dii‘soii 'old the reporter 'h4ii
' i , ,1 ../ i“ ,s 35'”? .. It“ Senior Stathriter opening such a clinii .ioiii-t be possible .‘.ill1t.'. sl\
5 ' ". .. ;- I if”! ’ 1 y t, months time after approx.“ not six months iron.
. "=4 I is it . c 3"". _; '5." ». .5! , , . . . ,.
QM ._ -. :,1 ”at , I ,_: ”,1? W‘ ,4? :3 that :1 now as .stont said the newspaper sliiy .i-s implied
r , .. 5 4 , ; 3 ;'_. [k a, ,wg"; if Recent newspaper stories about the possible opening In reference to prosiu-c'm patients. .: hospitai
” ‘1 53%,». "£5 5? . 45' "- 5 one- '4' 4'. _ V is: “3!; of a "test-tube" fertilization clinic at the l'K Medical spiiki-stwrson who asked not 'ii i,,. tlt'dltllt‘tl siil'j \\-;
.. _fi ”W "t” '; I . if] if -. m " .,;' ”l ‘i '1' :5" ('enteraremislwding.hospitalofficials say son "team that enough patient» tilt-.e come here- «tr,
1" vow, W; ; .. g 5 ; ‘ .1 , "34-, 3. . 1‘ ., "We don‘t have a progratn scheduled. l’atrick Stone. lt‘l'llll/itllltll problems to warrar.‘ 'he treatmi-ii' l i.-
“ 1% “‘2 I”? _.m ' I t ‘ £02."; W" .' 4 i “1”"), “tr Medical ('enter public information director. said ‘ We were aiailabli-
"mmaé W_'§:§..;‘; ';'__ ,1 .. it?» .. “his,” . ; ‘3. 4“ “film” haven't even gone past thestageof discussion " 'l‘he spokesix-rson said the Met: «.ii i enter had ll‘t‘li
7, iii-+545 .' ' , ,le - 3 {£1 £3; A ' ' n”, -' (‘ontroversy erupted after The Loutsville Times pub deluged with calls as if we t1.:il 4' ill .itiii t'lllilt .ind
,4 .. , .- 1; ,3“ 7 ' . ”V :3; . WV“ % "_ 5' ‘“ r ._ lished a story in its Jan 19 editions about the possibility we don t
. .- -4_ 4’ ”3 5 “\(._:,.,:;_.~« . v~°~.- .. ., i £3” 119%: ' "is,“ _’ of a clinic opening at the Medical ('enter it also said 'l think the stor\ makes l' «ear ‘.fl these three
i I 'W,§“’ 4. w I ; '3, '4 is - m 41.”, “test tube” clinics are under consideration at the l in schools are considering in xitro fei'22iuat on Eleanor
' . , . Mb.” " ' 1.3 ‘ ' ”y; . i 4"“rfi” ( '” 5,244,, versityot‘Lomsvilleandlndtanal'niversity f‘lagler. tfie Times reporter sho iiiieri. tAt‘tl witson
" _; “we“ " s; . _ we ' 5.. ~ . WW 1 Other newspapers. including the Kernel and the ller said last night "l‘hey don ' s.ii. 'riat ”ta-i. _iri- detitn'clfi
.; .. 4 - 7? gym.” I -- ’ ‘23,... 5' 14,6» of“ ~ add-Leader in Lextngton. ran versions of the story after planning toopen clinics
" .4 3‘ ”4% ,_ ««, ' ' "-y' \. ‘1 455-91,” ‘N‘. it was transmitted throughout the state by The -\s.so "I did not misconstrue anything It: \\:ison told me.
‘: .. . 1 “W- ”in * <- ‘,,'€i" ‘ 1W. L. ciated Press nor did I misquote littt. :i. .ii.'. ‘.isti. ii. stie s.tl!l I ve
:. f . ,4 1;, 4c 2‘“ “My. After the stories appeared. Margie Montgomery. es- been a reporter for more that. i , nears mu 1 dont do
,- l a ”it? ”‘1 ~ 1' }{‘\ ecutive director of Kentucky ltight»to-l4ife. ananfi abor that If they hadi.t gotieii .iiix Hitttilalttls tt'otti anti
5:; q we; 3‘ 31"“. tion group. protested what she said were plans for in abortion people they woutdi. ' haw-raisedsucfi a fuss
g g ~WM’g’ ‘2 :4. . ~ vitro fertilization clinics. citing a state law passed by l-‘laglcr said 'hc \ledita. i enter s pnbfii information
f. ”x ‘K I K; "" ‘t‘ tlie(leneralAssembly in than :itttct' has not i'tt!‘il.ti in? her 't ‘s i-«irr.pl.i;:i's
i. y ‘4 " " The law states. in part. "\o ptiblic funds shall be used \nd \\ilsoi: cont.“ 't‘t} i.ist :ziuh' sari: tie i-eheii-s ‘be
:— 1, 5 . . i .3}, . ‘1‘! for the purpose of conducting research itito or for the story was probabl'x itl - :itiire
i‘ .. x w ,2; i. $3.1?st 1‘ . " . Q performance of in vitrofertilization But he said l- laaier protiafiii n.:si 'il.\'t'llt"l as
j ,, , 3 . “5:7,: ~- 4 ”i ”9‘ ; .0 .-\n in \itro ”in glass clinic fertilizes human eggs or statements Et‘, .i st‘t wit. .1 mm» worn 'ha‘ sa .; to Mid-
. . 4 .‘u—a' 5.4.9., .5 a, {“343“, laboratory conditions for implantation in women who. cal ('enter had ordered some equipment ior .ise ii. the it.
f 4._ + ~ . 5 ~41 M, ,1 A, ”tr-*4 for various reasons. cannot conceive naturally \ itro procedure
'3 ., z .. . . “‘1" 4h ' " 1’)” Mary (‘olliver a hospital operations spokesperson, What I said Ms ”he do isimpnieni tiso'il .r. 'hi« pro
1- 1;; r é " .«jr‘t ”55.49;. said a reporter contacted l)r limery Wilson. director of cedure is not 4eri iiiniiiia .i‘is: and .ii .iireaiiu naxe
;. '5 A « ' " ”I”; I ” . 1‘ " f ‘ the fertility division ill the Medical ('enter s department some of the equipmeh' itiici. we use 'or other pr x-i
:‘ k g i .3: 1" ; . i, of obstetrics and gynecology. about the possibility of the dures Ill the hospital he said
j M w ' ‘5. fl 4 . “1 «W hospitalopeningan iii vitroclinic What we have is a proposal lt‘t 'ne «ti-partition: of tilt
.....-e .4 , "12%;“ .”M '5 “- ” "‘5. ’ 4 (mt - 1 in the interview. Wilson gave the reporter a 'concep sti-ti'ics ani‘ gynecology ‘o star' .. i lllllt hi said It is
. ,i w“ 2. , ”£3" . 43: +4 w ‘ ' s, .4 flit“ tual idea" of what an iti vitro program at [K would iii [tl‘t‘t“i'tltlt‘(' to an we are goint. ‘o hate .i program ll!tlll
' -" f? 3'“qu ’53 yolve. Stone said. but his approach was strictly hypo It s “('\'lt‘\\t‘tl to higher t‘ttlLl‘ "ees I an. not sure :: rt
: ’ r ,. .. , . » , , s». thetical '-‘ "” ll““’;‘”~’"”d‘“
"‘ 5 ‘" I " W: .,, - I ' ., "The press misconstrued that into meaning that we \‘onic discussions : fll miter. piiice .i; ‘te ifepar’metit
4 ' ' ., ,W - .J‘i; 2+" ””54 4V ‘2 already have a program in the works. which we don t of gutccolog‘. abou‘ 'tu- possibili‘y or .i 4 non stone
3 ' . _, ”'5" - ' ' 5 - gs,» said a hospital sixikcsiwrson who did not wish ’o be said But that sast i: .is i' s go"ei
i», ”t 't . . I .. .. 4 M ”MN... _ , ,1, _,, " w named \ny proposal iiixoiiing set". ices .ii 'fii- \ledri.H i e: ter
5 , IRVANIAVLOR'MW'e mu ln addition stone said some of Wilson s s'a'eir‘ients must first tic aiitit‘ii'ii-il ‘i‘ 'M .. itiiets t- wid-
‘- were taken out of context bx the media adding to the hoheadall the hospital s itcpar'frii 't
.5 sandbox fun (runfrifi'prgy 5 Then. the hospita s iill‘iifitl twiaii: tiittxiiosei: ,,. 'fie -
5 4-year-old Leanne l-Y"Ch 90' 0 chance '0 PIOY "1 0 S‘Jndbox yesterday during her stay With the Early Stories in several maior Kentucky newspapers iii chiefs of all \ledna: t en‘er seri. ice». must note iiii ‘he
' Childhood Lab. which provides students in the department of family studies in the College of Home "lUde lht‘ Tlmt‘s- (lU‘Wl “ll‘tm 11> will”! ”‘1‘ ("“11“ ”’“lmmt‘ll‘ldl“’"i‘ SW“- i’ \ 'll""l:‘:'1"-'-‘l"‘i’t‘-" l’ "or“
Economics the opportunity to experience child-care first hand. “could open “"ll‘l” 51‘ ”l‘mm‘ itl‘dl ”Ml l"‘”-‘lx‘t'll"“ ,
patients are already lined up ‘9“ cuN'c 90"" 3
' Con r Ir d | ' R b d t h TUESDAY
\\'.r\SlllI\(iT()N i.-\f’i President Reagan sent called for a freeze on federal pay and pensions programs arid a “bipartisan effort to cut defense
_1 ('ongress 'iis $848 3 billion budget for fiscal MN for a year. as well on overall spending on hun spending," Desogfogafion material fmthcoming
g; yesterday declaring "we have gone far in re: dredsofdomestic programs. Rep Leon l’anetta. l)-('alif. and Sen Rob
4’ storing order to the chaos" despite an estimeied He also called for standby tax increases begin Dole. R-Kansas. both chairmen of subcomnnt»
£5 deficit of W189 billion ning tn late 1985 to reduce deficits further an tees dealing with food stamps. said they doubted FIANKFORT — Harry Snyder. executive director of the
s? but t'riiigrtssiiititil leaders tiiade clea.‘ Rca income tax surcharge and a Sfi-a-barrel excise additional cuts were possible in that pt‘otzt‘itttt Council on Higher Education, said yesterday Kentucky
.1 gain s proposed cuts in social programs and his tax on imported or domestic oil afterthe reductionsof the past twoyeiii's .will submit additional information on the desegregation
g $30 bill;on increase for defense would would run But he submitted a military budget that would Republicans and hemix'rats a ready were f 't bl" , r 'ti ' f d r l ff' . l b th d
7% intotrouble rise to $238.6 billion for the 1984 fiscal year. an lined tip with nval iob plans to deal with unent ° ' s {W 'c unive 5' es 0 e e a ° '00 5 y e en
ti Sen l’etc Domenict. R-N M . chairman of the increase of $29 7 billion in a year iii which the ploytnent House Speaker Thomas P H \eill .lr 0‘ the week.
‘3 Senate Bridget committee. and other (H il’ lead- entire federal budget would increase by $41; .i bil l)-Mass . said Dennicrats wcrc \Utl‘klltL‘ on .t The information had been requested by on official of
; crs said they expected changes ”ls there room lion plan for $3 billion to $7 billion in public works the U15. Office of Civil Rights in 0 Dec. 14 1982 letter.
' for coiiiprotiiise"” [)omenici asked "I think the th't‘he budgeI VlV'dS 3851:“ 0." lht‘ itissumptiontthat If"? it Q l RI l 1 ) H t t l Snyder told a special committee that is monitoring
. answer sves e economv a rea v as )e un o recmer rom tens .an uav e. nr . ant i rrin ii c i. \' . . , .
The Republican and Democratic leaders and the recession. and will stay Ihealthy for years to l‘tah. both Reagan backers. countered \\llll .i S'.’ implementation .05 the plan that he and other othcrols
‘ other influential members of Congress went to come At the same time. Reagan forecast that billion budgettor public service iobs W'" 9° '0 W05h'"9'°“ "9’" week '0 answer any ques»
L the White House yesterday for a budget briefing unemployment would remain above to percent Reagan repeated his opposition to this type of tions about the response.
. Presidential spokesman Larry speakes quoted untilwellint()198-l program. declaring. "l remain adaiiianth on Most of the information deats with efforts to en-
Reagan as saying the meeting "began on a Reagan's budget prescription was generally posed to temporary public iobs or public works hence Kentucky's only historically black public college.
friendly note. ended on a friendly note Speakcs well known in advance. and there were pl‘(‘(ll('- as an attempted cure for non youth unemploy K , k 5‘ ‘ U . 't
l ref'usedto provide details. tions in (‘ongress of tough battles over defense. mt'ttl ” en uc y a e niverSi y.
, Reagan estimated this year .s deficit will reach social programs andtaxes instead his budget has a proi isioii to e\tend ;
'_ $208 billion farabove his Sill billion forecast of Rep. Dan Rostenkowski. lHll. chairman of l‘XISllltL‘ unemployment benefits and a number Suike SIOWS truckers
i' a yearagn the House Ways and Means ('ommittec. said he plan to subsidi/e businesses hiring the long term
I To Keep deficits frotn rising higher. Reagan expected a "bipartisan effort" to protect social 594, gum“ 00993
; An independent truckers strike punctuated by the but»
i . lets of snipers brought busmess to a crawl at many
; 'rl0k seal, truck stops notionwrde yesterday but apparently had
i l little immediate impact on shipments of food and facto-
' _ . ry goods. In Utah one trucker was shot in the chest.
Frequently Changing OfflClOl UK emblem long 0 source Of confUSion Shots were fired at to tractor-trailer rigs in scattered
violence in eight states as members of the independent
m ‘9. March number used one seal and for ceives permission to use the seat Truckers Association began parking their rigs of mid
Assistant Sports Editor /S\“ or [I the June ””mlx'r used “mm” H 2:? l "‘I‘"""'ll~‘ h“; "iilllllillt'llt‘tl night to protest the 5 cent-a gallon increase in the led
. in te st‘tt \\ it t‘ H“ tit 11' in t ti' .
7® Q a la The WI.) ms! [K 5“” was (1“ domain. shouldnt W kt‘lt' m ml“ p“ feral gasoline tax and proposed hikes in highway use:
+ \ :3 A & signed and approved ”1 WW -'\l the \ate domain .l.ii h ltlanton \ice 995' ere were "0 reportso iniuries ‘
. ‘l'nitcd we stand. divided ‘59 r7§ \any *Y‘ ”lulu“! of. registrar Ezra I' (l'll't- chancellor for administration said An OlllClOl "35 0 truckers OSSOC'O'W” SO'd Up '0 7‘3
m“ 5 r" l878 )u": 9‘ |9|6 ‘l‘ i’hl‘tnzflili’lm_B‘k‘f- “l“: “i” the "“e think ll \ to our .iitiantagc to percent of the independent dflvers were participating m
The motto of the official l'K Seal r in " ' “It: rt:;;tll:lltlt‘( tf‘rllllifllllllll (infill: havetheseal i‘ctiresentinl l.l\l(‘lllll_\ the strike. but the gavernment estimated only 20 per
H 5 .0" .hlnfkih' ”pi! “1 notebooks: c1 ' 3 fi MclAiiid‘s~ seal contained the current “The fact that this is .i tgivsiip 5"" were 'ak'"9 port.
tnugs. sweatshirts and numerous 3 !L J ) KY / ft , t .. l . l -l 1‘ ' l 1. .,\ mvmi me”. my
other products i {is Q ,1 mo o dll( .i pi of s \\ lot to iip por er unniis. ‘. I. I
littt how did this seal ("me into 6’ [865 4X )4” resent the power to aid in directing going to hold that sia on to any I
being" no Dec 16. 1948. the Board \ cSrAND Nwfio 1;” theshipotstate bod\ .
of trustees adoptrd a new design for \\.\ ' D 4-" [K has total control met‘ the lttanfon NW, m. knows ”I ”U “N“ l
thel hseal \lw‘r rights of the official seal today on where a company in, used ”H. 5”]
in a letter to-all deans and depart eral universities across the nation without I K .s permission
ment heads from then [R \'ice have gone to court over the exclu WEATHER
President Leo M (‘hambcrlain the the date of the founding of the [he siverightsfotheir seals The I mwmh WWW“ H“ on
adoption was made ()fllt‘tal (ham Him") was mum-(“l on all Of the S i t ‘ is ‘t - vs - tl allies front the sale of products with
berlain urged all those involved in spu|§ .pir "ll“ goor. “mp“"u‘ "" . .
. . ~ 4 - . - . _ » other manufacturers have argued the seal on them but lilanton said.
my offiudl l anrSIt) printing to be From not: to m. nine different . . .
‘ 4 - . . _ 1 , 1 that the school seals are in the pub N"“¢“”““»‘ l“"l‘l‘ “l” glillumlu‘l.‘
on ”N lookout for an} M the Old ‘n' “‘“L‘ were used at one “me or an . . - - . make contributions to the l tinersi
large" seals lhi‘l "“Rhl be (‘ll‘t‘lll-‘tl' other. sometimes simultaneously by hf domain ”owner " ““1”“ ‘
ing about. l'K (‘onfusion over what seal should (part of .-\ptwals.rul«t l” ‘l ,casc I,” l) h." “on“ i 5 "II I I"! M M l
The board dectded to adopt a new be used was rampant during these Winn“. the .l mwm“ of 5‘" ”Ml “db 1 K pernnssion ”4‘in” h, m n V ' .V." 0.. w ' 0
seal because a number of different years school seals are not in the public do ”w m“ seal. lilaiiton \md most ot Ni. '0' to MM .0! Ind low: In the MM '0 upper
seals had been used over the years 5 In W42 the l'niversity used two mm" the requests an serious ones we ”'-
and it was getting confusing. Also. different seals on the publication To market a product with the l'K did get a guy in t'alifornia who said tomorrow thou“ also It. nlny. ml"! Mjht In
the variom seals “contained 5“ concerning "'9 Inauguration of l’rcs seal on it a compel") ttiiist send a he could make its millions. l’ilaiiion MMMMIU ‘0’.
much detail. that in smaller Size ident Herman Donovan. In 1946 the letter to the l'niversity If the com said "But in the end we decided not
they were almost illegible “ Finally. Bureau of School Sen'ices for the pains proposal IS approved it re todealw-ith him
. .-,,_, - i i ' 4
....... . . ,
. 1 I s

 -r ,, ,
' m
‘ Ké‘fi)“el
It“ “olden Andy-w Dummy John Ovlflln “oven W. town." LInl S. Indeb- JD, Vunfloou Don Cllflud
in... active» Newtht-m Aiufdiioi Spaiistdooi spot-ulPiowttstdmi anotdiiui oiophiukduoi .
I Jnmu ldwln Nani- ”'5". PH“ “No. II“ I. WI“ Jr. Mickey Dan-rm lulu. MIIIIon Ion Von Hool- (hviu All:
“paginatan , i" -i iiiit AumoniAits td-ioi AnisiooiSpovotdiiw Spattulpti‘leiNAlanna-it (hieOPhntugiuphm .,,.--..i .-
____—_ _ t
V. - tat'on recommendations '
- ' I ”/1 ‘ "". “Hf/ll h, l
/I t . ‘ -.
l nore stu ents e esnre it ' J “
l . -. ‘ \/ \ ‘|/ g .
5/ ' 5'! p v
‘ i.) $51) L .’ l 3,

If the students really favor changes in visi- The committee's recommendations were *5 ‘ . é, L5 ’ '

tation policies. residence hall administrators supported by a random survey of students. I , M 7/ ; .
. . . - s- . , _ .. 4w . ;.
have said. changes will be made. authorized by the committee. l‘lll)‘~tlln(‘ pet ~ '1’ . \ «(4/ 4 d ,

Before changes can be made. however. the cent of residence hall students favored fresh- O". ‘ l§ \§i “RM 5;: g T,
Lniversity attempts to determine student man weekday vis‘itation. 7b percent wanted a f \\/W//~/ i3 ' 3
opinion through a speaal committee formed weekday upperclass Visuation to start at o 9‘ 5 i/ . / ¢§ )_ , i
to study- the issue The 1982M Advisory pm. rather than 7 pm. and about 60 percent Do RM t I“ \ ‘, /_, I: 3
Committee oti Residence Hall Life is that said they favored the creation (ii a 24-hour C HMtTEE 4W 1 /% 9 i
committee visitation dormitory. Oak/n ; /§ 0 ,

"l‘ , )H'iy‘v“ v . . , f \ "

And 1h” M‘” ‘13 ‘7‘ .tht “I“ UH} mm The committee ignored student opinion. ’; 3' ,,
”if“ pt‘é)p0>dls about ”5163mm! “If Itldtlt l however. when it rejected the proposal call— 3

) ~ . - ' y i . y‘ . . - - ~ ‘ .

[ht ”them“ favor mi”? 1 (m po "“5 Am ing for extensmn of ViSitation to 2 am. on ’2 ‘_' . 3.
t c tniversityh~ so idy coiisuvativt in It's Fridays and Saturdays. A majority of stu- ”
i i . , ~ s i l . . . .
stance ‘ is esitant to ptlnllt too mut i dents __ 84.2 percent ,_ favored the additio- \‘ _\\\_\ .. 3
change. tearing it would damage the aca— 'lh a \ --.:'.y i \,;\\ \\

. na our. /// .5; \- \\ \y vv‘i" \y ¢
demic atniosphereot the halls lh h ‘t d m“ [m 3‘ “mm (7/, ,1 ~ . 9...... .- ll» ,3 h y-WNyy \yN

.. . )\" i ,i, ‘- 3“\. t. 3
But this time around. a surprising spirit of l At oug ld \thds 3"ng n : h l“ tilpf ind volt/t, __ D vs é ll‘l‘. tyi‘\\i\\ \S y‘ -_
. . . . ‘ , ~ \ '- 5 - S I i 7‘ . i. i\\ ‘i‘. vw ... .
compromise was exhibited by the committee tours “0: 5, mm F?“ e mtattel“ vv‘orthv of “m ‘ . / “\liil. iii ® ‘. i
.. - v - i i 4— - g ' " ' . e 3'
in all but one of its decisions 1’“ “.359 toustng [chos tsyottom lint is th Ill in l ' . ...
. . _ 1 3‘ ‘ () fl / 4'
The group tenativelv recommended three ‘0": era ‘0“! d the h n And utording [944/ f . .I
‘ t ' ) ‘ ‘ P. i . A . I . (g :'
expansions of student open house privileges 5'” "It“ “a" 9 e C a g. . ‘. . . .. l ‘ ' /’ 1/
-, , to the survev. thev were willing to pay extia ,- . ,4 A \\ . 2.
next fall. f th _ 'l' . / C.) (f l -; ya :
. i V ) ' l ‘ A . 2 ~ .

- 2-I 7 %r. J ,
weekday visitation Mondays and \\ednes recommendations. it missed its mark by .... .14.. .i, ,_ 3
days from T to 11 p in more than just a bit.
m i


I . l . 1'

ea an S S 960 CI‘ ea 9 Isne MIS ea 8 O 988 i
I I i


Tuesdays .s‘tnie oi the t nion {tic-s ‘l’t‘lltlilm nteaning turthcr cuts in part. because high tax bases support gin-oil sector todoualone “ this week that robots will eliminate f
sage might as well have origiiiatoi meta: programs he would reduce superb education and health service mam-(t the record slums that pl'l' No less fascinated by the pl'llnl'xps ltooo lo atom iobs in Michigan f.
irom Disney Worlds carousel oi our nation s capacity to lay a new institutions which. lIl turn. brct‘il vale industry wont underwrite the of nncroproccssor5_ the I)einoci'atic while creating oiily ii.ooo to tattoo ;
”Ogre-‘5 db “1’“ d> tt‘tttn \Mht‘iinu industrial base tor the tuture With and attract talenlt‘tt ll‘ttplt' Uttb Itt development costs without federal Party. in its videotaped response to ”W lttltttlx‘lllttfl> l
ton s House of Representatives Hot: or tutti nntlget are \Ul" to come re this environment will high tech tilt-st help Boston's Digital Equipment the preSident‘s speech sounded only \o poltttt‘itin i'an accurately pre
dl‘t Rt‘dtiiitt Sfl‘tttfit nlot‘t' Intct‘t’stm diictions ii: human capital programs nessesthrive t‘orp plant. visited by President slightly more realistic While pro tht't the future and then prescribe a ..
in the promises of tomorrow than tna' would iorm the very foundation "Aside from some ot the rhetori Reagan i,” \v‘iiitnpgitac was budt posing strong commitments to lob l)0_\[ ('(ju;‘5(- for a nation And even .
the problemsot today oi high ttcfiiioiogy :Ievelopnient cal references to high tech ii. his with funds ironi the Economic l)e- training and pul)lIC—pr|\';ite mus-i Reagan admitted that "we have ii “

\oddtng on cue from left to right _ ' H speech." Robert lteicli an wono velopnient Agency. as well as Hos» mi-nt. it embraced a similarly vague long way to go ” Yet in the search
the president reminded us oi the m g GLEN mist at Harvard l'niversitv said ions community Development notion of business "breakthroughs" “W higthll Sf‘t'lll'lll- ”04‘2““ l
itUdttt‘imlmatrtmlt' ”W” “h" tt‘t-‘l‘ _ . 1 "there was hit WIN“ d> to ho“ 1““ t'orp Reagan began to phase out that would brtngabout recovery seems mesmerized by the end atid
(ieneral Electric s popular t’\lll.'>! t . and get from today‘s world to thc high [In in mitt No other companies (if course. even with gmpmmpm ignorant of the means 5'

’“m and mt?” “1th “film" -i ‘ 1» SHEARER tech world of tomorrow in realit‘. have followed lhgital s lead Ill HIM" cooperation. microelectronics wont lilkt' W ”till“ “N“? t‘ltilt'itt'lt‘l“-
glimpse of the future In almost A the pres‘ident was locking the dooi to ”1L! to a ppm-H. ,nduaiyml park in solve the unemployment problem the president left its in the world oi ’ ‘
every home and workplace in him hightechnology ‘ l-‘aiston s Itoxbury district Boston (‘ollege economist Itarry tttitkt‘lk‘llt‘w' lA‘étVltttl ('h'ldt'cn to i 1
ica. .we are already witnessing \o natural evolution will produce According to Reich, the govern \ strong government must be ac» Bluesunyg contends that [he mic-roe dream a thousand fantasies is one l
the first flowering of the nianniadc a shit! to a sale and happy compu ment must provide _|ob training tor iivc in putting up part of the cost of lei-tronic revolution won't t'reate thing. but to inisleazl the unem , .
miracles oi high technology ltea lt‘t‘KUtl'lit Enormous costs are in those in threatened ix'c-ipatioiis. and long term investment It] people. in anywhere near the number of Ipyhx ployedisdownrightcruel '5
gan said ‘vtil\t‘tl ii; rcediicating and retraining provide incentives to develop new capital. in new products and proc» the country is to need atid in fact 5

t'ntortunately the president iiiav .vorkers toi high tech employment businesses in regions hurt niost bv esses inf high iiii-lniology to make mav displace other workers in the .\lii.\vtelf tilen and (odv sin-arm Y

”mgr more than syngp the iiiiiire taiitornia and \Iassachusetts are unemployment tinly then will pas it lv‘cich added The risks and process The w E l‘ptobn Institute (I’t’ l’iii‘itniv l'v-se vvimiiny nationii.‘ .
By proposing ., [r9910 on “mm“ prominent leaders in this area. in sage to the promised land be as ('t)\[_\ are too high for the private for Employment Research reported (oliminists
, _ , way into rock nnisic 'l‘ake .\sl.’t for Now don‘t get me wrong. I in glad individual s right to live in this cotin- . . . book or two I won‘t even comment
Beullemonlacs example \lha' sells is what we will to see that the l.cxnigton iniisic lt‘y ASIhIne OI‘TICle on your musical knowledge because .
do regardless ot our talent \loney is scene is at least getting some ct vi-r \lso what is this threat you keep it is obvious that yoti have very ll

Dear Ssottyhlhoit oiirpreiailing influence age referring to" | wish you would e.\' I have endured Barbara Sallec s little \ reader with any backgrotind 3

Yes. we agree the Doors were .\i'er all, the Who another tab~ plain this to everyone l. for one. shallowness and James lidw'in Har in music can see right through a re 't
good. the stones are better the \y ho iiloiis group never let money stop Itob ltougeaii haveno idea what thethreat is ris' nonsense concerning his wife. viewer with none -
was great but the Beatles rate as then. Vlhat other group had to buy :\l‘l.\illl(l.st'lt’llt‘t’V'lilttl There are a levy more questions iob. travels. and of course. his torth To the Kernel editors I have this
THEBEST iicti. t‘tillltllllt'lll altereach gig" li‘irst, in regard to the cartoon that coming baby and Jim. I sincerely to say Either no one on the staff is

Your article was a refreshing look so don t feel lonely you‘re not the ran nevt to the opinions expressed. hope things start looking tip for responsible enough to take care ot
at the state of rock iii the létttos \d oi”: person with class lelt Look Right to live why is the iigin‘e on the right la» you‘. bill I cannot tolerate another mistakes like this one. or someone '
muted". there are a levy a tevv .zrtcr rocks and behind trees. were twiwl rcpiwtnctncfreedom“ asimne article like the one I encotin was tired and fell asleep on 'he lob ‘
mind you comparable bands tha' here but you fiave to look hard to l‘ seems to me that if you are pro- tered this morning I am hoping it is the latter In any
have come and gone since The xii/Ins This letter is lit response to the abortion. then you dont want to re The article I am referring to is case.thereisnoeycuse
Beatles but in some manner the: w i amt: ii on: [minim Persuasion editorialol Jan 24 produce or else you would not abort Duane Nettlesby's. "New Wave ,

"15‘ ‘1‘)“ tqutte "‘93-‘11” “It W t Il’t't'W I‘ll start off by saying that l dis the baby in the first place. the prop Weekend Scores." which ran .\Ion- Karentireenbiatt '

The mustc of yesterday was 't‘iii'. l’ .s tih, by the w av. Itingo agree completely with your opinion er precautions could be taken .-\ day This was among ”10 “MN 900? rll‘ultsh-‘t'tltttl‘
gear fab ' Yet music now has t‘t‘l nriisheswitht'rest Privacy is not the issue here .\bor baby need not result An ounce of ly written and embarrassing pieces
liitnl.‘ WWW“ ‘Ermt‘ ‘lttt " 5"" tion is a matter of life and death the prevention .\ little restxmsibility I‘ve ever laid eyes on It made An
Beatlesleitthcscenc \niy tiraves lifeand deathof a child could handle \lM'll problems before naliese Griffin‘s article directly '

t'heer up' 'l'hings .iren' a: ‘i1a' l’i'i- vet freshman The abortion decision of NT). legal they become problems aboveit almost palatable Letters POI my
bad. there are still n:anv Iii-a'a-iiia tied the Violation of the right to hie \lso the iigure says. \‘o' Hack If Duane professes to be a college ; 4
niacs left those o: is .vho get \Yenrly I-‘ay which is an inalienable right set whoreyou belong' It seems to indi~ student. he‘s either in the wrong Readers are encouraged to submit
lumps in our throats and Amt trim k l’~yi'tiii|iigy freshman forth by the founding fathers in the vote that voii or maybe lust your place. or my standards for a student their letters and opinions to the Ker-
on Dec it who plaster our .t.iil~ Declaration of Independence \o one cartoonist think that antiabortion are too strict. or possibly both I do IN'l, I’i-rsons submitting letters and
with memorabilia and w ho dread ol l’atty Higgins has the right to take away another s ists such as myself should be si know one thing. My Junior high opinions should address their coni-
the lost chance to atttially hear their l’aisiness spanishlreshnian right to live. even if it‘s only all lenied You make us look like school would never have accepted nients to the editorial editoi .u the
favorite grouplive lieight‘raft unborn child The whole issui- of pt‘i ministers to be beaten back and re- an article as inadequate as this Kernel. III ,Iotirnalisiii Building.

l was born in NM one month \ci oiintingtreshman vacy does not entermtothe picture piessed Five times I read "these guys did leyiiigton. Ky loamy-mt: ’
after the Beatles took over \nierita You state that “delineating ‘Athtl A l personally don t appreciate that this and “these guys did that \tI material sent tor ioiisiiIei-aiion
“3 friend was born during their lid woman cart or cannot do with her particular representation of myself “These guys" is not exactly a do must be typewritten and double 4
Sullivan premiere she even looks Clll cover 6 body is an infringement on hci pm I think that cartoon was tastelesslv scriptive phrase. to say the least I spaced.
kind "t “k" J‘mn U'nn‘m ”WIN“ QU y 09 yat‘y her constitutional right to donc \re we monsters for wanting also learned from this icviewer that \yriters inust lll(lll(l1' their names.
our young age. we worship ”be Fab live her life as she pleases 'l‘hat iopreserve human life" Ithiiik not one band could "sing and play their addresses. telephone iiinnbi-rs and ‘

Four as much as any bird trom tongratiilations to the Kernel“ last phrase agrees with no view I dont st‘t' how you can argue se- instruments well" and another inaiors. classitications oi ioniieiiioii
thecorrectera time again i‘ tas motivated an apar that everyone has the constitutional paration of church and state when sang well and played well and with l K. Individuals submitting

WP don‘t HEW“ V\lth your opinion thelii student 'o drag otit the type right to live their life as they please tongt‘t'sslontil sessions are always sounded W9” " Well. “‘0”. Isn't that comments in person should bring .I
of A Hard Driv s \ignr though we writer and respond to one of its ob including the unborn started witha prayer just like poetry to the cat‘s \‘ivid lKIl)0l‘dl‘i\rl‘\Ilt'ltllst'
you tamiliar tMth the but that It noxxoiisartiilis ,-\nother point to consider here are title last thought before I close images of the band and their music Letters should lN' limited to :30
was almost nominated for an :iscar ‘l'he .ir'iclc l in referring to is the the words you used You said her this Ilovv would all those abortion are flashing through my mind at “(this or less. tipnnons should be \.'.o
in mm" It was a work o‘ genius to pieci- ot what I wont say . titled body " While it is true that the baby supporters think it they realize that this very moment words or less. ,
get tour "I?“ vch no dt‘tIt-E t‘XFX‘rt \ew “ave Vyeekend Scores by is carried within the mother. the they could have been abortcd. too" Duane. let me give you some ad- The Kernel may condense fll' ri-

PM? to look natural "h tht' \‘(Tf‘f‘n l)iiane\’i»iilesby baby is not "her body The baby is They vvoiildnt be around to express vice before you take the world by iect contributions and frequent writ-
In our 09mm". Rtt'hiird “NWT tht’ Hey linane. that was a great cri a separate body within the counties theirviewsonthisorany subiect storm with your writing talents ers may be limited. I‘Iditors reserve
directoridida beautiful iob mine on M T live It \ worthwhile of the mother s body Therefore it is First. work on something other than t