xt7q833n0c89 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q833n0c89/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-03-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 13, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 13, 1984 1984 1984-03-13 2020 true xt7q833n0c89 section xt7q833n0c89  


V°'- LX XVI, N0. ‘33 “WW?” University of Kentucky Lexmgton Kentucky lndependertt 5mm 197‘ i118‘;d0y March l3 I984


Lack of student interest prohibits campus pub

lh I-Il.ll\liE'l'Ht \lt \\ He called the surve} “the only le beer at l K stlii'tJtL' HMS» t' : n ., , v‘ v -. I, ,
NintorStatfltrtttt gtttntate documentation at the certs ,
issue student government has at Bradtord mid he mars: '

\n apparent tat k oi interest has this ttttte ‘ According to the surx'e). a little \tlt'pi'tslla; l
dried up the idea tot t tainptts pub ottl) 48 percent oi students favor the people uni be \tll'[t3.si‘ti
that would serte t-eet .tt least tot establishment ot a pub serving atco cent ot studenk or t .
now holottcantpus a catttpus putt ..w: n

iiaitd iiradtotd student tutu-tit it a pub were created tn the Stu percentage \tttitwt' ".v ‘..
ntent kssottatmt. lttt'sttlt‘lt’ has dent ('enter $9 percent said the) holatballgantes to f
tenttxirarilx put that» tor .; [itllr iili would ne\er or almost neter patron
hold |/.t‘ the pub and .38 percent said the}

iii'ailtort: said he rim «ted 'o shelxe would \tstt the tactltt) occasmnall}
the plans 'ietattse .'.. has beer it. or ottett Hill} i tx‘rcent said tho-i
able to tttzd .it. i‘.t'l Attt .tt:tt.g nun. wouldgotothepub\er} ottet. I llh't' war-rt otttw
bet ot students tho sitptiot‘ the The percentages were ditterent pr'isalezh an» .:. t~' ‘
idea iii-stilts fr it: .t Hit-1'; tit .le \ when students were asked about al pt'esstot; 7t .t' "ta \.:,
sttrxei Mini. 4.. .cei: s'ttdettts coho} during (‘dlttplLs eiettts sixt} state tit'ittn-t".
\teus .timt.‘ ..Ii'tl‘t. w: i.i.'!iliil> one percent oi the students polled ’.radiord tau:
fit.t‘.t'i}.t t.tv_‘w 3m .'. . - .v said the} would taHtt the \t'l‘\'lliE «it li'rattktot' t: t:

College is
victim of

H\ \U ”\lll \IttitiHl \

\t't. it! “at? \‘.T 'i’

Bradford \ttlii '.c iu-i v.'..
ttlst‘int't‘} with t. m: '.m'

tit‘la‘. tit tur'ht-t tun . . 'c ':


’ UK foreign students
it t

t _ _ tace problems and

‘ ' falling enrollment

Hm i tutu


\t t '


git tutwen'

mat \ /..t:.t: ti:

.v-ge \rzi: f-in.

stliiiit t‘ti‘iL‘"
Budge? it;


‘lti. .tiilt‘

\.ii\ r .‘."
t9“ fittiip'
i't'7.tt."t ' i.a-
3“i ‘1’" c“
\ttittit .'.L ‘i
tutt' '!,t
‘.iztt itl' ‘fw
s ti.l..i'!
f’it)! Wm"
itetttit't ifl~
ill' .1. prone '
‘t‘t- Httsa.’ st
tia'ti' si‘."
tit'oiili-tt.s i’i-«t; .r

se!“.ti i's ‘Ytt‘. .rt'i‘

.ttt‘ it" '"“4

groups. I pewptm
“that, stiai 'ti
'.tiit’ .'tta\ ‘...1:.'
td'flu't‘ t7.ii"i ‘,
Hitltt't‘K ?
t.i."t.’ ii' tr. "
tht‘ tm ~. .i
iil'ligt’att‘ " . s .i. s L't't-i!
tack; t.tt.: .- . ,-t -‘ . . ate:
lit-stitte \;l .: i::.e [ti'tLt'tit'Tt\ .t
whole new .t . .~ operate 1:
\Kiit'h l'hts ttt'n .trea \ .. iztztttaix

\Ut tn‘i

.-.- \\\i\[.tilt‘t‘ i‘rograr' the pro

L‘t‘att‘; fiegat. unit. the .tttottm pint»

lettts i \ liminttitts' .11. associate ,. .

pt'titessot’ ot social work said ’\\e “Intel" agaln

nwded to «to sorta-thing ‘.. help cont

patties :tiereasttsg problems Alti‘t at Iliad Jacobs. tlist \cat taw stridcn'. was

cohol H‘- the lilitiistfl walked betwccn \lcniottal Matt and titst \‘tt ti.
it ttit't'. .'ttitw'it Ma» It'iit‘ .ilt‘ii


holtsn. it. 'he t't'ilnl} Mast; .iti our“
proach Holntttais' sari: lite pto
gran; e\pa:tded to tnttude alt
problettts that lower product l\ ttx O S an O u [1
'1t ts tincotertng a whole new
tteld tit social work tha' has not been
e\:dettt betore he said it is a
growing thing that wilt last tor ten
)eai's _ itxs,\\in'.i\\ii:s «tinnitus twiw v
HAP s alt‘ead} e\tst at about halt Reporter towed tr“. 1‘, c .t
«it the Fortune .iott t't)f}]p‘illl(‘\ it: ttau' Hto'ustc' m
m" “NM MN” m" ”Fmv‘um' R'l‘ (iardner. a business Junior. lt campus tu a; t

‘ - ~ v ., . v‘ . t . ' -
"m “”"""”"" ‘H ‘h‘ “’1’ “m "W has had his car towed tron‘. tatttptls cat the“ ”Wit” s'» ""1""

Parking violators may have their cars inii'edan‘ui‘ am/ \[Iiii'w/ uii‘ar fie/mm \lwi" .. '. ( '«i/txeum


parties published met} war ii) lo-
ttt'ti’ Maga/tne I‘hi E \t’ is run b}
the companies as .t serxtte tot their

t'mpltiy‘es Hasan said
Patrick Lantpton. the manager ot
the HU’ at Btnghant ('ontpantes ttt
l.ouis\tlle. said the tteld ot industrial
social work is not new. but quickl}
x. ( oi IH.I my. <



Tickets go on sale for the first and
second round» ot’ the NCAA tourna-
ment today for more information,
see SPORTS. page 3.

The Kernel Board of Experts rate the
latest crop of (iirl Scout cookies cut-
rcntly on sale everywhere. For a look
ai how the cookies crumble. see
FANFARl-I page 6.




There is a 50 percent chance of lin-
gering morning rain today. otherwise
it will be mostly cloudy. Highs will
be in the upper 405 to low 505. Pat-
tial clearing tonight with low; in the
upper 305 to low 405. Mostly sunny
tonight with highs in the low to mid





about 13ttmes

“You think stilttetitxt} stole it
tour cat" tor about tl\t' seconds. ’
Gardner said "Then you realize
it here you parked '

Gardner said ltis car was dattt
aged when it was towed attd his
trtend's car was totaled "Thtw l'K
ptillCt" don't give a dattttt it the}
wreck your car or anything its a
sad. sad situation it the} do you that

I)a\'td Brewster. assistant director
for parking and transportation. said
cars are itot towed it the) do not
have outstanding tickets "We try
ttot to tow on a first offense." he
said. because some cars belong to
Visitors who do not know about L'K
parking regulations

But Betty Wade. office supervisor
for parking. said a car "can be
towed on one Violation" if it is
parked on a yellow line or in a des-
ignated tow -zone area

"We. being the L'niversny police.
do not enjoy towing cars." Brewster
said ”We would rather not tow any
cars We don‘t like dealing with
angry people "

According to the police. once a car
is towed, there are several steps the
owner should take to repossess the

First. check with l'K police to
make sure it has been towed by call-
ing 2574998 between 8 am and 4
p m and 257-1616 after 4 p m It the

[K lititstott or t‘trit't \a‘w
Euclid \\e Ht‘t-itt- A ~
the citations itep.:""ni "
owners should \t't
patcher, he said

The dispatcher '.\. rich
tttt' ('tii’ \\tl\ tii\\t'il t',tt'.\s'i-'
and tntortti the HALIY he at".
standing tines thus? '
i‘etrtthng it

in addition the wane! trttts' pa, t
$4piti‘k1itg tine .tttda S‘Jtlimusc :v-e
(‘hecks are atcepttd fiii
atttouttts less that; $33 HUNTJ.‘
cash is necessar}

The owner then an! be
L‘Omputt'l‘prttttt‘it tt'tt‘ltit
must be takett to the tittllilllttttttt't.f
It)! 0” tht‘ ('lil‘ilt‘t‘ tit (tilitigt- \H'\\
and Rose Street \ l K pohci otttce'
will escort or meet the itl‘.\t'ti tat
owner at the lot “Hit the receipt
the owner ma} get the car back

The Winchester 'l'owtttg to per
forms all lntx'ersttt touittgs
Brewster said .-\tttontobtle datttages
as a result ot towing are the re
sponstbilit} ot the towing t'tlttttidttf»


The tow-truck drner is supposed
to record all preethting datttages
on a car before it is hitched to the
truck. he said I! an owttet claims
damages incurred during towing.
the owner should consult the towing

Students who haie been towed

a. ‘..“

l k [‘i‘lict‘ t‘tt‘ct‘t (iit‘it [ ilts isstit'~ \ttht‘ \\ ttsIt‘ttti ct {‘.t'tt ttL‘

towing system stickers were or
sophotttore, was towed once last \tt

i' it i't‘ .‘mttass

Sports (‘entt-t lot .tt the beginning wt

Hit ktlll‘s \

no: .. on good system
I 'tt‘tth 'ttert- s a lot nit things that
-ti.‘t‘ ii- ittttttgi‘ti ivatdner said ot

“i l\ Wining s\sti‘ttt He said he

R.t'it's 'i‘»\ttl}_‘ ts tiet’essat‘) ttut

”it '~ :* ct ' be .t better way





,lrish night probes customs, conflict

lh \\l\ll\ \\llll| \


2 A THE KERNEL Tuesday, March 13, 1984


East meets West for friendly debate
about U.S.-Japanese trade barriers


:wnnttetrt tn \orthertt keep nt that ha). and In general.


sat" “7 1t- .- aas ntntnted to t'atholncs uould prefer to be uttn
t s t , ts-tanse tne realh tnmlxstththelrnsh Republtc'
u \ _>:- .. mp t s .t , t- ‘:‘\ ‘lte tt‘lt‘ttl‘dtlttlt ,-\nother ponnt ts that tttost peo B) (‘lxln‘ Punks“) does tnot the linglnsh as Its tnrst lan cause we don‘t know very much
H, s s an a . _ Last \ttlnl ple do tnot know “ho :s‘t l’atrnck Stat't'Wrnter guage. 'l‘aketttura antd l'eno have about Japan and they know qunte a
\tt t t , *t, , nas stationed at \‘orthertn ts \tartntn sand lle ts responsnble tnot had \'t‘l’) ttnuch trouble debatnttg bntaboutus.”Manknns sand.
ssst. a7 t; L ”2' ts ~ Ireland when there “as sttll a tor comerttng the lrnsln to t‘hrns 'l‘Vto Japanese students squared agannst llnglnshstxnaknng debaters "Thns debate nagannst UK: was
a nrwt.’ rt ,- a s t t‘ .s‘ Katy base there," Martin tnannnt) ttn the {nth centnnr). he on agannst two l'K students yester 'l‘hns ns because all Japanese debates the best nmtruetnve debate so fart"
7 \ 'Y'Ttt‘“ ' t n sand "1‘. was a pertod when cur- sand da) ntt a debate otn whether Japatn are spokettttn litnglnsh Yoslnnyukn Takennura. ant eeonomnes


rent cont’ltet was just startim to l contend that nt tne could see sltottld reduce Us l" S trade bar “We don‘t debate as last as the tumor at Kansanl'nnversnty.sand






\t. n n t gear up tlne sntuatton ntn \orthern lreland rters :\tttt‘t‘lt'alts beeattse nxe hate to "SUA ts beeomtng more and tnore
’\ pas t . s l. “The pomt I want to get across toda} that he nntght have ehosen \‘oshnyukn Takemura and Aknhnko translate all the Japanese \utrds to Involved tn brnngnng tn educattonal
-_ w \ t z" - fact that the conflict in anothercountr} ‘ T\larttttsatd l'eno have been tournng the l'nnted Englnsh and the protnonnt-natnon ts speakers to l'K,” l)a\'nd Bradford.
s t H I 7 Northern Ireland didn‘t start in last )eat‘ there here about To States snttee February competnttg also sottnetnntnes dnttncult‘ :\kllltk0 Student Government .-\ssoctatnon

s .. s 7. s at; “i" ‘tv sand. "It is not a modern people present at the celebratnon agannst Anterncan collegnate debat- l'eno a tan tumor at l)oshtsha llttr presndent. sand NH. sponsored ttne

t v s'udet" «htch is the biggest mis~ riast sand "l‘hns )ear ue expect ers Yesterday they came to the versnt) sand debate
\' s 7 t t nter' . '- ttple make You have to go about wtofitumnpletoattend l'ntnersnt) the too Japanese students. \nstt 'l'he l'nnted States ts lllVUln't‘C nn
‘ ': L“ - - medieval times to under I 'lttttk’ nt \\'tll be a \ern tutn and \pproxnntatel) no people sant l'K nng .‘nnnet‘nca tor the tnrst ttnne are debate exchanges \HIll Great Brt
\ at t nsv tt at nedn'tslonofthecountry t't‘la\tt1n.‘ evennng East sand and Japan debate the topnc ”He representnng all Japanese debaters am. the Sovnet l'nnon. Next Zealand
, n X 7 'hern lreland withme tnz. 'l‘ttere atll be an lrnsh band per solxed that Japan should sngnnt'n "l‘het \nere chosen tronn thousands and Japan. Patterson sand The de
«1. st s , “stunts. and one-halt nnnt :ornang Forbes [tents and The cantl) reduce nts trade barrners otn ot applnt'ants to represent Japan on bate exchanges are sponsored by the
t nssv -» - es :s a part or the mid 'nlest as uell as lrnsh hronntt t 5 products " l'K detended thns a tour or the ttnnted states J W 5990?" (‘otnntunncatnon Assoena
-. L It‘ ‘ .t' s . '7 \tarttr: sazd bread and tea serned \dnntssnotn resolutnon \nhtle the Japanese ar l’atterson.debatecoat'h.sand ttons t‘ommnttee on lnternatnonal
t: p. . w. , . t ,- . > t" ups-art's tnant to null beSt gut-d that nt the Japanese opened .\'o tar the). hate been to \‘lashnng l)tscussnon and Debate The nnterna
_ A V mp”- ttgnpulmro ntarkett nt \tould totn Hregotn Xlttttnesota and lonna ttonal debates started approxns
-------------------- lnurt the 1'5 market as well as the The} tall! also be tranelttng to ltndta nnateb 3:1 nears ago at (Mord Inn

2 134 Japanese ttnarket Thns was the tnrst na letnnessee \ortlt l arolnna. \‘ersnt_\
Nicholunille ttnne the Japanese team debated Nntttltt'aroltna and \larnla'nd 'l‘he l‘nnted States has been debat

I 0
Rd, JJ 5 word Process'ng agannstthetopnc t‘otndott Melliothlettt. pol llt'tll scn nng Japan tor nearly txnent} years






' I
Ph 27¢, 541$ I: APA 51‘er Specialist : \enther snde won the debate be etnce setttor and \ltke \latnkttns eeo lit-er} other year the l'nnted 51m”
‘ t; . ' ts. " -s : n ‘ -s ‘nt ~i l K sends teams to these contntrnes nnd
7 I: . tnttst ll\\t tttt\llll)ltltllt llttltttt nntt on H pt: I u ‘ A
J P'tvgtgeitm I“ ~80C /Puge With ”"5 COUPon I llesplte betng tronn a eountr) that 'l'hns '\pe ot debate .s lrt‘ttt'llt'hnl be \‘tt't' \ersa l'attersottsand
one xum ‘ t .
Classes starting :.. 223'1562 " I o o 0 '
mm . n n State prnson nnmate ns charged wnth murder
i: Monk 25m : t» t h «a Campus Pnck-up A I
I _ 8. Delivery V |
CE . - SAT “95595 I" ,0 , , I , n g ' lll)l)\'\'ll.t.l~l. K) At’ .\ Junt no» :; .1 {mod st"".2t‘t‘ \sot'ket' struck as he Malked Into the store
:t-aw'tmmu startnng I‘ ‘ 9098' 'Ox'mum ex U0 mm mm 11 trnal date \nas set \londm tor a '-\.t.\ lured ntilln .t kttchet; storermtnt room ttnotnentslater
— .7 ‘ M ch 13 > ' ' ' ‘
touts wot. LENVER 0' ’-------_------------- state penttentnar) nnmate charged March I and struck ;:t the head wth ttroonns sentenced to to years tot"

utth the ltrst murder ot a state prns
on aorker tn Bhutan

l’red Uroottts 28. pleaded nnnoceht
at a prnson arrangmnent to t'aptlal

a topouttni tndustrzat tar opener .t; an assault tn
known as a
mate ottnenals sand

t'ottttttontwalth Attorne} lltli (Vlltt'


'l't tntpklttM‘tllt‘
\n ell behaved

Etn‘tttl\ \tlnl


‘ttlullt‘ts tttsnt plexnrlrti .I.Ittlt¢-!.' 'I7 .t



murder ‘.t‘. the death ot l’atrtcta nttnl‘L‘t‘ nt .t"e:t.ptnsn :nttnt let .:t the 'ntnghant sand he unit seek the death

ltttss t tttdgenn-tthg o: ahnthn-r t.::..t'e penal'} aganttsttirooms

‘ ' 7V: ' - " Tet-.t
'lnere 7s :tt» speentnt' rule absottttn-lj. pt llllllt.n.'.L. ,ts mt. lt‘t: . s_ t t be is ho‘ [ttll\lllllL' the ndea ot establtshnhg

ot: tatnpus accordtng to Josept l [1. ant new ‘1 ~‘. , tan',;»ts pn' lttert :s no :n'eres’ .n that here he
‘ :3 Ha .ttto7to. promo-77. ts bad enough amongx out
Instead there are ttntteretz' rho-s 'Ltt~-:e:' nu- arm; st l dott' httIM an} tse need to make ,'

tzotzs or. campus The general rtnc fo7 'hv \Hntt- n n ‘..t tat l~ eter tntt‘fhet tterennntannpus

Yer.sttodtnnkntng tnesand t not ’f.;t',k ot a teasot: that would make nt net
'l‘ltl' I don t thtttk that s the :ssae l: m \t ;, 7 . .sa-

a putt there \nould be no \nolatt-nn. ot 'ha' 371' ':.~ ,ss a [77: l h nttaptet ot lt‘nl t'lll'x litxtstnrtg :‘nlt'ohol

ntsza-ss l tnttt‘t‘t'ttdtg‘ the Health ot l'nnxerstt} Stu

7,: a put tsa nttnch largerone ‘ .
‘ ' .s not opposed to hattng a put. on;


ltt‘adtord sand he ts lmktttg :t; n

.En‘v'flst‘ Mr A t'nbttt‘t‘l‘l . .1 lt'slH .tt Ht‘ at, t




No Cavor for Lad!”


Go anywhere
Greyhound goes.

"\ llAV-\|:ll\ \|tlt=7n7T-‘
n t l .;
'Hnt llttllt \,tt .,

l l

n n

L” nns Htt salt

ht nt‘Y..;i'

?\ wtttil‘nt tn 7 ttnnm‘

fat at Han ltd \Ilnn



Il-3AM Fri-SCI
AM Sun-Thur

orner Euclid 8. Rose
Phone: 231-7898



\lttnottgtt no htnd grartt Hitlt‘klt' :t
ott «annals tilttt‘.) l‘hnt- applzett tor Temp->737. '-~'
'l‘hn l't‘tntet‘szt} et Louts\ la
:t,ettt \ssoctattot: and campus stutter: t t:
estabttshtttent called the lted ltarh Mam s'
tta tn .es and hold partnes

Harts Jethle}. presndettt n: t l,.\t.‘t saw ”a -n 7
has otttalttetl a lt'tt‘tpot‘at‘} ltt'ettse tor ”tat t..: pttf n7»


tt'ltst" F'ttllt'I.’ [t‘n'


The tn‘et
dot: t

'.e '.\ttlltnll', tt prettj. ens,


tome to tho-


"hm etetjts

tlt'nnttalttj. t2
dotttg 'ha' 7. :

hat. e ;' stxnradnt'adf.

\t.v1 M t't ttn‘ltllw’


n tt't-n'lnt nnnnnd's Springr ltr nak

And back.


l‘ltts sprnnnu lnn‘t ant. st
friends My Ilttttltnnn; am
the sll npes or lllt' lnt'at lt
home tora \istt lnn‘t-t
cant take \‘on there tor
onnl\ $3‘lltt' less.

lict\\'eetn nnott and


tn .tnndnotnr
nut lncadlngto
HI‘ lllNl
‘ltl ntnnnd



$39 or less.

Go Greyhound

.\tnd leave the drnt nne tons.

l « nt' more mn‘omtuniott call Knit—JEN

March '_’3‘|‘.l8~l.\\'ltctt .V‘ no sin n\\' tnstn ntnr
sttndentt H t. card. any rt ntnnnd-trtp ticket
on ( iret'ltt nttttd is 539 or less.
t\tn\\\‘|nere ( irenlnn ntnttd gt nes.
Sn n this spring break. f’th‘
_\'l nurselt a real break. ’l‘znke
( tretltn ntnnnd anntwlnere, ll nr



BARGAIN MAtnNus tvtnvpm




suoom who a










H7 ?t or? an x ”mutt-At, tttt
l‘t/t'a H t' l' :. l’tu/a Hnn

nntler "\[Ntvs we n'



(mud ntnt l;‘

m. an . .
he ,_.. [Mn

.. anew..- t,
.vwv tum «n. ~.
unmettew - o «t..
7" nzotvnt-so 'Kfimnv‘e'

1‘ part"

.. a... .

.n Ir






t FREE DELIVERY 253-3712


$2 Off Any Large Pizza


\nlld unh at NH ‘mullnml
- - - - - - - - - ‘ -

nlt‘u H: rhntttg l putt on catttpus tlet‘ause
\lN'ilttI/lllfl the} re nust pro
sa-d Kelln llardettnan

. . v

t‘ t' ' ltl ‘ t\' .:n_.nlf.\


prestdent ot


., ‘.

an n ant-r, not) I‘M snnt'tttlllt' “helllt‘r It s a?
tun-tut} or .1' sottte other bar :tt town

.u't sh n 1n .' f‘t'stlnttsilln} .nt‘al be aware (I: the eltt't'ts

‘.v .t' 'ltt 1

\llt‘ nn‘ll


1 count also be sa’tt twtause tt‘.a}tre people
* nht ‘ tr dt.‘.::ng around she sand ’lt could proba
' my on. drunk tlFZHllLl but ma} also nncrease
‘7» ,zllt'hl" of students trntttg to drtnk 'aho are under
lltv- _: sast there tttaj. be a problem uttn the
' 1th t' ,

pet ause most on the students are an


st : l»:.tdzorvt 'l‘he recent sunwe) results om} eon‘.

‘la otns‘aenes tnttnch already appeared tn thns
\s 'he sj.stett. ns set up no“ there are alread} man}
nlns'an tes thtt tar prewnt a campus putt trottn beeom
,'.Lt1t‘t'.:l"._. lnesattl
litadtot": saw: that antong the problems are the alt:
w! l ls. alttthttt and adtttnnnstrators tt‘uttt} ot xthont
tttnptnst' .t t atttpnts put.
the obstaeles can atnd than at one ponnt :rt ttnne be
dermnta- but «ml; at uhncl. ttnne the students support
sta .7, .t tttote he sand
\tm '.\t' need to tnnd out a ltttne more t‘XLtt‘tl} uh)
stnnder's oppose such a pub he sand “I personall}
tor ' attend on droppnttg the tssue
ltradtztrd sand he belteu-s he has made eonstderable
progress despite the lat'k ot concrete at'tton 'l‘:\t'll nt
tht'ltet attnot: protes truntless tn thns tssue tt nothtng
t m. 7..: on. e and tor all he \e dtspelled the nntth that
's‘tttlivl lit

tln h's

:rttposstble todo








. /v-,;:"°’
$2 Off Any Large Pizza
lrndnntp Hr $1otlanvttnedtum.nncludnng
tt\ thns l’nlza Hut‘l’an Ptm Hurry thns

olYer expnres sunn

(hind thrlnuu‘ ’/ I1,“

'n- nun-II pun um per mm

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tutor - ”amt-ho: .n

m n learnt-u) r-tompttar
nntuv ms t l‘ u» "u’ lm




V nlid only at 384 ‘oodI-nd
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IN! KENTUCKY KERNEL Tuonday, March 13, 1984 3




Sweet Sixteen,NCAA Mideast Regional mean big business

lh \I( K \I( ”til, \5 l‘,'.~'! '.
\'.1ll\\l'lln'l Ml. 'ln
”:1 w.
I! xshnurmn-mlx-unulun. K) Yin 6
ll]! {hr mwl hm 'At‘t‘lh 'lns l,t-'~.:'.L‘w'
’xlilt‘fll'.l\\ ml} ml! ~hmwu>v \«nm xmzxn‘r‘
mushlntlmg basketball talent m! dl‘o-r
mm Kmruvk} Mn lldiltillul idll‘ll‘
‘1- ,u-ll \mrlmg \\Hillt'\(ld_\ .1!
't'llllml. h. u] Iln- \Iurr \ Inn-V lugl.
wimlrl illhkl‘lildll h-nmx 'AIH mm
[n‘c M ll)» V411" \mr «rum. .l‘
llalw \r'n‘nu
l‘nllmungI Ihv 'waot Shh-ml
'wm‘ ('ullc-ur Hun» ml] (it‘slt‘l‘ui rm
linpp in rhe- marl in N-n'lle- numb
'rn'uuuh Lamarun 'l'hv Mldtnhi m
Lulu: wrmlmnls and mum arr \t"
M: \Lm l13Jixm134
\limfnx uf phylum; Max» M...»
»;w.'.' .1. u-‘llm.’ '!.<'\u‘ 'Au 'w‘lrrm
.--r mm. In! ”M mum 'lm‘ "‘
’m:,.xll'. v'\1\'_\ :7; \l.m rt
Ha \.\m-I Nun-ml ixwl '.'H \l‘
. :~' lin‘L‘ ”lull lll‘z' {Humilwi l“. lath-r
' 'llglulm'lllllllw ill." ’Hlil ~‘.H.'P. "
w firml'm' AX." le \Ultt .' Imp;
[in \‘AH'X V‘JH'L A film
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~ \\\Il\ HAHN} kll‘\". 1-H!
' \\‘i. Mi (h ,1"? '. \‘ \ll.
v u ' H A

fullg’o m H!

’ \,\'vw f, ..

Peterson mem- nileyhall coach

Gymnastics i 2— ins home meet

In \\l)\ \Iulll
.w, ‘. ,


{ilo‘mfl' ,'

4‘ \'1lllt”.‘ lll l ‘2?“ ~
IMAM!» ‘l'J 'l}\"' a,
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‘ liul't llllv'll \\‘.'l‘l «inf.
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'll"" H] llilil inilH'} ull'lb "v

x. l ‘\'

xvii ln' >3: mm :vl“ 'zrrm
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gum luv 'ln 'nm-N

:‘ ., \I it 'm' {I :' l .

‘_ i . ‘ ~ ~. . v ‘
I h A .. ' . - McKinne} (in m l n a 1mg V‘ add (up
I” 1".\l\\iM;l‘:'\l:h'liflll ‘il:11\!l:sr'ui}'n.l‘.yr‘wllIf: V - U ‘ . \\ \H.:}:\ L ‘ 5. E _
Imm‘ \r‘»";.: ”I. lllurxtln} \lnul J- ‘ - -, ' A . -._ \- . u K; _ , , \l’ lull. :3
1:: mtmwla} \lnr'rl: .‘1‘ S’ullvrzf

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qua" ‘llt' [uw' " ‘
\ ill! lilt'M’ L‘llllltN “hi lu' lib

'm‘mm: l1} lulu-r} .H o. p :1. ml
IU‘"\:A\ \llll'l'l‘z 3” Door» in ’er
Mum-um. Mlmpvnnl )p n.

l'l lu-K lnr lilt‘ Mul'l‘ll _"_' \lllli
\lnIrL .‘4 games ulll luv wk! 11‘. wlx

":I' A‘mll' Sn! -»\:*"1‘~
"~1 lll't'}l.ll"?.g in: '3:
a. fur: llnliv‘lf 'w ;x’
'a‘ltlr‘.>:l'.'..‘!n ;.m' w
\KI‘HL' 'u l‘e'.’ 43m“.

"IN! 1r: 22w \‘l‘l '1‘ .;

Lezigmasdgzzaszs23:08 III. Checkers Food Mart
6062532202 I... Delicatessen
Old Bud I...

, Lo ht 915 S. Limestone Across Fromu K ModucalCenver Next To 2nd National Bank
MIIWOUkee '9 -‘-----------------------------‘

S 1 .49 $4.59 CHECKERS coupoxv CHECKERS COUPON

12pkl2oz.Cons 8pk7oz.NR 12pk12oz‘Cons ANY DELI ITEM
2 for 'l

‘7th 5 right'
Any Dell Hem 2 for the price of]
with COUDO" after 600 pm.
Offer expires March lb 1984

Lam.’ (\np (oupon per person
b. ---------------------------

OPEN 7am to Midnight, Parking In Rear Of Store




90° Jack Daniels $8.75 750ml
80° Gordon's Gin $4.99 750ml












4 . THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Tuoeday,March13, 1984





letebllehed 139. Independent Slnce ‘97!

Andrew Oppmonn
t_‘ ' ‘ , '

Lin! 5, Kodcbc

.9 t1! '1‘

Stephome Wollnm Jame: A. 500”

t-mw an~' ' 11' .1 td'c




eagan ’s new stance

on defense spending
is a quest for votes

\‘eMet‘da; Hume Hepntwtetu: iet11ie1‘ H11he1't H .\11ehel
made one 11! the 1111M 1~pt;1111>t1e >t.1ten1e11t> _\et about
1111151141111 Reagan 11‘; .1 :‘.ttt>he1§ N11ehel let 1t he known
th.1: Reagan htts enme :11 the Frail/1112011 that there must he
:‘eduetmm 111 the planned detenxe t1L11ld-t1p 1! there 15 to be
.111} h11pet111‘ aettml reduenon 111 the t' S hudgetdry det'te1t

111 the hard “111M 11: 1'1111a1‘e»11111;1l pohtn's, Reagan 1s

rent.) euneethng


::‘ 1111111 111 Reagent \ 111-1111' 1‘ 111: pat-knee 111 11111111}.
«1.1.th he 11mm t1e.1."er::11: :111‘ f.::1: 'e t't‘;i1‘.f.t‘ that 1t \1111

he '» t1» '

_ t, t


\x. ~‘1t-I‘t" »‘\'Ithttlt t'ntlsltit‘t‘lttg OUT
112t1>s:\ et1e1en>et111tleet

Reagtu‘. x nudeei pretmml :_-1‘ 151111 )eut' 15483 asks 1111‘
‘ 7.1.“ .1 1-1 perm-1:1 111e1‘ea.~e .-\t
;1I't‘\>l!‘.L‘ >et'11111> 111tent11>11> t1)

I‘.‘.t1_\ >eem. Reagan


31505. {111111
the sixnlt‘ :11111‘
UL“ :ht‘ \it‘ftt‘i:
has ’


..1 \itt'htl'
he Nth Ut't't‘. e
H11\'\t“.t" .:|'L:‘~t. .11‘
1'11 p.11‘2m11‘; pariez



.\.1\ 4:11:11 ' = 12nd 111e;111> t1» reduee
11111)“ tit’tt‘nSt‘
t1111111e1i the p;111el'.\
4111' ‘.:'f‘\: :vt12 the tea; 11h>tttele


x1111 T‘t'LAtDt‘ tin: ' 1'11”,


\penttmg in he e111:>:1te1'e1:

1111;111‘1'111. ite1111>emt> ‘11::
New Deer.Ihe\\h:teH111m-

., ,

1111 he 11 .1\

“111111-11 utttelub
tettai \t‘!"th1.\ drum: :1ea11t1.1t111g .1 donn pay
t-t1t nut pt11‘t1sqn 111111-

1)?» \11 that ‘1\e e111: pt‘U-

TAMI .1 .Lill‘t‘f‘tt'flfl


111‘. tt1e1tet1e.' 11~1‘.1':.111.\e:1>e


v. 1.1-1

\HHLL‘G LtI'x t'IK" 'flt‘









l I

j vfitut‘x T ejwt‘i




____.__,-,,w._._-_v____s.,e._ V _e,__ , _


want my, n41»




5:110; watt/Mm ARE/“1‘1 e
thTQNP ”Vic 7? ‘1‘ 1 ‘\ AN“ 1‘31»



Collins urges support for tax proposals

11: .1.1111;.1"\ l 1

\u «111111;. ~1 11.111,

yupumq ~11, "41»






21m 111 ‘het 1111111;1-1 ‘I

”11' 11M 1\ 11:, ‘.\.1~ ’1'11 ." \
E flukt 1'\1*? 331111 I ‘1 .L‘
' I “T15 ,1‘11 .‘~. Y3, ' .1' ,
1151} W” .\.:" T '1 \1 ' 1.
The 1111»! 1x11' 1 ' .
I {1'1“th 111' “11‘ 1 .'
itl‘tk ”U: f 1: Y? »\I I\‘\ . > 1
11.13:”!1‘1'3'1" I'm-r. 1 1 ".'
’11:?» 11’ 111 ~ ;_I t.
”1h 5}

X. ““l‘ ‘1 ‘KLL' ‘I ‘ ‘

Keyiutkztltr ‘1'; '

f11‘L11'1 "1\11~’t,1v:'.1_'t‘ 11 ~ ' r
'1» 1011;; H'u‘t pentm‘ ’.1..' IK'v' 2>
1'1‘. .1 Ride! I'tzltL't' 11? 11"~ 1' ' "1
uptmt‘fungtnw Ive-1111“ .' - ' 1 ~

'111'11‘I111T{txtxi\‘.1t‘v~‘. 1'.

I 11:11“ \\ '.'


:rnmm 1111\1‘1 .~ ..11'


Martha Layne

) 1 '
1 ,
~ 1
1 'y t 4 O x
’ r' t
' 1* ~ ‘1. ~~ ‘1 I
I, ‘1’ 1 v
. 1' 1 I.
. . A” > .
’w .7 ' \..1 l '
'.~1 1 y\
- 1 ' -1 .d t 1
, ’1 \1 1
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1 .


}\v-I1‘ .1»
.. ;11 1,» ~ 1
.\ 1
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~11“ .
\ 1 .
. 1 1. - .>
.1...“ -
:1- ‘1. r ,
, 1
e 1 1
.1 1 .
'\ r." . -
11 .
\ 1 :~ '

Even columnist ’s errors can be forgiven


ht‘ tftfit‘t't‘Va 11: Tfe \ITH'I 1.1:1 ttt‘ttpzt' 'I‘ht‘ 51‘1“ng m: whmw 11,111,.1 , 1.
1> :11 1‘1.’ 111', ‘.‘1e .1t1>'1 r‘ >;~er1\111L 11nd heheVe 111e , _,V_;p,,,\t. ' 1. (It: ,
drunken-1"'ne1'e \ \ 1 11-1' 1: t~11\’e11‘.>11e111t111u ' 11111 1:11 ' L
I'ttteev: "1111‘1 \ .1 ‘1-te1t' f_1'.\\ 11';“11"_\ haw tunnd tIt'IWNm 1
rum-11.1; 1111' 411,91 ' '11 't1' l_1=1.1-1'1111> 1ieten>e e1111r ”‘T;,’;"T”““",“Z‘f
Iz'.1e1> .1111‘; :11tr‘1~t:.r.t1 ‘.I-:‘;1r' gt; .1: \tmf‘e 11.11% I: ;.~ on!) M" “1‘ "
Manhunt-1e 2111" 1':1'~ r .1rvr1~1 ' :11'w ,11 11'1‘111-1‘ 1‘e1'h1et111n.
11'111 Mnhel 3111‘ :t1:,1'.1te-: '.';11' "1e 111'e>11iem \ read} :11
11111 : thy
{We '1t‘e\1‘e \ t. emit .'_1'L1'.t_:'1!‘ $1.1: he “111m\ \1111
1-111 ‘_ aim .1 .1.1, ‘111 '111 La 1 111911 j.1vt1' get 711 the tattle. ’ " "
’u' I it? 'C":e tnrexzterif ~ “-x11.\:;1 111111113; T11 R1111“ that . I» ~, V
e".e."j~ 1111111" ".e Y‘t‘tgut-VH‘. 1:. it'fx-tbt' flomx HUI Emmi IN A. I I”
get 311111132 N111 5 11- .
I‘th :.1I I’I‘t'.\.11<'?‘1' Ream? ‘1;1\ 19.111111 tn htne h1> (iet;
". 11'11.‘ ‘11" " ’1111 \1111 11J‘121111m fae .\ 1:11“ uttlitna t1» pun “1‘1"!" i 1111.1111' ’ " ‘
1;. 1 few-me 4111111113; '15an 112111‘e111111‘1x m1; ”"“ I “""“” ‘ “ \
,v 'n y 1 y M ‘ v ,1 , n Y.‘ '_ ‘ _ ‘ ‘ 11.11 r111>::.e\> \111-1 1.,
A1,! ,1. ,1 1.1. hr I111 ..\ Hum 1t‘t1>.~111111;.' It) nutt new» :1.t111‘I1111'.11r
2’41 Hume tie-tum 111% f‘ - 1 1:; Ite11111e1';1t> 11: 1W 1 e
r ".e‘tu» 1\' '1 III-11m ' w 11' \t1111‘.111;111g1e1111\ 1111111 11 nun-nuts 2W 1 \
fl , ~ ‘ ~111‘1e 2111.111 11.11“ 1? t. " v
1.1~ .1;Ie41:tj. 111.: 3.1.111 1
1 «XL ILL!" 'hv‘ 1117I’M' :27 I ‘
t fem-“12111111113-11-1? A. t
f 1111151111; \Ix t‘epur‘ 1 : 1 1
. '.11 TR \111‘1' .111-\111>.111.1 1 ‘r *1
I‘m? urttut‘gu tlfht'
[in-mu); .1;t11~11: 111»
7‘1"“ 31U5111t‘\~
\mt 'hdf In. .1 111'21‘ 1'3
___v_ u m _ Aku. .._-I_*_—__._____J 3111'15’ [rattle t1.1‘1¢' 7w" 11+ ‘1. ' v












.I It . 1 v 1' fro'lf1flt11't;o'f\
.u( I), [UK/C t .‘ ‘ 1‘1fr?"\,{1; ‘11: Li“.
H 'X111' \11l111711t’H! ft
.1 A 1'1 1 1;» w 1 1g 11111.17111'1 t1".1~1.‘1'
p- ' L ' 1‘ V r .I - .1t*’ " txnxt'nv- f11_'
L1, "" ’ '4 5 'V ' " ..’ .1 ‘t'117'14fl1 k1;
1’1’1 ’ 1' ’ ' -' ‘ ' ‘ I” ' Putt H 1'11t\ ."2tlf1'1'.
11 ,1 ,__, \ 1 . .1 » 21.1 t1-~ '1 11', "n.
\M. x" ' 'e e 1' ’111x'. - . :1" ,1" '~ ~' '~ '11 'rtv-r. ,~ .1 r1111:
> 'f- E"’ .- r1 ' ' » f'm max ‘ 111111 1'
'~':n'11'~ the .‘IIMjmnr
1‘5" Nd 1" '~ 1;.‘11' V ’ ,-1 \1 a " Z' 1' 1' ”a I 11"‘11111- I '11:!‘1 T1
1 ‘ ' 1 \1t11'I 1- . 1' .1'1 "1111111 '111411} to-
v f .v 1~ « . I 11' .1. 1 1 1 : 171111.1“1' 111:111.’

‘V‘l' r. '5”. v,';' ’ ~"- 1 _ .

rtrwwntrtg \111‘. P11: 1 \ . 1w 1:1.11111"?1 111 rttlt‘fhni
111M tr'r'uJL'. th' A hm, ’.1 w .1 II:.~ I 1!» '141' ”H11 111111-12 “it: 1.11111:
3."..1' \atxa‘ 111 .~ 11-“ -1' 11' w 11 '15 'w- ;1t‘1~->I~ 111 hhhnt» “hen
>11-r1-1r;.,v; 'to 1t1[r1t"t1!11'_‘~ ‘ 11 .1 11:11: ‘1111, -1r111111 -; 2111.: 1.1»11g1x1-113e111:
’11 1;,mt1 the 1n11:1r‘ \ ”1.1111 ‘.; ' ' ', 111'? 11 111;" 'he mge 1111't1m1 Ht
tit," '31" }""11' I. 1 l-"" "1» ,‘1 11 (1
HUMAN Pier4etn‘ev1tt11‘~ 11~ JUL” 1 1.1. ‘ «1121111 115k l’let‘t'l' If he

«11. _1.\ Heuther «hen he 111.1121» 11w ‘,1\'1t" 11‘ 11>>un11ng that the
'3111' the 1hurt? t..1~ exum‘lv'f !.11.' p: M ~ tamed «Ht. .1 \I‘\ \(undal
nor put-um'zur, ttunt pw '11111~ >1 .111 4 1 11:11:11.; hnxe hem. pron-12
'hUFLY) trot} HtmN‘tt 1’111‘ v'\1 11111“: L11’- .1" 117 ’huxe dt'ethntnnh AH-



‘het Hut 1':



1 n-v 11~ 1211' ~ ~ ~ H
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111.41% 1131111-11L‘1j

[HUM-1 H1-‘1' H1, .1 1

\I.:"'1m'1\ \1.: ' 1'


Seeking pen pul1


11111.11 :11111'1} pnwxe' x!
the-1: .11 the «.1'111-1 \.-.1 1'}. 1
~111".1.'11_I 111w 111111 11111 t.11.‘ ‘1 'rm
Hun" 1.111. «wt-41¢ ([1Y'I‘\LN" 111 11
Ht Pan «th «1111"» I
«wulri 11111 11111111 11111'11-~;»11y, :~ '1


.1 1111M). prwnne: :1.e I" I 1
11M uh111- ~111aie ht1\1-.111h111': 1&1:
11nd Htu>ldtht', hu/ei 143m nemh "'1
111111! 111 vim-1 111K}

\ phuln 11! ”11hr “1111 HIHINLIHM
1111] he appreemted I ml} wt»? 11111
11! me I \\1H expmm 111'} 11h1111t 11‘\
wit 711tho>e M11»1~111‘1'I-~tx1111t

“rite In Thunhh “uh-“1' \
4TH r‘uhrnnduek 1 1111 F111
H” Riuht'twh \ Y 13“?“


IllHHHI‘ \I I1t'\\v

By Dan Clifford




( 506mm PMS]





L . . ..
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"I . 'T't .~ ‘ 11 111111111 t'\
[11' ‘fl‘ ;'5' '\ .~ ‘ .l' “_1‘.‘ I..11.
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.111: ~111-11r'. L1. .htw 'h1\ 11111‘111'1.

1. 1

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“11', 1111' 1111M
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“flu ‘1\ ”11'
It» Hetmhhun, H1111» 111

\1111.1~u1.11x\t.~1111. I'11-lit11ne

Arte twt’, X

11:1.>\:;1m proxwfl» tIxt'H


Hundj. l’.11'ke1
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111.11-1'1'11111111' I
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tin-"tn”? uttn'l. 1'

Litt1o'111'1111'1L‘. ht- (11

. 1'.

we 111w '1111'1‘11



11>1111811tue‘ ~'111tt11.’"


Yi‘nttmt M
the hn11111r: 1111111
