xt7q833n0d8v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q833n0d8v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1994-03-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1994 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1994 1994 1994-03-24 2020 true xt7q833n0d8v section xt7q833n0d8v  



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Kentucky Ks



MAR 2 4 1994
Thursday, March 24. 1994

COmmittee slashes library funds

Wethington still hoping
to secure state bond issue


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer

After two years of steady
progress, UK‘s drive toward build
ing a new campus library is facing
a major roadblock.

The Senate budget committee,
struggling to balance the state's
budget but refusing to accept a pro-
posed tax increase, has slashed
funding for several construction
projects, including the $46 million
that had been pledged for the new
University library.

The library has been the feather
in Charles Wethington’s cap since
he became UK president more than
three years ago.

UK already has raised more than
$2] million in private money and
was promised state support during


the last General Assembly.

Now it appears the Senate com-
mittee is forced to pick the bottom
line over books.

But Wethington vowed yesterday
to keep fighting for the library.

“Obviously, this is a disappoint-
ment," Wethington said.

“We’re going to keep working
the next few days to try to ensure

“This is critical for us.”.

Construction on the proposed
Central and Life Sciences Library
was scheduled to begin later this
year and be finished by 1996.

But construction cannot begin
until the state gives the University
authority to sell bonds, Wethington

He also said he does not want to
accept a scaled-back versiOn of the


new library, which already has
been designed with state funds in

“All of our efforts are concen-
trating on continuing to push for
full funding of the
library project,"
Wethington said.

The Senate ap-
propriations and
revenue commit—
tee, headed by
Sen. Mike Molon-
ey, has been delet-
ing capital con-
struction projects
the past two days
to balance the bud-

Gov. Brercton Jones placed the
library in his budget, and the
House had also approved of the

But the House‘s budget was
based on anticipated revenue from
House Bill 455, which would triple
the property tax on manufacturing

Yesterday, the Senate committee



By Stephen D. Trlmble
Assistant News Editor

Performers from 13 countries
provided glimpses of their cul-
tures with songs, dances and folk
tales at International Night in Me-
morial Hall last night.

Although the talent improved
this year, the attendance, estimat-
ed at 200 people (with a large
contingent of international stu-
dents), was lacking.

“Last year, we filled this hall,"
said master of ceremonies Uday
Deshpande, who is from India.

With the end of spring break
only three days before the event,
organizers faced a tough chal-
lenge getting tickets distributed,
and Deshpande cited this as a



UK International Night
a cavalcade of cultures

possible reason for the half-filled

Most of those who did come,
however, expressed delight with
the evening’s performances, which
featured cultures from France to
Malaysia to Appalachia.

Frederic Gallemand, an econom-
ics major from France, sang a cap-
pella an unnamed French song that
he wrote. The translated lyrics
warn of the rise of Nee-Nazis in his

He said the song was provoked
after a gang of at least 20 teen-age
skin-heads attacked him four years
ago because of his African ances-
try. Although he escaped un-
harmed, that incident and others
like the vandalism of a Jewish
graveyard near his home prompted
the lyrics of his song, which read at

JAMES CRISP/Kernel Staff

John Walker practlces on his squeeze box last night in Memorlal Hall prior to International
Night. Walker, of Wales, England, is a veterinary science graduate student.

one point: “In France there is
equality -— which rhymes with

Third-grader Sharmista Dev of
Bangladesh played keyboards
and sang the classical song "Say-
ma Sangit" and danced the “Bo-
rishe Rim Zhim" from India.

The 8-year-old, who attends
Julia R. Ewan Elementary in
Lexington, said her 10-minute
routine required “a lot of prac—

The night concluded with the
chorus of “We Are The World."

Alice Wee. an economics ex-
change student from Malaysia,
said she loved the diversity of the
acts, which included a folk talc
from her own country, narrated

See CULTURE, Back Page

defeated HB 455 by a 6-5 vote, and
Moloney (D-Lexington) was forced
to start cutting costs.

“He’s still very much interested
in our construction projects,” Weth-
ington said of Moloney. who has
been a staunch supporter of the li-

“His primary responsibility right
now is to balance the budget."

And the library wasn‘t the only
casualty of the committee’s budget-
balancing act.

State funds for projects ranging
from a new football stadium at the
University of Louisville to a con-
vention center in northern Ken-
tucky and a Kentucky history cen—
ter in Frankfort all were deleted.

The library campaign began in
October 1991 when Lexington
businessman W.T. Young donated
$5 million toward the cause.

Almost exactly two years later,
the goal of $20 million in private
funding was reached when Ashland
Oil chipped in 8500.000.

See LIBRARY, Back Page


U of L stadium
also eliminated


By Mark R. Chellgren
Associated Press


Senate budget committee lopped
more construction and expansion
items from the spending plan yes-
terday, then defeated the tax bill
that was the only hope of restor-
ing the projects.

Appropriations and Revenue
Chairman Mike Moloney said the
budget may be close to balanced
after the cuts, even without the
$60 million tax increase.

Moloney seemed resigned to
the leaner, some said meaner,


But other
more reserved.

“I take it from the vote in this
committee that members of this
committee do not want to pro-
ceed with funding the projects
that were cut out of the budget in
the last three days," Moloney

In the House, which had earlier
passed the tax increase and em-
braced a budget sprinkled with
construction projects, leaders
were not wom'ed.

“We‘ve been through this be-
fore. lt’s just the budget pro—

See BUDGET, Back Page

legislators were



GA tickets finalized


By Melissa Rosenthal
Staff Writer


Students have five tickets to
choose from when voting for Stu-
dent Government Association pres—
ident and vice president on April
20 and 21.

The tickets consist of advertising
junior Krista Gibler and her vice
presidential running mate, political
science junior Eric S. Smith; fifth-
year architecture student T.A.
Jones and his running mate, unde—
clared sophomore Benny Ray Bai-
ley; topical senior Tracy Rogers
and her running mate, sociology
junior Mark Engstrom; marketing
senior Rob Warrington and vice
presidential candidate Joe Braun;
education senior Misty Weaver and
running mate Colleen Litkenhaus,
a Russian politics senior.

The last day to file for the race
was yesterday, and an orientation
for the candidates was held last

The meeting outlined the rules
candidates must abide by to run for
office. Brian Shrensker, Elections
Board chairman, told candidates
they must follow local, state and
University campaign rules.

He also told candidates they
could not solicit votes while class


was in session.

Candidates are not allowed to
post signs or other election propa—
ganda on glass doors or windows,
or in campus elevators.

Shrensker also said the Elections

Board is looking for University or-
ganizations to work the polls.

“We will need a lot of help with
the polls when elections begin," he

Any organization that would like
to help with elections should con-
tact the SGA office.

Shrensker also encouraged some
candidates who are seeking at-large
senate seats to consider running for

See ELECTION, Back Page

Candidates discuss
platforms at forum


By Melissa Rosenthal
Staff Writer


And they're off.

Candidates for Student Govem-
ment Association president and
vice president outlined their plat-
forms at an open forum held by
UK's Residence Hall Association
last night.

The forum, which also included
contenders for SGA Senate, was
open to all candidates, but many
chose not to attend.

Family doctors

Med students chasing to specialize


By Perry Brothers
Staff Writer





-Cloudy and cooler today;
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-Mostly clear and cool
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By Sara Spears
Contributing Writer

Krista Gibler and Eric Smith be-
came the forth ticket to enter the
race for student government leader-
ship when they submitted their pe-
tition to run just hours before yes-
terday’s filing deadline.

Gibler. an art and advertising
junior who is seeking the post of
Student Government Association
[resident and her vice presidential
nltning mate, Smith, said during a
press conference that they are de-
termined to work strictly for the



The family doctor could become
an endangered species unless the
government offers significant in-
centives to equalize the income be-
tween general practitioners and
specialists, according to a recent
poll of medical students.

The results of the poll, reported
in the March 23 issue of the Jour-
nal of American Medical Associa-

tion, indicated that an increasing
number of future physicians would
consider primary care careers only
in exchange for higher salaries,
forgiven student loans and shorter

Six schools, including UK, par-
ticipated in the poll. which Sue
Fosson, assistant dean of UK's
College of Medicine. said “accu-
rately reflects the concerns of med—
ical students and current physi-

Presidential candidate Rob War
rington said he would like to see
the University “returned to the stu«

“l‘m not here to govern you,“ he
said. “I‘m here to serve the stu-
dents, and that is what I plan to

Warrington, a marketing senior,
expressed concern that “students
don‘t feel comfortable going in to
the SGA office and asking for

See FORUM. Back Page


The study’s lead author, Dr. Mi—
cheal P. Rosenthal, stressed the vi-
tal link between general medicine

and President Clinton's proposed

health-care reform, which relies on
increased numbers of generalists
and places an emphasis on preven-
tative care as ways to contain
health costs.

“The need to attract more stu~
dents to primary care specialities is
a national health-care priority,“ he
said. “The goal should be to gradu-
ate 50 percent generalist physicians

See PRIMARY, Page 7

Smith officially announce bid

“Basically we are in this cam-
paign for all of you." said Gibler,
who was wearing a button that
read, “Gibler. Smith and all of


“We have listened since we were
freshman to the comments and

complaints of students, and we

get resolved."

Gibler and Smith, whose slogan
is “More Bang for Your Buck,”
said students should get the most
outofthemoney thcyputintotheir

“We want students to get the
most out of every dollu they put

into the University,” said Smith, a
political science junior.

The candidates’ platform focuses
on four major points, including a
limit on the number of tuition in-

Giblcr said she would work to re-
instate the Council on Higher Edu-
cation's policy of setting college
tuition every two years.

The council, which has sole tui-
tion-setting authority for state-
supponed universities. recently he-
gan raising tuition on a yearly basis
because of the state's budget crisis.

Second, the ticket plats to help

See GIBLER, Back Page







and otter “MOM. “more DIM '0! Mt buck."









2 - Kentucky Kernel. Thumhy, March 24, tm

..‘....¢.a.. .. -



By Jeff Vinson
Contributing Writer


Some of the most gifted col~
lege students in the nation will be
visiting Lexington this weekend
as the National Leadership Honor
Society convenes its 38th bienni-
al convention.

The UK and Transylvania cir-
cles of the honor society are
sponsoring the event today
through Sunday at the Hyatt Re-

More than 300 honor students
from as many as 225 colleges
and universities are expected to

They will discuss subjects con-
cerning leadership in a global so-

Speakers for the convention in-
clude UK head football coach
Bill Cuny, UK sociology profes-


sor Doris Wilkinson and UK inter-
national studies professor Vince Da-

Curry, Davis and Wilkinson also
will be panelists Friday in a discus-
sion on diversity and leadership in a
global society.

The discussion will be held in the
Hyatt Regency Ballroom at 2:45

The honor society, commonly
known as Omicron Delta Kappa, is
based in Lexington.

it was founded in Lexington, Vir-
ginia, at Washington and ice Uni-
versity in 1914.

One of the original founders, Ru-
pert N. Iatture, is still living today
in Nonh Carolina at age 102.

Omicron Delta Kappa honors jun-
iors and seniors who are among the
top 35 percent of their class, aca-

Members also must show distinc-

The best and the brightest

Honor Society comes
to Lexington today

tion in a category like athletics,
community or campus service.
political activities and the arts.

UK's circle of ODK was
founded in 1925 by Frank
McVey, W.D. Funkhouser and
Albert Kirwan, all of whom now
have campus buildings named in
their honor.

The group now has 75 student
members, circle president Kevin
Cicci said.

Cicci noted that ODK was an
all-male organization until 1974,
but women now make up 60 per-
cent of its membership.

Juniors and seniors may apply
for acceptance into the Omicron
Delta Kappa honor society.

Limited membership for fa-
culty. staff and alumni also is




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Local churches burglarized

Police say arrests will not come
easily in string of six break-ins


Associated Press


LEXINGTON. Ky. — Burglars
have hit six Lexington churches
and, without a little luck. arrests
will not come easy. a police officer

“These cases are very difficult to
solve." said Lexington police Sgt.
Joe Tingle. “What they're taking is
not traceable. and we‘re not getting
any prints. We‘ll either have to
catch them in the act or get some-
one talking."

Police think at least four of the
burglaries might be related.

“it’s only been in the last few
years that churches have had to lock
their doors. but they do," police Lt.
Jack Gumee said.

Churches struck include Bethel
Assembly of God, North View Bap-
tist Church and the First Church of
the Nazarene along Bryan Station
Road; the Faith Assembly of God
on Kingston Road; the Church of
Christ on Prall Street; and the
House of God on Ann Street.

Church secretary Betty Arnold
was the first to discover that the



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First Church of the Nazarene had
fallen prey to burglars.

When Arnold reported for work
last Thursday, she found her office
door broken open.

“1 just think that‘s the way of the
world these days.“ she said. “Noth-
ing is sacred anymore."

But money that church teen-agers
earned by selling homemade Easter
eggs was locked in a file cabinet
during the burglary.

The cash, earmarked for a trip to
St Simons Island, Ga, was over-

“They were looking for money,
strictly money." Arnold said.
“Thank the Lord they didn‘t find

Money and other valuables are
never kept at the church, Arnold

“This was a rare exception that will
not be repeated," she said.

Property losses and damage from
the burglaries along Bryan Station
Road were relatively minor. police

Burglars removed a computer, a
tape recorder. an answering ma-
chine and a portable stereo. and
damaged a soft-drink machine at
the Church of Christ between
March 13 and 16, said Bonnie Wal-
lace. who started the church 37
years ago with her husband. Cal,
and their eight children.

Her son. the Rev. Thomas C.
Wallace. missed the stolen items
and discovered the damage when
he arrived at the church for a Bible
study March 16.

“it shakes you up. It really
shakes you up." she said.

The House of God lost sound-
system equipment to burglars, who
broke into the church Saturday

Tingle said the equipment might
have had serial numbers that would
make it identifiable and could lead
to a break in that and the Prall
Street cases.

Survey uncovers
Republican split
on pro-life stand


By John King
Associated Press


WASHINGTON —— A Republi-
can Pany survey designed to help
guide it through policy debates has
instead refueled the GOP‘s internal
debate over abortion and unearthed
conservative anger at the party

The survey, an unscientific ques-
tionnaire mailed to Republican
households several months ago,
found a close split when respon-
dents were asked if they were “pro-
choice" or “pro-life.“ Forty-eight
percent said they were pro-life,
while 43 percent checked pro-

Other, more detailed questions
elicited more conservative answers.
For example. a combined 58 per-
cent said abortion should be illegal
in all cases or allowed only in the
case of rape, incest of danger to the
life of the mother. And a combined
84 percent favored a ban or severe
restrictions on using federal money
to pay for abortions.

Still, Republicans who favor
abortion rights seized on the 48 per-
cent-43 percent split as evidence
the GOP anti-abortion platform
plank should be moderated or
dropped outright.

“i think the pro-choice numbers
are probably low because a lot of
pro-choice Republicans don’t open
their RNC mail anymore," said Ann
Stone. who leads a GOP group try-
ing to strip the platform of its strict
anti-abortion language.

Stone called the survey “a baby
step but still a step" toward chang—
ing the platform in 1996.

Social conservatives scoffed at
such suggestions, saying any tem-
pering of the anti-abortion language
would destroy the party.

“A retreat would be the end of

the Republican Party as we know it
today." said conservative activist
Bay Buchanan.

She accused Republican National
Chairman Haley Barbour of con
ducting the survey “to cortstruct
some type of path to move to-
ward a non-position or a more pro-
choice position" on abortion.

“it shows a terrible insecurity on
the part of Haley Barbour that he
can‘t define what this party stands
for." she said.

“This survey is designed to move
the party away from the pro-life
platform, all the protestations to the
contrary,“ said another conserva-
tive activist. Brent Bozell. “Why
else do it?"

Barbour denied that any such
motivation, and lamented that the
focus on the abortion findings
might overshadow results reaffirm-
ing the GOP’s conservative eco-
nomic principles. “We’ll take up
the platform at the 1996 conven-
tion," Barbour said.

He also expressed surprise at the
conservatives' anger, saying there
was nothing surprising iii the re-

“It simply reaffirmed that we are
the conservative party in this coun-
try but also a broad and diverse par-
ty," Barbour said of the survey.

The spirited back-and-forth over
the survey at least temporarily rein-
vigorated internal GOP abortion
bickering that has been quiet for
most of the Clinton presidency.

With a Democrat in the White
House, most abortion opponents
have focused outside Washington,
mainly on state legislative battles
over abortion restrictions.

But religious conservatives and
other abortion opponents have
pushed for influence and control in
state GOP organizations, and the is-
sue is a factor in several Republi-
can contests this year.








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Whitewater affair

drowning Clinton,
ambitious agenda


By Terence Hunt
Associated Press


WASHINGTON — With stun-
ning swiftness. the Whitewater af-
fair has drowned out President Clin-
ton's message about jobs and health
care. lt‘s demoralized his staff and
stolen time from other White House
work. And to Clinton's dismay, it's
not about to go away.

The worry now at the White
House is that Whitewater could
change Americans' perception of
Clinton as an active, can-do presi-
dent, casting him instead as a leader
preoccupied with nagging troubles.

“People are fmstrated by this,"
said pollster Andrew Kohut of the
Times Mirror Center for the People
and the Press. “This isn‘t what they
expected when they elected him or
when they began to have high ex-
pectations about his agenda."

Most polls show Clinton‘s per-
sonal negative ratings going up and
his approval ratings going down.
The public has always had suspi-
cions about Clinton's character, Ko-
hut said, and, “This won't make it
any better."

Clinton's own assessment is that
while he’s taken a lot of hits.
Whitewater hasn‘t killed his legisla-
tive program.

“i don‘t think it's stalled us in the
Congress. It may have stalled us in
the country. Which is. of course,
one of the things it's designed to
do. The enemies of health care re-
form or the people who don't want
us to do anything are obviously try-
ing to beat it to death," the presi-
dent says.

White House officials acknowl-
edge they mishandled Whitewater
and underestimated the impact as
questions about the financial invest-
ment spiraled out of control.
'Ihere‘s a general resignation that it
will be around for the foreseeable
future and that the White House has
to live with it.

Congressional hearings will keep
the matter alive. 80 will the embar-
rassing specter of White House and
Treasury officials testifying under
subpoena before a grand jury about
suspicious contacts concerning the
status of the investigation of the
Clintons' investment in the White-
water Development Corp. and its
ties to a failed Arkansas savings
and loan.

“I hear so many news organiza-
tions are out working on so many
stories in Arkansas and elsewhere, 1
don’t think we know where this sto-
ry is necessarily going on Whitewa-
ter," said David Gergen, counselor
to the president “I can’t predict
with any certainty what’s going to

The uncertainty spills over to the
public. Right now, most people
think Whitewater is a minor offense
or no offense at all, Kohut said, but
there is a perception that “there‘s so
much smoke here there must be

Republican success in exploiting
Whitewater has caused Clinton to
erupt in anger. Last week. the presi-
dent accused the GOP of resorting
to “the politics of division and dis-
traction and destruction.“










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Still, from the White House to
Capitol Hill, there's no sign that the
affair has slowed his legislative pro-
gram. At least not yet.

Sen. John Danforth, R-Mo., a
senior member of the Senate Fi-
nance Committee which is working
on Clinton’s health reform bill,
said, “I don‘t think Whitewater has
slowed down health care one bit.

“I'm sure that it has taken up a
lot of time and a lot of energy and a
lot of emotional energy within the
White House," Danfonh said.
“There is no doubt in my mind
about that. But as far as progress to-
ward health care is concerned, no, I
do not think it has affected it."

On the House side, Rep. Ben Car-
din. D-Md.. a member of the Ways
and Means Committee. said, “It’s
clearly becoming a distraction
but as far as the Hill is concerned. I
haven‘t noticed any impact."

Yet. Cardin said, “Looking at the
amount of press coverage, it cer-
tainly has turned attention off of the
major issues.

That has a certain impact. When
you don‘t get the same type of at-
tention, say if you’re trying to de-
velop public awareness of what's
happening or needs to be done in
health care or crime or the Clean
Water Act, the fact that Whitewater
is monopolizing the headlines has
to have an impact."

Whitewater may not have slowed
Clinton‘s proposals yet, but there's
adanger it could.

“If Clinton and the White House
are able to stabilize at around 50
percent in the polls. then this won’t
be viewed as an impediment to leg-
islative progress," said Kenneth Du-
berstein, who was Ronald Reagan's
last chief of staff.

However, Duberstein said that if
Clinton continues to lose populari-
ty, lawmakers “look for ways to
demonstrate some distance from ad-
ministration initiatives."

The best strategy for Clinton, Du-
berstein says, is to stick relentlessly
to his own agenda.

“If the White House and Presi~
dent Clinton try to restrict their
message to the nation’s agenda,
then Whitewater will not domi-
nate," Duberstein said.


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Kentucky Kernel. Thundey. March 24. 1094 - 3



Crossing the line

Program fosters diversit


By Ayena Blair
Staff Writer


A program to develop mentor-
ing relationships between univer-
sity faculty and black students
may help predominantly white
universities advance cultural di-
versity, a UK graduate student

Tina Harris. a doctoral student
in communications, has devel-
oped a model

gram will provide students with the
emotional support they would 0th.
erwise not receive. Students also
could receive academic and profes-
sional guidance.

“The main goal is to retain the
number of African-Americans and
encourage them to graduate, and at
the same time provide them with
networks and ways to be exposed to
people in positions of power," she

Sociology professor Gerald Slatin


mentoring pro-

Interracial pairing of

said a program
such as this could

gram to ad- “ensure gradua-
dfess the 50' mentors and proteges “0" and decrease
era] and . . . the dropout rate."
emouonai erI aim to Increase He said me
needs of black ' ' ‘ mentoring pro-
smdem cultural sensmvrty. gram would allow

“When you students entering

have people of
color coming
to a predomi-
nantly white

they're usually
coming to an

— Tina Harris,
communications in an unfamiliar

college to feel
more comfortable

environment and

doctoral student also would «open

many doors for
the students.“


that is new to them and they're
going to feel alienation," Harris

“They might be the only per-
son of color in their class or de-

The voluntary mentoring pro-
gram would match students with
faculty members.

The program is not, however,
aimed at pairing students and fa-
culty of the same race.

“We are interested in matching
students with faculty members
who are genuinely interested in
helping them out," Harris said.
“Interracial pairing of mentors
and protegés will aim to increase
cultural sensitivity."

Harris said she hopes the pro-

Jamic Saunders,
a communications staff assistant,
said the program could be benefi-
cial for students by allowing “more
individual interactions between fa-
culty and students.”

Ham's developed the program as
part of a class and hopes it soon
will be implemented at a university.
It is designed to give researchers in-
sight into the outcome of the men-
toring process.

“We will have evaluation forms.
so each person can be totally honest
about their reactions to the mentor-
ing process," she said.

In addition, each student will be
asked to keep a daily journal.

Although Han‘is' program is
structured so that the formal men-
toring process lasts only one or two





Tina Harris, a communications doctoral student. has devel-
0ped a mentor program to aid black students at UK.

academic semesters, she said the re-
lationships developed could last
throughout students' college ca-

“This can serve as a model for in-
ternational students and other peo-
ple of color," she added.

“They also can be faced with
stereotypes and alienation on carn-


Harris said the mentoring pro-
cess is an essential part of im-
proving the experience of minor‘
ity students on campus.

“There should be more efforts
to make people feel they are wel—
come here as much as anyone
else," she said.






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‘- Kentucky Kernel. Thereby, March 24, 1994

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‘Twister’ playful distortion of rea 'ty

Barnhart gallery home
to UK student’s exhibit


By Carrie Morrison
Contributing Writer


To trek from the more immediate
UK campus to the far reaches of
the Reynolds Building is to step
into a harsh reality.

You have traveled from the state-
ly lawns of University bu