xt7q833n0f2w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q833n0f2w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-12-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 08, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 08, 1997 1997 1997-12-08 2020 true xt7q833n0f2w section xt7q833n0f2w  


“(gNTIICKY Am mm Snot." portih/e ' , I . i I i ' I i i i

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December 8, I997

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Antoine ”ill/(W; Hither .lermty 11ml R1111
.1 letter fly to help Celtics. See Spa/11‘. page i.




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Cats weather

By Rob Herbsl

52111071 [Iii/I’ll,

l.\'l)l:\.\7\l’( 11.15 17111-1l1e\'11. " \\il1le.11s
the R( I.»\ Dome has been .1 house ofl111rr11rs,

l.as1year‘sinstallment 111 111‘s season began
and ended 11 1111 111'er11111e losses .11 11113111111112 The
most recent being the most difficult
Ari/1111.1 111 tlte national ehauipiouslup game.

But leaxe It 1111 111 .1 151g '1 e11 team 111111-111
his set/e success 111 Indianapolis. 1 l\ 111111 its
1(1111 straight game met .1 131g leu team. 1111s
time .1 "if: s1111e.1ker11\er archrru'al 111diana
11 was the Cats‘ fourth straight 11111 1111-1‘1111'

"lt's 111st s11 good to beat 111111.1na," said 1'l\
seni11r_leifSheppard. “'1 his g.1111e1s111s1s1111111
to play 111111111theseaofred.11111111111‘.1111l1’111
sure it‘s so fun to watch.”

lake most L1\~1L battles. 1111s _‘.llllL‘ elii
mated 111 the final 11111111112 111 111.1 last nine

.l 111ss 111

than seven points.

the 11111 1s1ers last year 111 l 11111s\1lle

games. eight of have been decided by 1111 more

The only eseeption w as L'lx's ‘)l)..(1§ 1'11111111

UK [me/e t0 mil-hiterform vs. I U

the game goes." Sheppard said "11 you look at
all the games 111 the past. tl1e1‘1 c all been 1111se
games e\1‘ept for last year's. That was .1 freak
show there That doesn’t happen much 11 hen
111111111 111111.111aplay."

Saturday ‘s game \1111111111‘1 11.111'
1)l'11\t‘l‘111.ll 11.111-11111er11a1l L'K‘sollense late 111
the game 11111 111' as 111111 as the weather titttsltle
tlte Dome.

0111; whopping point 111 the 1111.11 15(11'111‘1111'
(Iats 1111 .1 \Vaytte Turner free~tl1r1m. \\'11.11 \s as
.1 fairly comfortable sevenspoint lead for [is
\\ en! [11 .1 near disastrous choke.

11 \1 .1s11't L'ls \1111111111theehoking 11111 rather
.1 111111111111e11tal 1111sl1.111111 the Hoosiers.

Down 11y two with the 11.111 111 the 1111.11 sL‘cr
onds. the lloosiers' 1.11ke Rccker 111111111 team»
mate \Villiam (iladness open in the 11.11111 1111' .1
set-1111111111111“ dunk or 1.1171111.

liasy 11 wasn‘t as ( iladness 111st the 11.111 1111 his
11.11 1111 .11111 the ( 3.11s still held 1111111 .1 two—11111111

“1 got in his fate .1 little 11111 I didn‘t touch
the ball." said [is center \'.1/r \lohaum1ed.“l
111st tried 111gct 111 there and contest ttltt-sh1itl.

been .1

1 “This year \11' 11.111 some runs e 1111 .111111111-11 \1111.1ll\ l thought he was going to get 111 there
1 Indiana 11.111 some runs and that‘s usuillt 111m 1111' .1 dunk 11111 1 \1 as 1111111 enough to get there
1 1 1111111111." 4 i i
5 \fter Turner split .1 pair of free throws with
1 s1\ seconds remaining. Indiana called tune out
1 111 set 11p tor the linal shot.

ll1e 111111siers';\._l.(111111111 got 1111a running
f three-11111111 attempt but the shot 1111 the trout of
1 the 11111 .11111 the Cats' escaped with the Victory

- ....,.,,. .. 1 mm”... . ...fl-Ws.m-W ~.c............






BETTING THEIR Bull“! 0" U K '1‘ Srott Padgett (left) and 51m] Smith ganged up on (I 11110.net

.tez'em/ Indiana (11127111721101 to make the shut.


'. 111’_\‘/.’illlll 15111111 :g't'ut ['t‘f'll't't'll




"\‘te really looked f11r(iuyt1111 to get that
shot .11 the end .11111 he really got .1 good look."
i “l ‘1‘1.i\ 111st glad it didn‘t go 111
because 111-11.1s111y man."

l’essutusts say L11 scored one measly 11111111
in the final minutes ofthe game.

()ptimists say L‘K still won.

“I thought we did admirably I wouldn't
say 11 was perfect execution." Smith said. “\Ve
short—armed some shots and 1 could see 11s get»
ting .1 little light because 1111s 1s the first time
we‘ve been 111 one of these games. But 1 was
impressed with the way we kept our compo-
sure. \Ve fought throtigh the adversity there of
11111 scoring buckets."

Not only was the win redemption for the
Cats itt Indianapolis, it was re1le111ption for
t'k‘s .\'.1/r .\1oh.1111111ed. The junior center
from Chicago lifted the Cats with a spirited 8~
of-ll effort from the field for .1 ehll’L‘Ci‘dllgl’t 31
points and 13 rebounds 111 the win.

“1 11.111 .1 feeling it was my type 111 day,“
.\l1111.1111111ed said. “.\1y teauuuates were looking
for me. 111 the offense 1 was gettmg open and
things were going right."

lilsi'l'is'l' \11111



Halls III‘BSSTIIQ III] Tfll‘ holiday

By Brian Dunn
.‘f.i.ii.\‘f(ll]f Netti Editor

“11's the way to spread the
Christmas spirit,” said Jeff Balyeat.

to string the lights last .\londay and
'littcsday, a 11111 lialycat said took


tree, a tradition he missed this
year. .-\1 college. the ritual has an




By Manlsli Bhatla
Staff Writer

The Inclusive Learning Com-
mittec at UK attempts to take
another look at Affirmative
Action and Proposition 209 by
bringing in a specialist from the
west coast.

Frances E. Kendall, a diversity
specialist, brings her expertise to
UK in a ublic speech tonight at
(7:30 in “girsham Theater.

'. “examinees.

l a communications junior. as he about five hours to do. added meaning, he said.
The fourth floor of Boyd llall stood in the Sigma Nu social fra— “\Ve were the only ones that “Sense ofcommunity." he said.
has a new personality: a Christmas ternity's front yard. The fraternity could handle the cold." he said. As he and live others assembled
tree with a big mouth. house was blanketed under about A seven—and—'.1—half--1ootChrist- the tree and ptit 11p decorations
“Merry Christmas?“ he says 6.111111 holiday lights. twice as many tuas tree stands in the lobby of l’at- throughout the lobby of the resi—
reeting'each person who walks as the fraternityhad last year. terson ”all, looking down upon deuce hall last Thursday. other
by. Then he flies into his rendi— “\Ve’ye had a lot of people slow three lounging students. residents would stop by and pitch
tion of “\\'e \Vish You a Merry down (as they drive by)," he said. “1 though it was pretty fun in 111 the effort. decorating the
Christmas." “Some stop to take pictures. Sonic putting tip the tree and deeora— tree with reb bobs and white lights
“And a happy New Year ~- ha, tell us, ‘()h, 1 love your lights.m tions,“ said Paul .~\ud, .1 computer and the lobby with holly.
ha, ha.“ The house has lights strung science and 111athematics fresluuan. :\t the Alpha (ianuua Delta
The holidays are quickly around the door frame. Lights “Especially since I‘m not at home." social sorority house. .1 large por»
approaching. and decorations, not also spiral around the trtinks of a A1111 said putting tip the tree 111111 111 the sorority came together ’“ K We.
to mention the occasional singing few trees in the front yard and on helped him remember the fun he last Friday to tie about 51) bur— JOHNNY FARMS Alum/U411
Christmas tree, are popping tip the fence that runs along the yard. has had every year until now 11f gundy bows tor the Christmas tree HOLIDAY CHEER .llimr t'llfilpllt117111771111“ 107.0,.1-"(1”"(1n,\.I-d‘,m_‘, hill/.1
around campus. Four fraternity members helped putting tip the family Christmas 5“, HOLIDAY m, 5 have {MN/"ml 1;”. ”1‘, iipmming‘hnlidny. " i i ' '

v specialist will assist lllt committee 1

“Dr. Kendall is a consultant on
institutional changes." said Lau—
rctta Byers, vice chancellor for
Minority Affairs. “Shc has visited
numerous state grant institutions
and aided them in the area of

The Californian obtained her
doctorate from the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
in curriculum and instruction
and early childhood education.
The chief purpose behind her

speech is to provide an aware-
ness about the ways the current
system favors the white majori-
“She comes highly recom-
mended." said Jim Applegatc,
chairman of the University Senate
Council. “People have been
impressed with her ability to force
people to think about what it
means to be white in American

Applcgatc said Kendall‘s visit


is an important first step in
working toward an understand-
ing in a multi—cultu'ral society.
The main idea behind the pro-
gram. he said, is to make the
maiority p111 their perspectives
on the table along with those of
other cultures and ethnic back-
grounds. llc feels Kendall is
capable of encouraging the white
community to rethink their posi—
tion in the present day United

Kendall's speech on the “re—
whitcning” 111 America was an
attempt to make whitc Ameri-
cans awarc of the inherent privi—
leges of being white in today's

“()ne of the things she is
goin to present on is under-
standing white privilege. partic-
ularly in decision making."
Byars said. “\Ve want her to
bring the benefits of her experi-

Byars said Kendall would help
evaluate the Inclusive Learning
Committee at UK and aid them in
moving in the ri ht direction.

She thinks t 1: open dialogue
would help the decision making
process. especially at the institu-
tional and organimtional level.

“There are a lot of assump-
tions that white eople make that
influence their (recision making”
Byars said. “Dr. Kendall is going



L... ..




2' Monday. Drrnnlver 8, [997. Keriiut‘kv Kernel







The Campus Calendar is a free service which appears in the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kernel
must have all information to the Student Activities room 205 or (all 2?); MHoT,

Columbia Ave, $2; 254-

events and sporting events,

MONDAY 12/08




Educational Program to sub-
mit EEP form to Human





All ietiislered organizations wishing to publish meetings, lectures, spet ial
or e-mail ukcvcnt ”popukyedu one week prior to publit (ition.



-UK Add/drop for priority
registered students for the
1998 Spring Semester (thru
-UK Deadline for applying
for admission to a program
in The Graduate School for
the 1998 Spring Semester.
Applications for readmis-
sion, post-baccalaureate sta-
tus, and visiting student sta-
tus will be accepted after
the deadline.


-Dept. of Theatre is now
raising money for it's
Guignol Theatre Restoration
Project, ”name” each theatre








ARTS 8: 319va
EXHIBIT: Faces: Portraits in

the Collection, UK Art
Museum (thru 12/25)
EXHIBIT: A Fine Line:
Master Etchings from the
Collection, UK Art Museum
(thru 1/18/98)
-ML King Cultural Ctr
Video Flight: ”The Nutty
Professor,” 6:50pm, Student
Ctr; Refreshments will be
served- FREE

-Intervarsity Christian
Fellowship Quest/Worship
Time, 7:00pm, Rm. 245
Student Ctr; 252-4725
-UK Wesley Foundation


Resource Services to con-
firm their 1998 Spring
Semester registration and
tuition defrayal

-UK Last day registered stu-
dents may confirm their

1998 Spring Semester regis-


ARI§ g flQVIE§

-SAB MOVIE: ”The Ref,”
7:50pm, Worsham Theater,
Student Ctr; $1


-PPASSA Pre-Physician
Assistant Studies Student
Association Meeting,

5:00pm, Rm. 251 Student
Ctr, PA Professionals invited

to speak at each meeting

-Campus Crusade for
Christ Weekly Meeting,
7:50pm, Student Ctr
Worsham Theater
-Fellowship of Christian
Athletes Meeting, 9:00pm,
CSF Bldg. (corner of
Woodland at Columbia Ave)

Fencing Club, 8:00-
9:50pm, Alumni Gym Loft;
257-5812 '

*Jewish Student
Organization/Hillel ,
Foundation Dinner at the
Dorm, 6:00pm, Blazer Hall
”Courtyard” Cafeteria; 255-
8548, All are welcome!


~UK Men's Basketball vs.
Georgia Tech (ESPN),

Newman Center Catholic
Mass, 9:00 8t 11:50am,
5:00 8: 8:50pm, 520 Rose
Ln; 255-8566
Christian Student

Fellowship University Praise

Service, 11:00am, 502

Columbia Ave; 255-0515

-UK Men’s Basketball

Ticket distribution for:

American University (12/25);


g i?
' 3
. l.
, straight second—half points on their credit Indiana's defense. They‘re ever happened,” Smith qui ped. “I
esca 65 way to a ll-point win. known for their half-court defense think we did have a good cha lenge at _
Instead, the (lats‘ scorin hinge and they played hard." the end and we did contest that ;
slowed. Then it stopped. T e final As UK’s late-game offense con- shot.”
ll I minutes of the game. usually a time tinued to sputter, Indiana whittled ...
[l 67/. reserved for L‘K shooting practice, away at the Big Blue lead. \Vith less 31 I I“ “I. 7
were tense. than a minute to go, [Li's \Villiam .1: ;
° The final hit) of the game saw the (iladness, a junior college transfer During the second half, Pad ett’s 5
misses S at (Iats scoreone point. playing in only his sixth game for fight for a defensive reboun was i,
“I thought we had a chalice to go Bob Knight, took a shrewd pass ceased as an elbow came crashing into ré
By Jay 5_ Tate up by .i double-digit figure late in from Luke Recker and headed for his face. Replays seemed to show that E
\“J'h mm]. the first and second half, but (Indi— what would have become the tying it was teammate Heshimu Evans ‘.
’ .ina) fought link." t'K head coach basket. elbow, bur after the game. Padgett ,
INDIANAPOLIS .__. :\s UK for- Tubby Smith said. “\Ve itist couldn't But theshot flew up and over the was‘unsure.l . 1'
“Md lleshiinu livans drove down score the last few minutes of the goal, allowing many, including Iiirn- lguesg it was an elbow because it ‘
the lane and laid the ball in for an game. But we executed defensively. 1 er. to breathe a sigh of relief. . was hard. Padgett said. Initially, it 5
LN. lamp with 12.40 remaining, thought“ we played tenacious “I was hoping someone was going was a lot more swollen. I thought my .
\ anyhns installment “y the lndi— defense. to block it," lurner said. “ I he ball {1056 was broken because when I felt
MM -L‘I\" Wm“ began m turn mm. It represented the first time went our the rim and l was sit- It “a my DOS? and the area under my
1‘ ,. half ”y ,hc cht‘ ””ka ”4504 this season the (Iats were NOTEBIIIIII ting there like, ‘()h, man CYC felt like It was all one part Of my
Mus. pressed into latc g imc cfficicn— someone get it.m “01¢- , ‘
'iihe (Eats. having successfully c_\. The (iats rebounded the ball, _ 1km?" ll wasntsupposed ‘0 be
v'cathcrcd [Lg t“MK—gating shoot- Second half shots typically swal- dodged a last-second shot from ..-\._] llke that, Padg‘:tt10ked- '
l"l_l storm. wcre Hm;- fmmd (Kl-4‘). lowed up in padding the L'K lead (iuyton, and extended their winning “I thought Scott, after taking an
(in. Mm. pm-mm (,l’ the arena. suddenly became desperate gasps for streak against Indiana to four. elbow there, really bounced bac up
which encompassed the entire south offense against Illtlldll'd. Afterward, however, speculation and 9'3"“? m and’ga‘ve-us some real
cm,- ,,f‘ the cavernous facility, “31c m “\Ve knew if w c kept playing surrounded (iladiiess' key shot. POSIUVC minutes, Smith Sflld- ‘ H6
.. fren/y. The L'K bench it...» in a defense. we would win this game." \\'as it a failed dunk or a failed lay— showed ‘me a k” 0f heart and ,
1: en/ydt looked as though another said forward .Ntoii l‘adgett, who fin- in? courage~'
Big iihlc gynring .1\".Il'.il‘lL‘llL‘ “db Mllt’tl “Illl §|,\ lltllllls .llltl If) rebounds. “.'\Cilldll\', I think he “'35 trying Padgett finished the game “With SIX
lliflnlnan ‘ “VIillt‘l'L‘ is no doubt that defense was to hook it because we saw filin'and points and 10 rebounds.
\luch like the suffocating scoring “ll-II “'0" If Mr “8-" that was something he goes to," After the game, Padgett kept an ice
mu against (Llciiison in which the “It‘s hard when you can't score. Edwards said. “I think pack on the eye to keep the swelling . r, "
1 {its rallied from .1 five-point second— but you lust keep shooting ~ keep (.\lohammed) extended when be down and said he would be ready to (f,-
E‘..ilf deficit to win by Ii. \luch like running your offense," said :\llcn came over to challenge the shot and play when the \‘l'ildcats travels to MWWTONKIWMW
litL‘ suffocating scoring run against lidwards. who llnislicd 3-for-3 from made it go long." Buffalo battles Canisius on Vl'ednes- SLAM IMMINB UK’; Naerohammed led me Cam My},
”‘1.le m which the (gm 9,.”er 11, the field. “I think you iust have to “I'm iust glad he missed it, what— day night 2] pointy in a 75—72 win ot'cr Indiana.
By Aaron Yellon through the first half to earn a H— good defensive night, and I'm very under three minutes left. minute to go. ended, and with a two point lead
my ll 'rm-I 38 lead at llllc‘l‘llllNSlUl).’ltll‘lltn' for- disappointed with the play Then Barnes broke the dead— Mattox said that showed how in UK'S favor, Meadows stepped
ward jaye Barnes led the first half tonight.“ lock with a pair of free throws. tough Hay is. The play prior to to the free throw line to ice the
For ”inst, home is where the scoring with 1() points. liven .\latto.\' has good reason to be. She finished with a team-high 27 her defensive stand, she had a shot tough win. She calmly hit both
leart is. For the [K women‘s bas- though L'K was outrebounded Zl— L'K (3—4) was outrebounded by 13 points. Dayton then answered attempt blocked. But instead of free throws.
kcthall team. home also means 11. it was the 16 turnovers by for the game, and allowed a big with a Quesha Clark 'umper with getting down, Hay came back and “I tried not to think about it, it‘s '-
wnis. Dayton that killed the l’lyers. L'K offensive night from L'D‘s guard under two minutes leli. made a huge stop. just like two other free throws,” 7
Two home games. two big vic— head coach Bernadette .\Iattox (Ihristi Hester. After a Kim Denkins bucket “That's a sign of a good play- Meadows said. “As long as I kept f
iories. gave more credit to Dayton for Hester kept the Flyers alive which gave UK a two-point lead, er.” Mattox said. “She got back on that in my mind, I was fine.” l
Saturday night the (lats kept the misciies than the \Vildcat throughout the second half, fin— senior guard Nikki Hay put a defense. You don't always have to The Cats are back on the road '
the win column going up, upend— defense. ishing with 26 points on Q-of—H tough defensive stop on Hester have a great offensive game, but again for their next matchup as
iig the Dayton Flyers 7L6? at “It really wasn‘t happening shooting. At one point, L'K had who couldn’t create a shot. The you need a good defensive one. they travel to Bowling Green to
\lcmorial Coliseum. with the defense at all." Mattox built a solid 10-point lead. but Flycrsmisseda iump shot and UK That’s whatlexpectedofher." take on rival \Vestern Kentucky
The (lais scratched their way said. “Overall, we did not have a Dayton rallied to tie it with just grabbed the rebound with a The basket—trading finally tonight.






seat for a minimum of $550
for a Gala opening in 1999-
its 50th anniversary year;

-The Patterson School pre-
sents Tom Stempel,
Professor of Cinema in the



United Methodist Student
(Praise Honor And Thanks),
7:50pm, Rm. 250 Student
Ctr; 254-0251

-Baptist Student Union
Tl‘lT (Tues Plight Together)

Louisville (12/27);
Vanderbilt (01/03); 8: South
Carolina (01/15), 8:00am
LOTTERY, Memorial
Coliseum; 12:00—4:00pm
2 [B’s and receive 2 tickets)


-Latter-day Saint Student

Association Brown Bag
Meeting, 12:00-12:50pm,
Rm. 251 Student Ctr ’
-Cats for Christ Encounter,
7:00pm, Rm. 250 Student


-UK End of class work


.. 32171912115
-lnternational Christian


. . . Meeting, 7 =50me Chaple- Ctr Fellowshi . 7:00 m, eve $5 er ame; 257-1757
figeggqgifgggzlfifige 429 Columbia Ave; 257- seems Friday, Episcopal Ema,” -UKPWo£inen's Basketball
5989 -UK Men's Basketball vs. @ Rose St (opposite fine arts vs. Auburn, 1:00pm;

and author of four books, to
speak on ”Hollywood
Invades The World,”
4:00pm, in the
Vandenbosch Room, 420
Patterson Office Tower


Newman Ctr Student Plight,
7:50pm, 520 Rose Ln; 255-

Canisius (UKTV Live), Time

T111 ”(SD/\Y

bldg) Lexington, KY

llll Women's * ~
Basketball @
Western Kentucky .
Monday, 7:00 pm ‘f «






7' W

oomce for Experiential

- Education onentationfi----.._

10:00am-12:00pm, m. 111
Student Ctr - '
'l‘iartin Luther King. Jr.

' Cultural cut/African
Holiday Market, 10:00am-
6:00pm. Student Ctr (thru
1-2/15)~Come_buy those C1119.
tural gifts for; the holldaysl



W l 2 l l
fencing Club, 8:00-
9:50pm, Alumni Gym Loft;



-NABA National Association
of Black Accountants.

Meeting, 7 :OOpm, Rm. 252
B at E Bldg; 525-1129
-UK Lambda Meeting‘raw'

-Newman Ctr Catholic Mass
every weekday, 12:10pm,
520 Rose St,- 255-8566


' M145
-UI( Sid R Snowboard Club
Meeting, 7:00pm, Rm. 245
Student Ctr.

Office for Experiential
Education Orientation,

, 9:00-11:00am, Rm. 111
Student Ctr

5mm mums
Western KentuCky, 7:00pm students in the Employee






7:50pm, Rm. 2:51 New *-

. DID-..htbc.


Thursday Night'Dln
Praisei, 6:00—‘7: 1 Sprfia





















IAMI — Two members of
the Dominican Republic’s
national television network
cornered Boston coach Rick Piti-
no prior to the Celtics’ Friday
night showdown with the Miami


They s ke at length about
former L U coach Dale Brown
who, unbeknownst to most, is
something of a cult hero in the
Dominican Republic. Finally, one

File photo

6000 lllE' ”"8 Former UK and current Celtirs' roar}; Ride Pitino isn‘t

exactly seeing success in Boston like be did in Lexing10n.


reporter asked a predictable ues-
tion, one Pitino has likely
answered a hundred times.

The inquiry: What fueled Piti-
no’s decision to return to the NBA.
“And Coach,” the scribe insisted.
“Please answer in S anish.”

Pitino pondere a few seconds.
Then, in unbroken inglés, he
uttered a most unpredictable
response. ,

“Looking back,” he said, a
bemused smile covering his face.
“Insanity — and I don't speak

Accustomed to the rarefied
success he enjoyed the past eight
years at UK, Pitino has to main-
tain his sense of humor faced
with the massive project of
rebuilding the once-proud
Boston Celtics. Last season, the
Celtic green won 15 games, lost
67. This season, they have won
seven of 18 games.

But according to Michael Hol—
ley, who covers the Celtic beat for
the Boston Globe, Pitino's popu—
larity in Beantown still borders on

“The fans in Boston are in awe
of him,” Holley said following the
Celtics’ 117—97 loss to the Heat.
“He’s a king, an emperor. He can
do no wron . If the team loses, it’s
not his fauit — they say he just
needs better players.”

“They were a joke last year," he
said of the Celtics. “They were irrel—
evant in the city, irrelevant around
the league. People would laugh at
them when they came on the court.
Now, they’re still not a good team,
but at least they have respect.”

Respect careened into Boston’s
Fleet Center on Halloween ni ht,
when the Celtics stunned Micfiael
jordan and the world champion
Chicago Bulls. The lasting image

Kt’fltlllk) kernel. ,llumlui. Drummer X, 1997 8


from that openin ni ht win was
three former U \ ’ildcats —
Antoine Walker, Ron Mercer and
Walter McCarty — exiting the
New Garden parquet together to
the delirious ap roval of victory-—
starved Celtics ans.

The trio had last layed together
on Title Night 96 w en UK won its
sixth national title at the New
jersey Meadowlands. Sonte
Boston fans, especially after
the McCarty trade which sent
Chris Mills to the Knicks,
guestioned Pitino’s allegiances

or having so many former
Cats wearing Celtic green.
After that magical night, the
second—guessing ceased.


expectations in Beantown, Pitino
labeled the Celtics “an expansion
team" early in the season. Amidst
the team's first losing streak, he
nearly lost his cool.

“I've said all along that 1 don‘t
think this is a legitimate basketball
team," Pitino told the Boston
Globe. “It's not going to ltappen
this year, no matter what
people say."

None of this rhetoric
tloes anything to dampen
the enthusiasm of ( Ieltics‘
fans. Like Lexington in
the early ")(ls, Boston is a
sports town giddy by the
sight of the press. giddy
from the chaos. I’itino has

“They know tne and they EI‘II: tnade basketball fun again
know the style we're tryin to ”080'!” for everyone, including
implement," Pitino said 0 the Gum the players.

Wildcat trio. “1 want guys (.‘ulumnm Dee Brown, one of

who really despise losing ——
guys that can't wait to turn it
around, guys willing to pay the price
to turn it around.”

Reality soon began to nibble
away at the young Celtics. But
with that one tttindbending victo-
ry, Pitino won over an entire city.

Never mind the fact that
Boston has had two five-game los--
ing streaks this youn r season —
one still in progress. T e team's ’6
percent field-goal shooting against
Miami Friday night was typical. In
one game against Orlando, the
Celtics missed 16 of their first 18
shots. Another chilly night in
Boston, they shot 14 percent in the
second quarter against Cleveland.

They double-team the post out
of weakness. They have too many
point guards (Chauncey Billups,
Tyus Edney and Dana Barros).
Opposing teams routinely shred
the press.

To dampen any preposterous

V only five holdovers froin

the tragic .\l.L. (Zarr era
in Boston, said l’itino's tenacity
and obsession for the game are

“I would define a Pitino-style
player as soiiieoitc who is mentally
capable of playing fast," Brown said.
“Coach Pitino takes losing hard. I Ie
hates to lose. He takes losses like
they're the end of the world."

Besitles rescuing the career of
McCarty, who was itiarooiied on
the bench in New York but now
trails only \Valker and Mercer in
minutes played, l’itino has instilled
new life in the careers of veteran
Celtics like Brown and I’ervis Hli-

Looking like an overgrown
reggae star with dredlocks pulled
into a ponytail, Ellison missed
the entire 1996-97 season after
breaking his big toe in a freak
furniture—mtwing accident.
Dubbed “Never Nervous Pervis"

It's only a matter at time for Boston tans '

long ago as a collegian at
Louisville, the enigmatic team
graybeard (at i()) had been
reduced to a comic figure. Locals
ga\e ltiiit the derisive “(hoof-v
Service l’crvis“ moniker.

\\'here others saw a failure.
l’itino saw opportunity. In a
recent gante against New Jersey,
l5llison rewarded his coach's con—
fidence with live blocked shots
(including the poteittial game-
winner). Soon thereafter. l’itino
named lillison .i iri~captain along—
side \\'alker and Brown.

'I'hes'e (Leltics are the expertise
aitd vision ofone man» l’itino
aitd will be for a very long time
I’itino may be slightly humbled
now. but he knows exactly where
he's going The question is not if
success will come to Boston. The
question is when.

":\fter all the mess we went
through last year. we're excited
about otir team." said \Valker. who
led the Celtics with Jo points and 13
rebounds against the Heat. “\Vc'rt-
glad people are excited about us."

So seriously Coach. tltc
Dominicans plead. why did you
really leave Kenttitky and go to
the NBA?

“I believe challenges keep you
young," l’itino said sincerely. “I
work around the clock trying to
resurrect this team. “but I final
ly coitte home. I never have to
worry about taking a 'l'vlenol
ixxtf" ‘ '

»\t UK or in the NBA. he 11L‘\C1'
rests. Maybe that‘s why he's
already won oitc championship
And ittaybe that's why he‘s likely
to win more.

(inert (Jul/minis] Ifrir .\Im’o/go I\' .I I 'K
gnu/Mine [Hit] former I\T'Ililltk\' [\rrm'l
\fml’fa‘ toll/mum


FIVE unanswered goals

By Mike Heppermann
Sniff II 'ritt'r

Large signs strategically placed
around campus let us ' ow who the
Cool Cats’ dual with on the ice the
upcoming1 weekend. That is. if you
can see t e name of the opposing
school. ‘UK I-Iockey’ is painted very
large on the signs, while its oppo-
nent’s name is listed considerably
smaller. Perhaps that's appropriate.

UK made Illinois’ Division II
team feel a little smaller last week-
end by winning 7-5 on Friday and
8-6 on Saturday in its two—game
sweep of the series. Sophomore
Ryan Gardner scored three goals
on Saturday for his first hat trick
of the season.

“I got a great pass from Matt
\Vilson,” Gardner said, “then
from there I got a couple of good

bounces and things were happen—
ing my way."

Gardner wasn’t the only hat trick
to be tallied that night. Illinois”
Mark Stabrawa also scored three
goals, all in the first period, during
Saturday’s match. Steve Osborne
kept the Cats within one after the
first period, however, by scoring his
two goals of the night in the first.

“We played their Division I
team a couple of weeks ago, and
they beat us pretgt bad,” Osborne
said. “We wante to take out our
frustrations on their D-II team.”

UK had a lot of frustrations to
work out too, after Illinois’ Divi-
sion I team outscored the Cats 24-
2 in their two game series earlier
this year. Head coach Ian Ward
said that didn’t weigh on their
minds going into this series.

“Based on our potential, we

definitely expected to (win both
games),” Ward said.

The win for UK didn’t come
easy. The Cats didn’t lead until
3:40 into the third period when
junior Ryan Hembree scored to put
them up 6-5. At one point, UK was
behind 5-3 in the second period.

“We were outshooting them all
game and we knew we were going to
get some breaks, it was just a matter
of time,” Osborne said. “We knew
we could put the puck in the net.”

The team made sure not to
take a collective sigh of relief after
grabbinfg the lead.

“De ensively, we weren’t play—
ing that well, so once we got the
lead, we weren’t really that confi-
dent,” Osborne said. “VVe had to
keep the intensity up.”

Ward was delighted with the per—
formances of Osborne and Gardner.


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“I never expect a defenseman to
score three goals," \Vard said
about Gardner. “They’re two of
our better players, so I expect
thetn to have good games every

ame they play. I didn't expect a
Eat trick from Ryan, though. That
was a pleasant surprise.”

junior Dave Rioux and sopho-
more Dave Phillips each scored a
goal to complete UK’S scoring on

The Cats’ scoring Friday night
was equally balanced. with seniors
Bryan Morgenthaler and Brian Gra-
ham scoring two goals a piece, and
senior Ryan Ward, graduate student
Matt Wilson and Hembree con—
tributing one goal each.

The Cat's record stands at 10-
6—2 as they head into their last
game of the semester against
Cincinnati this Saturday.


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Cats over Illini

“\Ve always have to step tip our
play." \Vard said. “even the team
we faced tonight was not a team
we can take lightly. \Vc always
have to play at our best. btit we've
stayed on the ice and we're play-
ing as a team. I’m very satisfied."

UK's game this Saturday
against Cincinnati is a late addi—
tion to their schedule, and is the

first time the two teams have met

“\\'c know they can't play iias~
kctball, so we‘re going to find out
if they can skate," \Vard said.
“They‘re already mouthing and
talking and getting excited, but
we‘re going to show them that
even though we're a little further
south than they are. we're a damn
line hockey team.”