xt7qbz61634d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qbz61634d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1917059 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-05-apr9-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-05-apr9-ec. 1917 2011 true xt7qbz61634d section xt7qbz61634d MINUTES OF THE BEXECUTIVE BOARD UIVERSITY 0F 1KETUCK1Y Aopril 9, 1917. The -xiecative Board of the University of Kentucky met in President 3atker's office with the following members pre- sent: R. C. Stoll. 1. B. Terrell, Frank McKee, G. G. Brock, P. P. Johnston, Jr., and J. E. Drown. Chairman Fichols being absent, Mr. Johnston was elected to tpke the chair. Dhile the meeting was called primarily to discuss cer- tain phases of Bxperiment Station work with Professor IV. 1. Carlyle, Dean of the College of Agriculture of the University of Oklahoma at Stillwater, Oklahoma, the Board, before eall- ing Mr. Carlyle into the room? took up several matters relat- ing to the University's attitude toward national defense. It was the opinion of members of the Board that the University,being a State institution, should take steps to put itself in coordination with governmental functions look- ing toward the defense of the country. Professor A. M. Miller, Dean of the College of Arts and Science and Profetsor Anderson. Dean of the College of Mech- anical and Blectrical Engineering, were called into conferenc by the Board and asked for suggestions looking toward solving the problem of prospective student enlistment in the United States Army. Dean Anderson held that as the case was extraor- dinary, extraordinary measure should be adopted to meet its exigencies. He believed therefore, that senior students should be permitted to leave the University now and be graduated with their class In June without further work or examination, pro- vided they enlist In the army. He also contended that under- elas-men should be permitted, in case of enlistment, to leave the University now and go on next year with their succeeding studies as if they had successfully passed the examinations of the present year. On this point, Dean Miller said that he believed that in cases where students were failing at this time and would very likely fail on examination, the step might not be a wise one in, that It provided credit for work not satisfacto- rily accomplished. However, Dean Miller realized that the case was an extreme one and rather agreed with Dean Anderson that the University was within its rights to take such steps as would emphasise its patriotism and its purpose to assist in the contry's defense even though this step did entail the Irregularity here pointed out. Dean Miller, however, stated that he could see some difficulties arising out of permitting students who would not attain passing grades thus to be arbitrarily passed. Dean Anderzon in response to this asoumed that such might be the case but contended that the ends justified the means. He said he believed that any man who had the pluck to go into the army and the patriotism to fight for his country had the "tunffn In him that was perhaps bigger and better than mere class standing and that the University should thus place a premium upon enlistment. Mr. Stoll submitted the following resolution which was adopted unanimously by the Board: WHEREAS, a state of war exists between the United States of America and the Imperial German Govern- ment; and WREREAS, it is the duty of this University to aid the United States in any way it can; and WHEREAS, Zhere may be students in this University who may desire to volunteer for service in the army or navy of the United States; and THBREFOIRE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky as followst l. If any student be a member of the Senior class of the University and he enlists for service in the army or navy of the United States. he shrill be graduated at the regular commencement in June and receive his diploma and degree without any further examinations, 2. If any student be a member of the Junior. Soph- omore or Freshman Class and he enlists for service in the army or navy of the United States, he shall be en.- titled unon his return to enter the next advanced class In all resrects as if his examinations had been success- fully taken at the end of the collegiate year. 3. Any student so enlisting "411 notify the Pres- ident of the University of that fact. Mr. Stoll moved also that any Professor or Instructor In the University who gave his services for the defense of the Government should be permitted to leave the University as if on leave of absenae and returning after such services had been rendered to the Government, should be allowed to resume his position; and that any instructor employed to fill such vacancies be employed with this understanding. The motion was adopted by unanimous vote. The Board went on record as endorsing the recent tender by President Barker to the nublic of the University' s grounds and military equipment for the purpose of drilling volunteer soldiers. The Board also went on record as approving President Bar- ker's aceeptance of the invitation to the University band to furnish music the night of Wednesday April 11. for the patriotic demonstration to be held in Franikfort and further a o -roved the President's order that both the band and battalion take part in similar patriotic demonstration to be held in Lexington on the night of Saturday April 14. The following communication which explains itself was submitted to the Board by Professor BE. L. Gillis, Registrar for the University: New York, Mlarch 27? 191?. Ezra L. Gillis, Registrar, University of Ky.. Lexington, Ky. The Navy Recruiting S.ations are having difficulties in handling the enrollmnent of the comparatively few thousand applicants for enlist- ment in the Navy. If a call comes for half a mil- lion or a million volunteers for the Army. the Recruiting machinery will probably break down al.- together, Rdgistrars and their staffs are trained and their offices are equipped for just this sort of work. Recruiting Stations could be established with ease In practically every college registrar's office in the country. I iould like to offer the War Department the support and services of the Association in making such arrangements. Uo yoW feel that the Association would back me up in such an offer.? I have conferred with the President of the National Association of Phy- sical Directors and he is communicating with his Bxecutive Gommittee to find out whether he can of- fer his association for conducting and sunervising the physical examination of rectuits. The two of- fices together could, of course, do the work with the proper military supervision. Please telegraph your opinion. Faithfully, Frank A. Dickey April 3, 1917. Adjutant General Henry P. MeCain, War Department, Washington, D. C, Si r. As an aid in recruiting the five hundred thousand men which the President of the United States has advised Congress should be enlisted at once, your attention is respectfully called to the possibility of making use of the registration facil- ities-office, equipment and staff- of colleges and universities. Registrars and their assistants are trained in the work of enrollment, their of- fices are arranged and equipped for it. The es- tablishment of a recruiting office in every col- lege throughout the United States would serve large districts immediately. Such offices should, of course, be general stations not intended solely or even primarily for students but for all the people of a given locality. As President of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars I have the honor to offer the support and services of the Association In ob- taining the cooperation of the governing boards of colleges and universitibs to this end, and in de- vising means by which such facilities may be most quickly called into service and may be used to the best advantage. Should you consider this proposal favorably, I should be glad to confer with whorm- ever you may designate for the arrangement of de- tails. Yours very truly, F. A. Dicker. Mr. Stoll moved that the entire office force and ma- chinery of the registrar's office of the University be put at the service of the Government to assist in registration of recruits for the army and navy and that the President of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and the War Department be notified by President Barker of this action. This motion was adopted by unanimous vote. The following bulletin establishing formerly In the University the Military Training Course provided in General Orders No. 49, which the University had prevbsay accepted, was received and ordered filed herewith as fecord: War Department,, Wa shington, aulltin No. 191. by direction of the President aad pursuant to the authority vested in him by the provisions of Section 41 of the Act of Gongress approved june 3, 1916, and in response to the application of the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, the authorities of which have agreed to establish and maintain a two years' compulsory course of military training as a minimum for its physically-fit male students, which course when enttred upon by any student shall, as regards such student, be a prerenui- site for graduation, to allot a minimum of an average of three hours per week per academic year to military training and instruction during the first two academic years and to arrange for five hours oser week duringithe remainder of such student ' s course, and to use their endeavors to Dromote amd further the objects for which the training corps is organized, there is hereby es- tablished in said University of Kentucky, Lexington, Xentucky, an infantry unit of the Senior Division, Re- serve Offieerst Training Corps, (2564298, A.G.O.) By order of the Secretary of War: H. L. Scott, Major Genera.1, Ghief of Staff, Officialt H. P. McCain. The Adjutant General, For the President, University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky. Mr. Terrell moved that this Board give sanction to an indebtedness of not more than $90O made by the editors and promoters of the Kentuck$-an, University Annual, In accordance with a custom of this Board. Motion was adopted by unanimous vote, It was explained in this connection by President Barker that it had been the custom of the University to guarantee the account for publishing the Annual but that the University had never been called nponvor would it this year be called upon to make good any part of this account. At this point, Professor W. L. Carlyle of Oklahoma Univ- ersity was called into the room, introduced to the Board and entered Into a general conference with its members upou questions affecting the Experiment Station and College of Agriculture in which Professor Carlyle's own fitness for the position was dia- c'ussed freely. After discussion of more than an hour, Professor Carlyle was taken by the members of the Committee on a general tour of inspection of the Experiment Station and its grounds during which various phases affecting the administration and activities of the College of Agriculture and Experiment Station were discussed. The following recomommendadon was received and upon motion of )r. Stall by unanimous vote concurred in by the Board: To the mxecutive Committee, Uni'versity of Kentucky. Gentlemen: - Acting u'pon your reference of March 21, we respectfully recommend that the leave of absence of Doctor J. J. Tigert from the Chair of Philosophy be not extended. COMMITTEE OF~ DEAN~S. F. P. Anderson, Chairman Arthur M. Miller, Secy. The Secretary was instructed to spread upon the minutes in this connection the following letter from Doctor J. J. Tigertt Lexington, Ky. April 9,17. Dean A. M. Miller, College of Arts and Science, University of Kentucky. Dear Dean Miller:- Last year the Board of Trustbee gave me one year's leave of absence from the Department of Philosophy. I understand that some question has arisen in regards to the exact action which the Board took in this matter. I have furnished Pro- fessor Anderson a copy of the minttes of the meet- Ing In which this action was taken, and it is my understanding that the Committee of Deans, of which Professor Anderson is Chairman, will take action on the matter today. When the Committ.ee convenes and the minutes of the Board are read, I beliteve that any doubt that may have existed in this matter will be immediately dissolved. I do not care to have my leave of absence extended. I am meakig this written statement to yoU as a result of the conference which we had last week. Very cordially yours, J. J. Tigert. The Board adjourned to meet at the next regular meeting day in May. Re speatfully, (Signed) Enoch Grehan Secretary