xt7qbz616350 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qbz616350/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19181022 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1918-10-nov22-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1918-10-nov22-ec. 1918 2011 true xt7qbz616350 section xt7qbz616350 

          Minutes of the Executive Conmittee
   of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentuchy,
   at the reguLax meeting on Friday, November 22, 1918.

     The 3-xecutive Cormittee of the Board of Trustees,
University of Kentucky, met in the President's office
at .1:00 a. m., November 22, 1918, with the followring
members present: Re C. Stoll, Chairman, P. P. Johnston,
Jr., R. P. Ernst, J. IN. Elliston.  President Frank B.
11lcVey and Wellington Patrick, Secretary, were oLso
present.   Ilinutes of the previous ireeting were read and

     (1) The President made a brief report to the Execu-
tive Conmittee as follows:

     (a) :1r. Qharles A, Coolidge, Adxisory Architect,
whose visit was reconmended at a previous meeting of the
Jxecutive Cormittee, had not been able to come to the
University to look over the plans for University buildings,
owing to the fact that he had been ill.   The President
stated, however, that he exoected to be in YNew York at
an early date on other business, and vwuld see Lio. Coolidge

     (b) The President made the folloixng report on the
cost of the construction of barracks for the Studentst
Arnv Training Corps.


               Coat of Construction of
Studelntzt Ar.41  .iaining Corps Barracks and Bui.ldings.

: Cost of     : Available
Constructicn   Funds

Barracks lFos. 1 and 2  ...........
Barracko Fos. 3 and 4...........
  and Store Room ..........
Boiler Room, *;,'ork Rooma and
   Surgeontz Office ............
Heating and Boilerz ...........
VWash Room. and Fixtiarez ........
foads xld concrete, autorr.obile
   shop  ................  ...
Proportion of construction *.*e
   of autonobile shop .
Newv construction, Civil .......
   Building               ......
Insurance ..
LIstimrated cost, reconstruction
   of roads, -walks, grounds and
   buildings .........

From funds received from ......
   second ca:
Estimated from Section B to
   November 1 @ $0.53 a day ....
;stirpated fron Section B from
   November 1 to December 15 on
   an average of 300 men at ....
   $0.53 a day ...............
_atimated from Section A for
   8 months. on an average of
   500 men at $0.25 a day . *
Deficit ..G...   ...........

$ 15,304.27


  5,521.97  :
  26,218.75. :



  1,200. 00


lO 7630.78

$ 13,859.07




2100, 630.78



      (c) The President indicated that the Goarerwsent
 muld probably -.scoltinue the Vocational Section of
 the 'Wtudents' r'rr Training Corps about December 15, but
 that the University  --s acssur-9. that the Ccllof,~-e section
 vwill likely continue until June.  It is his unrlerotanld-
 ing, he said, that the Goverx-ament will expect the Unirver--
 sity- to incur no locs.  'He indicated, however, that in
 .zking settlements with the Government, it is very likely
 that the question of salvage will arise.   The President
 does not believe that the salvage of the buildings will
 be of any particular value to the University.

      (d) The President reported to the Cormittee on the
influenza situation, stating that the University uas closed
for about a r.-.onth, from October 11 to Novemiber 6; that up
to the present time there had been 352 cases of influenza
in the hospital; the total number of deaths had been 7,
and that at the present time, there were 4-3 cases of in-
fluenza at the University, 15 of vwhich were convalec-
cents.   He stated that the percentage of deaths wvas
about 1 1/8 per cent, which was considerably lower thanr
the percentage elsewhere, the average elsewhere being
about 2 1/2 per cent.   He farther stated that tile Uni-
versity, altho running, is under quarantine; that men of
the Students' Arwr Training Corps were confined to the
camps; that the girls of Patterson Hall and Th1xwell Hall
are not permitted to leave the halls except to go to
classes, and that the otLdir rtudents are not permitted to
attend the Institution.

     (e) lie reported briefly to the Conmdittee that the
British Educational liission had visited the University
on November 21; that they had been entertained by a coo
mittee appointed by the Precidert as elaborately as they
could be entertained, owing to the fact that the Univer-
sity was under quarantine.   He   .ated that the University
of Kentucky isl the only institution between Cincinnati
and New Orleans that the Mission had visited, and that
their visit had reculted in the University's being rm.eu-
tioned in practically every metropolitan newspaper in the
country, and in 2uany :Iglich paper-.  He stated, however,
there would be an expense of about $150 connected with
their visit, and asked for some authority for the payment
of the bills, whereupon a notion vwas made by I4r. Jolhnston



ani ceconded by 'i.1  :nt, that the President be zuthor-
ized to ,mke omeh expenditure.   On vote, the motion
was carried.

(2) 1Lr. Stoll lYozfe hic re)ort to thQ COnud.tt+,e on the
Peabody fund, which was ordered incorporated on the
minctem.   The report mc an follows:

                                         October 7, 191.5

Dr. Frank L. NacVey, President,
     University of Ilentt.c1ky,
          Le%-ington, K~entucky.

Ey cear Doctor:

     This morning I borrov-ed from the Phoenix and Third
Trust Comrpaly p4O,OOO, w,,ith interest at the rate of five
(5) per cent per anruma.  The note is a six Ywnthot note
and ic dated the 24th of October.   The interest on the note
Vill fall clue about the zame tir-e that the interest on the
Liberty Bords is paid.   I borrowed thin money under a rezo-
lLtion adomted on Wednesday.  lhiz money should be depoz-
ited to the credit of the general fUnd of the University;
then I think ;.ir. P?';, the Buminess Agent of the University,
olight to pay to the Phoenix and Third Trust Compamy, Tru:tee
of the Peabody Fnmd, p40,000  in full paye.snt CC the obli-
gation due by the Univerzity to the fand, and the Phoeni::
and Third Trust CoYrpany then as Tu:ztee of the Peabody Fnd
should subscribe for the Liberty Bonds.    Thio the Phoenix
and Third Trust Coimiariy ics already done.

     I believe that we ought to execute a trutt agreerment
wvith the Truot COorrany, which should be signed by both bodiez
making the Trurt Cormany Tiruztee nf tse Peabody Iund, taking the
receipt from the Tructee of the F-wd for '?4O,OO, in full of
all Sum-s w-hi-ich might be due the fund by the University.
I will be very glad indeed to dri;xa this agreeirent and submilit
it to you, but to do so it will be necessary for rme to have
Athe conditions aad ter:-. under w4hich this mcaey was given to
the University.   I will. be very glad. indeed if you will lot
mc havo such papors as the Univorsity has rAlzating to 'h-.
Poabody Fnd.    I aosumc they arc oozawhc;ro in th.; University.



     1;ty -collc^.tion alzo iz that the Univurcity oxecuted
itz ncte to the Tructeez o' the Peabody ?4md for '4,40000.
If thiz note car. be foavnd it should bo nancelocd LiLmul-
tanconcly with the paynweat oi e,'40,000, to tha 21.oenix
and Third Truct Company.   If it cannot be found, I be-
lieve we can draw the t-'utzt agreea.-.ent that it -Aill shov;
the ftll payment of thiz obligation.

                                    Yoburz very truiLy,

                                        Richard C. Stoll.

Mr. Stoll ctated further that he hac not been ablo to
complete the transaction, becatioe he had r.ot been able
to find all the necezcary paperc comnected vith the Pca-
body  -ind, but that as; soon ac the papere were fo-nd, he
wrvmild complete the trancaction.  The Secretary of the
Corcmnittce wa; directed to furnizh 1.1r. Stoll with thiz

     (3) On rxotion made by Pir. ]&rnct and zecondiod by ir
Jolmzton, the tatter of Doctor Patteroon'c annuity
re-erred to Mr. Stoll, nho wns Qc2red to taco it un aith
the Attorney General for decision.

     (4) On n.otion made by Jr. *Zrnot and oeconded by
N'z. Jollnzton, the Preoident wac althorizOd to continUO
the monmborchip of the Univercity in the American Univcr-
city Union in  uropoc for another yc-r, the .manual ducc
being $100.   Prczidont fcVcy indicatcd to the Coymittee
that the American Univeroity union in E-uroc ic an or;-
ganization of univercitiecs for zupplying club facilitiec
for niveorcity otudentz traveling abroad duaring the vapr.

     (5) The report of i.1ayor Jam.Wac C. Roger= of the City
of Lexington on the fire protection of Carp Buell Vraz
read and ordered znread on the iaiutec.    The report vrc.
az followv::  



                                    October 29, 1918

Honorable D. K, Peck7

     Lexington, Xentudky.

Mly deear Sir:

     In anzwer to yoLns of7 the. 25th inctant, I beg to
zay that I told Mar. Stoll the City would be glad to do
anything in the r-ay of aadcled fire protection that might
be necezzary.

     In this, .a. in every similar caze, I am governed
by the advice of Whief Jesse, a nan of lcng experience
us a fire fightor.   Ghiof Jessc reports to ne that the
protection now afforded is arwlo and furnishes a diagram
which seers to confirm his opinion.   I onclose this
diagram and believe you will agree that w-ith four ctreams
now provided for we would not increase the prbtection by
adding one or inore hycdrants to the zix-.inch rains now re-
lied -upon.

     Chief Jezze offer,- the suggestion tha;,t fire extin-
guiihcrz bc nrovidcd urpon thc idca that a fire could be
controlled for the threc emdiutes nocessary to bring the
Upper Street Company to the scene.

                                    Very truly yours,

                                        Ja-es C. 11ogorc,

     (6) A cor-minioation Nwas read from Dean Cooper stat.
ing that the citizena of Taylor rounty had otferod a
tract of land of twenty aQres to the University, without
coot to the Inctitution, for the purpooe of conducting
an experime.ental form.  A notion was made by Lr. Ernot
and seconded by MEr. Johnston that the Universrity accont
the land, buat that the following provizion should be
mpade in the deod:



           Thl lamd hereinbefore described is conrveyed
      to the Univermity of Xentucky for the pur-ose of
      conducting and operating an eneorie7ntal a1 m in
      Taylor C ou.ty.   f, '.-;ever, the ,  iivNr:ty should
      cease so to operate such farm for a 'period of five
      years, then the property ,ill revert to the grantor,
      it being the intention of this deed that the Univer-
      sity 'of Kentucly shall not be compelled to operate
      cn experinental faa-rn for v longer 'period than it xray
      desire.   finy buildings of a perr.nent nature con-
      structed on said farm shall renrin the property of
      the University.

On vote, the Lotion was carried.

     (7) The follox-Ing resolution was offered by Ja-r.
Ernst, seconded by  .  Johnston, sad on vote unminnusly
adopted:  \Thereas on. August 24, 1918, the fiscal court
of Hicr~mn County iarde appropriation for continuation of
county agent work in that county; whereas during the
latter part of October the County Judge raised the question
of the leg6ality of the action of said court, whereupon the
court ordered van a7ppeal from its previous order and em-
ployed attorneys for the conduct of the case; and whereas
in this appeal A. Carhzn, County Agent, e     ployed by the
University of Kentuccy, u-s made Appellee, (All docmnents
concerning the case, including v brief of pleading, have
been submitted to the Director of Extension of the Uni-
versity of Kentrzcky0), Now therefore, be it resolved by
the Zxecutive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentuciky, that the University of Kentucky
has a right to representation by counsel; that the Uni-
versity should have been mrade appellee instead of A.
Caaran; and that the Attorney General be asked to repre-
sent the  University of Kentac1Wj in this matter.

     (8) A letter VaS read from Professor 1..c1eal C. James,
asking permission to use a. tract. of ground on the south-
west corner of the Nulligan property, twenty by seventy
feet.   Professor James stated that he vmcnted the use
of this property because the fence surrounding the ..t1-
ligan property runs vithin a few feet of his vindow.
He asked to lease the property for ca period of three
years.   The following rotion was made by ir. Johnston



and seconded by EX. Ernst, and on vote -ar.ously
adopted:  That Professor James is given -oerm-issio7. to
use the property described, for -. yard :-nly; and thAlt
Professor Jarnes Jaost give pozaessiaa o- said ronerty
aid restore the fences on ten days' notice.

     (9) President TIcVey reported to the Committee that
the fence around Doctor Patterson's pDasture had been re-
moved by the military authorities, in order that they
might have iore room for military exercises, and that
Doctor Patterson had raised the -point that the pasture
x-es held by him under contract from the Board of Trustees.
After discussion by the Comnnttee, tile yfatter was referred
to the President for adjudication with Doctor ?atte7son

     (10) On motion. by rid. Ernst and seconded by Uar.
Johnston, the action of the President in purchasing a
lot on Graham Avenue for hp550 was approved, and the Busi-
ness Agent was authorized to pay for the property, provided
a satisfactory, good and sufficient deed is given.

     (11) The following r.n.otion wars made by 1:1r. Errnst
and seconded by MrZ. lliston.:  That the proposal of the
Baldwin Law Book Comany to place books upon the shelves
of the law library has received full consideration, and
it was decided by the Coirmittee that it is not desirable
to undertake the proposition at the Present tire.  On
vote the motion carried.

     (12) On reco~rendation of the President,  motion
was made by !MIr. Johnston and seconded by er. Zrnst, that
the title of Professor D. V. Terrell be changed from
Professor of Higheway Engineering to Professor of Civil

     (13) On recomrendation by t,-j President, motion
was made by 1lir. lliston and seconded by Mr. Ernst and
unanimously adopted, that MUss Margaret I. Icing, Libra-
rian, be allowed %3100 a year for giving a course in
Library Science, in addition to her regular salary.

     (14) President TcVey then presented the follovAng
list of recommendations for a.ppointmrents, resignations,
increases in salary, which on motion by Mr. Johnston,
seconded by 11r. Ernst, was approved.




     Continuation of -Y..mlonr.Int of I'.iss Jacqucline II11,
 !2r.crgnoncy homrc dernnstrz.tion agc-nt, HILrison County,
 IRontuocy, at a saJz.ry of ;l26 a mnonth, ofectiv- Niovoracbr 1,
 1918, to contia-e2: for 4 roniths.  Sa1la-ry to "DC aia f2 ra
 2:r%.orgnomy fcl, ,,75 a month, Harrison County 'i50 a nosnth,
 '?'50 a, month frox. Collogo of Agriculture, Federal SrditbS
 Levor funds for travel orponso.

     Continuation of epployno:-t of L. S. RIobbins, -uorgotcy
 county ngont, Fayette, 5.ourbon amid Nicholas countics, at a
 zalajY of '.3125 a ionxth, cffectivo Noverber 1, 1918, to
 continue for 8 rwnths.  Salaryr to be Ts id fram ELmorgcegcy
 funiqd ',,,125 a :m--onth.  Travel o&,6 nso of about $,60 a onnth
 to be paid by Bourbon, Fayetto and NTiclholas counties.

     Co-atinuation af eriLo rnt of J. C. Gentry, 0oouty
 agent, oIercer County, REntuclt-, at a salary of $j166 2/3 a
 y.onnth for 12 m-.onth-s, offective October 1, 1918.  Salary
 to bc paid fror. the Dopartrm-cnt of Agriculturc, ;10 a rmnth,
 Fodbral Sr.:it-Leovi fund, $'7.50 a rmonth, MeQr Ca ouity,
 1079.16 2/3 a nonth.  Inorease in salary of $200 a year.

     Rep-.oointtment of S. J. Lovry, county agent Oldhami
CoMnty, at a silary of ,200 a nontla for on^ year, effective
Novorabor 16; 1918.  Salarly to be -i id frorn Dopartrnot of
Agriculture, $10 a nonth, Pederal S rnrt;ALcver funds, $98 1/3
a ronth, OldlCx.i County, $91 2/3 a month.  Inwreaso aE ()50
a nonth in salar, ant, trvarel allovrcnce of about $25 a ionth,
latter to be -paid foroa College of Agriculturo and Feleral
SIth-ever funds.       dhaMn Oounity to fa-nish 'il00 for
.Clerical h1nlp.

     Mms. RIoxie Orr.bel3 Perkins, Dnergoncy hom-re demonstration
agent, WThitley CouaLty, a-t a sa3a-ry of ;il00 a month for tv.*o
months, effcotive Scptember 1, 1918.



      Robert F. Spence. oowunty agent. Madison, Estill:
 Jackson ar-d P=occastie Counties, IXentrclcy, zat a salary of
 ,;1l5O.OC a -.xorth for- 9 ionths, ff-ectivie September 1  1918.
 Salary to be paid frozi DeoarWir-nt of kgrict~ittre, j'lO.OC
 Feder.1l Smizdth-Lever  iunds, ,70.55, lockcas'tJle Co-Lnty, '33 1/3
 Berea College,  36.l1 2/3- a m-onth.  Teaches at 3eroa College
 duving Jcmuary  Fobrnaary anel ailrc, cnd salary for thlat
 -period eaid entirne' ry Berea Coiiege.  Im2--e2-se in selary
 of -400.00 nade possible by local aid from FRockcastle

     Mlrs. George P.   t tonl  .-rre.-t22cy horne de:-nnstration
 agent, Clay Colanty, '::entuucAys, at a salary of ;100.0O a
 17wonth for 8 1/2 rmonths, effective October'16, 1918.  Sa-
 ary to be  aid from-i- eergercy fraids, 3,850.00.

     Xi. '. i:ic,1v.!c.i-al, -i.ergency doLnty agont, Levis Coimty,
Xentuclw, at a s-,lary of ,;,2000.00 a yearx for one year,
effective Xoveriber 1; 1918.   alary to be paid from     
,er.acyc \r~clnds  ,83 1/3 a r..onth1, Lewvis County, e83 1/3 a
imonth. -Increase Of ;400.00 z yner in salary axa& an allov.-
ance of "?Z30O0.0 from Zzmergency funds for travel expense.

     Ohbrles L. Till, county a     .ent, I.cLean Cornty, Ientvc2tj,
at a Salary of ,PCOO.OO a year, effective October 16, 1918.
Salary to be o. icld from Lemerge:ecy funud, 100.00 l -OO  ri month,
McLecla Coulty,-. 5y 0  a Ir.or.th.  Increase of 'j200.00 a yeox
in slarlr ezcl an. s..ense alnodE 2ee of ,,300,00 a year.
2revioulwy no alJlovw~nce for travel.

     J. St2.anley- Thilen, Sm. rgencr county aget, Bart County,
Xentucar7, at a salary o- -22Q.OO s. year, effective October 1,
1918.  Sa.ely to be 02id fror.m *lmergency fund, ",I03 1/3 a
on;tlh, Hart Cout-Y, -'75-.00 a mo.-th.  Travel llo-,-etaitme of
.i5OO.OO to be jaid from. 1-.ergaeny fund  U. S. De-pe,;rtjuent
of AGricur tera.

    Angms Gordon, co-t-z1'y Fg_:2t. FIe-dlerso-n Comty, RenltuclW,
at a salary of "3O00.O0 a year for one year, effective
October 1, 1918.  Salary to be -aid. frorlm Federal SitI-
Lever fj;,-ol %i3.380.00, U. - S. Deo-rtie-,il of .ricltuve
'l120.00, {Heaiders-oza Clounty, '31S500.00.  Increase of "600.00
a year inal salary. !-i-o 'additionc^.l travel allo-mtce.


     Niss Dorothy RatlifZ1 s-tecialist in co ttae cmaeese
 Jrocluction,  teit;.sion cn rsiovis  ;t , Sa1a^r-,y o_' ,1500
 -pe- am.m, effective 1Povemrtber 1, 1918.  3OO to be padcl
 out o0 the ect:nsioi f-'-cl, are' nil2O bv- t:e 3-Lurmn of
 Anirjm21 Thxbandcy.

     Jaynes Meazsc:nt :Bolin ,7 Gciqz'oellsvjjl~e9 , 'zc
assistamt ia elub v-o;rk foi:' Tyrlor Q-rn'oty, at a sal =-y of
'25 a moatlh, el ective rovemnbr 1. 7518.

     Ldss Tibrressa Lims, stenoraiher, B:itonsion
Division, at a salcy of   :60a w.on-xt, offective October 21,
1918, to sueceel .Trs. Bacon.

     riiss Lottie Crmno, stenoearaFer,        Di:tvnsion Division,
at a sacxy of X6O n. nonth, effective Noverfoer 1, 1918,
to sr-mceed "iiss Loiiise Crunbaugh.

     G-eorge G. ICrkk, ssistant county apait, Fenderson
CoTr-'It, at P. szlery of 92250 ;7% year-, efective )SToveribear 1

     I1m.peointmenlt of atL-s. M31imii;i L. Hills, Ekergelcy hoxie
der-onstration2 agent, Loga= Covttty, at a salery of )125 a
Tr-ritL, effective Wovorriber 1, 1918.

     t Le iSS 2lizabet' Sloan, stenoctTa7,her  to the Dean of
t.1io A  i.Cjjlt,,jj-aj Collag,0e at Z% S-w  o*60 a mnonth,
elffective. October 14, 1918.

     MiPJss Louise G, Yie'b, inistructor in 1.MocaiCaal raPC-ig,
at a sm.lary of ,;so a rrmith.

     J. E. Rice, engineor in the College of :r.gineering,
at a salay of .LOO a P-math, effective October 1, 1918.

     The O2winJ.-,'wltO' R. R. 1lliott, e::te-nsion G-seiJ1iSt
in llorticoltua'e. :s ac'ting head of Horticutlt-oxa. to assut'e
the office termporarily left varcant tlru the lea.ve of rbsence
TanateaC to Professor athev.is.  In view of the incre.sect
res:)onlsibilities are'. duties, it is .lso recoimaentled tbat
hlis salary be inoreased 'fozi ;2OOO to ,,224-0 a yezr.  It is
unel'r-stooe. t'hat at thlP close of tll periodt for IiiCh ho is
appoi:atedC aotik  ae:acl.' he is to !agati.' reSr   his dhitios  it
rel~--tio'di4-Ps v*ht'xa 'v_ Depzrtmtiit of 1tioui'ture a-'lt. iti


1 2

the College of .'gricult1ure of the University of Hentucky
contimne his enmloyment in his poresent capacity.

     Lafayette IHer-ing v. oiLted stue-Lent eszistant in
G-eology, at a salaiy of f10 a m.-ionth. I:.ctiSro i.ovss 3_ 17 1 J8,

     Continuation of enrlployent of John A. Sugg, Jr.,
2"ergency assistcant in Boyst Agicrlturs  Clubs, 7.estern
Xentuckqy, at the sarire salary, "'L50 a ironth, to be paid
from -ergency :hmd, t;150 a Yronth.  ravel c.1lovr,)ace of
about '.75 a nionth from 3n.nergency -fund, U. S. Department
of Agriculture.

     Alexeader D. Hall, student assistant in Mechanical
Engineering, at ~';,30 a imnth, effective Ocf3ber 18, 1918

     Arrmngernents have been =ade wvith Vocational 2Eucation
Boards in supplying counties er~loying teachers in vo-
cational education that they shall devote a part of their
timrr in assisting with boys' ancd girlst club work.  They
will be under the direction of the county agent in the
county in Which they are located, end are to receive a
remuneration equal to the estinzated extra enpamse involved.
This has been estimated at %25 a month.   It is thereforo'
recommended that the folloivng ren be appointed at the rate
of (,25 a month, all to become effective October 1, 1918,
emept that of P. J. Bovwles whose apuointment is to date
from November 1, 1918:

     Gordie Young, Greenville, Kentucky, assistant in
club work, YAuhlenberg County.

     2. 2. Tartar, Beaver Dam, Kentucky, assistant in
club Yozk, Ohio County.

     W;arren ?eyton, Fordsville, Kentucky. assistant in
club v.ork Ohio County.

     O. L. mIlligin, Benton, Kentucky, assistant in
club work M14arshall County.

     C. T. Cannon, 1'ayfield, Kentucky, assistant in
club orrk Graves County.



      B. E. Pittrnin, Loy-es, 5;entuckzy, assistant in club
 orer Graves County.

      F. J. Bowles, iaxd-insbtug, Zentuc3lc, azsi.ztant in
 club vork 3reckinridge County.

                  Increase Iln Salaries,

      R. R. Niswonger, extension soecialist in Horticul-
 ture, increase in salary from ',1500 to Ci`1800 a year,
 effective INTovember 1, l918.

      1is. -Hary S. Tarbison., Zyerge2lcy hone denostration
agent, increase in salary from '.1200" to A400 per amnum,
effective Se-,)ternber 27, 1918.  The recoormendation is made
in recogtnition of increased duties aaid satisfactory vork.

     iiiss Lillian Tinarinn, 2n.ergency home deromstration
agent, icoreacse in salary from ?5 to l100 a ironth, ef-
fective October 1, 191S.   This reConvend3ation is inree
in recognition of increased duties and satisfactory unorkc.

     Thorws .'ztbraey, firerwn, incrSaxs i:l s,-l_.ir 7's
'Q60 to -e75 a montth, ef-fective October 1, 191S.

     Stephen Samnnier, instructor in bl-cJcsmithin&, increase
in salary from , 1OO to "' 3A  a zonth, effective October 1,
1918.   He has bean given ertra duty in connection uith
instructing n'en of Section A, of the S.1A. T. C.

     i1,T. John A. Hunter, E2ergency county agent, Allen
CouAty, travel alloumace of %300 a year.  His appoint-
rent was approved last rweting of the 3.neoutive Conrnittee,
and this arounit is to be paid from t~he 2rmergency fund,
U. S. De-nartmrent of Agriculture.

     Rrs. Octavia- vans, home demonstration agent, Daviess
County, increase in salary from ,110 to 'l20 a month, ef-
fective October 1, 1918.   This is in order to natea the
appropriation nrade by Daviess County fronm vhich she has
received ',,60, while we forxerly paid her -,50 a nonth, and.
vm should have paid her a like amount in order to mtch the
comty appropriation.



     Hiss Jessie Caswell, increase in salary from S,65 to
IC;&  a month, effective Hovember 1, 1918.

     2q{iss L. B. Terry, increase ir salary frorn ..)65 to
N?75 a mo-nth, effective November 1, 1918.

     miss iLargaret Ryan, increase in salary from '.,70 to
q75 a mronth, effective November 1, 1918.

     t..iss Hoirer Perry, increase in salary from n50 to '365
a month, effective Niovember 1, 1918.

     11iss Carrie L. Hathaway, iricre-.se in s alary ,rom .50
to ti65 a ronth, effective :Hovember 1, 1918.

     Miss M!agaret J. Perry, increase in sla-.ry from ,`40
to ';50 a Ymonth, effective November 1, 1918.

     ILiss Crxrie Bean, rostmistress, increase in salary
from ;.65 to ;70 a month, effective iTovember 1, 1918.

     CGernaey C. Ba2-er, erC;iency county agent, Lavarence
County, ircrease in sal,=y of ':20O v.,yecx, effective
January 1, 1919, pprovideeL thje  pmrocr:iation, for his salarXy
from the Lavrence County fiscal court "or the ensuing year
is sufficient to perydit of saxe.  !r. Bs-.keris salary is
now ',,;1400 and inth the increase indicated.-voulCd be at the
rate of ;A.600 a year.

     Phillip Z* Bacon, insnector in .eed and fertilizer
departrents, incrcase inL salary of ,.240 a year, effective
October 1, 1918.   His present salary is ,,Ao8o a year,
aid writh the increase recon-mende0.ed will be '14320.  His
duties have been increased by recviring him to insnect
crean under tVe Creamiery an. Testcrs  icr-ee La-.

     It is recormended that the salary of Professor
J. J. Curtis, Professor of Mechaoical    ~gilneering be
increased to `2100, effective December 1, 1918, and that
his snlary for the fiscal year begiring July 1   1919 be
inoreased to $2200.

     TIiss Mabel Pollitt to be placed on full time basis
at a salary of isl20 a montlh for September, October,



iovcr.ber and Decomber, ,end if the der.md foi- het sor-
vicos continue, hor salary to continue tlhrout the year at
that ratc.

     Q. 0. Tliipple, Superintondont of Buil-ings and Grounds
incrbaso in salary to ,)2400 a year, effcotive Novermber 1,


     Gaorge G. Xirk, assistrmt county agent, Henderson
County, at a salry of. -2250 per amnun.n, transferred to
NIason county at tho sare salary, said transfc-r to bc
effectivea NTovorber 1, 1918.

                  Loavo of Absence.

     Leavc of absonec vwas granted to Professor C. VI. Mathev,,s
viuithout pay fror.n Octobor 16., 1918 to JiLe 30, 1919, for the
pUrpOSC of acccpting a position vrith the Burcau of Eduoa-tion
at Vashington, D. C.

    Leave of abseono  under the rules of the Univorsity
granted to Doan W. T. Lafferty for one yea-r v.th half pay
for tho ocholastic year 1919-1920.


     MIiss Gerrainc Crumbaugli, stonogrzI;llor to tho Dean of
the Agricultural Collegc, effective October 12, 1918.

     Aiss Alieo B. Foote, assistnat in horme dormnstration
viork, effectivo October 15, 1918.

     H. L. Xdflurray, Bborgency doonnstration agent, Knott
County, effoctivc Augu-st 31, 1918.

     h5iss Lillian R. Brashecar, IEnrgency home demonstration
agent, Hart County, cffectivc Sopterber 30, 1918.



     . ;rs. X'iary F. Baco20,1 clerlr in the Departmrent oi
Marxkets. effective September 15, 1918.

     itrs. Eloise Graves, District Agent-, horr-e demonstration
vrorlr, effective October 31. 1918.

     Idiss iAngie Hill, assistemt Emergency agent, Gr.ves
County. effective September 15, 1918.

     Niss L36.ith '.til liams, assistant  ergey agent,
Henderson- County, efective September 15; 1918.

     M!iss 1W-eliine Feigle, assistac-t i.-erge-ncy age-t, heroer
County, effective Septe..ber 15, 1918.

     I:Iiss Porz1 :Iorgan, assistant Draergency agent, Siinpson
Coun-ty, effective September 31, 1918.

     Miss Iris Boggess, mergnency Agent, IhX1eanberg Co0.n-ty,
e-Xective October 31, 1918.

     1.1r.  P . Boyc l. rgency co._Itty agent, Boyd. GouLty,
efective hIoveraber 1, 1918.

     Biss Louise Crurnbc.ue, stenog-g  her, Extension Division,
effeetive October 19, 1918.

     J. O. Horniug, adcista.nt remergency age-nt, Butler Cotaty,
effective October 15, 1918.

     Hisd Fanny Bogers, clerk in tne of ?ice of .Ir. Turner,
effective November 12, 1918.

     (15) The financia1 report of the Business Agent vas
read and ordered nade a part of the minus~tes.



  Statement of Cash Receipts and

hEnmndit~ures to October 31, '.918.

     Pund      : Collectec' iL: Col,   cI on      Paid to        Balmce on
                : October      : land to Date  :     Date           Han d
    --  - - - - -  - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - ------  
   Geea ud.:                  :l,987          :         
Genleral F-and. . .: ".9,698.75   *)117,785.12    r188,353.09   ( (07O,567.97)

-zp. Station...: 22,049.70    :  116,784.00        60,468.25     56,405.75

*,t. mund..       5,538.03         52,027.54       50, 226.86     21,800,68

Truyst Fund.         401.15        16,591.65        6 5-3,852.76 6 (47,261.11)

                  45,487.61       303,278.3 1     542,900.96      39,622.65


     Pimd      :   stinated        Paid to        Outstanding :   Balance
                  Incorre           Date             Orders   : Available
 __  __ __ __-- --  -----  -  ------------------------- -_---______________________

Genieral I0 d. . .  

.tm. Statio-l...:

::t.  -I&*.......:

%,471,894 - 50



~,?188, 353.09


279, 048.20




: 'S226,451.57

: 144,52i.75

:.: 168,721.45

   542, 0OS675

(16) Ona irntion, the CoYXuittee adjourned.

                                        .,llington Pctricl;

                                   5ecretz.r3r 0oZ tVhe Thdecutive
                                          CO Fit-it e .