Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Monday, June 24, 1968 On call by Governor Louie B. Nunn, the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in special session at 2:15 o'clock, Eastern Daylight Time, on the afternoon of Monday, June 24, 1968. in the Board Room of the Administration Building on the campus of the University with the following members present: Governor Louie B. Nunn, Chairman, Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Vice Chairman, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford Blazer, Mr. Wendell Butler, former Governor Albert B. Chandler, Mr. Richard Cooper, Mr. George Griffin, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Mr. J. Robert Miller, Dr. N. N. Nicholas and non-voting faculty member, Professor Paul Oberst. Absent were: Mr. Smith Broadbent, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr. Sam Ezelle, Mr. Hudson Milner, non-voting faculty member, Dr. Stephen Diachun, and the non-voting student Board member. The administration was represented by President John W. Oswald, and Vice Presidents A. D. Aibright, William R. Willard, Robert F. Kerley, Glenwood L. Creech, Robert L. Johnson and Lewis W. Cochran. Members of the press, radio and television were present. A. Meeting Opened Governor Nunn -called the meeting to order at 2:15 p. m. Following the Lord's Prayer, led by Dr. Angelucci, Mrs. Blazer, Acting Secretary, reported a quorum present. Governor Nunn declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 2:20 p. m. B. Minutes Approved On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mr. Griffir, and carried, the reading of the Minutes of the May 7, 1968 meeting of the Board of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published. C. President's Report to the Trustees Dr. Qswald reviewed briefly the items contained in PR 1, President's Report to the Trustees. Governor Nunn accepted the report with thanks and it was ordered filed. D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2) Dr. Oswald stated that the only item which he wished to mention specifically in PR 2. Recommendations of the President, was Number III, which authorized