xt7qbz618k7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qbz618k7x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-09-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 02, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 02, 1981 1981 1981-09-02 2020 true xt7qbz618k7x section xt7qbz618k7x -- .~ 2- 1. .- .- 1.1.1" M res-1o ..ei-iwmso 1 - :. . : '
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u -- '- . 21.23
, . 2 . ARK WARNING 1
I I The weather outlook for today is {3:32; f1:
3;}- 1 once again gloomy. We can expect 3.923353
. 1 I mostly cloudy skies with rain likely .
. 1 i most of the day. The hid: should be i 1.1.3941.
I' f 34. The rain should end tomorrow a
1 withthehighremaininginthemid '
' . '. ”_ L 1'
7 l v i LXXXIV N is 3 -—-——-—-——————————_._.____ '3‘
. . .' 1 o o. ,
- , -. 1 - . ' ’ University of Kentucky ., _ . .
, ,. . I , , I; Wednesday, September 2, 1981 An independent student newspapu' since 1971 Lexington, Kentucky .
II , . ., , “.‘ 1 ,,',.,.-i l 3'
A Sovre warran officer ,fi- , , , , _ _ , I . A ‘
., . 1 ,. . _ _ - 1 - 1» of if“ . o‘er-me» . :1. l .
1 " . = ”-1141.“ - 1. , .. . Wm. “mam ' is? ‘ ~
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l I f 7: ”Evil 1 . , cwt .. in" We; .. " ‘;
‘-”,.',,Ig.‘ ”“2?” ,2“ 1—4 W. is...» as... ,. . , ,5 I .
i l1 ca r m n o a r ~- i ‘  
. ii 5!- * "M" ‘ ' :: :"::::::::' --1.----r 71—13 1 - 1'
. , 2,3, .I e..- “W...“ .. . 5',” ~, I . .
' . CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) — Angolan group opposed totheMarxist cent skirmishes “providing in- ’5?” “a“ , «w m WWW ; Rowena, .. i ,1, .
I South African troops attacking black Luanda government. disputable evidence of the Russian in- _..,,,,.g7... .,..,,,-t .' ..,, - 3 it! 73'1“” R 3 e . E
. ‘ ,-. nationalist guerrillas in Angola last South Africa said yesterday it still volvement, an enormom amount of W W' 1' ~ 2 " .;.'-'*'<2;'e-»i_;;“1'.., we: '5; . 7
I week killed and captured Soviet had soldiers in Angola, their Russian propaganda material was '33“ -' 5 5- ' . 1 . efizi‘fi'li’w 3".
- . military officers, Defense Minister withdrawal hampered by land mines found in SWAPO headquarters, clear- . .ngfifwt WWW-W _ l f - J '36 '
Magnus Malan said yesterday. on roads out of the country, according ly indicating the Russian aspirations if ., I . 5:3: 3' - AMT“ -“""" 3“ ‘
“’Iherecanbenodoubtthattheter- to SAPA, the South African press withsouthemAfrica." figs-“Jim... ‘ - ~31 .Vr...,le .121:
‘ rorist organization, SWAPO (South- Association. “Earlier, it was generally believed some; 13’- ~.-;._,“ ' ,. " , 7 l’mm in. If" 5???"
I West Africa Peoples Organization), is In an Angolan radio interview and acclaimed that Soviet Russia was " , M «u " - » 1 m ’13.
l controlled by and given ideological monitored in Johannesburg on yaster- only indirectly involved, but now the ' " “w“??? 3 1 ' ’i :2" Pkg 13% i
i . and material support by the Soviet day Angolan Defense Minister Pedro oppositehasbeen proved, namely the “ to .3 '1 1*; 7 3 . ', , ' ' - - 31- .1 ~3'.£- 1.. 5...: iii? 1
Umon,"Malan said. Maria Pedale confirmed that Soviet- direct involvement of military per- f . . ,, .- ' -. 1 2‘ so} l
A Soviet warrant officer was cap- built SAM missiles were deployed in sonnel on the lower levels of terrorist -, midi.» , ' - 1 -- - , . ' w i? l
tured, he said in a statement issued Angola before the South African at- movements. This is a new tendency ‘ “’5'”? ‘- ‘ ' 1' ‘ 1;: - is. Agra 1?, l
’ here and carried by the news agency tack. that gives risetoquostions,"hesaid. at L - a. » " -' 7' .. - 1 ' . "i '3 l 7? l
‘ SAPA. Aspokasman at defense head— The United States on Monday The South African defense force £31 . i , t 31% W 1%: ,1‘
quarters in the capital of Pretoria vetoedaU.N. Security Council resolu- said it knocked out radar and anti- . I 3"” '3 - o": ' WEI ‘ ‘ 1.. ~‘ ”I“ 3' “'3" 3‘}: .
would not say where the prisoner was tion condemning the South African aircraft installations in the raid, and 7::eL.oer'i--w~ 1 "" m ““‘ ‘ , v" o, a .. .1.) f 1‘
being held, and there was no word on raid. The United States said it re- killed at least 400 Angolan soldiers - ,,,,.:7:,. ‘ : MW. 3 3: 7’ 7.535 "
the number of Soviets captured or jected the action because the Cuban and SWAPO guerrillas. ,2... ' . ,3”: . .,~.......mm w .. . 3' 12%" . the? i; .
killed. and Soviet presences in Angola were Military officials denied Angolan ; {we 1 II w i ; 1 , 5‘ 1 - ,1... .. :3
,, . SWAPO’s black nationalists have not included in thecriticism. claims that 45,000 South African fife-"$11113“. . 1 I " MMWWM 7 -551, 36*”. .. ;
for 15 years been fighting a low-level The estimated 20,000 Cuban troops troops were involved in a full-scale in- ‘" . , . , .. . 3 . I if” “I .35 ‘5‘
bush war from bases in Angola and in Angola have beenamajor source of vasion. Informed sources, who declin- ., l- "g, 4’ - . " ’ L '“f*”"
elsewhere in an attempt to end South concern to the West since they arriv- ed to be identified, said 4,000 soldiers ' 3"” * ..,..".’l W%1 ,, ‘ L 7 ' e- - 3 i i ,1?"
Africa’s control over mineral-rich ed in 1975 to help the Popular Move- wasacloser estimate. we... T’"”""“W”’ WELL.-." 7‘ , 1:? 3W "feta ,3," F;
South-West Africa. merit for the Liberation of Angola But the defense force last Friday 51’, M egg, "a! $3391 . 1' . ’1
The Pretoria government insists (MPLA) defeat rival groups in a civil said 27 Soviet advisers — 20 men and : (WWW! ' Wsiéég‘
the SWAPO guerrillas were the sole war and establish a Marxist govern- seven women — had fled a house in 3' “it; :1 -- 2 -«.~ -, v 3 "3 3’ i7 - '3 ‘5
objects of its four-pronged raid on merit. There have been no reports of Xangongo, 60 miles north of the ' W £3. 13. ,2 i . 3,... ""‘
. ; southern Angola last week. Angola contact between the South Africans border, two hours before the South ‘ E, 6:1' - """i ' "‘ W ""” ...,,, m.» W5
» says South Africa means to turn and Cubans. African raid. . ., .fw leeway.» . , v . ”I I‘M!“ :4. I. .
‘ southern Angola over to UNITA. an Malan said that basidssthemostre- ,_ m}, 5.35:» . r ‘3" 1"? “if?" .«1. I $.13 ,fi
2 t". ' iii-1”“ grr . .1. 1' 1P ‘ ‘ - ~;
_‘ .. "‘¥e'r*i”%f"i , my: “pm, 42/"- . ”-1-- w. , WM .1 ,2? . s J ”a” .. .. t , m,- ". , 3&5;
' Mt " ’3 ' "' 1'" 3 "”73 7m 7 . "We .: 13' 53";ng
.I _ , . ,. . _ . ,‘ «.1
Governor John Y. named UK head coach ementus - ~- ,1
Mat ”-11-: '
FRANKFORT (AP) —Alegislative claims the person in control of UK He also was awarded the privilege "" v- “r 1- ....:' . . ‘ . , - 921’" It, gig;
committee has named a “Lifetime football needs “vast experience in of leading the UK marching band dur- ByBLRT LADD/Kcrnelsun E;
Head Football Coach Emeritus" for organized athletics, the executive in half-time ceremonies and receiv- - 6;;
the University of Kentucky “to branch of government and the in- e: ta ding' 'tat' f the Another B’lw In "'9 Wall 33334;, i
alleviate permanently the irksome tricaciesof coaching football." as n "WI 10" rom pro— John Balls seems to ' - _ .3}. '
problem of executive meddling in the And, “none is qualified so eminent- ducers 0‘ ”NFL Today" on CBS'TV t0 framed h z Pence Hall’m:ti:‘hehfmfmgrlgfih“shtiirggealfillimtwe student from Culloden. W. Va. is 5? -
‘ internal affairs of theUK football pro- ly in each of these regardsasisthein- appear and promote his football . - ' ' ' II'
gram.“ cumbent governor of this Com- ~ - . 1 - - s I Sm d . '51
' . The tongue-incheek resolution was monwealth." getgisBrofifhgearzli-igmggzvud: ma r myments m, I
adopted yesterday by the interim As Lifetime Head Football Coach theprogram. ' ‘1:
State Government Committee in the Emeritus, Brown was granted the m th d of . LIL-7;"
wake of Gov. John Y. Brown’s highly authority to “paddle, spank or other— The committee adopted the resolu I own 3 St 9”“ y bl],
- publicized verbal skirmish Wit-h UK wise PUDlSh corporally any tion by voice vote over the cries of
. football Coach Fran Curci. recalcitrant player, president or pun- Rep. Mary Ann Tobin for a roll call. W deceased, retired or disabled parent However, there are alternate " I
The resolution. proposed by state dit of the press showing any sort of Rep. Tobin, D-[rvjngtonI cast the lone Reporter may be without money as a result of government programs available to
Rep. Jim Bruce, D-Hopkinsville, pro- disrespect whatsoever." dissenting vote. President Reagan‘s budget cuts. some of the students affected by the
M Asof January 1981,772,351 students elimination or reduction of student
_ . , were receiving benefits. nationwide. benefits, rinci 1] the Guaranmd
. . 1- cm W Sta mm seitudents who received Soc1al Approximately 61 percent were sur- Student [glans apndyPell Grants (for-
urity payments because of a vivors and the rest were children of mally the Basic Educational Oppor- ‘
‘ . . disabled-worker (20 percent) and tunity Grant).
Scholarships are there for the ask/n g ‘1‘ W“ 1- 11- 1-1- 1-11-11-
. Benefits for students who are atten- rmefmméhgflww;
. By JOHNl-IL—_lmE which have not been applied for, She said the amount of the scholar- She said this has already been award- galigepfitfozfifig 58:12:13 fish": grams — individuals will have no
.1- Senior Staff Writer mainly because people do not know ship varies according to the financial edbut that more maybeavailable. As be id to children who turned 18 . recoursetotlmealternate programs.
about them. Here is a list of those need of the student, but it can be as much as 5700 could be awarded A p35, 198, or I t r (mar; Nevertheless there are some .
. M scholarshipsstill available: muchas $700ayear. depending on need. “There are as wlhlgoaré l8beforeit3iilgust0'i981 post- campus-based assistance programs
It hurts when financial aid checks wScholarships are available for wWastbroIok 581d She has trouble many as five 8r Six 0" those given secondary student benefits Will be and private scholarship grants
b‘ . . each year givmg out the William and each semester, Westbrook said. . . available toeligible students.
ite the dust, but it hurts even worse students from Henry County With Elizabeth Rogers Hamilton Memorial 'l‘w th bsc h 1 hi phased 0“th William the benefit _
when there is money available out good grades. Westbrook said the scholarshi It will otoasenior ora h'cl? h: “be: ure dzfl 8:” ps amOUflt payable in September 1981 by Paul Borders, IWIUODS SUW‘ .
there that students don't know about. students should have a B average. graduate 5:8th frogm Metcalf Coun- : t1 “Evin b: awaIr bl "St year 25 Percent, 50 percent by September Visor Iat theIdistnct office of Social
Nell Westbrook, coordinator of Also they should “have some finan- ty She said it will be given awa in u Ico 5‘ avaia e nex year 1982, and 75 percent by September Security.I said the benefits students .
scholarships and grants, said there cial need but the need need not be ex small iecas with no more than “£0 a are. . 1983. received in the past were proportional
1 _ are still a number of scholarships treme.” p. “A $500 scholarship "0." the son or ‘—‘—‘l to the amount the“ families receive. I
year gomg ,to one student. However, daughter of a postal carrier or clerk. i The families usually receive one-and- -
_. 55:3;§2§§§s§5§3§2:§2§5§3§e§2§333553333252§5§:§:§:§5§;§:;egigzge;55552;555g535532333é5E;EgizEgigz51giggizésfeiaiziziaii;E552533:3332;E;§2§e;.§z§333:132:523;g5§3§2§2§iiiésiaiiiiééiééiiiéséiiziiiiizézisésisézisiiés5355?:$552535;§5§s§5§3§s§s§s§zi the"! are Still many 0‘ those scholar- Westbrook said there are one or two I one-half times the primary interest .
ships available. of mm given each year. and amount (the money taken out of the
3 'iiiiifi w’l‘here is a scholarship of $500 freshmen have preference over other paycheck for Social Security) that
Wgflé—S Jm 407m available to a student from Jefferson students. would have been allotted to the
fiféffiii'f' County who is the Child Of a UK alum- “The Mary H00d SChOlarShlP 806 I primary earner when he or she 1
& 4 WMKW/P [N "“S- to “almost anybody from Cynthiana“ J retired at 65. The children WW .
125.5253 35,35, wA female from Laurel County (Hamson County) who is able to l = me—fminhofuiePIA.
[PR / maybeeiisible forascholarship of up demonstrate need. ”It can be up to I I , , 1
33553352; g SOMEflW. to $1.000 “’6le said, however, $700 and there are a lot of these ' l l“ the past, If the parent died, the
, the student “must show quitea bit of scholarships.“Westbrook said. I child ”sewed W‘W °‘ 9“
:5-3-::::i:. .:::;:::3:- need ., 1 - l PIA. If there was more than one child 1
’ f:E:§:E::::‘.-. M . ...-:-:1§?§1§15E:£5 ‘ If you think that you quallfy for any i - - 3
. 3355333555:332.???.342 . .i.:zzsizggggggggiggggggI35;g; wWestbrook said there is also a of these scholarships, contact E the money was divrded amoru the
1 " 09 W (p scholarship for women from Huh Westbrook in 563 Patterson Office 1 “mm"- "m1 “m“ “'9 n“ ‘
35335;?“ (W if} bardsville (in Henderson County). Tower, ~————— Pwl-Wmmy wouldeeglvento
Igau' . the clIiIiIlId if h: ti: she are in a post-
. _ - - - - - - Effective August, i934 no benefits W W‘m‘ ‘°“- -
.4: I! ~ Waiting list for Universny housing humanism... m. m, Sm, M, m . .
' L 126' ’ Fy I / The cuts in student benefits are ex- student W‘Nlld usually 10” the SOCllll
I_.I . a . l " M ,1; ‘\\ down to 87; may fimmn pected to save the government :35 Security benefits when he or she was
. m (4,0 It? ‘ 1, , \ million in fiscal year 1981. according married. In some special cir-
L" c x‘ f," / \ —————_—___ The percentage of students on the to the text of the congressional bill cumstances, uierecipient was able to 1
/ ‘ w [‘5 , :3 9 V By gm!” DECKER waiting list who Will receive Uhiversr which enacted the cuts. By fiscal year keep the benefim if he or she married ‘
. : I e ,t/ 5‘8 writ“ ty housms this semester totally less. it is expected that 32.1 billion anotherSocialSecurityrecipient.
;. 1 z I .‘ ’ I. Q , i- ’1 , -H depends on the number of students will besaved, and by fiscal year 1937
, .. ‘* ' . .. ' , I f, 7;, / ‘ fr , who withdraw from the University." the government estimates it will save There are no exceptions to the sm
1 I’j' 5 .1 / Z 0\AJ Almost so students are still on the Lindley said. , S‘Ibillion. . dent benefits that havebeenorwill be
1 III, 5:5 .’ ‘ G - .4. . waiting list to obtain University hous- 12 ‘0 15 percent 0i 8 given These estimates do not include the cut, butiftherearequestions pertain- ‘-
, . , ‘ I o I . A - ‘1 I I ing, according toJean Lindley. direc- freshman class Will not return to col< administrative costs associated with ing to what Social Security benefits . 1
- . ‘ {a} :55; I55; ‘ / 1.,z;-»I\ .§; torofhousing. lese the second semfiter-Sa‘d Keller theIchanges, but theydocormder off- are available, all the W 1 . 1 .
. 2‘5 g; 55555 - Wf’fliifiwa, , 5% 0.113113 men - all freshmen -3" Dunn, associate dean for residence setting costs in other federal student Social Security officeatmn. 1' r . ,
. ' 555 555:5 '6 Q ' ~54 55‘: on the waitins list. compared to 47 and plannmsmiheresisirar‘sofflce~ assistance. 2 1. 1
, _ ’ r female freshmen and 27 uppuuass "They set homesick." Dunn said- . . ~, 2. 1.
- ’ - it“ "" \ women “one some are probably "The Place is “his they d°“'¥ “"9 ‘-‘ . - ' .
_ 7 :3 a; "5‘ ‘I-qufifi'ir.I'itizilEEEEEEEZEEEESEEEEE253§§§§I§§§§§§33:,_, a 'I; residenbduxingtmmsurmniding friends,they can‘t makethesocial ad- IDS] e . , “ 337312 9.1".
. -. ' H ‘ "7,1 Q“ ‘J 3 local friends, Lindley ”“1 ““5 "'8" "s only for "he "a" Stray Cats offers Involvement for offcampns stflelltajeepagem titrE‘RL‘f
-. i . w IQ . l .57 5353,33,ghee..- ' @l About 5.” freshman and up semester. However. students may :~-.' thithfg
. .- ‘- ~ 17% - .1 fig} "' ' C U 9mmll students live in University have "W 318m” added ‘0 the 59"“8 Married studentscopewlth conflicting spot-electron! roles.8eepngel who“
.. . . $1 G‘b “7 / liaising. Only full-time students are semester hit by request. m ' "3 7»..an
- ~ ‘ ' -'~' .9 G’, ’ .‘ el ble to reside in the residence onwaiting ists is given to w My. _".‘1';i'33:§"'ef1-;
' - _ ' ' hag and apartments. turn in their applications earliest. P." mofthe Rick Ml." saga on m 5’ my
~ A. 1 c r '
- as, i" 1
so - - . ¥ - m , ‘W" . - - * ._ “W . ’” SMeste : ' v 1
. ‘ “ ' , ‘ ' I ’ \ ' ~ “ - . 'f - I I .. -.-.’.,ri'..’f1"~‘1 ’tefif“7§3“3.frs€.f'i"" ‘5 ~ g ~~ ~ ‘
1..., ' egos-€11: 1:.» 1 ,1 " '. .‘ . " . . .. -... e- s, - , - 11 ”“11- ‘ii‘.1 3311135.“:1 , " 16-7.; g. .
siifiiieiiisii‘im-‘iéi‘h W‘fimdfificfi '5- t "iii; 77:5... 31. " -. - . r ‘1 ' . . _ . C .' i “ii-if; bfeeimt'ifl 3'3 3"”“k""*“7‘.' 3L’iir f“ '53 ~ ~ '

 , , .. ,,,. :2 . worm,“ ~‘y P a" “new. 3‘2,“ 2' ”‘3 We." w, u" PM 2:"; '3’ V '2 ‘-
.. . , .. . .«2. 32: ‘2 .... 2:22 't’w . ..2 l f a ' l "V. I . "2 .2" "M 9.23;: : “Ir“:"xit ".1" 1"}. 1’4“” has”; ”n" ‘6’ “’2 “ t" ’ ”(>3 “7.5" ‘2 '-’l"‘-. A 2 ~
.. ‘1 "’ ' - on“. ’3' silty'telfi’e‘t 7““ ’22? [13"3}..If “2., ,I,.'j_..,’, 2.2... . . . , ~. . .2 f. _ . .. :_ r2 2;” W... . ’35? 52.2 7—.:,.,,.;2W2'22;v;¥§.fi§2try , “My; ~. . ;:,III,I2I .2223 é-sfl’tv-2377’5l2’4,:‘~§<} ;. I
2 " ' 2 . 5 ’1. -~ 2 oilfifi’nniw 3. . 2. .2 no.2." in" «2 shitsoltfi" this
. . 2 2 :2 ., 2.. . . -, «new; » 7’3"“ . g .... .32 2*- .tnnt-‘x {- ”1‘5 $22.7 .32» white-292.. we - he? Wires-“‘2 2: . towns: Mt W2 shallow ~ 2 . or 22 ”like:wealthl“-"’e:“22‘t*t- ‘3: hit-222‘ '22- ll“ ‘~' ’5‘ 22' .2 ”2'2 “3““
‘ ' . , ,, ' .p, ..2 ,7 21', .,.,,h’ji‘.i’;ri,i,,i~e? pithy “gt/K‘le’l’ft‘ofl‘fa . 2 2 go. renown.“ lairin.filterhfisgtfiigg9:2 22 t “313‘ .Z‘iéttrltggaggigixhngn‘ion-2,352.22,"‘soggy-pitifnygwyga lime“
. 2 . ' . 2 Ewen; i’r", ,to 42,. r,""l *2 ’“it, 3, ,ie it‘ll “‘§Ti2!2, Mhlllfisew ,2?y‘fptt,~‘o“ots ”on “ '. 2
- ‘- townhouses. Ehrlicm" “’l ‘ M“ “i2 “2“” it <*“inr.”‘lt‘?e“"ln"2 m3” iii E3933, "‘5’; “owing“h’fiélfill’é’l new. .
. ' Wee-"3' ~ ~ 2 - 2 ..ss. .22.». 2 2 ' . 331272;? re 2% “2'“ "*‘
- . . . l ,
.- ' I 'I I I I. V ~ ' l .
3,2,- -..2...; t l ‘ . unstruct- MAI! mull-o MAI-um momma“ Pinon-durum Boll-
‘ 2 ’ t tl’,.:‘\.é‘- ugh? ' ’m “w “W ‘ m
ersuasno - 7““ ”W ‘ - ~
iwgngfi‘g mute WW '
oihm“ _ . DeleG m ‘
it: -,\,;‘-,: ‘3 ’ Jacki Rudd [colic Mickie- ‘ Sove- W. laminar John Griffin Kirby aephens
“2.,‘2’22” ' Water I Imminent-tn urn-omen WMMW mutant Entertainment Editor GfIPNoI Editor
not ' ' '
nee-2M ~ - ° ® '
.. Campus parking system unsafe, puggle
. . .2... 2' g . l .
_l ' I
,IoI . :...i-l : I‘
“ chaotic '0' student °°""""te's 51555 500/65 Wok: --
- f Any commuting student Who has missed 8 University for other reasons are conscious of §I - *- ’ 0 ,
k . » class looking for a perm Space. on the sue?“ the faCt that walking bad‘ to their cars after .5"""""35355=&: ..-:::::::-:.. ”2:35:52. 53:53 35:24“ - .-::-‘~:'=-‘=-:~.-, "-:;:;:;:::::::::::~~ ...-:-:::=:::-. ..-'-1-::E=E=E=:~'.. 25233155135353: E ’
2' . close to campus knows the futility of bucking dark is a big risk. . . ’ , ’2 a , T "i‘l’. “a 1% g t .
* ’ the UK parking system. Although assaults on th 3:! w - $23.2. ‘ ' \ Mimi; =«3.,~ 2‘” 231$.- 3.25 sh‘ ‘ ' i
e UK cam us ma 5: 2 3. .' 52 .32 ‘W so»: Ft. -- n__ .3. ‘1:E:E:E:~‘".-'."i"' thaw 2
l . But anybody who has walked all the way not seem like everyday events ”mime! a); I. . , Q’W - :ghx‘figv fix WI. .';‘.. - fi§e§§o {2513:1472 .,'I ghosts. £5 t
. “Eh the Stags“ hf tight? (33'3”: Campus the Rape CrISls Center Will tell you that indeed 2' g .
‘ : .3 rhiotSh’n’lc "3:: is (the big mzsyln’order to they are. for both male and female students — i5 - \ \ e 'cel .5 .
- . . . .- the incidents just don't get re rted. And rob- ‘l’ell . " PI‘I . i
park anywhere Within walking distance. you bery is notllnknown, either. p0 .. could You me My] 7‘». — ,5 -
2 have to try to purchase a “C" spoken and .2 /\ /‘ .. .. . ... . ‘
’ , that’s only if you’re a junior or senior and you Unfortunately, as much as we’re sure the Wha-L changes 3.3%. E\ /"‘~m-.o.xs ...-:22...
2 have hours on end to stand around waiting in administration and the Board of Trustees . “t v ‘2 ...itf‘.,...:s;s----2- 25 ‘15 I
line to get one, a rare situation in the early would like to effectively address the problem g were made ,n i“. E
days of the semester when add-drop and fee at hand, the budget crunch wrought upon the . ? 5‘3““? 099 O O _,
payment are first priority. University by Gov. John Y. Brown ties their ‘l‘hls book . ... s O
And besides, with this year’s reehuffling of hands. This makes it unlikely that parking O
parking space, the “C” lots aren’t really that structure No. 3, originally planned for con- g
- ‘ b 'l ' t t' ' th 1 t f th' d de '11 w l ‘
close to the classroom in dings anymore. 5 rue ion in e ear y par o is eca , w1 ,I..,.,...I,I,,I,..I.
. . Of course, you can always solve the prc- bebuilt in time to do any good. / ‘.‘ .
\ blem by living within walking distance of cam- In fact, with the prospect of falling enroll- g .3,
. pus, but in order to do that, you must pay exor- ment on the horizon, the parking structure, ”an ‘1 ,
bitant rents for substandard housing, which when it’s eventually finished, may turn out to % I, «ff-'55? ill-nut
. defeats the whole purpose of commuting - to be just as big a boondoggle as the Student % .2
' save money. As an alternative, you can try Center addition. _ KAI} .. '
waking before dawn and finding a space on Which, summed up, is an another object w‘fi.
.2 limestone Street. Clitton Circle or Columbia lesson in what happens when the governor
. Avenue. but that’s really more hassle than it’s plays radical reformer- Brown may think he’s ion-... .
worth. , solving problems by reducing the University ’5 \
And it's not just a matter 0f inconvenience budget, supposedly forcing the administration h
, and headaches. There's a safety factor involv- into a forced and healthy austerity, but he’s l
' ed in the parking Situation, too. Students Who actually aggravating already bad Situations S§5§§§E§E§E§E§E§i§5§? .425351555555315$5155515:35135151531315$15152E15:5$325:E2313=EIE=E=E:S=E==$:‘:E:=:v=---25:2."sushi-:2. --~:’:-. .~:-':=:-:-.4‘1'21-2:'-'=::’1‘='-"5="513551‘1‘512315 l
S-I,4. have night classes or must stay late at the and creatingafew new ones, too. ,
“a" I ‘ ' '
2:.- .. t
. SA needs plamed lobbying, progammlng efforts; .
should develop employment for snidents on campus . l
. «’oé‘a‘g . t‘
‘ 2”.-.‘O " . 'l‘hlsgoalhastwoconcerzts.
w‘ ,“&$§\‘,I Dear Britt: First, efforts to schedule lectures n
. III I”. \‘h.::§.““.‘fio . I . . I . andmedia programming for students ‘
2 . A’ ‘,%%.O..““\y Well, its been a few montls smce ' should continue at their present level.
2’ 4r" , . , 22 ’y‘fim‘fi‘?‘ Sturgeon cleaned Wt his desk am left — it was effective. The Public Service George McGovern is a good start. and “
g; ’4' .../It! ly’iiiqgétflfiengnuh‘NV you nothing but empty cars and bot- Commission's final decision saved other viewpoints are essential. a
‘2. 'zjglt/qihylflj 2. " "“r“‘2§: ‘\\\g ties, so to speak, and it’s about time every phone consumer at least $50 Second, avenues of communication
2. ,.,"«'2/ng%, / ER‘E‘.‘“\~2 you sotdowntoserim work- this year, and the written opinion must be madc more accessible to f‘
- . 1Mfi,”~;,.,w "p'*“" 2 5 is, Not that things haven't gone well reflected much of the testimony of- students and faculty members. ”
- if 4‘ {l "w 2 1,; ’ ‘tlt thisfar. But they're just warming up, fered and coordinated by SA Vice “Publishor-Perish"is an academic ,
. I I? 'If; '; ., ' 40'6“!” find before you know it we’ll be 100k- President Bobby Clark. axiom, and scholarly journals. the '
‘* 1:0”! ing for and taking every cheap shot At SA's request, a public hearing University of Kentucky Press and all
; 4t I... 2 ' .2 V' ' I we can. was held in Lexington for the first small publications need support to '
g. ‘ “W; {‘92 So. before the mud starts flying, let time in GTE regulatory history, and help Kentuckians publish. not perish.
2. é}? a’:%",’o~ «é me go on record as supporting the seating for late arrivals to the law In addition, UK’s radio and televi-
..g: Q 9' aiifitiifi$$o 5 following priorities for SA this year. school courtroom was standing room sion facilities pale in comparison with
2.“‘ ... ‘5“; . II I 4Q,” 1. Register every student and every only. ' those of benchmark lnstitutiom and.
\‘\‘2‘ c‘v‘; ~. ‘25" 7.2,, '4’; facultyandstaft membertovote.ltis As the recent financial aid squeeze in some cases, other state univer- 2
It: “\Ir 4.1: 3:. 3‘3. 500. '9“ time to take every step necessary to has illustrated, one of the greatest sities. The cable FM-stereo radio sta-
s " .{ V ‘% e” ,2" putin the hands ofevery eligible per- threats confronting students is the tion offered by Telecable is a good 1
, gig. W ' l ’ son, a voter registration form and to rapid increase intllecostof living. place to start, especially with cable t
122.1512: : e 4 ,/,¢’ provide a free, accessible method to Fortunately, there are ways tocon- wiring for dorm rooms scheduled.
:, " - 323‘ a .2“ ’ guarantee it is delivered to the cour- trol these costs, but great organiza- Present facilities, like WBKY radio,
. :3 ,2 2 2 .32 ‘ ‘ - thouse. tion and political backing are re- need to be monitored to ensure
.I, University and government of- quired. students are receiving maximum use .33;
.13} of. n ”hmfififéwf ficials may resist, but it is inex- 3. Create student-run. non-profit oftheresources available. *-
It; usable that we should complain operations ill every market catering 5, Serve as an academlcvconsumcr :
E”: , about the performance of politicians to students. Berea College is a great advocate in University offices. ~ *
as; . I. . when we refusetovote. small school, and the student in- Faculty compensation, class loads *
. :2. As fiversmn from medical school studies elm .. ...... 22222222 2° ...... ...... ...... 2 enlseeeeceleehmm it
,, l lobbying efforts when there is hotel. a restaurant, crafts. building issues to students, as are class otter- *
I . _ . . something to be offered in return for trades and every area of campus ings, school accreditations, academic l g
theirsupport. employment arestaffed by students. standards and hi uality library .
ii I ‘l -lt- \t
2;, 2. Represent students'economic in- They are even constructing a new services. 7. * ‘
l3 . , . . . . “res“ in Whlle proceedings. Last multi-story buildingoncampus. A guide to courses published con- 2 4t-
, 2, Since at least one-quarter of you pro- lwnte this column because it is fun year's intervention in the GTE rate- But let a student enter the hallowed currently with the class schedules . *
bably never read thls newSpaPer W to do. Venturing out into the world hike hearing was more than symbolic campus employment officeinthe set, “(mud be helpful. It could detail, for *
i before last week, this is an introduuc- every 14 days or so to find someone ' vice Building, where most University each course section: books required : C
I tlonItomeandtluscolumn. — l’m a diehard fan of the New new—ortofindsomethingnewabout ._ jobs are filled, and he or she is and cost. grading and work re- *
First, me: I . York Mets and ldetest the Cincinnati an old friend — and pulling together was my directed back to the Patterson Office quirements, attendance policy, 4(-
, - My name is Rlehal'd McDonald. l Reds. whatever We managed to scrape Tower. W003 class’ grade distribution, a *
. am a 24-yesrold, black native of Lex- —— The worst year of my life was from him or her into a coherent. in- P d . . to ha The revenues of the University can quality evaluation ofprevious classes *
2 "18‘0"- . 1900, when my mother died, my dog teresting piece is a pleasure you pro- “sons $111118 V9 fulfill two functions not now served: and random comments from 3:
‘— l am a second-year student In the died, I was kidnap”, and l'Ohbed, my bably can’t understand was you’ve letters or Opinions appear SUM". a larger population of students. This Md have the added *
College Of Medlcme. [attended UIK as apartment was Med and Ronald done it. It provides me with a on this page ShOUld ad- Sam's and provide an economic benefit of reducing add-drop paper. h:
. all undergraduate. maJonng "110th" Reaganwaselectodpresident. stimulus that isn’t present in the dress their comments baseforhands-onstudentexperience. work and students entering classes
I; nahsm. I Now, the column. It's unfortunate classroom world . of polymor- am and triple-spaced to Students should not be denied ac- late. ‘
, — I have been employed. vanously. that this page is called “Persuasmn,” phonucleocytes, pharmacoklnetlcs 3 editorial editor at 114 cess to any job opening in the Univer- 6. Take every appropriate measure
t ,. as a hamburger cook; a busboyI; a because l like to think of myself as a andGram-positivemicroorganisms. Journalism Building, sity, and students in the .College of to mm that Kentucky a.” on top
;. dishwasher; o reporter. copy editor reporter ratherthanarhetorician. ln- intimately, though, the success or University of Kentucky W & Wes, Wm. proner 0‘ “mm, or m Kentucky
- I and managing editor for this stead of climbing on a soapbox in this this column will be determined by 40506-0042 ’ supervision, could operate a bank or geographically, will 31%;.3 be on top
2 "U0" . 2 l n reporter a usually try to tell you a stray. It Will pears fortnightly in this space en 1 d th . typeoffull semce banking, lncludlng never 888m lose to Don Devoe's big
‘ I‘ copy editorfortheLexulgton llerald. be a story about some person. place joyable and occasionally thought- emp 03'” an 0 er 5'" electronic banker. (“nag It W, demeans and
, _ 2. — I am. onions other filings. a orthing thathelps makethismiversi- provoking, I will have failed in my tempted persons mm“ "1' Student mom, could be mycled was” the some... body, and
~ E child? Wt (“W the typeIof ty. this City and all” 5‘3" the unique job. For that reason, I “'3'“ to hear clude the" names, ad' tlu'etlghout the University communi- distracts students from their
I- l Grahamtyltrytomctlcebealsht- placestheyare. I fromyou. . dresses, telephone ty. mm W M. and 10.7- “cadmicmmm
‘ "9 Mbm ‘° the "Fm” “We the subjects 0‘ "“8 “Wm" 1‘ you “he What you read new numbers and their malors, cost banking services. And the stu- Well, that about does it. Britt ol’
preached by most fundamentalists). last year: a male prostitute became a write and tell me about it. If you don't clagsifications or connec- that operator: would graduate with buddy. And, 0h - one last reminder:
-—I'manonlychlld. , family man, 8 N8 lady who dled like it. write me about that. lwantto tion with UK. Letters theexperlenceneceesary toland the let your critics have their say.
-- ‘- l like anchones. In “Ct. Ihke all alone, a little square hamburger with know your likes, your dislikes, your should be limited to 250 but avallablejobe. measure every mm use, account I
, foods except, mum's holes. a basketball player who mite. your critlosms. your tips Ind words and opinions to m The University Bookstore, barber for every dollar and remember, you . .2
' 2 —lamallberal democrat. .. ., discoveredtheprlceofstardomanda your ideas. words flxlpandmnylocalbtlineueucmld canbereplaced. 2
.— I know the proper use: of that university pmidentwhois a member ' the be well run, at competitive prices, by
-...-:;- 3» 9".“ ‘WCh- "Tm my m ‘0' 't - of a miss! county club- 1’" br- Sendyourlettmto: The Rem" we“ rhtdatttmtduicqmllty wouldbelm— Very truly yours.
pg... lt'H‘h'lM'hll-l in! you the some kind 0' story this Richard McDonald right to edit for grammar, proved. This approach has been very Griffin ‘ '
e, .- l have been told by some that 1 year. Some will be seriom. some will Kentucky Kernel clarity and length, and to mm “WmmI
3,3215%; liketocomolain . be filmy. some will be sad. one may mJoumalism Building elimina te . libelous 4. cuppa-t a diversity of vlewpdnte Jamu orlmn tr a senior majoring
3.", w. +— ] “hem ”d dnlike her. even bubout you. Universityof Kentucky. m : te ' by and for the University community. in speech. . ’
22" fife-E2561; M... l 2. ’
e germ, {Mot ”WWW-".... WM 2Wrmta
'.’. .7.:'.“ it’lg . I ~ I,
v will. \ fit mm 1 ' 3g; gym-