xt7qbz618p4t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qbz618p4t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-09-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 09, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 09, 2005 2005 2005-09-09 2020 true xt7qbz618p4t section xt7qbz618p4t SPORT


08 Woodson moves past turnovers and aims
for Idaho State. PAGE 5


No more crying over spilled ink.


Friday, September 9. 2005

Celebrating 34 years of independence

Kentucky Kernel

Armed robbery sparks alert

Student reports crime at Commonwealth Stadium

By Elizabeth Troutman
m: xmucxv KERNEL

UK police issued a Campus
Safety Alert yesterday after a
student reported being robbed at
gunpoint while sitting in his car
at the Commonwealth Stadium
parking lot Wednesday night.

Maj. Joseph Monroe of UK

police said the student was talk-
ing on his cell phone at about
11:30 pm. in his car when he was
approached by the suspect.

The victim described the sus-
pect as a white male dressed in
khaki pants and wearing a black
stocking over his head. The sus-
pect demanded the student’s wal-
let. keys and money before flee-

ing toward the Nutter Training
Center and driving away in a
black Volvo station wagon with a
broken taillight.

Two witnesses let the victim
borrow a cell phone to call 911.
Emergency dispatchers trans-
ferred the call. which was re-
ceived at 11:52 pm. to Lexington
Police who forwarded the call to
UK police.

Monroe encourages students

to stay in groups and travel in lit
areas afier dark.

“If you are out after dark,
don‘t travel alone, use the bus
service and use the campus es-
cort service by SGA." he said.
“Stay in well—lit areas. avoid car-
rying valuables.

Be aware of your surround-
ings, and be aware of the people

See Alert on page 2


on the road
And diggin’
the trip


Senior Amy
and freshman
Alisa Pierce lis-
ten to their
iPods and nap
om the bus to
play Louisville
on Wednesday

mnfllflm STAFF

The UK volleyball team traveled to Louisville on Wednesday to play the No. ll Cardinals. Before the game, Coach Craig Skinner gave a pep talk in the ocker
room about playing the best game that they could.

Kernel photographer follows the volleyball team for a day on the road

I felt the sting of the ball on my
hands after Queen Nzenwa became

the time they left UK‘s campus un-
til they unloaded the bus at 11:30

girls screaming gossip and guy
problems. Instead. the team was

in concentration.



Megan Boehnlle
m: mmcxv mm

After increasing freshman enrollment
by 31 percent over the past five years, the
university decided to “pause" its enroll-
ment for the incoming class of 2006, Inter-
im Provost Scott Smith said yesterday

This year‘s freshman class is made up
of 3,844 students, 143 students less than
last year's class.

“The university is about at its limit,"
Smith said. “There’s a point at which we
felt that the quality of education would be-
gin to suffer if we admitted more under-
graduate students without building that

With the number of freshman students
entering the university, Smith said he be-
lieves that the academic quality of the
classes is continuing to increase. This year,
the university enrolled five more National
Merit Scholars. The top 26 percent of this
year’s freshman class scored a 28 or higher
on the ACT, up from 24 percent last year.
Thirty-eight percent had a high school
grade point average of 3.8 or higher. up
from 35 percent last year.

Smith said that he believes the reasons
for the increases include President Lee
Todd‘s initiative to offer more scholarships
to students, including a presidential schol-
arship for Governor’s Scholars and Gover-
nor’s School for the Arts students.

“As you attract some good students, you
enhance the reputation of the university.”
Smith said.

While minority enrollment remained
level overall, the number of black students
admitted this year dropped from 256 stu-
dents last year to 151 students this year.

Smith sees this as a concern and that
the university will take actions to address
reasons for the drop-off. This will include
considering admissions policies, recruit-
ing of students and scholarship manage-

See Freshman on page 2


Court’s back
in session
for UK, SG

By Sean Rose
m: xtmucxv mm

A familiar scene will play itself out in
Court Room D of the Fayette Circuit Court
today at 11:30 am.

It is the same judge, the same legal par-
ties and the same room where Student
Government presidential candidate Becky
Ellingsworth’s lawsuit over against UK
over the March 86 elections was heard two
weeks ago. It is a slightly different case
this time around.

UK is requesting that amendments be
made to Circuit Court Judge Gary Payne’s

deep They
seemed to be more concerned
about what was waiting for them at

ruling, which reinstated Ellingsworth as
president of 80. Barbara Jones. UK’s gen-
eral counsel, said UK wants two amend-

a wall against her opponents as
she blocked.
I felt Danielle Wallace’s pain

In high school, I played volley-
ball year round for four years. I

when she turned to the referee in
disbelief after he did not call a
touch after what should have been
a point-winning kill.

I felt the rush of blood flowing
through Julie Gagnon's fingers as
she served during the third game
that started a UK rally.

I could feel all of this because I
became a UK volleyball player for
the day. I was with the team from


mm caluuiisr

loved the sport and the way it
made me feel. Watching and being
with the UK volleyball team re-
minded me why I loved the game. It
made me miss the healthy competi-
tion and companionship
comes with playing on a team.
The bus ride was not like my
other volleyball trips. First. we
rode on a chartered. air-condi-
tioned bus. Secondly, there were no


the end of the bus trip — the

Throughout the trip, UK's new
head coach Craig Skinner played
Louisville film footage. During the
rest of the ride. the girls worked on
homework. napped and listened to
their iPods. With the exception of
Kristen Cunningham and Queen

See Volleyball on page 8


Anti-war rally rouses strong feelings on both sides

Leanne Craig,
and women’s
studies fresh-
man, reads a
"Self Evident,"
a poem by Ani
Difranco, yes-
terday during
an anti-war
rally outside
of the class-
room building.




As the voices from the other
side of a megaphone bounced
off the walls of surrounding
buildings. whistles and
bazookas blared, people chanted
and others just continued walk-

Pickets were held high as the
Kentucky Leftist Student Union.
the Catalyst and the newly de-
veloped Committee for Democ-
racy and Social Change invited
anyone to join their anti-war
rally outside the White Hall

Classroom Building yesterday.

As speakers told the crowd
to question the reasons for war
in the first place. Sam Schaffer,
an architecture freshman.
couldn‘t stand by idly. Schaffer
handed the leader of the rally a
piece of paper that read. “Get
out of our country.“

“I gave it to him because
they need to get out of our coun-
try if they don't support the
war,“ he said.

“There are people in uni-
form dying and they‘re going

See Rally on page Z


ments — one saying SC is “subject to uni-
versity oversight," and

another stating the stan-

dard by which Payne de-

termined UK’s conduct as


“I don‘t know what
the court’s going to do,“
Jones said.

A case must hear a

motion for amendments
before the ruling is final.
Appeals can be made only
after this stage. Jones
said if UK is granted its
amendments, she will
still appeal the overall de-
cision in the Kentucky
Court of Appeals as soon
as the order is final.

“The court really
shouldn‘t get involved in
the university student
government election dis-
pute." Jones said. “I think
the court is in error."

If the amendments are not granted the
appeals will still be made immediately and
UK will have the option of filing for a
“stay." where UK would request to suspend
the ruling until their appeals process is
concluded. Last week. UK said 86 isn‘t a
student organization because it has no act-










Paul I Friday.Sept.9.2005


Continued from page 1

against all that."

Schaffer said he had listened for a few
minutes and couldn‘t contain himself.

“There are more important things (to do)
than talking about propaganda.” he said.

Other students listened in silence.

“It’s always nice to have others' views,"
said Josh Watts. an undeclared freshman. “I
know what they’re saying. but it really does-
n't bother me much. It sucks that people are
dying. but that's as far as my stance goes."

Justin McNeil. a journalism junior. also
said he went to listen. but wasn’t going to


“l was prowar. and it’s a mess now, so I'm
back on the fence." he said. “I came to listen
in and definitely hear what they have to say."

Dean of Students Victor Hazard watched

the rally from a distance.

“At the appropriate time. the appropriate

place and appropriate manner.

the right to express themselves," he said.

He declined further comment.

Oliver Belcher. a geography graduate stu-
dent and organizer of the rally. thought the

rally was a success.

“Campus knows there‘s resistance to the
war." he said. “Complacency is over."


um anal stm
Oliver Belcher, geography graduate student, speaks
while Shanna Sanders, English and social theory
students have junior, listens yesterday during an anti-war rally out-

side the Classroom Building.

and nonhierarchical group working as a
whole for democracy,” Absher said.

One of the goals of the committee is to

Brandon Absher. a philosophy graduate stu- said.

dent and organizer of the rally.

mittee for Democracy and Social Change is a
new organization that is teaming up with the
Lefiist Student Union and the Catalyst to foresee

said the Com-

and facilitate antiwar movement on campus.
“The committee is an organic. democratic


Continued from page i


around you."
Monroe said because a
gun was used in the robbery.

the crime is considered seri-
ous. Police are asking stu-
dents with any additional in-
formation to come forward.
Monroe feels confident police
may find the suspect.

“I feel like we will be able
to follow up on information
provided by the witnesses.“

launch a group to let people know that there
are people on campus against the war, he

Belcher continued to say that the rallies
will continue once a month, every month. un-
til the war is over. and they will always, be
held outside the Classroom Building.


he said.

The victim was not hurt
in the robbery

Anyone with information
on the robbery can contact
UK police at 257-1616.




Continued from page i


“We’ve got to be more
careful about how we select
students and make the uni-
versity an attractive place to
all kinds of students who can
succeed here." he said.

The university is also
succeeding in increasing its
appeal to students by market»
ing academic reasons for at-


Continued from page i


ing officers. Ellingsworth isn't
serving as president because
UK is pursuing a stay.

Ellingsworth said she
thought that U K‘s appeals are
hurting the student body by
drawing out the process.

“It‘s not about me: it‘s
more about the student body
not having any representa-
tion at all." Ellingsworth said.

“I don‘t think it‘s appro-
priate that they're appealing

it has been more than five
months since students cast
their votes in what has be-
come the most controversial
and complicated S(l election
in UK history

Presidential candidate
Will Nash and running mate
Michelle Bishop won the elec-
tion with 1,307 of the 2.818
student votes on March 1%].
Nash was disqualified by the
Board of Elections on April

tending UK, said Phil Krae-
mer. associate provost of Un-
dergraduate Education.

“There are programs that
have just now started being
around long enough. like the
freshman discovery seminar.
that are programs you don't
find at other universities.“ he

The future growth of en-
rollment and the increase in
the quality of students are
both part of UK's goal to be-
come a Top 20 university.

“If you have a bigger pop
ulation. you have more op-

portunities to hire great peo
ple. to recruit great students.
to get recognition if you keep
the quality up." Smith said.

Todd is preparing to re-
lease a plan for the universi-
ty to make investments to
help recruit those students
and faculty. he said.

The plan will include
teaching space, research
space and campus amenities.



11. after third-place presiden-
tial candidate Tommy Cun-
ningham and Justin Rasner,
chairman and communica-
tions director for the second-
place Ellingsworth campaign,
filed claims against Nash. The
complaints accused Nash of
using a tax exemption certifi-
cate not available to other stu-
dents. causing them to over-
spend their limited budget of
$600 by $16.37.

The Ellingsworth cam-
paign also had claims brought
against it at this time. (Tun
ningham accused the cam-
paign of putting up posters
before an allowed date. and
the Nash campaign accused
them of not accounting for
the cost of mailing address lay
bels. Ellingsworth's campaign
received a two fines totaling
in $75. They were sworn in on
April 18.

Nash appealed to the 80
Supreme Court over his dis-
qualification, but the court
voted 4-2 in favor of the dis-
qualification. Nash then went
to the University Appeals
Board. which usually handles

student rights cases on grades
and punishment. The board
recommended Nash be rein-
stated and called the SG elec-
tion process “fatally flawed."

This caused Ellingsworth
to sue UK in Fayette Circuit
Court under the grounds the
SG Supreme Court should
have the final decision in the
matter. The Circuit Court
barred Nash was serving for
most of the summer but the
Kentucky Court of Appeals
over ruled that decision and
Nash and Bishop were sworn
into their temporary offices
on Aug. 12.

They were removed from
office 20 days later when
Payne ruled in
Ellingsworth‘s favor in her

There is no timetable for
the end of this legal process.
The end of Ellingsworth‘s
suit starts the beginning of
UK‘s appeals.




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Area schools agree
to waive tuition

By Troy Lyle
rut xrurucxv mm

A state-wide plan is now waiving tu-
ition for transfer students who already
paid tuition at schools such as Tulane.
Loyola, the University of New Orleans
and other Gulf coast colleges affected
by Hurricane Katrina.

The Kentucky Council on Postsec-
ondary Education met with representa-
tives from nearly every college and uni-
versity across the state yesterday to de-
velop a universal plan to help those stu.
dents and faculty displaced by the dev-
astating effects of Hurricane Katrina.

Those students who had not paid tu-
ition prior to the devastation would be
charged in-state tuition, as well as re-
ceive help with other fees and room and

Susan Patrick, director of communi-
cations for the Kentucky Council on
Postsecondary Education, said there's
been this overwhelming desire by
everyone involved to help these students
and faculty out in any way possible.

“It‘s unbelievable to see all the fund
raising activities. tuition waivers and
campuses being opened up to these indi-
viduals,” she said. “Everyone involved
has this ‘just do it‘ mentality - it’s com-
mendable that these institutions would

colleges ope



take these students so late into the se-

She said Tom Layzell. president of
the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary
Education. has been communicating
with all of the college and university
presidents on a regular basis for the
past week.

During which time many of the
presidents put forth ideas and made
suggestions, she said.

UK admissions officials said the uni-
versity is working with each student
transferring from New Orleans. Tuition
for these students is waived temporarily
for those who were paying at other uni<
versities, said Jay Blanton. UK’S execu-
tive director for public relations.

Tom Franzim, senior vice president
for KHEAA, said his organization will
be offering KEES (Kentucky Education-
al Excellence Scholarships) scholar-
ships to those Kentucky high school
graduates who are eligible and have
been displaced by Katrina‘s effects.

“We wanted to help out in any way
possible those Kentucky students dis-
placed by Hurricane Katrina," he said.

These individuals may have been eli-
gible for scholarship money in the past,
but chose to go to college out of state.
Now these students can once again ac-
cess these funds, which total anywhere
from $200 to $2500. he said.

Franzim said all the student needs
to do is contact their college's or univer-
sity’s financial aid office and all that of-


tr 'sfers

lice needs to do is certify that the stu-
dent is eligible for the KEES scholar-

Mason Dyer. director of strategic
communication for the association of
independent Kentucky colleges and
universities. said the 19 institutions his
association represents, such as Transyl-
vania University, Center College and
Berea College, are all private, so each is
dealing with these individuals on a
campus by campus basis.

"There has been no official procla-
mation," he said. “But all are doing
everything they can to help these stu-
dents out. such as offering financial aid.
waiving tuition and working with stu-
dents on an individual basis."

Dyer said regardless, all are ready
respond to the immediate and long
term needs of those who have been dis-

“The important thing is for these
displaced students to get in touch with
any admission office as soon as possible
to get the process of enrolling started."
he said.

Patrick said it‘s also important for
people to understand that helping these
displaced individuals is an ongoing

“Things are changing day to day."
she said. “And this process will contin-
ue to develop as we access and monitor
the situation."

tlylera kykernelcom



By Charles Piller

The incessant buzz is just begin-

Breeding in standing water through-
out the Gulf Coast, voracious mosqui-
toes will soon inundate some areas dev-
astated by Hurricane Katrina, landing
at a rate of up to 200 a minute on ex-
posed arms and legs.

A few will carry West Nile virus or
other diseases. experts say, but most
simply will be a maddening nuisance to
relief workers and evacuees sleeping
outdoors or in damaged homes.

In inland areas. away from the worst
storm damage. the problem could be
just as bad.

“You have people sitting out on the
porch. sitting out in the yard." said
Jerome Goddard. chief entomologist for
the Mississippi Department of Health.
“You can’t stay in the house, because its
too hot — the power‘s off. You can‘t
cover up. because you burn up."

Friday's forecast for the Mississippi
state capital. Jackson. is 92 and sunny.
with 50 percent humidity

“You just want to scream," Goddard

Goddard and other entomologists
said the storm damage and flooding
were so great that a vast increase in the
normally high mosquito population
seemed inevitable — although the sever-
ity would depend on the success of
abatement efforts.

Mosquitoes are notorious disease
Spreaders. The biggest fear is that the
West Nile outbreak already active in the
Gulf region will worsen. In New Or-
leans, Mayor C. Ray Nagin is eager to
spray the city with chemicals to kill
mosquitoes breeding in floodwaters; he
has asked the federal government for
crop dusters to carry out the plan.

But health officials downplayed the
prospect of a rapidly spreading health

flourish in


“Ecologically, the disease has a fair-
ly fragile cycle," said Roger Nasci, who
heads the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention entomology team assist-
ing state and local authorities along the
Gulf Coast.

West Nile transmission requires a
relatively narrow range of bird hosts.
weather conditions and species of mos-
quitoes — all of which were disrupted
by the storm.

“When 120 miles-per-hour winds
come through. everything leaves." said
Joe Conlon, technical adviser to the
American Mosquito Control Associa-
tion in North Brunswick. NJ. “We don't
anticipate a spike in West Nile fever"

The Louisiana Department of
Health and Hospitals reported 19 new
cases of West Nile on Wednesday. rais-
ing the state‘s total this year to 78. in-
cluding four deaths. All of those cases
were detected before Katrina hit. said
Kristen Meyer, a health department
spokeswoman in Baton Rouge. \

Mississippi reported two new West
Nile cases in the last week to the CDC.
bringing the state‘s total to 23. including
one fatality. Alabama also had two new
cases, for a total of three. and no deaths,
according to the CDC.

Experts doubt they will see an up.
surge in other mosquito-transmitted ill-
nesses, such as St. Louis encephalitis.
Eastern equine encephalitis. LaCrosse
virus. dengue fever and malaria. be-
cause those diseases are rare. No hu-
man cases of such illnesses have been
reported in Louisiana this year. Alaba-
ma has seen only two cases of Eastern
equine encephalitis, and Mississippi
had one case of St. Louis encephalitis
and one of LaCrosse.

Still. mosquito fighters face a daunt-
ing foe that can breed in a puddle the
size of a teacup.

Countless trees have blown over. and
“when the trees go down. there is a

flood areas

huge cavity left where the root ball was
lifted out." said Matthew Yates, mosqui-
to abatement director for East Baton
Rouge Parish in Louisiana, one of 250
specialists in the state who spray pesti-
cides from trucks and small planes.
“The rain fills those cavities, leaf litter
covered with mosquito eggs fills them,
and those are great breeding grounds."

About 60 species of mosquitoes are
present in Louisiana, each filling a dif-
ferent environmental niche. Some. such
as the Southern house mosquito, a key
West Nile carrier. thrive in sewage-cont-
aminated water. Others prefer ponds
that form in the foundations of wrecked
houses inundated by brackish water
from ocean flooding.

Some mosquitoes can grow from
eggs to biting adults in four days.

Abatement efforts are being ham-
pered by fuel shortages. blocked road-
ways and traffic jams caused by evac-
uees. Many remote areas are inaccessi-
ble to trucks even under the best cir-

For individuals. authorities recom-
mend DEETvbased repellent. but some
aggressive woodland breeds are resis-
tant to that.

Aerial spraying is the only effective
control method for remote woodlands
and many hard-to-reach flooded areas.
The CDC is coordinating with the mili-
tary to send in C-130 Hercules transport
planes fitted with tanks to spray pesti-
cides over storm-flattened areas.

Mississippi entomologists bought
300 cases of “mosquito dunks" — a disk
that looks like a miniature doughnut
and releases Bacillus thuringiensis. a
bacterium harmless to people. fish and
animals, but deadly to mosquito larvae.

Abatement teams are fanning out
across the state to float the dunks in
every pool of water they spot.

The work is expected to go on for


For Maryland racing, less is more

By Andrew Beyer

WASHINGTON—When the corporate
owner of Laurel and Pimlico racetracks
revealed its plan to cut Maryland‘s rac-
ing dates almost in half. skeptics might
have wondered if it was a political ploy.
Is the Magna Entertainment Corpora-
tion attempting to gain leverage in its ef-
forts to obtain slot machines at the
tracks? Or are the sport‘s problems really
so dire as to warrant such drastic action?

It is hard to muster too much sympa-
thy for the Canadian corporation and its
chairman, Frank Stronach, whose man-
agement of tracks in Maryland and else-
where has often been incomprehensibly
inept. But in view of the deterioration of
the racing product here. trimming the
schedule is the best option Magna has.
After operating 200 days in 2005. Laurel
and Pimlico would race on only 112 dates
in future years.

The Maryland racing season would
run from the start of November through
the third Saturday in May. the traditional
date of the Preakness. The rationale for
the change is to bolster purses.

After the failure of bills that would
have legalized slots at the state‘s tracks.
purse money at Laurel and Pimlico is
paltry compared to their neighbors.

On yesterday's opening-day card at
Laurel. a bottom-level allowance race of-
fered a pot of 328.000. A race with compa-
rable conditions at slot-rich Delaware
Park Wednesday carried a purse of
$41,000. As better horses go where the
money is. the quality of Maryland‘s
once-proud thoroughbred sport has been
sinking fast. It is difficult to regard Lau-


rel and Pimlico as major-league tracks
any more. Slots would have been the
panacea for their problems. But there is
a way for tracks to offer good racing
without slots: run an abbreviated sched-
ule of live racing. offer simulcasts year-
round and stockpile the revenue from
those simulcasts to bolster purses.

The approach is epitomized by
Keeneland. which operates only 32 days
per year and is able to offer the richest
purses in American racing. Under the
plan for it‘s new racing schedule. Laurel
President Joe De Francis said.

“Our purses would go from $175000 a
day to $300,000 a day." De Francis and
other track executives spent the day ex-
plaining the plan to political leaders and.
he said. “The reaction has been one of
regret but understanding. People realize
we're in a difficult situation that calls for
dramatic action."

But few people will be able to under-
stand Magna's inept planning. Stronach
wants his tracks to have high-quality rac-
ing surfaces. and he pushed for a project
to rebuild and enlarge the Laurel turf
course. The l42-foot wide course would
allow the track to card many turf races
and attract large fields.

Afier the project was beset by delays
and cost overruns, the final price tag was
more than $20 million. The turf course‘s
usefulness will be largely negated by
Magna‘s latest big idea. Under the pro-
posed new racing schedule, Laurel will
operate only from November through
mid-April. a schedule that includes all of
the winter months in which the weather
doesn‘t permit grass racing. What a

In addition to announcing its plan to

reduce. by nearly half, the number of
racing days in the state, Magna said
Wednesday it would sell the company‘s
178-acre training facility in Bowie, Md.
for a housing development.

The proposed reduction of the live
racing schedule is almost certain to meet
full-scale opposition from Maryland's
horsemen: they have always fought sug-
gested cutbacks in the past.

But the horsemen will only hurt
themselves if they try to cling to the sta-
tus quo. They will still be receiving the
same number of dollars. spread over a
shorter period. if they accept the Magna
plan. and they may benefit from a revival
of the sport.

Trainers might not be able to obtain
stall space at other tracks in the region,
because there is already intense demand
for stabling accommodations at
Delaware Park and Charles Town. In-
stead of fighting the new racing sched-
ule. horsemen should fight to keep the
stable area at Laurel open year-round. so
that they can use Maryland as a base for
shipping to other tracks in the area.

Maryland's horseplayers have reason
to fret about the shortened racing sched-
ule. too. It is true that most bettors are
oblivious to the presence of live thor-
oughbreds. since most of them watch all
the action on television monitors.

But when Laurel operates strictly as
a simulcast center. without live racing.
the place is dispiriting. and customers
are treated as third-class citizens instead
of secondclass citizens.

A revamped racing schedule isn't go-
ing to help Maryland's tracks prosper if
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Jamie Sanchez
Jamie Shuey
Ashton Smith
Jamie Smith
Lexie Smith
Emily Thompson
Kelsey Webster
Brooke Wheatley
Casey Whitaker








Sept. 9. 2005



Doug Scott
features Editor

Phone: 257-1915
E-mail: dscottOhykernel.com



mm | STAFF

Jennifer Lane (right) and her husband, James Harold Carr. Lane is a new faculty member in the School of Music and will perform this weekend in a

recital. Her performance will feature songs of the past century, including a piece composed by Cart.

New faculty member
to perform free concert

By Charlie Denison


What do you get when you cotiibine
\‘ikings. Susan B. Anthony. James
.loyce. Shakespeare. Robert Frost. and
a San Quentin felon?

You get distinguished mezzo-sopra-
no and new faculty member Jennifer
Lane‘s performance of "A Sharp
Where You‘d Expect a Natural: An
Evening of Song from the Last (‘t‘lllll'

This Saturday. Lane will perform a
variety of different operatic numbers
including "(‘harm of Lullabies" by
Benjamin Britten. “From an Ifiiknown
Past" by Ned Rorein. “Nothing Gold
(‘an Stay" by her husband James
Harold (‘arr. .Iudith Weir's “King Har-
ald's Saga.“ and more. "Harald‘s
Saga."which is based on the historical
event of the Norwegian invasion of
England in llitio‘. will feature Lane in
eight different roles.

”I love opera becatise it‘s a bringing
together of all the arts." said Lane
"There's so much varie