xt7qft8dgc6t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qft8dgc6t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1942 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 13, 1942 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 13, 1942 1942 2012 true xt7qft8dgc6t section xt7qft8dgc6t men    
5 he -. . N.,.L   .,.. -.  
ltteln i Q ‘`_·. i  {Q?   _ [         Katherine Roberts I A
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Socioi .   ‘YLL ie;  T V   ;4,.v ,   YVL -       Returns Fl`0I`ll H3W3ll
A A  , r-z ; A ·           7  
ie rgd   ·     A   ·YV;’   .A     A  Miss Katherine E. Roberts, ’25, a member
p A ‘ 7577    ’*;A»     of the faculty of the Merill-Palmer school
mi 2 ‘       »     in Detroit, Mich., who has been on leave of
·S in A»   ‘V_-  (  __     _ 2.    absence for the past year for special teach-
Nm A;   AMA A·  "   A A ’ A:.   ing duty in Hawaii, has just recently return-
Lmihé   V°      ·  fag   =   ._ ed to Kentucky and is now visiting her
X; Om { ~f;»1  _ »:;.,`   ..»,..,,   A  _._A Q f A ,,V,l, j iozzlg  l   father, Prof. George Roberts, at 340 Tran-
3 and §       . .           AA  . 4 A     Sylvania PaArkA LA€XjAngtOnA  
,8 and         `.   < Q an   »A       While in Hawaii, Miss Roberts was em-
  » -; A  AA         R —·   ._ ‘   ployed in the pre—schoo1 division of the
AS ap_ id A ff,  " A ,,`.    * 1 -·· A  1   TeaCherS’ College of the University of
P1_€Si_   _     "     A · » , » ¢» » J Hawaii at Honolulu. The work of the unit
Atucky   ‘   A   ‘   is to train teachers for teaching in the
r gen-    {W l    A. QA A ' A · V   public schools throughout the island group,
ms ig;   ALA,  " ’’‘’ »   .   Q .Qi<” especially teaching the younger children.
staked   =; -r:·       · Ag AA A HA [,4_ AAA   . j A A   Children of all nationalities are enrolled in
need}     _`»·   .  2 A A A   A       A A`; the school, with ages ranging from two to
A their .  AA _,I_'4 A  "  ‘     ;   _V_VV       — six years.
Se and Y · A AA     __,,     hi, ._ A rrrf     IA V if A The educational system of Hawaii has been
to heri     .      " A    ’ A zA     greatly modified since the Pearl Harbor
= A AAAAA   ‘  A .    A I   . attack. Much of the defense work has been
versity ,A,A._j<§de"· A   ‘ MA   placed in care of the teachers. Lmmediately
here   ;"d` » ·   ‘ A V   g— _~   . after the attack, the teachers were given
; *benr A * .  ‘~,, ‘    R A ,   ’ 't'l   A A-    the task of going from house to house enu-
faculty   "`A,   ·   1 ' in   »·  "A·· » ·_ 3 Y  Q merating the population. Schools on the is-
,Spnoi-t A`? AA "   ; »   A   lands were closed from December 7, till
,h and I . A_A » · ‘   `   1gAA .*.A` A ’ February 2, and when they were opened,
,.8,,%; —. A » . » .   `/·V   ¢   managed under a revised schedule.
have H .A g_ . A. A _ , A .     ri ` A.`lJ·.Q{$   This was necessary, since many of the build-
med H, A I _ A . .. ,A ;   ~ . " A-,   S   __   ings were taken over for defense purposes,
mm Kofi —· A ,_   `, »,;A _ i   g ;_ e     __AAr   and the schools that remained open had to
h€rwAsAAA\iA   AA  {A   A   A   AAA     —#i*$•·_   _ ·AAAA   gglligolgafe of the St\,1dEIltS of the other
1 'I ll — .· ` X-`¥·  5 2:;; ,   `
AOUIACQA ¤ A ~· · ` `— A A;AA   A ` ,,Z» _l_A_A is "~‘f Miss Roberts stated that after the Pearl
A Hsin,   i' _LA .· Q Y¢;,’.$.;?°k`°§   ,l.r -. . Harbor attack, all persons on the islands
L Emo?. ‘ """°` " " were fingerprinted. This is probably the
Ov AAA . KATHERINE E- ROBERTS ,25 greatest mass fingerprinting job ever done
tgeagn ‘.;*  - ·**’  ¥’ ee? ”‘i"’ T` ”'’` ‘ by our government, Everyone had to be
U e I ' t d for small ox and typhoid. Many
A _ A _   ll‘l0CL1l& € D A A
wed .0 Alumnl Return SIXTEEN KENTUCK S people bought identification discs similar to
'ocléms. F A   • GET HONORARY DEGREES those used by the army, but this was not
.d?(§lC;;i Or nnua eunlon Many reasons combined to make the 1942 Compulsory-
he limi Despite conflicting and very discouraging commencement one long to be remembered All nonessential civilians have been asked
conditions the 1942 commencement season on the Campus. The largest number ever to leave the islands, and gas Amasks have
. hl at University of Kentucky was e decided graduated received diplomas and sixteen out- been issued to those who remain. Although
dal .I Y success dud the Fetlnn ef membm ef the standing Kentuckians were given honorary there was a shortage of certain food articles
fiddm “‘““"" “‘“““‘e °‘*‘““ was ‘“°“· ”°‘§` deem- The H°“°”"""’ A“""“,,W‘ Ba”l‘l$,y’ $.ta;”2§$graZ°°$§§Ygl0?d Ztliilaigbigsththlie
. factory, the class of 1907 leading With 15 Senior senator from Kentuc y. was e A _ _ '
capacii return of twenty-nine alumni. Snooker gf the occasion and 574 degrees 1end$·ATne oily drtlegestgdzt hgirenodngggg
mm;AAAA' VA Although the program did not formally were Confoiyoo including masters and dig; We;Ae uggdryatgsglggé   Havgau
yS’ I .~f°pen umu Thursday at 9 ¤’¤1¤¤l< with reels- relates. President Donovan presided ror au S -
SGS Ov? tration the 1907 group convened for e get‘ first time as president of the University- Miss Roberts was graduated from the Uni-
*8   B to-gether and formal dinner at the Lafayette AS has been a custom of the last few ye81'$ versity of Kentucky in 1925, and received a
Buudmg hotel Wednesday night and wives or huS- me Smgo was built in mid Stoll field facing Bachelor of Arts Degree in Romance I.langu—
ie C<>nl" bands or members were invited as guests. the South side stadium. Powerful lights ages. She later attended the University of
·ald dnt It was a gala party and the ‘old grads’ turn- flooded tho figld and friends were seated in Iowa where she received her Masters in 1930,
he new ed on for much fun and retrospection. the Stadium while the faculty and graduates and her Doctor of Philosphy Degree Ain 19§l2.
» presell   After registration, campus tour and alumni were in onans on the field level. The Um- this being in Child Psychology. Eine Mid;
AAiLunCh€OIlS lhally assembled ll`] MGIUOYIBI versity baud led the 9_C8,dt2I'1‘l1C DYOCSSSIOH, ROb€YtS WGS at   UHIYSTSI Y OCA g;‘·l3.“S€1
L- jgH8ll for the Bacealaureat exercises at which which was oi unusual brilliance and color, was a research Zassiséziintgig Idyva AAAAAA; GAA the
iiups   Right Reverend H— P- Almen Abbott and the opening musical number was given fare. From 193 ilrriii AAA P,AAsAAAAAe;A AACAAOOA AAA A
1 . q.,l:@?lShOp of the Djgcegg gf Lgxingtgn was the by the University Symphonic orchestra. A staff A of theA Ael‘I`lA · 3 AW AAAAAA_PAAAAm€AA
le IO htitgpedkel`- The Hall was filled to capacity. Honorary degrees with appropriate cite- getrfgt- Fnebeilylu retulu [O ~ 6*  "" _
  . . e em .  
  lcolltllllléd on Page Fouri lCOntlnlleCl on Page FOUF) ls p AA   .
` A _  im_____.¤

  ¤  _ 2 ` _ KENTUCKY ALUMNUS '
  P. "`
  ,  . v
,_  ,: I Kentucky Alumnus To YOU. §’lcCI;AIN AND CREECH
  H   Oificial organ or the Aiumnl Association cf nie And YOU] G. Lcc lVIcClaiii: of Bardstown, graduate
  T University of Kentucky published quarterly on the of the Un1V€1‘Slty in 1919 was €I8CtBd pl`€Si- ·
    ‘ °°mP“s °f the University- at Lex*“8t°“· S“hS°’i1m°° With this issue the Alumnus begins a new dent of the Alumni Association at the an- ?
 { g · to non-members, $1.00. Membership (Type A) in . .. _ _ _  
 ,_   me Association includes Subscription to the Alummm life under conditions so well known to all nual election held by ballotlng during the Q
ri; ·. · · · . . “·
__ A  x   former students of the University of Ken- month of May and took up his duties at the
 j_   ME’{_;*;j1‘; tg;IS§g;hdn,Q;s;2h”§g‘2°; Qfnghf f’§;°£,f"f)*; tucky that it would seem unnecessary to re- annual business metting, Friday lvliiy 29,  
    _ March :·l,1ava. cali any detailsi h0W€V€1'. thc future 1S Grover Creech of Pineville and Louisville, ;;
{  l il   M L hr EM all ablur and cautiously the editors and offi- clam of 1920, was elected Vice-president and i
  . .  , §_"fe‘;°§,},§C,,,,,§ fj? __sy if sy_s i sc_c_t j ‘_*»c_‘_‘s‘sc_t_‘s‘C‘ j _‘jjjj",;g,;,;g;;g Ediygi gigstfngzigsselz Zciggagciiéneriie wig _¤ffkeei>- lvioi·sooi~iio lvicrcoiiglilio, class of rece, was  
   .  = H1 1;* sms- .... -_ ..... -.._......_- As oc'· t Editor 1` 0 1` . 1` $$65 Pi 111 01`ma- a i t qi , tf ~ · ts ·r_ H 1 K· _  
  ` Z r.  Mi·s5nEt1i§1g Rlx .-.-~---....--- Busiiiesté lhiunascf tion and, in due time, advising every alumnus CEE; Ig:192E;€$;;1;vl?€_;iJi;;i;£;d aciiirg trggg ii
  L   s. ss Ms8??§§°hh?..?h...h???.?T¥?T¥?.h.. sicsiissi Q?`h1“‘i§1‘hg31° m;“B¥b“jhe`€ me imubleus we s my sie lies cor-ries since James;
 1 F   Grover A. Creech .......,........... . c,..,,..,c..c.,.... Vice-President hmes H e Su scm eh Shropshire was called to the Service, about ~_
`  _. Marguerite McLaughlin -·.---~~--v.r—-------r - --Vr- ; »--- - $¤¤f¤¤¤fY Since taking over in May the job of edit- a ear O
  O   Helm King Mw--_~~_  mg the Alumnus and also ef executive Seem'   Ita/liélaili, who for eighteen months,
 gi     VOL. XIII JULY, 1942 NO- 1 tary the major attention has been given to carried the duties Of Executive S€cI.€m1.,. f
 ’ _.  . -  gisaarmg irichhzrootbo bed sinh Elm ether rendered valuable help to an office that 
V ¢. mh O E · gm ue es W OSB names seriously needed his exp ·i l e (nd u e" r  
 " I. `¥  IN MEMORIAM are listed in our filesi The editing and, mail- judgement to mise to the; iggk gf Bgigexg 
 Q O   The Alumnus, official organ of the Alumni Ingo? Ilia? th; _Ju1h;)_tA}]uIgmuS‘ was the worthy of an a.lumni association which hagé
 f ,   Association of the University, publishes in $*%,208,,,,:, rigvegmap éoiyc gf me publ, h hhlihhe hsh of uhhh ghhdhhheh Mhh?’ 
 r O   this issue obituaries of two graduates of the cations Sent through the Alumni Office benemhcould be Counted as 8 result of hh 
 · · 4 _ _ _ leadership, The Alumnus has become  
 ·   College or Engineering who have contribut- would be of great service lf when news of regular pubhcauolw new clubs have hewl-
_   · . . _ . Y v ~g.;
 ‘   ed in every substantial Way to the deVe10P· ggggiiti cimiietgecizigr l¥;?c€ugl§;;t;;);u;i organized and others revived, and the dues
' ~  ment ofthe University and to the quality of for Taco; Cami mes. An; amgeciable pep and other finances planned to make more W %ar;
 ·     the moo one women who have f¤11<>we¤ centage of interest from iaooc members §;;“jf1;nj;;‘;;;:““‘°"S th ‘h" hhhmhhhe hh? Aciios
» i   them as graduates of their Alma Mater. No would be of enormous help and would be Mr gcmech bmsidem of the Louisvmo Stigers,
  v.?  men gave better examples of what Ken- greatly appfcclatcd. Whcn Visiting nnfthe A1 u m ni Clubj has been R member Of thi: gggrl
 ..i   tuckians should be and ¤<>¤¤ was mm §‘Q§§“Sa§“dhf§°‘§;b@j§;,§; th; h;§QQ,‘Q,,§a§Q§§ sxocotivo cooiioictcc of toc iiiooioi ASSOCl·h'·‘ Parrish,
_     g .   generous in time 01* service to any institution forming and in clarifymg information p1aC_ ation during the past. year and has Uatteridet ._ Catxiggi
  `   l    of learning than were J. Irvine Lyle and W. ed On our meg •;V<;Y· mloehthlyt mcleiting all ofthwhich were i Komhei
 Y . E. Freeman. Under the leadership or G. Lee McClain e lh Xmg Oh- *5 WOY _ W1 Pmspec llf pom.
 , .   The May edition of me Alumnus was Off assisted by other Officers and members Of Ztucdents has been one of his notable ‘COIlIl`l·  
 l · { 1 ho tl tim when me news Of the the Executive Committee the work of the u Kms- _ _ 1
O — 2 §’ riss S23 ai J ,si.§ss mss os tiioiic   Wm go     he i’“tiS· h5‘°““‘i ‘i;i2“d€;W;°“;h‘*”*‘§    New
·   OSS 0 ese W ' home guard will keep work going, but please O e O BSS O an I`· avis ue nel,] ,
Y  .   ed in Lexington. Messages of condolence do not you who are afar thi-ow away that class of 1908. were elected to the Executives NAME
 ’ .   were Sent, to me bereaved families by the letter and not let the treasurer hear from C0T¤mitte€ 2i duty which thc? have fill? Th_
    officers of iiic Aiooioi Associoiioo ooo it you uljemfhhh km my ifs h° ¥“°h“h' hh ?§,”*”§‘f"§,§“AD"· h§.°"“'“§§j Sh§§°§‘,“ chemljili
 I -  _ _ _ some lng o ma e up or e men ln or- presl en o e ssocla lon an rs, n er r
  g _   was with full realization of the factthat We eign lands who Cannot get that letter and Wood vicbprcsidem during past year, »_ Umvgrsi
 - i y 0¤ thc Campus as well as the 1'e19·UVe$ had who more than any others would enjoy Many times as chairman of local committee. _ fouowm
 T ’ suffered a great loss. knowing that the Association would survive. each has devoted time and interest to mat it commm
, g _  i Both Mr. Lyle and Mr. Freeman had serv- Send m YOU? dues DYOYUDUY. €¤0¤gh if You ing a success of whatever undertaking ut i At U;
 . _ l ed os oicsiooot of the Association coo were hah hh hhmhh hhshhhhhh hhht the Khhhh ‘°€‘°¥`€ “h"*m· , ‘ he d E
f   untiring in sooo effort to sovsoco the M3 Kihh ’“§h2“‘is Wm °°‘“h “’ y°“ ""g“"""h hhs hhhh Kmh ‘”h° has hhhhh oh °f
 ` `T ‘ hh O Sen O he Office Changes in eddressi contributed her talents as a writer to tr I`- Rall
 g O   interests of the University and to bespeak name, profession or occupation, births and Alumnus and has Shown unlimited mime ‘ment O;
- i gi for the institution from which they were de*’·hhS· heh Us hear Hem YOU SOOB and Often- in the obtaining of members for the Assocf thcif ad
. , t of Kentuckians '“ ation has continued through the last tweli. time to
_ B E graduated the suppor I · · h   _. · `
 - i i wiicio sooo they woio rcoiio. iii these U. K. Seeks Information About rsegtzzrte Mi hi tmsurgi gi nge l><§»i¤< jgialfit
, = . e severa ea s m‘ Y 2
 j   matters they set worthy examples of Former Students In The Service Shropshire who ig is thi Sgfvilg O? I; , named,
 T »   emesiw me l°y¤*°y· The hm Of Ehgh In so effort to comoiois s roster of ooo. <>¤¤¤iry· O mem ¤
;> i ggyg who have been ij['\Spi1‘€d   these two, ersitly Of Kentucky graduates and former   ·` fOYm€1` {
V ‘   representing as they did thc Sl10C€SSfl1i i¤·· students who are in the armed forces of the UK GRADS G0 XVAAC-Y   Z; chem
  dustriallst and teacher, can be imagined as United States, Prof. Ezra L. Gillis, emeritus- Three University Alumnae have bee   lmed h
5 _   stretching into the distant future until registrar at the U¤iV€1‘SitY and head of the notified by the War Department that tht _   gi
` . . Bureau of Source Materials in Higher Edu- had been selected for officers’ training 5 r VS e
h h d f d t t t , .   ,
—_ L 6 S a OWS a e mho Ekeml {VI L 1 d cation, has sent out an appeal to Kentucky the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps at Fil fleahe Of
V  g TO these Of hhs W ° new hh Y 8 ee alumni everywhere to notify his office of the Des Moines, Iowa. They are to report Aug? ;`;€q“hSt_·
x Q Dean Freeman 11'1t1m8t€iY th€ $0lmd Of the activities of former University students, Receiving notices of appointment WP? jthesgor he
 V U g zw .  il striking of the anval, the whirr of imachi- especially those in military or government Miss Frances House, 1930, 144 Iroquf   €ad·
  _c I »   nery, the flash of electricity, the sound of a $eYV1ee· court, teacher at Picadome school;   . The e
 { » ._  1 ,   ben and the rising of Smoke from the Ugtvgs-Sgttge t;(;la;lu8£S12heaBl;;eau {head tat the {-Ielnh HOlEH§h€T, 1941, 639 Maxwelton   ;g;m;DD
 gis `=,_»  ,._.. .   ‘_ . . . . D mpc con ainmg eac er 0 ome economics at Versai es iligr _ Y l
‘  is   hhhhh Wm Serve h° hehhhd hs that these names, and it is hoped that complete school, and Miss Lois Perry Brown, 19ii assistant
,  I    .;§».¥;j:s;;§§;;sgi;sj§Js§i°s ejihfvheged h° have hh°“’h them ahh i¤f<>¤¤¤~¤<>¤ may be obtained concerning all lm Bassett ovonoo, teacher at r=ico¤iorig;,}’°lS¤~l· E
j =>    by their example. University oi Kentucky alumni. sciooor —  
  .i - ; e` ` ‘¤~<~*‘§§ ii—r it
"  ··’ »·l··’  s   ¢~? o
“   ·li·i     .i..    
. ii? ‘h r.¤.>—_

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mum" `V \x.`D. .»iT.¤.;.~   N. l\?1l}_». Ani. H111<1;.1.»,—_\<._ E L, BI(*\\&1, R0b·~.», Jim. Emclm. Ameamlhg {hp- reumou but nm lll TNG DICUUG. MM} \
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_   b?l!\‘E`$. .xI2j>. .7. ‘.~.. l`}1<¤I`11f‘. J. \x, .f11wm-. Mrs. E4 L Hwa I3 L4 R,e—¤·>_ Lc—az’e1·> and zc—ia—;;·mms< uf gaming wew 1·c·cei\‘eci from the 10110vC-
L0mr~‘~·- \~1Q1;; I,.<·n=:1> ;_5¤4x·12c1¤z1. C»<»1 Oppmxlucxxnmy Rmx-> Am» ing IHL‘I`1'1UQl`S of my Mase vrizcy v,·e1·e Llllii/}J1L· 10 uiteuci the l'€UDiOIlZ
C]- m`   SDIQQI`. 5¢·<*·‘\1:<¤ Z‘<»‘.‘.‘; C. :3. ;\’Iii}kiaZl. Mrs. M:nh:m< LL   Bnggesy Svrji; Joh]; G_ _»3l}en_ J_ H ‘Ijmmq»y;n;1u_ S_ T, Bam; WT Vi, Brown, S, B,
Hi :xx;> .··» L;-; Pz11`1`i·~?1. D. C`.V.—VM}. H.   HMM Cmimus. D. J. Dccici. A. L. Dmusm. Flora GO1`(iO1l Mcrpexx F, H. Lavi-
Q Mwmil 1"hm; r<`»¤.=:: \‘.z&11s·1‘ }.I('T\;li)1lL·}`. J. J. Yzxgmg Mrs. B, E Brp·v.·a1·_ sm:. Logan Lewis, T. E_ E\IcCicHuuci. J. T. Z\~IacEis<>n. Sadie S. I\im‘liH.
NCP   C;ul1¤·1·1u¤· C;l]`IlN¤Ll}`_ Es:t¤»11{·_ I)4 P, B1·;2z>>n>:n_ Hliyzubayah \V;al1is_ Lmzisp P_ Rulg; B_ F, Sgh&;·Hius_ C_ E, Sqhgwue, J_ M, Spr;ague_ j\IildmY“$¥"""· Fc·x1:·:hi   S I{iEI`>I1(‘{`. Clirinr-1·1m· C`x·;av.‘1<=j¤ BIiI`D$i'¤I`1_ W. S. Hum- ‘
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mwo filw UWT m,1·m» {muws; in mf hNm_}  Tho \\`i1 0; Liu- L`1aiw·rsiiy vi Km- Rpyiph IxIcRighi’.1001iJ;x1E wzaclu at Puciuc·r·h
s SL*l"~‘\‘i¥· v_ M _ ‘ r_ » i _ _ __ _ m<·E—:y will plzay 1hz·12· firs: uigha guxuv :31 hgh $@11001 for my him {ive years. will _iC·1H
__ {Va, i‘hf‘ml>¤1f~ LUN: Ofwiillj. m<·pm11u©ms M 1114 , __ __ _ Y     x vn VK > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y __ A (
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_ __ ( K
Cmumiii fmllmvmu aha Jum m<·<·1i11r; of HTP c·x<·c·u1i\‘<‘ 1942 s<·;xs01¤ in be lwlci al Slull Fivlci Oc·1c¤b01· Kj;·¤,¤.·m;,
qi m mz.- Cmmmm., M mf, Bohm M ·l~Hm(.(.Sv 3. Con<·h Ab I{il`\\`1iIl Suki lhau ihn ;z’a1m· will Mq·Hi;h1, BB, IF Li gmeixxmc ni me Umv-
\.1L1UL AI Inv ]_(_(m(_.;‘ AE
R - V head OI [mx mxlmmnwm 01 DOWN" mm M tl . K { ` 1 ¤ U l` [ 1 \ U ¤ c Jfxzx not me 1 %O 'hdc [L 1m luat deli ALC
ymnlmx. _ _ _ I _ A IPIUSC \\‘01‘k mm Nw Six Guy \=r<·c·li will MOD- \K~zzsh111;tc¤11 Sumo m me Ross Bmw}, 24-U.
4 ` _ D1`. Ralph EN, Mmxmu, mcmz rn lhv C1<4D21!`x— _ [_ _ ‘_   _ . ` ,   _ V. W l _ _ _ ,
qmy m . t _ I _ \ i ]_ _ { gbl; hmo dm (-fum wi 1(WOUJL:]1 (¤»·<—m1:m··< Alalumqm mm your won 10 smrmgha gmucs
. _ m 11 w` · ~ ,· ·· ,   ·<¤ O ‘<·n 0 . —. ., . ` . ., ’
Mud mwv °_ " Fi‘“““_U· °(’I_‘ “‘" _‘ ‘ ` ( Jus scrmm. v.·11h<¤m mcfcm, mcluumg me Bowl walk- `
mp Assfn @9*1 “‘hm‘“‘m‘“°“ "m“'* W “"“”") mmp Two mhnr muh: ;zum»> za1‘<· ><·!wc1uic
msn l\‘-Vi mlm m I"”"hm¥ mm "*`“`**""h— Mm DV both of them mw in mhrr pluws. The firm of 1;-;_
N, mma; H€’1`b[`N P HUP}`- V'~“*"(`mY(` W`(’f*`“(“' ('{ Lhwsv will be 011 SCDIC‘Hl]J(‘I' 25th ill CiU<‘i131l— Afuy Q1'H(ill;}Ii(\l] hom A];1lg;1m;a_ M.;-Rxyhx
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   L A
” . Y _Q*_____j_..... *LUMNU$
   Q  e _ 1* ° . Alumni Return •
 je   ‘  ie   d (Continued from Page One)  n Freeman,  
  t   IS an ea er the attendance of graduating students being Englneer, Sl1CCI1IIIbS
  n ot  J_ Irvine Lyle, who was graduated from larger that on any previous occasion. _ _ _ I -1;
    the Cfiilege of Engineering of the University Following the Baccalaureate services presi- Wnham Edwin F`1`eemi-in. ‘04, assistant {  V()LUM_
  in 1896, died at his home in Syracuse June dam and MI`$· Donovan Yeceived alumni. dean of the University of Kentucky College  -3*
   _-` A {ze  7. 1942, after an illness of three months. He faculty- seniors and nicnas for tea at M€’·><· of Engineering and head or its department 1
 if   was a member of the University Board of Wan Place The nest and hostess vvcrc as' of electrical engineerln did M 2 A 5
Q  ~_i’   Trustees for eight years and was a life sistod in receiving by the S0Ve1`n0i‘ and Mrs. . . g` e ey   1942' ,
  V   member of the Alumni Association, also as- Johnson. Mb J~ W- Cafnahan and Mrs. at me home` _1020 Fmcasele R°ed* Lexington.  
  -   sistmg financially with the upkeep during Carnahan, Dean Thomas POB Cooper and Ky., Bri-i3€l` all illness of sevei·a1weeks_  
  World war I_ Mrs. Cooper, President Emeritus Frank L. Dean Freeman was an outstanding  
 of-   MI-_ Lylo was o otooool. th the field of alt. McVey and Mrs. McVey, Dr. E. C. Elliott and alumnus of the University, having been Q
   gt  conditioning and was co-founder of the M*`S· Elliott and Dcan William S- Taylor active in student, faculty and alumni   h
 go-   Carrier Corporation of which he was presi— ;na1;’g;· Taylor- Gucsts Wcrc rcccivcd cb affairs since his appointment to the engl-  
<  {T. dent at the time of his death. He was a c · ng ~l ,,. - l .  
    leader not only in the business side of air- Carrying out the scheme of the occasion tee; Ieivegéleainieigleniencgsgée eggdheg 1:);;  Aiexémde
 {_   ° conditioning but in its technical progress. the decorations for the t‘~¤¤¤i1i Alumni entire University family  Fulton, Ke
 {   _r Numerous inventions, especially those deal- dmbcrr TbuY$daY;cVc¤mg at the Lafayette W E Freeman   . l . ·  
   =  ing with atrnosoherio controls, are among Hotel. were of patriotic colors and tbe pro- Sootoulloot .,5 looom umn to Lexmet°“‘ iilsnlioek
 ii.  g-. his contributions-and many papers prepared grams at each Diaee Was adorned with the deoreo Home ,hmm tvs; On S em_ A'. _B` tall . ’
  A   _ by him on these definitely technical subjects lfag. The music numbers by the assembly in 1901 and a B MYE da _eO fege· tteeelved § exmgtoni
    { ’ holvo boon published and the principal address by Senator A. B. v€1_Sny'm 1904 `In 'loio gitee lgmght e Um` at
   3, .  Born in Fayette county his interests were Cbimdlcf Wc1‘€ ¤DDF0D1`i¤*5€ to the mib- of Eleetrleot E` · . f. eine e eeeree §“DeHaven
 V  `  j' always those of the native Kentuckian and be-I`yCtiC times. Seated at the Speakers table _ V ngmee! mm he Umvelslta/‘ iglrexington,
  Y his first position was held in Ludlow in the Wefeie President and Mrs. Donovan, Govern- _ From his geadnamon from thc UniVci`Sii}`  
 ti  `   Pullman Company shops and he later be- or and Mrs. Johnson. Senator and Mrs. m June 1904Y umn re "e°“"“ee ie len ar i~Evans ji
t.  l ‘  came superintendent of motive power for Chandler, Bishop and Mrs. Abbott, Di; professor oi €i<=¢t¤‘i¤ai cngibcci'ibS· Dean   ’
`,,  .   the Southern Railroad system, meanwhile, and Mrs. Elliott, Colonel and Mrs. Brewer Freeman was amplcycd in thc cbgiiieeiilie . ewmn Ce]
   '_ T  working on changes in and testing locomo- and the toastlnaster James Park and Mrs. department of the Western Elccmc (acm;  
 Qi   tives and designing freight cars. After ten Park. At a table directly in front of the pany are was located ln noon onicaeo and pal-dnerr
    years association with the Buffalo Forge speakers were seated guests who New York Returning to the Universitr in _$°m€YSet. P
  `     ·l. Company he joined in the founding of the would receive honorary degrees on the 191} as need Of the department of eleeerieol ,` 
 a.  o   Carrier Air Conditioning Company of which following night, Mrs. Mary Breckinridge e¤a1¤<=e¤¤e· Free Fveelnan was namea a<>t·’}1n¤r, Pl-l
    -  ll he was general manager, treasurer. vice- Judge Samuel Wilson, Ml`. J. W. Carnahan, me dean of the College m 1921"22’ durme e Greenville
 . ` °  `   Dl`€Sid€¤t» diY€¤i01‘ and finally D1`€Sid€¤t· M with Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Carnahan, Dr. and leave Of absence of the then Dean of ene ·· y
  "    the time of his death he was president and Mrs. McVey and Dean and Mrs. Cooper. It College   leeul Anderson and upon Deen Itoh
 is ·    director of the Carrier Corporation, Carrier was hoped that all who were to be honored Aneersons lemma the next year .weS named — .nSOn’
j   ’  Engineering Corporation, CaI`I‘ieY-Bfl1¤S- would be present for the dinner but several esslsteml deem Of me eouege whlch eme he  Ovmetom
 ` · _   wick Int., Inc.; treasurer and dil`€Ct01‘ of did not arrive in Lexington until Friday. has Smce  em` Ageen m 1934 Pme Freeman  
 =‘ i   Aerofin Corporation: treasurer and direct- Three hundred were served at the dinner. `ves aonomee aeong dean °f me °°“€g‘i Mayer. T
. r _ · Q or of Auditorium Conditioning Corporation. - for a Derma of cnc and Omaha}? Y€ai`$ Diibi Webster Cm
 _; l _  Professionally he Woo o member of Amerh Sixteen Kentuckians to the appointment of Col. James H. Graham  
  _ _ can Society of Heating and Ventilating (C _ 1 _ as ean· .Nisb t e
  »  Engineers; Tau Beta Pi; Triangle; and he _ Ommue fiom Page One) In 1920-‘21 Dean Freeman was granted   e t' ‘·
 1   Lil was a member of the social fraternity of mens were conferred rr Berident Donovan 15·m0¤tbS leave ffem the University to Lexington, 1
 _` Q