xt7qft8dhs36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qft8dhs36/data/mets.xml Florida Florida Historical Records Survey 1941 89 l. ; 26 cm. Other creators include: United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs. Reproduced from type-written copy. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number FW 4.14:F 663/7. books English Jacksonville, Fla. : Historical records survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Florida Works Progress Administration Publications A List of Municipal Corporations in Florida (revised) prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration text A List of Municipal Corporations in Florida (revised) prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration 1941 1941 2015 true xt7qft8dhs36 section xt7qft8dhs36 . I l ’ · ·¤? §iz;:;;-gi ; . ` ` ~ ` UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY A ` ‘ I III IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII III ·. I I I I I - ‘ ~ I 3 [1*+25 LIIZIZEIEES 7 , Fmnxm wom; pnomzws Anumrsmuxou &¥=:¢‘I‘-=‘I,»§=$·;=;:1 A ;— ‘i ‘ · g;·j_I;j-;;;yQ;»;{ RIZI; I IIIIIEIIT PLIBLICATIQ I _+ . . I` " __ W ` ?g?§;§;‘3€¥ 4R.I ' »- -— §‘.f{.I:°_;’;’¥§?.$Y§ :»’ ?c_ii~.fP???`§ NINE GE; I¤;i:Z§»i`5`L§C§{` · xr ·‘·. * . I-"i=T V· .‘ e uarmazss A I?IY‘¤;¥I;£iZ»‘? ji? _ v=_1 ];;;¥f1i ‘°;‘v I jjfj A msw ow I-ffj?·J¥Z _·‘· fi} ·-_°, i _‘_Y‘i€ . §—4:f§{'§Y§€{;T{Z}V. __;v A M U N I CI I P A I. C O R P O R A T I O N S v‘.`“ [FII · ‘ z‘V IN FLORIDA .I`;,- if ` . J.} w <··e»·1s¤¤> I ,‘_» ‘.»V If; A ¤~ · I IH I·—» V5;. ,_ __A·V - I I I In gi I;_ QI I ` ‘ ~ A I A, THE HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY I .4% · · , l ,· 1 W _ _ { ` g, , ~ X xiii V · .?· H' ·_ s., Ex! n 1 Sa" " < ii-, ` / , ——·1§,. 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A ` ? 4 `yl 5 °é * Pe ` ?T { Q} . ?1 " Ya T: " ( W 2 §i_\ th t U r .¤f R 1, i Q" · ‘ in x `4 In éV·V EVQ ` 24} ‘ J. * 5 Z " .4 .2 {I]; 1 yi =}€ H ? J 3, ,·1 ' ` —»‘ · &% 5 V `Y ` ~ 3;} ? * . . gl 2 4 ? gt _· ,*2 ' ? 8 Z I , F , W ) ,3 f_ S 153. \ { _ A LIST OF 4 v? MUNICIPAL CORFOR¤TIONS I IN FLORIDA (ravisod) \ I \ ( F ¢ Q Projoyod by u W. . I , , · J. Tho MISEOTICCI Aocorns ourvoy { _2 Division of Conmunity Servica Froxramc Work Projects Adginistration 4 5 1 M Z4 Ii gi y ir ZY& Iicksoiville, Florida Q6 The lLstev1cmL Focords iusvej ?o = {arch Iiil °`» ~§%. I $,2.]} '_ K ji;. ` ( i V. i in ` ri W P iT if " — . - · · ·— M . i . v . I IIN} ;i`i3EOI`lC5¤.]. 1:1QCOi‘dF3 .i1LlI‘V:] .1;L‘OQ€.[‘?lIl ‘: ° Qorgqmt B. Child, National Director ‘ . 1 ., ,.1 _ . I ‘ SLE A. il.¤hOl‘Ll&5I‘, DDGTEB SU.Q€I`VlSOl` ‘ I : _ e I 3 u $3 » 1 D Q R1'1·T·3’1]"Ch.&I`1'c.1 > &c‘g¤ qc ,. I QUE. » Jung R k .,1 Efépdpd ·r—-;» ~.1g, C1 _ } 19lg Tu ~» C15yt9T QFD “ 1 &£E§J lO,n ~· 7lOl_ ,923, ne 3, C(,2,,,U@% ;;1.,11dsd,, gets 1%;, ch. 7624, 1g¤¤’ pl"- 17 C11 ` ““€¤dGc1 MTI ‘ ”» Chg Mb `Js ·1LU'1€· Q ’ ***1T17€’1‘ EY*e>q»j_ 111 ’;CfF`, 1C]C; I /11{;2"7G?3 ( 1927, MQW G`> T@iHcgyY,T%,1`€i» Acts "§3O§“~~, Ch. 7060 ° A-;1·.e if .?--*.q_ ,¤ ‘· ? ,_ " . 2 1927, JuéQ“2» chéftey &,D;‘d (Q), Act, IQ; cn. @@20, { 1QQg »(._,,_;19O¤ I`€11]gOl.,_O;_1/tldgdy !1—.C1ZS,11j11;1n,1V1‘*s Ch. ]_@fz(2O 1 Au ~ LP 1 .,——· ~ . 1 1953 (L)`1 “O» Charrgr E,__$_ @(*1 igfg, ]g¤,,#, ch. 12515, r lg C » Ch&pt€. h ` *~Jd€d mn; ` "‘» Ch, 12: ’ " BJ (L) I Jung 2 °C;;c§TFOT&tjgq V¤l.d UHty)» V01, D “ ~‘Y M ’ A T ` M 1 2 A ’ 1 1Q§;, Lay 3O’ Chgftiy Bpgndgds Act¤1€d’ Egiia 1B¤¤ g lé a J-LIHB 4 Cb Tw ~~l Bmgnded 1887, Ch Br§`“s Ch, 562,7. W 07, 1`1Ef1\7` ¤ ° "3J·1‘3T arm (3 1 EE., 18CB 1 82· ` H 1 ls Chgy-bg "“n Qi QC-.t,., W ! Ch. ACO 4 V, MEV F M _ ur gmendeg v ;;_;, 1397 Ch ~~d7. 1 19113 D ‘ ’¤ ¤31nCOT,1 A *1 190 ’ — · 464_,g,_ O 1 ec, ·; ,01*21;.gd An ¤ 7, Ch R L21 (L » charter .’ Vigo ‘· $/89. 1, C13 ‘ E‘**€’iCL€d ’ `“ ~1 "h Y` L. » , O, x1., _ ‘ 1 uGg , Lgnded —-.;» 1,lQ ' 1 A ¤· ° 5; 1I'1C@]»·r 1 19*1 1 Ch' '7'7°<> Jtgtg) ·:OT&t@d » _ ” 1 Ch_ gg "· - v . 9 ¤ · .1 ‘ C ·* . 1Ggg (L, _ v¤(_ N, mp 1 luv mpc, CM 16 1923 (T) 1 CHEITE} 1/·;:lj_;q;. 144. `l¤I1t°I'S ('QQCMQT 1<;¢5 7 ’ °h¤r1€1~ Dm M1? C1., `“ Gm Gf ~*· , Ap ‘ —~=.€}ig¤ , ;.s 1,_;?. I` 9 Ld . 1 Pk - , 1925 ,9 ' NB, Chsmtpw ’ QQEE, wgnn ’ ‘*· QQQF ' ·"·,J* w 1* JL "* , " 1=`» ·}»;· ».,_ " ]_Qg;1 lh ckiqycgwj ¤.1,.€T1d@<1, _2f.1C,_ ;~_,.1¤> 1uQA _ “· Mme ¤ · M- Siem ·· 11% 11 ’ ·—v5¤¤ 105 —· . 3*~·¤m1 ·~~€Q f *-e an ¤ —»,» ~ ¤». U 15} 1111 1 11:1-I. QY`°3~~1 ’ , 1110*1: 11. 1 r·~»· 1?57 #1 1 *11 ““5“*~»1hV`q€d (@1 ’ ;111’ C1- 1C?p¤ ’ OOIO. 1 111 101 c%~T1;`1 E11¤d%d fc; ;+ii» l9?5 H1 1S` DM ,.,. ‘**~ ¤~t2¢1’ $iP`·E31{€.¤1 111 > LETT, 157% VA,. 'L1)1:13. z **[V1;¤ (n 1 1“`¤ icty 1Gi; “‘“» Ci *>— 1 1~ ¤?¤T;r€) 11`“*’ "*“. c%— 11 LO*l“. E 1814, y?y l?* (Q , M1. 1:4?$-l;4?4 . CQUV1-= 1111"‘1l1TO1`Qf,,>a 1 199% vn; q1 “`“¤ ¤9C¤;··,¤ 9 Y; ,-, 1 11, ;y,Y,3__j;_E. 27_ —# c- Inccrpurgymm (W ·-. ; 11J`1`C‘“lOE'1 1 . 1"`l*** iI‘:,(z: A 11216, Tg jltuSYi,lA ¤1_Tu .· ;j Tv,?]`_; - ' ‘ —*1ETjE>,·i , “’ 19?5 '! L l· I 5 , Alphabetical List (Eel-Bit) I “ serv (Gilchrist) _ 1902, Aug. 18, incorporated, Book of Incorporations (0ilchrist ` county), vol. 1, p. 74. 1905 (L), incorporation validated, Acts, 1905, ch. 5558. _ BTLLEAIR (Pinellas). See also Belleair Heights. 1897, June 1, incorporated, Asss, 1897, ch. 4649. ~ 1905, May 28, abolished, Acts, 1905, ch. 5559. I 1925, June 5, Belleair Heights abolished and reincorporated as I Belleair, Acts, 1925, ch. 10555. I 1929, Kay 27, charter amended, Acts, 1929, oh. 15917. I ~ I 1957, Nay 29, charter anended, Acts, 1957, ch. 18451. I I BELLEAIR HEIGHTS (Pinellas). See also Belleair. ’ 1925, June 6, incorporated, Acts, 1925, ch. 9686. I 1925, June 5, abolished and reincorporated as Eelleair, Acts, I 1925, ch. 10555. I I BELLE GLAD2 (Palm Beach) ` .y· 1928, Apr. 9, incorporated, Record of Corporations (Pal? Beach ¥‘ I county), vol. 14, p. 504. · . 1951, June 15, reincorporated (R), Acts, 1951, ch. 15082. , 1957, Nay 10, charter amended, ssss, 1957, ch. 18428. I 1957, Lay 20, charter arended, Acts, 1957, ch. 18429. ~ 1959, June 5, charter arended, ssss, 1959, ch. 19697. 1959 (L), charter amended, Acts, 1959, ch. 19698. V BELLE 1918* (Orange) I 1924, Apr. 25, incorporated, Incorporation Record (Orange coun- " I ty), vol. 4, pp. 405-407. I I BELLEVIEW (Varion) _ H 1885, Feb. 16, incorporated (R), Acts, 1885, ch. 5658. ( 1885, June 22, incorporated, Liscellaneous Record (Narion coun- ty), vol. A, pp. 762-767. I 1925 (L), incorporated, Acts, 1925, ch. 9687. I I BILTMORE VILLACE* (Dade) I 1955, Mar. 25, incorporated, Kunicipal Charters (Dade county), . vol. I, p. 64. I BIQCAYNE PARK (Dade) 1 1951, Dec. 51, incorporated, Vunicipal Charters (Dade county), I vol. 1, p. 55. I 1955 (L), reincorporated (R), Acts, 1955, ch. 16519. 5 BITHL0 (Orange) 5, 1922, Oct. 9, incorporated, Incorporation Record (Orange coun- `I ty), vol. 5, p. 594. O V 9 , Alphabetical List (Pit—9on) ` EITFLO (continued) A ‘ _ 1925, Nov. 50, incorporation validated, Acts, 1925, oh. 11407. 1929, Nov. 16, abolished, 9atisTaction o2_Y5rt;a;es (Cranpe county), vol. 55, p. 412. BLCUNSTOH (Calhoun). See also Blountstown. 1925, Dec. 1, Elountstovn abolished and reincorporated as . ( Blounston, Acts, 1925, ch. 11409. I 1927, June 6, abolished and reincorcorated as Blountstown, Acts, 1927, ch. 12549. __—_ ( BLOUNT9TOWN (Calhoun). See also Elounston. I 1905, June 5, incorporation validated, Acts, 1905, ch. 5499. Q 1917, lay 29, reincorrorated, Acts, 1917, ch. 7626. ° 1 was (L), l~ei¤eOi~;~am»:aa (R), IE5 1922, cn. ease. i 1925, §;;é 1,habo1;;hed and reincorporated as Elountston, Acts, , 2,, c . »9. i 1927, June 6, Blounston abolished and reiniorporated as E Elountstown, Acts, 1927, ch. 12549. A gm 1929, June 9, charter amended, Acts, 1929, ch. 15919. Y' » 1951, June 11, reincorporated, Acts, 1951, ch. 15095. · ; 1955, June 5, reincornorated, Acts, 1955, ch. 16520. , 1957, June 11, reincorporated, Acts, 1957, ch. 19452. Y 1959, Nay 29, charter amended, Acts, 1959, ch. 19699. BLUFF 9221909 (Vscambia) Q 1999, Day 51, incorporated, Acts, 1999, ch. 5974. 'U 1995, Fav 50, abolished, Acts, 1995, ch. 4500. 1 ‘ ) BOCO C?1CA (?ine11ae) ( 1959, June 5, incorporated, Acts, 1959, ch. 19700. Q 2000 9ATO“ (1alr Peach) A f 1924, June 24, incortorated, Record of Corporations (Falm 9each county), vol. 6, p. 19. < 1925, Nay 26, reincorrorated, Acts, 1925, ch. 10549. ( 1927, June 6, charter anendei, Acts, 1927, chs. 12527-12529. I 1929, Day 24, reincorrorated (R), Acts, 1929, ch. 15922. ( 1951, June 15, charter amended (9), Acts, 1951, ch. 15095. _ 1955, Paw 16, charter arended (R), Lots, 1955, ch. 16522, J _ _ J BCLIFAY (Holmes) _ 1907, Tar. 16, incorporated, Incorporation Record (Yolres l county), vol. 1, p. 29. 3 1907, Apr. 24, incorporation validated, Acts, 1907, ch. 5790. , ,” 1909, June 1, charter arended, Acts, 1909T“5h. 6045. A 1921,(L), reincorporated, Acts,_1921, ch. 9920. 1 1925, hay 15, charter arended, Acts, 1925, ch. 10552. j)‘·. »$ A _ ; 10 , Alphabetical List (Ron-Pre) { BONIFAY (continued) h 1925, June 11, charter erended, Acts, 1925, ch. 10555. 1929, June 7, charter emended, Acts, 1929, ch. 15925. soniim. srnrtcs (Lee) 1925, Nov. 50, incorporated, Acts, 1925, ch. 11409. 1925, Dec. 1, charter amended, Acts, 1925, cn. 11410. ( 1927, June 4, abolished (R), ASEE: 1927, cb. 12529. ; 1929, Nay 4, abolished (R), Acts, 1929, ch. 15924. 1956, Feb. 1, abolished, Punicipal Charters (Secretary of i State), vol. 5, pp. 6-7. , BOWLING centric (Hardee) , 1907, Ney 7, incorporated, Acts, 1907, ch. 5791. ( 1915, June 2, cnerter onended, Acts, 1915, cb. 7155. ( 1925 (L), charter erended (R), gets, 1925, cbs. 9699-9690. ) 1925, Apr. 29, charter anended, Acts, 1925, cb. 10551. I 1925, Nov. 25, cberter erended, Acts, 1925, cb. 11412. ( 1927, ley 22, reincorrorated, Acts, 1927, cb. 12565. A 4 1 ,~ 1955, ley 16, charter arended, Agts, 1955, ch. 16529. F * 1955 (L), charter amended, ActsT—1955, cb. 16524. 4 * ) 1955, Fay 16, charter arended, Acts, 1955, ch. 17496. X 1959, Lay 50, charter erended, Acts, 1959, ch. 19701. , BOYNTON (Paln Beach). See elso Boynton Beach; Ocean Ridge. A 1917, Ley 25, incorporated (R), Acts, 1917, ch. 7627. 1 1920, Apr. 14, incoryorsted, Record of Corporations (?a1r Peach ·Q countv), vol. 5, p. 75. Y 1921 (L), reincorporated, Acts, 1921, cb. 2912. . ( 1925 (L), charter anended, Acts, 1925, ch. 9691. ( 1925, Nay 2, charter arended, Acts, 1925, ch. 10550. W 1927, Pay 25, Boynton abolished end reincorporated as Poynton A Beach (R), Acts, 1927, cb. 12571. · * 1951, June 4, charter amended (R), Acts, 1951, ch. 15027. Q BOYNTON BRAC? (Palm Reach). See also Boynton; Cceen Ridpe. 1927, Nay 25, Roynton abolished end reincorporeted as Povnton 1 Qeacb (R), Acts, 1927, ch. 12571. 1951, Fey 15, inc5r?5reted, Acts, 1951, ch. 15099. 1957, June 1, nare changed to Ocean Ridge (R), Acts, 1957, 1 ch. 19750. 1 1955, Reb. 29, nare cbanned to Oceen Rides Minutes of Cormissioners, Town of Oceen Ridge, vol. 1, p. 1. RRADRNTOY (Yenetee). See also Rredentown; Tanetee. 1925, Fey 2, Bradentowt abolished and reincorporated as ` L Bradenton, Acts, 1925, cb. 10555. 1 1925, nec. 1, cbargrt ariended (R), Acts, iszs, Cn. 11415. 5 >—·· A _ 11 _ Alphabetical List (Tra—§rc) , “PADEETON (continued) A 1927, June 6, charter amended, Acts, 1927, ch. 12557. 1929, June 7, charter anended, Acts, 1929, ch. 15929. 1929, June 9, charter amended, Acts, 1929, ch. 15929. 1951, June 15, charter arended,*Acts, 1951, cna. 15092—15095. 1955, Nay 4, charter dneoded, Acts, 1955, ch. 16529. 1957, June 1, charter amended, Acts, 1957, ch. 19454. 1957, June 11, charter arended,`A§§s, 1957, ch. 12455. ' 1959 (L), reincorporated annexinp Lanatee (R), Acts, 1959, A ch. 19702. ~ _ BRADENTOWN (Lanatee). See also Bradenton; lanatee. 1905, Nay 19, incorporated, Acts, 1905, ch. 5557. 1905, Nav 15, charter arended, Actj, 1905, ch. 5497. 1907, Apr. 19, charter arended, Acts, 1907, ch. 5792. 1907, lay 27, charter awended, £§tg:_1907, ch. 5795. 1909, Lay 12, reincorrorated, Acts, 1909, ch. 6040. 1915, Tay 20, charter awarded, Acts, 1915, ch. 6669. g 1915, Ley 27, charter amended, Acts, 1915, ch. 6369. ~ 4 I _, 1921 (L), abolished and annexed tgrhhnatee (R), Acts, 1921, · y ch. 9919. 4 Q 1925 (L), reincorporated, Acts, 1925, cn. 9692. 1925, Nay 2, abo1isted andwrelécorgorated as Eradenton, Acts, 1925, cn. 10555. BRADLEY (Folk) 1912, Eov. 12, incorcorated, Incorporation Record (Polk county), - vol. E, p. 214. 1915, Lay 51, reincorporated, Acts, 1915, ch. 6204. BRANFORD (9uwannee) 1909, Ian 22, incorporated, Record of Incorporations (3uwannee countv), vol. 1, c. 199. » 1911, Fay 19, incorporation validated, Acts, 1911, ch. 6529. 1915, Lay 5, incornorated, Acts, 1915, ch. 7156. 1919, Pay 1, charter awarded, Acts, 1919, ch. 9257. EEOT90F (Levy) 1906, Jan 15, incorporated, Record of Lncorrorations (Levy countv), vol. 1, op. 119-125. aacoxrn* (aradrare) 1911, Lay 25, incorporated, Acts, 1911, cn. 6529. EROOKETILLE (Hernando) 1290, Oct. 7, incorporated, Corporation Record (hernando coun— ` ty), vol. 1, rp. 1~7. 1955, Feb. 22, incorporation validated, Acts, 1995, ch. 5655. k·‘• L é lv A1 N " Phapgti 1 ’ C21 . J-.]_S T1——— V ty *¤©0g¢vvL ICO $ LE (Cm J 93 LT 191% QUE g ‘ Qd) lQlL’ J“¤€ §’ Tgincow _ V 9, I{‘;T€V 3 · lggl (L “ Bl, Ch QT &¤¤ ‘ · Acts ` O“C%l\ , ~·, , T »3I‘·C_,;_r_ Hyjerld ~x) y "y Qh lggg QTUUB 5 QT @IZ;@Hd€d° Gd (1*3), jig, 10 ` 6042 10 ¤’ "OV. 1, TB1¤©0 · Act "’ éct “l3» cp ' -*2*) — MO · I`T`}@I· ___§_ Lg, ]_O L. 61* » L, QOV QD, 1HCOI_p# atgd A: IQ?] -Cb ~·l€’ Cb 079 . I ' U n O1·.— . 1 mg "s __ -_ gg “' ' 19Pv 11419 1 °hEYTer itlcn vEI§§’ l925 8921- ~74O‘ 1 I 1997, Iggy gi »l4,gO_ ¤I`U€Ildgd [dated Ch_ 1055A F IQE ’ ?¤¤e 4’ ’€i¤¤Or ’ $222, icégis, 1925;. i :1., G 5 •/MQ, n, Ch. :1 I "$$ (L` “°7