xt7qft8djq7z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qft8djq7z/data/mets.xml Pennsylvania Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) Pennsylvania Historical Records Survey of Pennsylvania United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs 1941 2 v.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.4/no.37 books English Philadelphia: Historical Records Survey Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Pennsylvania Works Progress Administration Publications United States. War Department -- Archives Archives -- Pennsylvania -- Catalogs Pennsylvania -- History -- Archives Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series IV, The Department of War, No. 37, Pennsylvania pt.2 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series IV, The Department of War, No. 37, Pennsylvania pt.2 1941 1941 2019 true xt7qft8djq7z section xt7qft8djq7z v . ’ 1 r” I. UNIVERSITY OFTENfiUjKV‘ ‘) ‘ ‘ | E ; Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllxl l, N | N , iii:inziigisiisfizfgi5533:5362;§:§;;:;§3;;f;223;:§;;? I 3 ones 53 :11275 a INVENTORY OF -:E£;;g.g:.:i_ i325%,???"‘5'3354233311; 31.; FEDERAL ARCHIVES ‘ ,;:§;§;;:§5i:'g3::-‘_;:‘_-f;';i};.jf;;3jj::;£}i;;35.:- IN THE STATES q , ,F233»53:55113-12 SERIES IV k 53:55:25??? ,.Q:§:i;;2;:':?§:§:1:é;1;5:3:;§;;.; THE DEPARTMENT OF WAR , 3§3f3§3§§E3E93f§TEiffjif9f393frf71},— I PART 2 OF 2 PARTS iiifiiéiff'. 757???? ' N0. 57 53:13???" 125 » :53;- § PENNSYLVANIA , ‘ . NATIONAL ARCHIVES PROJECT f ‘ , » . 7 WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION ’55:??? ”1?» - I: 2F“‘”Nq . . .” 53,1: '1 ' u F35§?“-' 9?: WERZflEAW 55* ’ Sgéaéks‘xbh‘é m i‘minubm! iii - j ’ I, >\i:$-w"€nrfllmr—J:» , ,, _, , 7 _,,. J, wt 2 1 1 _-‘ -__"7 . . , a ‘ ; _ . V > .- » . . ': .' T 5} 4 y ‘ ‘ ; Q' n} . : . Z " "‘ *-. t ‘a , , Ni-P , : . ; 172;» f 5'. x as g :-~:- ,E ’ . '7» $319 ." f fi' Y L9 as “\ \t‘ . " M ‘ ' V "5":173“ Li! ' "Avw-= _ 713;? ‘ 53% 131‘...A ... )4,“ , ,. ‘ 4..-; j gs“ “ ~ * * V mm . mg’i‘i . INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES N$~ ' _ LBW‘GIW? : £23: . Prepared by a»? vim :33: iii-E'izizfiv‘”? ' @2453: 5221514? _ ., \ - we???” The Survey of Federal Archives . firtzgif - - 4 a: w , ,, .- -_ . . neg: 4 Division of Coraline-LL37 serVice Programs fgwéf: - Work Projects Administration Wart-mar “A 6 W , 173% ‘ ‘- z \ PM . ; a; 4 .~ t} 512;.»{1i - '* ‘ ‘ ‘* 2‘ ( - ' ‘~ ~'-.r:~,«r;“*- A a. 5-: f g -“ . (,- ttefiw ". a \ , ,4 . r" a“. ‘ ./ ‘1‘}‘3‘: .' - '- ““ ' ’ ‘ "aw-wry“ . isém » SERIES 1V. THL DEPARTMEN T OF WAR _~ _ ‘ PART 2 OF 2 PARl‘b §93~ . NO. 57. PLNNSXLVMIA Wages , “Twink-5mg”: 32M ' raci- wry-em- ~ . “ii * » e33 ' ‘ ' i _ . - _ ' Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ”if“; The Survey of Federal Archives ‘ 5 ii I i The Survey of Federal Archives . i , 9 2' Philip M. Hamer, National Director E Williametta Wallace, State Supervisor 1 ,1. 1 Division of Community Service Programs ; Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner , 1 Agnes S. Cronin, Chief Regional Supervisor ." i I i i g . ; WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION i } Howard 0. Hunter, Acting Commissioner 2 . Philip Mathews, State Administrator 1 i - ¢ ,_ .J 1 iii ‘ PREFACE . The inventory pf Federal Archives in_th§ States is one of the products . of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation— 1 wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1956 to 1 June 50, 1957 and has been continued since that date as a unit of the His— 1 torical Records Survey, also operating as a nation—wide project of the Work : Projects Administration, and a group of state or local projects 5f that 1 Administration. "". ; The plan for the organization of the inventory is as follows: Series 1 , consits of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments, and general discussions of the location, and content of federal archives , in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series number being 1 assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Department of ‘ ‘ ? State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within each series 1 5 No. l is a general introduction to the field organization and records of 1 the governmental agency concerned; the Succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alpha- : betical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, 1 that for Arizona No. 5, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc. j For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of 1 related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive dates 1 ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured), 1 general description of informational content, description of the system of j filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, 1 form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders,etc.), linear 1 footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records 1 (not stated if satisfactory), location by room or other identifying inform— § ation, and finally, the number of the Form 588A on which this information 1 was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted 1 for the Inventory. This form is on file in the National Archives. When f it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which has not been 5 included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is given by use % of the reference "See addenda." , The work of the Survey in Western Pennsylvania was under the direction ; of Mr. Louis W. H. Johnson, Regional Director from February 11, 1956 until 3 October 5, 1957. Since that time until March 1959 Mr. John T. McMahon, 1 Project Unit Supervisor directed the Survey. The Survey in Eastern Penn- } sylvania was directed by Mr. Richard H. Heindel, Regional Director from ; February 20 until August 1956 and from August until Decamber 51, 1956 by 1 Mr. John P. Corry. After Dr. Corry's resignation the project was reorgan— 1 ized with Dr. Richard B. Morris of New York as Regional Director and James ; L. Whitehead as Assistant Regional Director. In October 1957, Mr. James L. 5 Whitehead was appointed Project Superintendent for the State and acted in , that capacity until September 19, 1958 when he resigned and was succeeded . 1 by Miss Williametta WallaCe. This Inventory of the records of The war 1 Department in Pennsylvania was prepared in the New York City and Pittsburgh , ' offices of the Survey and was edited before final typing by Dr. Richard ’ 1 Stenberg of the Division of the War Department of the National Archives. 1 Williametta Wallace ‘ State Supervisor . 1 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Survey of Federal Archives 3 April, 1941. in Pennsylvania ; 1 k a 1 1 f V . iv ' CONTENTS ; PHILADELPHIA } Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot......................... 1 ‘ ! Schuylkill Arsenal.................................... 1 j , Bills of Lading..................................... 1 5 Contracts......,.................................... 2 f Correspondence.a.................................... 5 Money Records......................................, 10 ‘ Property and Stock Records.......................... 11 5 , Procurement and Purchase Orders..................... 19 ‘ Requisitions........................................ 22 3 U. S. Military Railroads............................ 24 | Transportation and Shipments........................ 26 3 Miscellaneous Records...................n........... 29 1 Records of the Quartermaster General,Washington,D.C... 71 ' Bills of Lading..................................... 71 . l CorreSpondence...................................... 71 L Money Records..................;.................... 75 Personnel........................................... 75 1 Property and Stock Reports.......................... 76 ‘ Procurement and Purchase Orders..................... 81 ! Transportation and Shipments........................ 81 5 Miscellaneous Reoords............................... 82 Records from Baltimore, Maryland...................... 104 , Records from Cuba..................................... 105 f Records from Nashville, Tennessee..................... 112 5 Records from New York..........n...................... 112 1 Bills of Lading..................................... 112 Correspondence...................................... 115 I Miscellaneous Records............................... 114 ’ Property and Stock Records.......................... 116 t Records from the Philippine Islands................... 117 ; Records from Various Army Depots...................... 119 f Bills of Lading..................................... 119 Correspondence...................................... 119 .; Financial Records................................... 119 3 Property and Stock Records.......................... 120 j Miscellaneous Records............................... 122 { Records from'Miscellaneous Quartermaster Dpots........ 129 ? Correspondence...................................... 129 ? Financial Records................................... 150 1 Property and Stock Records.......................... 152 , Transportation and Shipment Records................. 157 1 Miscellaneous Records............................... 158 1 Records from Camp Lee, Virginia....................... 165 Records of the Department of the South................ 165 ‘ United States Military Railroad Records............... 166 i United States Army TranSport Service Records.......... 168 ; ' l r I l J — 3)” *-—‘:':-—--V»~,,— . .- ‘:'—"*:':,. . "“iv‘ ‘ ' , . , , . , , . 1.. i I . 1 l ‘ PITTSBURGH ' 5 Army Recruiting Station.................................. 169 ' Chemical Warfare Procurement District.................... 171 Civilian Conservation Corps District 2 Headquarters...... 175 F District Engineers 0ffice................................ 176 1 Administration Division............................... 177 ) Financial Division.................................... 182 ' Purchasing Division................................... 185 , Cost Section........................................ 187 1 Engineering Section................................. 188 i ' Control Division...................................... 189 1 Ohio River Division................................... 191 ; Upper Mississippi Division, St. Paul District......... 216 2 Lower Mississippi Division, Rock Island District...... 216 5 Lower Mississippi Division, St. Louis District........ 217 ‘ Missouri River Division, Kansas City District......... 217 , Savannah River Division, Savannah District............ 217 District Engineer Procurement Office..................... 218 j District Ordnance Procurement Office..................... 219 3 Organized Reserves....................................... 221 ‘ 508th Cavalry Regiment................................ 222 . 99th Division......................................... 225 . Reserve Officers Training Corps.......................... 224 ' Catherdral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh...... 224 I Carnegie Institute of Tecnnology, Industry Hall....... 225 ' Duquesne University................................... 226 g POTTSVILLE 5 Army Recruiting Substation............................... 228 . READING ! f ArmyRecruiting Substation............................... 228 RIDGWAY . f ArmyRecruiting Substation............................... 228 : SCRANTON § ArmyRecruiting Substation............................... 229 E STATE COLLEGE } 1 Reserve Officers Training Corps.......................... 251 ) 5 Pennsylvania State College............................ 251 I f l . i if" flag—.7: .rv,._,,...~_.r u H 7 . _ ,_ fl, . #&.A $2,», ,. » 2 ~~ - : ~ '“ " "“““’“" ‘ ‘ ___ " ’ ‘ -5 2 * : vi 3 UN I ON TOWN Army Recruiting Substation............................... 255 WILKES 1.22233 2 Army Recruiting Substation............................... 254 [ WILLIAMSPORT : Army Recruiting Substation..”r...”...................... 254 : ; YORK : Army Recruiting Substation............................... 255 3 «f g i J I g . % 1 1 _, Quartermutter Depot, Philadolghiu 1 1 ‘ i ,WHLAMMmMMxQmuflLmhmTMiDmffl 1 f ocduglkill Arsenal 2620 Grays Ferry Road (A) B'Ilildli’i ,2 , (b) Buildlng 4 ‘ Since the survey of these records \&5 dude: man; of them have i , been transferred to The dutionul Archives, Hoshinyton. D. C. i @1115 of Lgding ‘: l. BILLS OF LADING, FUHLOUGH VOUCHEHD, AND LXNHEQL LLOElPTfi, 1896 _ liDE. Bills of lading Lor sugplies Shlgpod to too dogot through the Pennsylvumia R. K. from other Army posts, eTerSfi recelgto denoting the number of parcole shigged and received at other Cities, and lurlough , vouchers granting leaves to men. (Never.) Variouoly sized looSe fiafiere, 18 ft. 6 in., in wooden box No. C 745. Dirty, torn, Scattered. 2d floor. (Bldg. B). (1961) _ 1 J 3. BlLL5 OF LADlNG, 1898 — 1900. For shipuent of SUHRLleS to var— ' ' ious Army posts throughout the U. a. 4nd ltd gooueeoiono, shoving the shipper, to rhom enjoyed, articles Shigped, method of shigolng, and date. (Never.) 12 x 18 vols“, 5 ft. 1 in., in wooden box No. 1046. Dirty, torn, bindings broken, ink faded. Beaumont? (Bldg. A). (2&1?) l a 3_ LLUEJPTp, GEHLuhL OhDEhpfi iOATHtl QTOCK HEJORTU, iATEMlAL ORDER»! 2 AND BlLLb OF LthNG} 1901 ~ 191$. BBCQthfi for gooao reoelved ut the depot, general orders dealing vith Arm; retulutxonu, monthly utook FCUOTtb on 1 , clothing, equioment, gnu meteriulc owed at various Army 903th, uoterial orders for parts Ior arm; and inetrumenta, lug bills or ludjng for goods 1 . . shigpea via the Pennsylvwnia m. n. (lover.) 11 x lo b/é volt. und 5 x 0 i { bundles, 7 ft. 6 in., in toodeu box No. C 717. Dirty. dd floor, (Bldg. ‘ B). (£128) 4. COifiEfiClAL BltLg 0f LLDlnG AJD DEPOT 1AVClULo, 130; m 190d. Hallo , ‘ of lading covering Shigments of various outerialo to otner deoote, oamgs, ; forts, etc.; also invoioee specifying articles Shlupeu, ouch an clothing , 1 and efluioage. (Never.) 8; X 10% bundles, 3 ft. 5 in., in wooueu box 1 No. C 751. Dirty. 2d floor, (Bldg. B). (5163) 1 i , 5. RAILROAD TARIFFD, BlLLo OF LfiDldG, AND COthoJONDL%CE, 1903 w 1913. Tariff books showing rateo of tariff due on good: being trenogorted) ‘ 1 bills of luding uhOUlng goods shigged, by and to whom, weight and charges, ‘ and 914093 from and to which shioped; and CorrflLgOfldGflCm dealing with , errors agpeuring on bills of lading from varioue oegote, (dever,) Var;— } ously sized vols., 4 ft., in wooden box No. C 72:. do floor, (Bldg. b). 2 (2167) f i S. GOVERMHEHT BltLé OF LADldG. FREIGHT BlLto, EEJElRTe, LTC., 130a « ‘ 1907. Government bills oi lading, freignt bills of various raJlroad cou~ ' ponies, receipts. comuercjel bills of ladiné, on: freight tariif books ‘ covering Shipments frog the degot. (fievor.) Vurlouoly sized vol;. and bundles, 8 ft., in woods; box no. G 779. Dirtg. Ed floor, (Bldg. 3). (2150) I" j ' Quartermaster chot, Philudclghlu A . I ‘ ,1 . .\ V ' 7. Blhhb OF LADldC, 1907 1 1915. Dualicate b1lls coverlng goods - > . , . . Shigged to other gojntn. (flavor.) 1: X 16 vols., 5 ft. q in., in wooden , - box No. C 716. Blfldinbb broken. 3d floor, (blag. B). (1715) j 8. B1LL5 Of LADldO, 19lb 1 1917. Snowing articlcu Ghlpgcd, method 2 , of shipment, and identlijcatlon nunber. (Never.) 8 X lo bundlco, 6 ft., ‘ ’ in wooden box No. C 775. 2d floor, (blag. B). (@175) * ’ 9. RECORDS OF CAJM LEE, VlRGlNlA, 1917 ~ 1316. mills of ludlng for -‘ . fuel, forage, subsistence, nnd ordnanCc. (Huroly, ofilciul.) y X 11, . bundles, 6 ft. 4 in., in wooden box do. 11. Dirty. 2d floor, (Bldg. A). ‘, - (1861) . lO. RECORDS OF QUARTEHMASTLR GhNEmAL, 1318 - lBuu. D1115 of lading .- received from overseas; also reports of materials on hand. (Rarely, ofw . . flciul.) Varlously Sizcd folders, envelopes, loose-leai booko, bundles, ". - and cards, 8 ft. 5 in., in wooden box No. 555. Dlrt}. 2d floor, (Bldg. , i . A). (1865) . 922222211 . 11. PROPOSALD, MOTlCEC OP AHAHD OF CONTRACTL, ETC., 1907. Records of " proposals, notices of awarc o1 contract», and corrcgoonoencc w1th manu— . facturcr“ and sugglicrs and to Quartermaster General, Washington. (Aever.) , 8 x 10; covers dna B; K 11 bundles, 16 ft. 6 in., in wooden box No. C 1210. (Bldg. B). (2504) nd floor. 12. RECORDS AND COHTLACTV, 1907 — 1911. Card; refcrrlnb to records . of contracts for duck touts, canvas, unc Iatlguc clothlng, Suttlcmcnt of vouchers, miscellaneoug rccclpts and uccountp, 1nvoiccb unc receipts cover“ 1 ing tranofers of whit: T001 gloves, corresfiondcncc rogcrdlng comglaints, .. ocrsonncl discharged, rcgorts on status of existlug contracts, and reuorts , c on drawers on hand. (m:vcr.) 4 x 8 bundlcs, lb ft., in wooden box do. . C 1201. Damaged by carclcss hdndllng, brlttlc, dlrty, torn, bcattcrcd, ink faded. 2d floor, (bldg. b). (2541) 15, CONTRACT RECORDS, lQlJ. Awarded by the dcgot to firms for the ', nunufacturc of clothing, uniformu, etc.; also corrccoondcncc with the . Ouarteramster General, hashington, D. 0., rcgardlng the awarding of con— tracts, changes in Specifications, delivery )TOfllSCS, shortages, 1m~ , perfectlons, and reports on the conditi n of existlng contracts. (Never.) ‘ 4 X 8 bundlco, 18 ft., in wooden box No. C 1220. Dlrty. 2d floor, - (Bldg. A). (2558) , 14. CONTRACT RECOnDS, 1910 ~ 1911. Awarded by flrnu for the manu— 3 ‘ facture of underwear, uniforms, and accessorlcs, and corrcsgondcnce with 3 manufacturers and tho Quartermaster General, Washington, D. 0., regardlug ” contracts. (Nover.) 4 x 8 bundles, 17 ft. 4 in., in woodcn box No. C j‘. 1219. Dirty. 2d floor, (bldg. A). (2545) , 15. CONTRACT FlLL CARDb, CLOTHING AND EquBHENT, 1911 — 1916. Show" '.' jng name of contractor, date of contract, and article ordord; also a re~ ‘ ‘ -f cord of deliveries against the contruct. (Never.) 9 5/5 x 11% cards, 6 - . ft. 6 in., in woodcn box No. c 77;. Dirty. 2a floor. (Bldg. B). (2094) l. , ______________________._.........!!!!!!!!!--.-— ‘ nuartermaster Degot, Philadelphia 5 '. 16. dlSCELtAHEOUo caches RLLATlRC TO CONTRACTS, BIDDERQ, AND CBEClFlM ' CATlONC, 1916 _ 1918. Contracts filed alohabeticully. (Rarel3, official.) 9 X 15 folders, 5 ft. 4 in., in nooncn box No. C 1347. 2d floor, (Bldg. 3 B). (2060) 17. CONTRACTe, TRANsRORTATION, AND EnUanEnT AND SUBRLlht, 1911 « , 1912. Regorts on the conditio» of existing contracts for clothing and f equipafie, record cards, record of fasteners, transnortation orooosals, and correspondence regarding contracts for clothing and equipage. (Never.) ; 4; X 9 folders and bundles, 16 ft., in wooden box No. C 1822. 2d floor, ' . (Bldg. B). (2509) 1 18. PROCUREMENT, PURCHASTNG, AND CONTRACT RECOHDt, 1916 ~ 1920. . Contracts for sugplies to be delivered in bulk at denote and to purchasing quartermaster for distribution or use kg manufacturers, suoglencntal agree— . nent, letters to and from firms or manufacturers and the 13’ar Department ConCerning award of contracts, contract pagers for execution, contract papers, and approved contracts. (Rarel,, oiricial.) 9 X la folders and covers, 4 ft. 6 in., in wooden box No. C 1565. 2d floor, (Bldg. B). (2066) k 19. llSCELLAHEOUS PAPLRb REGARDlnG CONTRACTQ, 1916 — 1920. Contracts for levels, correspondence regarding purchase of Miscellaneous hardware, : shipment of supplies, contracts and estimites oi metals, building materials, hardware supplies, and lighting eguigment. (Rarely, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 5 ft. 5 in., in wooden box No. C 1596. Dirty, scattered. 2d floor, (Bldg. A). (2012) ‘ 20. RECORDS OF TAREHOUsE PROCUREdLNTs, 1917 ~ 1919. Covering status of contracts awarded to various firms and invoices and vouchers; relate ‘ ‘ to hosiery. (Rarely, orficial.) 9 x 14 folders, 5 ft. 9 in., in wooden box No. C 1559. 2d floor, (Bldg. A). (1860) 21. CONTRACTS FOR OHIRTING FLANNEL, 1917 — 1919. Also corresoondence I regurding supplemental agreements on contracts. Filed according to the Ear Department Corresflgndgngg Elle, (Rarely, official.) 9 x 15 folders, . 4 ft. 6 in., in wooden box No. C 1578. Dirt}. 2d floor, (Bldg. B). (2071) as. CONTRACTC AND PROPOSALS, 1916 — 1918. General proposals for , furnishing supplies and schiCe, instructions to bidders, purcnasc orders, ’ guaranty of proposal, general certificate, prooosals for beeswax, sets of chains and places, tent grounnets, Circulars to bidders, contracts for clothing and equipagawdalinquent contracts, grocurenent orders, telegrams, and correspondence covering items enumerated. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 15 folders, 4 ft. 5 in., in wooden box No. C 1561. Dirty. 2d floor, (Bldg. ‘ B). (2072) 25. CORRESPONDENCE AND CONTRACT AWARDC, 1317 — 1919. Letters and resorts, records of contracts awarded to nanulacturers, records of ship~ . dents, delinquencies of contracts, shigoents, ruguiSlthflS, and progress I reports on COMflOdltlcS. (Rarely, offiCial.) 8% x 15 folders, 5 ft. 2 in., in wooden box No. C 1559. Dirty. 2d floor, (Bldg. B). (2059) , 7 11M Quartermaster Depot, Philadelphia 4 ‘ 24. CONTRACTB AND REBORTb OF THE TLXTJLE DlVlblON, PHlLADELfifllA 1 GENERAL BUBBLE DEBOT, 191! ~ 1920. Abstracts of contracts awarded to the . / iillville Aanufecturing Cempany, dillville, New Jersey, by the general depot at 21st and Oregon Ave. (Karel), official.) 9 x 15 vols., folders, enVelopes, and loose—leaf books, 5 ft., in HOOQHH box No. 1559. 2d floor, 1 (Bldg. A). (1552) i 25. CONTRACTS, 1917 ~ 1920. Conservation and reclamation corrcspond~ ence, contracts, briefs of settlement, quartcrmaster corps contract for manufacture and delivery of bed sacks, bond supplies ant nutcrlals, con— tracts for supplies to be deliVered in bulk nt depots to ”HrChdolflb quar— : ternasturs for distribution or use in manufacturinfl, original contracts, . _ cancellation of agreements, record of trucks and motor cycles, and cor— 5 respondcnce with nunufacturers regarding natorials and supplies. Filed ‘ according to the 3g; Departgent gorrgSJondencg jglg. (Never.) 9 x 12 folders anc 9 x 15 bundles, 4 ft. 8 in., in wooden box No. C 1551 Dirty. ‘ 2d floor, (Bldg. B). (2070) g 26. RROGUREJENT REQORDS, 1917 — 1920. Form 1, award of contract, ' filing order memorandum for the Finance Division, letters iron firms re- garding cancellation of agreement and contracts, certificate of officer or other authority negotiating settlenent, statement of contracting ofiicers, ' supplemental statenent oi contractor, certificate of contractor, memorand~ I um for Board of Contract Rev1eu, Contracts for supplies to be delivered, v etc. (Never.) 9 x 15 covers and bundles, 4 ft., in wooden box No. C 1569. Dirty. on floor, (Bldg. B). (1901) , 1 87. CONTRACTB, Elfin) luvrlrcnlts, AND GENnnAL COanoBOADENCE, BONE l oUJBLl ogrlcsn, BnlLADEthlA, 191d. tontricts, accounts and claims, schedw ‘ ules, bids for contracts, bankrupt bidders, advance payments, deferred pay“ 3 dents, settlement and claims, bonds ior loan of propert3, accounts against a others fro; the U. o. 145)OCtJOHS, elgnt—nour lave, rcce1v1ng reports, official bonds, terminations, personal UlelCCo, advertisements for pron posnlo, autnority for contracts, etc. filed numerically. (Rarely, offi- cial.) Variously sited folders and buncles, é ft., in wooden box. Dirty. ; 2d floor, (Bldg. B). (3051) { 88. CONTRAGTQ, UOnnEoBOJDENCE, AAD AGnEEunnfo, 1918 — 1910. Cancel“ 1 lation agreements of contracts, correspondence, ano contracts awarded to firms. (Never.) in x 15 bundles, 4 ft. 5 in., in wooden box. to floor, j (Bldg. A). (4550) 29. AWARDQ 0F CONTRACTE, B105, AND BROPODALD, 1319 ~ l9dj. Lists of ‘ manufacturers who have put in bids for Governnent contracts, papers re— garding purchases made by the depot, reports regarding circular proposals, , purchase orders, list of clothing purchaeec by the depot authorization to manufacture miscellaneous goods, tne manufacture of prisoners' capo, ab— , stracts of proposals, and Form QAC 124. (Rarely, 011101al.) Variousll sized folders, 5 ft. 6 in., in wooden box do. 0 1570. Dirty. 2d floor, (Bldg. s). (1809) , 50. RECOBDS OF THE QUARTERMABTLR, chEFlnLD BARRAUKn, n.d. Records 1 of awards of contracts to various textile and hardware firms, weekly status 1 ‘ reports, and correspOndence With the War Department and firms concerning the progress of operations. (Rarely, official.) 89 x 14 folders, 5 ft. 1 in., in woooen box No. C 1506. Dirty. 2d floor, (Bldg. A). (1855) ‘ "‘ . r Quartermaster Depot, Philadelphia 5 : ' Correspondence ‘ 31. LETTERS RECEIVED, 1836 ~ 1868. Letters received at the Arsenal ; from various posts, concerning invoices of stores turned over for de— 1 livery, invoices of supplies for transportation, and daily requisitions for funds. (Never.) 3% x 8% bundles and loose sheets, 14 ft., in wooden box N09 446. Dirty, scatteredo Basement, (Bldg. A)° (5555) ' :33. PRESS COPY BOOKS AND LETTERS, 1842 ~ 1860. Press copy books containing orders for Army supplies and equipment to be sent to various 1 Army posts throughout the U.S., micellaneous letters to dfficers and others. and invoice of supplies delivered to the officer of the Quartermaster , Department. (Never.) Qty 11 vol., 7 ft., 4 in., in wooden box No. C. 860. Dirty. Basement, (Bldg. A). (4095) 33. MISCEIJANEOUS LETTERS OF TRANSMITTAL, 1859 — 1870“ Consolidated monthly forage reports of the 5th Military District, monthly reports of officers to Whom public money or preperty have been transferred, state— ' ment of transfer of regular supplies to various points, etc. (Rarely, ; official.) 3% x'8 folders and bundles, 26 ft., in wooden box No. 2000 Dirty. 2d floor, (Bldgoeds (2024) . _ 54, PRESS COPY BOOKS, 1860 r 1865. Copies of letters, etc. (Rare~ 1y, official.) 9% x 12 vols., 10 ft., in wooden b0x No. 503. Dirty. 2d floor, (Bldgo A)u (1982) ’ 35. MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS RECEIVED, 1862 — 1895. From various man~ ufacturers, regarding the contracting of orders, discussion of grades of material, and price quotations. (Never.) 5 x 8% loose forms, 18 ft., , in wooden box No. C. 679. Scattered. 2d floor, (Bldg. B). (2258) f 36. LETTERS SENT, 1862 ~ 1898. Regarding purchase Orders and con~ tracts° (Rarely, official.) 10 x 12 vols., 4 ft. 10 in., in wooden box No. 638. Dirty. 2d floor, (Bldg. A)° (1988) p 37. MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS SENT AND RECEIVED, 1865 u 19050 Letters , from the Quartermaster @eneraI's Office, interdepot correspondence, . auditor’s receiving book, and list of money account. (Rarely, official.) ‘ VariouSly sized vols., 4 ft., in wooden box No° C 619. Dirty. 2d i floor, (Bldg. A)° (1207) 386 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, 1865 ~ 1891. Goncerning the act~ ivities of the quartermaster, requesting invoices, requisitions, and bills of sale sent to various Army depots, and concerning rates of the transe portation of supplies and equipment and for officers and their familieso (NGNSTO) 3% x 8 loose papers, 18 ft., in wooden box No. C 673. Dirty9 scattered, ink faded. Basement, (Bldg. A). (3540) . 39. MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS RECEIVED, 1866 ~ 1884° Regarding supplie f and equipage from various Army posts and National Cemeteries. (Nevers) 4 x 8% folded forms,'32 ft., in wooden box No. a 632. Dirty, torn, ‘ scattered. Basement, (Bldg. A). (3479) I , -11111111_, 1.-1___1.--111111--.1111. 1---.,-,1__-1- . .-- __1_ -- . ””"T‘..‘ I . g Quartermaster Depot, Philadelphia 6 t g 40. AloCELLANLOUo CORLEE’ONDENCE, lBUu — 1886. Concerning general activities of tno Ounrtcrnnsttr Deportmont, also inspection reports, re— , ports of officers, bonrd of survey proceedings, cepics of receipts of ‘ public property, 1nd telegruuc requesting augplics and equipncnt. (Never.) : 55~X 8 loose papers, 16 ft., in wooden box No. C 651. Dirty, scattered. Basement, (Bldg. A). (5480) 1 . 41. WloCELLANEOUL LETTERo RECElVED, 1865 — 1886. Orders for clothing : and equipagc, transmissions of estin-bo of funds, payments, returned vou— 5 chers signed, ncknowlodgnonts of receipt, and telegru.s. (Riroly, oif1~ ) Ciel.) 55 X 85 bundles, 18 ft., in wooden box do. 0 628. Dirty, scatter— , ed, bindings broken. 2d floor, (Bldg. A). (1159) 1 42. CORRESROADENCE, 1867 — 1890. Correspondence Captain John V. ‘ Furey, Assistant Qunrternaster, to various Army posts, referring to sup~ ; ply orders and specifications for oqiipnent needed in Arny routine, ro— cords of letters sent to various Are; posts by the Quirternuster Depart— ; Rent, showing when sent, nine, and contents of encn letter, niscclluneous Q correspondence dealing with the general nct1V1tius of the Quartermaster's Deportnent; and requests for trunsgortution for officers und their fuellies l to various Army posts. (Never.) 10 X 12 nod 11 X 163 vols., s it. 9 in., . in wooden box No. C 646. Dirty, ink faded. 2d floor, (Bldr. A). (1788) 1 45. MleCELLANEOUS LETTERo, 1867 — 1879; 1888 ~ 1898. Regarding stote~ ‘ nents of public funds, transportation, etc. (hirolg, off1Ciul.) 10 X 12 1 vols., 5 ft. 4 in., in wooden box. Dirty, ink faded. 2d floor, (Bldg. . A). (l9o8) 44. LETTERQ OF THE CHARTERRHoTEi GENERAL'E OFflCE, 1868 — 1889. Con- ‘ ccrning routine business. (Rurely, official.) 10 X‘lfi vols., 8 ft. 10 ‘ in., in wooden box No. 507. Turn, dirt}, some bindings broken. 2d floor, ; (Bldg. A). (1147) * . 45. LNDORSEJENTE AND LETTERU oEflT, 1868; 1879 1 1887, 1904 ~ 1905. ‘ Letters on endorscnentc frvq the Assistant quwrtermuster Genernl's OffiCe, ‘ letters sent by the Ouirternuster's Olficc dt 1159 Girard Ave., Philadel— phld, and index books of letters rcCoived wt the do at. 1ndex vols. to letters received. (Rdrely, OLElClnl.) Veriously Sized vols., 5 ft. 4 7 in., in wooden boX. Dirty, ink faded. 2d floor, (Bldg. A). (1952) 4G. LETTERS, 1874; 1895 — 1896, 1905 — 1904 Concerning shipnonts of - : goods, requisitions, inspections of supplies, etc. (Never.) 5, X 0 ' loose forms, 18 ft., in wooden box No. C 895. Dirty, scnttorcc. Base- 3 ‘ lent, (Bldg. A). (5517) ' ‘ 47. INDEX TO LETTERS RECEIVED, 1878 — 1890. Giving a brici of the ; contents of each letter. Entered numerically. (NLVuf.) 10 x 14 vols., 5 ft., in wooden box No. 792. Bindings broken. husoiont, (Bldg. A). ( (5634) ‘ ‘ 48. CORREsBONDENCE, 1881 — 1894. With Rushington, D. 0., relative ‘ to merchandise, otc. index. (Rarely, officiul.) Variouoly sized folders, . 5 ft. 8 in., in wooden box No. C 615. Dirty. 2d floor, (Bldg. A). (1987) . l I . 1 quarternaster chot, Philadelghia 7 f 43. 11$ULLLAJEOU¢ SOQHEUROJDLMUL? 1890 w 1900. with varloufi firms and olflcergg also cutimltps. (filruly, 01:161a1.) 53 K 83 loouc gggurb, ; 13 1b. 5 in., in HUUdufl box No. C 055. Dirty. rd floor, (Blgg. A). , (1945) : 50. HlSCLLLANEOUb UOfinthUMDENLE, 1890 « 1905. Of the dbfiot. (Naver.) ‘ r L l. .' '1 , . , . .A “1 .Mv. _. , ,. " .. 'I, ..., . ~ I ._ u.) '-‘ 5g A 6 10056 gaguro, lb 1a., 1a WOUQUA DOA No. C 701. Dlrby. mu iloor, 3 (Bldg. B). (2168) ' Bl. Phfldfi JOEY BOOKS, 1690 — 1905. Letters Suflt by tnu Philadolghla ; Quarturnuster Dupartmunt, 1428 Arch fit., to othur qulrtermuster degots, 1 _ . . .1 . .: 1 . ' .. ' ‘ . . 1. . . 1 ‘ barrlcku, forts, ubeudwnlg COmgfifllQS, wad rgllro up. reg&rd1mg onlgment , and delivery of sugplies; also lustructlona for shipment 1nd intcruent of 5 Soldiers' rermins at Hgtiongl U¢Aeterlc5. (Never.) 10: X 12 prosu c093 ; books, 10 ft. 2 in., 1n vonucn box No. C 687 and C 695. Dalagcd by water, 3 dirty, ink faded. 2d floor, (Bldg. B). (2548, 2849) 9 53. LETTERS, 1895~~ 1905. Lotterb bunt by the degot, gnu sunflduntlal 9 letters sent and received by Major J. V. Furey, quartcruumtur. (Rgrcly, . official.) 10 X 1d vol&., 4 ft. 3 iJ., 1 wooden box No. C bSO. lnk faded. ‘ 2d floor. (Bldg. A). (1167) I 55. fllSCELLANEUUa COhqufiUJDEMCE, 169? ~ 1907. Concerning thu truds- , gortatlon of frclght and debuflgerfi tn‘Ve.:.r1r>uu Arng goats and dcfiots, s snowing ddtfi of shiggunt and thw tmrlf: dug. (Never.) 10; x 122 VOlS., } 4 ft. 6 in., in WOOQLJ box No. C 664. ink faded. 2d floor, (blag, B). (2255( i . 5Q. QUARTEMJAUTER BEUJLDS, 1898 ~ 1900. n150u111nc up Letturb ru— : CBJVQQ by tn. dugub fro; Clothing mgnufuuturcra. (harel;, OllJCJal.) * 5: X 8 loose uhcctu, 17 ft., in mundcn bux do. 643. Dirt}. 8m floor, (Bldg. A) .. (1911:.) .. 1 I 55. GENERAL UUthpJONULNCE, lfluO — 1901. From recruitln; afficcu, . TQJLFOJJ stdtlons, general mi 1c.) etc. Arrlmbcd HULwriCQllf lad Chrvno~ ‘ logically. (vacr.) 5; X 8g 10 ac iorlu, Z7 ft., in wooden box NO. C i 802. Dirty. 2d fluor, (Elma. b). (1708) y 56. RECORDS OF LETTEho mE611VED, 1301 A 1905. bnow1ng date of re— ‘ ceipto, wrlter, and gurgort of 11cm lsttur, thb lettcrp dual ulth routlne 1 Matters, such as the shigncnt Ni sugglluu, etc. Lntcrud nunurjcully. 1 Vols. 18w20 indexed. (Never.) 12 x 16 vol¢., 5 ft., in moo;cn